The Brussels Post, 1885-2-6, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST. FEl3 vAnz 0, 1885. 6 ,.,...Q.>ro.. - 9 V •y 'try;(; "lq(1'7t�� ` try j, .-.:. H'0('IC of 1) IN, i♦11111L, whf•oli was I /, UCrLI.p ON SALE• TU � ,f� f,�,L ,y:1,C .Lt,1JI:J J.0 a,�1t l;l..15zet 91 est bought by A. 1Z ,Smith of Bruesels, •L'� 'V Il.. A. �C �j T for 0U (lents ou the dollar, 'rhe HtOok 1 I- -- Is ermasaru— is an extra good ono and all now bo- ---0_ J''F1':RY FRIDAY' MORNING, int, uonght within the last two pare. and. Smith is making the suede fly knee I ���; Brussels iii titin f„( the c:irlc mails. at the he got possession of it and at bines "� � j ri NZ ” , i .+?:: I� .. , s, i •` P, png1 �py�7 It is Larch )ussible to gat into the "'"'"' SURROUNDING G COUTYo POa'T STEAM PUBLIGHINQ HOUSE, y 1 step, HO great is the rush of onetom- 1 ANO STRUM'. 13NDWIDLs, thirmuo. - erH. He Bxpeet:i to teall it all within ' TE11118,—The subecriptbnl rate of T313 sixty [lays, -R-111':E�L1, ONT• POST is 01.1-m per .Annum in ddranre, - All subscriptions must be paid at the time of tJrataaRaa-ooD>>. sulmeribm0, if not NO paid :62,00 will be .-------- charg.il. No paperdisceutlnned until all Quite a number of the villagers et - arrears are paid up. AD 7 EItT1SIN li 11ATEO.—The follow- Y Mg rates will be charged to those who advertise by the year: 1 Yess f 11DNTns i3 M0xTne tended tI 8 e Grange oeia1 lest Tues- day ues- d One column, $60 00....$35 00,...$20 00 Half uolnnta, 35 00.... 20 00,... 12 00 Quarter " 20 UO.... 19 On, . , . N 00 Eighth '. 12 00... , t3 00.... h 00 Eight cents per line for first insertion, and three cent, rue hue for each subsequent in,wrtiau. 11 advertisements treasured us Nuupatiel -12 lines to the inch, Business cards. of eight lines and under, 05 per runner. A1vr:rtisemeuts without specific direc- tions, will be inserted until forbid, and Charged ace,rdingly. Inotrn'li.nc to change or dincantinuo an aavertis.,nlent must be left at the count- ing room of THE I'us'r, not -later than Man - flay no.'n of each week, This is imperative. w . Eamon AND Pnol'nlarON, E b LirtizaSCt .:,41A5t. FRIDAY. FEB (i, 1885. Tut: appointment of 3'. G. Gott - in. of the Russell Horse, Ottawa, to the Postlna(tc'rship of that city, and Crank Clemow, of the same l.lncc, to the Senate is officially announced. )oTn1i) of startling importance has transpired in the Soudan lata- h'. The enemy hover around the British troops and IL battle is no- thing unusual but the British are masters of the situation and aro slowly advancing. Tisi shooting of Rona, at New York, 1)as created a good deal of excitement and drawls out strong expri ssion5 from many. The pre- vailing feeling appears to be regret that the woman did not take better aim. Fossa will have a taste of his own medicine and it is to be hoped it may have a salutory ef- fect. An Auction Salo of a eveningat P nitop'e school house. — Michael Reymann see, has re- -All parties who wore summoned to Dry GOOd.5, '' covered from a eevcro attact of gravel. �] '®G®ri,05, :Soots,o®,sy attend the lust meeting of the board p�d of trustees and failed to put in an ap• ° 4 rockery, pearance are hereby requested to at- tend a meeting oh the board on Tues - clay evening next to be held 1u the --WILL COMMENCE AT OUR STORE, ON-- Tues - school horse at 7 o'clock.—John Bothwell has rented his dwelling house formerly owned by V. Gramm to Henry I3acker.—Jobu Sheik is convalescent after a Hellions attack of siokness,—'.file foresters mot in and Continue Each Following Evening Dames' hotel last friday evening.— until further notice. John and Annie Landsborougll, of Tuckerstuith, paid our teacher a fly- ing Visit 00 Tuesday afternoon last. - "Why do (00 not get a telegraph line in Cranbrook" is a question frequent F07r these :Reasons TU(% purpose having, this ,Sale ly asked.—Your correspondent plu- poses giving a short history of Oran. brook.—As will be seen by anu0uc- oment Joseph Backer has decided to open up his shops again stud go into business. The patronage of the public is solicited.—Tile grangers Of this locality are arranging for a soc- ial to come oft' before 10033. An accident to the engine at Mitch- ell delayed the mail train on Saturday 2k, hours. FRIDAY EVENING, FEB. 6th, IN the Dominion House among other matters brought up Mr. 'les- son, of Perth, asked about a reduc- tion in postage on letters. Mr. Curling stated that it was not the intention of the Government, dur- ing the present session, to propose It reduction in the rate of postage on letters to 33 cents per half - ounce. 13t'5iNE5s has been pushing along at the houses of Parliament dur- ing the past week. A very notice- able feature of both Houses was the ;speedy manner in which they disposed of the address. The principal excitement in the Local Legislature so far was the reading of the judgment in the Conspiracy case. Discussion on the above matter has Leen postponed for a week. A large number of private Bills and Petitions have been re- ceived. Cominittees have been struck. Tilos. Gibson, I.P.P.• for East Iiuron, is on the Committees for Railways, and Private Bills. The lion. member for East Huron has asked for copies of all corres- pondence between the Government of Ontario and the Government of the Dominion respecting the Do- minion Liquor License Act of 18- 85. M. 0. Cameron lett for Ottawa last week to attend the House of Com- mons. Miss Knox, of 'Toronto, sister of John Knox, auctioneer, has been vis. iting at his home for the past four weeks. Bruin saw 105 shadow on Oandle- mas day in our lake town, whether a stray ray of sunshine reached Bros - eels Or not. The congregation of St. Peter's purpose holding a mammoth bazaar. Gifts from all parte of Canada and the United States will be sent to it. Tlie Godorich beaux and belles have had a fine moonlight 50115011 for tobogganing down the harbor hill. A number too have taken snow shoe ex- cursions m the moonlight. 1:1t3ECI. The striding face of a six foot gent, by name Dave Wier, is to bo seen at the grist mill This week, Notwithstanding the racket the "single man" is endeavoring to make II. P. McAllister continues to do a good trade. We direct the attention of our road - ors to the advt. of Wm. Simpson & Son this week. They aro going to run off their stoop to make room for spring goods. A number of the boys wore hoard to eel: the question, "Where is the shoemaker gone to this week" ? We cannot answer the question but aro pleased to report that he has return. ed 0. E. The result of his absenee will probably come to light shortly. There is big excitement in our vil. lage over the sale of the bankrupt 1ST.—To make room for Magnificent Spring Show. 2ND.—It has been a general cry "Money is too scarce and Times too hard." But Now is the Time. If you have a little Money Come and Buy Largo Parcels of Goods tt'itll it. '[f you leave No Money "but a good Face" Colne and Buy Goods at Your Own Price, payable Dec. lot, 1885. dna.—We don't want our people and their daughters to come in con- tact with "windy" Single 11Icn from other Towns, but prefer having them know that Cheap Goods can be had from the Old Reliables where there is yet Single 11011 in the Market. Come to Evening at on 7Eo'clock,p and m. Each TER,7W 'S.=All Surras at and Tonder $5 Cash; purchases over° that arraouat credit to Dec. 1st, '85. Ta 15. Simpson, W. Simpson 86 Soy, Auctioneer. Ethel.. TO THE FR i r'N1 AGAIN. The cigar manufactory, on West street is in a flourishing condition, having 13 journeymen busily engag- ed every day. They make fine brands —the celebrated "Oiivotte" and "Sol- id comfort." On next Wednesday at 10 a.m. one of Lucknow's gallant youths will be duly hound in golden fetters to one of our charming maidens. Luoknow won a bride from Godorich on Christ- mas eve. A moot enjoyable affair was held at the home of 11r. and Mrs. Wilson Salkeld, nee t\iiss Jessie McLeod, on Wednesday, the 4th inst. Mr. Salk- eld is one of 'the affable corps of the Qoderich 1i'otmdry, and ho Anil hie spouse of ten years had a regular tin shower of blessings from tho many friends whom they invited to the feast. May their lives bo eon-tin-ual- ly fail of life's songs. The Salvation Army of Onnada has sent a contingency of Dight persons to Goderich led, to do battle with sin and whiskey, by a female Captain and Lieutenant. On Sunday they mustered 'mid the storm on the Court House square, both a.m. and p.m. and if the loaders eau fight with their voices bis Satanic Majesty and King Alcohol in a snow storm, well there will be no souls loot in town and the S. A. will "hold the fort." On Sunday last at St. Peter's the tenor singer of London, J. Dromgolo, gavo the congregation a rare musical treat. At High Mass daring the Of- fertory he sang Guonod'e beautiful hymn 'Thorn's a green hill far away,' and at Communion another of Gno• nod's hymns "Adorn and be still." At Vespore ho kindly assisted with his fine tenor, and also sang Cherub- im's "Ave Maria" and at Benediction Mallard's "Ave Yoram." bars. T. G. Moorhouso, of the Presbyterian choir, also sang Wernor'e ' 0 Salutaris" at Benediction and in the a.m. the solo, "Et incarpatne est" of Lambillotte's "Credo." Alexander bV1cLaohlan, of Amar- anth, Ont., has won ,the gold medal offered by tho Toronto Caledonian Society for the boat poem on Robert Burns. There were 87 competitors. The undersigned in returning thanks to the People of Cranbrook and Surrounding Country for their Liberal Patronage during the past 8 years would respectfully intimate that he has again resumed busi- ness and will be found at the 01d Stand, ready to attend to the Wants of his Customers. A.1.11.1 i<I D8 OF J -OB 3I1 '0- --IN TI -IB BLACKSMITH LINE— PROMPTLY ATTENDED NDE' D TO. "N%% A.0-GrON S OP Will be Uncler the Management of a First -Class Mechanic. Repctirin'g of 111 Kinds 4ttencled to. We also )Make a Specialty of .li'ezv 'Vor* got up in First -01(68s Style yl f ba Guaranteed Wo are the Only Firm in the Dominion of Canada Manufacturing the Victoria Il3®ad Cart, Intending gyP Competent Shouldo Callto eath Boot of All two wheel Vehicles. In order to Savo YOU the. Trouble of writing to (luolph for the (1F:NuINL Bts1I, 01l14N, you can. be supplied at Mr 03,71013, as 1 and the Agent Cm. this section. I give this notice so that the Public may not be compelled to buy 'min- ion. ORGANS, . Vtill'iYY. BRUSSELS, JAN, Sud, 18H5. INTERESTING Ta EVERYBODY Stoves, Furniture &c Tho Sterling Cook Stove just the thing for farrier:; Ilse, 'llas a largo oven; t;tke32) inell tread and weighs over .100 bj The larquis, one 01 the mnetuulivan- ient and handsome town Cook Stoves ever offered to tin' paddle, also in teak. CALL AND :lith 11(0 "DAVIS"liCkX HEWI'Hi MACHINE. INE. Itis Simple and Durable nod does a larger rouge of work than any other machine in the market. A FULL 1) 1'PLY uF T' URNIT URE —cuxsls•r1Nti a1' --- CHAIRS, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES, MATTRASSES, &C,, etl:(ERALI.Y aN HAND, Next door to d) nrewe's hardware store) j. Jackson. MAMA:0T111 PADL OK Hardware Store. Clearing Salo Previous to 8t0016 -taking rims sway Down —1+01:i- 30 Dayi Only. NOW .18 THE TIME TO BUY Cheap Hardware. Jai . D owe,