HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-2-6, Page 3FlaaRunilx 0, 1886. THE BRUSSELS POST 7 WA'r1 X LII,II ;J. 109111'Tim cont TIM POST; Tlowors of rho drop, how grand In tiny beauty, Ever floating with pride o'er IIuron's fair breast; Like cups of pure gold, luring Pian frorn his duty, And !filing his mind with a heavenly root, Earth has no flowers, in her garden so roy- al, So queenly and grand its thew of the wave, So proudly -they lie, so strong and so loyal 'Tire foam crest their birthplaco, the foam iron their grave, Whore aro ye now when your Ionto is frost laden ? The ice Icing 1s gambolling trop o'er thy bed, But the Hun will restore thee as IIopo does the maiden, Who gathers June roses for the perfume they shed. 111at Bloke A, Slanting,, Oodorieb, an, 24, TIIIERE LESSONS, There are three lessons .I would writo, Three words as with a golden pen, In tracings of eternal light Upon tho hearts of Dien, gave 1lnpe ! Though clouds environ round, And gladness hides her face in scorn, Pot thou the shadow from thy brow, No night but hath eta mora, Ulm Faith : Where'or thy bark is driven, The calm's disport, the tempest's mirth, Know this, God rules Ise hosts of heaven, The inhabitants of earth I Have Love : Not love alone for one, But man as man thy brother call ; And scatter, like the circling sun, Thy charities on all, Thus grave these words upon thy soul, Hope, Faith and Low ; and thou shall fold Strength when life's surges maddest roll, Light, when thou else were blfud, "SWLII:T CANADA OF OURS." Let ether nations sing the past, And ancient glories dead, Their sons their glance must backward cast, While ours shall look ahead ; No dceds of rapino stain our page, Cur path is hedged with flowers, Thy greatness comes not from war's rage, Sweet Canada of ours, Chorus— Sweet Canada, sweet Canada, sweet Crum - da, Sweet Canada, sweet Canada of ours, Sweet, sweet Canada of ours, An ocean leaves thy eastern shore, An ocean on thy west ; The breakers dash with harmless roar Against; thy rock -girt breast ; Thus angry nations vain shall chafe, And threat our peaceful bowers, Thy gallant sons shall guard thee safe, Sweet Canada of Dura. All mations girdled by thy belt, The son of empire thou, The Gaul and Saxon, Gael and Celt Weave wreathes to dock thy brow ; And thou, dear motherland, dost smile, And hope glitters on thy towers, To hear from all these words meanwhile, Sweet Canada of ours, The charm of Spring some empires boast ; In suminor light some shine ; But autumn of the world—.its host Of garnered fruit is thine ; With then shall cud the human race. With thee earth's forte and dowers, The falling sun shall gild thy fade, Sweet Canada of ours. Lot other nation's sing the past, And ancient glories dead, Their sons their glance must backward oast, While ours shall look ahead, Republics rot, and klugdorns fall, Timo other states devours, But thou shall spread Time's funeral pall, Sweet Canada of ours. Agricultural Education, Tho Council of Agrioultur(al and Arts Association of Ontario, ie accord- ance Hitt) the teakettle of annual ex- (tmivations in eubjetts having a direct bearing upon inaction( agriculture, have homed their segued circular on this t•nbjt•et. The examination 8 will mite place in July next., and be subject to the same rules, regulations and supervisions its the nigh School ie. termcdintu exumivatieus, Dainties the granting of eeccud and third class certificntie, $25, $f20au(1 $15 respect- ively will he given to the three candi- dates for Second class who obtain the greatest, number et marks, who have uevcr attended any agricultural school or college. In the third class there aro four moneys, $80, $25, $20 and $15, respertively, to the foul' Candi- dates obtaining the highest tltunber of maths, and who have never attend• ed any agricultural school. The stib- jeets embraced in the examination well sonoid± of: 1. Different kinds of soils; their properties ; variations in their Dom- position, texture and Oonditlon ; es- sential differences between good and poor smile, Substances found in plants, and sources whence they are obtained. E$hanetion of land; causes ; how prevented; best modus of restoring exhausted lands. Necessity for man - tare ; prodeetrall and waste of farm yard manure; use of artificial man- ure ; linin, salt, gypsum, bone dust, and mineral superphoephatss us man- ors, 2. Tillage operations.—Ploughing, harrowing, rolling, etc., respective ad. vantages and disedvvantages of deep and shallow; fall and spring plough- ing ; enbsoiling , fallowing ; drainage, whore necessary and how dune ; aids of thorough tillage on lands ; times and methods of sowing ; after culti- vation ; harvesting 8. The crops which each kind of soil is best adapted to produce; sne- 0eaelOn or rotation of crops; import- ance and noceeaity of rotation ; rota- tion suitable to different soils and climates in Ontario ; good courses of cropping ; had cotlreee of Dropping, 4. Live Stook,—Best kind of stock for various farms and localities , sum- mer and winter management ; econ- omy of good management; general rules for guidance in breediug ; con• ditions and Circumstances favorable to cattle fanning, sheep farming, dairy farming and mixed husbandry. u. Foote,—Chemical elements and compounds found in the most import- ant kinds of feed and fodder which can be successfully grown in Ontario ; dif- ferent materials necessary for growth, maintenance of heat, and ]aging oil fleet); feeding and fattening of aninauls. Together with the properties and uses of different artificial manures ; the cultivation of roots, green fodder, drainage, exhausted lands. Breeding OF flair 11 ;—Horses, cattle, sheep, swine; loud and feeding ; diseases of crops, orchards, forestry and entomol- ogy, With this array of subjects it should be a0 easy task to obtain a cer- tificate with the present agricultural education of farmers' sons. Perth County Taloilte. The Perth Scott Act petition will be doposited in the Sheriffs' office on the 7th of February. The member of pupils enrolled ]u the register of the Stratford institute since echool re -opened as 212, The annual meeting of the Perth Caledonian Society was held at Strat ford on Jan, 10±11 for Elco election of ofTicers and the transaction 4f ether busine:'s, icatraaaafiealrt Wo'wea. The Nova Scotia Legislatare will meet on the 10111, Complete returns from South Ren- frew give Dowling a majority of 700. The John II. Stretford Hospital et Brantford will he formally opened by the Lieutenant Governor on Feb. 10. West Gort'a boasts of a young man over 80 who wile never more than 12 miles away from home and was never in a railway,°car. John C. Eno the runaway bank cashier of New York, is jto build a hotel on New Orleans island, near Queheo and become a permanent re- sident of the Dominion, Tho lktaronis of Lansdowne (0180 born 00 14t11 Jannary,1845 and the Earl of Kerry, his son and heir, was horn at Landsdowne house, Berkeley square, London, on the 14±11 •January, 1872. Tbo Governor-General bas pre- sented a handsome binocular to 0nch of the twelve who formed the winning team from the Ontario Artillery in their encounter with the British team last Autumn, During the meeting of the synod Tito Snot± Aot was carried last (vook in Carleton by over 81)0 majority, The Council of 1110 I)ominion Pro- hibitory Alliance moots at Ottawa on the 16th. Franeis Clemow, a promineut Or- angeman of Ottawa, has been appoint- ed a Senator, The beelines uteri of Embro ars deeir0us of securing is branch of some chartered bank in that place. Mayor JI,atnilton, of Winnipeg, it ie hinted, will be appointed Attorney - General of 'Manitoba. Itis estimated that 400,000 persons have used the Toronto Froa Public Library and heading Room since it opened to March'tet, Emerson town wants $89,000 from the Dominion Government as damages for rho disallowance of the Etnersou, North•1Vestoru Ity. (Marto', President Stopbon telegraphs Mr, Norquay that the Manitoba South - Western will ho extended to White- water Lake in time to move the next crop. Mr, Herbert, tho now spaper corres- pondent killed in the Soudan, was secretary to Lord Dufforin while the latter was Governor-General of Can- ada. Hastings County Council have granted $1,500 to the municipality of ]Iutegerforden account of the expenses lectured in the recent smallpox epid- emic. Guelph city reporters aro levelling n wealth. The 1884 eounoil preseut- d $20 to each of them, not for theirntrinsio value, but as 0 slight re - =penile for setting-ere•up ages to flan during the year. Wallace Rose, Geo. II. Lioomer, red. Plaisted and Geo. W. Lee aro b oing to row in the New Orleans ro- atte—±baa, if a good puree is in to foreground. Ross is now at St. 0110, Plnistod and Homer in Boston, nd Leo at Newark, N. 3, E. W. Johnson, the athlete, is in oronto, Laving an operation per- rmed on his ankle. He is having e bone scraped down and having a ver wire run through the aukle, r. Aiktus says his athletic carper 11 be checked toe yeare. This is how an indignant Wallace rg creditor makes known his wishes debtors through the columns of a al paper; "Somothing is going to op Suddenly among you fellows, if ti don't call round 00,1 see me a- nt these long-stancling accounts. u't comeat 8Ond with excuses, but th the money, 1 atn savage this ek.,, rho (appointment of A. 0, Killam succeed the late Judge Smith meets h much approval at Winnipeg. is popular and respected, and re• riled its one of the ablest members he Manitoba bar. His elevation ns South Winnipeg Inc the Legis. tire. It is likely tiro Government strive to have an Attorney. Gee - 1 elected in that constituency', r. Carver, the wing shot, and G. Fowler, of England, aro to shoot 00 pigeons, thirty-five yards rise, h match to be for $1,000 to Ode. dclitioo to this, Dr. Carver offers low any person a Handicap of two cls, Carver to stand at thirty yards shoot at 100 birds with seventeen s boundary, this match to be for 00, or any larger atm the accepter name, ie day after New Year's the body e 0 r g g J a T fo th ail D wi bu to loo dr yo bo Do wi we ±o wit Ho ga of t ope lar will ora D at 1 000 In a to al yar and yard $1,0 may TI. Wodueeday morning tit Hutniltom, denad Mayor Mason road the news of Gen, de Stewart's victory, which was received with Ioud cheers and the singing of the doxology. The ceremony of unveiling the statue of Sir George Oartier in the Parliament square, Ottawa, was per- formed lest Thursday, by Sir John Macdonald, in the presence of two thousand epec±atoro, b1r. Nichols, of.Yoterllnro', has gem orously offered the Town Council a funtlshed eubnrbau residence, with extensive grotinlle 0r121 au endowment of $10,000 Inv the putpuso of a pub- lic hospital for the town and country. The .Dominion Goveenment have decided to melts the usual Lend grant to the Qu, Appolle, Long Lalto autl SabkatchOwan Railway Company, on the same terms tta the grants given to other Maui tribe railways, The salt Ptruelt at B3othwoll is a vain of clear rock salt, extending a depth of 90 foot. The company will at once erect buildings, enc] it pro- poses to run a pump lino from the well to the village, two and a half miles, to carry brine to the refinery. The Quebec Press Aesooiation has arranged for an excursion to Now Orleans, to leave Toronto on Feb. Oth ; and returning, to leave Now Orleans on the 18th Fob, An invi- tation has been cordially extended to the members of the Canadian Prose Association and their ladies to join the Quebec Monde for Ibis trip, man named Stillwell was fount. in the woods near Bayham, East Elgin, witll a bullet holo through his head. Suspicious of foul play were aroused, tabled) have been condi-mod by the confession of 0130 of the de- ceased moo's companions, that the initialer was luatigatod by Mrs. Still- well, and perpetrated by a loan named Forbes, no „ 10 custody, Dirs. Still. well has been areesteil. The Licensed Victuallers through- out the Province, and the oppo0e0±s of the Soctt Act generally, have sr - ranged for a strong deputation from all parte of the Province of Ontario to wait upon Sir .fohn Macdonald and other members of the Dotutnion Gov eminent at 011,1100 and urge an ruietldiuent to, if not to repeal of, the Scott lot, The deputation has tui appointment with the Governtnoot oil Tuesday, February 1711t, A meeting of cattle exporters and stealers was held the other evening at Point St Charles, Qua,,, for the pur- pose of forming a Canadian exporters' and dealers' association to pcoteot the interests of the cattle then, A large number of gentlemen present aired their opinions on the subject. It was finally agreed that Dieest's, Bloker- dilte and W. W. Graig should be in• etruoto(] to issue a circular calling a oonvoutiou of all cattle men in Can- ada, to be held on the 28th inst., wboll a Dopy of the by-laws, rules and roguletione Will be ready, es well as the appointing of directors and other officiate proceeded with. Glt1.SrL A N I) jlJ,4() Vit M1 LLS. The undersigned having completed the change from the stone to the CELEBRATED HUNGARIAN SYSTEM OF GRIND- ING, has now the Mi]] in PIR$T®OL. me2 'c' onnE ry .And will be glad to sea, all the 011 Customers and as many new ones as possible. Chopping done. F110lR AND FEED ALWAYS 01 -HAND, HIGHEST PRiCE PAID FOR A1 Y QUANTITY DF GOOD WHEAT mail �rrfl,- ,n. fiEr,_ AW EAST B UR,ON e JAMES .CITY Es', :IIAN UFA CTUItEal 0 Buggies, Carriages, .Democrats W a Wagons, die., ��», Express A11 made of the best material and finished in a workman -like mann( r, Repairing and Painting Proeo ptly .Attended, to, Parties intending to bu purchasing. Y should calf before RLrEltZNcrs,-•-.Alarsden Stnith, D. Laing, James ±:inti and William Mo• K&Ivey, Grey township; Nm, Cameron, Win, Little, George Brewer, and David J3rockenridge, Morrie township; Thos. Town and W. Blesbill, I3rne. sols; Rev. E. A. Fear, 11tonkton, and T. Wright, Turnberry townshiJ 1 'Bemomber the atand--5ollth of ilio bride, 11 AL LLER 000 VAN 1jj BROS,,, Proprietors, '----000--.-- We have much pleasure in a111(0nn0Ltg to 1115 public that unr Now Bolter 111i11 Is in complete ruuuiug order aid ingivieg the heatea±iefaction. SNORTS, MEAL, BM & CHOP CONSTANTLY ON KANO. We also make the following brands of FLOU1Z Paltetn, Jersey Lily, Canadian's Pride and Snow Storm. Gristing attended to with promptness. r' ALL KINDS OF LUMBE31 CETT TO ORDER, A GREAT AT ±J1,tNCE TO Berlin Foundry ! MANUFAOrUR$Rt3 OF ENGINES, BOILERS, MILL MACHINERY, &c. Small upright Engines IX, Boilers a specialty. Foi• f ur char• pnrilo13tare app 1 y Co Nelson 86 Co., Berlin. FONIIITLI, NURSERIES. ase Acroe. 1,41...141.1v as4 ihaPe 11 uwai.rlwr . 945 Aores LAKE BAY 1 Oai(t rwortb n1 arfle mu of inonay 011Free Y613 will and TOtill IrOITT iliisd SSV UUn OinenLAX, GigGige MANE FOR Ii4Dr.„AOLMI TO MARE MONEY. Cm -Tams unci On tat VIoo.--- our Oircui