HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-2-6, Page 1-71
PARMA 11. F:3"r,1tAIRY.
WAAA11' 'r11At AndliaASa9122 Ce NTAI 1W.
Spelt)trr and Gentlemen of the Legislative
1t is with much pleasure that I meet yon
again es a Logislalivn Assembly for the
discbart'e of those important duties which
dovelvo upon Volt under our Constitution,
" 111 pursuance of the agreement between
this Province and the province of Maui -
tuba, which Iasi sessit-1l received your ap-
proval, the question of our Provincial
boundaries has been submitted to the Sud.
inlet Cclnmtltoo of leer Majesty's Privy
Connell, and )1 0V 1 am happy to hays it in
my ,ower to eongrntulnix you that so far
Lts their '1.,i,r(l1llipie dealt with the question,
they have adjudged our .tone boundaries to
be those which were awarded by the nrbi-
tr tern raid have ever since been insisted on
by this Provivre iu nppasitiou to the Do.
minion auiheritics end to the claim of
My Government wee anxious that there
shl,uld be submitted at the same timo to
the same tribunal the question of our whole
northern bintr.c1ery, and also tho question
of title to certain lands to which the Fed-
eral Government has sot up a claim on
outer grounds.
The c'o'rn 1<ponllcnon on these subjects,
and sumo other correspondence which has
taken place urs matters affecting the terri-
tory, will be laid before you.
After the derision of the Privy Council,
T issued a proclamation bringing into force
tee Ant paws at your bast session for es-
t old isLdog the Provisional District of 1131111.
der Bay ; by atlethl'r proelurnation author-
ized by the seine statute that part of the
Province which lies met of the o:d provis-
ional line from printer's Island has been
erected into 11 territorial district under the
name of "Territ. tial District of Rainy
Legislation will lir ,v ho necc0s,ry for tlio
novo 1ffectile' administration of justice
and the establisbnu•nt of registry and sur.
rugate offices in this 1.rritoly, and o 11111
for tlu-so purpos.s will to submitted for
your consideration.
.• I colouncnd to ' 1)0 attention also the
monthly of encouraging settlers and set-
tlement by free grants in specified portions
I Ow trrrit0ry.
f 1 ave to congratulate von that since
your last session lo -r .lfitiesty's Privy
Connell Las pronouned a ,judgment in re.
gold to the legal right, of the public in the
riveia and air, anis of the Province, affirm-
ing the vi0ws so strenuously maintained by
the Pruviucial Legislature,
I have also to express my satisfaction
that the questions submilted to the Su -
prune ('curt of Canada tueehillg the vaBrd-
lty of the License Acts passed by the Fed-
eral 1'ailinmeot in 1883 and 1881 have been
ans)vr-red Ly ilu• Suhrcnw Court to th0 ef-
feet that twilh certain inconsiderable ex-
eoptiol,$) there enactments exceeded the
jurisdiction of the Federal Parliament.
The confusion which those .Acts created
hats taus been removed,
The Prev(uco has boon favored with a
1:cuntiful harvest of farm products, and
the o11idal returns of the department of
Agriculture again show that in staple ear-
eals rho average yield is merger than obtained
in any other equal area on the continent.
It is, however, a matter for serious regret
that owing to the low market prices which
11av0,yrevailed for sumo time the fill con.
mrnciel benefit of tbo harvest hue not been
realized to any such extent as in former
Itis to be 0) grettod also that the lumber ' tee
trade of the Province, from which a largo
portion of our 1evem10 is derived, has not
Escaped the depression which nes affected
0111er industries here and elsewhere during
the pull year, but our lumber producer's
will Participate in any improvement oc-
ourring in the trade of Great Britain and
the United States, which are the principal
markets for the products of our forests.
The work of agricultural education and
experiment 111 the .Agricultural College and
Model Perm continues to be carried on
with success, The professors of the Col-
lege, in addition to their ordinary wort:,
have recently conducted institutes in
feremtpartsof the Province for the propene
of ,1i.enssing with our farmers improved
metLc de of agriculture and other platters
of special importance to t11e farming 0001 -
=unity, These institutes have excited
meth interest, and ]lave been largely at.
tended, and appear 111(11y to prove of colt.
sfdorable service lo the great industry for
1110 benefit of w1)101r they wore devised,
Tho number of immigrants who settled
in the Province during tho past year is not
No large as in the preceeding yanr; but I
am glad to say that they 11 MVO 011 rho whole
been of it somewhat bettor class, and have
been better fitted to 00111 a livelihood for
themselves than many who mum to the
Province in prev1an11years,
of the Franchise will, I trust, receive your
carefa1 attention.
Owing to tine changes rondo in the Aets
ronpoeting pttblto, high and separate schools
sinews the Consolidated Acte of 1878, it is
desirable that another revision should he
made, 13111s for this purpose will be 0nbliilt-
ted containing ameniments, wbioh, I trust,
will simplify the law rind at the name time
exton(' still further thy 7111vantages of .the
system of education which has contributed
so much to the intellectual life and vigor
of our people.
The subject of higher education has re.
calved special attention from my Govern.
naont during the moose, and considerable
progress has been made towards federation
of the universities of the Province, from
v1ilah valuable results may be expected.
Among other measures in preparation
for your consideration are :—A bill for ex-
tending the jurindi,:tion of the County
Courts ; a bill for further promoting tbo
effioiengy of the administration of justice
in the province, anti a bill for simplifying
titles and transfers of real estate in certain
Tho judges appointed under the Aet of
last Seattle!' to enquire into certain attempts
to corrupt members of the Legislative As-
sembly have mode their report, which, with
the evidence, 1 will cause to bo submitted
for your information,
Tho reports Mao of the various dopnl't
meats of tho public services for the past
your• will be laid before you.
Tho estimates for the current year have
been areparod with is view to economy and
efficiency, having regard in every ease to
the manly objects of public interest which
it is desirable to aid and foster.
T feel assured that you will devote your-
selves with 0 tumidness and assiduity to
the consideration of the subjects which I
have mentioned, and to all other matt
affecting the public interests, 4
11011. Gentlemen of the Senate ; Gentlemen
the Home of Conrvlonx s -v
In again meeting you for the despatch
business I have to cantoatlllato you on
abundant hnn'ent with which Provide)
iron blessed our country end upon the gen
a1 condition of the I'omin)ion, Its 00)11mc
int pr•osi:ority, although 11 has to some
tent shared in the depression wide)) has p
veiled iu Great 0.0110iu and in the noighb
tog Republic, rants upon foundations whi
no temporary or particle disturbance c
remove. I trust that the present year w
be one of peaceand progress.
The flop- of population into 11lanitobs a
the Northwest Territories although impod
by various and unexpected causes, 111,0 be
substantial. nod the testimony of the me
tiers of the British Assooiuti0n and at
visitors of the Northwest la.et summer as
the well being, contentment and 'tupelo
tress of the settlers is most gratifying,
A bill introducing into those territories
more simple and economical system for t
transfer of hand will bo ]cid before you,
The report of the commission for the co
oolidat;on of the statutes effecting the Do
imine ems boon completed and will be su
witted to you for legislative notion.
Yon are again invited to consider moaner
relating to t110 representation of the peep
In Parliament, and for the assimilation
the eledural franchise in elle several pr
A provisional nrrangnnlent of matters
501110 time under discussion u•i111 the Go
OJ•mnent of Manitoba has been entered int
and a measure O'1180mlag the 00113o w111 1
submitted to you as soon ns 111109 beau a
cepted by the Provincial Leei91atn1'e,
I deemed it 0xpedfe1st to issue during th
ossa commission to consider and rep
upon !140 whole subject of Chinese immigra
tion, with refcrenoe to its trade relations, a
well as to those social and moral objection
which have been teltou to the influx of th
Chinese or
people into Canada. The rept 1
the Commissioners is ver,)' nearly completed
and will bo laid before you during the pros
elft session.oe
The nrssity of encouraging the speedy
e011strnet;n1l of lines of railway through the
Northwest Territories has pressed itself on
1113' Govlrmment, and yen will be asked to
cid r0ilwey 0111eris° by liberal grants of
Urgent representations lisye been made
by the Boards of Trade of the chief 10)02)0 in
Canaan' as well as by some of the Chambers
of Commerce in (40101 Britain, of the meas.
pity 001 existsfpr the rldootio1 of some sys-
1101 of l.tankrnpto)' or inanlveu0)', giving ad.100(01333megnalo protection egainet undue100(01333myour attention 10 this iutpo'tant snbjou
is earnestly invited.
In pn101111nee of the vote of hest resm
veit I
caused a ssel to he fitted on and dos.
patched to Davis Straits and iTullson Bay,
in order to obtain morn accurate information
as to the nr0igatiou of those waters and test
the prnotimability of the r00te for comment.
ial purposes, A report of ilio progress of
the expedition during hest session will bo
laid before you.
An international exhibition will bo opened
at Aultvdrp during the present year, and a
Colonial and Indian ]r,xhibiti:n is to bo held
in London in 1880, Canada should, 1 Heinle,
be represented m hos. various manufactures
end natural productions on both 000118i0118,and I invoke your 0011sid0101101 of the beet
mama of aiding in these important objects.
9000001 outer m0000uroe of importauoo will
be 9ubinitttd to yon. Among them will bo
bills to 010.01111 010 Immune .401 of 1877,
the Civil S10ryi00 Aot and the law relating
to oontagiou9 dinenees among cattle, as well
as m009eres for tatting, at au surly period,
a census of the population of the Northwest
Territories, and one roleting to the North.
west Mounted Police.
Gentlemen of the house of Commons :---
Tho amm
e0ula for 111e past fiscal year will
b° laid before 300, You will find th01 1101-
Withotamliug the very considerable reduction
iu the prices and volume of many of t110-
leading imp2t•tn, 1110 ieo0me his exceeded
tho expenditure chargeable to ooneelidaled
Tho (intimates for the evening year will IQ'AONOYAN ROSSA S1101'also be submitted. They will be found, I
trnat, to have been prepared with dna re.
gard to economy.
Honorable Gentlemen of the Senate; Gentle.
11001,of the House of Coramona 1—
I !nn sure that your earnest oonnideratioll
will bo given to the subjeoto I have mention-
ed, as well us to every matter which may
effect the prosperity and Good government et
C'fll/lt'I1, hiGl':3'1:itl,
The regular meetinat of the village
Council was heldiu the CouuaiI
chamber on Monday evening. A11
the Council present, nacre Young 181
the chair.
Minutes of last nieetieg read and
The following acecnhts were pre-
sented :--
Watsou Malay, 1 nontlee. 811.1ary, 8311 33
R. Grahame, wood for Mrs. IVullaee, 3 10
Mrs. Stacey, charity, 1 00
Mrs, Hart, charity, 2 10
Thos, Danford, hauling engine, t@o„
un New Year's day,, 2 00
Moved by W. F. Vanstone, second-
ed by P. Scutt, that the above ac-
counts bo paid. Carried.
Communications were read from E.
E. Wavle and Geo. Bowe. The for-
mer referring to 111e Ronald slut, the
latter asking for a loan of $8,000, or
the corporation go his security for
11.1111 amount until he could sell the
ars debentures he now holds, and bo
would give the mill and machinery as
security. After a little discussion it
was moved. by 1'. Scott, sec by W. I3,
of Kerr, that the communications bo fil-
ed and no notion bo taken. Carried.
the The committee appointed to inspect
1e0 the taults reported that the water m
or. One was 11 feet from the top and the
Te- other 21 feet. The Council proposed
rxe_ paying Thompson $841n full of all
or- claime. Thompson would not accept
eh this but said 111] would throw of the
nn extras and take $116 the amount of
i11 the contract in the first place. It was
0,1 moved by W. II. Kerr, seconded by
cd It. Graham that we meet Mr. Tramp -
P/1 son 11a11 way and pay him $09.50 as
-, a settlement. Carried, Mr. Thump -
to son accepted this offer and the tank
1- business was settled as far 80 the cor-
poration and Thompson are conceru-
ho ed.
It was moved by W. O. Vanstono,
n- seconded by 1'. Scott, that the follow-
re- ing remissions of taxes be granted ;—
b. Mro. Stacey $.7.07 ; Mrs. Dandy $7.-
00 50 ; Rev. F. Ryan $1,88 ; R. Ross
le dog struck off $1 ; (.-'Teo. lu'ibzpatrick
of dog struck oil $1, Carried.
0- Applications were received from A.
tot• Angus, S. Rivers, Geo, I1, Cooper, T.
e_ Stewart and Jno. Meadows ju refer -
0, once to the caretaking. It was thought
a adriSablo to go back to 111e old system
°- of work, viz. appoint 0. person to loop
e after the Hall and engine, anti as the
.t Spring opens op let rho building of
- now sidewalks by contract, 110 it Was
S thought 1110 work would bo done
„ cheaper and in a more satisfactory
if manner. The Piro Brigade asked
, that tho man )nppoiuted to take charge
- of the engine have some knowledge of
the working of the satme. Moved by
W. IL Kerr, seconded by P. Scott
Owing to the present tubuudance of labor
and scarcity of employment in all parts of
the Province, you will bn asked. to approp-
riate, for the purpose of settling nnml.
grants, a sura con+leorably less than the
expenditure in recent 301108.
You will he glad to 1011011 that, notwith-
standing inducements offered by other ma -
tions of the Domiuioe, the volume of im-
migration iuto the newer portions of tho
Province has boort large, and has oonsider-
ably exceeded Haat of the proceeding year.
Notwithstanding tbo Monona' aeoom.
moclati0n whirl) has boon provided for the
insane during 010 past few years, it is my
duty to inform yeti that further expend',
turn for similar purpose in again news -
nary. Additional Uuilcfingo at Orillia for
the idiotle tiro also rollnired, the present
buildings being unsuidcront for 1110 proper
caro and custody ai tbo0o 110W in 00nftm0-
m0111,and 111010 being ale° 11111)10rot18 appli-
.oation0 for ta111)100icn with which, for want
,of room, it has boon iwpensiblo to oomply.
The important subject of 1110 extension
DT A YOUNG ENGLISH 'W01,1At1 I:7 0112
Now York, Feb, 2—At 6:12 p, m.
Jeremiah C'Douovan BOona, olio lrisb
Agitator and dynamite fiend WAS sl.lut
down by a woman on Cbamberi3 greet,
near Broadway, The first stint took
eifectentoriug his body directly below
the 0110ulder blade, when he fell to the
sidowelli. $lte oontiuued firing till
she hail emptied the fivo chamhere of
revolver, the first, however, only took
effect. Iia wee removed to the hosp-
ital and bili wound 'wte attended to
and when he now lien in a very pre-
carious condition. The woman on be-
ing arrested gave her ligula as Alro.
Dudley but refuses to give any reason
for the act, oho ie described ao being
!nay liko with an lntellectital face end
lluoweredwane of the gocotlous put t)
her without enlbar.rasment, 'slate to
other/is/le simply shook her head, and
smiled, indicating that oho world only
answer 903011 questions as she !vow
they had a right to trek. About 8
o'clock MJrs. Du.11ey aiited about the
condition of Mosso, and seemed sorry
to hear that he was still alive. She
le antler arrest at Oak Street Station
awaiting results, her entire tlemeauor
is that ore. rational 1)er0On 11n11 a cool-
headed one at that, I114 assailant's
)motive ieuuliown, Rosso. and hes gang
declare it to be the work of the British
(government. She refuses to divulge
her motive but expresses her sorrow
at her failure to kill her victim.
Brussels Bock Parliament.
The weekly seasiou of parliament
wee held un Wednesday evening and
was very largely attended. The speak-
er took the chair at 8 O'clock and the
discussion of the 13i11 left over from
the previous meeting viz, "Tho aboli-
tion of capital punishment," was pro-
ceeded with, D. Robertson leading off.
He was followed by F. S. Scott after
which J, J. Denman, W. H. Kerr and
11. E. Wade spoke in favor of the ques-
tion and J. Bain, A. Hislop, J. Alex-
ander end 3169. Draws iu opposition.
Mr. Alexaudor's speech brought down
Elio House, After a motion to give
the 33111 a three month's hoist had
been voted down the second reading
of the Bill was carried by a nlnjorily
of 8. Tho resignation of J. W. Shaw,
Minister of .Educative, teas read and
aeeeptod. A. Webster wits elected to
the vacant constituency and the Gov-
ernl'leut will appoiut a new Minister.
The question for discussion next even-
ing will be "Tho exteution of the C.
1'. 17. from Elora to Godericb."
:3'1'ACil)ING COM el MITES
01 0111.1
COL -NTT MENIAL, for 100).
Equalization--Llliott, Buchanan,
Foroy'th, WVm, Young, J. 11. Young,
Clegg, A. i110171rebie, Essen, Currie,
Hays and Simpson.
I'imulce—D, D. Wilson, Campbell,
Oliver, Saunders, C. Eilber, Cool(,
Hardy, Anderson, McPherson, Caul.
that Jun. Meadows be appointed earn:- erten coni Mil De,
tatter of TONTO hall and lire engine at
a 0111a1y of $160 per ailment, to bo
paid. quarterly, and that the Clerk
drew up an agreement, specifying 1)10
duties, to be tante before the Council
at their next muting. Carried.
'l.'lio job of spreading gravel, repair
lug sidewalks, 1110, was left over flu'
future consideration as three of fu11.t'
Road and llridge---Reuui.e, C. Wil -
sou, Horsey, Britton, Katz, Uriliiu,
AIcClyinout, 3)11'uin, Manly and
School and Printing --Beattie,
0oetee, Kay Bissett, 8,nillie, Clegg
and Bnchanam.
Gaol and Court house—Johnston,
Allan, Wray, D. llcllurabie, Den -
months will hav0 to go by lift any mugs, Griffin toilet S1l'itChaU.
work can bo done. 8:aeLries—Hueorags, Girvin, Bea.
00mi, 11. Either, Walker, Kahle and
Warden's—Emu, Beacom, llc-
11illnu, Holme, Johnston, Xfioy 11ud
Special—llcAl(Ilnu, Hoene, ITays,
Ologg anci Strachan.
The Council thou adjourned,
A plot to blow up Victoria Bridge
hoe been reported to the Grand Trunk
Two of the crew of the belated
Prince I}llwnrcl Island ice -boats are
eo badly frozen that their 110011 is ex-
peoted. Two of the passengers will,
it i.0 101110d, lose their hands and feet.
A (levitation front the Auti•Tax
Exemptions xiseoeiation, of Toronto,
wailed upon the Local Government
eu Saturday afternoon, Lo request the
Govern in ell t 10 iutroduea a bili dealing
with the 0ubjsot at the present 808•
sioo, The Attoreey-General, how-
ever, refused to accede to the request.
iIa0lan rows a taco with Clifford on
33'ob. 7, on the Perramatt river for
£690 aside, On the 28t11 of the 0amo
month (Jliffoed will row Bonoh for the
ohamtpionshlp of the world, and should
he defeat Beach b0 will row Eanlan
for the championship on April 18,
but 11' Beech proves vietutio1s Hanlon
rows 13oaeli on March 28,
Tho wagon and: blatel(sinitlt shops
belonging to tho Tindall estato was
sold by auction to Thos. Nixon for
$1,000. The balance of the property
will bo auctioned on the 0th inst.
The sudden death of Itobt. Powell,
who diad of typhoid fever, on Satur-
dny last, was a sail stock to this com-
munity. The deceased was 11 strong
man $8 yenta of ago. Ho left a wife
and small family.
Oneof)31uevale's boys, Thos. Smith,
was ono of the sueooseful candidates
at the Civil Service examinations iu
London, Wo heartily congratulate
Tom on his success and wish for lain
n good 1001 berth.
NO, 31,
oriel -ex .
John Dickson, sun 011.1131.A. Dickson,
12th eon., 14 home from Dakl,te on a
visit.. Ile has spent several y'e11re in
the ''est and appellee, to 111t(' it very
The animal meeting of the Grey
1'htwumtnll' A0000i031011 was 141,1(1 at
Tuck's hotel, Cranbrcok, on There,
dory evening of last week. The at-
teurleece rem not ell large as might bo
expected but was of a representative
'lettuce After the boons of the pre -
vim.: year Were gone over, the election
of ()Meet s was proceeded with, of which
the fallowing is the result :—Pros,
Tilos. Caldor; Vice -Pres. I'. McDee-
rad ; Sooty. A Reymann ; T,oai, Jas.
Slelnmon ; with the following board
of directors, D Catupb-ll, .1, McIntosh,
D. Robertson G, Pexrie, P. Keifer,
Jim, Stewart, 11. Alcl,nuchtiu. Jno.
Malutooli, Geo. Forrest, 11. White,
Jue. AlcLauohlin, Jnu, Slenimon and
D. Milne. Auditors II. White and
1W'nl, Cameron, Tine is one of the
best organized nesocialions known to
this section of tbo country.
evening tbo aoeial announced was held
in Fuhuu'a school house rat the 16th
con. The building wee crowded to its
West capacity, after an excellent tea
had been partaken of, Hartwell 8peraln
tools the chair and the following pro -
grant was carried out :—instrumental
selections Miss Cameron; instrumen-
tal selections Miss Hewett; T, Moore
and choir 4 or 5 choruses; J. Mitch.
ell song ; Alex. Strachan 2 songs ; Wm.
Spte 2 songs ; Speeohes by Reeve
Strachan, Provincial Grange Repro•
0euta(ive Currie, W. 17, Kerr, of rate
POST, Geo. Hood, lieu. D. B, McCrae
and Rich, Sperling. Thu evening
paesedl away very pleasantly and tho
meeting Wee brought to a closo with
the custumareevotes of thanks. Too
much eai12101 he sed of the kindness
of the officers of the grange cud the
general attention of the people iu the
immediate neigllborhoo 1. It is a good
p1000 to go to put in a ph asaut time
and the future success of these gath-
erings eeem3 to rest on a solid found-
A t tweed.
Quito a number of the farmers he
this part of the country are preparing
to build large barns 110x1 summer.
Airs. B. Tindall, of Ethel, was 1n
teat: village last week visiting her
numerous relations and friends. She
was the guest of Mrs. (i, Graham,
Owing to the beautiful snow which
feel lately timeo are extremely lively.
Farmers aro busily engaged iu the
timber tine and 000.1)1 hi cooling into
the village in abaci hinoe.
The trustees of 8. 8. No, 4 should
be cuugra:ulated iu securing such a
teacher its ler. french. The schol-
al'a are progreeelug rapidly antler his
teaching and bo is :L per111111110 favor-
ite 21.0110113 the yolug ladies.
Lost, strayed or stole', the proper-
ty of :over 11 young ladle'. When
last seen was Banging over a small
gate 0(1lr, eihnb1011's, near lleufryu.
AuYpets 11) gi0111g snob inlormatiou
its will load to hie dtoeove0y will be
sn(tahly rewarded by Paving flim at.
1). 8. No. 5, Lima.
R. K. Ball ptlrp )acs going iuto
shipping fat cattle. llaviug made
arrangements with It gentlemen on
thu 01 t0 di0ou0u 0f all the int
cattle11ho01' eausilo ir;tusp 0 (R, I%. wishes
to say that if any person has any cat.
tlo to dispose of to call at his office
either Wednesday or Saturday after -
Special services are being conduct.
ad in the C. M. Church of Attwood by
the Rev. J. W. Priug, Rev, J. I,.
Kerr, of Brussels, preached two ex-
cellent Burnous lett Sabbath in the
above church to large and attoutivo
congregation:,. The people of Att-
wood and surroundings would be de-
lighted to 111100 him back again.
A. grand supper and ball was hold
at A. 13. 1Vynn'o 0n Wednosdny ev-
ening, Jan. 21st. The 11000(10 was
orowdod to its utmost capaolty. .40
bout 1 o'clock a rich repast was serv-
ed in Mrs, Wynn's excellent style.
Everything went off ulntriningly,
especially the dancing apartment,
which was maunged by Geordie
Thompson, the papulae teacher of S.
S. No, 6. About 5 o'clock a vote of
thanks was given to Asir, and Mrs.
Wynn and also to Geordie who had
managed the floor 1(1 such an efficient