HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-1-30, Page 8S THE BRUSSELS POST JANUARY 30, 1885, Mama, asamemeamoasaaaaramolo eansaalaaaa4PRO.,ar.... •-•••• GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. ocvirleNEx'raneroN,\v.d,d. D,n, 'trains leave grassols Station, north aria u th ns iollove: tlal2ti sOUT I, I 00IPG posern, ;tlniL::U n,m, I Mixed..._......,.914O o.m, Exeross 3i;t30 a,m. I mall..........,. ¢:41 D m. Rzod 8:60 p.m. 1 PI><pross. .....9.o5 p.m Tho morning train south and tho night, train nerd's will null' ruts on Tuesdays, Thurs. days, and Saturdays. LOCAL. NEWS iTEMS. A ohial' samangyetakln'notaa .1;Pt alth he'll prent It , Tan snow plow was called into re- quisition last week on the W. G. & B. line. - Fnlon oysters in bulk at Thomsons, THERE will be five Sundays in the month of March, five in August, and five in November this year. Tim ice harvest is at band and a number of our townspeople aro laying by a supply for next summer, Ask Wednesday will come on the 18th of February, this year. Good Fri- day on April 3rd and Easter Sunday on April 5th. PmVA•1'It fonds to loan ell farm preperty. 1 t 9v at this °tBoc. }}- Yor perhaps can't afford . the time or money to take a trip to New Crleitus to the World's Exposition, but you may read It very interesting account t,f whet is being done there ut this issue. • Oyu population 00nttn,100 to grow. Bay. 112n. Bove, of Toronto, was in town last week, SlsvEnAL Brussolitos ettenclecl tiro carnival at Wiugllam last week. °Lovxu and timothy seed. McCracken. GEo. WRYRRaw, of Clinton, is spou 1. ing a week in town, IT is maid that F. Fray iutouds re- moving to Berlin before long, Heirs, felt end velvet, 50e. and $1 at Al. oxander's. Onn papers 5 cants per dozen at Tan PORT Publishing House. A Naw stook of Bill heads, letter- heads, &c, to hand. Leave your order early. SEE legal advt, concerning the es- tate of the late Thos, S. Smith, of Grey, in this issue. JABIEa Ross, of Toronto, and Miss Watt, of Elora, aro visiting at Rev. J, Rose' this week, A'r the mortgage sale of the Central hotel last week lire. T. O'Neil was tho purchaser at $2,500. L. W. M "itn0 and E. McNamara are buying ; , 'a quautities of square timber to be shipped to Quebec. Joss received a fine lot of Lake Huron Herrings in prime condition. Geo. Thom- son---Gruntiy's old stand. THE dews of the successful carry- ing of the Scott Act in Guelph city was ver heartily received in town Knox Sunday School scholars were Tars week Jas. \\'hybrew, of Es• 1 Cl ' treated to their annual sleigh ride on caualla, MhcU., western r ou the u- Tuesday of this week. They had a Chi - cage & '+north 'western railroad, and til to of it. bride aro visiting Rich. Leatlierdale very lolly i Mr. Wh 'Grew had to coma to Canada DON'T forget Rev. Dr. Moffett's lea - for a good wife. Site was a Miss are iu the Town Ball next Thursday Murray, of Galt. evening. All are welcome. No ad - Millen syrup 50c. gal, Toronto grocery. mission fes, WM, KAY, of Kinaardiuo, brother to THE proprietors of the American Mrs. J. It. Grant, wee presented with hotel paid $20 and costs for contra. it well filled purse ou his retiring from the superint000y of Knox Church Sunday School, after 13 years ser- vice. onANoes 80c. per doz. Toronto grocery. Tim annual meeting of those inter- ested in the Morris and Grey Cheese Factory brought a large nurnber of our farmer friends to town last 'Tues- day. The report of the proceedings will be found elsewhere. XiiAs Boas 1 to 25c., lovely at Alexand- er's. SErvxce will be held in Melville Church on Saturday, at 1:15 p.m„ when the Rov. A. Y. Hartiy, Bi a tal° will preach. The sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be dispensed at the morning service on Sabbath. Bev. D. B. McRae will preach in the evening and on Monday. AroLns,ehoieest varieties in barrels at Alexander's. Goon point. -Alex. Delgatty, auc- tioneer, hive handed us a copy of a note of band which will bo found far superior to the old style for auction sales, &o. They can be supplied by THE. POST Publielling House at very low price to auctioneers or private parties. Call and seem them. Mousy FOUND, -Tho loser may call on Jno: Broadfoot, Ronald's Foundry, Brus- sels, for the same. THE attention of our readers is directed to the poem on our fifth page. "The Canadian Highlander," \vhich was writteu expressly for Tho Scots• eau by Dr. Charles Mackay, of Lon- don, Eng, It is well worthy of a care- ful perusal. Its ringing sentiments and tender pathos and beautiful rythm, will arouse deep emotion in the hearts of Scottish Highlanders. SPECIAL sale for thirty days, Mrs. Kirk will sell at cost and under her stook of tall and winter goods, consisting of wool, saps, hoods, scarfs, jackets, jerseys, breakfast shawls, fancy shawls, mitts, stockings and socks, (to., &c, Call and get bargains. BEV, DR. MOF)?',ITT.-Tis Hanover Post says. -On Monday evening last an appreciative audience congregated in the Presbyterian Church, Hanover, to hear a lecture on "The Mechanics' Institute ; its Books, Work and Power," delivered by the Rev. Dr. Moffatt. The address was one of the best and ablest ever delivered in this town. Dr. Landerimin, AL P. P., oc- cupied the chair, and after a few in- troductory remarks called upon the speaker, who at once proceeded to ex- plain in a most lucid manner the benefits conferred by Mechanics' In• stitulos in Canada and elsewhere. He gave some very valuable hints as to the books suitably nod appropriate, and a(lvteed that nothing trashy Should be allolvod. The leelurer dwelt nt some length upon the power and influence exerted everywhere by well Stored minds, and the urgent ueceseity there is for diffueing knowledge to every class and to every one in every community. The Dr, held his audience spellbound for at hour and a half. His subject was one of practical utility to every person. Those who were prevent enjoyed a rich treat which they will long remember. All were well Satisfied and hope to have the picaeuro of hearing the 1)r. again at an early date. Comm, meeting next Mouday et•' ening, NEXT Sttntlny is the 1st of Feb• rnttry. Tnlr Queen's Birthday ratio un Sun- day this year. TIE1tnisos 5 ore par (lez, at. Tho Toronto Grocery, Tau trains have had a hard time of it this week with snow. FRosT-bitten noses, ears, flume and "tosses" are on the program, D. FERGUSON and L. A, Briolc of Teeswater, were in town on Wednes- day. As wo go to press the Salvetiou Army toe leaving a big Jubilee in the Town Hall. Sino the Globe advt. in this week's issue. Bead the liberal terms they are offering to subscriber'e. 24 columns of solid reading matter in this week's issue. Show this Dopy to your neighbor. NEXT Sunday Rev, J. L. Herr goes to Attwood to preaolr et the quarterly meeting service for Rev. J. W. Pring. We hire pleased to hear that Mise Mary Oliver, who hits been ill for the past month, is ou a fair way to recov- ery. MRs .fAMEs Ross is very ill this week, Mies Fannie Friendship, her sister, has come from St. John to tape care (Aber. Ws learn that Peter Saunders, a former resident of Brussels, now en- gaged in Indiana, had his right arm broken in two places above the elbow, last week, in a railway smash up. AT the instance of Inspector Miller \Yui. Biomes, of Walton, was brought before a magistrate last weep for keep- ing a disorderly house and his license cantles) of the Crooks Act lately. In- susponded for 24 hrs. and ousts put specter Miller is keeping a ebarp loon- upon Lim. out. THE Kincardine Standard says :- Tan bankrupt stock of D. W. Mil- Bruseels, in Iiuron oouuty, is, we ba- ne, Ethel, woe bought by A. R. Smith, Neve, the first municipality iu Ontar- at fie cents on the dollar and is call• io to elect a woman as school trustee. ing it now at about half price. A.R. ,bbs stood second en a Itet of four can- is a pusher. dlclatos, polliug 121 votes, the other TEE following stein will be of inter- est to a number of onr readers in Brussels :-W. Hogarth, jun. , recent- ly G. W. R. division railway agent, successful modulate, Dr. Hutchinson, polling 149. Mrs. J. 11. Smith is the namo of this leader of the new move- ment, and we hope another season has been appointed stationmaster at may show that the example of the the B. & T. depot, Tilsonburg, W. J. Brueselites has many imitators, '1'he Bedmau having resigned. "RIGHT SIDE Up." -Tile Battalion Baud made their appearance last Sat- urday evening after a long rest, led by Bandmaster Whitely. 'i'lhe boys played a dozen or more airs in a way that convinced our citizens tint the talent is there every time. Wo hope they will often repeat the performance of Saturday evening. Bos Lem -Lost in or near Brussels, last Sunday afternoon, a ladies seal boa. Tho finder will be rewarded by returning it to TEE Pon Publishing House at ouoe. AN exchange gives utterance to its experience with nowepapordelinquents as follows :-"The meanest sneak ou God's footstool is the subscriber who takes the paper for several years and then skips out without paying for it. He is only rivaled by the individual, who, cowardliko, requests the post- master to write "refused" on his paper, instead of paying the amount legally and. honestly clue the publisher and stopping it like a mall. NEW WHITE HEARSE. -Mrs. Long is determined that Brussels shall keep pace with not only the surrounding towns in the furniture and undertak- ing business but even with the cities. To prove this we state that she has ordered a new white hoarse, valued at $600, with plate glass, and every- thing got up in the very latest design. It will arrive in about a month. As far as we know Guelph is the nearest place possessing anything of this kind. As the most of otlr readers aro aware Mrs. Long had a very good hoarse all along and will keep it still but this last expenditure proves her deeire aucl intention of pushing the business right along. She deserves to succeed. ItIxeeeotanY.-Last Sunday Rev. G. B. Turk, of Luaknow, preached morn- ing and evening in the Methodist church, as announced. His discours- es were listened to with a great deal of pleasure and the rev gentleman may presence of one or two ladies on the Goderioh school board would have saved much of the late uupleasent- ness. A $20,00 BIBLICAL REwtiD,-Tltepubliah- ere of Botledge's Monthly offer twelve vale. able rewards in there Monthly for February, among which is the following :-We will give 5520,00 to the person telling ue the long. est verse in the Old Testament Scriptures by February 10th, 1885, Should two or more correct answers be received, the re- ward will bo divided. The money will be forwarded to the winner February 15th, 1886, Potsous trying for the reward must send 20 cents m silver (no postage stumps taken) with there answer, for which they will receive the Monthly for March. in which the name and address of the winner of the reward and the eorreat answer will be published, and in whin several more valunbte rewards will be offered Address linnnune] PDDLIeuINo ContAiv, BAsios, Penna. hluleIo1PAL LAw.-Auditors of Mum icipal Accounts, according to law, iu cities, towns, villages and townships, must be appointed at the first meeting in January. Not only is it their duty to see that the additions in the Treas. titer's books are correct, and that there aro proper vouchers for the dit ferent payments; they must else as- certain whether the expenditures ordered by the council have been made and time fivauoee m untged according to haw -reporting any irregularity, so that the ratepayers may have know. ledge thereof. Their obligation de• maucls this. GRUNDY'S OLD STAND. -Pens -5 ]be Young lHysou for $1 worth 5 lbs Uncolored Japan for $1 worth $1,25, 2•l lbs Yonug Iiyson for $1 worth $1.25, 2 lbs Japan for $1 worth $1.20, 2 lbs Gunpowder for $1 worth $1.20, 2Ibs Yokug Hyson for $1 worth $1.40, 21bs Japan for $1 worth $1 40. Coffees from 25 ate to 85 cis per lb, Pure spices at reduced prices. Canned fruit and fish, Try our famed Acme soap. Crockery and glassware 15 per cent below usual price. Frush oysters always on baud. Quality our always expect a hearty welcome at leading feature. Terme cash or trade. Brussels. Tho minuet missionary GEo. THctaeoet. meeting was held on Monday even- CHORAL SocIiiTY.-The Emit meet- ing and despite the stormy dight to goodly number were present. The chair was well filled by S. Fear, t' ho called upon the pastor to road the re- port, Short speeches on missionary topics were made by Rev. J. L. Kerr and Rev. G. R. Turk and were at- tentively listened to. Misses Shan- non. Vanstone, Buyers, Moore and Smith stele: appointed oolleotors for title year. The usual v tog of thanks brought the meeting'' .t close. The finance• 1 , epect of this station for 1885 is not „v i"ey Means dishearten- ing, Rev. 31. W. Williams, of Tees• water, was tenable to get here owing 1 to the enow bloelfado, ing for the organizing of a Choral Society was held ith the Town Hall ou Tuesday evening. The meeting was addressed by Prof. HtJland who gave a synopsie of the theory and practice of music. The Professor appears to be titorollghly oonvsrsant with hie subject and will make an efficient toaobsr. Thu following were appoint- ed a committee to canvas for members nn(1 couduet the p'' lintinaries ;-Jae. Bonnett, W. H. Lee, Peter Thom- sen, W. L. Kerr and D. Stewart. The next meeting will be hold next Tuesday evening in the SIeehanio's Institute rooms, when a large attend- ansa is expected. Tits yoar1885 will have two eclipses of the suit and two of the )noon. An annular eclipse, of the sou will wear March lfitl, visible in Canada ail 31 partial eclipse, March 800s there will be a partial eclipse of tile (noon, bat this will be Invisible in Canada. Sept- ember 8rd a total uelipso of ilio sou will take pines, visible in Australia, South Paoifie Ocean and Cape Horn. This will bo fullowe'l, the 24tle of the same month, by a partial eclipse of the moon, visible in Canada, 13Ay'th. F. Metcalf was ro•eleotel chairman of the School Board and 11. Hender- son, teacher, sec. P, Kelly, reeve of our village is going to turn his grist mill into a rol- lar mill. Pat. is a pusher. The proprietor of the Central Hotel has sought pastures now and several creditors 1:i1000u his departure. Protests are to be extended, it is said, against the heave and three of the Couuoillors on account of not pee- sessing the necessary goalitiottions. nos. Gibson, 51, P. P, delivered au addrese last Saturday evening, tin dor the auspices of the East Huron Reform Aseoeiatlon. He leaves thie week for Parliament at Toronto. C, Hamilton was elected to the Council Boiard this year but had to re- sign as ho was bondsman for the col- lector. He was freed from his bond and \vas re-elected or.. Thursday of last week over Thos. Bowden by a majority of 48 votes. 514ces$orth, Bicycle Olnb concert night, A poultry show is next month. Geo. Whitley has Laird's livery stable. Wm. Elliot woe appointed clerk and Wnh. Logan and W. N, Watson aud- itors. The mock pediment discussed "wo mall sufferage" at their meletin on Fridley evening. Egmondville Presbyterian church will celebrate its anniversary on Sum day and Monday next. Jno. Flinch took 1st prize for pair light Brahamas and 1st for pen at the Poultry Association at Guelph, and A. J. Wilson took let on dark Braila nlas. M. Y. latoLean was appointed Seo,- Treas. of the South Huron Agl. So- ciety in the place of G. E. Cresswell who re•elgned. The first mentioned gentleman was also elected chairman of the Scholl Board. last Monday on the Lapis bought ant The Trades and Labor Couneil passed the report of the Legislative Committee, which expressed strong disapproval of the proposed importa- tion of pauper children into Canada, and earnestly protested agamer the Dominion Government allowing such a mOvetneut. BORN, Bann. -In Brussels, ou the 23rd inst., the wife of Mr. G. A. Beer of a daughter. Hruasrox.-In Brussels, ou the 20th inst., the wife of Mr. Arthur Hingston of a eon. 333.•axt:eeell. NiCktrke' - Oanano'rnD (;AnnzoLLr BMW Wnhtu, White Fall Wheat.... .. .. 78 80 78 78 27 55 1f, 20 4 00 80 0 00 7 5 50 1 00 50 18 lied Winter Spring Wheat Barley Oats Peas Butter, tubs and rolls Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel Potatoes Hay par ton Hides per lb Dressed Bogs Salt per bbl., wholesale . Sheep skins, each Wool 80 80 57 0u 57 17 00 4 50 00 00 9 5 95 02 3.00 00 AUCTION SALE°. Tummy, FEn. Sem-Farm, Farm stook, Implements,&o., the estate of the late Thos. S. Smith, lot 7, eon, 4, Grey, sale to aom. menoe at 10 a.m. Capt. Strettol, auc. A. Hunter. and James Turnbull, (mounters. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. TIOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE cheap, for cash. Applyaton. DioxsoN. QQIIT SINGLE AND DOUBLE Harness, also a first-class warran£a d cloak to oxohange for wood. Enquire at Poetoeloo. 11A11,M FOR SALE. -THAT VAL- noblo farm, being compiled' of the north ha f of lots ' o. 30 d 30, eon. ),Morrie, 200 agree. Terms easy. Apuly on the promleeos.PRAL1tlI(. �t TRAX'E.D FROM LOT 9, CON. 7, 1� Martie, about Oct, 151111, six yearling cat- tle, throe steers and three hollers, They are spotted rod and white, with a split in the loft oar, Any inlermatlon loading In the recovery will bo aborally rewarded, J. McINTO E, 11!. DARIPNIC. A%15'nIN'1'OSll tC MoTAGGA1IT, '4 BANKERS • BRUSSELS. TRANSACT A (1LNE1OAL 33ANT1NG IBIJSINESS. Notes°f haat) dieeountod, xuterostallu well on (topoaits repayable on doteand. Prompt attention give, to collection 3, 9•e LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. (1 IFFAR.0 E L L I 0 l' L A W \_.4 Moo, Brunt's Bloc's, brussels, Money to loan, 1.41 E. 1'vADL, BAIIltihTl!,lt, &o. 11..4. 0111cu formerly occupied ny A. J. Mo Cotl,Nsq.,iu bookie's )duck. Money bo 1ond. IAT B. DICKSON, V 9' (into with (Jarrow es Yrattdfoot.Oode- rich) Oelioltor, Conveyancer, &a. Whoa in Grant's Block, Brussels, Aluney to Luau, A LEX. IIUiITEI1, CLERK OF �S the L'ourth litvision Court Co, Iiuron, ❑uuvoyauco r,Nutar-v I'UC 110,1, tnd,Lua, and Insurance Ascot, Fund Invested and to Loaat, Oollootinus made. Belau, Urabnm'u Block, Brussels MEDICAL CARDS. A ,}etIcP1141.DEN, 51, D., 0. 1'I. M. .iL • G.P. e, U. Pat olcine,Surgaol ,and,10- oottohtur. 011ie°and ronidenca, ovorNightln- gale it Co' sstore. T A. Mc:NAUGHHTON, 51. D. C. ti a 30, L. 11, 0. 1'„ Edinburgh. Physio}un, Burgeon and A teottolte ur, (Moo and resideline that formerly .taanptad byDr. T, O. Bohnos, north of bridge, S missies. DOCTOR A, McKLLVEY. JLJI'hyeicton,Surgeon Bud Atcon cheur. Graduate of Trinity University, of Toronto Ponucrly of lithe', late of GOrtlwleh, OPFIOn Awn limunnvcn:-nrlek house op; dose to English Uhureh, Alain St„ Brussel 0,28 TA, HU'1'CHINSON, 111. 1). L, 11, €'. P. Eeilldterg11, Has removed to bre residence on idol Street, the house formerly occupied by Dr. Graham, and ,vitt be thorn at night, leo still retains an °!Ilea at Hargreave Drug Store. DENTAL. L. BALL, L. D. 8., HONOR see • Graduate and member of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Otlleo in Struthers Meek, Will visit Wlughaul odtoo only on Wednesday m30511110 student return fro.) College. Best possible pates taken In all operations, Chant. moderate. flours 13 a.m. to a pats, HOTEL CARDS. % illfR,IOAN HOTEL, 1311138- .< ELLS, Emig d Umbel, proprietors, large and convenient sample rooms, Specialtrtten- tion to Commercial and other .ravellors, The bar is always supplied with the uhoioest brands of Liquors Bud Cigars, An attentive hostler always ou hand, (IENTRAL HOTEL, BRUSSELS. V-) -AEI I have takenpossession of this hotel 1 will be pleased to see all my old frtends,aud hope by keeping the bust of liquors, good ao oommudatiou and hose stable, with attentive bar -Lander and hustler to secure many now Ones. T. O'NEAL, Proprietor. (QUEEN'S HOTEL, BRUSSELS. -'Phis wolf known hotel was never in bet- ook tannin(; order thou et prom:110,0a the now proprietor has thoroughly refitted the house. The Maris supplied with tint choicest liquors Bud (tigers, ')emus 81 poi' day. Good Namplo blooms/orCommarclal mon. 1t, \i', TU0h. Proprietor BUSINESS CADS. W e11. McGRACKEN, Issuer Marriage Licenses. Wilco at )tie true ury, T••rnbatry street, 12.21 tyOHN NOTT, VE TE BINARY Surgeon, Graduate of 0nturio Veterinary College Toronto. ltesidettae, the house lately occupied by Mrs. J. Parker :Main street, Brut -- SOS. A ilIoNAIlt, ISSUE Lt OF MAlt- riago Licenses. by appointment of Ideuteoant-Govoritor, Commissioner, da„ 6 13. Con teyauoor and Agent Piro Insurance Co Office at thellraobrook Post0200°. ROBT. CUNNINGHAM, Insurance Agent, GUELPH, ONTARIO. H. L. JACKSON, Nth' Watch>nal;aci and Jcwc116r, Satisfaction Gual'anteeo 'in all Repairing. --SWJP AT -- W. J. JAC(LsoN'S STo10E, oneussfr".Le CRANBROOK SAW MILL. ''•- --111-- The aubsoriber has taken the maois3aoe ty out of his mill and raised the mill. Iia will be ready to cut right along. Customsawing 52,25 nor 55. Logs taken in Ex. °hang° for Sawing. When trade is Wren 52,50 per Ili. will be charged. Ara Mame or Lumen Port Satz CEmlm GIVE ME A CALL. IURi i.lw wt. -Mail, Prtosts