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The Brussels Post, 1885-1-30, Page 7
JANUAR? 80, 1R86. vncwmrrsmc>c� _ �s.�orvarmmr�r+�rnurar>r_vralz�r�.wrs•,acnren+errer,rmnaa,e�,,,mar�•r°J: she conl(1 nob explain or nn(lcrstanil 14 0" herself. They cline' together ; Mr, Normals was from hofnc, and during dining thoro was vory little conversation. "You will not take a oarl'ingo ?" sal(l Agatha. No; wo will wallc to the cab stand and take a cab," Tllt're waa a atrango, quiet intent about hor 'that wally frightened Agatha. S11e w'ishcal with all her heart that qtr, Norwnn bail boon at /101110 --••she would have] gono to hint at any riot( and havo asked hital not to lob him wifo leave ltolrle. ;,ilio was astonished hol'solf at tho differ. 0000 dress male. Mrs. Norman did not look liko a lady when ]for elegant figure was hidden by tbo heavy cloak ; Sho looked, as sho said horsclf, Lilco a trades- man's wife). "Do you not think," sho said, bittorly to Agatha, "that nature has been vory cruel to lee ?" "No, S do nob," replied Agatha. This constant discontent and robollion against tho Great Creator augered ]ler morn than she could say, Than they started. They soon found a cab, and drove to the theatre in silence. It was crowded oven luoro than usual; there was hardly a plane loft, hardly a seat, It was only by dint of a heavy bribe that Mrs. Norman succeeded in getting in. On all sides they heard olio samo opaculatlons—"Crowded house!" "No room 1" "Beautiful Freda—Russian sables 1" "You hear 1" whispored Mrs. Norman. "Even those people—the very c,i brill„— havo my story to laugh at. Tho out. . raged pride, tho• blooding heart, tbo womolod lovo of a wife, is bat a jc, l en tbt: lips of men and women. What, dor the deserve wll has caused it all?” " orget ]ter," said. Agatha.. 1 will after to -night!" was the grim he only places t::ey could find wero tw scats quite in tho back of the ; but they were fortunate in this ono rt,si cr-t-- they could son all over the 11011,0. Tho boxes woro crow.led ; it !loomed RA th0tls 11 half t!!!,",.. '•'413 • 1 Paris t . thele, 1 "L 0:.':," said MI.:. :.Or411:tn ; "you. all t'.. - ,, .:nen, c:,.tvne(1 with ,ja;v1 faira.nd gay, fluttering their fans, co 'plotting with their bouquets—anion; them are many so-called friends. Thom is Madame la Batumi", iv]'.o masts me always with sympathetic oyes, 0,4:! looks quite, tbreo volumes of sympathy for 1110 ; there is Lady Sidney, who holds my hal:'. quite tightly while shot lis wg tho lata;t, scandal about my husband; there i:. tbo Priuoess Dalziel, who talks to ale with tears in ]ler oyes, and do. clnrc.; that actrnssos ought not to go to heaven. Do you know why Choy aro all t To ::co the play," replied Agatha. "By no means. It is really to have a laugh and gossip ovor mo. What is so novel and interesting as tho misfortunes of our friend:, ? What is so amusing as l a plain -looking• wife, who has been what may call distanced by a beautiful rival ? I know how piquant Buil irre- sistible 1t is. I haw discussed such things myself • bot 1 am a proud woman, stud t10 iron hes eaten • into ley sola. They will look at and admire beantiful bre:ia; they will laugh whoa they see the imperial furs. Thou, when Cloy moot, they will say—'Poor Mrs. Nor- man ! what a sad thing it is for hoe ; bu t thou sho is so terribly plain." "1 wish you could tales a brighter view of things," sighed Agatha;"porhaps some of those 1odius have tender hua0ts and true womanly feelings for others." "Thoy do nob look like it," said Mrs. Norman, and luost certainly they did not, Then a storm like thunclor rent the air, 0ri0H of wolcome, sllowors of dowers, 1 and, uu(1or that doafoning applause, the most beautiful actress in Paris stood bowing ana smiling for sovoral minutes. Boautiful—that is not the word—she was bewitching, fascinating*, almost ter. riblo to ]tor 101)00101 loveliness. Silo woro tho famous diamond necklace) and cross, her glittoriug, golden hair was studded with diamond stars ; there was never a fairor picture) of womn,uhoocl than this, "Tho diamonds again," sa1(11lrs. Nor. plan. "Why dons she not woar the rnblos that the archdako gavo her 2" while Agatha was really lost fu 0(110100. tion ab Ilio bountiful Vision before lior. "How woll the pooplo lovo her," said Mrs. Norman, "When will they givo over applandiug? What nonscnso, sho Lias nob ovon opened hor lips yet; you seo itis leer fano they, aro applauding, nob herself." Indcocl any arl%etet might halo boon proud of such a r000pti0u ; the ladies looked their dolight; tboro was a faint murmur of %p1>1100s0 from Clow fail' and fashionable ladies; there was a special interest in bo0utiful Freda—sho was supposed to havo ahnosb broken oho boort of a plain•looking wife. As beautiful Freda stood before her audience, the most superb picture of p0r10et womanhood over soon—hor tall, graceful figure, the magnificent nook and shoulders, the white) gloaming arms baro to oho shoulders, the wondilrlulfa0e with its exgoisito coloring; its power and passion, Its gleams of tondorness and love; au irrosistiblo face—no nue saw it over forgot it. No wonder that the plain.faced wife shrank back, polo and troinblhig, whoa tho superb woman bowed hor queenly hood and smiled, in return for that magnificent ronoption. Tho play, or ratlior operetta, was a very bountiful ono. In the first hob 1110 lovely Freda appoarod .as a quoou, and it was a treat to watch this a000mplish. ed actress; the audience hold their, very breath in wondor and susponso. Thaw is no need to givo tlio whole story, In the second act alio ,appeared still as•'a gno0h, ,but in disguise. She flies from her husband, the king, and .frons hor kingdom. Sho was traood by hor ms:duo, .left fu a poasant's .hut, .and •boarltif l b^'rcda, in her bilorpretatiou of 114) (0l', had (hail/toil oho unlink) into sables, Tho first act was Hoped) 111 its beautiful grandeur. She looks like :t (111101," whispolwd 11tH. Norman. "Ali, !Jowl. wish sho had boon o1101 ib fa a swoet faco, but it could norm bo Iluutroycd----a foyer, a bard, a soar over tho white brow, a furrow o11 the chin, a groat stain on one of those beautiful a 1(01(8," "Dear :thy, Norman, do not go on in that haul bluway, Yon donob moan lb?" Slic back d'ow littlo, l a le a l solo, and bur Kala face quiverod. "No, I (1,1 not really moan it. Ib would boa ]torliblo pity if anything over 11ap- poned to Mir. ib boautifui It is tho work of (;oil ; no ono should destroy it, Seo now 1" "Now" nl0ant that, inaocordaucto w•itlt tho play, the actress had placed a crown upon nor brew•, "1 ant Lilo (moon 1" sho said, with a grand, siulplo dignity; Etna hoer Sive, excitable audience almost wont mad with ontlmsiasm. How she was recalled I Sloiv tbo name of tin beautiful ('redo 11001noc1 to 1,u on ovary lip 1 flow flowers and jow• ols fo11 at her foot 1 ' And RH sho looked at that moment, site was 110VOr soon again. OHAPT.Ii1I1 XLVIII. A LISP/MIREED FAVORITE. Then canto the scene which half tho ladies in Paris llad crowded to soe—tho 11110ou in a peasant's oottago, with non0 of tho insignia of royalty about her, nothing to slow she is not 11peasant 0x. ceps ]ler retinal, queenly beauty, her wllito hands, and the imperial furs, tho value of which she had quito forgotten. Sho had looked lovoly enough as a queen; sho was far more beautiful as a peasant. Alt the glittoriug, golden hair lay like a veil over her shoulders; her white hands, laid in a picturesque fashion on the sablos, wore wonderful to sock. There was a perfect storm of ap- plaaso; her beauty maddened tho people as they gazed upon it. It was a graud act, wonderfully played, powerfully sustained. The hard, cold oyos that watched. °very movement grow harder and mlder—they gloamod with hate) and augur. Mrs. Norman watched tho grace- ful, wreathing arms, the movements of the exquisite figure, tho play of tho superb face, and her hate grew. When sho saw oho sables on tho stagq, her faco hooamo livid, and was terriblo to 550. " 1'1).1:16 aro oho sables that should have been mine," she said. A 1111 Os she spoke, she know quite woll t1mt the samo remark was being mado by alrnost'ovory lady iu the theatre. As the]lay procendCd and oho on- thusiasm of tho audience grow warmer, ]ler face grow every moment nioro sot, mono rigid, more terrible. Agatha was grieved to tbo very hoart for hor; it 500111011 to nor a needless prolongation of suffering. "You have soon all you wished to seo 1(011'," sho said, gently. "Como ]nmo; you need not romain here." "Do you know how many 10000 acts thoro aro in the play 2" sho asked. "Throe," ropliod Agatha, looking at tbo piogt'am1n0 in her hall:i—"three." "I will go," said Mrs. Normae, "when tho two aro ouded," Only Heaven knew what thoughts passed through oho mind of that un- happy WOlfmau as silo sat in :;loony silence watching her beautiful rival. Ilvcm'y now and thou et groat shah CROW from nor lips—every now• and then a oouvulsiye shudder scorned to thrill nor —own, now and than the white hands wore Clinched, and groat rod braises left on tho fair skin. What spasms of pain passed over floe face !—what hitter thoughts made her lips tremble 1 Thom was pain enough in that ono sail 110art to have natio tho whole audience miser. able if it could havo boon sharedaanong Went. That glittering lovoliuess ',MRS morn hitter thou death to hor. l\'hon the two acts woro over she TON. "I have had enough," sho said to Agatha; "wo will go now." ]ant when alio rose alio staggered and roelca, almost like et luau who has talon too lunch wino. "1Iy brain 11111115!" sho said, and sire was eomp0110(1 to stand for Soho fow•nlinnt0s boforo (P0 could walk. broil, detail of that evening Was 110- pr0ssod on Agatha's mind forayer. Silo t'o nend,orod the orowdoel th0atr0, tho of faces, the glitter of jeweils, oho waving of Laos, and tho spoon of rich drosses; she 130momborod tho 0,,cono on 1110 stage, as tho glorious faco of tho actress turned to the pooplo, 'rho nowt mot110n1 they woro out in filo gold air, a thousand stars throbbing in tho night skies. Thoy stood for soo10minutes under the wido portico, then Agatha said "Would you liko to rido or walk /Ionia 2" Mrs. Norman looked up oagoily, as ono wakes from a drown. "Wo will Walk," she replied. Agatha understood it afterward, but at tho time ft pumislod hos'.,They wanted for some distance—then suddonly, and as though sho spoke without knowing it, 111rs. Norman said: "I wonder if the) lllay is over." "I should think it is just finished," said Agatha. They wallcod 011 togebhor ; shore wow plenty of people int the shoots, and as thoy passod ono group Agatha, turning saddonly, found that her companion was no longor by bier side. Sho thought, uaburally ()Dough, (11 ib sbe had passod on the ahoy side of tho grottp. For the first 0110010 she belt n0 uneasiness. It was not an unusual thing to loso sight of a per9011 in oho shoots at night, Sho said to Herself that sho should be unite sure to ovortako her on the way home. Yet1 remombor]ng her strange man - ;(70118 1 (.1011TINtfD•i TIIE IiRUSS,©LS POST MSaY . ,,7417101.1: ,g4'zr. .17..CPO.=1u yn•. e?.,144=041,GA4eT'git WwG? r..a.M.Ka..W ,C4'0Thr'.." l."'rer.".'"""'".'"4 ON.8i1" 0 LOAN. /r 0011 \VAN'1'i'11),--'G'ZIl'; ]iliUH- 'l' A. Y nnlr Nrhoul Board wn,rt leu eor,ls 0l two 1'rl vs, t0b'uu Co, AP1,ya(110171001. l'u Minh- foot worn hor lir or nsLrir, .l07iv, r• iii gl(uus"• 18.4 111 cu erbahnrr May hi. "eteoe•rc re eelve.I WH. AT I41. ►• Butol, cx, 1 8(1.51(1 hln OUP brar(l may Innnycntonterrfor shale ibnr, y rine. another r8( et1 support fortho post six oars the Jferl,hshtre Hog An rrivrs Mewl al J. `)))(1"` J" lvish00toinlorinthowthathe- op, Yp ltrp !. ,r)04-010- shoo f1 010- 1y O ng 11(10134 otllet4lo,,5 }-s sand tete Bt tad a Pa w ��Y RAL �•tq Y�1J.�. rrijeif shop in Nntalo's work In 11 rot -elan: acyls wbareba hopon to nee all oldhis omit= ors — •----- anSnoninny nawu110000 OO)(to 1415vhim !ilio ultdersigircd will keep fur ser'viim, ht 8ea11, 1 5vopnuthing 1,n 1 first -rings Moats 8111tin40 of Poultry nod sn,uatgo Most. Be• llvored to „11petr40 t t the Town Fro 0, Gash »ol.Ifor Pet Dib,,,k. a'." 1.d( til Fetrum,y lit. ,1013:. 1.1rAw 114') See, r,f if will Card tll, `Y!A oCn Thanks rl In thanking my 10(111'.' 110)4- toiiters Yoh their 1111(111-1 support for the past -eight yelps, 1 \'she to in- form them that being burned out of my 111(1 stand 1 have re -fitted it in first -class -style, where I 1Jopo to see ttll ley old customers and -as Malty now ones 118 sole Sit 10 give: me it Sall. 1 beep nothing ]rut first class Crluc,'1'ic's on hand, and serve all customers alike. 1 also keep all hinds a1• GRAIN for sale. Give me a trial and you will save money. All goods delivered Erre of charge. Gee. Baker. BTL -L fro . 20. It w1(1pa1• the (annoys of oho 01100uil('110 totrothIprto colt 111the BRUSSELS FOUNDRY A1110001:11?Kttakof PLOUOII1, S OUF'FLElt 5, 730145E POWI(1)B, DAIMON.; i^ CHAFF CU rTEIII, 1 LA ND It0LLEEh, &c Which aro gut up specially to mr01 the wants of the F'armingaoauinally 'WssIso give epeeist sttrntion to re sire of ovorydesnriptioi, on Storm Eitgino S 1001 r0, netwe50, Nom, ors ,TIiresbingalaihlnes, 4'101l0's, mut any Itmplentcnl tl Ht(1 on tate Enna SAT11Pie0TION I:UABANTETII AT HE AS0NA73LE 111 ATE5.. Pull stock of Steam', 6Vah'r mud Gass Pities alwnyacn hood. Wo oordilnlr furito tupaotio1 at the old 5tand8111 It,.nonr tllo Post Otlica, \VM, R. WILSON. MEAT 0,400 531:10811, 111114581,51. „ANDREW CURRIE, Prop'r, FRESH l?iU SALT MEATS (litho bes4quality nlwetyn 0111and and dolly area 1n any part of tho Vilingefl•ee of charge T814115 Vary Pnverablr• FAT CATTLE WANTED, Fox which tbo highest ,nsxlcetprice wil:b paid. I also matte n Spoelnity of buy,nphtel l and Shins, don't rorgnt the IP lace, Ilex) door to EIetebec'sJoWell 1') 541(110. ANDREW 0171(111I ALL AT ,IVF The undersigned bogs leave to 11011001100 to the Public generally that he has purchased oho Elgin Stock of 1). Frain, ]harness maker, and Lavin brunght a Largo Stock of his Own Make , he. is prepared to Com. polo with the 'hcapost, its he Buys Strictly for Cash A. Complete Stock of L101112 AND HEAVY IIARN1I$S, OOLLARS, WIiIPS,1315USII73S COMBS TRUNKS, HORSE - BLANKETS AND vAL ES, And Everything in oho 1larnoss Lino, I' Harness mach to Order from host rim - banal on Shortest Notice, 118" Ilopairing Promptly Attundecl to, 1 SATP3PACTION GUARANTEED. w. A 0o olioitod bofora Purchasing Llsowhoro Cr Don't forgot oho place, MD:. graham .% Blook, 1), Praiul's 01d Stand, Main Street, Brussels, i,: STEVENSON !'oo'h's botot, Cranbr001(, that pure bred boob hire Baur, lhtrringtnn, }mrd by U. N. i'ilnlnotw and (Juirio Ivan 10 (0,1lliddleaex co„ Out., from the heat imported 1.10011 on both sides with registered poli roc', alto that para bred Suffolk 1J00r, 'Young Chain - pion, bred by Jan, r, Thin 111q., Halton Co„ Ont„ from imported a081t alt both Bider! and is a first-o1uss pig in every rt aped. Tho abuvo pig, 11000 token prizes at '1br0nt0, Lemdhu, 1=cafortb, Prus011, Winglmnt and Newry, competing ago tat the best Logo in the country, Inapeetion invited. 'Perms one dollar at the Unto of 1.070.00 with oho privilege of rctnrning if required. JACOB ('. TUCK. lir 11 V Willing, 01 Ma, e l t rd tri 8i 81, . writs'' "Mr wll., has boom alums t helpless/or llvn , r,, no helpless that ,ha Soul not toed m r.r n, 1 . ,t aloha. tike usad own both s of I•'1, tti. 1 11 torn, 11,118 so moult imp r,u 1 that Ai a ed ie. to do 1(8 own work." I1l,,trie fat will de. all thitt 10 el„u-rd fur them. Dusdrodm of t. titossisls attst thur great rurutt), )r,w- ors, ()My Aloe 00111 a 111400 10 livul»"en'r, TO '111E 1 •\Itdi1 1 `•.-- n11310,ln 1,'.p,u.Ld 10 1,1• toUtiet 10 1,r Lite et e•,11,h,.•11.ori,,1t, a 1111103 a e.'10)- 11 0 0q I.u,1 man)' ,1, till:. prora,edto p,,, i t.(Jro ,..Il,tlt 1.r1,11d1.1111.•„l 10 J ti nl,t - 1 1' tally 1111.1b!isti 1I c,y 11,100 1.11.0 100 11 4* 0 811111, 1.11,1'.017.4,..1 1.11 t 11 ALI ABLE irAl(M J?U1t SALE. 1'10 1+1111111,1411P.001.11 es,11o10"ril roils of Lots, Aon. 111,1'') 0 all n, the 1,41i:3011 'I 001.- 1,007y, cautuiuing 110 act en, 11,1110 ut 1..r, 011' Int fan from NI' roxet r, t )kaon fr,tn elerrie, 7 r„11em tr'.n, 1,100,1 1,0 the (llnl 1,1 ]toad, l c, )o (vitlnnalowrodo.40nalei01165- le u, o0 Ida ke,) wet , ,nit, 1 arras o 1, good bincknr7l and c. int l ulnneo hardwood, '1 ri08 croak though as lam. 1 msv toms , 111 l'ty• hoot, title r,Nr t l'iioe* 3(1. Apl ll to JAMES 11110111 , 51, D. 1.1'il.`.1e•N, 71 and wit. klor,'t ant, 1,10101111 1, 21-111 1 ruos,,le, lir.:., t, THAT DREADFU AXE --AND—. W71TAa.7.E R..A_ INT "T` I 'D 30 IDS c� .' . 2E -Out FBaws that Lead the Way'. --0._— 026- DRY WOOD FOR SALE. B. GERRY. foommummaggiwagemigrgown,,. GF: UN Y'S i :LD STA '4V D 0T0 'T] ]+� 20 Lbs. Light Brown cougar for $1. 20 Lbs, Nice, Clean Currants for $1. 20 Lbs. of Prunes) for ail. ell] Other Goods in, Proportion. CROCKERY & GLASSWARE. 16 per cent Below Usual Price, Highest Prices Paid for farm produce. Terms Cash or Trade. George Thomson,. Brussels Stone Grist & Flouring Min. Tho undersigned, thanking his many customers for their llat0011a f a (luring tho past year, wishes to inform oho public that the mill has undergone a thorough repair, samo of the latest improved machines have been introduced --but stall Potain the stone grinding system. EINE FLOUR, GRAHAM FLOUT, CRACKED WHEAT All Sorts Sorts of Mill Feed Delivered Promptly to Order. CHOPPING DONE ON TTTe1 SHORTEST NOTICE ENTIRE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. US A WA/ BOSS,,