The Brussels Post, 1885-1-30, Page 5JANUARY 80, 1RR5.
Latest Outrage by Fiendish hllsereants,
The 1tr11IHh IBon$O of Pall nuuenl Wreohed
i(xl)insion in the 1111er or London.
T1.c Interior of ihr Commons limns -
bre Ors rIE,,l,
.1NTEN3lel+xt1l'19mF.N'i IN LONDON.
London, 2:10 p, in. Jan. 24,—A.0
alarnuug explosion has occurred in
rho House of Parliament.
London, 2:30 p. in. Jan. 24.—Tho
House of Parliament and the Govern,
moot oiliees were sevoru]y shaken,
and considerable damage was (lone.
I at thin
11 is impossible n moment
toll the extent of the calamity, The
report of the explosion Was heard in
])awning.etrOet. Groat excitement
Louden, 4 pan. Jau, 21.—Tile ex-
plosion oeunrred close to the 11ut16o
of Lords near Westiniuistur hall. It
is reported that the explosive Was
4Itteed in the crypt under tiro build•
itig. Ona policeman Was hurt, Thu
plloek Was tronlendot1H, and was full
DA a great (llslanee. The ( ml190
done eves very great,
London 4:10 p.m. Jan. 24.—There
wore two explosions at the p(u'liamout
House. The 600011(1 (lanae 11bout a
minutes after the first. Oue was
near the 110111313 of Commons, the oth-
er et We, ttuilliitcr 1 -Intl,
I'ho visitors UM 11 most if notall of
those who aro known . la have been
hurt were moving about in the tower
at the time of the exp)0131ou. The
White Tower w::s almost completely
wreaked by the force of 1110 explosion.
Thu roof Wile blown clean off, All
persons known to have bean injured
wore 1'iei1ors. The moment Ilse pe). 1
lice reulu:cd the nature of the explos-
ion they effectually barred 1(11 egrrs.i
of 1110 Lower and grounds. They are
now subjecting every person whom
they succeeded in detaining t0 it rigid
search upon the theory that the at -
tacit was perpetrated by some 1ers :11
or persons 1us1(lo tho promises. Sur -
goons were summoned, and the
wounded aro receiving all the mien
tion practicable. Excitement 10 grow•
ing. Tho crowd 111 the vicinity of the
damaged, buildings IS increasing,
Loudon, 4:15 p.m. .Tau. 21 —Tho
rumors -regarding tho explosion at
Loudon Tower are confirmed. The
outrage Wal the most successful -which
has yet been made upon any of the
publics buildings 81na0 rho iu11ugura•
tion of tba (lynamlte warfare. Up to
four o'clock bat sixteen persons had
been officially returned as having been
injured by the explosiou. None of
them are reported mortally hurt.
The attack was meelo on that portion
of the handing known as tho "White
Power," It was fairly filled with
'The crowd outside the walls has
been wrought up to a stato of frenzy
ag11iu1t the perpetrat0r1 of rho out-
rage. Later reports show that the
first stories about the damage t0 tho
White Tower Waro somewhat exag-
gerated. The White Tower building
was not destroyed. It is now saki
that the structure Was not oven ser,
iously injured. Those laterreports
tended somewhat to allay public ex-
A large number of childron ware
among tho visitors. Many of these
litre onos had their faces and hands
badly torn by brokoa glass and flying
splinters. Tbo most piteous sight in
tho largo crowd of innocent prisoners
temporarily (letaiuod within the tow-
er walls was afforded by tbeso little
ones with their polo facies and bleed-
ing heads. •
The prevalent belief ie that the
destructive agent was conveyed into
tho House of Commons by some Sat-
urday visitor. Fuller inveatigt1t011
shows the extent of the ctamago is
mn011 groater than at ffrst supposed.
Tho western extremity of the House
is a total wreck. Thera is no doubt
but that the oxplosivo was placed nu -
dor the peers' ga1]ol•y on rho Govern-
ment side of the House. All tho
woodwork in that part of the building
was ohatt0red, and a wido hole made
through the floor. The gallery Was
displaced, and oven the solid stone
work of the doorways either pulver•
ized or shifted from position. Every
pane of glass in the House was
smashed to atoms. Tho gallery bench-
es were overturned and broken. The
gallery was generally dismantled. A
lady visiting rho House of Commons
at 1110 time of the outrage was seri-
ously injured. Immense damage
Was done In tllo lobby. The masonry
decoration and sculpture wee utterly
destroyed. The piano is described as
literally blown to pluses. The shock
was felt in Pall Mall, and persons in
the vicinity say the very mirth shook.
Sir William Vernon Harcourt) BMW
Secretary, and Marquis of Harling-
ton, heerutar'.S of Stals of War, visit
eel the scene. k'ont' persons were
badly injured, in0latiod two pollee.
lural, fatally.
AN 111•'1'ICE14'0 1)11.11n0Y ((1AD.
A lady who WAS in tin ball spied
the informal machine and called the
atteutiun of Policeman Cole, on duty
at the dual, Lo it, 0111cer Cole mole
ad to the spot, Heizud the machine
end attempted to extinguish tho fnso,
lint not quielt enough. Tito fuse
burned so rapidly and closed so cluicic•
ly upon the wackily) that the ofthoor
dropped 1 lt, An explosion
Il id lo wt',i
almost inllnadnitaly after. 0»0 half
of the hall wits wreel(0c1, The ex-
plosion in 1110 lobby of aha House oc•
011444(1 three inmates later than the
one in Westministor Hall. It palm
from directly under the strangers'
gallery and very eloso to the soot 311•
natty occupied by Bradlaugh when
visiting the 00100100. Tho lobby
313100 completely wrecked, tho gallery
torn dont, the Spoak1rs chair du•
011'0yed, and the massive 810110 work
displaced. Tho olficars on guard
were alarmed and Glared not enter lite
room of the lobby of tho Ilouso of
Commons. Splinters were for a limo
as thick as flakes in a blinding ouow
sterni, and were propelled with clan -
gerund force. They cut and Pipped
the leather from the seats tore and
scattered loroe hair all over the
House. A man who 1..;1)p.ncd to bo
standing 011 the scaffolding near the
crypt when the explosion occurred
was knocked forcibly to the ground.
The glass root' of the Hausa of
('ion11uous - as completely shattered.
The aiock iu the House stopped at
precisely 2:15 p.m. A heavy beatu
which formed 000 of the rapports to
the gallery 14118 projected into the
Speaker's chair, seriously injuring it.
Gladstone's seat was torn to pieces,
Tin Wil'e's Commandments.
1. Thou shalt have no ahoy wifo
but me.
2. Thou shalt not take into thy
house any beautiful brawl image of
a servant girl, to bow clown to her
and servo her, for I tum a jealous
wife, visiting, etc.
9. 'Thor shalt not take tho name
of thy wife ha vain.
4. Renlolnber thy wife to hoop her
6. honor thy wife's father and
0. Thou shalt not fret.
7. Thou shalt not find lac It with
thy dinner.
8. Thou shalt not chew tobacco.
9. Thou shalt not be behind thy
10. Thou shalt not visit the tavern;
thou shalt not covet the rum, nor
brandy, nor wino, nor auything that
is behind the bar. -
11. Thou shalt not vieit the billiard
And the 19th commandment :—
Thou shalt not stay out later than 9
o'clock at night,
The following essay on "Tho best
method of utilizing farm yard man•
tire," was prepared by Golden Wigle.
of Gosfleld, for the lato Farmers'
lnstt10to at HIngsvillol but time chid
not permit its presentation :—
There are few agricultural questions
on which there are a greater variety
of opinions. I will mention three
methods and give my ideas respecting
each. First—tho method of applying
farm yard mannre to tho surfaoo, or,
as WO somatim05 term it, top dressing
in spring, Second—tho method of
composting through the 811)11mer, then
ploughing under or top -dressing in
the fall. Third—the method of use-
ing all oar straw and fodder on the
farm yard during the winter and
spring, so that the stool( may out it
up well, then draw it out raw and
plough under for spring crops. We
will analyze method No. 1, "Top
dressing," In using farm yard man-
ure upon the surfaoo, if the manure
bo very fine, then applied upon mead-
ows or wheat fields in the spring, it
may prove a merited benefit. Bub
taking farm yard manure as we gen-
orally find it in the spring, I am un-
favorable to using 1t f01' top.1ressmg,
chiefly boeauso of rho constant rains
and drying, wh1o11 ib undergoes dur-
ing the spring season, thereby losinr'
very much by ovaporation; along ellen
the inconvenience arising fror,,i ito
Cuars011088. Method leo. 2, t'Oom.
posting and using ill the fall,. I
claim that composting as 'it 18 genet.
ally dono here, by pilio.g up in largo
flat heaps and 0119081,4 to rain, suet
and Wiud) ie. not 31',0 most profitablo
method of using manure. All these
elemeet8 have n tendoney to waste
it. Tho 111tever spring rains wash a
great amount of rho choicest proper•
ties away. .How often we) may see
our road ditches running oft' the host
of our manure. In reality nor 111011.
(iy. Not lung (Wide, while driving
along 1110 public road, I nuti0ud the
ditch water looking quite blaelc, This
water lied run down a distance of
three-quarters of 11 mile, still going
on and still coaling. In eases whore
It 1180011110 neon miry to blare our
.manure over fir fall lts0, we should
prepare vets or sinks to catch and
preserve rho fluid, which should 110
applied epet1 our garden planto or
sinne1 upon our 331310 vas and lnead•
ows. Then the slur and wind aro
continually drawing away and oval).
orating its propolti08, ,'hen 1 do
not lino the idea of using this cool•
posted manure upon the surface as
is so customary in this county, We
most adrnit that the granter part of
this manure) w111 110 very rich, being
00110Ontrated into so small a bulk,
Now by scatturiug this thinly upon
tho surface it most at 0000 begin los.
ing its strength by evaporation, which
continuos until it b000lli08 thoroughly
leached and dried out. Of course a
940304tinu of 11118 wastage goes clown
to the elite t. Again if w0 9!0'1;;11 it
clown, being so lino it falls to the
bottom of tho furrow and 18 in sandy
soil below the plants' aapaciLy to
roach. My favorite method is to
gang plow O1' Cultivate It 11(11101', as
fast as it is drawn out, Method No,
8, "310091iing ander 1n spring.''
This is my favorite method of using
farm yard manure. On our farm
yard, when w0 thresh cult grata, wo
mako it a ru10 to spread the yard
over with straw, from le to 2 foot
thick, thus making a coating which
generally remains 111111 8p1iug and
forms (t partial cepa1111011 between
the In(101140 and the ground, Wo
then apply all the rough fodder,
straw, 111:., upon this yard, and tib
horses, cattle and hogs to rine ever it
and thoroughly cut It lap. Wo also
draw leaves from rho maple grove
during the fall and winter, and spread
them oval' tho yard and sheds. Be-
sides making 1.111.1131E 0, theyabsorb
the wot ani make it dry bed for tho
stock. We Lava used' a littlo Salty
dust also. Wo begin to draw this
manure out and plough it under tie
early iu the spring as tho frost leaves.
We prefer using it upon corn ground.
The constant cultivation of this Drop
brings the manure into contact with
the plant, thus sthrriug and constant-
ly rolling it for the plants' use. By
drawing it early in 1110 spring while
the soil is wet and rains are frequent,
the heating process M over and 1110
rotting well begun before 11)0 crop is
growing. By using farm yard man-
ure in this way, all that would waste
through aompostiug M utilized by the
plant, and not allowed to be stolon
by wind and air or run off by ditah05,
streams and creeks.
Hollis Council Meeting.
The members of the 11lunicipal
Council for the township of Morris,
namely George Forsyth, Reeve, Wm.
Wray Deputy Reeve, and H. 13oouey,
0. A. Howe and Edward Bosman,
Councillors, met pursuant to Statute
and made and eubseribed the neces-
sary declaration of office and qualifi-
cation and the Council wits duly or-
ganized, tho Boevooccupied the chair.
W. Clark wag re -appointed Clerk, at
a salney of $120 per annum ; John
Watson was re) -appointed Assessor,
salary $75 ; Mark NI, Cardiff was re•
appointed auditor by the Council, the
Reeve appointed W. H. Oloalcey sec-
ond auditor, Moved by B. Bosman,
seconded by H. Mooney that the fol-
lowing accounts be paid :—Jamos
410011altan remission of dog tax $1 ;
F. Metcalf election forms $5,20 ;
Jas. Evans gravel, plank and spikes
$4.05 ; Lewis Bolton engineering
Wilkinsou's drain $98; Lewis Bolton
engineering Barrio drain $18 ; Alex,
Connon ditch $2 ; Tilos. Campbell
gravel $2.25 ; James Hennioge cul-
vert on boundary $4. 1. petition was
presented by Jamos Pitch mad Wm.
Vincent asking to be withdrawn from
S. S. No. 1 and annexed to union S.
S. No. 9, Morris cru II? Waw(1008l,
Moved by W. Writs, seconded by E,
Bosman that said, petition be laid o1' -
or for further consideration. Carried,
Moved by W. Wray, s000ndecl by
H. Moon ey that the Reeve 'bo en-
struotP,t to expend $10 in charity? to
Pete -r Murphy an indigent. 'Carried.
Moved by E, Bosman, seawal ed by
0. A. Howe that by-law No. 1 as now
read be passed. Carried. The Coun-
oil then adjourned to meet again on
tho 23rd of Fob. W. CLAEE,
The Mlllors' Association have for-
warded it circular to tho different
millers in Ontario asking them 'to
confor with tho Dominion represent•
ativos of their constituencies( 90 ae to
get thorn to' veto for an inareaso of
50 cents on the duty on a barrel of
flour. Thoro aro now 50 Dents on
the barrel, and the 4uoroase would
make $1.
it Ps
10,000 Envelopes, that we will
supply with your Carel Neatly
Printed oil the corker at the same
price as you buy 1110111 elsewhere
A Large New Stock of
13111. (TLE.t ES,
r,ETTR1c 1811,3111.
.0 EJ1d3itAN11111H,
TAGS, .1, , et,'.
All Binds of Printing, from the
Largest Poster to the Smallest
Card, clone iu a Workmanlike
Manner and at living prices.
Devotes the Bulk of its Space to
the Publication of Loom. AND Des -
TRIM NEWS and for that reason it
By knowing the condition of the
MARaleT alone may be a good many
Dollars in Your Pocket.
We aro desirous of Securing
CORRESPONDENTS in Localities not
now represented and will be pleas-
ed to Hear from Persons who are
sufficiently interested to Send us a
PeireC iCTRBC rri-I , 1F0eWlfe.
W. H. Kerr,
Any amount of Money to Loan on
Farm or Village property at
Straight Loam; with privilege of re.
paying when required. Apply i',1- -
Court Clerk, 131•ussels.
�t-Sil.aoy to loat(on tarn, 1 rol,orty at
W. B. DIClfsox,
Brussels, Ont.
Pursuant to the Act 40, Vic, Cap.:), (Ontario
1110 creditors e)1 'SHO11A8 HIDNIIY Bu1TII.
lett( of the 'township of (Troy, in tho County
of IAu'on, Yeoman, who died on or obout the
31st day of Demosher, 1004, and others having
claims in respect to hie e,tato are hereby n0tt-
tied to send on or before) tate 0713, day 01 1+ob.
?nary, Me, to Alezan( or Bolter, of Brussels,
for 1110 osecuter., 01 the pommel estate and
effects "1 the said uocoa:'od, their names and
addresses and the full particulars of their
claims and of the seonrai05 (if any) hold by
tlrun nod also that immediately after Vitt
said date rho assets of the suis deceased will
be distributed 111,005 rho parties entitle?!
thereto, having regard only to claims of which
rho executors nave (lion u0tte, , nod the oxer•
tors will not bo liable for any assets se li:.-
trthutod to any person of ,Loeo claim they
01a(Il hot Have laud uoti•,r.
A. BUNTED - lixrcut0re.
115(ed at B russets, this 38th day of Jan., I845,
A 1'nrtaarship has this day boon funned be-
twoun the undersigned as Millers grain and
produce lookrs, in rho Village of Millers,
the County of 1l nron,under tho noun and brut
of Vanstono d: Hous,
(1. R. VAN8TONE.
Dat0(1 3rst Tan„ 1135.
Notice of Dissolution of
She Partnerehip heretofore existingbotwoon
the undersigned as Millers, has this day boon
dissolved by mutual consent. All monies due
rho lato Rr01 01,1x1 bo paid Vanstono & Sorts,
by thorn all liabilities 01 tho late arm win be
Dated Slat 3,11, 1885. t W. F. VANHT014E.
A. HUNTER, Witnoes. } C. R. VANS.1ON1..
Under and by virtue of Power of Salo con-
tained in a certain Alorrgago which will 00
produced at timo of Halo, andupon which de-
fault iu payment has boon mhuto, there will bo
sold by emelt, Anotion, at the QUEEN'S RO-
the County of Huron, on
Tuesday, Feb. 171111, A. D. 1885,
se no hour of 1 o'clock in 1110 afternoon, the
following valuable land and promises, vis.:—
Lot numbor Sev0uteen in the Thirteenth Con-
cession of the Township of Grey la the Comity
of Huron, containing ono hundred, soros more
or loss.
The (above is a valuable property, :situated
about six and a half miles from rho Vilingo of
1lrnesols. About twenty 1(0050 are said to bo
clear of stumps I on 11111 ,renl(sos are emoted
a log dwelling,atablo an barn..
TERMS.—Ton per cent. to bo paid clown at
the time o1 salo ; 00IIlenont within thirty days
with interest at moven percent. per annum to
maim up ono -third of the purchase mnnoy;
for balance, terms liberal, and will bo Tondo
known at o Sale. For f1(rth011 partioulato
apply to 3011)3 Lh1Y8,
Solicitor, Toronto,
..a::.IIl L.:7 lC,L -:•,J k1.14kl d1'� .J' 4i i`1 -•Til 1.1 'k.. t:, .. ......
Commencing lrobv. 2211d. 1805, tho following editions of TIM DAILY (1(.0]a: will bo trill,.!
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