HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-1-30, Page 3TAN war 130, 1885, IN '1'3.1111 NIU/IT. We are sitting nlouo iu tho twilight, Mono, while the dark slut:lows full, And tho cool, uight.ho'n°rnphyrs are vamp- ing Aud stealing around us and all. Comas, like the faint, swout videos of lames, Thu murmuring moat of dui breeze, While it stoops lusV and kisses Lha blossoms And whistles its sung 111 131,4 11',4(8, Nota sound, save the song of the xopllyrs, Is heard while we listen full lung ; And wu break nut the silenuo no charming, But list to 3(0 night -wind's low song. Up in thio skies the bright stars aro ;hiving, Thu moon hu,' half yaniehud (away, And silver clouds are drifting above us As fair as the dream of it day, Far away in the diol, distant Westland, Thom )lashes a faint ileum of gold, And 0 only adds more to the twenty ')'hat the ]outs of tho dar1;11022 unfold, Grotuognely Um fantastical phantoms Are fitting out )miler the trues, While the loaves cud the hl'aaela.t above them Tremble in tiro gust of tam Moose. Ah 1 say not that darltue^:4 is dreary, That no charm can hallow the night, For there's (1ev00 0 midnight iia clluerless But in it is hidden delight, MY FIRST ]:':Lilt OF'IIRLL''CI11;1IS. Ilow dear to my Maar, were my first pair of bri@ehel'e, Although now worn out I remember then( still ; They'd boon kn Lha house a year or two Previous, Aud wore formerly owned by my big brother 1301. }low my eyes opened while 01 groat expecta- tion, When turd that new Moochers for me would bo made ; How I felt in my 1111(11 16 strange agitation, And I laughed whin 1 thought how I look- ed so erraytid. They were not cut up in fashion, of that I'll ammo you ; They came to the knees, no suspoudcrs were worn ; Apatch in talose day's would excite no great )notice. If I climbed a fence toy now breechers were tal'11. When I first pet Omni on a peculiar s2nsa. tion Arose in my bosom that gave mu great joy, Fur new all the neighbors who want infor- mation Cotthl see that no girl I was, but a big buy. And flu pockets, how large, law drop and how roomy ; I had a plasm for (11y marbles, my top cud my hall. Faun 1 ono buhin,1 -why 'twos nothing but pockets: Thera were three that were large and ono that was When 1 s101tied out proudly an audible titter, From one of the boys gave 1110 some little pain ; When ho said t "Can your mother lualo pants 1111 no better'."' 1 said naught for uuaw•er, but looked with disdain. From those days of cur childhood alas we've now parted; Does your liras pair of Moochers 0O'er givo you a thought Did they not tit you better, at leaf you did think so, Then those from tho tailor that since you have bought. But now when yon see that now br000hers are needed, A tailor you'll find you must first interview, And your purchase of pants will perhaps be impeded, He's not like your mother, he will not trust V11)1, TIIE CANADIAN BIGHLANDER. Thanks to my sires, I'n, Highland. born, And trod the moorland and the heather Since childhood and this soul of mina First come into the world together, I've "paidlod" barefoot in rho burn, Scanned on tho braes to pu' the gowan, Or clomb the granite eilffs to pluck The scarlet berries of the rowan. And what] the winds blow loud and shrill 1'•'e scaled 1110 heavenward summits hoary, Of grey lion Nevis or his peers In ell their solitary glory,— And with the enraptured oyes of youth Have seen half 800tland spread hoforo 1110, And proudly thought with Ilashing oyes How noble was Lha land that bore me. Alas I the hand denied rue broad, Laud of any sires in bygono ages, Land of Rio Wallace and rho Bruco, And countless heroes, bards and sages, It had no place for rue and mine, No olbow-roost to stand alive in, Nor rood of kindly mother earth For honest industry to 311)109 in. Twos perc011'11 out in wide domains, By cru011aw's resistless fiat, So that tho enured herds of [leer Might roam the wilderness in (111103, Untroubled by tho loot of man On mountain side, of sheltering o0rrie, Lost sport should fall, and flatfish woaitll Bo disappointed of its quarry, Tho Lords of mores doomed rho clans Were aligns st tho bast, or foomon, And that the grousol tho sleep, Lha hooves Wore w0rtlt101' (6nnnal8 than yeoman ; And hold that mot might livo or (lie Whot'o'or then' into or fanoy lad them, Bxcoptamoto rho Highland hills Whoro noblo mothers born and bred them. In agony of silent tears, 7.`110 partner of my soul besido me, I crossed the sons 10 find a 1(0n)o That Scotland cruelly doniod (110, And found it on Canadian sail, Where lnnn is man in 1,ffe's brave battle, And not, ea in (1y 11(01;00 331e1110, Of 1008 iuullortiutee limn the eatllo, And lova with standfast faith in Clod, Strong with the strength 1 gained in oar. row, I've looked Lite future in the face, Nor fear the 1110rd01ips of 0110 Morrow; Assured that it I (trOvO aright Good end would follow brava beginning, Am1;1hntltha broad, if not the gold, Would never fail me in the winning. And every day as years roll on. And touch 1ny brow with 0;11's ihlgur, 1 learn to cherish more end Morn The land whore lova delights 10 linger, In thoughts by day, and drousus by night, Fond nlaluory ruonllo, (00,1 blesses Its heathery braes, its mountain peaks, Its stratus and glens and wildernesses. And 1lopo 1,vi'Os at memory's touoll, That Scotland, aruthed nod laud -lord ridden, May you iludiroom for n11 bar 13018, Nor treat the humblest as nnbiddot-- Romu for tho bravo, the atluncll, tho true, As in the days of olden story', When mum rnatmluod grouse end dre-r, And lived thele Ryon—their country's glory. ,.ore.•scmcesssuacx,.evnr...^xs::>ceo Varna Tho Nrbtitnlnl Live Stock Journal puts 1n a good word for the mule ns n (Inn worker. Any geranium cuttings that 11111y now bo stuck will make grand )'louts by next 8prinl;. The milking qualities of (1 cow, it le said, (depend morn upon those of 1ler sire's mother than upon those of her own mother, 0tacklen's Arnie Salve. Tho hast salve In rho world for Cuts, Brunson Soros, 'Ulcers, Salt Rhone, rover gores, Totter Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, 00i1 all Skin Eruptions, and positively euros ).'nes, or no Ilay 00(101104. Itis (3(104 nt00,1 to give per - foot satisfaction, e0 )honey refunded. Price 62 amts par box, Nor solo by (}. A, Doadman Have the stables warns enough to keep the horses comfortable witllont blankets; they will stand the cold hot- ter when out of (doors. It takes a goad deal of 00ru•rneal to counterbalance the effects of frosty air codling through numerous Ol'Ovile8 111 the hag pen. The farmyard without (1 good feed- ing rack or racks ie not complete. Hay is worth more to sell than to waste by careless feeding in the open yard, .9 Slat Cling Discovery. :1I1'. Wm. Johnson, of Buren, Dai:•, writes that his wife had been t•uablod with unto Bronchitis far many years, and that nil 1'01110. tilos tried Suva noporman0nt relief, until Ito procured r b,itla of 1),, King's Now nisoovory for Consumption, Coughs and (:olds, which hada. nnegloal ef(uot, lend produced n pormaa- ant caro. I1 1s gnartwtoed to Cure all Diseases of Throat, [sings, or lironnhiul 'rubor. 'Trial hottlrs free at it. A. 0eodtu airs Drug Store, Largo size 81.00. Economy 81101111 be the watchword on the farm. Everything, should be so mauttgo11 and so oared for that thorn will be no waste or unnecessary expense. Cary Smith in tho Town Houle. stead. says that after trying n001:17 (11i the ''erre mires" for Lice on stock he has gout) back to the tobacco rem- edies. Tho use of commercial fertilizers 'ono recently condemned by a farmers' meeting in Peunsylvnin on the ground that rho careless use of phosphates caused hog oholora. 1 lulu LIlIn lug. Eluid Lightning is 0110 only aero for Tooth - mho, Itrndlwho, 1,401201)0 awl Neuralgia. It does not take it day or nu hour to cure it, but in loss than a minnto all pain ie Sono. Thouo• ands 1(11110 Crated its merits within the test veru', 1'hdd Jdgetteng is also n ('00(000 0nro for lehoumatiom. 'rho worst pnssiblo 00808 intro Loon porntau0 utly cured in ono amok, Pried 27 acute at Iiargroav0s' Drug Moro, No man knows the true value of his horse until be has won his regard and self confidence, as it were. The whip will 11231011 do this. A kind hand and gentlo voice will a'It film a magic. A Kansas farmer who had nine hcv,d of sheep, put talo money that ammo to hull from the sale of mutton and wool into mom sheep. In trine years he had 1,700 sheep worth 115, 000. '141 '9'Ina itad(es. mee•rogar 1'C Parka's Carbolic Coto will 011x0 any moo of Pimples cu 3110 fano or Bough Skin on Dither hands or faoo and lofty° thous snit as silk, It will also heal any s0ro when another preparations fail, Thousands hnvo tooted it, Askour Web for 2(0(}rog,1' eF Foo''Ico's Carbolic Corato, cad 14 not bo por- slndod to tn1,0 anything Oleo 0Ltlmed to bo as good Ibis but 2Goon Ls per ho.e at Hargroavo a' ;)rug Storo. The city of Loudau, England, eats. in one year butcher's meat to the val. ne of $250 000,000, and consumes iu n year about 1,400,000 oxen, 1,500,- 000 sheep, 1,800,000 calves, and 2.49,000 swine. elnn0tan'ev, 11(00. 1084. Mossrs. Ln1nadon C wileon. Sirs,—ltogard- In(1 the benefit dot'iyodfrolu the esu 01 your 1lyoorato1 Balsam of kh', I fully oni0rnod that already stated by poor numerous 0orrO. spoudent0 from all ports Of rho country. ]lav - log contracted 11000r0 00113 11000111 111111i0(1 by a violent Oongh, thnughhav:ug a proiudi00 a• gahlst "mall Muff," I was Iuduootl by your ag- ent horn, Mr, Williams,o try 0 bottle, and it ie unnecessary to add that Iam:e onood repot imm0dlately. I00usld51' It to bo olio 0f rho groatost bo0us over invonto d or ofer0d to tho fn1bhiO,poseossinga11 rho pro(ortl00 0lailn0d or it in thoaarrost cad aura of tho complaints epeoifiod. Yours, ,3u.-1)mlonu lbforaron. The idea ofconstrnetingfeed troughs out of tin pans suspended by cords within a few inches of the floor is a good 01103 as the hens cannot by this method get into the trough with their feet, and this eav08 to keep dirt out of the food. THE BRUSSELS POST It1 !marl), all parts of the country thorn are people who act upon the theory that young cults and calves, It 1111 other 031)1( should bl, alloo'ed to tough it tbroag0 the Brat winter. The consequence 19, that every tiering, thousands of barnyards are diogra'n i by Lha presence] of shaggy, shinny, loose juiutr'1, !flit. 11u've,l young 11(1• 101(11;4. An ex01)11(1ot suggestion has boon 101at1e by' Mr. Crawford of Cuyahogo ii'ulls, U„ who (411130 that the grape rarely (Mb; when allowed to climb over trees. "1t m1(3101e not what kind of trims %shatter they be living or dead, if they duly have branches that the tendrals o:t(1 3,031') held of. Astonisluug crops aro pr0dueetl in this way, even on viuce that receive 110 care, ('rwelir 9(urdere,!. In talo Provluo, gift/Mario every year thous. ands aro being slowly =unbind by taking U0. soitabh,, untried nostrums (11'0,10(1 cololldalntn ne (i.erth•nnnss, Iud0'(1l0e, Liver Chnlplatot, Kidney Trolbloo, oto., who might easily re- gain lost etronglh and o(mrpy by 0sim Mc- tiregor'e Homily Cure. '1'o 00nvnmu them that moll is the 0,18,, wo, will giv, than m free trim! hattlo at liargroaves' Drag yt.,re, Pri.'o soar 1, 011,131. tion tu0liluoulals from par sous 111 your Own town, Cul. 13031g1an,1, tvili) 1)101 111111 10 11g experience in Franco as Amoriceu colloid, while at the 3301 man mooting, at Chicago, WWI asked his opinion of importing drtln„ ht molts instead of full-grown hor01,0, He advu i,tted hn- porting the cults and letting th0111 mature on our )1011 and abundant food. They stand talc importation trip better and are more ready accli- mated. Ai. writer to tho indium% Farmer say's 110 .0111'08 bO:IVas In 1(01'808 by withodding hay 33310 substituting green food instead. Ile 3110(1 makes (t ball its largo ire a hulled walnut, of equal parts of balsam of fir cud co- baiba, glviug 1110 animals ono of the balls night and reortneg. It is sug- gested, also, that the grain bo (lightly moistened and seasoned with a Ifttlo salt betoro feodlllg, "n 2041 TO ieruse.Screpin . Edward Shepherd, of 11 arrishurg, Ill„says "lin ting r000iv(d so mush benoat from Elect. ri o Bitters, 11001(11113 duty to lot suffering hu- manity know 1t. ilavo had a runtime sero on adv log for eight years; my doetore told me I would hnvo to kayo the hello soraped or log an1puteted. I used, instead, throe bottles of 11cetrlc Blttors and coven boxes Dnchlen'e Arnica Salve, and my log Is now sound and well.” Electric 131Eters aro sold at fifty cents bottle, and Bueiblon's Arnim Salyo at 20 canto per box by G. A. D oudman One of the recent English papers oonttuus rho statement that swine fever is raging 001110ng the 3,000 to 4,000 hogs feeding in "New Forest" which is a triangular ,shaped district in Holnpshire, 111 the river Avon. Into this forest the hogs me turned to feed upon the acorns and ether nuts. 7.hie district contains some 04,000 acres, and the hogs in it aro Owl1011 by persons in talo adjoining counties who have 00/0111011 or''1)a11111tg"right to this forest from September to De camber every year. It 11168 }bared that a groat sprawl of this disease would occur when the "peonage" rights expired, allont the last of Nov. Manuring ill the 8311 ]las mauy ail vantages over spring (Ini1 summon manuring, especially if piled oat of doors, a1 is usually done. illauy of 3110 most valuatilo elements (1f stable manure at'0 soluble iu water and are washed out by the rains. If the luau• tare is upon the licld )hese elements, arooanght by the soil that 1106110 them As ordinarily piled, manure fuses much of its value. .33sheltorr call 1100 be givou it, cart it on to the field soon after it is made. In the fall and min- ter there is mole leisure f01' at- tend1u31 to it. Itis 1103 advisable t) place 111anur0 upon a hillside wham the ground is frozen, especially if it is placed in piles. Such piles hold too frost and tho drainage from Ili manure does not settle into the (earth. METH IN. No man envies tho ulorits of an. other who has enough of his own. Easiest way to make it hot Mum: Givo the children matches to play 1311t11, The world forgives with iliflicnity the foot that one can bo happy with. out it. Tho (rout steps aro deserted now. The season has passed when she stoops to conquer. Chinese barbers shave without Moa• (hor. Our 0111 school.maStel's prac- ticed tho other way, The new stage Ides tabes up as lunch time as an old-fasbionod 'bus does in going a black, A. gentleman, looking at ills wittoh after midnight, cried, "It's tomorrow Morning; I must bid you good•nigbt. Well, Willie, bow can you be papa's boy and mamma's boy too ?—Willio; Can't a wagon have two horses 2 Aunt, severeiy ; Don't you know it's wicked to ;hake ugly faros ?-Little gill, inuocnntly r Was Dod wicked when 1,0 macre you ? Inquirer asks :—" Why is it that so )many dogs have hens 2" To be per- fectly honest, we think it is beoauss thorn are so malty fleas, This, how- ever) ie merely a conjecture, �» T 5 GRIST eN. -.D 1.40U .1\41 d,i_.Y. The undersigned Jlavillg.colnpleted thechlinge from the stone to the CELEBRATED 11UN(aARIAN SYSTEM OF GRIND• ING, has now the Mill in And will be glad to sen 1111 the Old Customers and as lnany new ones as possible. Chopping clone, FLOUR AND F:D ALWAYS ON HIND, w ill�il4 �'� MU. MD Fon IQR�tW ��(,7 19A[ T3TY?1Gg�yt&t'y'�7Wti EAT Mites TEA T 1-2Up oN ar ca a fare r,s J _-,_..EES BUYERS MANUFACTUBED Uh' Buggies, Carriages, Democrats; Wagon's, Exp1'es-s W0g03339 &C., All matte 0f the best material and finished in a wol'1matl-like manus c.. Repairing and Painting Promptly Attended too. Parties intending to buy should call before purchasing, ---o--- . I1GB•LRlNCl:S.--7larsden Smith, B. Laing, James Cult and W1lliau-. Mc• Ilelvey, Grey township; Wm. Cameron, Wm. Little, George RreWar, and David Breckenridge, Morris township; T11o9, Tow mud W, 13itlshill, BMX - eels ; Rev. E. A. Fear, 1loukton, and T. Wright, Tnrnberry township. r "Remember the stand—South of the bridge, OA_S.T-�U�r J S STI NAL ROLLER LL8 , VANSTONE BROS., Proprietor s --000---__ Wo have much pleasure in annonuoing to rho Kibbe tont our Naw Roller ;11111 1s in complete running order and is giving the bust satisfaction. SHOHTS, MEAL, BRIAN & CHOP CONSTANTLY SLY Oki HAND. Wo also mulls the following brands ofFLOUR Patotii, Jersey Lily, Canadian's Pride and Snow Stair. Gristing attended to with promptness, Il• ALL BINDS OF LUMBER CUT TO ORDER, Berlin M'oundry '1 t:NEAT 34iWiCli 70 EKE HU Y i MANU1rACI'URERg OF ENGINES, BOILERS, MILL MACIEINERY, &o, Small iil)i'lghl Engine's & Boilers a specialty. pros ltl0 buoy pwrtiordarc app t y to .person & Co,, Berlin. !3OI.lSWTLI NURSER1Ed. 320 77 Aonow 1 labei1 tu'a'oua Art (e_O Aoroe 1180 1 Stro" le. ANTElll 9b 6600!,•0 M' 0,119(1 at 4W8319 ore 8kaldt Ba -tuts gtoa(lyoombrywouintaxod saiarios to n1( willinRio Work. MYtN AND W0M16.N mai h46310 pleas ut, WORK THE YEAR ROUND. (local 94'on to aro ee bv+ing f roan Sal to 1300 pain tnontlrt,Glld oxpob15010. 0.bprnsasldnrtb1lb/0v1a, Aderoea 011489311 111 VelatilA bitN60/2 011try. TORONTO, OMT. Cutal worth Merit_ `1(11(of money all 1''t/ 0 Yeti 11)1(3 ,,,) 11(.3'1110)31183, .lA blot tuncuLA)(, —o— GALT 011,0011 71/11, IhD I i'3IAKE 1M10hin. 1':x; Tarn>aari d (lntni lS 1'o Tun vii f1r our Circuit's a frim, Act 11(0,–. 1+1I; as AloT Pr)I.1t.IF$1l(CCU, 0 t. Ca therm (0,t'n (,, lo, Canada UNITYO. LOAN. P1ti41'V'A'111E: »lC?r4�ttr. $20,00 04 rativato fvntlr balsa Sunt boon placed i(. 11 1x401-1,4 for In O'2oi.u)tn i at At 7 Per Cent. B etyma mu am t3ordr,. 1.14,.0 (t0o,,ItIt Sou t.Sawv eayeatefttro in 0ai'M'erttrtrp, @ A311s1 y [+o E. E. WADE.