HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-1-9, Page 73AN11AllY 9, 1885. DAY BY DAY, A 11tt1e older ovory day, A little nnnror to the close; Nearer the ending of Iho fray, Nearer the long ogees, Noaror the tune when o'er c or bond Finn Rivinus the blossom and the grass, And friends will murmur, "leo is dead," As by our Lomb they pass. Noarer Lha time when wo shall emit An anchor by ilu, mystic shore; And 880 111V11014 aw1 know lit ]net, What wo could not before, Ali 1 how no ;tears go rolling on ! How short Lho stop t" manhood's primo, . liow soon Lho gold of ltfo is gone Into the vault of Tune ! BIDE A WEE, AND DINNA FRET, Is the road vole' dreary? I'utlenee yet ! Bost will be sweeter if thou art awoary. And after night cometh t w morning cheery, Then bid a w.', and dinna fres. The eloncls have silver lining, Don't f"rkrot; And though ha's hidden, still the 1,110 is shining 1 Conrago ! instead of tears and vain repining, Just bids n wee, and clinua irot. With toil and cares unsuding Art beset? Bethink ye how tho storms from heaven de- scending Snap tbo stiff oalc, but spare the willow bending, And hido a woo, and Alone fret, Grief sharper sting doth borrow From rogrot ; But yesterday is gone, and shall its sorrow Unfit ns for thin prosout and the morrow? Nay ; bide a wee, and dinna fret. An ovor.auxious brooding Doti' beget A host of fears and fantasias deluding ; Thou, brother, lost these tormauts be intrud- ing, Just bide a avoe, and ;Enna fret. BECAUSE, "Now, John," tho district tenahor says, With frown that scarce can hido The dimpling smiles around her mouth Whore Cupid's hosts abide. "What have you done to Mary Ann That she is crying so ? Don't say'twos nothing—don't, I say, Noor John, that can't ba so. "For Mary Ann would nevor cry At nothing, I am sure, And if you've wounded jostice, John, Yon know the only aura Is punishmaut, So oumo, stand up Transgressors most abide The pain attendant ma the scheme That makes it justiliod." So John stops forth, with sunburnt face And hair all in a tumble, His laughing eyes a aoutrast to Rio drooping mouth, so humble. "Now, Mary, you must toll no all— T sec that John will not— And if he's been unkind or rude I'll whip him on the spot," "We—wo were playin' p.prisonor's base, An h -ho is a -such n t -tans°, An' w.when I w -wasn't l-looldn', ma'am, El -he kissed mo—if you please 1" Upon the tender's face the smiles Have triumphed o'er the frown, A pleasant thought rums through her mind, The stick comes harmloss down. But outraged law must bo avenged 1 Begono, ye smiles, begone 1 Away, yo littlo dreams of love, Como on, y0 frowns, comp on 1 "I think I'll have to whip you, John Such conduct breaks the rule ; No boy, except a nanghty one, tVuuld kiss a girl—ut school." Again the teacher's rod is raised, A Nomosia ebo stnuds— A premien wore put on sin If punished by such hands As when the bee oxploros the rose We nee the petals tremble), So tramblad Mary's rosebud lips— T-Ter heart would not dissemble. "I wouldn't whip him very hard"— Tine etiok stops in its fall— "It wasn't right to do it, but It didn't hurt at a111" "What made you cry, then, Mary Ann 1" The school noise slakes a pauso— Anll out upon the listening air From Mary oomos, "Because 1" Making Older into Vinegar. A French motbod for converting cider into vinegar is as foliows:— Scald three barrels or casks with hot water, riuso thoroughly and ompty. Then scald with vinegar, rolling tho barrels and allowing them to stand on their sides two or three days, un- til they beoomo thoroughly saturated with the vinegar. The barrels are then filled about ono -third with strong pure cider vinegar and two gallons of cider acid added, Every eight day thoroafter two gallons of cider aro added until the barrele aro two thirds full. The whole is allowed to stand 14 daye langur, when it will bo found to bo good vluogar, nd ono half of it may be drawn and the process of filling up with cider be begun again, In summer the barrels aro allowed to stand in the sun, and in cold weather kept where the temj,eraturs is 80 de- grees. Six thousand six hundred arrests have boon made by the Montreal pol- ice during the hast yoar, The r11vaninge of a ;dingle (,u'. A eow Rcpt by horotlf will givo bet- ter roeulls than 1110 seam cow in a fiord svit}r others, Tho single) tory will be butter fed, nd a more im- portant point, so fttr as huttor- liisticing is cmncornod, will bo tho fact that bit arly all the butte' will bo trot from the oroani, wbiab js novo: tho ea ,0 wt,on Vic: milk moll erna111 from a 1ior,1 of 00x0 are mixed before) nitLtl'u• ing. Ow in„tarlifl'er nee 10 ei80 of tins bettor r,lol,nloa tho milk from cows varies lie„ I:ly in tlt,1 timo ro- gaired to bring tho bnLtor. Sotos nbottt Poultry. Eggs will bateit much More readily under it hell than iu all incubator if they sire; much elver a woelc 011. 110 0u,1 bo aft'mid to mix attipinu' and red pepper with It Otto of warm feed for your cllicle:me twice or throe time.: 0. w.:ek. IL tends to k. ep them in god health, Ineulettors aro easily built and easily operated, and for early market einekono ore shite indispensable, The writer Law ono of 500 eat; capacity that cost hire nbont $15 bcuides hie labor, They can be mad° to heat nithor by lamps or hot water, but to work most satisfactorily the water is preferable. It omits leo nioro to keep pure poul- try than to keep scrubs, and you have tho benefit of more perfect fowls. Your flock is all of a kind and attract- ive. If occasion occurs yon could obtain twice tho market price for both eggo and breeding bircle, Any well-bred fowls aro superior to com- mon stook. By buying eggs a start in pure poultry can bo cheaply ac- complished. i'lto True !leaven on Earth. Robert G. Ingersoll :—If there is any heaven on earth, it whore just the right man marries jut the right woman, and there's no way to be happy except with perfect liberty. I hate a man who thinks a woman should oboy him. I had rather bo a slave than a master. I had rather be robbed than be a robber. All that I asst for womankind is simple liberty, and lot the metu love the woman as she should bo loved. As one of tho old sacred books of the Hindoos says :—"Mau is strength, woman is beauty; man is coiurage, woman is prudence; man is strength and woman is wisdom ; and where there is one man loving ono woman and ono woman loving ono man, in that house the very angels love to come and sit and sing." I believe, then, In porfoct froodom; I believe iu perfectjustieo, and whore aman loves a woman she nover grows old to him. Through the wrinkles of ago and through the mask of time he secs tho sweet maiden face that he loved and won. And where a woman really loves a man he does not grow gray, ho does not grow docropit, ho is not old, but to ]dor he is the same gallant gentleman forever that won her heart and hand. Hens Eating Eggs Hen often learn to oat their eggs from eating the egg shells that are given to thong with their food. They find it easy to crush tho shells which aro thus scattorod In their way and mayhap the taste of a portion of their contents, which is left in tho fresh shells, is not the ]east incentive to break other ogge in the nest. If you have plonty of oyster or clam shells, or ground bond, the amount of limo in the egg shall is scarcely worth sav- ing fur your fowls, but had bettor be thrown into tho fire to be pulverised and go out with the ashes. However, if you desire to save them, pound them fine and mix in their food, thus avoiding all eomblauco of ogg-dating. Perhaps all the fowls in a flock could nover learn, independently, this bad trick ; but there are always a few apt pupils in every school who oaeily learn tho ball things, and they teach the rest, If you have valuable fowls which have learned the trick of egg. eating, out off the point of the beak ono Dight of an inch and soar it over with a hot iron, and eggs will goner - ally resist their attacks. We would put it dawn as ono of your rules for care of poultry pulverise egg shells before pnttiug thorn where fowls can got at them, Tho furry steamer at Kingston be- gan running again last week. An smallpox outbreak has occnrrod in Seymour tnwtlebip, East Nor1bum- borlaucl, four cases oxisting in one family. Tho :Ramo ie of it mild type, and the patients have boon isolated to prevent Um contagion spreading. Tho Miniotor of Railways, aecan3- pniod by Messrs. Roriobor and Van Horne, left the capital on Thursday to inopoot tho Canadian Pacific Rail- way. They will examine the road to a distanoo of two hundrad milos wast of Sedbnty at:natin, TEE BRUSSELS x'osa, TI OS. FLETORER, R'ractical WatehmekerIIn4lovrolal. hold Wnte.hcs,111ver Plated Ware, Suver Wntel,eo, ('loris. Gold 011ngn, Violins, Mc. 1 hoop 1011 lino of sends umnllly kept hi n first-Wadsdowoiry store. t's1Lul,1 naaotina, no tront,l,' to show Moeda. Sro�+a.�r of tCiarriaY o 117A..0auc0. Agent for Conan Tiokots,Amsrlsan blxpronn nompacy nod (lrottt North Wostorn tolograph e) l)Ilipally. ----Nh1W STOCK OP' aftalo Robes, dugs 8 Ira Blankets, i [VA0RIH}T rIF_10I Ta I have moved to my now brisk store and am prepared to wait on all my old custom - ore and many new ones. :,. HARNESS I IrIARNESS !:11 Light and Ideally Harness made to order on short notioe of the very best material and superior workmanship. I have in Seock HARNESS, SS, WHIPS, CURRY W4113] , BRUSHES FLY NETS, DUSTERS, ETO, A SPLENDID ASSORTiTENT OF TRUNKS, VALISES, SATCHELS, ETC., ETC. Gia BEMIS. O11R CHIVIES, I wioh to inform all that I have rented the WINGHAM F O EN 6 96LL Till I got tho Brussels mill in opera- tion and will take in Wool hero in Trade as usual. I intoncl to take in All Kinds of Manufacturing Here, at tho Old Woolen lIill Stand, such as Roll Caroling, Spinning, Weaving, Fulling, do,, .fl rzd Gmar'arztee to Give Good Satisfaction. —ALL KINDS OF— Knitted Goods Made T o rder, —SUCH AS— Jackets aScarIN, i5tooikiu ;fes a5S. I have a largo stook of goods on hand, such as Bed Blankets, Horse Blankets, Sheeti•rzgs, Union Flannels, 411 Wool Flannels, Tops Shirts,. of various kinds, Vader Shirts and Drawers, an Excellent Lot of A11 Wool Tweeds both Fine and Coarse. Ica'Przerimi GXVID MB A CALL ARVOI II SELLINci'pini WOOL ImLeriver IIaB.,, (t , o a 5 GJUST 1, NI) FY..JOU It MI ILLS. The undersigned having' completed-theehaugr, from the stone to the CELEBRATED IIUNGARIAN SYSTEM OF GRIND- ING, has noir the Mill in ainsmcO l„ ss RULTITING o And will be glace to ser, all the Old Custoulert; and as 11111113' DOW O)lWt as possible. Chopping done, i►3LOUR AICD FEEL ALI YS Cl�l IIMIVDI t'= ° pHamE8`r PRICE PAW I EIR ANY QUANTITY OF MD WHEAT 3-1;.J_STC-UR,oIST ; '. ,. e 14,: is r JAMES BUYERS MANUFACTURER UP Bnggnes, Carriages, .Democrats, Wagons, Express All made of the best material (add finish d iin,a worilman-Aske manner. Repairing and Painting Promptly Attended to. Parties intending to buy should call before purchasing. Mc- Kelvey,REFERE$CE8.—Maredell Smith, B. Grey township; Wm. amer n, Wm. Little, es C ttle,George Breott and lwarr,, and David Breckenridge, lllorris township; Thos, Town and W. 131aebuli Baus- sels; Rev, E. A. Fear, Monkton, 94,11T. Wright, Turnberry township, f "'Remember.tlye stand—South of the bridge. `PAs. x. lT1 , 1 � r, ! f LLER ILLS I 000 VANST • E B *° ►? S., Proprietors, --000 We have much pleasure in announcing to the public that our New Roller Mill 1s in complete running order and is giving tho best satisfaction. SHORTS, NEAL, BRAN & CHOP CONSTANTLY ON NANO. •Wo also make the following brands of FLOUR Patetn, jersey Lily, Canadian's Pride. and Snow Storm. Gristing attended to with promptness, °—ALL BINDS OF LUMBER CUT TO ORDER. Berlin -Foundry !I A (=e1;AT,;t;rlAEc1, to surra rAcrunasits or ENGINES, BOILERS, MILL MACHINERY, &c. Sl Il upright Engines & Boilers a specialty. For Iortiler pmrtic ulare app) y to liftlaol 86 Coe, Berlin. A."Okli> ITLL INER SERIES. Ism 1'Alsoa00808ou0 11,0 Acquit. 1 cawit►tom, 1Acr820 es SALEMPIEN WANTED. 9'o latoaldl Wane/ nt ouzo on rain Baine atoadyocuplaymontataxod antaries to alt willingto work. 113011 AN1a W0k0PIN can havoulomOnt WORK THE YEAR ROUND. Good agents axe oarm Lai/from BA) ea ass peg Month, and oxponaoe. SPsnvu®684400n1014e. Andoouo woe= es stecee,1tiNctercnss, TOl Of'tTan QNT 1 H. ..K.I1 KM N E Y 1 ()atilt worth elate() Winn of 1.4 alloy all Proo, .�„ Yea, x111 and YOI'N P0DTIONTl iN OUli csuot)LAlt, —o— WhiT root &ALY AGE'S' 1 TO MAKE MONEY. t--Torcns and Outfit Froo.-- Fou 011, D 1 0 our Circular a l'rtno. A cruces,-- VY1N11 ART POI3LISZTVG CO„ 8t. C8thorinoe,Ontal•10, Cann bel, MONEY TO LOAN. P SR41 1V' J.A. OCT 1' T.i 1‘1 3D $ $20,000 O,f 1laiva,.to Sonde Hero jv at 1.140,11 p}oeccl ii, n, Runde Eos invostmon i at At 7 Per Cent, lycarewsrs cap home 10.oir lre+ia0 Mm.;Am e to tu.:os M1140140e to oawefurtrav, AVRlyto