HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-1-9, Page 62 THE BRUSSELS POST, JANI'.1 BY 9, IRK omotimpr,imxrionitur,ert.--,.......tmimeeemmteero-,,,i,xingnesoaraeumnimma.,,..,,rx.cmerimeimiiii,mtt,.."-tioitur.M.eimmemrp.:...rxremttff:em=rAioramietrintitin4=r.repirm,.._,-,mmisttainiptrew,irmnimitrettrate.rmatrerirravartnr.orercameinteme-trxerrytri-tortnermw,,.. „ time. A low vjico broau thy silonco 0.f the night, EARM ATONEIYIEN TSistor,' 01(0 said; 'pray licomm that BY BERTHA. M. CLAY, Author or tt Thrown on Mao World, "A. Dan entrod /Mb." etc. ••+...•43....,•••••••• 41 I may not die.' " 'Why, my dear ?' I asked. "More aro root and pcaeo iu death,' - " "There is something butter in life,' o sho said. "Ehoro is flint; for repel llanco. Pray for um that I niny not dio, but that I may livo, and sulfur, and relent.' 'Von litter from hor, my dear." "Yea" ropliod Agatha. f ; Rot she took tho losson to lwaot, and purer praycd again that she might filo, d, day canio when to thu grcftt • ea lief of madam°, tho eotint - was ablo to r, bo carried home, Agatha, too, was recovoring thon, and had boom° a great favorite with all the too.41 sit The improssiou that her beautiful untural character niatio 11 thorn all was ao good that 110 one 11'1 h speted her, oven ever Se faintly, of the least wremadoing. CHAPTER X XXIX, n, "1 B..tVn ,41)N Countess du To rutty sat alone in 0 la 1 .14111.6cent boudoir, a room eo furnished that it might have to rake one of 111e white eyelids. "It is the braio," ho said to hims01 "I 1,0 10(1 as much." "2.1,,st probably, sistor," lie 501(1, 010(1 "tine is tho swoon that often preced brain fevor. 11 will go hard with he poor child 1 Nothing is kuown 011101', I supposoo" "Nothing," ropliol the sister, olYhoo they carriod in ntensiour lo 0011111, she Was found jnst as you & 0 Ian 11011' 111 the porch. Tito Counteow do Tiornay has taken charge of her, as an act of grail- - tole, she says, for her son's almoot miraculous escape from (loath," suddenly the fair head stirred, au the .boantiful eves opened wide, with vacant stare. "Vane 1 Vane 1" she cried, and th doctor looked at tho sato!. "Vane Cana1" sl • • t .1 -• 1 tilo locl looking Nvisely 01 1110 sister. said • "That is It natne- ..ft is a droll cue," said tlio good 'quit ti tl y arc:, jt.s., a 11'1 le ,11,,,11, 11,eitIJ1I. sta'" ; Pew vho 1 1111,1. 1, 1111' tit, If we know st.tay cr it 0011, '18." `•\• . „Ile!" 067,1 1,0 „;:•-1 1.. : : srbi! "Vano, 11.r0 a 1,•,,171;', 111711:?." t (non' :" t••,., ei 1_ -1 : ger, ea prepart.il for all empress. Tho 1,0:11 was a fit shrine for the hemisome, t : ly Avointau who u.ed „•11088 won, 1)11118 of (('11 11101) ttit,.1110.1 01111 1010 point 1,,ee m• iti , mond 11''5011111'•ill:ACTS, ,I1051,00:1 b1o011 the rich 1.1 0. \\ atit tl.11.11.ing do (ply. Silo ..5 o,-1),,1 a It Lot' thiit. morning from '-:11.s.3oLg that the young Eng- .... :...1 now convalescent, 1511,11 111,1 ° o',. .1, wan Lett for ethyl,. • 1..•.0a1 51(10 101 'r. 2 0. :a% 01 5. 1.10, '5111 11111) e • s 111. 17- , 11 to /1,k if 1110/ tt n 1 I,.1 yuerit to lier. She \Vat; to be done. ;• , • . 1:10' (('5)1, end m (0 1 .\ 1!11,. '•It. wilt 1,0 1:' hears you my chi,1,' 1 stii..1; but A.!.:1111a onl looked at 1101' 1. ;1h bes,eehing eyvS, ani utter,. her 1: and cry 1" "Drain 1101"," said the doctor, "ant it Lo a 1111 case', bat 18 in goo( 1ta111,, YOU Cart CIa DritIting 1003:0 a irr,s, iv; :bail 1100100 to the hood." rah, sister took tho long golden :15110rod lkr into r : ‚(501,s-,ood 5 • ;. :"lo s under the 1. The 0101005 haa , I 4,:t, 1)01 thty pur- 1 ! eloo. ,l a alain Hack ,lrea, and amines t t1..1„.„ 111(1-1111,111 1.o 1 11.1a(10 • 11[A.: 11•111 111,, Lame contrast. Th o 1 a elan lor figure oar. rah, I.canti• ..1 la. 1 hor in wonderin 1 atintiraMet, she 1.1,1y seeu oio in her hand, tho lovim heart shining out of her eyes. os hope this will not ho cut off," sho said. "We will save it, if possiblo," he replied. "Vane, Vane 1" cried tho girl. A burning flush mounted to her face.; hor eyos were full of wild, burning light; the whito hands beat the air helplessly; the, golden bea(1 was tossed incessantly to and fro; tho quick, rapid cry of " ane, ano 1" never stopped. "That will be trying," said tho doctor, s8 the voice 10011)01 to a scream of keen distress; "it 'i11 be very trying for you, sister." "It is worst) for her," said tho kindly wonian-"much worse." But the time came. when Sister Anua woul11 have given anything for relief from that omi pierciud cry. It never ceased ; at ono time it was low and ten. der, then it rose lute a prolonged wail of despair. As the fever grew higher, sho began to tall) about other thim4s. She lay and murmured something of n, chureh-Cf fair•facod saint with a Paloabranch-of her mother's grave ; but all ended in the cry for - tine." Sho most have suffered terribly, the sisters sail. "5110 has a tine, though delicate, cou- etitution, and tho fight will bo for dear life," the doetor said. The cottutess hursoIf cam() often to bodside, and mom than onco her eyes tilled with tears as she Imolai that ever pathetic cry, "Vane, Vane 1" Than came, the thno of recovery, when by degrees the cruel mist cleared away, and memory, mere cruel still, ciamo in its place. Good Sister Anna will never forget the day when the beautiful oyes looked iu her own, and the weak voice asked : "Sister, where am 1" "In the Hospital of St. 101111, 1117 child. Heaven bo praisesl that you can speak sensibly " "Where 1 -in what place 2" "You aro in Paris, my dear," answered the num "Paris I thought I livod by a lake," she said, "Paris 1 Ilow did I coin here 1" "I cannot tell you ; 00 found you in the old stone porch." Slowly enough the memory of it came back to her. A stone porch, with a great crimson lamp burning. Ali 1 and a crucifix hanging on the wrdl. She could sec the -white face and tie:crown-thorned head, Why had shy couni there -Thou she svas in a railway traiii, travelling by 511, 111 and by day ivith Rimed ; and then was standing ou tho terraco, with •- arie standinaabefore her, and tolling a over aud over again, that sho had ar been married, and she was not . sorsa; wife. Sho remembered it all Ewa. :Olio 1 ist tho g '11 11,, 1i1111 of Cht 111.0 "do you thiiik (101 1,) sooloa, dal?" "I ''11')..,,i,ticar," woo the gmtlo once or, "oh, 1,110' for 1110 that 111105 die. God hears Om rayons of good pooplo pray that 11(105 "lkath 1)5 5101 always bolter than life," amid tho Mater. "Yon differ from 1110 1051 young girl wboin I nursed." "Do 1? In what way 1" ello asked, intorested ha what tho oister WPM stiyhig. "Ali, my dear, she 018 a, young ;orl, just like You, but Froneh-nob 'English; ( 151101 1110 French aro so emotional, you lcnow-so quick. She had boon in great I trouble, and Om doctor said ho thought sho would die. In tho middlo of 1110 night I was sitting with hor, and I shall never forgot how I was startled at the fat face wvro seen co ativautago than 'would have been tne MSC in ilDy 011100 1. :11adamo noticed. Om air of distill( tion, tho high-hred grace, tho elegarce of evory attitado. •• This girl is a lady," sho said to her- ! self-" a perfect lady." Sho smiled Idndly, and hold out her , jeweled. hand in greeting. "1 ampleased to seo you, dear child," she said. " Como nearer to me." A ottlia, went np to her. r " should like you to understand," she said gooey, " the source of my in- i terest in you. I have FM only ROD. Do you know what an only son is to tho t mother who adores him I adore my t son -ho is tho whole world to me. t Soma timo since, as you know, Ivo 00(0 returning from a bail together, and by s some aoeideut onr carriage was nearly dostrOy0t1, and ho was almost killod. Ho was taken to the hospital, and by the prompt, kindly skill thore displayed, his life was saved. Yon, poor child, had taken refugo there the same night, and when Iheard of smu I volved, as an society ('011 would worry wall," " Oh, no, inada1110 I 5111111 la Tho W(itti 15100 WC) W J1151 li tlo paler. 1(1 IultryS," 010 replied ; " and yoor rau so far above wino --- that I- wc rather ;tot. If you aro l',"),1 ,n,H;;;I tal:, any interest in ino. ,,, 1110 1,0 taught to work. I do loo 11015' that I C0111.11 0 111111. try tit (1111' "Iwayri eto .love I, 1 I leisnro to think 1 shttlf Most totrelyti " It shall ho Ittit yttll WW1." 51111 What Nvould you 11.1. to 1 111)111 would you el 100s0 ?--Stutio " "I should like to 1nalto Rio useful to others," sai41; " and 1 1 children. I think, luatiatne, if you willing, I should like to be a governes " 1 11111111 it is a very sensii.lo duel, sion," replied madame, She was silent for monio ininutos, dur- ing -which Agatha watched her auxi• ously. Then sho spoke. W1:at aro your qualitivotions, 1 dear O" sho asked, .• What eotdd y teach ?" " :Music," replied Aaall,a, her fa bright, ;thug-. undor.,ta.s.1 it wo and Frunch, and Italian ; and. 1111111 0113 1L 1)0(111 English scholar " A, very fair list of quail Omtion nai.t madame, well pleased. " cour4e, there will be a dilli'colty alo situatiolle at first -you had latter tat ono wit11 50101, ond stay with 11 as my. 0.,•Iprinion for Silt MUD You can read to me, write 1 letkrs, r1ty tr) 111“ - for I lo music. Von (10(11 not he gron--,y.ta o 11a)e 1,,,, 5,0.5; r,:.1 0,1:tet I hay., i tots-- 1,1 :10 1 hr. 1,00 0::011 wr -yea ex: :11v r 11 1*1.. '. T111211, W11 111' till! ' 1.1 05% Ii`••• yon ni 411 1m0.11, 1 011 c) ; 5,0111 tmnwel. 111,m2.., pm f,,cr.,1 5,11ln anywh,,re.," 1 010,3111, 1410 ; " full of oro. tudo. ,os, ..1 anno! 51(151(1,1 1 boa,. • , • loss 1,,r you S" I 15 • ••, •oy dom. el,' 1143 111.1 '11 yam. bounsy 5, 11. 'aloud: Item -tat •‘ When [11)' 10 room," SD ik;.;t10111, " 11011 tiqi is IiilVo 1;011iltirt what won1.1 Lecoolo mo whon 1 too! well. dal Lot 2,111 k le mitt 1 i ....._.. „ . i 1 to let MI; Sol - • . r111-: l'SI,IllfaIGNED WILI, SEI.I. tilt ,, , „ , .„,,,,„ , ,,, , ,. 1 llits .i. cxellitrg! for itilm mt.1.501,y flea ;Lot kl 0: ,Q I Lit I 1...., 1. 10 ? 1, ilrusi oh., ..,uitoihlt.0 110 nu; os of 01 14.1 nu To. wlnol, 0101 1. ji. tt mit il iiriob: ilWidihit• 1.4111.1 frame Niro. Fer unrtitmlnrs Apply lo Straight tonne with I i 11 iluita i 1 0,1.! ityltat when. -IS. JOHN Gila:Wall , Brussels., n.morso. ( All(5) y to A. HUNTER, ItIONEY (G'0 LEND, For 8ale, iAny ammo: of 111011.110 10111, roam or V I. heti 1,10001ty - 000 aro 5(5 - • • 015 e0 11 : ,-. I atet 11 I (ID. Court Clerk, larimsels, le ' - assavA .osa\'04- sav'asse 4 01,0 inal1mno. ±01.71,a cure from my hci• 1. 1 thatili.y.':." " must into details nt,...•." 511 madame.. " course, you nvo gni unprovidoti with dooss, and holeed everything else 1" •• I am, indoed," said. Agatha, ,Ifatianao opened. her desk., and tools. from it a bank note. " That will provido you with TWO ( three neat dresoeo, mid all that you want besides," sin; said, " and you may repay me, my dear, whon you grow mcwo days, and Agatha was nett,. 1101 in 1110 lua orioun mansion of lie C.,,Intei,s Ticretty. Every at. ention was paid to hor. She litol 00 very nice romre, and she had hue for herself ; nothono W110 by no menus an oxacting OM; liven 351 time he became greatly at -oohed to t1 mantiful English girl whose swect fru- vasidways BO Bait 1o0rti 1itir vory much, and the more time she 510016 with hor the mow sho admired her, so. purity of her charnelor, tho 1511.110, noble simplicity that could hardly eve!, ...corie76 4 -F•17 ma?, • 51 , 11 omprehend deceit or to ea t mess in 011100.1, 10 15110511, opiritual min.1 ; the wry t1,9. ,oloe,1 SO IlUttli:11! 1, her of 1111111;as num of bet105.0 ,Inai of earth, al lamed the eounts. "1 ou like to visit tho poor," slut said to her one day; "you shall have ettri,, blanche ; there aro ovor a hundred families at least that .1 should like to assist. Yon 811011 bo almoner." And something of the old light camo ack to her when 5110 was onco more of 150 to the poor. Tho intolerable senso degradation under which she had ufforod mid smarted, seemod lessened. 1100 more the swoet did its work mong the poor wounded hearts, brought uslaino where darkness had long famed. The first day of her residenco in that ;sorb maueion, tho couutess asked 1101 hat as hor namo. act of gratitude to Heaven, I would tl inako you nay special care. Aro you s, willing that this should he so ?" • " Yon overwhelm nu) with gratitudo, el madame, sho replied, sioth tears in her oyes. "Nay, I would not do that, dear child. You agreo to becomo my charge -that is well. Do not think that I wish to pry into your life, or ask any questions; there is but ono I must ask, and Illy heart answers it before my lips speak it. One cannot help seeing that you 1 b ot have had a laisfoatuile of soma kind or g other. Toll me, quite frankly, has it 0 been your own fault?" To herself, this kindly lady admitted. 011 that it would. be just as easy to emus() re au angel from heaven. Agatha looked at her with a pale, su tearless faco. "I hardly know how to aussvor your quostion, madame," sho said. "1-1011 far I am to blame in tho oyes of God I know not. I never had the least inteu- tion of wrong in my life; but 1 am afraid that I am weak, credulous, and ignor• ant enough to stand worthy of blame 02 012 vo beforo !lotto= 1111 " Poor child!" said madame, think. qu ing how wicked ally. one must havo boon to take advantago of such innocence as , 01 hers. ha Very hard and labor things havo boon (05111 to me," slit; continued; " cyanid tell you if I deserve thom, can only say that of myself 1 would at any thue iirefer dealt to sin • but I have been mum! agamst. Madamo, lay eh( clear young mother mulled 1110 Agatha ,thu after tam fair young saint on tho old 1r0 church window -a saint with a halo 1 " round lier bead and a palm branch in 'la ow rigl "There is nothing in a name," said aclame, laughing, "still I 111UFA havo e for you -sou ought to be called ily,' you are just like ono. Yesterday lion you threw my blue shawl over ur arni, you lookod to roe so exactly o ono of Raphaol's Madonnas, was ito etartlotl." "31y Immo is Brooke," said Agatha - silo tho countoss had boon. talking sho d been thinking, and tho result of her cision was that oho -would take ro falso Immo, that Alio would 1058 110 roloo. disguiaos. She had dam nothi»g dolt had compelled lier to Malo hersolf, "aly Immo is Broolco," ropoated • theo bowod hor head, whilo a groat, fitful 311 roso to her face, "I will not hide 111 you madame," she said, "that for hoot thno in my lifo, bore another 1310 Nvbich. I equally belioved to bo my n ; but I had boon doceived; I had no it to it," Igor hand, and her story is this, that silo proferred to die retina' than to offend God. I would do just tho same," The fair, pure faco, the tender eyee, tho sweet, sensitive lips, the cloar, vibrating voice, all impressed madame. " I boliovo you," elai said; " and trust you. Tho quostion is at an encl. Whatovor misfortune may havo boon, it was not, I am euro, your fault, Now you intuit deohle your life la your OWil way; 10a00 h110 decision with you. You aro a, lady 2" "1 am a dootor's daug,fhtoa," add Sgatha, simply, and madame smiled. "By appoaraneo, education, and man. And madame rospootod the frank young soul that strugglod. against all deceit and untruth. A hap He worn hon Aga foot Cou tho pro nor, you aro evidently a lady, woll you pialilled to take your place in any and society. Now I. offer you your choice. A 10 adopt you, in gratitudo to tIoavou. sido You will forgivo rny frank speaking if I wom toll you that yens aao so beautiful and in t whining, that if 1 11101Q11111110 you into nee 11 went on gayly, pleasantly, and pily until tho young count returned. had been in the south of Prance fol o '(1001(5 for Ills lioalth, and returival 1 and strong. Ho had boon in tho so sumo fow days before ho own saw 0110.. When thoy mot, it was at 1.110 of the grand staircase, and Henri, 1111 (10 Tierna,y, good in (10111105 at fair English gni: Ho made her a found bow, Ho was a lino, gallant ng follow, bravo as 10 lion, but vain, he 001151(101011 himself irresistible. olc from his lino oyes was, he eon, red, all aarow in tho heart of any 9.04 Franco was the filleSt wintry he world ; Frenolinion tho grandest ; Vrench women adorable.; Vreisch ao' t•voIa,:a atasasatts--- MRS. A. COMES 3IA1!CILING, LOAF, A( -LUN. From Lori: 1 Mina j.,;,ful ring, Hurrah 1 11 ntrali 'Tis Alexander 111:1110 s1ge.111, : 1.1111,1)! 101. Tyrol: to Olt 101,11.1 rouvultl, 1111 01(11)43' When by Aknamlor. Slug Grey ut.,1 :IA,: 1 1,4 fluty:Ill1 Thar:1h I Got iinia-ry, Itursuli I 1.10:mill: !!!, tIluti 11 oil t 11 74 1:1! 1.1.5 0 Lit '(1. 1.'.,' .\\ 00100 laid 1!.(V. -t 5011 rcrr, Wore all c).,:51'11,11 5.013 At AI, 01,21,1. 1''' rinmilataa, .,'.rooarois, Tinsels, Oriental Como 111 1(4111), Veiv 03s, .111 11, New Moldings, such vs fic•itien red, 5isuls rry, Fur,l1 Alw W 1 1 1 1111 1111X Sharulrl. Ita• 118 rupluir (.onvtrtu 1 111,1 thy very Lore,;.1 rroctiorls the SettFon Teacillo : R D 150 frL? `klf • Anti 11111 as in the pa:it fo eucluirlf 11.y 'V( ,1-5111 131111 Ore 10 the 111-olltio'e the winsome looks of long ago. BA R. ALFXANDFR, '1. . iOr . o , - -' .s': .\I. i 0 -z.-4,1dk , -q- , air,a...‘.. 1,, , 1 , , • !, er: , t -1 .... '''... 1. :::.,_1q17::5•371 t,'.42 CT. Ls. oo s • ; •••-• Crotn.,1 from clonr nn -21 pima t‘r " c7rcin.V.v ek: tO rntn'in 5111151111 vi.. I ;51; 1'..,-'l'-,'-' 1110 molt 07'1 :17177,Y; * : .... !:! 3 .2711 " : nu. PIIELAN, Kingston rut IMAINET DILL Ottawa ' - • • ... t --• • •' purposo tho•,, aro 1,vitlIcul. DR. RAND, Chief' Supt, Edo., :s. n. DR, j. IV. MACDONALD, V. P. Med. Con. DR. JENIIINGS, 0. P. Med. Asso„ Can. DR, MARSDEN, Pres, Coll. ('11150and Sorg., 1'.Q. DR, SLAVTER, Pres. Med, Conn., N.S. J They suppir to those Will; -.very derangement of vision, writes- Tlutt he testifies to ,ho op, ol shill of Mr. 11. Taurean i Tao yenrs suffered with roin in the eyes, gless.imairefy relieved them. • hove hail Teeny opporemities f judging 01 111015 021-, ceilent quallties. ‘1,V,5.11 1 recommend them 10 my 1013,510, - f Recotnnu:ncling asasleilful, experienced and reliable 1 practical uptichtn. writes- Thoroughly well posted In your profession. Da. ShWEI.I., Dean Med, Inc. Laval writes- I recommend you asn optician worthy or patronag,e rm. 11. C. XIERTIETZT, P.R.C.S. Chicle( 11. 1\ 1. Med. StafP 'Writes- where Lenses are required, consult Mr. Laurance DR. TO11/11, F.R.C.S., Halifax DR, ALMOND, SENATOR DR. 0, STERLING RYERSON Toronto DR, C. E. MARTIN, Toronto DR, SULLIVAN President 1110(3. As.m., Canada CMEE JUSTICE MACEIONIALI) 3415, sErsr,vrou, ARCH/BALD mint? JUSTICE sra WM, vourro JOIIN 1170011, ALP, J. MACKENZIE., 11111. C.150, Kingston A, G. 13LAIR, Esq., Premier MA LT,GOV, IIAVILAND, P.E,I, REV. IPATIIER BOLDUC, Quebec PETER LYNCH, Esq., Q.C., Dram LE CURE DE QUEBEC Ai, E. WAIISIX, Esq., Sec. Alin. Interior DEAN On' ONTARIO 1,t..Gen, Sir 11, illobOUGALL, 11.C.011)0, Writes- Ira Ingram& paused with tho selection made, Thousands of other residents (11 1114,015,, inelpling the grantost names among ill° Faculty, have also testified tO hair value as Aids 1(5 5150(0)1, writes- Vomit' them wall cut and thoroughly serviceable articles. write,..! I watiihic,nardille,t,luitr,o0r11.1.,IiLrIaLlin.01,igollit, iritli comfort, re 1 n ti 8 previous. writes- I believe you to be n thoroughly practical optiolen. writes- Setter satisfaction than any I Imo tried hitherto. writes- !{ 1 '7:06trtni::111;trocr gilY150 ::27C;ig':g Mu' 03 n writes- [They gave the highest Anti/traction. writes- Lhava experionced grant satisfaction rrom their We. „it°, give n clegrer and purer light under gas than rmy have previously obtained here or elsewhere. %wit,- For ease or comfort they extol any I have ayes used. Carelitlly constructed, good llefimng power and glosses I in each frame of equal focal length. writes- Of the comfort und nrostanag experienced. writ._ .1 I noitle,ro,expertoneed any strain upon iny eyes tifto using writes- That hentindi them sunerlor to nay praviously mach •0111.05,-• Using ono pnir Lnurtmee's spas for years with grant satisfhation and lienelit to my eyes. writes- Ira is more thou satisfied with dm seelection writes- The glossas milt achnirably and give every satisfaction, f the grant comfort end relief found in tho wearing MOS* 1 or G. A. DEIAD1 AN. Ag auto' We' MIN