HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-1-9, Page 5JANUARY 9, 1889. THE BRUSSELS POST 7 CANADIAN 11YMN. lir ,,. It TArroit, Willie freedom's whit() banner shall reign tit" ascendant, \VIulc honor dufendoth Jho canes of the brave, While Lay.•, 'Truth nod Justice, in emblems respl( mien!, Embmlile the empire, and beacon rho wave, (lc forward, in triumph, strong one of the forest, Hope's star and Iho lily of peace( on each breast ; Your Rea.circled garden embellish with labor ; Glad demos be her valleys, from east to rho west 1 .Wrom where the blue Atlantic ariseth. in splondor, To whore the dark waves of Super- ior sleep, May Canada, boast that her horoos defend her, And nurtured to glory bur vigil stars hoop, No parasite woods round Igor pillars (f glory, By bravo hearts protrded, and braver hearts won ; No traitor's alrection shall tarnish tlnc story, That down tho long ages, in glory, • shall run 1 But should war's angel unfold ins roil herald, Command its loud ihundor awaken our short( ; Should thn warm hearts of out loves be, itnporillyd, Or tyrant dishonor the shrines wo adore ; Set round yi•ur heart, Jilin a holo of glory, All the sitar genie oi' your country 1:ni1 hunk ; Gird on the armor of Right, Truth and honor, Fight, ---fight, till, immortal, yon coupler your doom ! Listow.ei J. A. Hacking is to be Mayor for 1689. PO candidates prsseri the entrance examination, Tho editors of the Banner and Standard war° both in tho field this year for eldernanic honors. \Vm. Lowe was. presented with a kindly worded address by the L. 0, L. on the eve of his departure for Tilbury. Lssex Co. A. 1'. AND A. 1I.—The following of. floors wore clouted for the ensuing yoar:—V. W. 13ro. John Nichol, 10, 3; W. ; Bro, C. Hacking, S. 4\I. ; Bro. T. Blackmore, J. W. ; W, Bro. S. M. Smith, Chaplain; Jiro. Win, Spears, Trcasnror; W. J. Ferguson, Soerolary; J, 0. I3ttrt, 5..O. ; A. AL Sloan, 11. 1)„ J. 1). ; 1). 1), Camp. boll, D. of 0. Emil Hees, S. S.: J, 13. J)iukle, 3, U. ; W.C. Kidd, LG.; Geo. Lortz, Tyler. BY-LAW NO. 10, —OP THL— tna.AC,h OG' iinliViELit DOMC 1858. A By-law, to raise by way of loan tho sum of five thousand dollars for the par - poem hereival ter mentioned. W11Etuii ale Municipal Council of rho Village of Brussels, in tho County of Hur- on, hero resolved to raise by way of loan, tho sum of live thousand dollars for the purpose of lending the same, for a term of ten years, without interest, to Goorgo llowo, of rho said Villago of Brussels, Woolen Manufacturer, to assist the said George Hove, to purchase a lot within the Corporation of the said Village of Brussels, and to erect and build a Woolen Mill thorc. on, and tb fit rho same up with necessary and propos plant and enachinory. And to raise the said mousy 11 will be necessary for the said Municipal Couuatl to issue do. beuturos for tho said sum of [Ivo thousand dollars. And, whereas, it will require tho sum of three hundred and ninety-otght dollars, to bo raised annually, by special rate for the payment of the said debt as horoivaftor maatiT,Led and the sum of throe hundred dollars, annually by spacial rain, for the payment of the info:est, as lroroinaftor montioucd, Aud, whereas, the amonnt of the whole rateable proporty of tho said Corporation, irrespective o£ any broom in the nature of tolls, interests, dividends, routs or fete from sail property, and luso irrespoativt of any income to bo derived from tho temporary invostmont of the sinking funds, or any part thereof, according to rho last Assess - Mont Roll of ,the said Corporation, as final- ly rovisocl, being for blur yoar 1889, is throe hundred and thirty -ono thousand, eight hundred and twonty.fivo dollars, And, whereas, thio existing debenture debt of rho said Corporation, is as follows —Two hundred and sixty dollars under By-law No. 5 for 1870 and interest, Fivo thousand dollars under Bylaw No. 7, for 1878, and intarost at savon per Dent, from the first clay of J'anttary last, Twenty thou. and dollars under By-law Numbor 8, for 1878, and interest at seven per cent. from rho .first day of January last, Two thousand two hundred dollars ardor By- law ylaw No, 9, for 1878, and interest at savon per cant, from tho first day of January last, and two thousand ono hundred and fifty- five dollars balance duo Oho Townships of Groy and Morris in respect of Railway And, whereas, for paying the inturust Mid creating an equal yearly sinking fund for ropey:in. dm paid principal anal of flue thcus-uul dt .htra, it will require au equal annual special tette of two and ons -fourth stills its the dollar in addition to all other rates to bo levied each your, And, ,vheroits, it is Mello uenessary appoint the line and pleas for taking votes of the duly qualified elaetors and appoint a i.tututnlog oflioor to take votes of Oho said electors, lie it therofatu emoted by tint corpora. tion of the Village of limeade, in tho Unnu- Lby o8 Huron. 1. --That it shall and may ha lawful for I tho alt Munia[pality tc issue debentures to tltu to the ' to the amount of five thousand dollars for tin purposo abovo mentioned. 2, ----That for tho purpose aforesaid it shall and may bo lawful for the Reeve of the said Village of Brussola, and he Js hero - by authorised and roquirod, to some any number of dobtutures to be made and is- sued to the amount of tho said sum of live thousand dollars, in sums of not less than ono hundred dollars each, and that the said debentures shall be sealed with Oa seal of the said Municipal Corporation and signed by the Reeve and Clerk thereof. 3.--Thatuonoofthe said debentures shall be made payable at the expiration of a longer period than ton years from the date aitpoint(td for this By-law to take MUM, and that they shall bear interest at rho tato of six per Gent, per annum, from such day which intoreat shall be payable yearly on rho first day of February in oath yoar at Mu office of the Tronsnror of the said Municipality. 4.—That for the purpose of forming a sinking fund for the payment of tuts said debentures an equal annual sum of throe hundred and ninety -night dollars, shall, in addition to all ether rates bo raised, levied and collected by special rate upon all the ratoablo property in the said Corporation, during tho continuando of the said deben- tures, or any of them, and for the purpose of paying the interest of the said deben- tures an equal mutual sum of three loud, red dollars shall in addition to all other ratan be raised, levied and collected by special rates, upon all rateable propanty lis Lite said Corporation during the continu- ance of the said debentures, or any of them. 8.—Before any of the said debentures aro handed over to the said George Rowe, Ito shall satisfy the Reeve, of the said mnu- foipnlity, that uta Inas parchased this lands and promises hereinafter tnontiotted, and that uta has aroctod thereon a proper and suitable IVoolon Mill, substantially built of brisk, with stone foundation, two stories high, roofed with shingles laid in mortar, and of Ma dimensions of fifty feet by sixty feet, with all necessary and suitable out- buildings, additions anti erections, after which lee shall be entitled to recoivo to the amount of two thousand dollars of rho said debentures, but the balance of said doben- tures shall nob bo handed over to the said Goorgo Howe until after he has satisfied the Reeve, of Otto said Municipality, that he has all proper plant and machinery, necessary for the proper and oft"icieut work- ing nod running of a one sot woolen mill placed in the said building and that the said mill, plant and machinery is and aro in complete running order and condition, and fuutlror that the said tnill, plant, site and machinery ars nt least of tho valuo of night thousand dollars. Nor nnloss and until the said Goorgo Bowe shall have in- sured tho said mill and the plant and ma- chinery therein against loss or damage by fire in the sunt of five thousand dollars in favorof, or for the benefit of, tho said Mun- icipal Corporation in sumo insurauoo Coin- pany authorized to do business in Canada and approved of by the said Mnuieipal Corporation, and shall havo transferred and assigned the policy so to bo issued and mit- ered into it binding coyottaot with tho said Municipal Corporation to kaop the stone on foot. And farther that Oho said dsbontnros ahallnoObe delivered up as aforesaid nnloss and until flee said Goorgo Howe shall havo duly oxecated and delivered to the Reeve, of the said Municipal Corporationn mort- .gago in favor of the said Corporation, with bar of dower, securing tiro repayment of tho auto of five thousand dollars, without interest, at tho expiration of ten years from the day on which this By-law is to tako af- fect, an the following lands and premises namely .111 that part, er portion, of Lot Number three hundred and thirteen, (913) in tho Village of Brussels, in the County of Hur- on, mora particularly dosoribed as follows: That is to say, oommen0tug at the North- wost angle of said Lot, thence running southerly along T'urnborry Street, as laid out on tho plan of tho said Village of Brns- sols, sixty foot to a paint ; then easterly, parallel with the northern boundary of said lot to the roar thereof ; than along rho rear or eastern boundary of said lot sixty foot to the north -oast anglo of said lot ; thonea along Olio northern boundary, there- of, 0 tits place of beginning, together with rho buildings and emotions thereon in no- oordanco with the terms of this By-law. Suoft mortgage to contain covenants on rho piart of rho said Goorgo Howe to ]coop tho fpretirisos insnrocl in conformity with tho ovisions, and to koap Onto said mill, plant 1 n aohiuory in as good repair told 000 - tion as on the giving of said mortgage, cl to include all rho plant and machiu- ty in or about Otto said WO0i011 Mill or to brought on to rho said preutises. Such ortgago is also to bo a first charge or lfou bhp said lauds and premisos, the mill, ant and machinery, anis to contain a nt of foreclesuro on nonperformnnao of y of ilio covenants and oonditioua Blore - as well as for. nonpayment of rho stoney ure(l thereby. i,—Thal this By.law shall cornu into 0o and take effect upon and after tiro ret clay of June, ono thous aid eight hen- od and oighty-font('. 7,—That tho votes of the °lectors of this nidipality shall bo taken on this By -Jaw Tuosday the thirteenth day of May, 4, conmenoing at the hour of vino o' - thin the forenoon, and from Guinea con- ning until tho hour of five o'eloolc in rho ernoon, at Oho Town Hall, in the said Jago of Brussels, and that George I. aper, the Clark of the said Mnnl0ipality, 11 be and is hereby appointod tho Sco- rning Cram at said polling place. ,•--That the Clorlc, of rho said Munioi. Corporation of tho Village of Brussola, 11 at the hour of twelve o'clock, noon, WW0(1110(4143,, tho fourteenth day of May, P. 1884, at the Town Hall, fn rho said P'' an di nn or bo m on pi rig an in 600 for Pi dr Mu 011 188 oto tin aft Vil Co she to 8 pal she, On A. debt and shote is nothingin nrruar and uu; ago of Braseols, sun up rho number of votes given for and against tho By -late and paid either for prinoipal or interest, grant the requisite oortilioato tlier'oundor, 11„ --Phut the Rouyn of Mu said Itfnnfoi- ptttity shall attend at this 'Town Hall, on Monday the 12th day of May, A. 1), 18s,1, at the hour of eight o'cloak in the ovuning, for the purpose of appointing pOreomt to attend at the polling place aforesaid and rho final snmhting up of the votes by the Clark, respectively, on behalf of persons interested in end promoting or opposing the passage of tho By-law, roapootively, NOrR' Q CE. Tho above is a true' copy of a proposed Jl,v-law to bo taken into consideration by rho Municipal Corporation of the Village of Brussels, after the expiration of ono month front the date of the first publication of said Ily.ltuw iu the following nowapapor namely "Tho 13rnssols Post,” and that tiro ' aid I3y-law was first published ou rho alevontil cloy of April, A.O. 1004, and Mitt at Otto hour, day and placo therohl fixed for taking tho votes of the electors the polis Will be held, G, E, Commit, Clerk, 14x4 ethos. At tho entrance examination to the High School, at Listowol, Greco surf Mary Walker, of this township puss. ad, taking 312 aurl 810 rnttrks res. pectively. 80 candiclatatos were suc- cessful, Rev. 0. L. McCrea, son of our es- leorned friend Jno. biaCrao, of Coburg, Was home •fora w00k's visit. lie has been laid np for weeks froln ttil 1:001 dent caused by being thrown out of a vehiolo. Tho pupils of S. S. No. ti, ,isms :t most enjoyable day with their teaeh- or and sono friends on Friday, 2511 ult. Tuosday had been Almon:med as closing day, but on aeconut of the inclement weather it wets thought ad. visa blo to puatpolio till friday. Though it war, understood that 010 exorcises of this day wore for tilt child. ren's amusement shin), fifty visitors pat m an appearance, among; them three rev. gentlemen. An exe float program wets provided, consisting of short speeches, roeitations, dialogues, solos, dhotts and choruses. This was followed by the distribution of presents from a welt loaded Xmas tree, for the pupils which were remit'. od by that ditto folks with jubilant satisfaction, and by the older ones with gratitude, as the gifts wore tokens of remembrauoo and affection frotn their teacher. Mr. Reid has savored his connections with this school much to the regret of all interested parties, and his uameroua frionds in this coln- muuity. Wo have been informed by several of the visitors at tho public examination that it likewise was a grand success, and though much had been expected of teacher and pupils the seventy visitors present wero nu. nnrtnous in their verdict that their pro -estimation was much too low. A number of ratepayers expressed them- selves on tho platform at the close ns more than delighted with the state and appt•arluhcu of tho school, also nt the quiet activity, thoughtfulness, and knowledge of this pupils, their Sweet singing end excttllent reading, receiving special comment. in the County Court OP THE C'OUN'T ( OF HURON. An tete Abater of Partition BETWEEN DAVID CAMPBELL, Plaintiff, AN1 Nauay Stewart Campbell, .Marlon Mc- Neil, Roil. Campbell James Oaniphall, hlyslo or Marion C,imuuosii, Holes Campbell, Char - lotto Oomph all, flush Campbell, Donald Camp- bell, John Campbell, Isabella Campbell, Ed. ward Cam�iip�bell, Drumm Campbell, Margaret Haulm, Willie a Regime, hisses' Campboll, Angus Campboll,0athertc Cauldor, Alexand- er Omlder, John Cam]tbull, ltu tto to Campbell, Donald Campbell, James Campbell, NOtl Campbell, John Duneauaon, Noll Duncanson, A00hibald Dnnaausan, Agues Clark, (merge Clark, Flora hfolianate, Wtiliatu Motionzia, ls- abell,t Kelly, idea Kelly, Peter Kelly, Marion ltausido, 161iliaul ltaoshlu, Donald aforoury, Margaret hroLourv, Eii'abetu MaLotery, Mary Campl,oll,llnra Rose, Mary Bennott, Robert nounott George Cuthbert, the Odor, /scholia hlillo1. it lard Minor, Mary Cuthbert Pam:Cuthbert, Duncan Cntbhort, hlysio m' Marion 9uth Orland Aloxautltr Sutherland, Itlizabuth gy(t unpbuil, the alder, Elisabeth ('•nmuholl 0 0 01,130 1Titrt malt Carolina 113, George tn,,oNol, Campbell, James Campbell, Colin Can+ pimp Outman Oampboll, Barbara AloNcll and Neil MONeil, and Elisabeth (luttlbart, Flora Cuth- bert, Robort Cuthbert, (too rge Cuthbert, rho younger, Amnia Cuthbert, Susan Blinn Catup. bull and nryaia Lomita Campboli, tho past seven being infants under the ego of twentyouo yogis. --D a fetus au ts, To the shots nanlod.T)efmllhalte ani apt no- kuoWn porsonahnvlrig or olnhntug any estate or interest 1.0 tha lauds an promisor( horotu- oftor partiottlarly ttssarghad: You, and each nod ever of you, are hereby Ono required to to notice Met tho I'otition for partition of certain lands and promisee name. yAll theso certain percale or troats of band noel peautisoa 01 uitto,lying nod being to rho andfo hil}t part fu rho Obor mi buten, and forming part at Lot nutubor thirty,Township bis rho tenth rri Cooreneton of rho said Towcship 01 iota Morris, more particularly dosoribed as village of sntunblag seven and Eight, 1Cno.'e survey, of rho 'Village of Walton, 110 laid ulnwrl on n pDlass Arecae by 11, Mal'ltil ups, l', 1,. 8•, and etg- ostorudn; no 130gglairy teles Ito tba Conroy to Marna ; and Twenty, In lots Nos.1111,'bt00u, teen and and 1'tvouby, Ju dist aftwcoat t Village of Walton and boinga garb of Icor lupmboo Orto, it( rho ofghtsanih canosot tall, shite 1'awnehtg 01 any, tt the County of Buren, Wetl be preseutod to the County atort of the 000ety o1 ninon, or tlta presiding Jn0go Micro - of, at hi aoltambsrs in the Court 3Taueo, in the Town of tittlttrIoit, ou Waduosday,tho four- teeth*O, day of arunuuy, 1885, at twelve, rtOtin, Aud yott, and oath and Query 01 you, aro phereby required to appear nt the said HMO and to Oho lauttsm d promisee ahoy° dueoribodhmuroi inuofault of your so appearing tho said matter will bo proceeded wir4 Myo, ur nbsonec, Dated 5tlt DAasmbOt 1881 detbind, 'ti. I7. WADE les,, F , Tana, Plaintiff's' solicitor THE GO ,DEN MAMat' OTEI HARDWARE MK + t NOTHING LINE IT WITHIN 5(1 MILES. vevythir1g Tou tI seats. Everything Cheap. Lqoading Linn, CROSS -CUT SAWS.—By • Every Mak-or of repute in Canaria • and United States. CHOPPING AXES.—no' Great "Simpson" Axe and Half Dozen other makes. CHAINS.—Cattle, Halter, Trace, Logging, &c., &u. BELLS.—Sleigh, Farm, School, &e,., &c. SCALES.—Parol Stock Scales, capacity 0,000 lbs, Platform Parm..Stock Scales, capacity, 000, 12,000, 1,500 Lbs. SKATES.-100ZPairs, 95 Cents to $8.00. LANTERNS.—Genuine Safety Lanterns, the Bost. arroavow,ratria4,12.614--nalasevezaranaa....,,,..., 0Aii If Olt SE I.YI(1 eutoetlber Loses well bred t lis at,r White boar for service, on 1110 pt, ntts'n, 1 boom,' ',n• time rnula•ooli. Term,. -it t r1 Pe to 1 paid et f Service, alit, privll-re of returning. 110--4* C11.to. 11A:,1b)8, lith, 1 ntmor- and all pcnY r. ,vhe ut,guioul the rrvtare t f tris Iniportod 1 ureas 1' ntrrprier?' l.ntnt. tio. (.ar if 2 lel 'Weis' „t Mulls: tet years 1.13 emutravolisd us 1 r 0,,,+ Limo - of liortoo ,t isi l.:utebbn lis 1,8' at a 1103 nod 1111 nd Vet rI,liLr1t4yytitLora,- forOttoaorvin .11,1 tawttllions log r, clbhith lyd by tCnslo ur Noto without toy knowledge and consent. as Ito one it+ aothnrlaed to rollout ihn atnonnt due 80 mein respect of tho sumo and no rc• oelpts will be binding unless signed by me. Any tortoae wishing t„ settle catty do se Either by payment 0 too ,Jr to toy 8olloitor, 511*.h:.1•1, evade, of Brnsee1s, who is au thin. laud to rereivn 004110 and siva root:int in my name, 1'liOMAH SICLAhCIf1,IN, Dec. 8011, 1ea4, - Brussels. ti0ttun B1tUS3Lf4S iIAl1IiI;'1', ORAll`t MD PORK, Boit. Graham will bo found at the Queen's Hotel, Brussels, daily, prepared to purchase any quantity of Grain and Pork, rFartners should boar in mind that this is the ONLY established MIarket in Brussels and should drive here, HOBIIIRT GRAHAM. 11iU5MEL S DIAIIIET, 1'•: i l.fidil I 1t OIAl. Zvi: I will be found at the Queen'., IJotel, Brussels, every day, prepared to ;.ay the Highest Market Price for any quantity of Pork. Tho talk about a itiarkct, liy-taw, fines, etc. is all bluff. TIIO; . ILALL. Ono breed May rise another 11,11 _�- The Bern Rehire slog aarvlve, Aeras 510, 280 , 280 The undersigned will keep for r+rviee tit Tuck's hotel, Cranbrook, that pure Ltd Berkshire Boar, Barrington, bred by C. 111, Simmons and Qairit Ivan 1'. 0.. Middlesex Co., Ont., .from the best import:A stock on both sides with registered pedigree, also that pure broil Suffolk Boar, Young (cham- pion, bred by James Main Esq,, Halton Co., Ont., from imported .:took to both sides and is a first-class pig in every re - spout. The above pigs havo tal:ul prizes at Toronto, London, Seaforth, Brussels, Wingham and Newry, competing against this best hogs in the country. Inspection invited, Terms one dollar at the time of service with the privilege of returning 0 roquired, JACOB C. TU('K. ]\f0RTGAGE SALE OF • VALUABLE HOTEL PROPERTY, IN THE VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS, IN TIM COUNTY OZ•'dIt I N Under ed in mortgage, which will be proower d ctedt aiatlttho time of sale, Thera will be sold, at nubile( nue sten, on Um premises, on i'rtdtq', the 2erd day or June arr, rasm, that doeh'ablo Hotel property known as THE CENTRAL 1101011., and those certain parom ols or tote 0f Laud and t. reises situate, lying and being in the Ville.e of Iirus sale, in the County Of Huron and Pto,, ince of Ontario, being 'mopo ,1 of the wht.tr of Jot half of lot numOne beraono houl undredten 1 throe. babe 0n the east sidle of Tnruborry fret t, ac- cording to 1Veatherhold's plan of sail Village lih)uicieleitepreyvuBrussels utit of county Registry 0111ce, the said lots \sere part of lot number one, in tho tenth ace:cession of the township of (trey and have each a Lund. ago of eighty-two foot, more or less, out Turn - berry street. Thorn is on the premises that dtsirab o Hotel, said to bo of brick, in first-class stat0 oPThe houseoto ocntrally'tsituateil ttanis toes a largo farmers trade. This property will be sold subject to to a reserve bid, 'fertile anti conditions made known on day Of solo, For further ' artiouliu•s eprly to A. HUNTER, nrussels, or to E. 81. CHADWICK, Vender's &,Bettor, Realty, a'inalwlck, ltlnt'ttstacjc .;r tlttffi, NO. 58, Wellington street Ica.et,• Dated 22nd Dooenubor, 1144. Toronto, o, INTERESTING:'� '�'� qq ITER ►'�y' 7�'• T EITJ:1AU1E!,JIeS. Stoves, Furniture 8i.c. Tho Sterling Cook Stove jar; the thing for farmers ase, Has a large oven, tulles 27 inch wood and icelgl:s over 400 lbs. The Marquis, one of the most conven- ient and ltsndsolno town Cook Stones ever offered to the public, also 111 stock. ('.ALL AND 01110 T,nit "DAM" SEWilin E'dIlA�6 hlt4 •4 Itis Simple and Durable and docs it largor range of work than any other moehiuo in the market. A FULL IMPLY OF FURNITURE, —O014S18TING 0I'•— OHAIRS, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, LOUNGES, IVIATTRASSES, &O„ } 0L'NEItALLY ON HAND. Noxi door to Jt Drown hardware store. IIYT ,e J. Jackson.