HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-1-9, Page 3ANuAnY 11, 1885. oharaeteristies tho finest 1 (If t1101911. himself the young count had tho host opinion. fie did nob think the woman was born who could resit trim Be was porfoctly goocl—as moral as a French count could ho—the very flout of good nature, but vain as a ,boardiur,sohnol beauty. Ho darted ono glance at tint pule, beautiful 'taco, ane[ then lin trotit,,d Agatha to his oest bow, "'Mat nmat improtts hor," ho Lbw tgl,t, '111, toimpossible for it to ho otherwise," whit° Agatha, Nvhosoln».ror of men 11111 reaehed 0 frenzy, hastened away with. 111111 (110 1011(41; tocknowledgmont of 110 onont's eourtly bow. lIe stood look i ug aftor her, and hu stuiltd to 111(08(12 an though his thoughts wort) very pleasant 10es. CIIAIPElt XL. A 211.01304)3L 1111.11101En. In vain did Count lfonri linger in the halls, an tho staircases, and pay tho most devoted attention to his lady mother -110 saw 10 more of the cinchant- ing vision. Tired of waiting in vain, lio determined to ask the countess about bor. "Mamma," ho said, ono evening, 08 110 mippod his coll'eu, "the other day on tho staircase bore, I so* an nii71 I" "She it an angel, my dear, if you mean Miss Brooko," be replied. "Who is Miss Brook° ?" ho inquired. pteroyes of mme—s, young ltid y under my especial care and protection. ' "A very happy young lady to Ito so well placod," said the count, With Itnother of 11(11 finest bows to his mother. The countess gave him tho full history of her, and ha w0.14 dueply inberestoo. 41 lite country:nen, to feel and to sympathize, tho loam roan to his eyes a.< 11. hear.] th.., pathetic story of tlic ;11.1'.; • i ow 00 1• • < r'e'. "Y •) 1110 gooti. er, 1 me. 4, 4.0..atalling for iet,T 1‘. at, veil," TEI BRUSS414 POST plied,WHAT WILL I BUY FOB binu.t " • :110g12. OWere "I am not offended," she 110H imply. "You moan it kindly those things aro not pleasing to at "Groat Hoaven I what are thew lish 1" thought the young man to 8011, "The most charming of maidens mums uwlazolocl by fl awl diamonds." "It shall 1)0 just as mademoisollo wishes," 110 replied, "My object was merely to give ))1008))14O""I 08(3)100 you," she replied, vi candor that was almost shocking, . I found no 1(1008000 in It," With a look of deep mortification count bowed again, "I am 'wiped unfortunate," he said. "I am most unhappy." A stnilo, long absont from Agatha's lam, cam° back—a smile that Boomed to bogin in hor eyos and ripple 0202 Itor 111111-118111110 111.11111made her so beautiful tea young 1110)1 said to himself, cud. thinly : "1 will marry liar 1 Sho will bo the fairest who in Franco. But this requires thought." Tho thought, once having taken 1:0 his mind, Int Toll a victim to it. 11 ,:r haunted him ; he thought 02 111 by awl by night. It was the first 80 attack of love -fever 110 halt had ; 11C3 wor,hiped at a hundred shrines, 1110(14for long, and now ha 10011110marry, Ifo thought about it for 801110 ti ut hinothor 'night say something of p14111, whirsli ho understood to to in: rityta ; what of that to him? She 110 Imm...y, true ; bat slm was a fort:tut) th ,that ,tho Chri$Z11 35Eand Brew Toav's PRESNTSP Thin quostion often puzzlers a person at loateitle 111111 8008011 01 the year but a day rious Oall at Mrs. Long's luta but d to and a look the Large and Well A0sorted Stock Lf Beautiful Pur ictes, including llllij her 1 Real 011 Paintings, in 1,11'11 adorable self. 1044 4e ad W11041( he had 111ced haat :t 11,; 1 ving de! evntined 'himself to ma Ittrr, 11011 (went. J:Int that per], 101,1(14 no' 18.1 1 cl a141144 was how he 01,aulit lattice cr—whetlior it should bo threz-olt ..oweether lie should write, or , 1.1y 0n31, th.t wd141.1 not do. Pim , io 1 „,1 1v 110 should. 81),lc 0.11 11111 1.4110. 18 a 1014 .1`` tv 0430 1 netmtv.-11 ;Inv himself. That ha 1:.1,q1)t 14300 ntv i;. 1 bar, esulti. not alLi would not non 10140,1t in worl,1 why ha shoilla Splendidly Framed and Soil at a Figtue tts to he within reach ,2 1111, O the ing 1' 11104.), (111,i 0) 11 1010,1.<:;tin. What a itio.,t 0.-..' tug eircuttodaa 'e that this yuang aiann:t Ilal'a 1.1111t 0 fmu with his (1. --41.001 Aa<411,1; wvek pa:, .01, 014 1)0 had Been net:ling of her. Agatha, going to lter 3dtti3g;-roolu One morning, found there a ;south bouquet of Bowers, alt whito. 1.0d. 'of tho most costly descriptiou, .111 ono moment her instinct told her tlt,tt tho count had sent .thetu. She took tlwat 0111 111 her hands at once, and wont with them to madante's room "These must be intended for you, Madame la Countess," alio said, "and they have been brought to my room by mismice" rtbt.1:.410 took Chan i Wont any cont. -dent—slat uovor thought of 111)0 801), IA,: did not feel so victorious as usual when he saw his costly bouquet dim- tributod among tho 211.808 ill his mother's boudoir. "A silent warfare," thought 11110 00)11111, Tito next day on her table appoared au chi -unity magnitteen bottom..., ail of 00101,4011 40100)1. 'Choy shared the salmi ft.to. "I rill not bo discouraged," said the count to hinisolf ; and tlio day following sho found a fragrant mann of Parma Yid. lots imbedtiod in damp moue. 'Ilut lea4a0ou 1111011 her room, and sant her (Mud back to that beautiful valley 111 Whitoeraft, whore the spring violets grow. She placed thorn 211 thu - ham, so that he should see they were not accopted. - Hoeing that sho porsistod in ignoring tho count became more and mon detorminod on main." a conquest. For. tuno favoured hitu ; going to his mother's boudoir one morning, 110 found illiss Brooke theromendindsomo of tho ram old lace. Ile was, porhaps, a little disappointed that, after all has gallant attentions, the boatitiful face noither Hushed nor palod for him. Agatha made him ono bow— Lilo very ossenco of discretion—and U01'00 even gave another glance in his direction. Aftor that, finding that her preteyee had a real avorsiou to the society of all gentiomen, =damp stover sought to keep her apart from her son. Tho young count joined the ladies at thoir work, and read aloncl to them. But nover, :luring the ninuerous times they mot, did Agatha over give look or wor4 to tho count. Maclaine was charmod with her. Such discretion, such prudoneo, such wisdom she had never seen hi ono so young and beautiful. A faw moro wocks passed On, and all was poem. Agatha strove hor bast 8110 boat back with all 12011 hand the groat wa1'08 of pain and despair that maned to overwhelm her. Shop:aye:el through tho long watchos of tho night; she visited and comforted the poor ; sho busied liossolf in doing overything that was most kind and ationtivo to madame; but tho pain 02 110(4 terriblo woundnover stopped—sho might 1(1110 211 and cover it, 1)1111 11 was always thoro. The Limo canto 1011011 the count do. olarod himsolf madly in lovo with lier. Tho first symptom of it was a morocco "Y naso found on the 11)11)111 of hor sitting- (1410(10room. She oponocl it, and found 611000111 imam to brooch and a pair of diamonel oar. tho rings. Thoy g4111101104 and 8110130liko have liro. Sho closed Mu' cam hastily—tho fatali 'very sight of them planed hor heart as rogis with a sharp sword, Sho wont, to him of 111)at once) ; she hoard him opontho dining. All room door, She followed him into the ad in m roo, and 1401310111184. tho packet to him, plishe "You hntave 100(10 a mistalto, Monsieur as to 10 Cou," she said. "1 could not tale "Ai: this prosont from you. And would you asked -be so kind in the future to refrain from "No sendinawg rowers. docs not plows) roply nas. "1 am griovod. at having offended yOu," patio 1001)4114.1 0 m 0,,oeted novor occurred to 11 "Tb<< English 11(1341,' so 114.144)111111,With tint face and voice of. an an 40,411,1 bo luttor—tairely hunch L,w /%3 i,etter—to rite to 11,.,r it ra,,r,r 014,0-.!/[111, 1,:000 110:0:440'.compose• n lot far that for olociaLnee, clesej-t4.of his 101'0.11C100044, was 11.414-10411-104 worthy of Dumas. 1110 101(4 delightefl with it; lie 140 and re -read it, lamenting that t 3011(14 11011 of Paris wero not thore profit by it. Ile gave it to her hiinso "Miss Brooke," ho said, "tho answ to that !mikes mo the happient man earth, ar plunges Inc into despair." Agatha was beginning to fool int annoyed at his prou.'Dlings. She lik him just because he was the son madanio, sho was pleased with 11 general character, much amused at It vanity. Silo was almost shocked whe she road that most complimentary late That any one should want to man: her—shotild think of 'harrying lier—wt to her most horriblo. Sho could u 111111111 1011)' so young and happy a man a tlio count, should want to marry he There was kind of desecration in ho mind—sho, who had believed herself t be Vane's wife, to receive au offor marrisgo; sho was humiliated at th 0017 idea of it. l'orhaps Henri Count do Tiernay wa never so snrprisod in his life as why' h 0(414,4100(1 11110 antiwar to his 110110. .S11 thanked hint courtoonsly and gracefully but was firm in declining it. She preyec that ho would nover allude -to it again. The count was furious—battled. Lo -v and despair raged in his breast. II wont to his mother mitt told her hw o much he loved the young English girl "121)0 will 110001' marry, my son," saic 11110 ()01111t085, "I know but littlo of ho past, yet 1 am sure thore is sornothiug in a which will keep her from marrying.' Tho count was inconsolablo. "111 28 just nay Molt," ho. said, "to fal in love With one Call 1100011 Marry I" "It seeins to mo that 00017 wish in your life has so far been gratified. You meat loarn to boar clisappointmont." Silo was sorry for him, but tot tho same time thankful Miss Brooke had re- fusal him. Sho had taken a protegee for the love of Heavon, but sho did not at tho stuno time expect in her a daughter. Agatha looked pitifully at her. "Boar Madame," sho said, "1 roust go I must loavo you : could not 00111011111020. MOilei0112 10 °mint looks miserable, and when I have boon 11100)'a few days ho will have forgotten me." - am afraid not," 101)141(1 madame. slowly. "For many things 8110014have liked my son to 1)000 1104 a wife like you. You would 11070 1)0(1 such a good influence over hum. Must you leave me do you think ?" "1 am afraid thoro is no other conrso open to me," said Agatha. And madame sighod deeply. She was grieved to loso liar beautiful mulch:win. ing companion; yob 8110 wild that tho tint). was 001110 1011(111 silo must port with her , - Affair somo long discussion and eon. vortttion, it was arraugod that Agathashould go to ono of tin) Odd registry offices in Paris and try to find a oituation. on will havo to difficulty," said mo; and, Mcleod, hor only =bar- on° was ono of 0110100; that from 05011pineal before Iwo' 81)0 should chosen. tho ono sho did was a ty. Cortaiuly, tho mistress of tho try allied spoke of ill as boing one bast situations 01) hor books. Englishlady and gontloman 1081(1- Paris—and .to thoroughly accom. el, wen -educated lady was wanted ompation to the wife. o there no children to toaoh?" Agatl'a, , there 11,130 110 children," was the and it certainly mimed to hor 11- r why any Wife 1100(104a corn. 11, 1011011 sho had a husband. 1111. so gol. vas ITU for 11 ad ho to If. or 011 011 ed.f o is 18 11 r. y ot r. 11 0 •r, 0 0 114 1312 C031TrNT.4111),) MOTTOES, BRACKETS, P Ltdiu3, Foca 5100115, WORK TABLES, tt:e., &C. will afford you a Splendid Opportunity of ranking a selection at 0 Small Expense. All :iamb o raneittue, Including Handsome Parlor and Bed Room Suites, Easy Chairs, Comfortable Sofas and Lounges, Splendidly llnished Sideboards, Dook CMOS, Socretaries, A 0110I01:1 STOCK OF B.ATT.IN.IVORK, —IN -- Chairs, Tables, Stands and Cradles. MOULDING, Either Plain or Gilt, by thc Thousand Foot, and Frames Made Up for Any Sized Picture Call ?7b a/u1 The -in.. —ALL RINDS OF— Hand-lade Fil1'llitl1P0 Made to Order in a Stylo that Canna be Surpassod. AGENT FOP TIIE OELEBRIITED K4 RN ORGAN AND PIIICES AWAY DOWN. I have hundreds of articles not mention- ocl above that would probably snit you if you sow them. A Call at my Spacions Show Boom will not cost you anything and by making your Prtrobases from mo it may bo a Baying of to Good Many Dollars to yon, Thankingmy many customers for past favors 11 wish you ono and all tho Constr. 1)111128 Or 2/131 811,tfuel, MAL Letia,, 133T-L8N7 170, /twill pay the raiment of the burroundialt towtaltilta to call tit tho Bft U88.ELS FOUNDRY An11 toeour k (Oak a PLOUIIIIR, 1 IM1111013/H, SOUFFLE/SS. 1 CHAFF VII I` tri035, a01343E 1.0W111-38, 1 LA51)13014,1015, e0o. WhIth Aro Rot Int opoo1ally to moot the Itar.da of the Vanning Gomm uniiy Wo ohm [Oyu spooial tttention 10 r; ',airs of ;ivory denoription on Warn Engines Boners ReiSlow.ers, Slow. ern, 'Threshing itiarldneti, 0.10000, and any imp I town noted . 005 (01raron SATI.SFACT1ON GUARANTEED AT (1100800113)31,1.1 BATES. Fuji stook of 81.ennt, Water and Gaga Pipes ealways on hand. Wo oardllale layite inetiootiou at the 01,1 stand hill at„ noar 31101'0,3 0111co, -1\14)N4Y LoAN, Private.Fc•,.13. Apply at 11111Pradn,1,11") NV11\.A 11143 t 71; Many ast.a.ert gur Choir Moe. alaupport f, at, ! paha y Cal blIrLeti Ot LItt• abdic.a .C.ozo1o4.11. taw, .1..1 1.c.- ! chop in Hroale't, Moen in 11 rel•cla ety 4.' 11.hv 1mPort tomb(' 00 o1.1 rot:Jou; ra raw al, Many new 011, 4 , olil to (10, 1.1n. O cail. it...1,1101111as t 111113-0!,.')m ; et.", all kin tit of poultry and Santiago Mout. De . livered to all Darla of Inv I: w,,rro Cat.j, naltt for Pat Stook. VAL, ABLE FA 1131 F011 13/1 . T1,..Fa no Lmoin r tormrtla part it of Lott, 1110 15, 81) 10 88.n 1 no 1111 (Ion, urn - berry. cora t fazing 104007414, mom or it to, city. MO '24 1,,1105 frolu Wre Nm eter, 8 ii.11r B fro (iorrio, 701)1(8 front 13012,1.0F, c,11 (1,0 Om re 1 Ituad. 5ohool within feti recta, t:Bx BB 01,0p. t'ed tOrkay 101- cloath,g, tie 00(40 Mt )'ep, good black/nib and orelar, bola c;• Larotvotd, erotic through thofarm. Larry tom o nay moot, 3010 perfect, )'Ola; 0,4,114.1. ; 13,' .7.1)120.301314V1i, 1;, 13. Tit!ILNION, Hto dwarf, 111, re), P nt, liett to Mei . 21.11 Ituait 51s. 11,' 10)), iSCO2"7' ./.161 T AI*/ Friend,. owl I'atiohe no ‘1,_ tire 1,. (-all your ,11 It. WILSON. am:La,. 1', 181' 021 [0MLId Ecv,NC Cava of, '._r;hanks 7 .111,4,1. 11,1400e- ! manta and 1, taking the bead 111 1.0 Stales 01;1 It 140t1...- ; . 0 in thanking my many cus- temerc 1': 14 their libtral ouppert for the eight years, .`t wishe to in- EgividGrim ftant 131011, that beim4 burned out. of 11), 4;111 0111 1111 I have re-littcd it 13) ilr:‘'t-eittss-style, • where it hope to see all my old customers and as many new ones as see lit to give me a call. I keep nothing but first clan Groceries on baud, and servo all customers alike. I also keep all kinds of GRAIN for sale. Give me It trial and you will save money. All goods delivered free of charge. Geo. Baer. II.< ett which lotaiiin; moidnam s 1061n.. nen to tan and 41),' 5.11114 104 uleo ketp hand 7/if l'ilitiARD SOLKEY 111-011414il,h, 11011,11100 With 011 11 0, 4.1,, aml number 15 other Walking 1,limr, Cri1.0.• ors, 01101310 MM11-11-44Pain Wouch and al other Wilds rl 1111,![r0)'),to We Lave aloe ou hand an 0511A COM- BINED plan, WInah We will 01, eheap. COMB this way please and we will st ad you on yout way rejoicing. RR ME, Brumelz Stone Chiot Ploming The undersigned, thanking his many customers for their patronage during Um past year, wishes to inform the public that tho mill Las undergone a thorough repair, some of the latest improved machines have been introduced --but still retain the stone grinding system. FINE FLOUR, GRUM FUME, MCKEE WHAT —AND-- • All Sorts of MW Feed Delivered Pron.lptly to Order. CHOPPING DONE ON THE SHORTEST NOTICY.: ENTIRE SATISFACTION Z4r.A11ANTEE1.... 01777P, Us _A. ri2.-aa.A.32.5. WM . ROSS.. HEAP 0 ! YE PEOPLE. Wood Cook and Wellington Stoves Still IV0 talo pleasure 10 infouning you that we hure Eve/arca fer this Trade, the Wood 000k and Wellington four- ndi Cool; 6tovu. To k MINT PillrgE IIT PiNVOICIAL 5.F.40V ?J`Na AT These Stoves aro withont doubt tbo best Cook Stoics (Am. introduced into this Soction. They are got up in First -Class having' large Flues, spacious 07008, two drop oven shrives, extra large lire d 0 01-0, long, 11141' -and deep fact boxes fitted with movable bottoms. meat 01'1.4 , 'Very OJAI, 14011 pf1118, 5/1d 070ry Wood Gook stove warranted lo 11(1511 looromi,::i, ton atove warranted to weigh 426 pounds. Having secured ON control of tiro sago% es for Ibis Secticn, Pim 11.01)10 bought, o largo number 02 111)011), welutend selling at prices that 1 i Cos competition and roust insuro for them a very largo sale. 117e lum, ways 011 hand a large assortment, of all tho leading Stoves (both cl-f heating and coolaottlhienstwborminagrolltest, Batirbdotatoamgop8r. icoesritnailiscowIt'altiot,fosritalbSiocallac:1.1, •Othroan2 1011111"1:Aillma'clune Oils, Stoves, etc., .otc. Eavetroughing 1111 the cheapest... and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Bolo Agents for the celebrated Wilmer -.f,ter,.. A-517.-01R:OP7.1 RR os.