HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1885-1-9, Page 24
Diraotory of Ohurohoo gooiotiosi
11imviime Ouesom--Sabbath Services at
11 a.m. and G,S0 p.m, Sunday School at
'1:SO p.m. Rev. Jno. Hoes, B. A., pastor.
METuonisr Onvscu.—Sabbath Servioos at
111;80 n.nl. and (3O p.m. Sunday School at
2:S') p.m. Pastor Bev, D. O. Clappisou.
ST, Jotix's Cut-sm.—Sabbath Services at
11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School at OM
a. m. .ttev, W. T. Oluffe, inoumbent.
Iireox Cunncn.--Sabbath Services at 11
am. and 11:80 p,nl. Sunday Seboel at ::SO
p,m, Par, S. Jones, pastor.
ROMAN CATn11LIa Cuvnclr.—nbbOW tior-
vioe thin Sunday in over;' month at 11 a.m.
Rev. P. J. Shen, priest,
Onn idmow's honor: every Thinking
]venial.^, :u Graham's block.
M. sotac. Loner, Tuesday at or before full
moon in Holmes' block.
A. 0. "C, W. Lopes meets on 2nd and
10fit R'..hi ,day evenings each mouth.
TORI:.ati:li'a Lonelt 2nd and last Monday
avenins+ , f each month in Smale'v hall.
L. 0. I.. 1st Monday In every month in
ilrango llall.
?'usr ilr rrcr..---Offioc Ilom9 from 8 a. m.
7 p.
:IIi�'n]I:ICe' InerIT1TE heading itoom and
Library in Holmes' block, over h, B. Smile's
;tort', will 1,o ap,mfrom 1) to 7 p.m. on wed.
nesdays Mud Fi idsys and from 4 to 6 p.rn.
on Sat= lays.
C.itnattt? ittna 'ewe.
At p.:,:oto of unclaimed gond+ in To -
route a man got a couple of diamond
rings for a trifle,
An Ottawa young man has been in
jured—it is feared—by a snow slide
from a roof.
The Ontario Legislature meets on
the 28th of January, and the Domin-
ion Legislature on the 29th.
!Marten's Arnie Salve.
The best salve in tbo world for Cuts,Ilruisea
Soros, Uloer0, Salt Rheum, Fov or Sores, Totter
Chapped Honda, Chilblains, Corns, and all
Skin Eruptions, and positively curds Piles, or
no pay required. Itis guaranteed to give per -
b2 et a is Iter box. Vox atisfaction or money
le by G.A., Deadman
The Reformers of the Ottawa dist-
rict prlrpo0e tendering a banquet to
the Hon. Edward Blake, Hon. Prem-
ier Mowat and Hon. H. DIercier, lead,
er cf the Opposition in the Quebec
Legislature, about the time the Fede-
ral Parliament meets.
Cruelly Murdered.
In the Province of Ontario every year thous-
ands are Doing slowly murdered by taking un-
suitable, untried nostrums for such complaints
as Costiveness, Indigestion, Liver Complaint,
Sidney Troubles, oto, who might easily re,
gain lost strength and energy by using aro-
such is the case werwill give them aince them that
tree trial
a1at etiilefpersons ind1. $eestmnnom nyour
own town.
There was a meeting on Saturday
night at Belleville of the members of
the old Belleville Rifle Oompany who
were ou duty at Amherstbnrg in 1864.
Amongst these present were Lieut.-
Col. James Brown, ex -M. P,, who was
then lieutenant, and Lieitteu0 t:Col.
Hou, 11. Bowell, Minister of Customs,
who at that time was Captain in the
'to The A.nd:es.
McGregor & Parke's Carbolfo Carats will
ouch any 0000 of pimples on the fare or Rough
skin on either hands or face and leave them
salt as sill:, It will also heal any sore when
all other preparations tail. 'Thousands have
tested 1t. Ask your druggist for lioG*roger cC
Pnrke'0 Carbolic Cerate, and el, not he per-
suaded to take anything else claimed to ba its
cod It is but 25 cents per box at Hargreaves'
The young Indy students in their
first year's arts examinations at -sic•
Gilltulversity carried off nearly all
the first honors from their male com-
petitors. In the Latin, Greek and
chemistry classes Miss DloLea was
first, in the mathematics she was sec-
ond, The success of the ladies was
the mete remarkable inasmuch as
they had not luul a regular prepara-
tion beforehand for a university course.
A Startling Discovery.
2Ir, Wm. Johnson, ot Huron, Dnk. writes
that his wife had boon troubled with onto
Bronchitis for many years, and that all reme-
dies tried game nupermanent relief, until he
procured r bottle of Dr. King's Now Disoover
for Consumption, Congile and Colds, which
had amagical effect, am produced 0 perman-
ent owe. I115 guarautea to Duro all Diseaos
of Throat, Lungs, or Bronobial Tubes. Trial
bottles free at 0. A. Dendmau'a Drug Store,
Large niz0 01.00.
Cameron & Peterson, of Strathroy,
give notice 10 the last Ontario Gazette
that application will be made to the
Legislature of Ontario, at its next
beealon, for an act to form the follow-
ing municipalities into a county ;—
Mose, Wardsville, Newbury, Glencoe,
Elcfnd, °enlace, Metcalf°, Strathroy,
Adelaide, Lobe, McGillivray, Paris -
hill, East and Weet Williams and
Ailey Craig,
Muhl LIghtuing.
Fluid Lightning is the only euro for Tooth-
ache, llcadnaple, Earache and Nouralgla. It
does not take a day 0r an hour to cure It, but
in less than a minute ail pail is gone. TLoue•
ands ha'o tested its merits within the last
freaintnoisaosleaoIh0mtswThWortpssit cases
Pr10o 25 centsatl(tvrgre Vces Drug 51000, od in ono weak,
Au extensive robbery ie reported
at Stratford on Deo, the 20. Some
12,000 or $8,00010 missing from the
cash-box,whilll contained remittances
from several statione on line of the
Grand Ttuuk Railway between Strat.
ford and Buffalo. The robbery was
supposed to have 000urrod on Tees.
ditty ln;it between 12 and 1 o'clock. A.
clerk in the office of Mr, Mortice,
station agent, has noon arrested en
euspicicri, but is at present out on
The estate left by :Bishop Fuller is
said to be worth over $ 126,000.
Rev. William Henry °banning the
distinguished Unitarian minister ie
While chopping in a bush near
Clyster, Ont„ Henry tfeOabo was in-
stantly killed by a tree falling on him.
.In End To Done-Svrapirix.
Edward Shepherd, of Harrisburg, lli, ear's
maw d so much benefit fret 1 Itiaot-
ric Bitters, Ileol it my duty to lot suffering Hu-
manity know di. novo had a running sore on
my leg for eight years ; my daot0rd told MD I
would have to havo the bons sornpod or log
amputated. I used, instead, three bottles 01
Electric 01 liters and seven boxes 1l,iolslen'0
Armon x0100, Bud ivy 100 10 001 00010111 00111
well." Electric Bitters aro sold at fifty conte
bottle, and Rnaltion's Arnica Snlyo at 25 cents
Por 1,00 by u, A. U °adman:.
During the lest few daye of the cold
snap Toronto has lost 10,000,000 gal -
Ions of water by citizens leaving their
tape mining,
Tl10 Chinese ambassador 1(110 warned
the Britiah Government that the Salo
of seven vessels to tho french Gov-
ernment, 1s a breach of the neutrality
CoostAn01, June. 1Se4,
1ilessr .L011001on fi Wilson. Sirs,-lleg0rd-
Me the benefit deriyodfromtho ns0 of y011r
Glicorat0tl Balsam of Fir, I fully ondere011
that ahead • atatod by 701(0 001000000 Hav-
1ldon tooontretoted a serom allvere cold aceompanthe iedby
nst "such stuff,' I wu.s iialucediby� Yeu0O °C-
ont hero, Mr. Williams,o try a bottle, aad it
is unn0eessary to add thatI 10»0010110001 relict
immediately. 1001103der It to be ono of the
groatoolhoons over invented or oIIered to the
nblio, the arro(1 all the pmp001100
fol• it In the arrest and euro of the complaints
opooiOud. Yours, L0.-DumanlifcLarou.
The Middlesex Law Association e.t
its meeting on Saturday unanimously
passed a resolution advocating tho es-
tablishment of a Iaw ohne' in eon.
nection with the Western University.
Last Wednesday morning Doreharn
Teeple, a farmer living neer Parkhill,
committed suicide by shooting him-
self in the head with it shotgun, death
resulting instantly. The deceas-
ed had lately sold his farm and de-
posited the money in the bank, and
although not supposed to be in bis
right mind he was not considered
dangerous. No inquest will be held.
Among the claims now preferred by
Mr. Norquay against the Dominion
Government 10 one of $10, 000 for the
expenses incurred by the Manitoba
Government in contesting the bound-
ary question before the Imperial Privy
Council. The Manitoba Government
also claims compensation for all the
expensesoonnooted with the sending
of the Winnipeg Field Battery to Rat
Portage and other metsures taken to
assert tho authority of Manitoa in the
disputed territory. Mr. Norquay con-
tends that as Manitoba was drawn
into the dispute with Ontario by Sir
John Macdonald, the Dominion Gov-
ernment, and not the Province, mast
foot the bill.
A Winnipeg item, printed et Buf-
falo Bays :—Alexander Mitchell, of
Montreal, has been commissioned by
capitalists to purchase ill the No. 1
and 2 hard Fyfe wheat he can get.
Itis the intention to have the grain
stored at Fort William for the winter,
and distribute from that point in the.
spring to Quebec or Montreal for
transhipment to Groat Britain. If
the venture proves a success the same
syndicate will iucreise their purchas-
es next year. Mr. Mitchell, in an
interview with the directors of the
farmers' union, sand he would buy di-
rect from the farmers, so that the
commission to the middlemen might
be saved. Tho union has at least a
million bushels ready to sell.
$'%aria :Notes.
Around every house there will be
found more or less bones, thrown
out from the kitchen and there are al-
so additions to this supply from ani'
that meet an accidental death on the
farm. The bones and carcasses of all
such should be saved. Manufaoturers
of fertilizers pay ono cont per pound
for bones, and they aro probaby worth
even more than this if ground fine
and spread on exhausted fields.
On all north and south roads the
west and windward side should be ei-
ther or of wire material that they can
be easily taken down on approach of
winter. Unless fences on west side of
road are removed the highway will be
blocked with snow at a time when
roads should bo easiest. A winter
when there 1e a good run of sleighing
is a good advantage in marketing
crops whore they Have to be drawn
a considerable distance with teams,
In England many years ago, the
Government sought to promote good
farming by loaning money at very low
rates of intrest, to bo used in under -
draining. The loans were in every in-
stance as they were a lien upon the
land, and its increased productive on -
way enabled the farmers to grow
larger and more profitable crops,
Such aid to farmers le at variance with
our system of Government ; but per-
haps not more so than many subsides
to lndnstrioo of far lo.,e national
portatlor, For a number of years, as
an example, whiskey manufacturers
have had a lobby in Washington to
induce Congress to extend the time
without interest, which the taxes on
liquor malting can be paid.
Saving rend.
if one-tenth of the crop of grain
and hay that will bo fed, during the
preoout winter, conlcl bo saved, there
would be practically an enormous ad-
dition to the natural wealth with
which this country is overflowing.
It seems as though the saving night
be affected, and thud considerable be
done to avert the evils of clopreeeinn
in the markets for farm produets, The
first means to adopt for saving hey
and grain is to provide snug and com-
fortable quarto''s for farm stock of all
kinds ; for fully a tenth of all the
food given to animals in the way com-
mon, in the West especially, is wast-
ed. Part of it is tramped underfoot,
frequently sinking into the mud, and
of the rest, cattle will eat nolle, tut -
less actually starved into doing so,
A very considerable part of the food
given to animals for which no elleltoe
is provided, goes to ltuetain i 0111101
heat. Every animal 10 au animated
furnace, aonenrnlng ft Mir ill Ill part of
the fuel in looping up the temporatnrc
of its body. Every one knows that a
furnace placed out of (loom requires
a greater quantity of fuel to keep it-
self warm than in a closed room. An-
other potent influence for economy of
fodder and grain, is good bteechng.
Well-bred beeves, and well-bred city
will give a much grouter return, in
flesh and milk, for a given quantity
of food, than the scrub can give. Tho
results of good breeding show them-
selves all the line, from birth to ma-
turity. Tho Berkshire, the Poland -
China, or other well-bred pigs ; the
Cotswold, the Oxford, the Shropshire
or other improved moo of sheep ; the
Herefords, the Shorthorn, or other
established breeds, all make a fair
appearance, a larger growth, and a
better profit than the scrub can make
from a like quantity of food. Much is
to be learned, by the mass of farmers
in this country, about the relative
cost and value of the several kinds of
food. The general method of man-
anagement is to throw wry fodder of
some Bind to the stock, to chuck down
e few ears of (torn, and onto in e
while to lead the animals to a trough
of water, warmed by the rays of a^13.1 -
mor suns, or frozen in the winter. A
more wasteful way can scarcely be
conceived, short of turning the stook
into tho fields of standing grass and
Plain Otreet. • llruasels
("Mao beetauality always on haus Pod dolly
eros fn any part of the Village free of °barge
TERMS Very Favorable.
Ivor which Oa highest market price will be
I also make Specialty ofbuy(ng11id0 sand
Skins. Don't forget the Place, next door
to Fletolcr'sJowcllryMtorc.
The undersigned bogs leave to announce to
the Public gonorally that ho bite purchased
the Entire Stook of D. Frain, harness
maker, and Ravin g brought n Largo Stook
of his Own Make ,ho is prepared to Oom-
poto with tho heapest, as ho Bays Strictly
for Oash A Complete Stools of
And Everything in the Harness Lino.
liftman lrledo to Order from boat ma-
terial on Shortest Notioo.
La- Ropairing Promptly Attended to.
tar A 0a elicited before Purehaeing
for Don't forget the plaoo, in Dr, Graham's
Block, D, Frain's Old Stand, Main Strout,
OH 1 YES q OH ! YES !
Having Purchased the Business of M. Campbell, ofLucknow
and made additions to the Large and Well Assorted Stock, I
ton prepared to Offer Bargains to the Public that Cannot Fail
to Satisfy. Our Stock consists of
1lAAfl1>W.\,tU ,
11EA I)i-D1ADE C'LOTEIING, Ate., &c,,
On account of Illy expenses bciug low I am selling at Close
° I have a Splendid Stock ot
neady. AMa e Clothing for men , and boys
on hand and Woolen Shawls for Ladies, suitable for this
season of the year and will be SOLD VERY CHEAP, Ordered
Suits will have my Special Attention.
A Choice Stock of Teas, and fresh Fruit
Suitable for all kinds of Cooking purposes that cannot fail to
give Satisfaction.
Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for goods. By Ilonest
Dealing, close attention to business and low prices I hope to
merit a large share of public patronage. Give me a Call.
. ALEt O p` L
- • 01\1-'11.
38 BR
uSF0 f� r�8
React and don't forgot that Ross Bros. havo just Opened out the Larg-
est Assorted Stock of Tweeds ever shown in Brussels, consisting of
Scotch an.o- Canadian Tweeds,
and as those all have to bo run off this Winter to leave room for
Spring Stock you can depend on gutting a Good and Cheap Suit or
Call and Eamino Our Stook
and you will be Satisfied that you can Buy Suits and Overcoats
Cheaper than any place else.
being of Exceptionally Good Value. Some Extra Largo Sizes in
Shirts and Drawers of GoodQuality. In
we Show a Complete Stock of Desirable Goods.
Suits Made to Order on shortest possible notice.
Call Early and Secure your Choice
as we Intend Rushing those Goods off at Once.
R. MUM® L ifasni ne& Ta lara.
lo s Old Stand, Ie-