HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-12-26, Page 44 New Advertisements. Clothing—A. R. Smith. Brussels linnneis3 statement. Bull for service•--Jno. Currie. Damaged goods—Alex, Strachan. Bon for servim'--•Richard Armstrong. ne 1.6russel5 WO, 1+1tID:12', DEC. '0, 1890. Walton. NEW Ys.u's DAY.—The annual tea meeting will be held in the Methodist church here an the evening of New Year's day. After tea addresses are ex. peoted from Rev. A. MoKibbin, Rev. W. F. Campbell, Rev. S. Sellery, 13. D., and W. 1i. Kerr, Dr. Macdonald, M. P. for East Huron, consented to be present and preside as chairman. Choice musical selections will be supplied by the choir. They always have good tea tneetmge at 'Walton and this one will likely be no ex- ception to the rule. (i.reN. Nomination next Monday at emu - brook. The revival services in Roe's church have been moving along eery nicely. Every farmer in the township whose market is Brussels should take Tne Post• se it will be money in the pockets. Mise Ella McLaughlin has returned from O'tawa Normal School. Miss 1.1c - Laughlin will now he a full fledged ped. egegne. Enoch Clark, lith con., purposes erect- ing a new residence on his lot next year. Although he is George's son it is said he may also become related to "William's eon." It is currently reported that Councillor Hislop will oppose Reeve Milne at the coming election. Next Monday's nomin- ation will settle the matter as to whether it is correct or not. Rev. H. A. Baylis of Owen Sound, was home for a visit to his parents. His father has been on the sick list. Mr. Baylis is doing well in the northern town. He conducted service et Roe's" church last Saturday. Chas. Williamson, who was so serious ly injured some time ago by a fell from a mow, has gone to Fergus to have an operation performed by a physician of that place. It is to be hoped that he will soon be restored in health and strength to his family and friends. Miss Ann Stewart, of Hamilton, Dako- ta, has been visiting on the 16th con. dur- ing the past week or two. She is a sis- ter of John and Alex. Stewart. She save she feels the cold more here than in De- kota, where the air is drier. Mise Maggie Stewart, daughter of Alex. Stewart, of the 16th non., ausom- parried by her aunt, Mise Ann Stewart, has gone to vieit relatives in Whitby and vicinity. They will probably be away five or six weeks. May they have a nice time while away. Merry Nines to every- body. verybody. HYuoNsat,—On Wednesday of last week Rev. W. T. Clnff, incumbent of St. John's church, Brussels, tied the matri- monial bow between Samuel Askin, photographer, of Teeswarer, and Miss Susie Alcock, at the residence of the bride's mother, 11th con. The brides- maid was Miss Bella Ballantyne and the groom man Mar=hall Hughes, of Morris. The wedding Fifes gave ample proof of the esteem in which Mrs. Askin was held by her fricuds. After dinner the wedding party drove to Brussels where the happy Couple took the afternoon train for their new horne, followed by the hearty goal wishes of all who knew them. May their joys be muny. &,,m—The annual sec! ,1 andenter- tainment in connection with the Sab• bath school at Shine's school house oame off last Tuesdtty evening and, as usual, was a grand success. Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather the large school room was completely crowded. It does sue gond to attend one of these meetings, every one is so friendly and good humored that it is in reality a social in the best sense of that term. Alter partaking of the good cheer, so liberally provided and well served, the following lengthy program was proceed• ed with :—Chairman's address ; recite, tion, Janey Mitchell ; recitation, Janey Ferguson ; recitation, Maggie Calder ; duett, W. Mollie and ;Hiss Richardson ; recitation, Geo. Jackson ; dialogue, Maggie Resell and Mary Holmes ; recite. tion, Dun. Glassier ; instrumental mesio,M e and Miss Rozell ; recitation, Nellie Switzer ; rending, Jas. Perris ; recitation, Maggie Cardiff ; recitation, Mable Hereon ; speech, Walter Holmes ; solo, Miss Addie ; recitation, Mark Cardiff ; d nett, .Maggie and Tessie Switz -r ; recitation, David Ritchie ; dialogne, Geo Calder and Aggie Switzer recitation, Aggie Calder ; speech, Mr. McFadden ; recitation, Richard Cardiff ; recitation, Robb. Ellis ; recitation, Kate MoKlay ; solo, Ise Ritchie ; recitation, John Calder ; recitation, Walter Holmes; instromenlal u.usio, Sir. and Miss Rozehl ; lecture, J, Bain ; dialogne, Ivy Livingstone and Maggie Rczell ; recita- tion, Emmeline Cardiff ; instrumental music, Ben. Dark end John Angle, Ap. propriate selootions of music was fur- nished by the ottoir. A very pleasant feature of the evening's proceedings was the presentation to lir. Pickard, our re- tiring teacher, with the following ad- drers, accompanied with a handsome teacher's bible, a magnificent album and a volume entitled "Teachers and teed'. Ing," presented by the members and friends of the bible olass, which ho has been te.tching this post semen. The ad- dress expres,es the sentiments of a great many in this section. 2 d Mr. J. J, Pickard, I1sAa Tn.tr,,en AND Fnrr son,. --Tu view of your near departure from amongst us, we, the members of the Bible class and teachers of S. S. No. 1, take this oppor. faulty of expressing our sincere ap. predation of your labors amongst 05, not only es teacher of our Bible class, but also your persevering and painstaking efforts to improve the singing in con- nection with our Sabbath school and one dusits to acknowledge the nonsiste,it moral and religions example you have at all limes sot before no, in order to give e tangible expression to those, unr senti. menta, we beg your acceptance of this email token of unr respect eeteon1. Signed , en behalf of the bible class and teteohers. Wae Penine, Dem Etrcnrg, Mr, Pickard male a suitable reply, P. Ititelo s accupitd the chair with his nsnsl stbrlity, Heyde. Thos, and George Jae/teen were here this week attending the funeral 01 their another. George Forest, lith eon., had a Yalu• alto mare injured last week by throwing herself in the stall. The auction sale of Robert Scott, which tette p'nec uu Wednesday of Iasi weelt,wes largely attended, Good figures were realized especially for stock. Al Rey maun,tbe popular anati0neer wielded the hammer. Onix,—Last Friday evening Eliza, re• Hat of the late John Jackson, crossed over the river of death at the advanced age of 82 years. The deceased was born in Sligo, Ireland, and united in marriage to her late husband about the year 1830. They name to Canada in 1810, settling on Lot 9, con. 3, of this township, which the purchased from Robt, Herbison. Mr, .Jaokson died Gi years ago, The sebjnct of this notice had been ailing for the past 7 yeare with a cancer in the breast bathad not been confined to her bed until 9 menthe ago. When 19 years of age B1rs. Jackson united with the Methodist Church in the green isle and through all these intervening years lived the life of a warm hearted, devoted Christian. Seven children are living who gratefully remember his loving counsel. They are Rev. Thus. Jackson, of (laminable ; Rev. Geo. Jankeon, of Brownsville ; Irwin of Kinloss ; James, living on the homestead ; Mrs, Wm. Patterson, of Wiugham '• Mrs. M. Walker, of Wawauosh ; and Mrs. Joseph Reyunrd, of Grey. There are 50 grand children living and 17 greet grand child- ren, The funeral took place on Monday afternoon and was Targe attended. Rev. B. Sherlock conducted the service. The interment was made at Brussels cemetery. Thus one by one the worthies of the past are leaving us and after a happy death like Mrs. Jackson's one feels like ex• claiming "0 1 may I triumph so When all my warfare's pa•t, And dying find my latest foe Under my feet at lust." SCHOOL ExA)tINATIoN AND ENTa1TAIt. tresT.—A very successful publio examin- ation took plane in S. S. No. 2, on Friday last, there being over GO pupils present, and about 70'visitors. The walls were nicely decorated, and the black.bosrd drawings were very fine and beautifully colored. The various classes were sob. jeeted to a searching examination by Mise dioDougall and Messrs. Pickard and Bowerman, but they stood the trying ordeal bravely and came off with flying colors. Their prompt and correct an- swers were alike creditable to themselves and their popular young teacher. At the close of the examination a very en- tertaining program of readings, recite• tions and songs by the pupils was .well carried out. Addressee by trustees and visiting teachers followed, and the speak- ers all expressed themselves as well pleased with the examination, Mr. Fow- ler's pupils then read a very nice address and made him the recipient of a beauti- ful plush dressing -case. He is well thought of in the section, and all regret his unavoidable departure from their midst. The evening entertainment was good one, consisting of many choice readings, recitations, dialog nes and songs. Daniel Stewart and family, of Brussels, contributed very largely to the success of the evening by their happy rendering of some choice vocal and iestrumeotai music, including the stirring strains of the bag -pipes. They received a hearty and unautmous vote of thanks, as also lid Arch. Hislop, the worthy and pope. lar chairman, elm so ably performed the duties devolving upon him. The song given by "Mr. Mulcahy Esquoire" (alias Philip Barrie) was well received, and there were some particularly good dia- logues, well noted. The school room was tilled to its utmost capacity, and good order prevailed throughout. All seemed to enjoy very much the really good musi• cal and literary treat provided for therm. The singing of "Auld Lang Syne" brought the proceedings ton close. This is not the first, nor will it, 3by any means, be the last successful social gathering in S. S. No. 2. Money to Loan, Money to Loan on Farm Pro• perty at I O IY.E, T B.d Tis' . Private and Company Funds. DICKSON & ilAYS, ,Solicitors, dlc., Biu sswLS, ONT. )I AM OFF TO(— I. C. lich.ara.s' To get a Good Trunk and Valise. That's the Place to get a No, 1 Sot of Lightt or Heavy ONLY A 1 STOCK 11St1D, OetlIstto,t it Seljet.e.31031'e'. Repairs Cheap, and Proniptly Attended fo. DEM EMBER .i'HU: STA nD,-- Grafi rim's y—Grahaln's Block, opposite Queen's .Flotel, Brussels. C. Richards. rHE USSELS POS -1. eaexemoseniaateesevanweivele WE DEFY COMP DEC, 20, 1890 ITIO We Admire 01 petsition AND Under No Conditions will we Budge from. Our Position in DRY GOO S, C O T HIT&, BOOTS, S EI O E S, A. N D GENTS FURNISI-IINN G -S, ..rl I Opposite Central Hotel, Brussels, Ontario. T© THE INTELLIGENT PEOPLE : Have you ever Compared our Clothing with the Other Kind P WE DON'T MEAN LOOKED AT IT THROUGIi TIIE WINDOWS, But got hold of it ; turned it inside out, and outside in ; pulled at the seams; looked to see how each seam is run how the buttons are on ; the button holes worked.; raised up the collar ; turned the sleeves ; pulled out the pockets ; looked at the linings, and saw all the hidden things. THAT'S HOW TO JUDO -T1 CLOTHING, It takes More than Clothing to Constitute Clothing. It takes Trimmings) Workmanship and Honesty. WE PUT ALL THESE THINS IN, ANI) OUR NAME ALONG 'WITH THEM, A. R SMITH. • Financial Statement for the Village of Brineelo for /890. RECEIPTS. EXPENDITURE. Cash on Lund at audit, County account " Railway account . " " " Int. aoount, No, 9,'78 No. 10, '84 Cash on hand, Consolidated Loan Rate $388 00 Interest on Mortgage 137 00 Interest on sinking fund on hand 11 05 Part principal and interest on mortgage ... • 103 25 Cash on hand, School account 28 9f1 Provincial grant 140 00 Cash on hand, local account 582 22 Geo. Howe, refund of insurance 202 10 East Huron License Fund 209 34 Butcher licenses 20 00 Show licenses 5 00 Hall rent lt0 00 Hay settle rent 10 03 Refund from County on street improvementsd.' 90 Taxes collected on roll ASSETS. 17 72 4 09 20 71 15 71 5031 30 177 319 I311 01 2115 00 $5542 00 SALARIES—Jas. Ross, 910.00, Thos, Kelly, $40.00, J.Y. S. Kirk $8.00, J. N. Kendall $8.00, H. James $110.00, Mrs. Meadows $00.00, D. Stewart $40.00, Wat. Smith $10,00, F. S. Scott $16.00 8 310 00 CHARITY—Mrs. Walixee $41.00, Mrs, Blashill $58.00 Mrs. Williams $20.50, !vire. Stacey $15.00, hill's, Brent $9.20, Mrs. Bart $5.00, :firs. McGarvio $2, mediae( attendance $10.00 1013 75 STREET Ii11tR0'VIeMENTS—H. James 50.75, J. G. Skene $12.00, B. Gerry 36.50, Thos. Stewart 559.02, P. McKenna $28,00, Witt, Smith $03.33, Geo. Burt $5.00, L Gilpin, 91,2111, D. Shine 9420,- 43, H. McMartin 93.70, Robb. Burns 51.25, Geo, Edwards 25o, A. M. McKay 8S Co. 53L77, C. Grim- oldbv, Ona, Wm. Dcobow 572.15, 111, Shine $17.- 00, Jess Wilbee 92.50, L. McDonald ,t Co, $189,53 l'as, Logan 93.00, Amunt Bros. 911.14, Turnbull t Ballantyne 94.01 1177 09 FI1t7; DEPARTMENT—E. 1lleleon 518.00, J. Pogh $2.00, Beatty Bros. 92.00, Geo, Mooney 32.00, E. Grundy $1.00, R. Iiendereon $0.50, R. Vincent $5.00, A. Koenig $1.00, S. Hinds $1,25, B. Gerry 527:23, P. Scott $7,00, H, illellartin 750 Band Printing, W. H. Kerr 111MC3ILLANEt) 11S—F. C. Rogers 91.50, W.II. 110 - Creel -mu 55e., G. A, Deadman 35c,, Hart At Co, $0.80, Thos, Kelly 56.00, Jas. Ross 56.00, Teen - bull to Ballantyne 521.00, J. T. Pepper Moe P. S. Scott 910.71, R. Graham $4.50, D. Stewart $4 130 00 TOWN HALL --Turnbull de I3eila ntyue 520.85, Wm. Roddick 91.35,00, W. 1[ McCracken 00e. ,...,, 105 40 FUEL—Wm, Batsman 915.00, B. Gerry $3.95 .,.,,, 18 95 Voters' List Court, F. S. Scotb 22 82 Coupons redeemed, Consolidated rate 300 00 Provincial euhool grant, Roderick Ross 149 00 Election expenses, Geo. Love 4 00 Howe insurance,,. M. O'Conner 138 75 Taxes remitted, Alex. Wilson 1 00 Cash on hand 11010 82 81 711 e0 00 .Li 15 Cash on hand 5 3915 82 Itneolleoled taxes on roll 2976 81 Ball rent due 132 00 h 0021 63 (:ash on hand nvhsu 18110 liabilities are all paid. , ...5 020 711 Mort„ago on real estate and interest ')58 50 Geo. Howe, insurance account 207 40 Town hall 3000200 0000 Pira engine and hues 4000 00 150 00 5000 00 Amount to hale/tee 181127 26 Band inetrumonte, Are. Bay sepias Rowe mortgage, tine 181)1 BORT. 0-101.1,1,11(1, .Peeve, $;32432 HO $ 5542 00 LIABILITIES. Coupons falling due and provided for 9 2151 00 Iusballntent 11, 13. Debt, B1orris 9110.00, Grey 9120.85 200 85 County rate 351 00 School rate .... '1815 03 Municipal equivalent 149 00 Salaries --P, 5, Sootb $15, 0, Ross 940, T. Kelly 9.1095 00 150 00 Fire Department Mechanics' Institute, 2 yours 50 00 l:leotion expellees 25 00 0hnrity 25 00 20 00 Amount to halal= 921) 711 Mieoellaneotts ttattomits Debenture debt Railway debt $ 0021 (13 992220 00 •c 282 89 $132482 89 'CMOS. ARM', 7:', Ti°i asurer , REMOVED MAYA ,', E. SJ_k '.;I t,Sr llas Removed to the Store Vacated by 11'.1.,Jacksnn, l'(s1.01'1,1r0 BLOTS, and calls the atteetio, of the pnblic to her Stock of CANDIES, Faure, CoxvrrrtaNuno, FANCY Goods AND SMALL Weitee. FRISSI3 OYSTEiRS ALWAYS 011 BAN W. 011'1: ME A CALL. 17-3 MRS. A. E. SI\BfS. Private f=unds to Loan. $20,000 Have been placed in my hands for In1'estment on real estate. LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST. No Commission. Borrowers can have loans coo' plated in Three Bays if title satisfactory, W. M. SINCLA.IR, ,Solicitor, Brussels. DR. SINCLAM, etnrAsFJ, M.D., ILA., L.C.P.S,O., lLC,P.S„ 1L, Mc Scotch Specialiste, Oki TO1101".ITO, ern01ALleT eon 7'0011 '1'm(ATttriNT 010 Chronic) Diseases, Private Diseases, Dis- eases of the Brain mid Nerve, Die. eases of the heart and Lungs, and Diseases of Women positively Treated Successfully. ToNAToAN 111.1s0oA1Vg, Lictows), say's I "Alter spending all my mooey end pro/tart, to no purpose on medleal men, for nvhot they termed n hopeless ease ce aonettnlptinn. Dr. Siuolttir eurce mo.” erns. limy Irpnr.0140. W00,1hotso, say's : "When all othere failed, Dr. Medlar cured too or fits." 3). Rouismrsoo, Carleton Place, says:— "1lr, hwcbdr cured me of Outerrh." 0,0. lteu•un, Blvd', Says :—"Dr. Sieele lr eersdIne on heart diseasumeg. dropsy, whet: all of ere failed.' D!:4;0,$ n/' I'r'iralr Nature, hronahl ac, Lrf rb11j1, Dr. ,Sinclair rerlainly Ctn',•x- : nma,ltcotiaB'noc. WILL BE Al' '13111 QUEEN'S HOTEL, BRUSSELS, i=riday, Dec, 25th, '90