The Brussels Post, 1890-12-19, Page 8$ P ; ;bbaith o cols We have just the thing for S. S. Teachers who wish to give 'their scholars some remembrance at Xmas or New Year's. These are Booklets with Scripture Texts and Hymns, and are very Beauti- ful and Cheap. For instance, a 12 page one for Sc., and a 20 page for Ge., and lovely ones for 1Oc. and, lac„ with a Discount for Schools. These are tine for XMAS TREES, and most largely supersede Xmas and New Year's cards. They are excellent for seeding friends at a distance, costing only one cent for postage. As usual, ti Nice Selection of Books, Albums, Bibles, Toys, Fancy Goods and such lines as are in demand for the holiday season. We will be pleased to supply you. G. A. DEADMAN, Dsus,nor, BOoESELLEn, &l:. - GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. sotrl0ERN ExTEN5I00 W. 0. & R, Trains hare Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: Gorse. Soon". GOING SORT ti. Mail 6:53 a.m. I Mixed 0:90 a.m. ESnress 11:40 a.m. 1 Mall 3:60 p.m, Maxed 900 p.m. I Express 945 p.m. n 1i alcivs 1 tents, A chief's among ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. RENEW for 1891. Nem:NATION day Monday 29th inst. Mss's rubbers only 50c. Geo. Goon. 2 osits potatoes wanted at MoCracken'e. Mee. Wn. Mocutoouon is on the sick list. GREAT bargains in all lines of goods at Scarff & Ferguson's. 9 top shirts from 25 cents up. More to follow. A. R. Smith. Goan end silver watches, best in the market, at Jas. Jones'. CABNIYAL on the Maitland skating rank next Tuesday eveniug. Re.u, Searff et Ferguson's advt. of special holiday sale in this issue. SLIPPERS, overshoes and fur Daps for Christmas presents. George Good, BeemerOL silverware presents to be had by calling oil J119. Jones, jeweller. 16 undershirts, 5 pair drawers from 25 cents up. More to follow, A.. R. Smith. HVNDOEDS of cords of dry wood have been healed to Brussels already this winker. .708T received 50 fancy cups and saucers to give away with tea at George Beeker'a. Seecrix holiday sale at Scarff & Ter- guson's. See their announcement in TES POST. NEW linen collars and cuffs, full line steed np milers. English you know. A. R. Surra. SEVERAL Bruseelites tonk in the Blue - vale Methodist church opening on Thurs. Clay of this week, 19 shawls at a reasonable offer et A. R. Smiths in Sma1s's brick block, op. poslte the Central betel, TEses as are invited to send the re- sultsof their Christmas examinations for publication in Tern Pose. Fern and five twelfth dozen men's neck ties, all brand new, bought at 65 cents on the dollar. A. R. Smith, .9. aorarnro of East Enron Conservatives will be held in Bruesils, Town Hall, on Friday of this week, commencing at 2 o'oleck. SANTA Cetus' headquarters are at Mrs. Simms' confectionery store. Call in and see her Christmas stock before you pur. these yonr supplies. TuEn1:NDousA:..nvEnpoto bargains— Boys long boot9, Ooo., 90e. and $1.10. Girls' wheel hoots, 75c, Womons' felt Foxed Buskins s.lo. Geo. Good. 01,186.50 worth of men's youth's aril bey's suits and overcoats, all brand new, bought at a bargain have arrived te.day. Will sell cheaper than ever. A, Ti, Smith. TUEse will be two eollipses of the sun and two of the ninon in 1891. The only one of the four visible in Canada will be a total eclipse of the moon on November 19th. R. LntrununAuE makee a specialty of upboletering and guarantees his work to wear. No shoddy, Having served an apprenticeship in this line he thorough. ly understands his work, A Exw lines of winter gloves, clouds, laeinators, ladies Jersey jackets bought at a diecoent of 25% from a reliable wholesale house. Can and will sod obeap. A. R. Smith. LECTURE —:Text Monday evening Rev, R. S. G. Anderson, of St. Ilelens, Oat., will deliver a lecture in Melville church under the ample. s of the Y, P. C. A. The subject will be "Sacred Music." 50 you want to see the largest and boat assortment of Dress Goods in Brussels go to Mrs. E. Rogers', the Palace Store, Their etyles are the newest and the prices very low, Nice fashionable goods as low as 10 outs per yard, PRrxerrw TAYLOR, of 'Wroxeter, will preside at the Entrance Examination at Bruasals on Monday, Tues lay met Wed- nesday of next week. Principal Shaw glee to Wroxeter Whole he will perform like services on the day's mentiouod above. "Berne or Com., . "—The song ser• vice bearing this title will tin presented in 950 Methodist "itr, •:h, nest Monday evening, oommesaillg at 7:30 o'olnok, by the Choir and Sunday school, No ad. auisaien fee will ba charged but a silver collection will be taken, Naw MAastro WoRxs,—Tire firm of Tohueton & Coehrene, atone cutters, &o. has opened out are prepared to All all orders for monuments, tombstones, matkoes, formes, &m., in a workmanlike manasr and at living priced. Seti8Eaa ,lou guaranteed in eyery use. Don't place year order without calling on them and seeing their samples and ascertain. ]ng pekes, Shop nearly opposite the 'Ilewre hall, Britasel's. 1 elms for a boy's cap, Geo. Good. 13 long boots et 5I.23, More to fello A lie Smith. roman Division Court will be held o Saturday of this week, Be buying two stooks in one year w got bargains, A. R, Stin'U. HAtr it ton of Candies made !rem 11u. sugar, cheap. George Good. Dins, lOr'ru.n, of Paisley, was visitl11 friends in Brussels this week. Aso Wrsoosiio will come on Febrnar 11111 nes' year end Easter bun,h,y o March dots. Esau:N,•E oxanlinaltnns will be hebi o December 22nd, 23rd and 21th, beginuit at (1 a, m., etseh day. RONALD M,'NArulfr'On is i1OW CanVlt'slll the town with Taltnnge's excellent hoe " b'ronr manger to Throne." It is a excellent volume. lti.te all the advertisements in thi issue. 11 may mean a saving of e. see many dollars h1 your purchases to line where the bargins are. $900.00 worth of brand new borate an shoes, Cooper & Smith's malts, nl•rive tk-.lsy at A. R. Smith's, Smale's brio bock, opposite the Central Hotel. Jntes TsnitroN, who Iles been in th employ of Scarff & Ferguson for the pats two years, Left for London last weak t take a situation in li.ingsinil'ls dry rand store. 1I. M. CARDIFF and A. 1I. Cochrane auditors of the Morris & Grey ohees factory, are Inlay this week preparin their report and statement for minim sleeting. $770 worth of new tweeds, wnrste coatings, tailor's trimmings, cottons white and bleached cotton, cettonades jeans, linings, towels, Holianda, every thing new at A. R. Smith's. Tnosa who have friends abroad, who were former residents of this place, could not make a more acceptable pres- ent than by having Toe Pose sent them each week for the next year. Try it. Jun arrived ab Mrs. E. Rogers' a choice a•stetinent of new Frereries salt. able for Xmas. Granulated segue 13 Ibe. for 01.00 and everything else equally low. Try our lovely 35c ten, cant be beat anywhere. Dreg Rocca, the Hamilton wrestler, and G. Perrie, of Brussels, have signed articles for a catch-as•catoh-can match in the Grand Opera House, Hamilton, for 0200 a side and entire gate receipts ; best three in five falls, Police Gazette rules. Tne News Printing Company, of To- ronto, has is sued a "Souvenir Album of Canadian Statesmen," which is worthy a place in every home. It is a oollect,on of portraits of leading politicians on both sides from all over the Dominion, and the artistic and mechanical execution is such as would delight any critic. WELL-DIGOUIO ANn DunnINe.--George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drillin wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper share. Terms easonable. Residence secoud door north of the bridge, west side of Turnborry et., Brussels. 43-tf A Lanes assortment of Pansy Goods just to hand at Mrs. E. 'Rogers' suitable for Xmas presents for either lady or gentleman. As an inducement to do a big business we have put the prices very lots. Call in and see our stook, ,.ever mind if you dont buy. Our stock being all entirely new we take pleasure in showing it. ELEernxc lights are now in the stores of Scoff & Ferguson, Mrs. Simms, G. A. Deadman, Roes Bros, 3. T. Pepper, A. R. Smith, A. Strachan, T. Fletcher, B. Gerry, Airs. F. C. Rogers, Geo. Thom- son. The Queen'e Hotel and she Central also, have them. A. Currie is testing in. candescent in his butcher shop. More lights will be burning as soon as the globes, &o., come to hand. For a new movement it works very satisfactory. REST 1!oua OPTICA ON Tnts.—There is no more satisfactory and desirable pres- ent for the holidays than some article of silverware. H. L. Sackson aims to give the best value and the best goods. An inspection of his stook will satiety you. He dose engraving, when desired, free of cost. Beautiful silverware suitable for holiday, birthday or wedding gifts. Watohes, clocks, jewellery, &e„ always in stook. Big bargains not only at this season but all the year round. Geri our prices before you buy anything in my line. A 5750 ::oTT.10E or its equivalent in clash will be given to the person detecting the greatest number of errors, ('vords wrong. ly spelled or misplaced) in the December issue of "Our Homes." In addition will be given two cash prizes of 9200 each, four of $100, eight of 990, ton of 805, twenty-five of 010, fifty of 05, one nun. deed of $2, and one hundred and arty of 01, distributed in the order mentioned in rules and regulations, which will be sent with a copy of December issue on receipt of 15 cents in stamps. Special cash prizes given away almost every day dur- ing competition which olosoe February 1st, 181)1. Address Otto Homes Publish- ing Co., Brookville, Canada. Y. P. C. A,—The regular meeting of the Y. P. C. A. of Melville church was held in the basement on Monday evening, The President occupied the chair, Min• utes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. 13. Brundle, Mise Lizzie Garvin, Miss Nina Malcolm, Miss illaguie McNair and Rev. S. Jones were elected members of the Aseooiet]on. The subject for the evening was "Scrip- tural basis of Temperance," end was in- troduced by A. M. Moliay, after whloh it was taken up and discussed by the members of the Association. The next regular meeting will be held on Monday evening, 29th ins&, subject, "Bible Char- 00lera." 1t:Lk 1 J USS.t±,LS POST b eases oranges end lemons at !Meet w, ptfoe, George Gond, nr uv,, l lt0 f0.u1 ?1.50 up. 110ie to 11 follow. A. It, Smith. Wx have had more sleighing air, a ly, a than we had all last winter. lIrosi business principles I rely, oolu re position I defy. A, IR, Smith, Sl. Jom's church is being decorated g with evergreens for Christman. 5pieoea grey flannel, 411 won', from 17 y cents per paid up. A, R. Smith, ti Suse,ter, w,tte)lea, oloeite and joy. 111017at alae, Jones'. Big bargains, n ill {tarn, in1tt1171 are Mum so far in lg Brussels. No person 1ppe005 to be au• x1000 for nftieo, g A Holten wee Dever made fat by n sin. It gle bushel of oats. Ho one cannot expect n great Wea'th through a single advertise- ment. e No Assessment for December in the A, d te. i', 51', eourte:u assesanlenis For the w year ; 3,301 applications were reocived up to Nov, 2:)11,. d Doxr forget that there is ne more use. d 101 or suitable present for a lady or is gentleman, 11u.band or wife, than one of oar gold fountain pens. G. A. Deedimee, a Druggist. t AN inside pooh has been put up in the 0 I po.tofllee to serve as a wind break when s the door is open. It will slake things more comfortable for the postmaster , during the winter months. e , To Oen ConoEseosDEN'1'.—As we pub - g ' fish a day earlier next weep, on account 1 of Christmas coming on Thursday, our correspondents will oblige by ending1 their corteepondents a clay earlier than , 080,11. ' WusN yon have an item -of news, send it to this office, It may seem not 1tortil repeating, but its publication will interest somebody, We are a'ways pleased to have news for publication from all quar- ters. Many matters which, if known, we would like to mention, pass unnoticed, because not communicated to we Creme Xeres Goons.—Gold and silver watches, clocks, jewellery, silver plated ware. A full lino at very low prices. Gold, wedding, gem and keeper rings, watch chains, charms, geld lockets, brooches, ear -rings and everything in the jewellery line suitable for Xmas presents. T. FLxrcunn, Jeweler. LoTT's Ltvent.—The attention of the Public is palled to the fact that Levi Lott keeps a first-class outfit of good drivers and new, comfortable buggies. Every attention will be given to those favoring him with their patronage. Stable just east of Dr. Graham's block, King street. Give him a call as his rates will be found within the reach of all. A. R. Strlra has opened out in the Smale block whore he will keep a large and well assorted stook of ready made clothing, tweeds, hats and caps, boots and shoes, gents' furnishings, &c. Mr. Smith was a heavy loser by th e fire but he has pluckily gone to work and is rush. ing off the small balance of goods saved from the fire and pushing the sale of the large new stook arriving. We have received from Copp, Clark .& Co., Toronto the Canadian Almanao for 1891, the 4405 year of publication of the Almanac, It contains full lists of the Clergy, Physicians, Municipalities, Edu- cational Institutes, Societies of all kinds, Banks, &o., besides the Tariff of Customs, and a complete list of Post °dines, to- gether with Astronomioal, Statistical Governmental and other information in- dispensible to business and professional menGo. an,—Tho Hannibal (Missouri) Post of Deo. 10th, says of tt former well known resident of .Brussels :—"Dr. F. W. O'Brien, of this city, has received notice of his appointment as deputy state veterinary surgeon, with head- quarters in Hannibal, but will he ready to respond to all calls for his services. Dr. O'Brien is thoroughly posted on the diseases of stook and is a skillful surgeon. His appeintmont is a deserved oomph. menta" Fred's many friends here will we pleased to learn of this appointment and wish hint continued prosperity. TUE Y. P. C. A. of the Methodist ohuroh elected office -bearers for the aur• rent term lest Monday evening as fol- iates :—Geo. Rogers, President ; Dr. Cavanagh, 1st Vice President ; Miss Maggie McNaughton, 2nd Vico Presi- dent ; Mies Minnie Moore, Secretary. Treasurer ; Executive Committee, Miss E. E. Herr, Miss L. Thompson,B. Gerry, A, Hood and W. II. Kerr ; Look -out Committee, Miss Lizzie Maunders, Miss F. le. Kerr, W. Roddick, T. Hili and W. Maunders. A. new program will be pre• pored shortly for the eneuing six months. Ho 1 Fon TUE Sr,ATroc 111111L --The rink is now fn full running order and everything pleasant for skaters and spectators, Now is the time to secure your season tickets and spend a pleasant time during the winter. Tickets for gents, 01,75 ; for ladies, 51.50 ; family tickets, 5500 ; single tights, 100. ; after. nooua, 5o. The rink ix brilliantly illum• inated with electricity. Competeut skaters secured to assist beginners and a fine stock of skates to rent. Every Tuesday afternoon free to ladies. Curl- ers get your armour ready. Look out for the oarnivel on Tuesday eveniug, 23rd Met, See bills for partioulare, Come one I Come all 1 Coale everybody! All are welcome. 'glum,: Tau FLA0."—We ere glad to notice that the words anti music of the patriotio song and chorus "Raise the Flag" have been eniblishod in sheet form by the Empire. .hero is a tone and a swing about the composition which should recommend it at once, both from the musical and the patriotic standpoint. It ought to be given into the hands of our °Unclean and take a place in the schools with "The Maple Leaf." The words and meek were written by E. G. Nelon, of St. John, N. B., in connection with the movement for hoisting the Canadian flag on the sohoolhoueo of the Dominion. In o'dse to put it within the roach of all, the Empire places the price at 10 els., and has put the song on sale by all news•d,alors, litereet,—To be publi'hod early in the new year by the American etude Pub. lbhing Company a set of weltoos, entitl- ed ',Toannette," by Harry J. Whitley, for braes and reed bands. They consist of Andante introduction, fuer waltzes and cotta, and have been tested by a prof, 'atonal band, the Dirootor of whioll Gaya : "They are very pretty and pleas- ing, of a medium grade of difficulty and good far a concert piece. The oomlter melodies for baritone, tenors and altos in the different numbers being well ohoaen and blending finely with the ether harmonise, The introduction of "Homo sweet Homo," in waltz tempo for alto borne in first part of second number while the cornets maintain a different air in Crotchets and in duett being parti- cularly noticeable and hag a beautiful: effect. They are good enough for any band that can play with baste and et. pression and that they requite," Wo can melte a shrewd guess who they are named afine, atl05'55 EJ.GEL.:.,G Sfr.Aa: 7.:=T.'M, Pall wheat 89 87 Spring Wheat 85 87 BatlBarley........ 40 46 46 Toilet Setts, Jewel Cases, Collar' and Cuff Boles Peas 50 60 Caro P 1 Butter, tube and rolls.... 11 00 Eggs per dozen.......... 15 00 101cur per barrel.,........ 4 50 o 00 Potatoos ... ...... ...... 80 80 Hey per ton .. 5 00 8 00 Pork . , 0 80 5 50 fides per lb ,..... 4 00 Salt per bbl., rete]l...... 1 25 00 Sheep skins each ... 60 75 p. �".— i Lamb skins each 46 56 0 make a Specialty of Fine Watch and Jewellery RepairingAll work Guaraxlic . 'Wool, per Ib 18 20 1)o not forget the place. Store in 010 BI.A8M111, NEEM BLOCK, 131tusSFiLs. DEC, 19, 1890, THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN, Chia tmas 'at Pepper's Drag Store. �' ENERAL 17E11VAN'1.' WANT. A 1:D, Applyat 0000 to 51110 W.01 SI3CLAIil, (70vT1 ADIOT10N —'pi1E AD• every partieol ar., Lia 10,1 141]0 stn go' 10,1,,als1 ,lo for myself, to take what belonged 90 me and leave whet belonged to him, 8.41 EMILY GILL, CAMli ON THE PREMISES 01 tho undersigned, Lot 25, Co,,, 14, lleliil)op, on or about Sept, 10011, a lamb Mother). 2'110 owner is reguasted to prove prom -rty, pay exponse9 and take it away, 11E4 Tlitni, JACKSON, Walton P. 0. FARMS 1+0R SALE.— . 110 1+01 pit 91110 Tillage of Ethelllat'lv'1po 0'40uk. Thu vahmbla property known as the "Daniel Estate," 60 acres, being went 1105f of Lot 03, In the 111), Concession of Gray township: goad Orchard, good build- ings and 0 ell Jenard, also 2 000,1 wells, 100 acres, beteg Lot 33, in the 10th Conoae- 0iou of Croy. About 80 (taros cleared ; 00. ,nan,de,• wn)l timbered baud. Tama Dash. CHARLES DANIEL, 29'3 130x 231, Woods took, 011t. G�1 l REWARD.-.-- .- �f] Lost on Tbursday, Suly 3rd, on the street In \Vroxotor, a parcel Of bills, amounting to 0542, and a promissory note drawn by John Saudoson lu favor of Jana Walker for $600, dated June 0111, 3801, and having & payment o1 9050 endoreod on the back thereof ,dated April 11111, ISMA re- ward 01850,00 will be paid for the recovery et the above, or for such information ns will lead thereto. All parties are warned against negotiating the above mentioned note, the sante having been lost, Wroxeter, July Seth,'99, JANE 1VALKEB, BUSINESS CARDS. 1)•N.13ARRETT, Tonsorial Artiet' Shop—Next door south of A. M. McKay S Co's hardware store, Ladioa'aad childreus hair cutting a ao0o1alty ROBERT CUNNINGHAM nameANce, FIRE AND MARIN5. GUELPH. ,ttsfoNAIR, Insurer of Marriage Licenses, by appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commis - Monet, 3o., Q,B. Conveyancer and Agent Fire Inauranoe Oo. Office at the Oranbrook Post Ofnoe. A LEX. HUNTER Clerk of the Fourth Division Court, Co, Huron. 0onveyauaer, Notary Public, Land Loan and Iueurano° Agent. Funds invested and to loan. Collections ma,ln, OIao0 in Graham's 13loo1, Breeeals, IIrISS OGLE Teacher of Piano, Parlor and Pipe Organ, Organist in St. John's Church, Brus- sels, solicits a share of the patronage of the music -loving people of Brussels and vicin- ity, Instructions given at current rates. Terme, referenooa, 1C•o, may be ascertained 1.5 calling at the residence of Mrs. Dumont sr., 2•uruberry street, Brussels. 7-1f ISS LILLA O'CONNOR Is desirous of procuring moils in Vocal Music, Prof. Warrington of 2oronte 1s pleased to give his testimonial as to Miss O'Ooeuor's ability, she having been a pupil of his during her stay in Guelph. Instru. mental ,Music on Piano, Organ and Guitar. Tonna made known on application. Princess 6t., Brussels. Miss O'Connor is open for GOI� H. 11fAKE NO MISTAKE, BUT GO AND 51,1; TEE Electric Light in Pepper's Drug Store. Come and see how beautiful the store looks lit up with the electric light, then also you can see ri Fie and Well Selected Line o.. * r/ IfolUda7 Good S SUI'I:tII1.L loon YSIAiO ANI) um TSAR'S Pit.111r:i;l'33, A I'CINTl31R.---1 "ALL 3511,.5 GOODS 0113APER T8IAN E1'ER 131':FUBII, 1 -Over $100.00 worth of New Bibles and Hymn Book to select from, besides Xmas Carols and 13ooklets-all New. s NOVELTIES IN PERFUMERY ALBUMS. Dolls and Toys for the Children, &c. MISS SHERLOCIi, Late of the Conservatory of Miele, Toronto, is pro )ar0d to give lessons at Fisher and Dlr Harrison ou 'the piaTno, and of Mr, S. H. Clark in vocal utuelo. Claes at Oranbrook every Tuaedasy, For terms, &e., apply at the Met110,11 t 1 arsonogo, lintel, AUCTIONEERS, A RAYIXANN, Auctioneer, is always ready to at- tend Klee of farina, farm stook, Ise. Teresa cheerfully given. Craubrook P.O. Sales may he arranged. at Tun Pon Publishing House, Brussels, '.1 EORGE KIRKBY,� X Licensed Auctioneer, Sales uonduot- edon reasonabla terms. Farms and farm atoolra eueoia50y. Orders left at Tnn Powr P ubll shins House,Bra Gaels, e 5011t to Walton P. 0., will receive prompt attention. HAVING TAKEN OUT LIOEN- a15 as an Auctioneer, I ant prepared to oonduot sales of farm stock at reasonable prtoee. I(nowiug the standing of nearly ovary person I am in a no sitlon to sell to flood marks and gat good security when sold en credit. Satisfaction guaranteed, Give mea call. 02- F S. 80035. MEDICAL CARDS. (jfllM. F. CALE, M.D., C. M.; r Member of the College of Pbyn,cinn OEIIdo5 nand Residssse —Maiof Ontario n street -Emit, Ethel, Ontario, T A. &IoNAUGHTON, 51. D. • 0, M., L. It C. P„ Edinburgh, M. C. P 8. Ont. At Pepper's Drug Store from 9 to 11:00 a, ,n. and from 1;30 to 4 p.111, At other bore may be found at his residenoo, form- erly occupied hy Dr. S utchinson, Mill et. _ VETERINARY. _ T D. WARWICK, eJ • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College. is prepared to treat all diaeaeos of dnmostioateit animals in a com• potent manner. Particular attention .paid to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at- tended to, twice and Warmer —Two doors 30• north of bridge, Turnborry st., 73russele, BANKING. �/� c INTUSII & MICTAGGART, BANKERS, - BRUSSELS, Trcr.ue¢ct rs C3•orsore.i 33aaslcing X7umiaeoxs, NOTES DISCOUNTED, Canadian sud United States Drafts bought and eoid. Interest allowed on Deposits, Collections made on favorable terms. Canadian Aponte—ifERCKANP's BANK or CANADA, Now York Agents—Is,ponrnns ANn T11An. Ene NA'rrooAL BANK, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, Collec- tions made o3 O16oe and VConveyancer. a lck,Cl3ru9• sole, 51 -am' YV•Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Pub. M. SINCLAIR, lie, ,Lc. 04150—Grabens's Bieck,1 door north o1 Pepper's Drag Store, Private Funds to Loan, DICKSON' & HAYS, (Lwith ate ow osrooynon,rich,) oreters,lici rCnvsor 1h0. Omoo5—brussels and Soafortb. Brits. sole Oit0co,Bogers' Block, Main St. Money t0 Loan, n. e. MYR. 8.0,1050055. A. M. TAYLOR B. C. L. Barrister, Solicitor, Iso., of the arm of Taylor, McCullough Is Burns, Barristers Solicitors, ,e„ Manning Arcade, Toronto, Money to loan. DENTAL, =alvTT_sTES.Yi -_ G. L. Ball, L, D.B. Nitros Oxfda Gas ad. ministered for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. 74 Gerrard Street East, Tonosra. Ii) XIS N T I l+i'JC M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D• D. S., GSmgeo eoof , Onta,IO, an491 C ofe ,,root0'BUni. vorelty, OFFIOl5—Opposite American Hotel, Brussels, WE INVITE YOU TO CALL AND SEE ICOR YOURSELF TEXAT e son, Jeweller, iso HAS TH E,�;" LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK —OF GOODS SUITABLE FOR— `lit IN BRUSSELS, CO✓Y'SISTI✓Y G 0.11? Ladies' and Gent's Solid Gold Watches. Silver and Gold Filled -Watches, )ALL MAKES AND DESIGNS.( Our Stock of Watches being very Large we are offering therm at Rock Bottom Prices. Vkir Ego 14 Brooches, liar Pins, Ear Rings, Cuff Buttons, Gold Beads, Bracelets, Ladies' and Gent's Watch Chains, Gold Rings, Lockets and Charms, &o, &c, A COMPLETE ASSORTED STOCK OF ALL LiNES iN JEWELLERY, SOMETHING TO SUIT ALL. Four Barrels Just Received. We have the Best Quality of Silverware manufactured, and have in stock any article you may require. We do Engraving, if wanted., on Any Article, Free of Charge. X4' LA Ur .3fait S &o , &c, CHEAP 1 ISO NOT MII,S i 1e9i114XNG MY DX:SPLAY 1 Every Person 4telconlo to 'Inspect nay Goods whether they wish to Hr, L. JACKSON, Jeweller, buy or not.