HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-12-19, Page 7Due, 19, 1600,
some rsorllt Faits.
A. oubit le two feet.
A pace is three feet.
A. fathom le six foot.
A span is 7' Inchon,
A palm is .threw indium.
A groat cubit is 18 feet.
A longus is lllroe miles.
Bran, 05 lbs. per bnehel,
Oats, 65 lbs, per bushels.
]3arloy, 48 lbs, per bushel.
There are 2,750 lauguagen.
A day's journey is 80e miles.
A tub of butter weighs 84 lbs,
Coarse salt, 85 lbs. por boatel.
Two persons die every second.
A barrel of rice weighs 000 lbs.
Buckwheat, 52 lbs. por bushel.
Sound moves 743 miies per boor.
A square mile contains 010 acres.
A. atonal blows 80 miles an hour.
A barrel of flour weighs 100 lbe,
A firkin of butter weighs 200 Ibe,
Slow river flow five miles nn hour.
Timothy seed, 45 lbs. per bushel.
Tho average humin life ie 81
Au acre contains 4,810 square
to vie.
A hurricane moves 80 miles per
Rapid rivers flow Hoven tniloa per
A hand (horse measure) is four
A rifle b111 moves 1,000 miles per
Electricity moves 228,000 miles
per hour.
The'firet Lucifer match was made
in 1848.
The first horse railroad was built
iu 1820.7.
A mile iv 5,280 feet, or 1,700 yards
in length.
Corn, rye and flaxseed, 26 pounds
per bushel
The first steamboat plied the
Hudson in 1807.
A moderate wind blows seven
miles per hour.
Wheat, beaus and clover seed, 00
pounds per bushel.
The flret use of a locomotive in
the States was in 1820.
The first almanac was printed by
(leo. Von Purbeck in 1640.
Until 1770 cotton spinning was
performed by the hand spinning
The first steam engiae on Ellie
continent was brought from I nglaud
in 1758.
i'ABlE'J'I li$.
The whiskey market is unsteady
wwhcn It takes a drop.
'('at nipped,' squeaked the mouse
lie tabby got e grip on him.
You can make some men 'Lite
the dust' very onsily by giving them
a doubtful quarter.
When a girl is iu love elle always
thiuks the young man is perfect,
and lie agrees with her.
The milli of the gods grind iI w-
ly, but they are always supplied
with raw material by discordant,
di.coeteuted. humanity.
Alis Slimpurse—'0f all things I
litre conies Clare Shorteaeb with a
for cloak on.' Mies Neenah (shiver-
ing)- 'I should think she'd roast.'
John Doo—'Aro you carrying a
mortgage on your house 2' Richard
lloo—'Yoe 1 anti, strange to say,
I'm carrying it because I can't lift
The first Lesson.—'What is the
first lesson in journalism 1' asks a
young man. It is this : When you
go into the offline of an editor, make
your visit short.
Paid Fancier --Here you rue, air,
a fine South American parrot worth
$50 and on sale at half price. It's
a great talker. Snngsby—Dou't
went it. I'm married.
First. Student—'I wonder why
Prof. Flunkus doesn't have a chair
in his recitation room ?' Second
Sentient—'Don't need any. lio
Sits on the mon who flank 1'
Mr. \Vicliwire—'This is going to
be a cold winter. I feel it in my
brume.' !drs, Wickwire—'`That's
the itret time I knew you believed
in rho goosobose theory,'
Architecture is ono of the greatest
of tl.e arts ; but none of ire profess.
ore has been able to build that step
at the top of the flight for which
your foot roadies vainly when sone.
ing up stairs in tho dark,
At Philadelphia,—Miss Wainutt
—'Here comes Mr. Bronston behind
us. ' Who ie he, anyway ' Why
dons he never allude to his family 2'
Mies Spruce --'Why, ho never has
any 1 He's from New York.
Mastor--'Mary, I fear that you
are somewhat of a coquette. This
wakes the fourth engagement in
the past year.' Mary—'\Voll, ,ye
ser, air, it'e etch fun to hear 'em
propose aud swear oteenal fidelity.'
Two old people in West Virginia
stinted to loavo their property lo
each other, and the better to do it
they got married, The groan waas
01 years old and his two big boys
Lad to hold him np while the acre•
mony was being performed,
Ono Matron—'No; I do not al.
low my husband to address nio by
iry Christian num,' Anetbct'
Matron—'I shoulclu't mind that at
all. It is the unolirestian natnee he
breaks out with every once in a
While; that 1 object to.'
NOlt1'HWYINT AC/011218
W. V, Keefer hits purchased ono -
half of the Wild Uat, o gold eosin,
which will be reached by a trail up
Eagle Greek,
The Leland hotel Lae changed
beanie, Mr. Crawford having sold out
ito Ur. Flannagan, from Ontario, who
to now in (Marge.
The Douglas Lake Cattle 0o. ship.
ped from Kamloops to the coast
markets the other day 218 bend of
oath). They were a fine lot of beat
' cattle.
13uildungz oporatious have been car
tied on with vigor Chia fall in Calc
Lake, Man., the handsome additions
adding greatly to the cosy eitnatiou
Theodora Davie has retired from
too law firm of Davie & 13odwsfl, of
Victoria, .13. 0., which has been re-
constrnotcd under the name of Bed -
well & trying.
The Kootenay Star stye : '1.+', Ree-
ser infertile no that the Smoitiug
Comparly has just concluded a cov-
tract for 2110 tone of ore monthly
from the Monarch Mine at Field.
1e. W. Evans, foromau of the Van-
couver World newsroom, died the
other day, after a abort illnese. He
was much esteemed among his fellow
craftsmen. The remains were taken
to Kingston.
Capt. nub, Dominion Land Agent
at Kamloops, returned from Bevel•
stoke recently, after oouducting a
sale of town lots owned by the Do-
minion Government in that plane.
He reports a very successful sale,
about $7,000 worth of property haw.
ing been disposed of.
The following appointments were
gazetted in the last issue of the
Northwest 'Territories. Gazette :—
To be justices of the peeoe—Teranoe
Hugh Galloway O'Brien, Esq., of
Victoria, Alberta ; Nele lioler Neil -
sou, Esq., of Orkney settlement,
Yorllton, Aseiniboia ; William Pat.
rick Hopkins, Keg., of Yorkton, As-
stniboin. To be issurer of marriage
licenses—John James Heaslip, Loq.,
of Alameda, Aseiniboia.
The Galt mines at Lethbridge aro
running night and day, and conse-
quently business is very good. The
company paid out for wages alone
itbout $45,000, and about $15,000
to merchants in that town for sup-
plier, in+titing in all $G0,000 paid
out in to an last month, The pay
roll f ,r November will be late° on
Recount o[ the iuoreased quantity of
coal mined during that mouth.
The Lethbridge Piuman Catholics
have started to tom 'Nate fur t con•
vent building which they intend to 1
finish this winter. Tate new public
school building will be finished about
Christmas. It will cost a 'hon tom•
plated, iuclodine furnace, about
$15,000. Sir Alexander Gault Ilos-
pital and Opera Hoare are both well
under way, but of ooureo it will bo
impossible to finish them this year.
There are a number of private regi•
dances in course of erection.
(:Poo. eleOullough died in the Si.
13onifice liusbital on Friday of Lem•
orrhage of the lungs, after a long
illness. Deceased was about 25
years of age, and came to Manitoba
in 1885 from Galway, Ireland. He
was for a numbor of years manager
of tho Manitoba Milling Sr Brewing
Company at Portage Lt Prarie He
trod a
ho ,1 of frieude ut Winnipeg
and throughout the country, who
will be grieved to learn of his death.
When taken ill he was travelling
for the North -remit Areabed Water
On. Ile was a brother of Jas. Mee
Gullongh, of Maxwell Bros., Winni-
A luau namely 3. J. Daley, who
has for some four years been engag-
ed in lewdness la Victoria, and bas
also been prominently identified with
church work and was largely instru-
mental iu the establishment of a
Y. M. 0. A. in that town, has been
aeoueod of bigamy. Delay married
a Mies Gregg in Victoria, but the
marriage did not prove a happy ono
and ended in a separation, but it
seems that lie had already a wife and
five children in New Zealand, He
denies the statemout, but the doaorip•
tions aro imamate and oauuot be
mistaken, He was committed for
On Thursday afteruoou at about
2:30 in the Italian saloon at Nan•
aimo, there was a fatal shooting
scrape over a quarrel at a game of
earls. The Nanaimo free Prose
gives the following mama :--'.Chore
were four men playiug a four hand
game of "seven-up'' for the drinks.
James Marshall iud S Impotent had
a bet on Iia side of $1.50 each, the
stakes of $8 laying on the table.
At the conclusion of the pane
squabble ,iroeo, end Leperini awls
the $0, :tlitrxliiill tmuiediately eu o
deavoure1 to rogniia rho t$3 by
force. and tvaitoet or the other side
of the table for the purpose of Wilk.
lull Luporini. Thu latter, limeade,
without waiting to dt:liburate, gaialtly
pulled out a revoiver, and area a
slmt at Marshall, who iisreetilatoly
fell to the ground, oxolaming:—"lie
lois !tilled me." These wore the
Inst. words the murdered man utter.
ed and expired iu about ten mhtutes
after, The shot entered his left side
jest n, little above (he hip, from
which the blood flowed frauly fur '1
few minutes. The murderer S.
Luporini (an Italian), lice not long
been nut of jell, whoro he served a
toren of six mouths imprisonment
for robbery and seduction of hit
cousin. 8. Luporini, the murderer,
has been committed for trial at the
Fall Assizes.
James Wilson, superintendent of
C. P. R. telegraphs in the N. W.
Territories, states that to future
there will be uo fear of a break in
seiegreph communications with Vio
toria, B. 0. The company is ar-
ranging for the ptucli•aee and sub•
mergehen, as early as poe:ible in
the 'Trine(, of a tire's wire etl,le in
the Gulf of Georgia. Til.: cable
now submerged there will be (alum
up and laid botwv;n Port :iresout,
Washington and Port Beecher, 13
0., it having been found that the .,
places offs the bait litudiu n In t'1
straits. '.l'he cable between V t Coria
and Dungeness wilt alae us Ierpt i:,
repair. This will furnish three linea
of oommunicetiou between West
mintater and the island, an:l with
the improved Pacific pose al from
Seattle to Port Townsend, an 1
along the slraite to Port OreHent,
will no doubt meet all demands..
Ivor. Wilson also says that in the
course of throe or four days tho C.
1'. R. will have a fourth wire in
operation between Donald and Win•
nipeg, which with the quadruplet:
now working from the former point
to Vauoouver, will place the com-
pany in a much better position than
heretofore to handle their constantly
increasing business.
HINTS TO 110U$EIt1:EPGtt5.
For an aching tooth, saturate a
piece of cotton with ammonia and
lay it on the tooth.
A good rule is to use pastry flour
whenever baking powder is used
and bread flour with yeast.
Never put potatoes on the table
in a covered dish. They will re•
absorb their own moisture and be•
tomo sodden.
Thick shoot cream sweetened
and flavored and thickened with a
little flour or oorn starch and baked
between two crusts, is excellent.
For stomach worme iu children,
mix one teaspoonful of powdered
sego in two tablespoonfuls of melee -
see, and give a teaspoonful every
Limp chimneys mny bo gleaned
by holding them over the steam
from a teakettle and thou rubbing
teem with a soft cloth. Polish with
Ribbons avd other silks should
be put away for preservation i,t
brown eitper, as the chloride of lime
used in manufactbtrhng white paper
frequently produces discoloration.
'aon rust may be removed from
marble by t !icing one part of nitric
acid to twenty-five parts of water
and applying it eorefally to tho
epots. Rinse off with ammonia and
To take the rust out of steel, nib
the steel with sweet oil ; is a day
or two rub with fluely-powdered,
unelaoleed lime until the rust all
disappoar'es, then oil again, roll in
woolen and put in a dry place, ca-
pecially if it be teblo calory.
Sctubbiug brushes should bo
kept with the bristles dotvu, and
they will last toiee as long ; com-
mon sense will tell you if you. stand
them the other way the water will
run down and soak into the back,
loosening the bri,ties, whether they
be glued or virod.
A young housekeeper asks for
something that will remove iudel-
blo ink stains. Oyanhlo of pouts.
slum, which is a deadly poison, and
must bo carefully handled, will ro•
move some stains of escaped
deliblo" ink. Get directions for its
use from the apothecary where you
purchase the preparation.
A sickroom screen should be
made very light, so it can bo moved
easily. A clotheshorse will answer
for the frame, Buy a couple of
tubes ofdarkest groan, thin with
linseed oil and a little turpeutiue,
and with a fiat bristle brush paint
the light wood frame. Dark green
silesia, tacked on one side firmly to
the wooden frame, will shut out
light. On to either side you can
pin up eve picture at a time. If
there is oolor hi that one picture,
so much the better, The nearer
,you make your sickroom•
screen like lois screen an artist
QM in bus studio, the better for the
recovery of the sick child. ''
Stanley slys that eertaiu portion
of Afrtnit will Inc wortitl, a, on no
(mnnt of the t•avlt';is of 1110 grass
hoppers. to one iustitnce Inc saw 11
column of yentng graseboppere 10
tulles broad by 80 long marching
down a valley, +tad when the gt,tas
was lima against theta they were
thick enough to smother the flames,
I Money to Loan,
Money to Loan on Farm 1.'ro
pc'rty at
L O rf J ,9.1L .L TEES,
,Private and Company funds,
,Solicitors, 1�c.
BRUssr•.r.s, ONT.
Money to Loan on
Private and Company Funds.
9rrvua+awv Amlaxrmnmraraxct;3,rar"..1 gAue
_.--0011IRANCE UP --
J.C.IIullernan, S.A.T oung,
Valuator. Agent. Is Well Worth Seeing, as it
Ethel P.O., Ont. ,nc,
To the Public
After a business experience of
18 years in the Butchering Busi-
ness in Brussels I desire to ex-
press my best thanks for the
patronage of the past and ask
a continuance of the same for
the time to come.
I desire to call the attention
of the public to the fact that I
have Removed my Place of Busi-
ness to my new Brick Block,
Opposite the American Hotel,
where I will keep a Choice Supply
of Meats, Poultry, Sausage, ale.
Cash Paid for Dressed Poultry
and Bides.
GOY V30+ J!iX 1I A CALL..
C A tr 0 It 8,
NAPKIN RINGS, arc., &o.
Just the Things for this Season.
And Sold at Very Reasonable
A Nice Present could easily be
chosen from our Large
Table Knives, Carvers,
Bread Knives, Scissors,
Ana Cutiesy of A,11
Before you coo your Holidaying Trading Call and
Wm, Blashill, and Get our Prices.
BUT ci m:,
l��ilc 3 ULI TUilL1 'Bearer' arer HardzvaTe Store.
Practical TTr'atclaiww.(altctr i
and Jeweler. _ R .. , A -0 y
See 15-
Thanking the public for past favors and l a p iu te2 wa o of 1890- 1
rasuppgrt and wishing still to secure
year patronage, we are opening
out Full Lutes in
— `i�'g it t We have one of tit,• :4hcst A:.socrulents
.9..""of Cook, Box, Parlor and Coal ettoves
Silver Plated Ware over exhibited in Brussels, and they will bo sold
from Established and Reliable Makers, A1'1" A3.10AAa OINI.A.13IEJ Ya]f3YG1 e^Ps.
fully warranted by ns.
Clocks of the Our 'Tpo p' Good toveLea the eat;
Latest .Desig las.
rptA Largo Stock of New Lamps and Lamp
Goods to Hand. Special Attention called
to our Handsome flange of HANGING LAMPS. They are Dandies.
Graniteware, Cutlery and Shelf Goods always it? Stock.
Goods not in stock Honda r'p at Short Notice.
People can Savo Molloy by trading with un.
LADIee 0101 1iiNee,
Eai,i:ixs,, Sn.
1. .A.lso a Pull Line of Psora ,s and
Violin Strings, &o., in stock.
E..-isaar,a sr Yriu rh,ge r.5t'.enecs,
T. Fletcher, - Brussels.
`Post' Bookstore.
Pol�ezad. ala�nily )I Tat
OF— —
i' t11a ,ty .e 85 Wilton.
--AL SO—
Hymn and Psalm Books
Sold at Prices that will
Astonish you.
Writing ells 7.
Would make it Nice Present.
School 1111p4,
A Nice Assortment of
os�l Booksfbrs, 8asoais,
Ile has Just Ptecoived a Lurge Stock of Fine
Geo. Baeker's is the Place to get the Cheapest -
and Best Teas, Sugars and General Groceries.
Produce of all kinds taken in Exchange for Goods,
GEO. E..'° .a, .'3_.'1Rr.