HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-12-19, Page 5DEO. 19, 1800 SIOULGEOGIUSEtillialMapairESSEGEMSFAVEISSIMEWOOSOMOIMUSESIMennOtrattinealESEnnariltlealliMaltearil Angus Melenic has returned to his ltl"1Ct 4rl etv$, old boarding house atter tnlchig a trip 1 Ieselii"Vitt \Vo are pleased to hear that IT, Col. lien who Ice been quite ill of late, is oomowltat better. k tea meeting is to he held at Jubilee church, Nth oon., lama, on Tumidity evening next, where a good time la pro. mired. What the people in this vicinity may look for is a number of sohool entertain. moots, tea meetings, plenty of snow, and opposition at the municipal elections. Quito a number from I3enfryn atten- ded the entertainment at Whitfield school hoose on Tuosday might and all aro highly -pleased with the evening's enjoy. mous, VPi1111_21am A carol service will be held in St, Paul's church on Christmas evening. A fifty -light dynamo is especial hero every day to run the aleotria light of this town. The Baptist congregation of tido town havo not received any intimation from Rev, Dr, Crawford as to the cell extend- ed him to become their pastor. Severed potato buyers have been in town during the wank, and huge gnanti- ties of the tuhern fire beim brought into town for shipment, Thirty-five Dents per bushel is the price tiling paid for them. Mrs. Jonlcins, wife of Robt, Jenkins, of Turnborry, was 111 London last week hav- ing an operation performed on one 01 her eyes. She has been perfootly blind for about a year, thick SOME having grown over the sights of both eyos. Dr. Wis- hart removed one of them and will oper- ate on the other in about a week. One would imagine this to havo been a very painful Ordeal to pass through, but Mrs. Jenkins says she hardly felt it, and was not put under the influence of chloro- form. The part taken from the Bye was about the size of half the akin of a largo pea,but not quite so thick, Mr. Jon - has it In a little bottle of alcohol, and showed it to us a few days ago.—Ad- vance. Walton. Auction sale of general articles going on this week at Jones' Hall. Miss Belle MaDangell spent a few days last week, visiting friends hare. Mies Minnie McDonald is home from Seaforth Collegiate for ter vacation. Subscribe for True POST for 1801 if you want tho local, district, Canadian and general news. Preparations arebeing made for the enema tea meeting in the Methodist church on New Year's night. At the Duff's church Y. P. C. A. last Thursday evening recitations were given by Misses Mary Gardiner, Lizeie Smillie and Wrn. lfaFadzeon ; reading, Thos. MoLanchlin, and choruses by the choir. 11, T. mt T. ---The afiecrs for cn'roilt term of Council 389 R. T. of T. aro ('., Bro. W. Ottewell ; P. C., Bro. Those Jackson ; V. 0„ Sister Sirs. Thus. Jack- son ; Chaplain, Bro. 1) Forrest ; Rec.. See., Sister Bella lore ; Anst, Ree.. Sec., Sister Bella Mahibbin ; i'in.-Spa., Slater Minnie O'Connor ; Trees., Bro. T. A. Metanehlin ; Herald, Bro. Dune. MiCuaig ; Dep. Herald, `ister Maggie 31orrison ; Guard, Bro. Heigh Ramsay ; Sentinel, Bro. J. F. Welsh. After the election of officers a good program was pi mimed no follows : Readings by Thus. Jacltenn, .7, F. Welsh and hiss Maggio Morrierm ; rooltation by Sirs. Thomas Jackson ; instrumental selection, hiss O'Connor ; trio, Messes Williamson and Pollonl and W. T. Pollard. The Council porpoara having an open lodge the first Weihienrlay iu .lan, at which an excel• lout program will be rendered, If_AS �v o l . The Oddiellows Pnrposo giving a charity concert. W. G. flay is in tiro field for lite Mayoralty for 1801, J. W. Carthew, barrister, has removed from Palmerston to Listowel. Mr. Car - thew is entering into partnership with II. 13. Morphy in the law business. L. 0. L. No, 370, Listowel, met in their ledge room on the 5th inst, The following officers wore elected :—W. M., Bro, Il. Willoughby ; D. l'1., Bro. Win. Welch ; Itoo. See., Bro. R. Stanley ; kr. S., 19x1. F. Tank ; Trona„ Pro. R. '1'. Henn ; Chap., Bro. J. Evans ; 1). of 0., Bro. S. Culbort ; Committee, Bro. T. Riley, Bro. C. Wilson, Bro. S. Strain, Bro. Win. :Rolle, Bro. W. hl. Tremain ; F. M., Bro. T. 19. Hay ; Lecturer, Bro. R. Woods. Tho locum is in a healthy condition, and expects to make °onsidor- able income in its membership during the caning year. About 1:30 on Tuesday morning of last week the alarm wooded, when it was found that the marble shop of R. T. Kemp was on lire, Tho firemen 11000 on hand in good time and the hose attached to the hydrant and in a fow urinates a good stream of water was being thrown on the building. The fine was ooufined to the marble shop but at ono time the building adjoining, occupied by 111x, Hunter as a laundry, was in groat danger of catching lire. A quantity of the furniture, bedding, etc., was carried sub, but was talion back again when the fire- men had the fire under control. The fire is supposed to have naught from the cbimnoy, as the fiamus were first aeon issuing from that part of the building, by our night watchman, Jas. Osborne. The building is ono of the oldest, if not the oldest, in town, There Was an in- sareems of $800 on the marble and $100 on the tools. la3t.Tt(tH. John Oobor tb So) drovo to Iluspolor last Friday. David Badgley moved into the house jest vanatocl by the Mules foully. 'Pry Trig Pon for 1801. It gives the oroam of the local and distrdat lappet. 111La %ilex oollootor MoDoiald was in town one day last week and had rho handsmmo sum of $2,800 hauled in to him, Tho anmml mooting of tho Ethel ohooso factory will he hold in ltm'tot'B Llttll at r '1 rie 1t 11 a )1` • HILL ) �`41 08d Deo. n alaclt 1 Duo. t, J, `l ithl 1 ha township Who's had thein• ideal meeting for 1800 o11 bloodily. ft is gen- orally coushdored that tho diiforonb gttarto0s of the township aro Well aid ably repreeontod by rho present council, and we think it would bo well to Imo them unanimously,'ninutallod m)lton(lay tho 211th dist, through the litet0s doing n) titn troth. ern eit1ae. Hpeodal servir:ov aro lining onndnoted at Hoe's appointment by Rev, 13, Sltorlook, on account of which Rev, R. Paul, of i Bruae:Is, 000upiod tho Methodist pulpit last timidity evening. Joseph b'aulkner bee engaged it team- stor for the winter. Judging from the vory broad smile Jot, woare now, we would not bo at ail ourprisod if he should renew the engagement at the end of the term seeing the young gent is a name. oaks of his own, and giving the best of satisfaction so far, What might havo been a eeriouo ao- oidenb occurred the other day on a farm just outside of the village. A party of men wore butchering a beef, and an they were winding it op one of the mon had hie ett0tltiOn more On a pole over his hood, than on hie work, and did not notice till his head becamo entangled in the chain and he was winding himself up illatea(1 of the hoof. Ae help was on hand he was soon liberated but all agreed that it looked something like another Birchen naso, Then fall hands went to work to kill the hogs, but as they could not get away with them ate first as the largo slaughtering lioness, they stuck a pig and then sat down rind waited two Mora for It to die. When they were through all thought that it would' be well to have a little more practise befero do- ing mash in tho butohoriug business. Mot vele:. More weddings on the Lapis. Mrs. Nelson Thornton is still an the sick list. Mrs. Lauohlin Frame has been very sick lately. Geo. Hood lost a valuable mare last week by inflammation, Mee. MoColl, of Wingham, is visiting her sister, Mrs. 0. Proctor, Sift line. Miss Janet Hood has returned, after a short visit with her sister, Mrs. Buckley, Paris. Mr. and Mrs. Green, of Wingham, Sundayed at Geo. Johnston's, on the 1st con. Try Trite Pose for 1891 and secure the local, district, Canadian and genera! news. G. H. Blackwell, of S. S. No. 6, Morris, iotonds holding his examination on Sat- urday of this week, 20th inst. Dont forget the Christmas tree on Monday evening, 22nd inst., in Sunshine ohuroh. A good time ds expeoted. Mre, L. Olvia, of the 1st eon., who has been suffering for some time with heart disease, is sot much improved in health. The people of Sunshine ohuroh Lave added an addition of 25 feet to their shod which will make it more oomfart. able. Miss Cowan, of Wroxeter, who has been visiting for a ooupla of weeks at Joseph McKiinney's, has returned to her home. Mrs, Frank Ashton, of the let con., who has boon emulously indisposed for about a month, is somewhat bettor, we are pleased to say. Thos. Jewitt oonductod the sorviuo in Johnston's church last Sabbath, the Rev. L lip Walltvin being away proaching rtlissionary eern1011s. Some say there will likely be an oleo• tied coutest in Morris this year and allure say they dont think 0u. Nomina- tion day will settle the natter. Ilobt. Shaw, of the and mon„ who went on a trip to Manitoba about four months ago, has returned hone. The girls were nitich pleased to see hint return uunlarri- Wdllie Mooney is eonvalesslrl very nicely and will soon bo about again We hope. Little Robbie anti Clara have token the fever, however, and aro 11000 undor Lha doctor's marc. Reeve Mooney's fondly have hod a large share of sick. nese in tho poet two or three pare. 1 'S111C4r111o. Christmas is coming„ The township Council mot on Monday. The sleighing is bringing in the saw- logs. Those who have had tibiakon pox are recovering. The mitk•drawors all have a pleasant smile. Tuesday was pay day. Mrs. Timmins was home for a few days visiting her mother iu Belgrave. Sickness seems to be the fashion. There are a nttnit),r of ettnea of iutLtm- matiol in Mortis, Your corral) rodent neglected to men- tion the houmc.rming of Wm. Dull frim Manitoba a few wu.•ks ago. The merry jingling of the sloiglt•bolls melees everything lively. Tho snow though not deep is just enough. George Atchison is complaining this wools. Bluevele would mum bine if ho woro laid aside but for a short time. 0, Stott and 8, Anderson aro, OO are glad to seo, ablo to be around again, Both have been having rather a hard time lately. Ube T. Ross, who has been ]route on a visit, is now visiting friends in Morris. She purposes returning to Toronto soon after Christmas. The Board of nohool trustees have go. cored Thu atrviocs of our two worthy nohool bombers for next year, Mr. Mao. :,wen is mending fisc to try the :Baraboo Examination One bite. 11ov, A. Y. Hartley preached last Steb• bath evening in fila Methodist ohuroh to an overflowing aougregatiot in so much that large numbers had to go away. The pastor of the ulutrah was in Wroxeter. J. Diment, en,, is on tho war path again seeking municipal honors. Mr. Thomsen, the DeputyRoeve, is resigning his office this year and there will doubt- less bo a change all rook). We wish Mr. Diment emcees as an old friend in that lino. Ed, Coultos arrived home on Wednes• day from Otto Model school, Clinton, whoro be :uta been spending the last threo montho. lid. is going to be a coacher at New Year's in Zetland. We wish our youngf'' u friend succuss In his net V vocation, 0. Haney, tho .G1ltniootor for Ola now church, dc'.uives credit for tho business. like way fu which he has conducted all the pr0000diuge and far the magnificent etiniter° which bas been uroutod under Lie direction. Wo art sorry to say, hots. Over, that financials Me. Ilan,• r will robabl he e 5, p Y the la u•. Wo lve•o very sorry to haat' of tin an. ' cadent which Or o'lrretl 10 Mrs, John Rob. crtson rho other day. Elim was milking evhon rho acv rather nuearommtiottsty kicked and the rosnit was a br k ni item, A junior 111, D„ of Wingham, oicii'fnlly sot tho bone and too 000 "ltd to say tin patient ie rapidly lnipl'Oviog. THE BRUSS Our esteemed station motor, Mr. Conte, ie stili lemming better, 'l'Ir t a r '0 hint t :nwwia to. an(vnh 011 nt 1 t I at 1 weeds Oourptetion, Altlurn„h it \Vita mgt quite: finished, db wan oprmud nn Tlmrs. Liao of Ulla week by Rev. Dr. Potts, who delivered all olcgn01a and Relent address, This snmptnnns Rinner h1 the evening wire rulished by not a few. Particulars ell! bo given next weok. critretee. Auditor wedding will tape plueo in Grov before long, Wire, Thos. Stupes, we are glad to hoar, is improving in health. 0. 13oworman's examination is Held on Tuesday 28rd December. Sohool examinatione and literary meet. inga Como thiols and fast, Teuton Hartley, of Motivate, is engaged as toucher in No. 4 Grey, for 18111, Wm, Bahamioll's auction sato of farm stook wont high, Goo. Birkby wielded the hammer. Try Tint Poor for 1801 and thus se- cure the local, distrl•n, Canadian and general news. Thu elootrio light in P,'•oisola 5noms to be a grand help for tho people Who do bnsioeris daring the ".ronin',;. Thos. T, hole til i 1 In01 put in it grafin chopper at .Jam.,atuwn and will rush business dot big rho winter. The atnnel int t aof 1'r.. morels and Croy uheesn factory will be hold in the Coulu:il Chamber, Be Moa la, on Salorday, 27th inst., commencing at 2 O'aloolc. A large attondanee of those Moe mated re- quested. Wen. Crooks and wife, of Toronto, are visiting at his father's, on She »th 0011. They came on Monday evening. We are sorry to hoar that Mr, Crooke' health is not good and ho hopes that his visit to this locality will bo productive of good and alt in building up hie ainslitution. R. F. Cameron was visiting whit J. Al Robertson on Thursday of last ween(, Mr. Cameron 1s highly impressed with the Queen City. The facilities and op- portunities afforded a porton to improve himself are good. Ile heard the great Henry M. Stanley lecture on' 'Africa” in the new auditorium. Lila BnotiN.--G. Perrin, who lately challenged all -comers in Cunada for an all-round wrestling match, met with a bad accident at Dorchester Station on Wednesday of last week while practising with some local sports. It seems Messrs. Perris and Richardson were getting in training form for their engagements ; the former having had a hold with Alvey St. Clair, whom he threw easily, but on the second throw by 001E0 Means 1n giv- ing a quick move to break a lock they both came to the floor, and even then did not realize that his leg was broken. Some of the on -lookers supposed from the distinct sound that Sb. Clair got a broken rib, and Ito really imagined such VMS the case, as be woo examining both sides to Boo if any bones were broken. In a few minutes Perris found out that it was the front hone of ifs leg, half way between the loot and knee. It was pure. ly aacidontol. A doctor set the bone. Sarah hunter, a litt'o girl empioyed in the household of Mr. Smith, motel/Vim na tried to 'poison her employer end his family, and afterwards succeeded in tie,,. troyiug her own life with 'rough on rats.' A. prounineut Grand T,unk official is quoted as saying thot when the tunnel is in working order the G. T. R. ferry boats trill be token off at Detroit, and every- thing will go through Isere.—Sarnia Can- adian. F:um,ars' I:;atitutie will be held as 1'Ih)tvo dating tho neon:h of J:muary Toe a, N. Bruce, 2n,i, 10 a. m. ; Port Elgin, N. Bruce, ;)rd, 10:30 a, m. ; Pa be ley, 0, Bruce, 0th, 10 a. m. ; Walkerton, S. Bruen, 7th and 8th, 1 p, m, oil 7th ; Listowel, N. Perth, 0th, 10;30 te. til. ; Mitvertou, N. Porth, Inch, 10 a, m. ; Brussels, E. Huron, 12th and 18th, 1 p. m. o) 12th ; Smith's 1Jill, W. Huron, 14th and lath, 1 p. m. on 14th ; .Exeter, S. Huron, 10tloand 17011,1 p. m. on lOrh; Luoan, N. Middlesex, 10111, 10 a. m, ; Pitrkhill, N. Middlesex, 20th, 10 a. m. ; Thorndale, E. Middlesex, '21st and 22nd, 1 p. 111. ou 2100. Judicial Sale —0L' VALUAB.LP— °yam :Property, IN THE TOWNSHIP OF GREY, IN THE COUNTY OF HURON. Pursuant t tho Order oft Sale ntad° in a °attain 00005 or matter, in tho County Court of the County 00 Heron, of Bohmrioll vs, Boharriell, anddntod the second day of Pecomber, A, 0, 1890, tlroi•o will be sold by Public Avalon, with rho apormbabiou of Ieaaa F. Tomo, Coq„'heal Boplesontativo of the County or Huron, at the Central hilts[, in the tillage or ltrusoets, 2 ue,,sda y, Dec. ;?3r'd, '00 AT 7'1111 nenli 011 T\Vl Ltt: 0'01,000 (NOON) 1111 follewin g valcablo 3,101 property, viz.: All and singular, that oortalu palma] or ttmot of haul and proniaoa situate, lying and being to the 201000111»0f Groy, in the County or Huron, and Proviuoo of 006ario, boiug ut,npoaetl of Lot nambor Six, in the First Conou5siou of the ofarosatd Township of Otmy, containing, by admoaauromeut, One Hundred Asros of laud, bo the same more of lass, Tho farm is wall situatod about thruo- quartors Of a mile trout the gravel rood, and about ave and thous -quarter miloe from the thriving villagos of lirnssolo, Wruxater mud Bluova s, an of Whish offer t1t'st-stoic mar- kets for Crum and all kinds of protium), There is &boot eighty nmol cleared, about sixty -flus of which Oro now fu a good state of cultivation, &nil fres (rout stumps and stones, Vim. aro Moan ammo of stumpy laud, now food u° pasture. The balsams of tits land is swampy, and is timbered with soder and btostc &,1l. There aro good buildings 00 the promises, 010alutiug of & now brick tlwolling ' 2 . 1 l) bate ball f 1: a ea i xJ( all a i) 1 with u n stn, t Orueath' IUfiaO, Thum is ill o stables Hill a it young bearing mTjna d ten thoa properly, the (0110 of romp tiros ei,r o in escort, Hui 0hu t°nnms mu in n foie xtntn of u,Pfth'. T)t,tara.-.Tot nor molt 111 purchase money will be minima to 10 paid on lbs day of sato to the Vendors' Solicitor, and tie bel - 01100 in thh'ty 110)1i ,hcrccfl,,n, whom too p11 iineer will lin entith:d to it bmnvoymm0, 1111 of Mimi Osieaaton 1h 12 n 1 mel tr i lirtiva rosm�r0 the ri1,1,t to lumm� ill o ealb it, in his (Vinton, 1111101 junto prole 0 nrt111 for cls Livid lead 11. (i t -.r- utihuu or salt 11111 IG tile s,+n,hur t(oue of the elami0,y Dn reran al tin, high Court of Justine, 1'o' further parhoulos apply to 111assro, 0011011010, ItOLT 0 CAtrtihnN, Itmrietiri,, (lodorloh, to tlnn Auctioneer, be N, seer ', 1„q., Orth Otto el itr1i,l id, W. If. SINCLAIR, IOAA,' 1', •0CAP0, vendor, a'lolirso . tiroi ]teprrmolt.ttivo. LS POST 10A1.181'Olt 8E11 \'ICE. --T1]1, rtndornlguod will keep T No Thorough. Brod 13 erkohire Boars ler Sorv'en en NW 11, Coo. O, Orev , '1'ln•y aro hath from imp"reed stook, Terme 5,1, 10 he poll Vit Mill 0 of ser- vice, 01111 privilege of rein Moo if ueeeseary. 20.5 A. 510010, Prom iotor. THIRD PRI/,:G TORONTO IN. nosmnrai,.--Thu lard of my Jersey Bull "Morgan of Ginn Uusct" 10 an bupurted cow. She took Jed prize at the Toronto In. dootrlal Exhibition, 0nd, it is sold. Should have boo sled. For further pnrtlmlaro ap- ply et my Dreg and Book Stor13,1101 mnto, G, A, D11Al,AN, IMPROVED LARGE WUITJ. YORK p005011 00U 0011 th0 will ]urgss 0Liln YorkNhlre pig ' Itsal y” 00 Int 20, con. m, Montle, to whiob a limited number of 00100 will be takon. Terms 91.110 to be paid at time of service, With the privilege of return - fog 11 necessary, Pedlars() may bo sono up. no application. ROB 1111'1' 81(1110L, 1001 Proprietor. rllW0 PURE i, EI) PIGS FOtl II for Christmas. ernl)y pnrst000lj and will keep for Se1•rioo of North ball Lot to1 Con. 7,filar , a ore-bredBoar, bred by `r. Hoch, and u0 (l Berkshire m0oil d f hciter White, mea year obi, 1.recl It Y Now, s G•or{,r ! nttutm. fro ,1 1 st botli -r. iL f} Turoot 1 onn I lbs t s 1 ai i..: i,it,i• ; �I til Y -r s� j� '+ �-1,. 'QT r,1 Itt 13,, ri o1br&nh,se.�1' 17,-t..e SS_it1(.fft1.� Q'j of jr lie e �/ Jed et tin Western Fair L, it class of 10. I vJ 'r. rrus,31.01, 1” be paid at lime of service, w ill privilege 01'returning il neci,aear Y. trip S. WA-1(I;lt, !'rope neb.r. SHIRE BOAR. %.21=,v1MayraeartRsrauaran¢:;mt'mtsrsiegari c+r4nistn 0=1E::TI. 7 McIUNLEY BILL El New Raisins ! New Currants! Candied .Fels and Nuts of Various Kinds, A Splendid Assortment of Candies Sts li'(,(.li. =rho nudurni0tld 11111 re• REAL ESTATE. JJOU$S AND LOT FOR SAL) \Vita good garden, wo11 Hort 01ab10 APPY 10 3,11(3. TttBNBCLL, Mechanic Street. FARMS FOR SALE.—'THE UN- ann0tmnan has several good Farms f or sale and 00 rent, sass Urine, in Townships of Morris and coney. ee S. SCOTT, Brussels, 97-tt. rIEIOIQE FARM FOR SALE.— Being South ball Lot 27, oon.0, Aforris, 100 aures, 0ea rly all cleared. Good buildings, about 20 acres Fall wheat in ground. Easy torula, Apply to W. M. SINCLAIR, 01. Solicitor, fie., Brussels. T..t'ARM TO RENT.—THE SUB - scriber offer° hie 100 acre farm, being Lot 10 and West halt lot 11, Con. 19, Grey, to rent, Between 80 and 00 acres cleared. Far further particulars as to rent, terms, ,kc„ ripply to 11MEi3 SINCLAIIR, Proprietor, Craubrook P. 0. 10.9 'FARM FOR SALE.—THP UN- Daneraxan offers for sato the north east quer ter of lot 28, concession 0, Morris County of Huron, containing 00 acres. The land is of first equality midi)) a high state of cultivation, well fenced and under -drained s'0 acres cleared. New frame house, 8 rooms milk house with conoroto wails, 2 wells goon barns and shed, orchard, ate, Eight acres of fall wheat. This desirable property adjoins the corporation of Bruseol°. Suit- able tat me 0111 be given, Title perfoct, JAMES 0102109E, Owner, 80• Senior tit P.O. 0,00D FARM FOR SALE IN ` /1 Morrie, on 1•eaoanahlo terms. In order to obso the affairs of the within of the late W. G. Hingaton, the oxooutore otter the fol- lowing valtfable lauds for sale North half of Lot 10, Oonoosaion Township of Morris,00ntaining 00 acres. (lin this lot is emoted a good Pronto barn with 51000 fnnn- IluEinu,100d orchard, welt unit 110111p , Near. y all °feared, anis to on the grav0 toad closely a,loiuhre the oiling° of 1101 000113 Tuns farm is a vahutblo ono, is wall fosse,] and in a goon] stain of enitivittion. For pries and terms apply to 'PHOS, KELLY, Itrosn010 P. 0., HNNnv Jessmas, victoria Squat's i'. b., or J,ua:., r;{rrrrr, :dupla Lodge 1'. (1 39.:dlea x Cnn:,tr. Notice to Creditors OF 211E LATE BENJAMIN PINBALL, MORA Pursuant to an order of the H1g( Court of nutlet) made iu Chambers on Monday, the lot day of nsseulber, 180(1, In an action of the British Canadian Loan and Investment Company vs. William Tindall and °thorn, tho creditors of Bonjamin 'Tindall, lata of rho Township of Gray, to the County of Huron, farmer, deceased, who died in or about the month of May, 1880, aro, 0u or be- fore Elm Twenty seventh .Pay of December, 1000. to send, by post, prepaid, to FULLanT°n, 0000, WALLAOx R: Mnonoxnr.n, Solioitors, No.1 Adelaide 0k RUBE, 111 the City of To. ro,t0, their Christian uud surnames, ad- areeses and (OseriptiOtl, the full particulars of thoit• shims, a stttonteut of their 00- 0ounto, tool the nature of the securities (1f any) hold by them; or, In d0hntlt thbroe), they will ho po•moptorily 010hldcd font Ohs bonetlt of the said Order. Every Credi- to' holding any security is to produce Oho 9am0 before ole, tho uudore:goud Clerk in Chambord of the said Court, at my Chant - hors, in Osgood() Hali, in the Cit/ of Toronto, on the 70h Day of *limitary, 1b01, at 10:90 o'ulook iu tho forenoon, being lam thou alt. pui0ted for adjudication on the claims. (Signed) 10, A1tNOLPI clove 15 U ltltmbei's. Dated the Ord day of Do0onbsr, 4100. —)I AM OFF TO( --- I. C. Richards' To get a Good Trunk and Valise., That's the Place to get a No. 1 Sot of Light or Heavy 9 iS ()NL'V A 1 STOCK 1'8t;l). C./Mtn Pee i1 P!4peetli/tv. P,nt,ni1':) Cheap, and Promptly Attended l n . limn,,,:ca.1;e.. yn, l',-- (lvnh)Int's .tile l(, opposite Queen's .hotel, Ihtl8oels, I. 0, Richards. W. H. M'CRACKEN. Bargains for the Holidays. JOHN GREWAR Begs to Inform the Public that he will Sell, during the Holiday Season, Groceries at the follo sing prices for Cam : New Valencia raisins . ... ... ... ... 33 Lbs. for 25c.; New Currants, ... ... .., ... 3A Lbs. for 25c. ; Japan Tea Dust, ... ... ... 18 Lbs. for 81,00 ; Good Japan Tea,... ... 5 Lbs. for $1.00 ; .. ... Young Hyson Tea,... ... ... 40c. and 50e. per Lb. ; BIack Tea,... ... ... ... ... ... 506., worth 75c. ; Syrup, ... 706. per Galion ; Molasses, ... 50e. per Gallon ; Gxanuiated Sugar, ... ... 13 Lbs. for $1.00 Muscovado Sugars, ... .. ... 14, 15, 16 Lbs. for 87..00. ORANGES, LEMONS, FIGS, N1'TS. - BREAD; BUNS, CA.li:ES. Bent Family Flour ; Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Cracked Wheat, Ammonia Elcehic Soap Always on Hand. Ivory Bar Soap 50c. per Dozen. Jpee Gxnew'ar9, v Baker and Grocer. a m • ....7.-5-t.•_...-xcevm>rs,...0 ramorAmrr..^Te ram...,..,.elvarracm+� , r ezao air_ fi INF I k As my Goods were Saved from the Fire in such Excellent Condition 1 am enabled to Resume Business AT ONCE. YOU WILL FIND ME IN .8 BRICK Ell Ready to Serve the Public, as in the Past, CSI! a 11i PreniisiS, Bara!lls Jo Go