HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-12-12, Page 8Sabbaths Schools! We have just the thing for S. S. Teacher's who wish to give their scholars some remembrance at Xmas or New Year's. These are Booklets with Scripture Texts and Hymns, and are very Beauti- ful and Cheap. For inBtonee, a 12 page one for Se., and a 20 page for 5c., and lovely ones for 10c. and 15c., with a Discount for Schools. These are fine for XMAS TREES, and most largely supersede :Xmas and New Year's cards. They are excellent for sending friends at a distance, costinbonly one cent for postage. As usual, a Nice Selection of Books, Albums, Bibles, Toys, Fancy Goods and such lines as are in demand for the holiday season. We will be pleased to supply you. G. A. DEADMAN, Devotee, BooxecermR, &c. DRANO TRUNK RAILWAY. cOUTHE0N EXTENSION W. 0, & E. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: Gotha BOOTS. Go/NG NO0Tn. Mail 0;09 a.m.Mixed 9:20 am, Express 11:40 a.m. I Mall 5:0e pan. Mixed e:SO p.m. Express 9:40 p.m. �A.Citl 1Jicins. A chief's among ye takia' notes, An' faith he'll Arent it. GET a dopy of next week's Pose. GOLD fiIled watches. H. L. Jaakeon, MEN'S robbers only 50c. GED. Goon. 5 owes fora boy's Dap. Geo. Good. $3.00 will buy a man's overcoat. Geo. Good. Founra Division Court on Saturday, 20th inst. ALL the latest design in jewellery. H, L. Jackson. 19 overcoats from el.50 up. More to follow. A. R. Smith. Gout and silver watches, belt in the market, at Jas. Jones'. Rmp Searle & Ferguson's advt. of special holiday sale in this issue. THE public school holidays are fixed from December 19th to January 7tIi. EAST Huron Conservatives will meet in eonvenlion in Breesels an Friday, 19th inst. Cann and see our fine stock of watches, jewellery, silverware, &o. H. L. Jackson, jeweller. Ace Feosr has rained the favorite plant of more than one household during the past two weeks. 19 shawls: at a reasonable offer et A. R. Smiths in Smale's brink Moak, op- posite tho Central hotel. H. DErnms, E. Danford and A. Good were away at Goderioli attending the general sessions as jurymen this week. SANTA Gums' headquarters are at Mrs. Simms' confectionery store. Call in and see her Christmas stock before you pnr- abase year supplies. TREMENDOUSANDSWEEPINO bargains— Boys long boots, 60c., 90c. and $1.10. Girls' school boots, 75c. Womene' felt Foxed Buskins 81'c. Geo, Good. $1,189.50 worth of men's youth's and boy's suits and overcoats, all brand new, bought at a bargain have arrived today. Will sellobeeper than ever, A. R. Smith. WE are under the impression that there is a law relating to furious driving on the main thoroughfares of Brussels. Some of oar townspeople should look the matter up. REVDs. Ross, Jones and Messrs, W. R. Wileoo and T. Strachan attended the Maitland Preebytre at Winpham on Tuesday. Leave has been granted Knox church, Brussels, to moderate in a call when they are ready. New Mounds Welts,—The firm of Johnston ,t Cochrane, stone cutters, &e. has opened out are prepared to fill all orders for mennmenis, tombstones, markers, fences, &c., in a workmanlike manner and at liviug prioee. Satiefuc. tion guaranteed in eyery case. Don't place your order without oallinr, on Hien and seeing their samples and aseertein. ing prions. Shop nearly opposite the Town Hall, Brnseele. B,MID OR Hope.—The closing meeting of the Band of Hope for the year wee held on Monday evening. After devo- tional exercises and the temperance lose et, a reading was given by Frankie Smith, a recitation by Winnie Battery and temperance verses recited by Clara McCracken, Lena Broker, Blanch Welsh, Georgie liowe, Fred. Gilpin, Teddie Chewer, Reuben Binds and Willie Ainley. The meeting wes then closed by singing "God be with yon tell we meet again". HEei:'S Tm4 LATEST SRAM' GAME.— Three eha'pers are working a scheme to fleece the farmers of this county. The drat two appear at the house and want to leave a piano that the farmer may dis. play it to his friends. A repreeentative of the company follows ; he will board with the farmer and teach hie chillren mode, and if the farmer encoeede in ecll• ing live pianos he shall have one free fa All he I.ae to d0 ie to simply sign a 009• the tract that he hal taken the piano 00 these Or conditions. The contract tarns sip in a has clay or two as an order in the hands of a sen third party and the farmer is Ineavbeaton no iota taking the Wenn. It will be well ' an for the farmers 1O look ant for them. A $750 sweeten or iii equivalent in cash will be given to the p,.rsot detesting the greatest number of errors, ('vords wrong- ly spatted or misplaced) in the December issue of "Oar Homes. In addition will be givesa two cash prizes of $200 each, four of .91.90, eight of $50, ten of $25, twenty -live ty a of $10, fifty of $5, ono hen - sited of $2, and one hundred and fifty of $1, distributed ie the order mentioned in reams and regulations, which wilt be sent With a copy of December 7esue on receipt of 15 Bente fa stamps. Special dash prizes given away almost every day der- cos let. 1N91. Addep�es Oen Home Peblish. ; bee ing Co., Brody! e, alsi Bremer,bargains every Saturday, Geo. Good, A twelve many are complaining of in. fluenza, 18 long boots at $9.2.1. More to follow, A, It, Smith. Lenses' and goat's solid gold watches, H. L. Jackson, Bumf muff found, Apply at TIM POST Publishing House, Y00Nn COW for eels. Apply to James Walker, carriage maker. GnzAT SALT..—Seventeen lbs. yellow sugar for 91.00, Geo. Good. SPECIAL holiday sale at Scarff & Per. gluon's. See Omit announcement in Tim POST, Joserz Cum and A. C. Dames shipped two oar loade of cattle to the eaetern markets last Monday, BRUSSELS curling club has been invited to take part Inc tankard competition in Loudon, to be bald shortly, ALL the municipal Oounoile convene next Monday to prepare their financial statement for nomination day. Freer and live twelfth dozen men's neck ties, all brand new, bought at 65 cents on the dollar. A. R. Smith, Oen townsman, Edward Danford, hoe moved into Me new residence. We wish himself and family many years of hap• piness in their very comfortable and well appointed home. NEXT Sabbath morning a memorial service having reference to the life and death of Mrs. Trueman Smith will be held in the Methodist ohurob Brnseele. The evening topics will be "The abuse. that is made of God's delay in the punishment of sin." H,tvrno been so busy since the fire we have not had time to change our ad- vertisement or make new announoe- manta. Look out for oar epees in this paper next week, also for great bargains in goods damaged by the fire. Amts. STRACAAN, HoLWAY RATns.—During the holiday season special rates will be given on the railways as follows :—Siegle fare on Deo. 24th and 26th valid for return until 26th inst. On Dec. Old and Jan. let, good until Jan. 2nd. Fare and one third on Deo. 20, 21, 22, 28, 24, 25 and 31 and Jan, let valid for return until Jan. 6th, 1891, Students and teachers will be granted special terms, FARMElte' INSTITUTE. — Arrangements. have been made for the holding of the semiannual meeting of the East Huron Farmers' Institute in Brussels Town Hall on Monday and Tuesday, January 12th and 18th, In addition to local speakers F. C. Greenside, V. S., T. Ray. nor, B. S. A., and T. H. Race will read papers on subjects of interest to the farming community. The program will be issued shortly and will be focnd as interesting as any of the past meetings, LAST Tuesday evening the Maitland skating and ceding rink was formally opened for this season, under the manage. ment of W. S. King. The sae was in goon condition and the "opening" was a success. Mr. King purposes looking after everything in business shape and has season tickets ready for all who want to take advantage of them. The usual northern portion of the rink will be need for curling, ON Monday evening the first glimmer of eleotric light was seen in Bruesele and after e. few preliminary flickers every - Ching worked grandly, Tuesday night the lights in the street as well as those in the stores burned with very satisfactory brilliancy and steadiness. It ie rather a marvel that an entirely new outfit should run so eatiefaotorily at the first go off but it shows the perfection attained and the proper naderetanding of the system in all its branches. Owing to repairs to the flues in the boiler in the Howe Woolen Mill (where the dynamo is located) on Wednesday and Thursday, the lights were not in use on Wednesday night, 85 lights will be on the circuit when the work is completed. LAST Friday evening Rev. Chas. Fish, of Toronto, preadred in the Methodist church and on Sunday he officiated both morning and evening. Although the reverend gentleman is upwards of 70 years of age, 42 of which have been de- voted to the work of the Cbristian ministry, he has the vigor and clearness in both thought and speeoh of a young man. His discourses were both enjoy- able and profitable. Mr. Fish has been engaged in evangelietio work for the past 4 years. In his early years he travelled over a great part of Canada and Incta large end interesting experience of the pioneer days of Methodist ministers in this country. RONALD Wonits.—The Fire Engine Works are increasing their force and are now working extra time at night to fill orders and especially to gen one of their new smaller RIMS down to Georgetown between Christmas and New Years. A repetition of the fate Palmerston racket has just transpired in Georgetown, viz : Thet the Council ordered a Water - ons engine and sent word to Mr. Ronald that his steamer wan not wanted, (after forma'ly iuvltidg inial three days pre- viously) but the people at once took the matter in hand, met in Town Hall cram• mad full of all the citizens, and passed, unauisnonel,y, the following pithy, oppor• tune resolution, without a diesenting voice, whieh we copy from the George- town Herald of Deo. 4th, 1890 Owing to the unfinished state of the discussion of flea proteotiou at the last meeting, it was decided by a number of the free - Mildew to call another meeting tt fit,ish the matter', After u,nsiderable discus - don by Mr. R„nald end others the fol. lowing resolution WAS submitter) and carried : "Moved by R. I. Oreelmen, eeaouded by Thos. Clark that we, the ratepayers of Georgetown in public as- sembled for the perpose of discussing lire proteotion, do resolve that we are in nor of purchasing a steam fire engine, t we are not in favor of giving any m an order as it is alleged our Council clone without our approval or con - 1, in a hasty, private mannan We w eek our Council to cancel end annul y snail proposed eontract or agree- ment with Wate roux Co., or any other company. But we are in favor: of in. viting all the makers to come here to give a public exhibition of the merits of their reepeetive engines, and after such practical tests under mechanical sape'- vision that we shall then deoide and pun- ehase only the best, gash mailer to bear every and all expenee Itimpatf,, That one month's time be given to eiteh maker to send on his engine. That a copy of this resolution be handed to our Reeve end Council, and else to the WatemusEngine Werke Co„ of 13rantford, Also that the E of said engine shall not exceed :$2,. , delivered here, but the desire the ing competition which close February 660 t that this money anti meellaniorl lily don prodnce." tile; lel It lei S 14° ST .. , DEC 12, 1890, 2 Dane potatoes wanted at II,loOraoken's. 5 top aline from 25 cents qp, More to follow, A, Se, Smith. GREAT bargains in all linee Of geode et Saari( & Ferguson'e, ONE 01 E. R. Grundy's horses lay down and died last Monday. Be buying two stooks in one year got bargains, A, R. Sodom, 5 pieoee grey flannel, all wool, from cents per yard up. A. R. Smith, BEAVTire4 silverware presents to haci by smiling on ,Tae. Jones, jeweller. le undershirts, 5 pair drawers from Gents up. More to follow. A, II. Suitt A SLUM load of Walton Royal Tem Mrs visited Bruesele Council on Tuee evening. New linen collars. and oulfe, full li stand up smilers. Englieb you kno A, R, SMITE. San our illustration "An amateur artier " on page 7 of this issue. Road all the inside pages. CAST. ANDREWS and Ensign McGee were at the Army meeting last Wednes- day afternoon and evening. READ the advertisements in the Tun Pose before deciding where to make your purchases. If people have bargains they will let the public know of them. Pont.—Over 1.26,000 pounds of pork has been delivered on Brussels market in the past week. An high as 40,000 pounds came in one day last week. Every point of the oompae was represented in t above transaction, some coming 14 mil with hogs. Lome Lrvenr.-The attention of Publio is oiled to the fact that Levi Lo keeps a firet•olase outfit of good drive and new, comfortable buggioe. Eve attention will be given to those favorin him with their patronage. Stable ju east of Dr. Graham's block, King stree Give hila a call as his rates will be foun within the reach of all. To Our Correspondents. land, The place wbere the ebip struck in in. A bay formed by Oa es Treca and Villano, It was a very dirty night ; it wee raining hard, and think mist hid the ehore from .em. The Serpent paeeed very erose to Cape Trace, Mt no one oonld'eee the light on Cape Villano, and the ship we i headed straight for the middle of the bay, A few minutes later she struck with a 17 frightful shook. Owing to had weather, the commander was on the bridge, I be was on deck myself, and it was my watch, 130 of the men were Diose to nee, 25 As 0000 as we felt the vessel strike Pap - h. tain Rose ordered lire boats to be got p. ready. He was perfectly calm, and at day the same time full of energy. By hie orders we got out the rooket apparatus, no and fired a Lope off towerde the shore, w. but it was no use. The wind and the wavee were terrific, and the rope fell short. About tbroe•gnartere of an hour passed before the Serpent went down meanwbile all the orew were ordered on to the bridge. Gould, Luxon, and I were told off to man one of the boats, Gould being in command, We went off to get the boat ready, but we had scarcely set about it when a huge sea swept away all the boats' crews, and the boats as well. Captain Ross then shouted that every- body most do his best to save himself. Gould heard him say this. Before we set about getting the boats ready I and several others had put on oork jackets. he The Serpent remained all this time as if es balanced between the masses of rook. She was not floating. The wavee swept the over her with awful violence, and else to 1 was soon nothing better than a bare re hulk. Boats, men, and even the top ry sides were carried away. Luzon and g some Of our shipmatee who were swept 01 t. d Our oorreapondente at Wroxeter, Jamestown, Bluevale, Belgrave, Morrie, Walton, Grey, Cranbrook, Etbe! and Henfryn will confer an axtra; favor on the' Editor by making a special effort for the. next two weeks in sending be; the newsy items of their locality. ' erw-Dxo tmi AND Dniax owo.—George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drillin- wells end is proper. ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells oleaned out and put in. proper ebaee. Terms eaeonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry et., Brussels. 48.11 A. R. Satire has opened ont in the Smiths block where he will keep lerge and well assorted stook of ready made clothing, tweeds, hats and caps, boots and shoes, gents'' furniebings, &c. Mr. Smith was a heavy loser by the fire but he has pluckily gone to work and ie roeh- iug oil the small balance of goods saved from the fire and pushing the sale of the large new stook arriving. Bnoeenes buyers always pay the higlt- set prises, and as a consequence we have the best market for grain or hogs in. this section. This week, hogs and grain have been teamed into town a distance of up. wards of fifteen miles. People will al- ways go where they oan get the highest prices for what they have to sell, and who oan blame them 7 Farmers can al- ways come to Brussels with their produce with the assurance that they will get the kigbeet prices that are. being paid. A rutin meeting was held in the conn. oil chamber last Monday evening for the purpose of taking initiatory steps toward the reorganization of the town band. Reeve Graham occupied the chair and A. Causley was appointed secretary. After talking.up several plans it was moved by W. 13. Herr, eeeonded by Sas. Jones that a committee consisting of Reeve Graham, J. N. Kendall, H, Dennis, J. D. Ronald and R. L. Taylor be appointed to take the management of the band. Carried. Various schemes are under consideration and it is to be hoped that very shortly a bandmaster will be seonred and praotioe resumed so !het we may have the pleasure of listening to good mesio again. OPENiNa NEXT WEEx: —A. Kcssig has had men employed in putting up Parti• tions, papering, eta. at the Rogers' estate building and next week this improvised American hotel will be thrown open to the travelling public. A number of com- fortable bed rooms have been fitted up upstairs, sample rooms for commercial men, sitting room and all suoh neoessariee have been arranged. A new outfit Of fnrniture has been purchased and the place will be quite comfortable. A large horse shed, 21x82 feet has been put up for the acnommonetion of the farming corn. munity. Mr. Konig asks the patronage of the public at the new quarters. A private entrance for ladiee is arranged by the hall door just north of the law office of Messrs. Dickson se Heys, in the same building. Ilir. Honig intende building a fine brick block nett spring. I. 0. P.—A new lodge of the Indepen- dent Order of Foresters has been organ- ized in this village through the untiring energy of J. McKay, of London, court organizer for the order. It oomeneness under the most favorable proepeote,-be. ginning with 25 charter members. It will be known as Court Maitland I. 0.F. and will have its home in the magnificent and beautifally furnished hall of the Oddfellowe, It was instituted on Wed- nesday, Deo. Jird, by Bro. McKay and the following Meteors installed: C. D. El. 0, R., J. T. Pel C. B., W. M. Sinolair; V. 0. lt„ S. Wilton; R. S., R. W. Roes; F. a., A. Coneley; Treas., Jos, Bellanty,iel S. W„ E. W. Meletin; ,r. W , R. Wilson; S. B., J. Wilkinson; J. li , R. Vincent; P. 0.R., Dr. Graham; Chap., C. Rozelle; Playsieien, Dr. Graham. Personae NAnnervsr.--The. following from the "People's Journal," Aberdeen, Nov. 22, 1800, refers to a (seem of Rov, Jho. Ross' of this place;..—Tiro three aur. vivore of the Serpent --Gould, Luxon and Barton —were taken on board H. M, S. Type 'on Monday morning. All three men are recovering from their bitter ex. periences, but Burton is most advanced towards complete recovery. Luxon is peonoanced to be fairly well, but a not ver favorable outwit is given y g VB Of Fred- erick Gohld. Burton has given the fol- lowing account of the wreck :—The Ser. pant on the o' ening of Monday, the day of the disaster, wag proceeding on her 0011151 ae.usuol, 'We bed loft Plymouth on Saturday afternoon, and were hoping shortly to round nape Finietorre. The ebip was going, about half -speed, The see billows tended to Gerry the vase! totvsrds twee fee fel, end ,1110 swell of the away by the swell succeeded in gaining the rooks, but Luxon was the only man of them who was able to hold out against the force of the seas and to reach the shore, it true, in an almost lifeless condition. A wave carried me away, and threw me ashore near to where Luxon was. Our representative visited Aroage House on the 14th inot., and found Mr. Boss, father of Commander Bose, of the Serpent, wonderfully well, and bearing hie lose with fortitude. He has been, however, for tbo past few menthe a vie- tim to rheumatism, and is prohibited from going out of doors. He is greatly comforted by the numerous expressions of oondolenoe received from friends. Her Majesty has sent a telegram to him from Balmoral expressing great sym- pathy with him on the loss of his gallant eon, the commander of H, M. S. Ser- pent." Dm/atmN.—In Bluevale, on the 5t11 inst., the wife of Mr. J. J. Denman, of a daughter. .Hu acsi .—In Morrie, on the 9th inst., the wife of Mr. Milton Hughes of a eon. 111cALIasrss.—In Ethel, on Nov. 29th, the wife of Mr. H. F. McAllister, merchant, of a eon. Waeran.—In Grey, on the 9th inst., the wife of Mr. John Walker of a son. x0x>aa. CALF,—In.Stratford, on the 5611 inst., Thos. Cale, aged 95 years. SasITB. In Grey, on Deo. 4th, Isabella, beloved wife of Mr. Trammell Smith, aged 50 years, 9 months and 9 days Roam.—On Monday, Nov. 1015, 1890,. Commander Harry Leith Rose, R. N„ aged 42 years, third son of John Leith Boas, of Aroage ; drowned off coast of Spain by foundering of H. M. S. Serpent. 11.17CWX01NT 6A7.,£B. FRIDAY, Dec. 12th.—Farm stook, &c., on lot 6, con. 17, Grey. Sale to commence at 1 o'olook sharp. Geo. Kirkby, aunt., Wm. Ramsay, proprietor, WEDNESDAY, Dec. 171h.—Farm stook f mplementa, &e., ou north half lot 16, con. 15, Gray. Sale commences at one o'clock. A. Reymann, allot. Robert Scott, prop. ]?JRV0sf71.,m IrSAie=3432,0, Full Wheat 85 87 Spring Wheat 83 87 Barley 40 46 Oats 87 89 Peas .. 59 60 Butter, tubs and rolls,.. 14 00 Eggs per dozen,. 15 00 Flour per barrel 4 50 5 00 Potatoes ...,.. 80 35 Hey per ton.............. 5 00 6 00 Pork 5 30 5 60 Hides per lb 4 00 Salt per bbl., retail1 25 00 Sheep skins, each 60 75 Lamb ekine each 40 50 Wool, per 11). 18 20 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. T o aT . - BEAST COLLAR . J and Tugson 015 lust., between BYES - Bete Planing fill mud non. 10, Grey. The finder will greatly oblige by returning sante of Tim Penn Publishing muse. lit• • T, GBIMOLDBY ('IAMB ON THE PREMISES `✓ of the undersigned, Lot 10, Oen. 14, Moxillop, nn or about Sept. tub, a lamb (wailer), The owner is requested to prove property, pav expenses and to lie it away, I04 1'1108, JAOXSON, Walton P, o, CAME ON Tull PREMISES of the undersigned, lot 1, Morriebauk, about August 101,11, four yearling cattle, Two are steers and two heifers. Tho owner Is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take them away. 17.4 SAMUELmu, P. 0, (IAMB ON THE PREMISES of the undersigned, north half let 22, bon, 4, Morris, on or about, Oet. let, three yearling cattle. Two of tlroM ore heifers, rod with a few white spots, and Elio other a red steer. The owner is roqueeted to prove property, may expenses and take thein away, vi IL] OUS YARROW, Bthseolu P. 0. MISS GALE, Teacher of Plano, Parlor and Pipe Organ, Organist In St. John's Ohureb, Brim - solo, saiiorte a ahnro of the patronage of the mate -loving peoplb of Druesble acct Viol Sty, Itietrhettone given at 0utret =toe, Terms referenda, &o, may bo aooertaineil by calling at the residence of Mra,Dnnsord sr., Turnborry street, Bruseels, 7-tf Olt Pe REWARD.— ti 2t) L r, 0 on Thm' e oda 1 Jul tri Y. y c ou aha lint eg n see end, a rarcbr or lulls, drawn ing 10 SS sail a nfevorb0 note Weave by John Ss1tadu J, In favor o Jane Walker for 8yuseet 01 8900tnd So, 1890, a00 hack , da t or : si l endorsed. on re. bank theme020,08 will be pail 11511, 19f10. A 're. wof the eve, r 0 be paid for the r0 as will 1 the above. or for KWh information ned aswill f nee Hatingt t Abovetioaarowarboote, toe ' sit %Walegbo ,los mentioned note, too x Wsoxuber,J'sdy1tlb,'t0, 3433E 41AklibO&' cosnxOerrr Christmas at Pepper's ?true' Store. MA.IC NO MISTAKE, BlJel 00 AND SEE THE Electric Light in Pepper's Drug Store. 0omo and see bow beautiful the store looks lit up with the eleetrie light, then also you can see 4 Fine and Well Selected Lime of Holiday Gnocls SUITABLE FOR XMAS AND NEW Yllelt'B PRESENTS. A POINTER.—K 'ALL 'XMAS GOODS CHEAPER THAN EVER BEFORE„ E'a"0ver $100.00 worth of New Bibles and Hymn Books to select from, besides Xmas Cards and Booklets—all New. NOVELTIES IN PERFUMERY ALBUMS. Dolls and Toys for the Children, &c. CAUTION,—I HEREBY GIVE notice that as Emma Gill, my wife, hoe left my bed and board, without just Douse or provsaatiou,I will not be respon- sible for any debts contracted by her after this data. THOS, GILL, Brussels, Nev.11th, 1890, 18.4• PATENTS Caveats,RO-iseuesaud Trade ■ Murkeeeoured and an oth- er patent souses in the Patent Ofhae. and t. before tits Oourte promptly and carefully at• tended to. Upon make et of model or skate, af nd advtsen, t make •valid veeexamination, and advise as to Itateotnbilityfree of ouarge, Fees modet'at0,aud I make no charge amass patent Se secured, Information advice and apenialrofereaoee sant on application, J. R.LLTTELL, Washington, D.O., U.S. Patent O18ae. n5 Notice to Creditors OF THE LATE BENJAMIN TINDALL, DECEASED. Pursuant to an order of the High Court of Justine made in Chambers on Monday, the let day of December, 1800, in an action of the British Canadian Loan and Investment Company ye. William Tindall and others, the creditors of Benjamin Tindall, late of the Township of Grey, In the County of Huron, farmer, deceased, who died In Or about the month of May, 1093, are, on or be- fore the Twenty seventh Day of December, 1000, t0 send, by past, prepaid, t0 FOLLERTUN, 000E, WALLACE & MACDONALD, Solicitors, No, 1 Adelaide' et, East, 14 the City of To. lento, their O,ristian and surnames, ad- dresses and description, the full partioniare of their claims, a statement of their no - counts, and the nature of the securities (If any)heidb them; or, 15 default thereof, they will he permeptorfiy excluded from Ole benefit of the said Order, Every mods. tor bolding any security Is to produce the samebetdre me, the undersigned Olerk in Chambers of the said Court, at my Cham- bers iu Osgood., Hail, in the Oity of Toronto, on the 7th Day of January, 1891, at 10:00 o'alooli in the forenoon, being the time ap- pointed for adjudication on the claims. (signed) F, Clerk i Chambers Dated the Ord day of December, 4800. AUOTION SALE OF "�TIALVARLB FARM PROPERTY IN THE TOWNBBIP OF GREY, IN Tan 00IINTY OF HURON. Under the powers of sale contained in a °attain mortgage to the vendors, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for Sale by Public Auction at the' American Hotel, in the V illage of ltrneeele, en WEDNESDAY, 0180E8/BBB 1715, 1800, At the Sour of 2 O'clock P. M;, the following valuable , 7, inby: Lot No, 7, In the 0th Conneeeinn Of the aforesaid Tnwnebip of Gray, o.ntaining 100 aures, more or less. There are said to be cu the promisees frame house and abed. About 90 00500 under cultivation. The property is about four miles from Brussels, and is known as the MOLennan farm. Taunts AND CONDIT10Ns,—Tho purchaser must at the time of sale pay one-tenth of hie purchase money. Terms of payment of the balance and the other oonditione of sale will be made known at the time of sale, or cit application to the underaigoed or to W. M. SINOLAIB, Barrieter, Brussels. ROWLAND, ARNOLDI Ec MAO$IONZIII,. VuNnone' SoLrnzTons November 21st, 1900 102 Bay Bt., Toronto. Judicial Sale —0F VALUABLE— Farm. Property IN THE TOWNSHIP OF GREY, IN THE COUNTY OF HURON. Pursuant tv the Order off Sale made in a certain ample or matter, in the County Court of the County of Huron, of Ieebarriell vaBeharriell, and dated the mond Clay of December, A,D. 1800 thorn will be sold by PublIa Aaobioo. with the approbation of Isaac F, Toms, ash„ Ileal Representative of the County of Buren, at the Centrad Motel,. Eli the Village er Brussels. Tuesday, .Dec. 23rd, '90 AT Tmu 110411 OS TWELVE O'OLOOE (.NOON) Tba following valuable farm property, viz.: All and singular, 0504 certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Grey' fe the County or Enron, and Province or Ontario, being aumposed of Lot, number Six, in the ZITOt 00000ae1o4 of the aforesaid Township of Grey, eoutaining, by admeaeuremant, One 1Snnered Acres of lams, be the same more or leas. The farm Is well situated about three - quartets of a mile fro,, the gravel road, and about sive stud three-quarter mites from the thriving vlllaees of Brussels, Wroxeter and Bluevale, 011 of wbieh Olfor llrst•clase mar. kola for mein and all Binds of produce. Thera is about aif,hty aal'00 cleared, about eixty-live 01 which aro new in a good state of cultivation and true from stumps and stones, There aro !&boon eons of ab0ulpy land, now need no pasture, The balance 01 the lams is swampy, and Is thriheied With cellar and bleak aria. -'There aro good buildings on the PTO/1140S, aonaiating of a now brick dwelling !souse, 23x09, and u bank barn with stables underneath 4Oxtie. There 10 also a young bearlug orchard on the property, of abmtt three t otee in extent, and the fences aro 1n a lair state of repair. 1innys,—Ten per Dent, of purchase money will be roc -mired to be paid on tin day of sale Si the Vendors' Sahoitos, anti the has - anon in thirty days thereafter, when the puraha r 3be ee will entitled to 1a sou vara tae, sun bo let into passeeeig The ]loot Repro. Oslo,sentit, his Dpi 1110 right e t e pesos: the HIM, dfo his Obeid la an admtptafe 010a is Sltree for the said loads, The Other eon, ditione of solo will be the standing' ooadi- tiOne of tbM Chantery Jllvieloh 01 the High Nutt Justieo. Igor further partiaalare apply to Meeara CAAtititos, 11bt0 & CSMtss)ON, Banister,, 3odertah, to the Auctioneer, F. le, BOOTY, 0011,er to 6i1e1001e'4iguod, V. M. MEOfi,AOB, tl4AD 0'. TOMS, Vendol'a' Sorbitol'., Ileal' Repraeohtativo. • BANKING. A/j'oINTOSIl & MoTA.GGART, ��ii BANKERS, . BRUSSELS, '7?raaa,sact a, Gaso,oral 8o,nlci ,e• =t1Wi31epq- NOTES DISCOUNTED. andsol Canadiandand United States Drafts bought , Intermit allowed on Depoeits. Collections made on favorable terms. (Unedten Agents-1ftnan0Nr'e BANE Or CANADA. New York Agents—IsPonasne AHD Troth, Imo 11,OrroriAl, BANE. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. piL. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor and Conveyaneer, Colles• Hone made. Oflloo—Vanstono's Block, Brus- sels, 21.2,0* TVM. SINCLAIR • Solioltor, Qonveyanaer,Notary Pub, Ile deo. OlBoe—Graham's Brook 1 de or north of Pepper's Drug Store, Private Funds to Loan, TUCKBON & HAYS, ((Late with Gamow & Prou$toot,. Code. riob,) 14arnslere, Solloltore, Conveyancers, &o. Olaoee—Tiruesola and Senforth. Brits. eels Ofllce,Rogors' Brook, Main St. Money to Loau. 10 E. I1A49. W. n. DICE,ON. AM. TAYLOR, B. C. L., Barrister, Solicitor, &o., at the dm of Tayylor, McCullough & Burne, Barristers Solloitore, -dm, Manning Arcade, Toronto, Money to loan. BUSINESS CARDS. WH. tkle0IiAOKGN, . Ieeurer eflfalriage Licensee, 011100 at 1119 Grocery, 'Jirrnberr'y street, Brussels. 1L. N. BAIR.RETT, Tonsorial awettiesouth of A, M. 1ay & Co'a hardware so. Ladies' and o1lildrene hair witting a specialty ROBERT CUNNINGHAM 1515100ANar:, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. A• 4.raNAIB, . Ieeurer of Marriage Licensee, by appointment of Lieut,-rlovernor, 00414141 - stoner, st rune B. Conveyancer att the and k Post O01ee. A ,HUNTER, work of the Fourtb Division court, 00, Enron, oouvoyaboer, Notary Pebito, Land,Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds inveet0d and to loan. Collections made. Olaoe in Graham's Brook, Bruesele. ATISS SHERLOCK, Toronto, ate of oto r give yle eons sat Ethel and Orapbrook. Pupil of Professor Fleher and Mr. Harrison on the piano, and of Mr. S. H, Clark in vocal musts. Class at Cranbrooli every Tu'eday. For term,, &o„ apply at the Methodist Pareonsge,Ebhel. 1�I ISS LILLA O'CONNOR in Vocal Moalo, desirous Walrrington, of pupilsruto in pleased to give his tnetimonial as to Mies O'Ooonor'eobility,dmhaying been a pupil of his during her stay in Guelph. Inetru. mental Music ou piano, Organ and guitar, Terms matte known on application, Pillions St„ Brussels. Miss O'Connor is open for Concert Engagements, yg- AUCTIONEERS. A• RAYMANN, to nd ealeetof farms farm lstook,s ready &n. Terns ewer/ally given, Oronbrook P. 0, Saiee may be arras ed al TRE goal Publishing House, Brussels, BORGE KIRKBY, Licensed auetioueer. Salol uenduot- ed 011 reasonable torula. Farms and farm stooka spoeialty, Orders left at Ten Pose' PubliOlsin f hleua, e' ett to P. O„ will reaslvoouse, promptreeeiatEoustiou. Walton IJAVING TAKEN OUT LIOEN- 0E RS an Auctioneer, I am prepared to eondaot sales of farm stook at rnaeonable prlooa Snowing the Otaudiug of nearly every portion I am in a position to sell to good marks and get good eaonrlty when sold ou credit. Sotfefaotion guaranteed, Give mea call. 02. . F S. SCOTT). DENTAL. X) a s0' 1801' z L ad - =Watered Ball, the rPoliilos9 lextrac intao f Teeth, 71 Gerrard Street East, TonoHTO. M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S•, D. D, 8,, Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, ascii 01 lon,nto Uuf- verolty, 0PptoN—Opposite American Hotel, 13rUeeats, MEDICAL CAIi®S. NVM i''. ()ALE, M.D., 0. N.Sifembcr of the College or Physician and Set'geone of Ontario by examivatiou metes and Residence—Main Street haat, Ethel, Oe torte, t.TA. MoNAUGIITON, M. D, c. lr„ , R, G. r„ Edinburgh, M, 0, 9 8.Ont, At Popper's Drug. Store from 0 to 11;00 a, tn. and from 1:10 to 4 p, in, At other bows maybe 1 bit found at hie residenee, fortrl- ally oaoapltld byDr, Hutchinson, Mill at. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, Cl • Honor Graduate at the ,601 all dlSOateaof don bell is prepared Eo treat a11 patent of finer. Pintei animate St a nom• patent inaflndn iotry,uCh attention paid 10 deed veterinary 101110100. 00BO promptly at- tended to. 09(00 and Lsfrmaty—Twr t100re north 0f bridge, Tnrnbatry1t., Bruta,ro, 0