HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-12-12, Page 7Pia, x2, 1,89p. when elm appeared on the scone at Chertnoy ? Would be hevo left the Service and deliberately tried to lose himeelfin this plain, for instance ? Not he. Oh I depend upon it, he knew the kind of women he had to deal with and he arranged /natters accordingly.' 'And do you think she did it ?' 'Yes, I do.' 'But there ie so little for us to go upon. Oh l Jack, you don't know bow wretched I feel. Everything ie so shameful, so humiliating, so de• grading for me—to have to say to the whole world that my husband was not faithful, that some other women had power to make him al- ter all lus plane of life, and then to be able to nay nothing about that woman, to own that she is but a shadow to ins. Why I have never even seen her—' 'But you have seen her, over and over again,' Eosstrevor objected. 'Ethel, what nonsense you are talk. ing. 'Did we not see her over and over again at Cherteey 2' 'We believe that we saw the wom• an whom Donne called Valerie,' she admitted. 'But surely you have forgotten the day when she invaded your little drawing room in your hut, when she insisted upon going in, and sat resolutely down to wait for the Bid • or?' '1 did not see her,' Ethel persist- ed, 'But I did,' he cried triumphant• ly, 'and I know th tt,it was the mys- terious lady whom we had noticed in the town weeks before. No, Wiry child, I'm afraid it is no good your trying to shield the lady. She did the deed sure enough, and if they can catch her she willhave to suffer for it,' For a minute or two Mrs. Dennis did not speak. She had slipped her, bonds free frcm the warm clasp of lite and instead of standing beside him, ebe { ad sank back in an atti- tude of extreme wealinese, and so', light and frail did she look that Jack's heart mi gave hint thi.t itt his anxiety to , pare her ultimate annoyance and trouble, lie was pressing her now more hardly than she had strength to bear. 'Jack'—she said at length—'wont you understand that I would rather do anything than have that woman's name mentioned 2' 'But ehy?' m astonishment. 'Why ? I can't tell you—I-- I— don't know --only to please me, Jack—for my sake, let the police find out what they will, but don't tell them about that woman, dear Jack, please don't-' Her tone was so urgont, her whole face and manner so full of entreaty that be had practioally no choice 1n the matter. 'Of course We not my business to say anything one way or the other,' he said unwillingly. 'I am only an outsider and will pro- bably have nothing to say about the affair. Then shall 1 speak to Judge for you 2' 'If you will,' in a very meek tone. 'And on your side, Ethel, you'll promise me one thing,' he, began. 'I will promise nothing -nothing,' the cried wildly—'not to'•night Jack, don't day it, I'm so filled with the horror of it all—I oau't even think rationally, so ask me nothing to- night, Jack, ask me nothing.' 'But I must ask you one thing,' he persisted—'Don't be afraid ; I am not going to ask anything re• dating to oureelvea. It is only that you must put a watch on your own tongue—you meat be careful what you say ; and for Heaven's sake, my child, for your own sake, for mine, let no excitement, no feeling of distress at your terrible situation, tempt you into giving utterance again to the words which you said to me just now, that you were afraid of yourself.' 'I will try,' she said humbly. The meekness of her tone melted his heart instantly—for the epaoe of a few seconds be had felt a shade hurt that she should so evidently imagine that he was going to speak of their own future, ho had even felt a thrill of indignation that she •should, even in her grief or at least her distress, think him capable of even hinting at their feeling for one another while her dead husband was lying close at hand—but her crush• ed tone .conquered all that. 'lIy poor little girl, he cried ten- derly—'11'm so eorry all this has eome upon you—how I wish 1 ,could clo any thing to help you to boar tt.' 'You do help me, Jack,' she be gan, and then the door opened and Mrs. Mordaupt Bailed into the room. She profaned the greatest pos. Bible surprise at finding him littll 'there, 'Oh •1 aro you here still, Lord Eosstrevor,' she 'exclaimed— 'I quite thought that You had gone long ago.' lrifrd lloaetrevor looked at her be given them, h makes a elllepdid With abtlolete,ettiall esu. 'Nis, I am additiou to their ration. Lt n aborti tbottldor and &hot the bard. It to a hero.stiil, It irss't'fordaunt' he `said time they wilt vielt this pen fro•i boautifel 'specimen, measuring 66 e;h cjtuotly" 'I havad'ageed, deal to' queutly, They should be encourag• incites (rout tip to tip of wing. say to Ethel, and a great eget to hear from her,' 'T don't think Ethel ie at all wise to tire herself in this way,' Mrs, klordannt remarked with icy polite. noes—'and ahe lies a very trying, day to look forward to te-D0rtow.' Very trying,' he agreed blackly. 'Well, T was just going to say good• bye wben you came tn, so 111 say it now, Ethel,' and lie held out hie hand to her as if he did not know that Mrs. IVlorclaunt was in the room. Ethel got up from her chair— 'Good bye, Jack,' she said, 'you have been very kiud-1 shall never for- get it.' ''Good night,' he said again—then with a cold salutation to Mrs. Alor- Mordaunt he went out of the room and (dosed the door behind him. 'Dear me, what a remarkably die• agreeable young man Jaok Trevor has grown, said Mrs. Mordaunt a moment later. 'I always thought him a detonable boy. You Seam. very intimate with him, Ethel.' 'We were very intimate with bim,' ,V515=145 1 QST ed in this byfeeding thew the ehoiooet bits of clover hay and the best ofotherfood. When about tin* or four weeks old they eltould be sleeked, and R little Tater, east. rated, Lambe given the above pare and food should tip the seal° boatn at forty or fifty pounds when about Six or eight weeks old. They are thea fit fir the fret market. Larnbs in as good condition as these would be, should have no, difficulty in bringing five' or even eix dollars apieoe, if offered during the forepart of May, DRS OF 1NVOitMLT1ON. A game cook at Ybor City, Fla , has killed 200 ebiokene in battle. One hundred per cent. advance in price of sealskins is reported from London. Rich finds of rook phosphate are said to have been made in North Poterboro'. Two thousand two hundred trains leave London ordinarily every twen- ty-four hours. Ethel replied. An eleotrio railway from Toronto 'So it seems ; and did Cosmo like to Mimico, along the Lake Shore him—poor fellow.'road, is promised. 'Cosmo was exceedingly fond'of Tho' chestnut i Drop of Peded him,' said Mrs, Dennis with quiet county, W V ,has already yielded decision. 'Cosmo always thoughta return of $80,000, The total cost sf buildings erected in. Winnipeg this ysarlup-to date is esttmeted-at $611,660. From eight to ten trains of wheat EKUeC1,3oked up to surprise. 'Why . are being shipped east from Winni• mother, we have been Jack and .peg'by the U; P. R. daily. . Ethel' to each other all our lives. 1 A'Chicago paper cake Rev. Dr. McGlynn is soon to be re-inetated,as most highly Of him.' 'And did he allow you to be Jaok. and Ethel to each other ?' Mrs. Mor daunt enquired. should as soon think of calling you 'Mrs. Mordaunt'-as of calling him atiything •else but Jaok 'Ohl well well -I only asked, the question paid the older lady. carelessly --and aided to herself that it would be better uot'to say much about the young man ainoe it was evident that he had been and was the chosen' friend of the house. And Jaok meantime had drawn Judge into the diuing•roomh.. 'Judge,' lie said in an Undertone, 'you *ill be discreet at the inquest to mo; row:' •I will that Sadie, 91r,' said Judge, promptly. 'You'll not say anything about-, about words having passed between. the Major and Mrs. Dennis ? She is very anxious that nothing should be said about it.' 'Not a word shall be said by me, air,' Judge declared. 'And Mrs. Dennis in anxious, too, that nothing shall be said—if it can be helped, that is—about that woman who came to Cbertsey one day and ineisted on seeing the Major ; do yeti remember ?' 'I remember it well, sir,' Judge said ' looking straight at Jack—gill the same that ' was t110 woman as done it, sir.' 'Unless—' said Jaok, and then checked himself abruptly: (TO RE CONTINUED.) • Early Lanibs for Market. In the rearing of early lambs the greatest difficulty that meets the shepherd is the trouble that arises over weakly lambs. If, however, the ewes have been given proper care, and have kept in good thriving condition, there is seldom much trouble with the lambs: The lamb• ing folds must he comfortable, diy and moderately warm. Unless the fold is so protected that the rigors of late February or early March fail to affect the lambs, there is but little hope in having them on the market in such condition as to cora- mated the best prices. In attending weals lambs it is beet to nater take the lamb away from the ewe, as great diffienity will oftentimes arise ii persuading her to own 11 again. The ewes should be fed well and given every care. Itis advisable to, shear them its early in the season as possible. A mailed improve• meat in the growth of the lambs is sure to result if the ewes are shorn in April or early in May. The sus- tenance which they had to give to a heavy fleece, they are now able to give to the lambs, and further, priest of the church of Rome. Thirty freight oars- were recently shipped from the Uobourg'car works. for Hall's' Bay railway, Newfound- land. ' A. thousand turkeys were sent from Montreal, as an experimeut, to Aberdeen for the Cbrilitmas market. Lymph for Prof. Koch's cure ie being rapidly manufactured. but not nearly fast enough to supply the demand. A pension has lately been neared for _Hosea Brown, of Linn county, Or. He is 102 years old and a vet- eran of the war of 1812. Two policemen were diemissod. from the Toronto force recently for ill-treating a citizen and untruthful- ness in connection with the eaae. James Alison, an 18 year-old To routo boy, was accidentally and fatally shot oil Saturday with a rifle in the bands of an elder brother. The best local paper is al ways .the one that publishes . the most complete and varied budget of local news. Such a 'paper isTEE 'POBT. Smuggling, is increasing enor- monely along the Lower St. Law- rence. The loos to the Canadian Government daring the past year is estimated' at $'500,000. A statistician calculates that the total tonnage of the world, steam and sail, is; in round.nnmbers; 21,- 000,000 tone, of which 50 per cent. is British:' General Boulanger will spend the winter in Egypt. He returns to the Island of Jersey in the spring to take charge of the management of a°daily paper, which will be pnb. Balled in. Paris. Numerous depredations are being committed among the sheep in Hil- lier township by wild oats, and con- siderable excitement prevails among the people. Fred. Keeelle and F. McDonald clieoovered a wild cat in the sot of killing a lamb. It has been staled that all the varied machinery of Great Britain now operated by steam power is capable of performing more worlr, and hence of creating more pro- ducts, than could be produced by the labor of 400,000,000 able bodied men, a greater number than all the ablo•bodied men on the earth. It is estimated that there are 8,. 000,000 hernia of beer consumed annually in the city of New York. The bretvere receive $8 a barrel for this beer, less a discount to the dealers rouging from tau to 20 per ceut. Supposing all to receive the highest discount, which would allow sheeting early is one of the beet for an occasional bad debt, the re - 'means available for keeping ticks ceipt of the brae ere world aggregate from passing from the ewes to the Iambs. The young lambs must be pushed ahead as rapidly as possible. A. plan sometimes adopted in the case of twins, is t0 sand one to market at a couple of months of age, and keep the other on the ewe and dispose of it in the fall, In this way the trou• ble of weaning is greatly lessened. Tice beet system to follow in feeding early lambs is to hove a separate pen for them, close by the large pen with en entrance so smell that only the lambs eats enter. In a trough in this pen koop a small quantity of chopped stuff and some clover bay rest fondness for the clover 'a in a small rack. Lambs g or lienee 'Which sometimesgather on the.il0er where the hay tally, and if these ran $88,400,000. 'J 1iis beer is now substaetially all furuished by the membere of the Brewers' Exobange, the pornen supplied by the non pool brewers seareoly amounting to the odd ,$$4004)00, A hunter at li'erguaou Falls, Out., had a fearful combat with a huge owl recently, About dull( as no was examtuieg his traps along the river aide in hie bark canoe, the bird lighted ou the 'top of the man's head grabbing together with his talons the soft hat and a large glean. City of his hair. In this paiuful pos- ition the owl held on like grim death endeavoring all the Limo to pick out the man's eyoe., A hand to hand battle Minted and nftera hot ecttfiie the owl let go 'only to rest on the bet/ of the canoe, Losing no time the hunter lifted his gnu to hie 1 Oftleago bee a strest•car driver whey has been on the road for fifteen y0ars, and line ,accumulated $26,• The New Hamburg ponitry Aso - dation will bold its tjrst animal poultry show on Jan. 18th, 14th and 16th next. The.l3rantford City Council bee passed a by-law regulating plumb ing and appointing au inepectar of plumbing. Hach license will have to pay lf'0 per year. A valuable domestic invention bas been made by Miss Flora Grace, of Iowa. It is a cooking thermom- eter, which registers the degree of heat in the range or stove. Know• ing just the degree of heat at which bread or cake should hake, or meat simmer gently or vegetables boil rapidly, the gook can regulate her draughts Bo as to produce exactly the nght beat for her purpose. Thennothing will ever bo either no. done or overdone: KING OF WEEKLIESI -+-1 THE 4 -4. - EE PRESS ]ietabliehed half a Century. LONDON, ONTARIO. The handsomest Printed paper in Canada, 775 CASH O?PORTUNITIES Offered to the Pablie. The publishers of the LONDON WEEKLY FREE PEns aro happy to announce that they have set apart the sum of *1000.00 (ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS IN GOLD), to be divided amongst subscribers whose names maybe found on the subscription lists March 1st, 1891. The allotment will bo made as follows :- 1 Grand Allotment of $100.00-$(00.00 4 Allotments of 25.00- 100.00 20 "' " 10.00- 200;00' 50 IS is 2.00- 100.00 300 " " 1.00- 300.00 400 " Si .50- 200.00 775 $I000.00 The allotment will take place under the supervision of .a Committee, Marco the 2nd, next. Those to whom the allotments may fall will .thereupon receive a notification of the fact, and a evupon for the amount will be inertia, payable, at the counter of the.1TxEE 20508 OFFIQE 0n and after bfareh 6th, and will be forwarded to them. There are yet four months during which persona wishing to be inoluded in these hand- some .allotments; may come in to ,ahare by subscribing to. the WEEi:LY FREE PitEse. Price, One Dollar per year. It will be seen that by this scheme o DIVISION OF PROFITS, those persons to the number of 775, seleoted from all the names on our subscription liat,will receive a handsome recognition by having placed to their credit, or paid in Dash, sums of money varying frotn 60o. to $100.00 each. Now is the time to subscribe 1 CHRISTMAS NUMBER. In addition to the above magnificent offers all subscribers to the WERrLY FREE Plums whose names may be on the list December 81st, for 1891, will rocoivo a gift of our forthcoming splendid ILLUSTRATED CBRmTMAo NUMBER, now become so popular throughout Western Ontario ; but no others will beEentitled to a free copy of it. Therefore, now is the time to subscribe, as persons enteringthe subscription lists on or before 81st of ecember next, will be en- titled to ,rho DOUBLE ADVANTAGE of esouring a copy of tbo OnlusTMA0 NUMBER, as well es participating in the boats of the DIVISION OF PROFITS, es previously set forth. No parson, however, whose name is not on the subscription list, Deo. 81st, for 1891, will bo entitled to that consideration. Therefore, now is the time to eubsoribe. The wnncox Irwin Panes is a large twelve Page paper, and conceded to be the best family nowspaperls Canada. The A rtoult:mai Depart. Tent is a noted feature of rho "Free Press," being always up to the times, and conducted by persons praetiowily skilled in Perm work, 11. lastratlons Praoticnl and Asefnl Rteen oaoh wool/. A11 the _'tows' in Pull by Telegraph, Telephone, Mail and Correspondence up to the hoar of publication. Spooial Market Depart- ment. Agricultural Department. Capital Story always Running Humorous Rending. Just the tiling for Luwlly 1 Every member of too household Miserly looks for it ouch week. LARGE $1.00 PAPER le Clubs of four and upwards, 760. each, BALANCE OF 1890 FREE, Sand your oubscription money at once direct to FREE PRESS Civvies, London, Ont., which, if duly and namely nailed, will bo at ova max, Please write your name and Post Office address distinctly. ADDRESS TREE PRESS PRINTING CO.r• LON,D01t, CANADA. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. Send for Samrle Copy. The Largest and Best Assortment ever brought to this town, —CONSISTING OF— Piano Lamps, Parlor Lamps, Banquet Lamps, Hanging Lamps, Hand Lamps, ;IN TRE FOLLOWING FINISH : First Empire, Electro Bronze, Electra Brass, Brass ane Bronze. Lamps of All Kinds. .alae:... Lamps at All Prices. PRICES ALWAYS LOWEST. Lanterns, Lamp Chimneys, Burners, Coal Oil, &c, CALL IN AND SEE OUR STOCK. B. Gerry. `Beaver' Hardware Sfore, Brussels. FURNITURE I FURNITURE! BARGAINSI HAVING PURCHASED A Bankrupt Stock of Furniture, And added it to my 'already. Large Supply, I am in a position to sell Goods Cheaper than. ever. A Splendid Stock to select from consisting of Superb Plush and Hair Cloth Parlor Suites, Oak Walnut and Cherry Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Bureaus, Extensior. Tables, all kinds of Chairs (from Plush, Cane and Rattan to common wood chairs), Lounges, Sofas, Mattrasses, &c., c&c. It is impossible to enumerate. Any person will be well repaid for examining our Fine Display. Special Attention given to Picture Framing, A Large Range of Pioturos, Brackets and Fanny Articles for Sale. Big Cut in Linen Window Blinds with Patent Fastener. Hand -made Furniture our Specialty. We Guarantee Satisfaction every time, and take no second place in our work from anybody. Latest Designs. UNDERTAKING The Undertaking Department is under my personal supervision, and everything is clone to snit those requiring my attention. A Large Stock of Caskets, Coffins, Robes, Re. always kept. Two hearses in connection. Special 01ttention 7,Ue'•IL to Lr72�(f l7 ii1r, , nJ I have the District Agency fox the Celebrated KABN ORGAN' Savo the local agent's commission by buying from ine. L,7CIS1i Iso 1, rX1M111,aisee, Upholstering and Repairs Attended to with Promptness, ALL 000DS DELIVERED FREE IN TIIE COUNTRY. "Tllo public cordia11yi invited to inspect our Largo and \loll -assorted Stock, Leatherdale:,