The Brussels Post, 1890-12-12, Page 6e.
To pilo gattor otTrts von,.
Sir,—.•As your paper has frequent.
ly done me the service of inserting
letters on forestry perhaps yon will
allow nie to lay these hoes before
your readers.
The country is feet awakening to
a sense of the fact that we must pre-
serve and plant more forest in On-
tario than we have been in the habit
of doing or else we shall injure the
fertility of our country, ae other
lands have done.
In a number of ourueys through
part of Ontario this spring I found
that gratifying progress was beiog
made, many trees were being planted
and portions of woodland preserved.
I have not been able to this •summer
through illness to complete tilts tour
and would be glad if any farmers
or others in any neighborhood who
take au interest in the matter would
send me a letter answering any or
all of the following questions :—
(1) Whether and to what extent
lines of trees for windbreaks or or.
Lenient are being planted, and bow
those planted are thriving ?
(2) Whether plantations of young
trees have been set out and how
they succeed ?
(8) Whether cattle are fenced out
of any portions of forest in your
neighborhood, and how it answers ?
(4) Any difference in climate,
rainfall, drifting of snow, and so
forth, you may have observed since
the clewing of the country ?
(5) Vahatihessuro, if any, - would
be likely to improve the existing
state of affairs ?
The Forestry Repgrt, from which
these questions are asked, will be
sent free to all whp,'repJy.
251i Richmond street west.
Toronto, Nov. 25.
Nen. Booth's Scheme of Reform.
Already Gen. Booth has secured
sixty thousand ,pounds towards his
scheme for relieving the •Wants of
London. Among the subscribers
are the Prince of Wales, the Em•
peror of Germany, Archbishop Far-
rar, Cardinal 9iainntng and scores
of the most eminent men in Eng.
land, And there is now little or no
doubt but the one million pounds,
which he considers necessary for
the full development of his scheme,
will in due time t'e forthcoming.
Probably the world has never seen
a grander illustration of practical
union among Christians of all de-
nominations than is furnished in
this wonderful effort to rescue the
perishing and raise the fallen.
Catholice and Protestants, high
church and low church, Methodists,
Baptists, Presbyterians, Congrega-
tionalists are all co-operating in the
good work. It is interesting to ob•
serve that Gen. Booth's great ex-
perience bas led htm to precieely
the same conclusions as other social
reformers as to the chief cause of
Poverty and mime. It is the old
story—Drink, Drink. He sari,
"Niue -tenths of our poverty, squal-
or, vice and crime spring feom this
poisonous tap root. I1any of out
social evils, which overshadow the
land like so many upas trees, would
dwindle away and die If they were
not constantly watered with strong
drink. There is universal agree,
went on that point ; in fact, the
agreement as to the evils of intern ahnoet as universal ag
the conviction that politicians will
do ix:thing practical to iuterfere
with them."
The remedy iropcsc:d for the ale.
vntic.n ,.f tet r lap ,1 mass' is first
cf a.i the lamer of the (.Gospel 10
changing the heart. The proposed
ne hod is thrasfold : (1) the
CO Colony ; ('f) the Farm Colony ;
(3) I: Colony over the Sea. We I
ear.:, go just now iuto details,
Soh' ' it to say that first the bun•
giy to be provided with food and
shat r f:+r the night ; and then it it
per 1.: ad to form a Colony where
:suitable work will be peovi;led. The
scheme will doubtless appear uto-
pia to many, but it is at least nu i
oarucst effort in the right die-'etiou,
filet the heaute of the benevolent in I
Englueld ere being touched as per.
Lap, never befur°.
6:tt a OF
Affectation ie Fit IPA a deformity.
Con-nl,+ration i; dna to all things.
Strong spirits often master a
weak Lady.
From the jn helot';t .of Gla their,
18 no aoloo,l.
LA yinr anger set with the anti
bit' c r. sir with it.
:1pp.y the gol:.len rule tt y
ever, set and thontrht,
• a. (firth h e".I:i I
are N' fi.,utittg for.
Bet !leo y on tLI t ;!+' enythrng coir
su' whit y,ia e,tn <,..
iv .n
11,10h1.i's;s r. . ; than the,:a
Who. , .•iii 1..e,, t.1% :•
Be slots in; a friend, but
slower in to changing trim.
A•s bey purse what thou should
by ; by so cluing yen pill SUVA your,
self many a heartache.
If you would teach seorecy to
others begin with yourself,
Pride 1s as loud a beggar as want,
and a great deal more saucy,
In order to judge of another's
feelings remember your own.
By reading you enrich the mind,
I by conversation you polish it.
Bags robs a man of his reason
and makes him a laughing stools.
We oannot have two husbands,
we must have the world or Christ.
When God forgives a man be
treats him as if he bad never sinned.
There are none of our &perils so
bad but what God oan refine them.
Mens depravity has been
streugtbened by long indulgence in
We should be very careful pot to
have more organization than in•
Salvation is a free gift and there
to a reward in it ; the reward is in
what we do.
We aro complete in Christ at
sanctification, but Christ is not
complete in us.
Christ was made perfect through
Buffering, and we must be made per.
feet in the same way.
The people who have an extra
opinion of their own wisdom are
not apt to seek wisdom from above.
When a scandal comes out on any
denomination we should feel just as
sorrowful as if it was about our
own. We should not be narrow-
minded, but have lots of charity.
Ilow to get trick ROA stay so.
Don't speculate in mines.
Don't speculate in anything what•
aoever that, yon are not conversart
Don't go on any .:man's >bond.
Don't drink when asked to.
Don't buy anything you don't
Dop',t waste your time.
Don't mary an extravagant
Don't marry an extravagant man.
Don't ,marry a pent tions man.
Don't marry a penurious woman.
Don't get amusement crazy.
Don't get crazy at all.
Don't buy wheat and sell it at a
Don't buy wheat at all.
Don't lend money.
Don't spend money.
• Don't dabble in stocks.
Don't stay out late at night.
Don't have anything to do with
flow our Honey is Spent.
The Paper Trade Jouroal pub-
lishes the following illustrated table,
showing how our money is scent
yearly, as shown by the United
States official statistics for 1885.
Liquor, $900,000,000.
Tobacco, $600,000,000.
Bread, $605,000,000.
Meat, $308,000,000.
Iron and Steel, $290,000,000.
Sawed Lumber, $228,000,000.
Cotton Goods, 216,000,000.
Boots and Shoes, $196,000,000.
Sugar and MMIolasses, $155,000,•
Public Education, $85,000,000.
Home and Foreign Missions, $5,-
In round numbers three billion
four buodred and eighty two million
five hundred thousand dollars ($8,-
482,500,000,) divided as above.
The above figures show that onr
liquor enst nine hundred million
dollars ($000,000,000,) or
One eighth more than all our meat
and bread;
Three timea as tuueb its our iron
and steel ;
Ten times as rnuclr int our public
Oor tobacco ensls s'x hundred
million dollars ($000,000,0000 et.
One.fifth more than our breed ;
Yoke as much as am meat and
iron ;
Tree tit'nes as much as our boots
and shoes ;
Seven times as much as our pub•
he education,
Our liquors and tobacco cos t one
billion five hundred nail inn dollars,
(;;1,500,000,000,) or
I'hre times as moll as our bread ;
Five times as much a3 our moat
and iron ;
Seven times as touch as our meat
and lumber ;
Seventeen times es mush ae our
public oduc;etion, lend those two it-
ems alone cyst more then four-fi ftbr
of all the rest.
A citizen of O' lahamrt ,but an
other for calling hin. a'sooneie'
A Woery 1`ie.—'W'a'lter f renab, u
fsrmrr living near Saratoga Lake,.
N. 1'., hits a curiosity in the wily of
x wn"lly nig. it is ono of a Iitter t f
00',uhte, tu t t r;, t :',nnt,hs e(!, all
ito h.-ot her, and hinters grow to a
.iol vaci;;.,t, ad 1104 tru,•'lir
to g,o:r, but this one trot beyond
whir" notinds. When fear months
1.1 it wits pw,°ot;iiy devoid of hair,
(int by r.ppacitions of snit,1
sada by it+ e, .,Ler a growth eamo
upon it long and curly, resembling
the tvool 00 a sheep. It is a fanny
linking pig,
TH,E BktUSSEL$ P9251
600 New Subscribers
The Brussels Post
January lst, '91.
Balance of 1890 Free
If every present Subscriber of
THE POST would make it their
business to secure at least one
new name our circulation would
boom better than ever, and this
could be done very easily.
A number of our readers have
already done this and are on
the warpath yet.
A. Good Offer !
Any person sending us Foch
Nnw SenscarnEns during the
months of November and De-
cember will be presented with a
Well -bound 'Volume of
"The Canadian Farmer's Manual
of Agriculture,"
Containing nearly 600 Pages of
Real, Live, Interesting Matter for
farmers and others interested in
cultivating the soil, the rearing
and caring of stock, useful tables,
recipes, &c., &c. Over 80 I11us-
Prof. Mills says : "No better:
book of the kind is published."
An hour's work in an evening
will do it.
We will be pleased to show
the Manual to any person de-
siring to see it.
1101p yourself and 'Tmi POST
at the sire time.
Lively, Crisp Correspondence
;Wanted from all sections of the
County, particularly in the town-
ships of Morris, Grey, Mch'illop,
Tnrnberry and Elm.
W. H, KERR, Brussels,
A.. rte.'7F41 .d_)
5OO NEW SUBSCRIBERS IBE S The Safest and most Coovenidfit Can in tlio anarket. Cannot be left open to
Easily operated, and no coria to 11011(110, `.fake a look at thein and
TO ']"he llrurs els row between be aouvinec"cl that Whitt 'WO say is trite.
Dk0..i2,,18 0:
We have put the Knife in right to the Hilt, and are
Determined to Slash Away at Prices
Regardless of Cost of Production
For the Next 30 Dees.
0 ercoatings, Winter 8uitings for lien and Boys, Pea Jackets, Under-
wear, Gent's Furnishings, gats and raps, Fur Caps,
Fur Coats, Rubber Coats, sac,, 86ct,
At such Temendous neauctioas Below Regular Prioe5
,At ,such Tempting Prices that if you are going to buy at all you can't help purchasing.
You are well aware that, despite all the blow and puff of competitors, we have,
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You are well aware that in all of our advertising we Speak the Trnth; that every word
we tell you you can depend on it. Now, don't let this
Slip by without you Calling and having a'loo1= at wliat we are doing..
All Goods Bought from us by the Yard will be Out Free of abate,
Leckie's Old Stand,
- Main St., Brussels, Ont.
.8R.USS L,S, Q f rTAzo
Just Received from, the Best Manufacturers in Canada, a Full turd Well•Selccied Stock
of Cross -Out Saws, including
"Forest >> atf`f7 President," "Lance Tooth,"
z ii
Beauty, "The �: resident, ance ooth,
"[Champion," "Racer," &cc.
The "Forest Beauty" is the ONLY Saw made With the bark five gunge, Thinner
than the -front. Sawyers know the advantage of this.
Persons requiring anything in this line should 800 thorn.
i\'..11 Line of the Beet Oh0pp9 ^ AIMS on nand,.
Did you see Harland's Improved Oil Can P
now a,ut1 January '1st, 18:11-. i
Balance of 1890 Free to I
New Subscribers.
"cr7 .,A.:.,I' w J.:.'S.! . ::1. 'BRAT J:.' AT ..t O 1) 0 ..i 3TT SI
A. M. McKAY & Co.