HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-12-12, Page 51 DEC, 12, 1890, THE BRUSSELS POST xx d Naos. Crania rooIt, The sleighing is making bueinees boom. J. 0. Tuck announces a sooial hop in Damon' Hall on Friday evening, 19th inst. Subscribe for TEE Eon' for 1891 if you want the local, dietriot, Canadian and general news. A Mr. Miller has opened a tailor shop here, Miller can out as close as anyone and should receive a liberal patronage. Rev. D-13. McRae and Repv, pD. Lor- raned 6 Sabbath. . kir.iVerreet of Weltonpreached an able sermon, R. F. Cameron, student, of Knox Col - tape, Toronto, has returned home to opens( his Christmas vacation. It. F. looks halo and hearty. Robb, Leckie, a former resident of Grey, who is well known and highly re- spected, has been very ill in Toronto of late. We hope he may rally. lacenif'ry ta. Try Tun Pon for 1801. It gives a large arnonnt of local, district, Canadian and general news. Mr. Kesoa, of Wallace, is here locating his mill site also looking up timber for the same. We bespeak for him a good trade. The people in this place are looking for n big trade here in the way of wood this winter, At least 1,000 cords in all is expected to be delivered at the G. T. IL yardsat Henfryn. The September and Ootober make of cheese at Silver Corners' cheese factory was shipped last Thursday. It realized nearly 24,000, which ought to greatly help the patrons in meeting their oblige - Mono. A public school entertainment will be held in S. S. No. 10, Grey, on Deo. 16th. Program to consist of ria Binge, recita- tions, dialogues, eta. Edibles to be aer. vod during the evening entertainment whioh oommeoces at 7:30 o'clock. ` V ingham Scarlatina is prevalent. R. Hill talks of removing to Nebraska. A. W. Haan, bank clerk, has removed t0 AlliBton, A Betohey, who bas been carrying on the pottery boniness bare for the past few years, has given it up and removed to Oarleruhe, Wm. Brant, intends shortly to take a oonrse in the Military'Sobool to fit himself for his position in the volun- teer oompany. There are now thirty-four 2000 candle power aro lights and eight [sixteen -candle power incandescent lights in town, and still the demand is not nearly supplied. lb is expected that another thirty-five light dynamo, or a larger ono, to take the plea° of the one in use, will be put in, so that all who wish lights can be supplied. A. P. & A, M.—At the regality convoc- ation of Lebanon Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, Wimgham The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: 1')x. Comp. E. L. Dickinson, Z. : C. E. Williams, H. ; J. Plenty, J. ; J. E. Tam- lyn, Trees, ; H. W. C. Meyer, S. E. ; J. McGuire, S. N. ; J. A. Morton, P. S. ; J. W. Walker, Janitor. ; Auditors, Comps. Morton & McGuire. l °fol rattve. Rev. W. J. Brandon, of Monkton, is visiting friends here. Miss Treleaven, of Dungannon, was in town last w eek the guest of her brother. factoryhas wound upa The cheese vory satisfactory year, as the smiling faces of the patrons attest. John Soaudrett, the genial and oblig- ing proprietor of the Queen's hotel here, is retiring to his farm. We are very much pleased to hear that James Lawrenoo formerly, of this place, but now of Bradford City, Pa., is slowly reoovering from an attack of malaria fever. The annual visitation of the Bible snoiety agent will take piece here on Friday evening when the agant, the Rev. Mr. Fraser, will deliver a lecture on "Lights and Shadows of China". 'chore have been no fights here this month. The temple of James has been closed and now all that remains to be done is to deoorate with the Viotoria cross the participators in the last fracas. Mrs. Gilmore, the great temperance and woman's right advocate, explained to n small but an appreoiativeaudieuce, how to knit, sew and darn a man out of a bar room the other night in the Foresters' hall. Out market still continues to lend, the farmers from the surrounding country, holding a regular gale day here last Sat- urday. Reports from the south show that Blyth is nothing more than a necropolis. Simon VanNorman, lumberman etc., loft Monday for thewilds of the Pauinsula to form during the short winter daye, by a cunningly devised method, hies, where- with the railroads of the province shall be supplied. Wm. Branded accompanied him. We understand they will make Wiarton their headg ambers, the end of their run aB it were. Ethel. Council meeting here next Monday. An improvement in business is notice- able. H. F. McAllister has taken a partner. The young man's name is 1MeAllieter and they my he looks like H. F. Postmaster Spence is one of the earliest risers in the village now since he has to take a "constitutional" for ,the mail every morning. R. 0. Poa000, veubrilogniet and 1), 0, ,MlacMorran, musioian, gave 0very pleas- ing entertainment in the Temperanoo hall last Thursday evening. The entertainment, and Ohristmae merry i10 10H, 0 ed t be held in the Menlo. drat uhuroh on the manning of Dec, 24 in the interests of the Sabbath school, is expected t0 be a leading feature of the holiday season. A good program is being prepared. Don't mise it. On Tuesday morning, it was a surprise party to J. U. Heffernan rnan to find that (sur- sag the night some unknown party had put tun auger hole in the aide of his grain store and allowed a fair toad of wheat to run into their pos[sestina. As a quantity of whom woe found een en, tt whe et Id ii oar and the hole not plugs 11. that the thieves were anxious to got to metkot before a decline in prino took Once, It la to be hoped some 011ie. may be found, and the guilty panty bo brought Wore a J, P, toroeoive their just rotvarcb, day. Rev, R. Irani will preaoh in the Mothc- diot (buroh next Sunday evening. Try Tug Pool' for 1801. It gives the cream of the local and dietriot happen - thee. Remember the pblie oebool examinee, tion on Dee, 1.9, also the entertainment to be given by the Sone of Temperance on the evening of the same date, Shnpeon• & Hon have received a Sirot. ulnae stook of choice groceries for the Krone trade. A now guile of prions has been arranged to take effect on Monday, Doo, 15, Butter, egg's, lard, tallow, poultry and oath wanted at Simpson & Hon's, On Monday eveninga number of the villagge young people ook advantage of the sleighing and spent a very enjoyable time at the residence of Jas. Livingston, 10th opo. Although quite a number of the party were entire strangers to the Livingston family, it was the unanimous opinion of all, on the return trip, that it was just the plaoe to go to have a good tins°. Dr. Gale's uncle died at Stratford on Friday of last week. The funeral was on Sunday. Our M. 11 attended. The late Mr. Cale was an old and eateemel resi- dent of Stratford; a modest, unassuming man and a good citizen, Ile was a painter by trade and worked up, together with his Bons a good paying busmen. Ile wan a member of the Baptist ohuoh and an earnest Christian. Deceased was born In London, Pug., in 1825 and came to America at the age of 21 years, settling in New York state just before the Mexican war of 1840.48. Of his own family kis wife end seven ' children are still living, as follows;—J. H. Cale, T, W. Cale and Ernest B. Cale, Stratford; Mra. Alex, Robertson, Wheeling. W: Va.; Mrs. J. 0. Struthers, North Dakota; Rachael F. and Olive Cale, of Stratford. He bad been ailing for a long time. W altos,. Farmers are taking advantage of the present sleighing to haul their wood and loge. Try Tres Poor for 1891 and secure the looal, district, Canadian and general news. Don't forget the Sunday school Con- vention to 0e held here on Thursday of next week. We have now two bakers coming to our. town. Surely we should have' cheap and good bread now. On Tuesday evening of this week some twenty members of the Council, R. T. of T., visited the sister lodge in Brussels and spent an enjoyable evening. Bev. D. Forrest was in Wingham dur- ing the early part of the week attending Maitland Presbytery. He will also at- tend the meeting of the Dominion Alli- ance as a representative of the temper- ance lodge. This week the youngest son of Mr. Humphries, had the misfortune to swal- low a tial whistle about the size of a oent. Although he still feels the effects of his dose, yet the doctor does not fear any serious results. It was a close pall. Last Thursday, Deo. 4th, a debate in oonneotion with the Y. P. 0. A. of Duff's church wits held, the subject being "Would an immediate prohibitory law benefit Canada 9" Affirmative taken by Miss M. O'Connor and Miss Lizzie Smillie. Negative by Messrs. MaLauoh• lin and Gardiner. Decision in favor of the affirmative. 13lueti aloe. There have been several ohioken•pox its the village. Next Sunday evening et 7 o'olnok the Rev. A. Y. Hartley will preach in the Methodist church. i g the direct- ors n t last them e e e meet At the ors secured the services of Geo. McDon- ald far next year. The ladies of the Methodist church have undertaken to provide the carpet and a new organ for the church. Our townsman, J. J. Denman, was presented with a fortune of 61,000 last week, in the shape of a baby girl. Our enterprising townsman, Jas. Tim- mins, with his bride, returned on Satur- day evening and has donned his business air again. The patent ends for the seats of the new church arrived on Wednesday and are being quickly transformed into beau- tiful and comfortable pews. Mr. Timmins and his bride arrived home en Saturday night and, as they did not Dome till the 10 train, they deprived the boys of the inexpressible pleasure of keeping then awake for the night. Thu Posy wiobos the happy couple a prosper- ous and safe voyage through life. The birthday of Willie Diment was celebrated on Tuesday evening by a number of his little friends gathering at Ids home to enjoy the pleasure of a taffy - pull and judging from the merry shouts of laughter that rang through the village as the little ones were returning home, we should thick they enjoyed themselves. The annual Bible Society meeting will be held to -night (Friday) in the Metho- dist Ohuroh. The agent, Dr. Fraser, es an able man and, as he was, for a number of years, a missionary with Dr. McKay in Formosa, his lecture will doubtless b8 very interesting. The Dr. proposes, if it be deserved, to give a talk on hismiseion- ary work after the mauler address on the work of the Bible moiety. Come one, oome all and enjoy an interesting and in. straotive meeting. The death of Mrs. Agar, whilst she has been ill for some time, was nnexpeoted at the last. She was hurled on Monday, a large number paying respeot to her memory. The remains were interred in the Morris cemetery. The funeral was put off a day in order that her son from Manitoba might be present. She leaves four sons and a daughter to mourn her loss. Tke funeral service was held in the Ebenezer church, which she had attended for years and where the poster, Rev. Mr, Wallwin, preached a sermon on the text "Unto you therefore which believe He is precious." Cannon Ot'ENINe.—The new Methodist oburob will bo opened next week. Thu's- day 18th Rev. Dr. Potts, of Toronto, who is generally thought to he the most popular and eloquent Methodist minister to Canada, will preaoh the opening width ger- mon 8:80 t' th mon in the f , efta a sumptuous dinner of fowl,eto., provided bythe Wien of the church, will bo sera. d i r atnmont o until T80. An oulct £ mush) and song arid an address by Dr. Potts will be given after. The Winghitm Methodist church orchestra will be present, ileo vocalists from Woodstoclr, \Vingham and elsewhere, The elmroh is almost completed and 10 a fine structure, now that the finishing teethes are being added Itis becoming more beautiful nom cases Wed11,o boat dof the cheese was shipped On uoeay, The oommm)ion of the Lord's: supper will be dispensed le the Proobytorian aural' non Sabbath, Yesterday (Thurs. day) afternoon the Rev. I. B. Waliwin ptnaelted it, that uhuroh aura to•marrow morning (Saturday) le is oxpeoted that Dr, Fraser, agent for the Bible Sooiotyl will preach in the oamo place. 1110terlr.. Wm. Barrie has been bothered with a felon on one of his hands, A Loyal Orange Lodge is shortly to be formed at Pone, 4000,, N. W. T., of which Wm, Clark. formerly of Sunshine, will be, the first Master. Alex, Sharp be home from Manitoba on e. visit,, He nue been away for about two yearn and likes the country well. He will return next spring. DEUA•rE.--The debate held in Ander- SOWN school on Tuosdny evening was a doided sueoesa. A large number of new names were added to the already Oxton• sive list. Thos. Bone, jr., was appointqd to the chair, after which the followhie subject WM debated : "Resolved that the hanging of Biroball was an iujnotioe." The affirmative wns auoLained by A. I. McOoll and A. IL Cochrane. The neg• abiva by Wm. Cochrane, Q. Anderson and Jas. Bowman. The eloqueuco of the affirmative speakers was so great and to the point that no person present was surprised (except the three negative speakers) when the chairman gave his decision in favor of the affirmative. Some person wrote upon the blackboard "Birchall to be resurrected by his sym patbizers," Well if sympathy would do it he would rice instantly as a great many took a different view of the cane after hearing it laid down by the affirma- tive. Readings were given by Jan. Bow. man, Wm, Cochrane and A, I, McColl, The debate for the next meeting will bo "Resolved that the Morris Council is jus- tified in its course of procedure against the bondsmen." It was decided to hold the meetings every other. week so the next debate will be on the evening of the 23rd inst. Let every person Dome with their best girl and hear something that will be a benefit to them. 13oalortth. W. M. Gray and Lawyer Holmatead are in the field for the Mayoralty. The complimentary supper tendered to Mr. Aird was well attended and passed off very pleasantly. It took place last Tuesday evening. Our town dada had a great time wrestling with the electric light question at their last Counoil meeting. Now tim- ber is badly needed at the Board. We are a reading people hare. Our Mechanics' Institute Library contains nearly 4,080 books and we have over 850 members. You caul beat that in Brus- eela. The following officers were elected to till their respective offices of Britannia lodge, No. 170, A. F. & A. M., during the ensuing year :—W. 81., Wm.Ballantyne; S. W., Geo. Patterson ; J. W., A. M. Ross ; Trees., A. Strong See., W. G. Duff : S.D., J. J. Neelin ; J. D., J. Reid ; I. G., Geo. Whiteley ; M. of C., Alex. Slemmon ; S. S., G. B. Scott ; J. S., Dr. Campbell. ; Tyler, John Wil- liams, The Toronto World of last Saturday says:—Before the master in chamber's yesterday a motion was made in the slander action of Oampboll vs, Scott for of an order for leave to examine the defend- ant for discovery before delivery of the statement of claim. This is a fight be- tween two doctors of the town of Seaforth finds. n very fast friends. never 1100 who have Y Lu was as called to Dr. a mpbull Last lima D . C attend one Ireland, a farmer living never Seaforth. Ireland died from failure of the heart caused by the bursting of an Mums in close relation with that organ and other complications fully ascertained upon a poet -mortem examination. Dr. Scott was never called , to attend Ireland or to consult regarding his ease, but not- withstanding that he had no knowledge of the case it is alleged eiroulated many Blenders regarding Dr, Campbell's treat- ment of Ireland, and going so far as to allege that he had killed him. The slanders, it is alleged, were published by Dr, Scott to his own patients and friends, and from these persons it is almost im- possible to get any information, as they do not wish to be drawn into the matter. The learned master said Ise thought it eves a case in which the application should be granted and made an artier for the examination of Dr. Scott. The amount of damages claimed by the writ is 65,000. A gale with a velooity of 80 miles an hoar visited the coast of Newfoundland on Monday and blew down buildings, fences, eto.,in the outskirts of St. John's and the ehipping at Harbor Grace suffer- ed considerable damage. The French shore also shared in the ealamitiee. Mr. and Mrs. Sand. Hardy, of Honey creek township, Ill., were charavariod on the night of their marriage recently. The bride was so frightened that she bay in a dead faint for several hours. The hus- band, thinking she was dead, went crazy with grief, Legal proeouclingo will fol. lots. There ant some hopes of the hue. hand's recovery. }9/y'012TGAGE SALE OF Valuable Properties IN TUE TOWNSHIP of GREY, HURON COMM'. Under and by virtno of the powc'e of sale contained in two certain mortgagee made by the William ring to the vendors, and which will bo produood at time of sale, there will bo offered for Sale by Public Auction at the AMEDIoAE Homan, in the Village Of Beursam 5, oa lyednosdtr,•, 17th pay of DOn., 1800. Al the hear of Ono O'clock in the Afternoon 'r tl --Au and o simpler tr lar Lot number 20 Ii s Y aiu o0 acres in tido 1•lkll se uu 00000, containing 1 • 1 8cooudiv--All and singular Dexo nr lose, Dot iinnil)el 26, in th01.it11 001100aai0ll, COs• ttairbsO 100 tLdrns 111010 br lase, Fames 1011,0000 cob is elLusto about throe Trunk ltailwythl hn toll is said too be otua Clay loam, with about 40 aurae bleared. A two-storey frame house, Walla, frame bare and frame stable alb upon the property,o,ert Y, P realw 'IL WO i,1 situate nhauL Gaon miles from I4thel static(, About80 ,nal un ,ern sal 1 to Un oleari1 (Thorn Is said t 1 lr; I1 ten house up, n tbo property, Tacos. --Tan per cola of pnruhnse money 111, time condition,. caiman, known oiitlay 01 x010. Prep erlf u then "sed 1 larso0t to a 110ar:1•10 131,1. l�'or further particulars apply to 11, ;11. (1IIA1 VI t Snol' Vcldbre' Solicitor , Morey, c/irati88 WVo(ilbngtou&6 ]Lnsl,Tuiailta. BOARS FOR SERVIOB. T1(E undersigned will Boon Two Thorough. Bred Berkshire Boars for Sorvfe° en Lot 11, Con, 6, Grey, They are both from imported stook, Tering 81, to be paid at time of an. vie°, with privilege of returning 1f oonesuary, 30.4 A. SHAW, Proprietor, THIRD PRIZE TORONTO IN- nusrnfAr..--The deur of my Jeraoy Ben "Margin of Glen Mart" 1s 50 imported cow, She 100k 8rd prize at the Toronto In- dustrial Exhibition, and, It 10 sold should have had 2nd. For further Particu)ars op. ply at my Drug and Book Ettore, Brussels, G. A. DEADS1AN, IMPROVED LARGE WHITE YOR1• SHIRE BOAR. The nuderalguod will keep for service this present amnion the Improved largo white Yorkshire pig "steady on lot 20, eoo.6, Morris, to welkoir a limited number of sows will bo taken. Terms 0140 to be paid at time of service, with the privilege of retern- Ing if neoesoary. Pedigree may be seen up. on application. 1tutism N10110L, 101f Proprietor. 7 11W i'UBE•.BBED PIGS FOR BERYICE,—Tim undersigned has re• eently irnrnhseed and w111 koan for Service at North half Lot 20, Con. 7, Morrie, a Pure. bred Berkshire Boar, bred by Mr. Snell, and also an Ohio imported Chester White, one veer old, bred by Thos, George. Putnam, from imported stook on bath sides. Pbio hog took Ord prize at the Industrial Exhibi- tion, Toronto, 1600,in a class of 17, and also 3rd at the Western Fair In a Mass of 16. T'.rms, 81 00, to be paid at time of Hendee, with privilege ofretoroiun if necessary. 15-U 8. WALKER, Proprietor. REAL ESTATE. 1 HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE with ood ardon, well and stable Appy to RB. TUBNBULL, Tloobandn Street. VARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN. 1' Dnnsrexnn has several good Farms for sale and to re ht, easy tonne, in Townships of garde and Gray, F. S. SC OTT, Brussels, 57.11. CHOICE FARM FOR SALE.— .) Being South half:Lot 27, ooa.0, Morris, 100 sores, nearly all cleared. Good buildings, about20 acres Fall wheat in ground. Easy terms. Apply to W. Si, SINCLAIR, 11- Solcoitor, ,ko.,Brussels. tlARM TO RENT.—T#iE SUB• 1� scriber offers his 160 acro farm, being Lot 16 and Weat half lot 14, Con. 14, Grey to rent. Between 80 and 90 acres cleared. For further particulars, as to rent, terms, eke., apply to PETER SINCLAIR, Proprietor, Cranbrook P. 0. 18.4 FARMS FOR SALE.— 150 acres to be sold on the 13th day of January, 1881, iu the village of Ethel at Two oblook. The valuable property known as the "Daniel Estate," 50 scree, being west half of Lot 28, in the lith Concession of Grey township; good orchard, good build- ings and well fenoed, also 2 good wells, lOU acres, beteg Lot 08, in the 10th Cosees- eiou of Grey. About 80 acres @leered; re. matador well timbered laud. Terme cosh, CHARLES DANIEL, 22.5 BOX 241, Woodstock, Ont. 'FARM FOR SALE,—THE UN- DEBSIGI nD offers for sale the north east quarter of lot 28, concession e, Morris County of Huron, containing 50 acres. The land is of first quality and In a high state of cultivation. well folioed and under -drained ,'0 scree cleared. Now frame hone@, 8 0001110 uiilk house with concrete walls, 2 wells good barna and sled, orchard, oto, Eight nares of fall wheat. This desirable property adjoins the corporation. of Brussels. Suit- able terms will be given. Title perfect, JAMES GRIEVE, Owner, 80- Seaforth P. 0, COOD FARMFOR SALE IN •MOrri0, on reneenable terms. In order to close the affairs of the estate of the late ou the executor offer the fol- lowing G. Hda st e s V. K valuable bt' l , s for WO North alfa °,dna n 'n 1 1 K 30,Concession slnu t Township of Morhalf ofLotnC lees t p ci lan 00 acres, n this lot is erected a good s, h erected a good frame baro wItb atone foun- dation, good orchard, well and pump. Near- ly nl1 cleared, and to on the grave road closely adjoining the village of Brussels. This farm is a valuable one, is well fenced and in a good state of onitivatlou, For prince and terms apply to THOS. BELLY, Brussels P. 0., Haan Junvrs00, Victoria Square P.O., or JAttns 8ac1Tu, Maple Lodge P,0 Mildleses County. REMOVED! MRS. e:5'e Sta t175J ' Has Removed to the Store Vended by H. L. Jackson, Pos2o01'1c0 Burns, and calls the attention of the public to her Stook of CANDIES, FRIIrTa, CONFECTIONERY, FANCY Goods AND Sti.o.r, WARES, FRESH OYSTERS itl.1VAYS ON 11.1N1) GIVE ME e) CALL. 17-3 AIRS. A. E. SI tIlIS. —)I AM OFF TO(— IC. 'CaRichards' rCo ,got a Good Trunk and Valise. That's ilio Place to got a No. 1 Sot of Light or Heavy '�''y'' +. .-L.7., A ,J-1,)_L.V � IJ IJ ONLY A 1 STOOK. USED. Collars* i1 SptoCialt'V. llopa,irs Cheap, and Promptly Attended to. i�tt@ 1.11 lit ill tisof IDs 8t'tu1),"-. Graham's l)iu('k, op] 15ite til• ueen's 1Ioto1, Brussels. 1. 0. Riichards, etaOw07 a' paneA':.ain! AFTER THE FIRE. HOLIDAY CLEARING SALE of the Balance of our Stock Saved from the Fire. —NOW IS YOUR CHANCE FOR— Great Bargains As 1 am going to Clear Out the Whole Stock before the First day of January, 1891, so as to be able to start the new year with a Brand New Stock. A Few Lines of Damaged Goods yet on Hand. SEE OUR 50c. CORSETS, W1V O RTH $1.00. Store at the Egg Emporium, Brussels. 1 x1 xs,tr 11E1i FUN •IrIIUSINESSI As my Goods were Saved. from the Fire in such Excellent Condition am enabled to Resume Business AT ONCE. YOU WILL FIND ME IN �1j1y� L OWS f`G HU LOCK, Ready to Serve the Public, as in the Past, Call at tile dew PI'e�ises, %MO are m he Obit