HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-12-12, Page 3DEO, 12, 1890.
sutler astatine in country same revive Duo's strength at once. Cer
fainly oqe of the greatest eneniiee of
The greatest obstacle in the way Germany is the misuse of alcohol,
of the development of our buttor in A healthy man uoede no ouch stimu•
dustry ie the present system of font, and to give it to children,
butter trading en commonly in wl::nh i+ often hue, is absolutely
vogue in country stereo.The ,mer- wicked,"
chant cannot, through fear of eome The Canadian Temperance league
oxeeedingiy explosive termigaut, raised and expended $4,000 last
pay fur the butter according to its winter in gosliol and temperauoo
quality, and thus no incentive was work,
given to those deeirtn'g to make Dr. F, R, Lees Bays that only 42
Progress in math work ; and furtbor, per coot. of men esoape kb, growth
as the different soma are maeeod in and develop,nent of the druultitrd's
one strikingly mottled .mixture, it apposite in oaob goneration.
is a hopeless endoever to attempt to In ancient Greece, a law of Pitta -
develop a.profiteble export trade in cna enacted that "ho who eon:mits
a commodity of each abpreeter a crime when drank shall receive a
The strongest argument that can double punishment": one for the
be used in Payor pf the creamery °rime itself Bud the other for the
system Ilse its strength in the fact inebriety which prompted him to
that both of the impediments now commit it.
to the way would be wholly remota A. letter to the London Spectator
ed. As there are many districts dated October 18 tells how Father
not far enough advanced iu settle. t.lathew'saulay eatery was oelobrated.
meat to adopt that in full, we be. by -pins of his compatriots. It
lieve that it might be possible to fol road as follows:
low other schemes with greater "To day is the clay appointed to
benefit. We are informed that commemorate the Irish Apostle of
dairymen in the near neighborhood Temperance. Aouordiugty, in this
of Virden, Manitoba, have started a village, my servant this morning
new system which has sinoo last fouud every shop in the villa"o closed,
spring given complete satisfaction. except those in which drink is sold."
A. meeting of dairymen and meta The ulltaiai returns of liquor mu -
chants and others interested in the eumed in the seven Canadian pro-
dairy trade resulted in a uniform vine" furnish a good illnstratiou of
system of grading butter being the result of prohibition by the Scott
adopted. The Eroding is all done act. In ,Prince Edward lslaud,
by an inspector, nod the merchants entirely tinder the fiat, the per capita
pay for it according to the marked consumpt!ou of liquor is throe
grade, based on the scale decided fourths of a gallon. In New Bruns -
upon, which requires that the price , wick, where nine out of fifteen coun-
ter number two grade be three cents ties aro probibttl�iu, itis; olio and s,
lower than number one, and � that h .l'f gallot s; In, N,ovg°Scotta, with
for number three four .cents Gower ele@ven out ot:elgutmon iceeetiee,• "the,
than for number one, and the latter 'poY ba�tfia ie one nd'throelaniali
be regulated by the price at Winni•
peg market. The efyle of "tub;
brand of salt to be need, and the
various other, detiaile,'are alpo,uii i;'
mously settled. 'rho 'Dairy World'
suggests, as.another=one.: of sire;
mounting, these ,ai'fa.ctilties, that•
the armors within a radiue of ;five,
miles combine, contribute a fe'wdol-
lars eaoh, erect a small but suitable
dairy on the most centrally located
farm, and buy a hand separator,
and then send all their surplus
milk to this station for conversion
into butter, The cost of the outtit
id put at $500. The advantages
would be those of the large creamery
which would produce a uniform
quality, tnd 11 could be shipped to
commission merchants in large
marts. There is not a vestige of
doubt but that expansion of our
butter industry must ultimately the world, fur he is Aiding in the
come through the establiebment grew"' nF a public opinion which
nod patronage of creameries, but will eventually solve oue•half the
at the same time the statement stn•
rum problem. The ether half—mho
not be set aside that many inter prevention of the acquiring of Lha
mediate stops mu -t be taken in drink habit will be solved by the
many districts before the best re
sults from the establishment of
creameries may be expected, and
some of these have been enumerated
in the foregoiug suggestions.—Tho
()median Leve Stock: and Farm
No article whatever in the grocery
hne ehculd be put away in the paper
bags in whish they came. Maoar-
001 should be placed In a tin box
Re earatal not to monopolize the
table talk. Do not interrupt othei'e,
If you are a dyspeptic do not talk
of what don't agree with yon, but
qui,.tly eat ,shat you can and say
For the indult destruction of
machos, stir into 0 hall pint, of hot
prate a dime's worth of phosphorous
adding, when cool, a quarter the
bulk of grease. This should bo
placed where they frequent, and
they will die white eating it.
When any portion of a dress skirt
for drapery 1145 been torn or soiled
can often he aucoeesfully covered by
changing the arraugements of
draperies, or by an ingenieue dim.
position of triuuning, in !mammy
with what is alroluly in use. A
rent should bo darned with ravelled
threads of the ruttier'31, and well the nose, ii better and resting coin
pressed on the wrung side, on see
oral thicknesses of heavy sloth• Portably.
A. cough remedy :—Take nue During tha (its fiahin;'aeant up
0unce each of thorough wort, stick the lake, Ctl. Long, of Southump•
licorsac, elippery elm and ilaxea'l 1 ton, shot 411'•4 e bears and one doer,
add three pints of water, pat all into and aloe e'tptu+ed a young fawn,
a bright, tin pail, place this in tt I W111th he still has in his possession.
kettle of boiling water anti lot the An !I. C. R. express struck n
contents simmer for three hones, couple of cattle in Tilbury West a
stirriug every few minuted. Strain few days a;o, and the big mogul en•
the liquid, put hook into the, pnit, g)°e completely severed fife dead off
add one pint of molasses, ono pound one and threw the other clean over
of sugar, and,. fur ,i3•tvortpg,, osis the telegraph wires a distance of 200
onn00 of obcclrerberky. Take one feeti
teaspoonful three. tones a cloy, or . It is,proposed to include the,tq:wn
oftener if the cough is hard'and df Waterloo and the loam of Berlin,
troublesome. both in the county of Waterloo, in
A very:gooll,\say of giving:a,; beth "One apt of ilicorpora,t1ou 08,0 oily.
to a delicate infant is to lay a small It is not i ulikely that tbe•act will
be applied, fpr., and gr,}nted at the
next session of the Odntariu" Legisla•
laturet The population of the new
oitywill be 11,000 to start with.
There are important manufactures
in both these towns. . Iy the early
60's Out population 'of Wither did nut
exceed 2,d00.
Canadian i' ewts.
Embro will vote on. local option,
Jan. 7.
A raltleeuake with four rattles
was recently Willed CIU the Saugeon
The Majestio, on withal Mre, Rita
011011 and her eider took passage,
has arrived at Liverpool
al re. Margaret Donnan, of Adjata,
aged 75, died suddenly after par-
taking of a hearty supper.
The Canadian Pacific railway ie
about to erect twenty grain ware•
houses throughout Manitoba,
3. G. Gunn, of Aylmer, has a
maple leaf -grown in. " ritis1l Pelum-
bis thattneasureis 20 inches by 141 -
Mrs. Donald, of Tottenham, while
seated at her knitting, was eudden-
Iy atrioken with, paralysis and only
lived an hour or two.
Rev. Dr, Jilin e, of Walkerton,
who hits been at the point of death
for Home time past from bleeding of
blankets in tae, bottom pf;. he n.tli
gallons;s and' so the ratio goes on in -
and wrapit 'aroundtli'e ohil�d bore'
creasing to inverse ratio to the num-
r . of-. o tit' s ander' "chi 'tion,° lifting him out 01 the warm water•,
be P u 4e p5 �I , N,. ito ilii
tib iia �B'riii's11'Colftnpbi;;, which!, is In this way he can feel n (Mill
entirely under lipen,Qe, fltel,2oneump whatever from the outside air. The
fiottio'�•LlauggUooalpel airport.., nurse should have nn a.large, tower
The Toledo Bl'adernrgee •teat the- ling apron in allricb ate, weal) 'the
force df .golf -interest, as well as.'self-, baby, wet blanket and " all: Tlse'
respect and respect for the laws, be bead can filen be dried and the
enlisted on. the side of tempergnce. upper extreueitities,. keeping him
It says: "One may oiirelosely defy wall wrapped all the finis' Put on
publics opinion by getting drunk a warm shirt, slip off the wet apron,
when to get drunk now and than and wrap the little One in a warin
merely signifies 11)01 he, is a jolly big Turkish
towel, and dry and rub
fellow; but when his !otos ioation is For small articles about the house
regarded not only as a disgrace, but such as book covers, blotting oases,
involves allose of position that is also wait pallets nod the like, a revival
disgraceful, it becoinos nu entirely of the darned backgrounds, once se
different matter. The employer popular, bas taken place. The de
who diecrimmatis against omployeee sign is merely outlined and lightly
who drink is benefitting himself, filled in, nod Nauss is doubly
1.. ..,lug hie men, Hatt benefiting
effective against the darker and art-
istically irregular atitohee of the
foundation. The work is easy, the
worker's attention being mainly re•
quirod to keep the linea of 511tchet
habit—will straight. It is advisable that
effort to attain pruhibitiuu, and thus 1 we: :tato tae not tried the work be.
fore should run a few straight lines
completely pulverize the ruin power.
of darning across 1113 material, ut
General von Moltke is credited
with these sentiments: "I myself
abstain altogether from alcohol. I
do notconsLler it nen-teary or help.
fol, except, perhaps, after fatiguuig
work, when the principal thing is to
HINTS 'til 110tatESl:1'sPlsitti, intervals of about three•gtta,rtors of
_ an iuoh. These will serve as guides
A thin Olin of raw, fat porkdost• to the other lines. For linen, fine
ed with cayenne pepper is our bast crewel wool will be fouud more ellen
remedy for a sore throat. tive 11)30 silo ; bat flax threads will
The fashion of sawing tiny sachets work iu better for such small artic'es
of fragrant p Iwdere in the carriage
of dresses is no; usw, and ii cattail.ly a very ngrseeblo nus. Thera alis
the perfume need tenet be no
stronger than violet or peau d'Le-
pngue amber or erre-rant.
as po5to ir•i cases or tetter pockets,
.Rev, Leroy Ilooker, of the Metro-
politan church, 'aureate, tai accept-
ed inn invitation to beuoma pastor of
the Cbath to Methodiet ohureb.
A couple of weeks ago, says the
Ingersoll Tribune, lrliee Ross Up•
fold had fbe aniefortuue to run a
sewing machine needle into the in-
dex finger of the left band. After
a few days gangrene est in,.and on
Thursday Dr's. Canfield and Wal-
ker amputated the finger at the seg
and joint, the operation being per.
formed at the resideuce of her
brother in-law, Reid Size. The
hand is now healing nicely and plias
Upfold expects to be all right—
minus the two joints—in a few
At Rock Lake, on the upper
waters of the Madawaska, whale
1lcLauchlin Bros. have n gang
camped 'imitate saw logs, the men
have several times seen two very
large moose, a unto and female.
The book heiug en enormous fellow,
evidently c.)uei4te1 ho has propriet-
ory rights in that octose, and ob•
jests to at: nitre:non on hie domain,
asbe hat several timed chased them
whin singly by themselves iu the
bush. On Sunday one of the men
started nut partridge hunting but
after a 'bort absence return in full
speed, nearly exhnnetel and shout-
ing for belp, to the o unp, the moose
in chase, When the moose came
in sight of the camp he trotted off,
—Brockville Times. •
Any Amount of Ikloney to Loan
on farm or Village Pro.
perry at
6 c 6 Per Cent., Yeat'ty.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to •
A. Hunter,
Division Court Clerk, Brussels.
Calls the Attention of the Public
to the Fact that he continues to
turn out First-class Light and
Heavy Harness as usual
Nothing but Al Stock used.
Just to Hand a Splendid Stock
of Horse Blankets, Rugs, Robes,
Bells, Whips, &e,, &c.
A Large Range of Trunks,
Valises and Satchels kept con-
etantly on hand, and Sold at
Reasonable Prices. No Shoddy
about them.
Special Attention pant to the
Manufacture of Horse Collars.
Retpairina promptly attended
t0. CALL IN.
Oify,Tongued Agents will try, to
draw Attention from this
Call and Judge for Yourselves all who
are in want of the following :
Our Single Furrow Plows sell
from $12.00 to $14.00.
We draw Special Attention to our
Two Furrow Plows, which
sell from $10 to $13.
Straw Cutters, $40.
0 Knife Pulpers, $14.
Of All Makes. The following are
some of theta :--Verity, \\'itkiu-
son, Copp, Advance and Smith's
Falls, kept Constantly on Hand
at 40e. per Point.
Gang Points, 25o. each.
Second -band Horse Powers of
different makes Cheap.
Largo Planer, Moulding 3laehine and
Band Saw for Sura.
brussels Foundry.
Illy 111111,IIr111,111,14 III 11'111 II"'t i. .1,1 •.. �-.,.,. u„I.aV.VI\14'111'\1.N,\I'\11'uu"".,NI, •,'.i, .xv. nn•,..... r.-.
A. N A Ai A rri E 11 A.R,rJt,� 4r _t
Money to Loan,
Money to Loan on Farm Pro•
perty at
Private an Company Funds.
,Solicitors, it•e„
Ba-Oe8ELe, ONT.
Money to Loan on
Private and Company Funds.
J.C,iieffernan, J.A.1oung.
Valuator. Agent.
Ethel P.O., Ont. nine
To the Public
After a business experience of
13 years in the Butchering Busi-
nese in Brussels 1 desire to ex-
press my best thanks for the
patronage of the hast and ask
a continuance of the same for
the time to come.
1 desike to call the attention:
of thepul)lic to the fact that I'
have Removed my Place of Busi-
neeis to thy new Brick' 331pC
Opposite tiie .American Hotel,
where 1 will keep a Choice Supply
of Meats, Poultry, Bandage, &e:
Cash Paid for Dressed Poultry
and Hides.
Wm, Blashill,
12- Buraxi;n..
Practical Watchmaker
and Jeweler.
Thanking the public :or past favors and
80P1,1)1.1 and wishing still to secure
00r patronage, we are
out Fall Lites is
Silver Platen Ware
from Established and Reliable Makers,
fully warranted by us.
Clocks of the
Latest Designs.
EAaalNtis, &c.
<1•Iso a Full Line of Vitiates and
Violin Strings, t.e., in st.oell.
It.. -0 ,urv'r of :nttri•htte Lieletlaes.
�. Fletcher, - Brussels.
Po t' llookaoro.
Pocket and :Family
Hymn. and Psalm Books
Sold tit Prim,, that will
.Ar<htnish you.
�Vit111il i.t ti<i .. ti`L'1 fl:'•'sollit.
A 'vice r?.a.:.,or'trent
1tlYa11 1eohottm •• BrautWq!.