The Brussels Post, 1890-11-28, Page 88
1 kik: 1:SR, ass ;LS t'UST
Nov, 28, 1890,
It seems scarcely possible that
Xmas and the New Year are so
dear. As usual, we have a Large
Assortment of such goods as are
suitable as Holiday Gifts, whether
for old or young. It would be
quite impossible in this space to
give a list of these, so would just
say that before you decide what
to buy call and look over our
stock. We have
as heretofore. Please remember
( woo artee Headquarters for
've azi iia `ulaw e8
Duet90ISr, BooiesELT.EB, &O.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows:
MsB... ........ 6:58 a.m.Mixed 6:50 a.m.
Express 11:45 a.m, Mail .... 3:66 p.m.
Muted 3:56 p.m. fff Express 9:45 9.m.
.oral rive Stems.
A ohiel's amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
BEM/TIM, starry nights.
Mats's rubbers only 50o. GRo. GOOD.
$8.00 will buy a man's overcoat. Geo.
WANTED. -All book accounts paid AT
erne. W. H. McOneoxns.
Goon road oart for sale. 'Used a short
time. Jas. Walker, Brussels.
Rsv. R. PAUL will preach at Harriston
for Rev. W. Smyth next Sabbath.
FIFTERN ciente gets TEE PosT for the
balance of 1890. That's cheaper than
ANOTHER lot of those sprint window
shades just to hand at Leatherdale's.
Come and examine them before you buy
Ray. S. SELLERY'9 morning topic nest
Sabbath will be "Power from on} high,"
- and in the evening "God's tender appeal
to his unsaved children,"
Ds. SINCLAT, specialist, made his usual
monthly visit in Bruseels on Thursday of
this week. He will be at the Queen's
Hotel on Friday Dec. 26th on his next
GREAT bargains in hoods, caps, jackets,
&o., all band made. This is a fact. Call
and see alarge assortment of dolls and
toys, cheap at Mrs. Kirk's, opposite
Queen's Hotel, Brussels.
CARD or THANES. -I take this opportun-
ity of expressing my thanks to the many
kind friends who aided in, the removing
and saving of my good on the morning of
the fire. There kindness was very mush
appreciated indeed. Yours sincerely, J.
To TEE TAx0ArEs.-Collector Ro's has
been instructed by the Council that all
Taxes NEST be paid on or before De-
cember 1st 1890. A word to the wise is
su$mient and the ratepayers are asked
to call at Mr. Roes' store and secure their
HAvr, you seen the Christmas Number
of Toronto Saturday Night? It is the
most beautiful and attractive holiday
number ever published in Canada. For
sale by all the newsdealers or 0an be had
postpaid from The Sheppard Publishing
Company, (Limited), Toronto, for 50cts.
G. nests, of Brussels, "challenges
Charles Currie, of Parkhill (champion
shot putter), who claims to be the cham-
pion Cumberland wiestier of Canada, to
wrestle me at Cumberland style, beet
three falls in five, for the Championship
of the Dominion, and from $100 upwards
id side, or I will wrestle any man in Can-
ada eat0h-as-catch-can style for from
9100 to $500 a side."
NEW MARBLE Wonss.-The Sem of
Johnstou & Cochrane, atone cutters, &c.
has opened out are prepared to fill all
orders for monuments, tombstones,
markers, fences, &c., in a workmanlike
manner and at living prices. Satisfas•
tion i;Laranteed in every ease. Don't
place your order without oallint, on them
.and seeing their samples and
ing prices. Shop nearly opposite the
Town Hail, Brussels.
LAST Wednesday, a woman, olaiming
to be deaf and dumb, we are informed,
solicited aid from Brusselites. She
found her speech at the depot on taking
her departure for Listowel when asked
the goestion, "Single or return?" by Mr.
Kendall Her answer was "single."
Why dont these people stay at borne and
make the muniotpaltty they belong to
support them ? We have to look after our
poor people:
A 9750 correas or its equivalent in sash
will be gi yen to the person detecting the
greatest number of errors, (words wrong•
ly spelled or misplaced) in the December
issue of "Our Homes." In addition will
be given two cash prizes of $200 each,
four 058100, eight of $50, ten of $26,
twenty-five of $10, fifty of $5, one hon.
tired of $2, and one hundred and fifty of
$1, distributed in the order mentioned in
rules and regulations, which will be sent
with a copy of December issue on receipt
of 15 cents in stamps. Special cash
prizes given away almost every day dur-
ing competition which closes February
1st, 1801, Address Oen Hoxrls Publish-
ing Co„ Brookville, Canada.
Mteolon tnY,-Last Monday evening the
Y. P. C. A, of the 10tethodiet church gave
a very interesting missionary program
consisting of the following :-Singing lit
the congregation ; 1 savor by Rev. S.
Solley ; di elt by the Missee Moore, "I
will oast in my net wee more ;" recite•
Hon by Miss Winnie Sellers ; singing by
the. Sunday school choir ; reeltati0n by
Miss May Turnbull, "Sunday et Elder
Jones' ;" address on W. F. M, S. wort.
by )firs. Gilpin ; recitation, "MIssionary
Hymn," by Miss Lizzie Roddick ; solo
and duett by G. Barrett and wife ; recti -
kation, "A heathen woman's dry," by
Miss Tliursa Gerry ; duett by Misses
'Eva Turnbull and Annie Rivers ten
Ininete address on Missions by the pas.
Mr ; reading by the President of the As-
sociation ; singing by the oongrefation.
The Benediction conoluded the proceed -
age, Goo. Rogers 000upied the chair.
"'Tesiree NOE Pio-nio."
ADVERTISE your Christmas goods.
Comm mooting next Monday evening.
SPECIAL bargains every Saturday. Geo.
CHARITY Concert next Tuesday evening.
Go t0 it.
Abs. NEIL Mcctor has purchased Thoe.
Gill's dwelling and lot on Alexander
THE river was frozen over for the first
time this fall, on Thursday morning of
this week.
Fiesr-otass farm wagon left. Will
exchange for wood or lumber, Jas. Wal-
ker, Brussels.
Miss LILLA O'Cowxon goes to Guelph
about Christmas time to sing at a St.
George Church entertainment.
TIsEMsxnorsANDSWEEPING bargains -
Boys long boots, 60o., 90c. and 91.10.
Girls' school hoots, 75o. Women,' felt
Foxed Buskins 80o. Geo. Good,
I Ax giving special bargains in pioture
framing. f have the best stook in the
county. My. glass is specially made for
pioture framing. R. LEATHERDALE.
NOTICE To FAnniEBe,-A. Straohan's
opening out business in Mrs. Ballantyne's
store will not effect the egg business, in
the least, carried on by her. 1t will be
oonduoted as of old, and at the same
To prove the salubrity of the Climate
of this favored Clime at this season of the
year we have Only to state that a wild
Cherry tree, south of Bruesele, was in
bloom last week for the second time this
season. The aftergrowth in some oat
fields is over a foot high.
"BELLS of CHnlsrxae" IS the musical
title of a choir and Sunday eobool con-
cert exercise, consisting of new nimbi,
readings and recitations, to be presented
by the young people and children of
the Methodist church in this plane. It
promises to be a most interesting enter-
Cann or THANaa.-I wish to very
heartily and sincerely thank the kind
frionJs who aided is the removal of my
furniture the morning of the fire. Mr.
Bruokenshi,e, of Winghan, gave another
proof of hie friendship by coming to
Brussels on the first train to see what
could be done. W. J. Fairfield.
Lrvznr.-H. Williams & Son have
their new livery running in tip-top style.
Reliable. speedy horses, new comfortable
rigs and.attendaut comforts guaranteed.
Ladies can be suited with quiet horses.
"Live and let live" is our motto. Re-
member the plaoe, Mill street, Brussels.
Special arrangements made with corn -
menial men. If you want a rig any
time Call on ns. H. WILLIAMS & Son.
CARD eF THANES. -I take this oppor-
tunity of thanking the many friends who
so kindly assisted. in removing my stook
of goods from the fire on Saturday morn-
ing. I cannot particularize with but one
exception all did so well. 1 have refer.
esoe to Mrs. Walker, who, after her all
was burned, never seemed to think of her
own loss bet turned in with a will and
worked so nobly. Hoping we shall be
opened out by Saturday and able to do
business again with our many Customers
and once more thanking you I remain
Yours truly, ALES. STRAOHAN.
SLvos the meeting of the General Con-
ference in Montreal last September, the
Methodist Book and Publishing House
makes another stride forward in its pop-
ular periodicals. A new paper for young
people, with the progressive name 'On-
ward," an eight -page, well -illustrated
weekly is issued at the low price of 60
cents a year, singly -over 5 copies, 50
cents a year. It is edited by the Rev.
Dr. Withrow, whose management of the
1Vlethodiet Magazine and Sunday-sohool
periodicals of the Methodist Church has
been eosuooeseful. The popular Meth-
odist Magazine ($2,00 per annum) and
the Sunday School Banner (60 cents per
annum) will also be Considerably enlarg-
ed and improved. The Rev. William
Briggs, Toronto, is the publisher of these
Km or Taxa Am. -The great popu-
larity of the London Advertiser is due to
the immense amount of interesting news
and spiny reading matter furnished its
readers, and its remarkable liberal rates.
Although published in Western Ontario,
and chronicling all the important events
in the "Garden of Canada," it in no way
enoroaohes upon the country paper's
work. All the latest news ie runt, re-
gardless of locality. Its literary depart-
ment is acknowledged to be the most in-
teresting and oomplete published. In-
cluded with each yearly order for the
Daily or the Weekly Advertiser is a year's
subscription to that splendid new month-
ly, "Wives and Daughters." You can
have the Daily Advertiser, Wives and
Daughters and Trio POST for one year,
by remitting to ne the sum of $8.50. Or
the Western Advertiser (weekly,) Wives
and Daughters, and TIIE Pon from now
to the close of 1891 for only $2.25.
Register your letter and state exactly
what is reguired.
SHOOTING. M,rron.-Last Friday ten
members of the Atwood Gun Club came
to Brussels and bad a friendly match
with the home club. The trap was
placed on the old race course and the
Olay pigeons were whirled out at a lively
rate, at a range of 18 yards. The visit-
ors won by 10 birds although • neither
side did very good shooting. The At-
wood team are not green at the businese
by any means as they have had similar
competitions several times. This was
the first match for Brussels. The follow-
ing is the snore :-
J. Rosa 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0-3
D. Ross1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0-8
A, J, Lowick 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0--1
J, D. Warwick„ 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0-2
A. Dames 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0-.5
R. Watt .. 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0-5
D. Straolian..., 0 1 010 0 0 1 0 0 -8
J. Ballantyne.. 1 1' 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1-6
Dr. brblaughton 0 0 1 0 0 6 1 1. 0 0--8
1;. Melson 0 0 0 0 1. 1 0 1 0 0-8
Total sa
R. Brooke 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1-8
J. Saunders0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0-8
A. Cameron1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0-6
J. Irwin 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1--5
J. Hannah 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-2
H. Fullerton1 0 7 1 0 0 1 0 1 0-4
S. Struthers..,, 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0-4
J. Stewart.,..,. 0. 0 0 1 0 1. 1 0 1-1
G. Smith 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1-6
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0-2
Total 44
A local shoot took place after the
match, R. Watt and Jos. Ballantyne
acting as 0aptain8, The latter won. A
return match will take plane at Atsvoad
on Friday of this week if the weather is
suitable for shooting.
5 ort+re for a boy's oap. Geo. Good,
Mouxu r horse Fair on Thursday of
next week, Dee. 4th,
Gann SAI,E.-Seventeen lbs. yellow
sugar for 91.00, Geo. Good.
I neve a lot of that bankrupt stook left
yet. Come and get some bargains, R.
AesxsrsN'r SuPEniNrENnENT TIPFIN• G.
T. R., paid his official call to Brussels
depot last Tuesday,
I WILL make it worth any man's while
*0 001110 20 miles to buy goods from me.
A11 goods delivered free. R. LEA'TEESDALE.
ALL parties who owe me note and book
aocouute are requested to call at Dr.
McKelvey's, AT ONCE, as I want to pay
all I owe. A. R. Smith.
H. Davis, of Wingham, purchased the
eight aores of land m Morris sold last
Friday at the American hotel in this
plane. The prioe paid was 9260.
IF you want anything in furniture,
undertaking, window shades, picture
framing or anything that should be kept
in a oity furniture store you will find it
at R. Lsatherdale's.
Tye annual County Sabbath School
Convention lvill be held in Brussels on
Wednesday and Thursday, January 20
and 21. A good program will be prepar-
ed for the occasion in whish the leading
Sabbath Sohool workers are expected to
take part. Further particulars later.
ON the morning pf the fire Rev. Jno.
Roes got a burning oinder in one of hie
eyes, He ooneegoently secured Rev. Mr.
Jones to conduct the morning service in
Melville church, which office the reverend
gentleman performed very aooeptably.
Mr. Roes preached in the evening.
A Nsw timetable came into effect on
the G. T. R. last Monday. About the
only noticeable change is the running of
the trains every day north from Palmer-
ston instead of every alternate day. The
railroad company can give no satisfactory
reason to the travelling public for ever
cancelling the trains.
LooT's LIVERY. -The attention of the
Public is called to the fact that Levi Lott
keeps a first-olass outfit of good drivers
and new, comfortable buggies. Every
attention will be given to those favoring
him with their patronage, Stable just
east of Dr. Graham's block, King street.
Give him a call as his rates will be found
within the reach of all.
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drillin wells and is prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
share. Terms easonable. Residence
second door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnberry st., Brussels. 43-tf
Bate SOCIETY. -The annual meeting Of
the Brussels Branch of the Upper Can-
ada Bible Society will be held in Knox
church on Thursday evening, Deo. llth,
commending at 7:30 o'clock. Rev. J. B.
Fraser will deliver an address and after-
ward promisee a short talk on the Bible
and life in China, where he was a mie-
sionary for some years.
ON Thursday of last week Artie, the
4 year old son of D. Robertt, took it into
his bead that an excursion on the rail-
road won id be a very proper thing. So,
without asking permiesioo, he set off to
the station and very quietly boarded the
noon train. The conductor soon noticed
the youthful traveller, but too late to
leave him at Brussels, so he took him on
to Ethel and left him in the care of the
station agent until the afternoon train
came up, when Master Artie was safely
conveyed back to this town.
"TEMPEnANoa Pro -azo." -In the Bros -
eels Town Hall next Tuesday evening,
after a musioal and literary program by
local talent, assisted by S. Graosy, of
Wingham, who has promised to be pres-
ent and give dialeot readings, which, by
the way, he does well, the 'Temperance
Pio-nio" cantata by one linndrad Band of
Hope children will be presented. It is a
very interesting composition and will be
well rendered by the blue ribbon girls and
boys. The proceeds, after ;expenses. are
paid, will be devoted to aid the deserving
poor, as has been done during the past
two winters, The Royal Templare of
Temperance have taken hold and are
pushing the sale of tickets. The object
is a deserving one and no citizen should
parley about purchasing a couple of tic-
kets. The Good Book says "He that
givsth to the poor lendeth to the Lord."
As Rev. Sam. Jones says "If you are
satiefied with the seourity prove it by in-
vesting in the worthy movement." Pro-
gram commencesat8 o'clock next Tues-
day evening. ,
(;rensral 1Nieroves.
Stanley lectured in Rochester Monday
night to 2,500 people.
Enormous damage to property and
some loss of life have been caused by the
floods in Germany.
At San Franoisoo on Friday nearly a
million dollars' worth of Australian gold
sovereigns were deposited and melted
down at the mint.
After the reading of the Queen's speech
ab the opening of Parlinient Tuesday it
was announced that the Government
would take all the time of the house un-
til all the second reading.
A Trenton, N. J., dispatch says : Win-
field Scott Hancock Doran, the 'baby.
smoke, has died of diphtheria after a
week's illoese. Winfield celebrated hie
fourth birthday last May. He smoked
for four years before his death. He was
a bright boy, with big black eyes and
round cheeks, in whish the roses of health
bloomed. His father was an inveterate
smoker. From him the child inherited
a taete for tobacco, and he began smok-
ing before he Was 7` months old. When
8 months old he smoked a pipeful of
strong toba000, and never made a face
over it. At 10 months he was an mom.
offered emokor of the pipe. His appetite
for tobacco was found to be a normal one,
and be snowed to thrive under it. Dr,
Elmer Rogers could find no trade of nico-
tine poisoning, and decided that tobacco
had a soothing effect upon the child, who
was weaned early. In addition to a pipe.
fel of tobacco, he enjoyed from two to
five cigars daily. Father and Iimother
were both proud of1th0ir pr000tiou5 son,
Winfield craved for the effects of the
Poison, as the past two years he would
not smoke a new clay or briarwood pipe,
lilting best one well saturated with nice.
ting. Re preferred strong cigars, and
was a fine judge of thoir quality. Win-
field attracted much attention when rid.
ing about in his baby ooaoh with a black
pipe in hie mouth, smoking and puffing
like a veteran. In warmer weather he
sat on the stops of his father's house
smoking a cigar. Winfield differed from
the majority of prodigious smokers, in
that he was never known to smoke a
cigarette. Dr. Rogers watched the Loy
almost daily with a view of discovering
symptons of nicotine poisoning, but he
never found any. The boy's health IVES
very good when diphtheria ended his
brief but unique career.
The Queen of Portugal is suffering
from influenza,
The Marquis of Queensberry has sent
:0100 to Gen. Booth as the "mite" cf a
"reverent a'noetio."
Great destruotion by floods is reported
from England, Germany and Austria.
The Goethe statue at Carlsbad has been
swept away.
A despatch from Columbia, S. C., says
the Sumter Light Infantry has been or.
dared out to protest the whiles at Bishop-
ville against threatening negroes.
The Supreme Court of the United
States on Monday affirmed the judg.
went of the Cirouit Court for the south-
ern district of New York in the oase o,
Shibuaya Jugiro, the Japanese confined
in Sing Sing prison, who is under sen-
tenoe of death by means of electricity.
Chief Justioe Fuller announced the de-
cision of the court:. The court affirmed
the judgment upon the authority of the
decision in the Kommlor case. Tbie, it
is believed, destroys the legal resort of
Counsel for Jugiro.
MoFFAT'T-HUNTER.Ab the residence of
the bride's father, on the 17th inst.,
by the Rev. Jno. Scott, M. A., Mr.
Geo. Moffatt, of Turnberry, to Mies
Fannie, daughter of Alex. Bunter,
of Morrie.
SIMBoo--HILLMAN.-At the residence Of
the bride's uncle, on the 19th inst.,
by Rev. Jno. Scott, M. A., Mr.
Walter Simeon, of Howlett, to Miss
Isabel Millman, of Wingham.
MOCLYnmowr-DIsnc,.-- At the residence
of the bride's father, on the 12th
inet„ by Rev. H. R. Diehl, of Hyde
Park, brother of the bride, assisted
by his brother, Rev. L. W. Diehl, of
Holme4vilie, and Rev. Mr. Walker,
of Varna, Mr. Jas. MoClymont to
Miss Maggie, eeoond daughter of J.
Diehl, both of Stanley.
DIENE-TYNDALL: On the 13th inst., at
the residence of the bride's grand-
parents, Stanley, by Rev. L. W.
Diehl, of Holmesville, brother of
the groom, assisted by his brother,
Rev. H. R. Diehl, of Hyde Park, and
Rev. Mr. 'Walker, of Varna, Mr.
Valentine M. Diehl, to Mise Agnes
Alvina, second daughter of the late
E. Tyndall, of Blaevalo.
ozRr7SSlaix,S asxARSaTS.
Fall Wheat
Spring Wheat
Butter, tubs and rolls....
Eggs per dozen
Flour per barrel
Potatoes ..
Hay per ton
Pork ....
Hides per lb
Salt per bbl., retail
Sheep skins, eaoh
Lamb skins each
Wool, per ib.
88 90
88 90
43 48
36 37
57 00
13 14
15 00
4 50 5 00
80 00
5 00 6 00
5 00 5 50
4 00
1 26 00
60 75
40 50
18 20
18 months old, weighing about 1800
Dolmas, for Sale, Would bake a sow or
fillies in part payment.
19. THOS. MOORED , Brussels,
1 33 Bred Jersey Cow. lately calved; 1
Heifer Calf from above ; 1 Reif or 10 months
old, and 1 Bull Calf, Priem resoouable.
G. A, DEADMAN, Druggist, &a„
25• Bl easels, Ont.
V of the undersigned, Lot 15, Con, 14,
McE)Ilop, on or about Sept. 150h, a lamb
(wether). The owner is requested to prove
property, pay expenses and take it away,
19.4 THOS. JACKSON, Walton P. 0,
Non oei'ep yoet-
011100. Pu8Aeenl0tmber1st. pt
W. B. WILSON, Brussels. 18.8
and 'rum on 8t11 inn., between Brus-
sels Planing Milland Oou. 15 Grey, The
finder will greatly oblige by returning some
of Tnli Pon Publishing House,
10- 0. G1tIMOLDBY
.1 Teudere will be received, up to Don -
ember let, for the tnnnugoulout of the Mait-
land curling and aketing rink, Brussels, for
the 000500 01 1500 -St. Per particulars ap-
ply to W.13, DICKSON, Brussels.
'tJ noliee that as Jlmma Gill, my wife,
has left my bad and board, without just
Cause or provocation, I will not be ominous
sable for any debts 0001001ted by her after
this date. THOS, GILL,
8 russele, Nov.111h,1800. 18.44
L less of the undersigned, en Noy. 10th,
a white pig,4 months old. Any information
as to its whereabouts, Iif )Oft at TIIE POST
Poblielrtng House or with myself, will be
thankfully received,
10- THOS. BALL, Bruseels,
of the undersigued, lot 1, Morriebank,
about August 10111, four yeasting cattle.
Two are steers and two hoifere, The owner
is requested to prove property, pay expen055
unit take them aw.,y.
17.4 Jamestown P. 0.
(moiler wanted for School Section
No. 2, Gray. Third•olass certificate. Duties
to Oommeu05 o" Jao'y 1st, 1891. Applica-
tions, stating salary, will be received by the
undersigned up to November let 1890.
JOHN 6TEWART, Seo'y-TreaS.,
13.4 Oranbrook P. 0.
JERSEY BULL (No. 20797),
American Jersey Cattle Clnb'e Hard
Book. He is a sou of 'armada's John,' whish
was at the head of the largest herd in Can-
ada. His dam is an imported sow. Fm
further partioulare call at my Drug and
Book Storz, 73russets.
G, A. DEADMAN, Druggist, &o,
of the undersigned, north hall lot 22,
eon. 4, Morris, on or about Oct, let, three
yearling oatel•. Two of them are heifers,
red with a few white spots, and the other a
rod steer. The owner is requested to prove
property pay expenses and take them away.
WILLOUB FARROW. Brussels P. 0.
c1cc5 REWARD.-
eJ Lost on Thursday, July Ord, on
the street in Wroseter, a parcel of bills,
amounting to 0342, and a promissory note
drawn by John Sanderson in favor of Jane
Walker for 5000. dated June 0011, 1880, and
having a payment of 5050 endorsed on the
back thereof, dated April 11th, 1800, Are.
ward of 825.00 will be paid fur the recovery
of the above, or for 50111 information as will
lead thereto. All parties are warned against
negotiating the above mentioned note, the
same having been lost.
Wroxeter, July 15tb,'00. JANE WALKER,
Under the powers of sale contained in a
certain mortgage to the vendors, which win
be produced at the time of sale, there will
be offered for Sale by Public the
Antertean motel, in the Village of Brussels,
on WEDNESDAY, DP1CI10IBER 17E1, 1890,
At the Hour of 2 O'olook P. 00., the following
valuable property:
Lot No. 7, in the 5th Coucoesion of the
aforesaid Township of Grey, exitalniug 100
acres, more or less. There are said to bo un
the prewiseea frame house and shed. About
80 acres under cultivation. The property is
about four miles from Brassets, and is knows
as the McLennan f arm,
Tsante AND ConnrrroNs.-The purebasor
must al the time of Bale pay ons -tenth of his
purchase money. Terms of payment of the
balance and the other conditions of sale will
be made known at the Sine of sale, or on
auplioatiou to the undersigned or to W. M.
SINCLA11t, Barrister, Brussels.
`raNDouo' & mammmas,
November 21st, 1800 108 Bay St, Toronto.
Tho liberty ,you took in publishing not only my portrait but
my letter as well, compels me to reply. I see you say new Sub-
scribers are rolling in to 7111; POST, awl I hope you will put all
their "pictures" in the paper, I wasn't dressed up lit all for mine.
I enclose you $8.00 to pay my subscription to and of 1891. Every-
body should pay the editor. Mrs. Payup says if I'd stop Tun POST
shod stop my tobacco, as that costs more than the paper, she
says, guess s and I ss it's true. I'll forgive you if you don't take the start of nae again. Youns, &c.,
XS gai 1,1E
(A11 frfThem) Champ.
CoA¢£ A1,77:5 2Hi,
A New Stook of Bonne, PnArEu 13oogs,
111MN Booms, Nice, Nevland
Very Cheap, at
Pepper's Drug Store,
237EtUsto9Xf'ILi .
Traaaact a Q•onare.l 33asa3cirsg
3suAiaaoe na
Canadian and United Statue Drafts bought
and sold,
Interest allowed on Deposits,
Collections made on favorable terms.
Canadian Agents -MERCHANT', BANE of
New York Agent,-IMPoaTsns AND TSAI,•
.1.16• Solicitor nod Conveyancer, oollec-
tious made. O00oe-Vanstono a Block, Brus•
. Solicitor, Convoyanser, NOtar'y Pub.
Hc, .10. O®oo-Graham's Block, l dc.,r north
of Pepper's Drug Store, Private Fonda to
(Late with Garrow & Proudfoot, Gode.
rich,) Barr,etere, Solicitors, Convoyanoers,
&c. OBlcos-lrsssela and Seafortb, Brus-
sels Office, Rogers' Block, Main 8t. Money
to Loau,
n. 9. IIAYe. w. H. 0101150N.
Am. TAYLOR B. 0. L.,
. Barrister, Solicitor, &o„ of the firm
of Taylor, Mooullouglr & Burns, Barrlotere
Sollaftore, &o„ Manning Arcade, Toronto,
Money to loan.
Isaurer et Marriage Licenses. Olgco
at his Grocery, Turnborry street, Brussels.
• Tonsorial Artist. Shop -Next door
south of A. M. OfoKay & Co's hardware store.
Ladies' and ohlldrens hair cutting a specialty
12• Ieam'or of Marriage Licenses, by
appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commis-
sioner, &a., Q.B. OOnveyanaer and Agent
Fire Insurance Co. 011110 at the Craubrook
Post 0f8ce.
Clerk of the Fourth Division Court,
Oo, Huron. Oonveyauoer, Notary Public,
Land Loan and Iusureuoo Agent, Footleinvested and to loan. Collections made.
Ol fee in Graham's B lock, Breseals.
Late of the Conservatory of Music,
Toronto, ie preppared to give lessons at
Ethel and Cranbrook. Pupil of Professor
Fisher and Mr,Barrison on the piano, and
of Mr, S. H. Clark in voonl music. Class at
Oranbrook every Tuesday. For terms, &o„
apply at the Methodist Parsonage, Ethel.
Teacher of Piano, Parlor and Pipe
Organ, Orgauist in St. John's ()numb, Brus-
sels, solicits a share of the patronage of the
musio-loving people of Bruesele and viein-
rsoiermreferences, tmay bertanel
by calling at the residence of Mrs. Danford
sr., Turnberry street, Brussels. 7-11
Ts desirous of pro0uriug pupils in
Vocal Music. Prof. Warrington, of Toronto
is pleased to give his testimonial as to Mies
O'Oouuor'e ability, she having been a pupil
of his during her stay in Guelph. Install,
mental Mush on Piano, Organ and Guitar.
Terms mads known on application. Princess
St, Brussels, Miss O'Connor is open for
Concert Eugeg=m onto. 86-
• Auctioneer, is always ready to at-
te nd ealOS of farms, form stools, &n. Terme
cheerfully given. Oraubrook P.0. Sales
Hu:aoyneebs,1iernearrDaug1Snla.ed at Tan POST Publishing
Lioeneed Auctioneer. Salus sonduot-
edon reasonable terms. Farms and farm
stools 0 specialty. Orders left at T1iip Pon
Pabhiohingi'3ouse,Bru,eele,or sontto Walton
P. 0„ will reoolvo prompt attention, •
sE as an Auntiuneor, I am prepared
to oond0at sales of farm stook at reasonable
prides. Knowing Cho standing of nearly
every person I am iu a position to sell to
good marks and get good seourity when sold
ou credit. Sntiefaotion guaranteed. Give
and a mall. 82- F 5, 50000.
x:i=x-rTxSTRY 1
G. L. Ball L. 2.8. Nitros Oxide Gas ad.
ministered for the Prinleas Extraction of
Teeth. 74 Gerrard Street East,'TonoNTo.
M• CAVANAGH, L• D. S•, D• D. S..
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Uni-
versity, •dela)-Opposite American Hotel,
M. F. CALE, lvr. D,, 0.1441.,
Member of the College of 25:7y01olan
and Surgeons of Ontario by examination
OBlao and Residence -Mein street East,
IA hit ol, o uterlo.
P e 0.U., Ta,18. 0. P, Edinburgh, M. 0. P
0. Gob At Pepper's Doug Store Iron 9 to
1L'80 a, in. and from 1:00 to 4 p. in, At other
home may be found at his residence form-
erly ocoupled by Dr. Eutobineor, Mi11 at.
ea • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, IS prepared to treat all
diseases of domostieated animale in a eons -
potent manner, Particular attention paid
05 Veterivary dentletey, Cane promptly at-
tended te, ti5loo antlInfIrmary-Two demo
north Of bridge, Turnberry et., Brtiaeels,