HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-11-28, Page 5li
Nov, 28, 1890.
303: tl"ic: getus,
Etat et] .
Try Simpson & Sou's with ohoioo small
ell butter for the beet price,
Our morehants loaded and shipped to
Chicago a oar of potatoes 01 Tuesday.
Thee, Mills and wife, of Bluevale, wore
visiting the Simpson families last week,
The reflection of the Bru'l ale fire was
Been by some of our early -rising oitiz°ua,
Take your poultry and choice roll but-
ter to Simpson & Son's for the bust
A team belonging to P. Malloil ran
away from the grist mill on Tuesday.
The smashing of J. Cobor'e gate was the
worst damage done.
Wm. Hicks spent a few days with his
family lost week. Mr. Rieke has secured
a permanent situation in the city of St.
Tllomae, where he intends moving in a
mouth or so. Wo regret toeing good
Some of the village sports met with
unexpected game in a swamp about a
mile west of town last Saturday. The
hunters were posted and quietly
waiting for the rabbit, the bound was
bowling after, when the genial (?) pro.
priobor of the hunting ground appeared
on the seems with musket in ha nd, The
boys, we understand, marohed lively, to
the tone of "Move out," for pasture that
looked green in the distance.
Oe :anbcoolc.
Sleighing would make business brisk.
The late fire in Brussels was visibly re -
fleeted here.
The pages of Tim Pose are perused
with pleasure by all people.
Rov. D. B. MORae attended a mission.
ary meeting at Walton on Monday.
Wm. Currie, who was in British
Columbia for a number of years, was in
the village lately.
Williams & Mitchell still hold the fort.
In the carriage and blacksmith linea they
do a good business.
There was a social dance at D. Zim-
mer's hotei last Thursday evening. The
genial host runs 0 flret•olses house.
John Bothwell has shot and bagged
morn partridges than the most this fall,
Jack is at home with either a gen or a
trowel to wield.
Mite Sherlock, dangbter of the popular
Mathodiet minister of Ethel and Gran -
brook, teaches a music olese here every
Tuesday evening.'
.. 0. Dames, the well known drover,
attended the shooting match between
Brussels and A tweed at the former town
last Friday. A, C. ie an excellent
The Sabbath morn ing has come
'Sweet day, so 0001, so bright, so calm
the bridal of the earth and sky." At the
appointed hour the boll rings across the
valley, and sends ire eoho among the
hills, and from all the roads the people
comp trooping to the village churohoo.
Hero they gather old and young, riob
and poor, and as they join in the same
act of worship, feel that God is the
maker of them all. Is there in our
national life say influence more elevat•
ing than thio -to promote good feeling,
refine manners, to cultivate true
curtesy, to christianize a community ?
Blyth luouthly fair, Tuesday December
The Bible Society collootors are on the
John Denholm shipped another car
load of cider from this station to Norwich
on Tuesday.
Miss Blanch Chamberlain loft hero on
Thuralay of last week for St. Thomas to
attend the Collegiate Instituto.
On Sunday afternoon tho Methodist
ohuroh was crowded to listen to a sermon
on Temperance preached by Mrs. Gil-
mour, of Toront o.
T. W. Scott has purchase.' back this
week his furniture and undertaking
business whioh he disposed of to Mr.
Mellow, of Oolliugwood, a few days ago.
Mrs. Gilmore, of Toronto, addressed a
large audienoe in the Temperance Hall
on Thursday evening of last week. Prof.
Morgan and his little daughter took part
in the evening's entertainment.
The Epworth League in eonneotion
with the Methodist ohuroh intend giving
a series of lectures during the coming
winter. The first is to held on the even-
iug of Deoember 16311. Proceeds to go to-
wards liquidating the debt on organ.
The fire omupany recently received a
liberal donation from Messrs, Gidley &
Powell for valuable services in saving
their property on the night of the late
fire in Watson's brick block and for
which they desire to return thanks to
the donors.
Ouo day last week Ward Symonds met
with a severe aoeidam; in Gray, Young
& Sparling's salt works while jointing
heading, by whioh one of his hands name
in contaot with the circular saw, receiving'
injuries to the front part of the fingers,
which will lay him up for a few days.
I3lu eve le.
011oose is to be shipped next week.
Bev. Mr. Leeoh le visiting in Bluevale
at present at his brother's, Jos. Louth.
A oheeeo mooting was held on Tuesday,
the result of whittle is not kuowu at the
time of writing.
The glass in the 110W ohuroh is very
fine and adds greatly to the appearance
of the nearly finished abruobur°.
Our highlyesteemecl station lumber,
Mr. Collin, who has been rather poorly
for some time, is, we are glad to say, on
the mend.
The Presbyterians had a fall ohureb
on Sunday evening. Service in the Moth-
odist ahureh was n1 the morning, so the
two congregations united in the evening,
On Tuesday evening Mr. King led the
prayer-meetingin the Presbyteriau ohuroh
in the absence of the pastor, who, with
Mrs. Hartley, was spending the day in
The W. 3. 141. S, toot in the Presbyter-
Ian (thtu•ch on Wednesday last. The at.
tendauco was Lugo and the meeting in.
n a sun
tereetin This nuxiliar 1s o
g Y 1. p g
in its work.
Owing to the line weather some of the
liens in Bluevale, thinking it was spring,
began to hay. John Dime nt was so proud
of his that ho inhmediatoly sot to work to
build them a 'non house.
Rov. A. Y, Hartley was in Walton on
Monday evening speaking at a mission.
ary meeting. Tito other speakers worn
Do, Maodonald, 141. P., of Wingham ;
:Rev. Mr. aleRcto, of Cranbrook, and the
pastor of tho 01180011. The mooting woe
a decided 010000e, and We have good
00%0011 to believe that the talent wait a,l-
Mre. Ager, of thio village, was taken
vary dangerouely ill the other day with
inflammation, She bae been ailing for
eomo time.
In the eorraepondenoe of last ween it
was intimated that the opening of the
new church would bo on Deo, 4th, It to
found, however, that the ohuroh will not
be ready quite 00 goon, 0mhsequently the
opening is put off till a little later.
If Ar;tteewe l .
D. Lamont, of the firm of D. & W.
Lamont, mucic dealers, purposee opening
a oleos for the study of vocal maelo in a
short time.
Tho factorymen in this district have
sold the balance of the season's make of
oheeeo. Some brought 9¢, Dome 9i and
about half a dozen taotordee reached 10
conte, among the latter being the Wal-
lace, Molesworth, Elms, Bluevale and
Huron factories. Title will wind up the
fair for this season. The output, on ao-
oount of the luxuriant growth of grass,
has been large and the prices very fair
on the average,
John Livingstone, er., and John Liv-
ingstone, jr., and J. W. Scott purpose
going to Toronto to see Mr. Stanley, of
African fame, and hear his leoture.on
the 27th. In reply to a message sent to
Stanley by Mr. Livingstone, sr., 00011 his
arrival in New York, Stanley wired oar
respected townsman reoiprooating the
latter's congratulations and expressed a
wish to see Mr. Livingstone, whom be
looks upon as an old friend.
t; rev.
Municipal politics are beginning to
Drop up.
Mre. Burns and daughter, of Bright,
are visiting at Duncan McNair's.
We are sorry to learn that Geo.
Forrest, is on the sink list at present.
John labials, who has been working in
Hallett all summer, has returned home.
Mies Ann Stewart, of North Dakota, is
visiting relatives in the Southern part of
the township.
The teachers and pupils of the Sabbath
school at Shine's school house, intend
having an entertainment some time in
The contractor is well ahead with the
work of building the new bridge, known
ae lllitohell'e bridge which spans the
Having now bad Squaw Winter and
Indian Summer, we may look out for big
blows. Jack Frost will be getting in his
best lidos presently.
Mrs. Thos. Stokes, of the 2nd con.,
has been seriously 311 during the past
week with inflammation of the lungs.
We hope she will soon be better.
Much sympathy is felt for the business
men of Brussels whose plaoes were des-
troyed by fire on Saturday last. The
people of Grey did a large share of trade
with them and they were known to be
honest, attentive and obliging.
James Menzies has sold his 100 -acres
farm, on the 9th con., to Donald Orerar,
of North Easthope. The price received
was $5,000. The late proprietor was
offered $0,000 several times a few years
ago. It is stated that Mr. Menzies will
likely make his home in Brussels.
%V sal -ton.
Miss Millen, of Winthrop, was visiting
in Walton 011 Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Campbell and son
spent Sunday in Hibbert.
Mre. (Rev.) Ottawell, who has boon
very siok, is regaining strength very
Miss Bella McGill, of WaWanosh, has
bean visiting her friend Miss Maggie
Morrison, this week.
Query -Why does not R. J. take the
girls to drive now 7 Answer-Bocau,e
"There is only room for one."
Robert Livingstone, of Millbank, spent
Sunday in Walton. Who dace say that
Walton has not attractions of its own?
Mrs. Turnbull has moved into the
house whioh she pnrobased from 14Ir.
Leech and which has lately bean vacated
by kiln.
Some of the Lady True Blues, viz :-
Mrs. Neel, Mrs. Hamilton and Mrs. Ver.
guson, were ab Wingham on Tuesday of
this week opening a lodge of the Lady
True Blues 111 that town.
lliissIo.ttnx.-Last Monday evening a
vary enjoyable time was spent at the
Presbyterian ohuroh when a very inter -
eating and instructive missionary pro-
gram was presented. The pastor, Rev.
D. Forrest, ocoupied the chair and in-
troduced the following ladies and gentle.
mon —'arise Lizzie Serafino, essay on
"Christian giving" ; Miss Turnbull,
essay on "Mission to Indians in the
Northwest" ; address by Rev. D. B. Mc-
Rae, of Cranbrook, On 'Home minions
and augmentation" ; address by Rev. A.
Y. Hartley, of Bluevale, on "Foreign
Mieeions" ; address by Dr. Maodonald,
M. P.. of Wingham, on "Christian liber-
ality." The choir supplied choice seleo,
Sons of made 011 suitable intervals.
There was nob a poor thing on tho pro.
gram and the large audience was well
repaid for being present. A liberal col.
lection was taken at the close of the
meeting. The young lady essayists aro
to be congratulated on their papers and
the epoaket's rather outdid their former
reputation, whioh everybody knows is of
a high order. We hope those Agatborines
will be bell often a0 they go a long dis-
tance in stimulating people in the grand
work of endeavoring to evangelise the
S. S. Ao110011 ION.—Tho first meeting
of the Walton union Sunday sohool as.
soeiation will be held in the Presbyterian
ohuroh in this plane on Thursday, Doo.
18th, commencing at 1:80 p. in. The fol-
lowing is the program -Filet session,
Thursday afternoon -1:80 to 2:00-D0.
votional exer0ises,' conducted by the
President ; 2:00 to 2:25 ---"What should
be the S. S. toaolloO'8 aim ?" by Rov.
Mr. Ottawell ; 2:25 to 2:30 --music by
ellolr ; 2:3J to 20 -"How can at.
tendenoe of scholars he best secured ?"
by Mrs, W. Neal ; 2155 to 3:20-"A
teacher's duties inside and ent0ide of the
S. S.," by David Campbell ; 3:20 to 3r2,5
--music by choir ; 8:25 to 3:50 -"Service
n )e in the S, S, " by'N m. Pollard ;
o f praiseV
3:50 to 4:15--S. S. loseoDeo, 21st (Luke
24 :.44.63,) conducted by Jas. Smiths; ;
4:15 to 1:30 -election of oliioors ; 1:30 to
4:35 -closing exercises. Second •
Thursdays evening: 7:110 to 7:10.Op'n•
ing exerente0, by the President. Read-
ing of admntea ; 7:10 to 7:20-Proeidont's
address ; 7;20 to 7:40 -address of wol'
acme, Rov. air. h'orrost ; 7:40 to 7:45--
:45-music by 011010• 7 1.5 to 8:10 -"Leeson
helps mut 'how to use them," by A,
Gardiner ; 8;10 to 8:85 --"The duties of
parents towards the S, S by Mr.
Parish : 8;35 to 8; 10 miutio by choir ;
8:40 to 0;05 --"The benefit of S. S, work,
including the relation of the S. S to the
church,' by Mies L, Smilile ; 0:05 to 9;85
--closing matinee, by W. H. Kerr • 9:86
to 9;40 -.music by 'ohoir , 9;40 to 0;55-
c oneiion drawer ; closing exorcises. Ao-
oommodation will be provided for
strangers by the friends of the village.
The following are the ofloe.bearere
Preeident, J. S. Weieh ; Vice -President,
Jae. Smillie; Sooretary, Mies Il. aro.
Ribbon ; Treasurer, Geo. Grigg.
J. 13. Morrison, who hoe boon on the
slolc list, ie now able to reenme 1130 pnhool
d u 1305,
Misses Jennie and Annie McDougal
have gone to Detroit. They will bo great-
ly miosod as both were very estimable
young ladies,
On Tuesday evening of this week Jas.
Ryan, with his usual geniality and not
forgetting that he was a "bye" ono° btu.
self, gave the young people of this see -
tion a dance, at which all enjoyed them.
selves. Somewhere towards morning
the danders, after wishing Mr, and Mrs.
Ryan many thanks for their hospitality,
wended their several ways towards home.
Dr. Stafford, of Toront 1, will pr0aoh
in the Methodist ohuroh on the 14th of
The members of the Seafortb Fire
Brigade intend having their annual ball
on the evening of December 12th,
The Royal Templars' anniversary
meetings and services will lake plane on
Nov. 30111 and Deo. 1st, I1ee, wen. Ket•
Hewell, past Dominion Committer, and
Rev. J. 11, Simpson will be here.
14Ir. James Murphy, who died at Sea -
forth on Tuesday, was amongst the first
to enw° in the me roantile business in
Guelph, where he resided for many years
before his removal to Seaforth. Some
years ago he was stricken with paralysis,
from the effects of which he never fully
recovered. He loaves a widow and two
daughters, the latter being sisters of the
community of Loretto.
O1,anonttu.—The following officers
were eleoted in cooneotion with the Cale-
donian Society of this town :-Chief,
Geo. Patterson ; Wm. McKay, 1st chief
tain ; Alex. Roes, 2nd chieftain ; John
Gillespie, 3rd Chieftain ; J. S. Roberts,
Treasurer ; J. 0. Ross, Sooretary ; Bro.
Duff, Aesistant•Seoretary ; Rev. A. D.
McDonald, Chaplain ; David Moore,
Marshall and Robt. Carmichael, bard.
Pipers, Wm. Thyne, Guelph, and Geo.
Angus, London. An executive com-
mittee was appointed with power to ar-
range for the celebration of the birthday
of Robt, Burns, Scotland's nati onal poet.
Minerva Enoampment, No. 47, I.O.0.F.
at its last meeting conferred the Oriental,
or "0.0.11." degree, on three candidates.
The Methodist ohuroh, the Baptist
ohurah and the Oddfollows hall are to be
lit by electric light as soon. as the lamps
oan be secured and put in.
Jas. R. Maodonald, M. D., eon of Dr.
Maodonald, M. P., who has been attend-
ing the New York Polyclinic a couple of
months, has returned home.
Barry D. Luke, who has been in Dr.
Towler's drug store for some time, wrote
at the repent examination held by the
State Board of Pharmacy at Lansing,
Mob., and was granted a certificate of
registration, which entitles him to prac-
tice in that State.
Gilchrist, Green & Co. have purohased
the timber on forty acres of R. W. Hast•
inge' farm, eon. 8, Turnberry, and intend
converting 11 into logs aud wood during
this fall and the Doming winter. It is
thought there will be 1,00,000 feet of
logs and 2,000 cords of wood on the
Button & Fessent have received fur•
thor orders from England for maple
blooks or rollers, which now reach $10,-
000. They are wanting one million feet
of maple logs alone. They mauufaoture
these rolle05, turned and ready for use,
before they leave their factory, and ship
direct for Englaud, where they get a
good prioe for them.
The election of officers for the ensuing
year in connection with the Bible Bettie -
by resulted as follows : Peter Fisher,
President, W. J. Chapman, Secretary ;
Dr. Towler, Treasurer; 0. E. Williams,
Depositary ; Revs. H. MoQearrie, John
Scott and D. W. Hughes, Vice -Presidents;
J. D. Sills, T. L. Jobb, J. Ritchie, R.
Currie, John Cooper, John Neelauds, Dr.
Maodonald, S. Grseey, Geo. Poeoolc and
A. G. McGregor, Directors.
Northwest Notes.
There are 1,500 eleotrio lights ab the
Po rtage.
Farmers around Medicine Hat Dun-
more have boon Dotting a second orop of
Crossley and Hunter conducted special
services in the High Bluff Methodist
ohuroh last week.
The freight rates on cattle from Mani-
toba and Nortllc'eeb points to thoe sea-
board are to be increased.
' The rails on the Gilgit y and Edmon-
ton railway have been laid to Red Doer.
Tho road may possibly be completed to
Blind Man before work .for the winter is
A Meeting of the Norquay memorial
fund committee was held to decide
whether to go on with the $1,700 or $1,800
now in hand, or wait until $5,000 is
John 0. Richardson, the wrestler, who
was recently in Winnipeg, has reached
London, and has challenged Harrison to
wrestle for the ohenlpionship of Oanacla
for any stance from $100 to $350 a side.
There i0 a groat rush of business and
work in all departments of ilio 0. P. R.
A larged number of men are now em.
pl0yod in the shops and yard thou for
many yoare, and the employees in the
freight thole aro particnl0rly Utley.
A boy named Sanders woe found dead
in a neighbor's house near Determine on
Sunday with a bullet mark colder his ear.
Ito had evidently placed the oa0trido on
the stave, in which lire was burning, and
the OOnteute Amok hilt when it exploded.
Tho Mediate° 'fat Thnoe says :--
"Merchants and other° in this country
aro put to rnuoli incoevonionoo and lose
by the opening, while in transit, by liquor
dobootivea, of p0elcagee of goods wltl01
diose men suspect, of containing con.
trabaucl Heiner. tankages of breakable
goods aro often received by con0iguecs in
wlddl so tunell of the peaking has been
removed that many of the articles aro
Is'okon. Tho low whish permits tbesl
detootives to opal canoe of goods may be
tooessary n.1 order to provmlt liquor being
smuggled into the country, but it should
be £breed in smolt a manner an not to en.
tail lose on either those shipping o0 re.
coving goods.
Wait for Barwains
1"urrah C
.. —)I AM OFF TO) -
I. C. Richards'
To get a Good Trunk and Valise.
That's the Place to get a No. 1
Set of Light or Heavy
Collosr-oo a lipecia1ter.
Repairs Cheap, and Promptly
Attended to.
RxUE]mEa Tnr; STAND,—
Graham's Block, opposite
Queen's Hotel, Brussels.
I. C. Richards.
To the Public
After a business experience of
13 years in the Butchering Busi-
ness in Brussels I desire to ex-
press my best thanks for the
patronage of the past and ask
a continuance of the same for
the time to come.
I desire to call the attention
of the public to the fact that I
have Removed my Place of Busi-
ness to my new Brick Block,
Opposite the American Hotel,
where I will keep a Choice Supply
of Meats, Poultry, Sausage, &c.
Cash Paid for Dressed Poultry
and sides.
Wm. Blashill,
We have put the Knife in right to the Hilt, and are
Determined to Slash Away at Prices
Regardless of Cost of Production
For the Next 3
avercoatings, winter $uitings for Men and Boys, Pea Jackets, Under-
wear, Gent's Furnishings, Hats and Caps, Fur Caps,
Fur Coats, Rubber Coats, act, &cl,
At such TTemendous Reductions Below Regular Prices ,..
:At such Tempting Prices that if you are going to buy at all you can't help purchasing'..
You are well aware that, despite all the blow and puff of competitors, we have,
by Actual Measurement,
You are Well aware that in all of our advertising we Speak the Truth ; that every word
we tell you you can depend on it. Now, don't let this
Slip by without you Calling and having a look at what we are doing.
All Goods Bought from us by the Yard will be Out Free of Char•rc,
(c ,. ,1 •�;i'� �n .;� A', .qp �,.,•tc, I ,dry )�^• i 'y�•�« I't �p
Vid?) dik,�'!t„.ni -'?it ,',7r'ti;la�.r .+�M i of ,dl",i.\ .,” , .sur"'atia,A'ur.R' 4:W,g
ale okie's Old Stand,
7Z wsa rt:
r Q
Main Ci liBrussels, Brussels, Out,