HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-11-28, Page 3Nov. 28, 1800. VARIETIES. A olailly selutation—sheke. Never stroke a boy's beard when it Is down. A. man can easily have his own way by not wanting it. It 18 exalted partition that makes the weethercook vane. 11 18 the toper who would hire to put a gurgle round about the earth. em Hith takes a pooty aht man ter count all de times dat he's bin a fool. In order to mend his political fences a politician has to keep web posted. Isn't it strange that the better a man gets on In this world the better he is 'llas your wife gone shopping ?' 'I'm afraid not. 1'm afraid she's gone buying.' The Prinoess of Wales wears a number six shoe, yet she is a num ber one woman. It takes very little to make a woman happy ; it takes much loot to make her miserable. How good a man is to his wife the first clay after she has caught him doing something wrong. 1.the days are 'short,' now because there is not as much time in them as there was, and time is money. '111 never take anything to that paper again. The editor made fun of my jokes. 'He did ? He must be a genius.' Dashaway—'I have fallen into the bad habit of talking to myself lately.' Cleverton— 'I wondered why you were looking so bored.' 'Well, little Fritz, bow did you like your dinner ?' asked his aunty. 'Oh, we don't have any better at home, but there's more of it,' Fond father (to bright little daugh• ter)—To they usually ring two bells before school begins, darling ?' Bright little daughter—'No, papa, they ring one bell twioo.' Mr. Bingo—qemmy, when you get to be the head of a family what will you eay to your sons ?' Tom- my (thoughtfully) -4 will tell them how good I was when I was a boy.' Father — Widu't I hear high words between you and your broth- er just now, Henry ?' Henry -- 'Very likely, father, but surely you wouldn't wish me to use low lan- guage.' 'No, no,' said the Italian count, 'Eet cesa no use; have a long talk witha her father. I tella hoom I have a great vista of possibilities before me."And what did he Bay?' 'He toile ene to pulla down my vista.' Solomon and the Type writer.-- There are two things that I cannot away with ; yea, three that make me very angry ; not to hear the bell and to write on the ribbon, to forget to put a space between words, and to strike the a instead of the e. Green City Folks.—Mrs. Hay- seed—'Yes, I had some city board ars duriu' tb' summer, but I didn't tnterdooce 'em around much 'cause I saw they wasn't fustoolass folks what goes out of the city every eunimer.' Neighbor—'0h ! They showed they'd never been in the anuntry before, did they ?' Mrs. Hayseed—"Yes, indeed. Why, the very fust meal, they asked for cream.' 1101 NOTES. Wood ashes seem dry, but in dry seasons there is no fertilizer that produces better results on potatoes or strawberries. A tree near a well will send deem the roots to the water. Some trees, ench as the ailanthus, impart their odor to the water. Set out the 70011131 places in the strawberry rows just now. In the spring see that all vacancies then existing are also supplied. Whether it is cheaper to grind the food, or allow the animale to grind et with their teeth, depends upon the age of the animal and the kind of food. The impel:Lamm of beginning the evinter with d(m a loan bar cannot web be overlooked. The health of the family depends on how theool- lar is kept. Now that the treat has put in an oppeareinoe. there will soon be an accumuletion of dry arass auct other rubbish. A.11 such refuse should be raked up into piles and burned. Linseed meal comes in a cooked state. It is a safe and reliable medicine and a nutritious food. It will soon make a rough hide smooth, tend promote the thrift of the mei. Venees are an animal tax that tonde to hamper successful stook raising. The introduction of barbed wire lesseuee the difficulty, bat, it will be found in the future that teal fencing will bo rt quirecl. Hoge ate probably the most dif. fieult to keep front getting filth, mild when it is known that disease is a probable result of filth, or at least filthy hogs are soonest ablaoked, steps ehonld be talon in time to see that the hegs aro kept and fed in as Olean places as possible. THE BRUSSELS POST Make your preparatione for the inch thick, out into Wipe and twist window garden. Ladies will and thens. or with a cake cutter, made much pleasure this winter with tho for the purpose, au fry quickly in indoor plants, very hot lard, deep enough to float Herb growing should be profitable, them, of a rich brown calor, when A demand Always °elate for herbs, oold, duet with powdered Boger. not only in the vegetable markets Cheap Fruit Oake.—Take one but also by druggists. pound of white eager, one pound Olean water and wholesome food butter, ton eggs well beaten ; mix keep stook in a healthy conditien, butter, sugar and eggs together ; In a majority of oases disease re- three pounds sultana mime, three sults from filth, unwholesome food, and a half pounds of flour, one or neglect, ounce of ammonia dissolved in one Old bones that cannot be conven- and a half pints of milk. Paper the iently broken, leather scraps, dead frame or rings, and bake in a cool animals, ole., should be buried near oven. large grapevines, whioh is an excel- Good Fruit Cake.—Take four lent mode of putting them to a good pounds of sugar, three and a half use, of butter, four eggs, well beaten ; Soils that are rich are benefitted mix the sugar, butter and eggs to. by lune as well as soils that are gaiter. Then add four pounds of poor. In the former the lime ren- flour, one ounce each of mace, gin dors the plant food soluble ; in the ger aud oinnamon, three pounds of latter the lime is itself an addition cut poet, nine pound1 of raisins, to the soil as plant food. nine pounds of currante. Some Exporimentsebow that when hogs add syrup to /leak et it. Pap 3r are given a proportion of ashes and rings or frame. bone meat they have larger bone, H. G. Cool,iet.--Talce four grow tfastor, and podium greater poende of sifted flour, ono petted of weight in proportion to food allowed. brown sager, one p:uid of itrol, Ashes also assist digestion and pro rubbed woll into the fleas ; one motes health. quart of syrup, half an ounce of Grass is about the last of all crops soda, dissolved in hn'f a pint of suitable for a fruit orchard. The water, tour ouuees of ginger, mix to countless millions of grass roots gather, roll out and cut into c ikee, leave little moisture for the trees in small or large, round, oval or a dry season, and usually they need square, as you nary buoy. L ly all they can get. But the idea that them in pane and bake in a slow grass i Imitable for an orchard is oven. hard to kill—harder, indeed, than the trees are. Canadian DO e wee. Horseradish in 'the good old tirnes' Parkhill cemetery req. tiro' eu• has been known to yield from three kr in to six tons per acre, and sell at from In g'atm.. . ette association leas been $100 eo $200 per ton. It is not formed at Sarnia. likely these profits could be realized Prominent residents of Strathroy nowadays. A. Connecticut man grew aro endeavoring to form a eanniug tout tons to the sore, grated it, put company for that town, it on the market and sold it for 12 .. tehe New Hamburg Poultry As- oente per pound. sedation will hold its first annual If an 11010101 15 "stunted" in its poultry show on Jan. 19. 14 and young days, no amount of feedinoo in 15 next. its old days well make good the loss An old lady named Mrs. Steele, sustained. Iu the case of beef eni. of Newbury, had her fingers burned male, they should be fed on the best to the bone while kindling a fire of feed from birth, sod this will last week. cauee a constant, continuous growth While on hie way home from the to the time of butchering, which Hamilton Masonic Hall I. W. Mor• should be done while the animal is ton lost a rare Masonic jewel, vale - very young. ed at $175. A mechanics' institute is shortly FASHION NOTES. to be opened at Appin, 80 names having already been secured for — It is going to be the fashion to wear small bonnets at the theaters. membersh1P• Rev. Solomon Peter Hale lector. The floral velum is a very pretty ed in Guelph Thursday night on thing formed of foliage and dull red berries. The progress of the City of Guelph and its patriotic people.' Girdles are the rage now and are Work 011 the inclined railway to made of daisies, buttercups, violets the mountain top, Hamilton, was ana heather. Trimmings very little this winter, commenced II rides', and will be The firm of Patterson tz Corbin, velvet and feathera. scarlet of St. Catharines, Lae received a Brunettes are wearing more than ever this season in the $15,000 order for ten electric ears for the Ottawa Street Railway Com bonnet and muff and at the throat. Real lace, oldeand new, will have Pau3'. a foremost place among the costly Todd Quick was tried Lit Windsor Friday ea the charge of stealing dress trimmings of the season. cattle belonging to a farmer named & Lace bus give a picturesque and distinguishe(I air to a dress McLean, of Colchester, Wan founcl that would otherwise look ineig- guilty and committed. for eentenoe. Nicholas Soratob, employed at nifi cent. A becoming bonnet in amber vel Citizens gas well, at Kingsville. was vet is trurimed with sable tails and making 80 Me repairs on Friday has a velvet brim of the color of the when a rope Amok him in the eh. fur. domen, inflicting injuries which Grecian draperies loolc out of caused his death Friday night. place on commonplace figures, con• Potatoes in Yarmouth are re sequently fashion has abandoned ported rotting. The cause is at- tributed to a heavy rain which oc them being confined in most cases to pushed forward until °emulated, Tea gowns have become very eternal in the meanie. after a long simple garments since the designers drought, producing a second growth, have ceased 10 ring the changes on and hence the potato did not proper- eleeves. ly mature. The latest imported hat resem• Hospeler's electric light by-law bles a tambourines It is trimmed enacts that ten aro lights will be in almost the same fashion as the taken by the village at 17e. per light bolero, par night ; each light to be of 1,500 The Medici collar looks well candle powor ; lamps to bo ligbted from duel( till midnight at least 280 made in pink hyaeinth blossom and lined with crape de Chine the SUMO nights en each year, and contract shade. for same to last five years. Ball dreas bodices are composed The 'Alone eu a Groat Citycpue• of rose petals, poppy petals and binution, which has been playing to hyacinth blossoms. They are very poor badness in Canada, were ex- ceedingly pretty. tillable to pity their hotel bill at The Grethan headdress is still Hamilton, and the proprietor of the Popular. Bidedy matrons appear hotel attaohed the baggage belong,. Mg to the °emptily, but a compro. in feather caps that aro crownless on smart occasions, naive was arrived at. The easel writing &nit is oneof Mrs. Frank Rabadean, of Abbots. the newest novelties in decorative ford, neat Port Huron, deowned her. , ; it is ofelf Saturday afternome in a mill The incandescent electric light is making rapid headway Chethittn, Three hundred and twouty five lights are now ueed. Henry Howard tote sold 150,000 feet of !ember for an ! Iinue ROIL feet in length, to be eroded nn the TUnnal 00.'H farm at Sarnia. A Troy eubseriher writ" : M, Sager, sr,, who is over 94 tonere of age, is a hustler. The other day he dug up 25 plum trees and (tarried them over to Mr. 13Iasclall'e farin and presented them to Mr. B. as a memento from the oldest men in Beverly, if not in the county, During the hearing of a ono a at St. Thomas the other doiy, Odin Macdougall, Q. C., referring to 3. F. Later, Q. 0., mid to it witness, 'Don't mind him ; there's more wind h tan ruin ab it hereupon Mr. Lieber retorted 'Yoti're n old hum- bug. His Lordship Judge MacMabon threw eil on the trembled waters. KING OF WEEKLIES! FREE PRESS Established half a Centuy. LONDON, - ONTARIO. The Handsomest Printed Paper in Canada. 11 an easel ono moment mid a writing pond, Her last words wore "Fare. table next. web, cruel world." Some employees of the tnill Italy her jump in, but she 11ousehold Recipes. sank to the bottom, and was dead when taken out. She is thought to Patty Cakes.—Talto one and a have been insane. She leaves a half pounds of butter, one and a husband and four ohildeen. pounds of sugar ; cream the batter L)111.8 Cyr, the Canadian strong and auger, add fifteen eggs, two at a man, who, with Gas Latnbort, has time, keeping it in a good cream all been exhibitiog in England, is back the time. Than add four pounds of at Montreal,and ofTers to give $500 flour, one and a half ounces of atnto any athlete who can defeat him mule, previously dissolved in ono in hie feate of strength. His ohal and a belt pints of milk. Flavor to lougo is as follows : I will lift a taste. heavy dumbbell from the floor with Fciod Celtes.--Take nine pounds one hand and pat it arm's length of silted flour, nine simnel of baltiug shove tho shoulder. I will shoulder powder, eight ounces of lard, mixed a greater weight than Kuhn° with thoroughly into the flour, eighteen ono hand. I will hold out a heavier eggs, throe pomade of ougar, ono weight, straight horizontal arm, quest of water, ono quart of milk ; than Ruhne oat, and I will lift a cream butter and sugar. Boat the eggs to a light, mem, tufa, knead till smooth, roll intbeethalf an oiTS 1890 -18 31 n lOooTIGOLIJ 775 CASH OPPORTUNITIES Offered to the Public. The publishers of the LONDON' WEEKLY FREE Paws are happy to announce that they have set apart the sum of furniture for ladiesroom 1000.00 (ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS IN GOLD), to be divided amongst aubseribers whose names may be found on the subscription lista March 1st, 1891. The allotment will be made as follows :- 1 Crand Allotment of $100.00-$100.00 4 Allotments of 25.00- 100.00 20 " " 10.00- 200.0P 2.00- 100.00 1.00- 300.00 .50- 200.00 50 300 is " 400 CS If 775 $1000.00 The allotment will take place under the supervision at a Committee, March the 2nd, next. Those to whom the allotments may fall will thereupon receive a notification of the feat, and a coupon for the amount will be issued, payable at tho counter of the FREE PRESS OFFICE on and after March 011, and will be forwarded to them. There are yet four months during which persona wishing to be included in those hand- some allotments, may come in to share by subscribing to the WEEKLY FREE PRESS. Price, One Dollar per year. It will be seen that by this scheme DIVISION OF PROFITS, AJD-2" 71 0 IR) "Ti --IH Fall Ina Winter Trade of 13011-01. STOVES have one of the Nicest Assortments? • of Cook, Box, Parlor and Coal Stoves, ever exhibited in Brussels, and they will be sold A.9c, itiCA_SONA.113M411.1 Our `Tioga' Cook Stove Leads the Van:. LAMPS--A. Large Stock of New Lampe and Lamp, • Goods to Hand. Special Attention calleol to our Handsome Lange of HANGING LAMPS. They are Dandies- Gran/imam, Cutlery and Shelf Goals always in Stock.. OUR TINWARE IS FIRST-CLASS. Goods not in stock Made Up at Short Notice. NICE STOCK OF SILVERWARE ON HAND People can Save 'Money by trading with us. BRUSSELS, ONT. Ballantyne ez WiltoaL )GO TO( 41011 Cfge GEO. BAEKEIR'S FOR ALL KINDS OF G -ROC He bas Just Received a Large Stock of Fine NEW RAISINS AND CURRANTS, CANDIED PEELS AND NTJTS, AND ALL KINDS OF CANNED GOODS.. Geo. Baeker's is the Place to get the Cheapest and Best Teas, Sugars and General Groceries. ALSO:ALL KINDS OF CROCKERY FOR, SALE. Produce of all kinds taken in Exchange for Goods, GT-1PHE :K The Largest and Best Assortment ever brought to this town, —CONSISTING OF— Piano Lamps 7 those persons to the number of 775, selected from all the names on our subscription list, will receive a handsome recognition by having Parlor Lampc, ,... paced. to their credit, or paid in cash, sums 7 Banquet Lamps, CHRISTMAS NUMBER. IHanghig Lam In addition to the above magnificent offers all subscribers to the Wnexty FREE Pargas whose names may be on the list December 31st, for 1801, will receive a gift of our forthcoming I --land Lamps ...... splendid ILLUSTRATED CHRISTMAS NUMBER, S9 of money varying from 60a. to 5100.00 each. Now is the time to subscribe I Ps, now beaome so popular throughout Western Ontario; but no others will be ,entitled to a free copy of it. Therefore, now is the time to subseribe, rio persons entering the subscription lists on or before 31st of Deconiber next, will be en- titled to the DOUBLE ADVANTAGE of securing a copy of the CunisniAn NUMBER, as well as participating in the benfits of the DIVISION OF PROFITS, as previously set forth. No person, however, whose name is not on the subscription list, Deo. 31st, for 1891, will be entitled to that consideration. Therefore, now is the time to subsoribe. Tho WEEKLY KRIM PRESS is a large twelve page paper, and °encoded to be the best family newspaper in Canada, The Agricultural Depart- ment is a noted feature of the "Free Press," being 113511)0 110 to the times, and conducted by porsnns praotioally skilled in Ferns Work. il- lustrations, Practleal and Useful given each week. All the News itt Full by Telegmeh, Telephone, Mail and Cerrespontlence up to the hour of publieation. Special Market Depart- ment. Agricultural Department. Capital story always Dunnin. Humorous Heading. Just the thing for Fatally I Very Member of the household eagerly looks for it each week. LARGE $1.00 PAPER In Clubs 0( 10(10 and npwards, 75c. each, BALANCE OP 1500 FREE. sena your subscription mouoy at once dime to Yung Puns Oesecp, London, Out., which, if duly and securely mailed, will be at Oust its; Please write your name and Post Ofilue address distinctly. :ODIUM ; FREE PRESS PRINTING 00., LONDON, CANADA, greater weight at one time, back lift, without harness, thee Ole. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. Kama will rain. Bond for Banenle Copy, IN THE FOLLOWING FINISH : Yirzt Electro Bronze, Electra Bram, Bram ana Bronze. Lamps of All Kinds. Lamps at All. Prices, PRICES ALWAYS LOWEST. Lanterns, Larnp Chimneys, Burners, Coal Oil, &c. CALL IN AND SEE OUR NPOCK. Gerr 44, qic aver' 1lardwa7 o Sioi c,B1'7188(4'.