HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-11-21, Page 81 H .131-.0L 1 -'OST Nov. 21, 1890, BIRD SEED ! i HAVE VST HEOESsile) A QUANTITY OF ROTE Canary and Hemp Seed. PRICES AB LOW AS ELSEWHERE, G. A. DEADMAN, 3 0UGGlsT, BaoxoELLE1I, &c, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 9OUT.BERN EXTENSION W. G. & B. Trains leave Brussels Station, North e nd South, as follows : Some Boum. GOING Noes». Man ....... 5:55 a.m. Infixed 0:00 a,m. Express 11:40 a.m. Mail s:00 p,m, Mixed . 6:50 p.m. Express 8:45 p.m, .,o.tat .eios ltons. A ahiel's amang ye te.kin' notes, Au' faith he'll prent it. Pay your taxes. ADVERTISE your strayed Stook. PAT your taxes before Dec. lot. Gamy five weeks till Christmas. Simonize parties are numerous. Oneisrorts comes on a Thursday this year. Tax river is high owing to the reoent heavy mine.Now officers are expected at the Army next week. THE close for salmon, trout and white. Ash ended Nov. 13th. Bain of Hope concert in the Town Hall on Tuesday, Deo. 2nd. GOOD road cart for sale. Used a short time. Jae. Walker, Brussels. THE electric light is expected to be in operation on Saturday evening. FD?TEEN cents gets THIO Peer for the balance of 1890. That's cheaper than borrowing. FmsT•CLAss farm wagon left. Will exchange for wood or lumber. Jas. Wal- ker, Brussels. I neem a lot of that bankrupt stook left yet. come and get some bargains. R. LEATIIEBDALE. I war, make it worth any man's while t o come 20 miles to buy goods from me. All Foods delivered free. R. LEATIIEEDALE. am, at THE POST office and leave your orders for letter beads, bill heads, en. velope5, etc. A splendid stock to select from. H. L. Leeson is now fairly settled in his new premises and has as neat a jewellery store as yon will find outside of the cities. IderamLE church Y. P. C. A. has issued a printed program of their meet- ings for this, the fifth, session of their Association. Ma. ELL/OTT, a stndedt Of Knox C01- lege, preached in Knox church in this place last Sabbath. Rev. Mr. Wilson occupies the pulpit next Sunday. GEORGE GooD is now offering the Win- ter half of the 4'Adam Good stock" for sale at the same sacrifice as he Sold the summer half. They will have a big run while it lasts.MEETINGA METING of the Executive of Huron Ssbbath school Association was held in St, Paul's eharch school room, Clinton, on Thursday dof this week. The next Convention will be held in Brussels in January, 1891. Ws thank the many subscribers who reeponded so promptly to the request to -pay up. There are, however, still a large number who have it in their power to confer a pleasure on the editor by re- mitting for the current year's subscrip- tion. L1 Mits. GimiE, who leotured here a short time ago, is, among other aocom- .pli.hments, a poetess, and at Walton, on the evening of Nov. 5th, she read an ori- ginal poem dedicated to the L. 0. L. brethren. Owing to the length it did not appear in connection with the report of the gathering but is now given on the 3rd page of THE Pon ;hie wt ek. Issrecron Bonn paid his first official visit to Brussels Public, School this week. Ile says there are a large number of -obangea among the teaching] fraternity in hie inspectorate. Inspector Robb tip pears to be quite at home in his work and 'will make a good reoord in the important position he 000Upiee. New MARBLE Wines.—The firm of Tag stook yards at the railway grounds have been newly fenced. WANTED,—Ali book amounts paid Ar 09013. W, i3• McOeAOEEN. Couig1LLoSl AINLEx captured an otter on Thursday of this week, A Now stable has been erected by E. B. Grundy on his lot, Flora street. NEXT monthly horse Fair in Brussels on Thursday, Deo, 4th, Don't forget it. Rev, Me. SELLEnr'9 subject for Sum. day morning and evening will be "St, Paul's standard of living." A9or4En lot of those spring window shades just to band at Leatherdalo's. Come and examine them before you buy elsewhere. Tam Pork market will open iu Brussels next week. Our buyers will be prepared to pay the top market figure for well fatted and carefully dressed hogs. I it giving speolaI bargains in plottire framing. I have the best stook in the county. My glees is specially made for picture framing. R. LEATERIMALE. TEE committee appointed by the R. T. of T. relative to the charity fund are asked to meet at the home of W. H. Kerr on Friday of this week, at 4 o'clock p. m. Ten. GulttoLDBY's broncho ran away the other day getting frightened by a dog. The road cart was dumped in the ditch and the uag got free from the vehicle and was found soros distance from Brussels in Grey Township. tie the A SPECIAL collection was t k n at Methodist church, last Sunday, for Eliza George, an Indian woman of the Saugeen reserve, who often visits Brnesele. Rev. Mr. Savage writes that the Indiana are in very poor circumstances this Fall. A. 081890atn was received by Joseph Clegg drover, on Thursday informing him of the loos at sea of 86 bead of oattle on the steamship "Circe" befouging to him en roate to the Old Country. Ex- porters have big risks to run. Tam wishing to see Jeo. J. Daly & Co., of Guelph, personaily to learn their terms for advertising farms and terms for selling &o., and for loaning money, man see them in Brussels at the Ameri- can Hotel, any time on Thursday, Nov. 27011. LOTT's Llvsny.—The attention of the Publics is called to the fact that Levi Lott keeps a first-class outfit of good drivers and new, comfortable buggies. Every attention will be given to those favoring him with their patronage. Stable just east of Dr. Grabam'e block, King street. Give him a call as his rates will be found within the reaoh of all. WE are now offering that splendid family weekly. The Western Advertiser, London, with its charming monthly premium, Wives and Daughters, and TIIE Pear at the remarkably low figure of 92.25. Three popular publications for almost the price of one 1 Samples free Address THE Posr Publishing House. WELL•Dmonoo Ann DeILLING.—George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drillin wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper shame. Terme easonable. Residence sewed door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry st., Brussels. 48-tf "TEmsEEANoe Pre-Nie."—The Band of Hope is preparing a cantata which they will present in the Town Hall Tuesday, Dec, 2. The title of the piece is "The Temperance Pio-neo." About 100 voices will take part and we doubt not that it will be very interesting. Miss L. O'Con- nor ie musical director. The proceeds will be devoted to aiding the deserving poor. Livsey. —11. Williams & Son have their new livery running in tip-top style. Reliable, speedy horses, new comfortable rigs and attendant comforts guaranteed. Ladies can be suited with quiet horses. "Live and let live" is our motto. Re- member the place, Mill street, Brussels. Special arrangements made with com- mercial men. If you want a rig any ILLIAlts & Sox. 1 on us. time call H. W Pmts.—Last Tuesday evening D. W. Campbell exhibited his beautiful lime light views of the city of Paris and sub- urbs in Melville church. There was a goodly company present and all, appar- ently, enjoyed the rapid transit to the various planes of interest in this historic city. Mr. Campbell has bad the privi- lege of visiting and personally inspeoting the city of Paris and his store of infor- mation as to persons, planes, &e. appears to he well nigh inexhaustable. No one misses it when they attend Mr. Camp- bell's entertainments, • A GOOD MA0A1I9E,—The Delineator, a journal of P0<hion, Culture and Fine Arts, is undoubtedly one of the finest ladies' magazines published in Canada. It is printed monthly and contains all the newest designs and styles in ladies' misses' and childrons' dresses and other articles, and uo lady who wishes to keep herself thoroughly posted un theee in. Wresting matters? should be without this magazine. The price is only 91 per year, and all eubacriptions should be dohuston d sent to the Delineator Publishing Co., 83 Cochrane, stone cutters, &n, Richmond St„ West Toronto, has opened out are prepared to fill all A 9750 COTTAGE or its equivalent in cath will be given to the person detecting the greatest number of more, (words wrong- ly spelled or misplaced) in the December issue of "Our Homes." In addition will be given two wish prizes of 9200 each, four of 9100, eight of $50, ton of 925, twenty-five el 910, fifty of $5, one hun- dred of $2, and one hundred and tarty of 91, distributed in the order mentioned in rules and regulatione, which will be sent with a copy of December issue on receipt of 15 cents in stamps. Special cash prizes given away almost every day dar- ing competition which olosee February lst, 1891. Address Oen HOMES Pnblieh- orders for monuments, tombstones, marker_, fences, &o., in a workmanlike enamor and at living primes, Satiefao- tion gunrsnteed in every case. Don't place your order without aniline on them tend seeing their eamples and ascertain- ing prices. Shop nearly opposite the Town Hall, Brussels. Tits POST will be given to new sub- scribers from now to the 1st of January, 1892, for the price of one year's subscrip- tion, vii., $1.50. We would like to add about two hundred new subeoribers to our list before the let of January, Will .eamlt subscriber please speak a good word for us and use their influence with their ing Co, Brookville, Canada. neighbors and friends who do not now I PALarsn6TO1 WoN.—In the Chancery take it to got them to subearibe, They would thus c10 tie a great favor and their neighbors or friends a service by securing for them a good paper from which they could get amusement and instruction during the winter evenings. INvI•aov:o x.—List week Rev, S. Sellery, 73, D., received a tlsanimntta -invitation tram the Wiuge,ri Methodist church .ofiloiale Board to be,'Ome their pastor at the opening of the text Conference year —Jui.y, 1891. Tl,e reverend geitleman, tate plaintiffs to the clefenclants. 'Cho although only two years in Brussels, hag learned judge beide that the plaintiffs accepted, subject of eoureeto the Station• case rests upon a onntreat of an import- ing Committee. Mr. Sellery is an ex- ant nature, unauthorized by by-law, eeUent preacher and would grace any without acceptance of 6116 work done, ,pulpit in the Conference. Wingham was a former appointment of his when a probationer so that he is intimately 00 - td with 1r b there. Court the Waterous Fire Engine firm sued the town of P thn01'eton for the price of an engine supposed to be gold to the corporation but which they refused to take, The case was heard by Judge Rose on Tuesday with the following re. suit:--"Waterous Engine Works Com• litany v. Town of PDhnerston,—Juclg• rneut in action tried without a jury at Brantford, Auden to recover 92,150, the price of a certain engine and hose sold by and therefore that the contract was not binding upon the defendant corporation. Action dismiesed with costa, Wilkes, Q. C., for the laintiffs. A, bI. Clark Pala TEE Birohail excitement has subsided. FINE mettltor last Suudey for a change, PEOPLE geueralty aro now prepared for winter. Tun Municipal elections are beginning to be talked of, SERVICE was hold iu the Roman Catlm. lie ahuroh last Sabbath morning.'' Rev. Father Cooke, of Setif orth, officiated. Tlte5xeliuOesseesw raieno bargailie— Boyslong boots, 60o., 90c. and $1.10. Girlie salrnol hoots, 75c. Wolnsns' felt Foxed Busiins 800. NEXT Monday evening a s eoial pro. gram will be presented at the Y. P. C. A. meeting in the Methodist cherub, The subject will bs"Missione." A9 interesting paper given by Rev. Mr. Geddes at the recent Presbyterian S, S. Convention, at Wingham, on "The aline of the S. S. Teaolier," Ines, bo read on page.6 of this issue, Iv you want anything in furniture, undertaking, window shades, picture framing or anything that should be kept in a city furniture store you will find it at 11. Leutherdale's. ON Thursday of last week Dan. Mo. Naughton received an ugly blow from a piece of timber while assisting in the erection of Ed. Grundy's stable. It was a miracle that he was not killed. He was conveyed home in a buggy. EVERY merchant 011001d be around his counters, to meet hie Oracle and see that they are waited upon and take a hand himself if he can. Nothing pleases a customer more than to have Boma atten. tion shown by the proprietor of the eters, To Tax TAxpAYEs.—Colleotor Ross has been instructed by the Council that all Taxes MUST be paid on or before De- cember 1st 1890. A word to the wise is sufficient and the ratepayers are naked to oalt at Mr. Rosa' store and scour° their receipts. THE Atwood Bee published a 12 page edition last week on pink paper giving the history of that enterprising burgh, Elmo township, &o. It was a most creditable out put. If the people of At- wood dont give hearty eupport to the "Bee" they are standing iu their own light, plain enough. IN reply to eeveral questioners re elec- tric lights on Turnberry street, we state that the Council has signed no contract with the Company and the lights are put up on trial by the projectors. We have an idea bowever, that if they work satis- factory the townspeople will not permit their removal. AN EDUCATIONAL CH.1NOE.—An im- portant change in regard to the admin. mon of pupils into High Schools hoe been decided on by the Department of Education. Hitherto there have been two examinations annually ; in future there will be but one examination. The ohange is made in a000rdanoe with the reports of the High School Inspectors, and of nearly all the High School masters. A large proportion of the public school trustees and teachers have also favored it. Fetus GROWERS and gardeners will find in the Canadian Horticulturist a beauti- ful monthly magaziue, devoted to their interests. Being published by the On. tario Fruit Growers' Association, under government patronage it is conducted wholly in the interests of the farmer and fruit grower. Its object is to give intf0r- mation suitable to each month on the growing of small fruit, the management of the orchard, the vineyard, the flower garden and dawn. Special attention is givea to the crop prospects and the re- ports of market prices in our best mar- kets for fruit and vegetables. It is pro• posed, in fruit season, to send out a weekly market bulletin free to subscribers. It also aims at exposing any frauds in the line of fruit trees and plants. The magazine is fully illustrated with colored plates and engravinge, and, when a year's numbers are hound in one, makes a beadtiful book for the parlor table. This journal for one year, together with Oho Ontario F. G. Assooia. the report of P for testing, tion and a choice of plants all for one dollar. A special discount is made to anyone getting up a club. L. Woolverton, Grimsby, Ont., is editor of the journal, and Secretary of the Asso- ciation, MORE CARS WANTED.—The Toronto World hits the nail on the head on the question of freight car shortage and we subjoin what 1t says :—A railway is beneficial to the trade of the country just in proportion to the facilities it af- fords b fordo fur the movement of produce or merohaudise. When its roiling stock be- comes unequal to the demand made up- on it congestion ensues, and while It re- mains the condition of mercantile affairs in the locality immediately affeoled is obvious. For some time the rolling stooks of the railway systems converging at this point (the Grand Trunk in par. tiaular) Have proved unequal to the task of moving the products of cortafn of our industries. Last spring it wars the num• barmen who suffered the most, Now the position has been aggravated by the grain men being thrown into the same beat. Appeals have repeatedly been made to the railway authorities for re. lief, but witbont perceptible result. In feet the railway authorities oould not be brought to recognise the fact that an anomaly existed until a oonple of months ago, when Sir Joseph Hickson (luring a (ouferacne with representative lumber- men and manufaoturera acknowledged the corn and promised to remedy mat- ters. This pledge obtained after euoh a lengthy siege one would naturally expect to have seen fulfilled, especially if any reliance can be planed iu the proverb : "He who is must slow in malting a pro- mise is the most faithful in the perfor- mance of it." It may be an exoeptiou to the rule, but the antidote which was to have removed the oongestion has not yet been administered. In the meantime the condition of the patient has beootne more serious, Not only is it next to im- poealbl° to procure more than a fraction- al part of the ears neressary, but the banns, becoming nervous at the in0r609• ed risks grain men are running, aro chary about lending the iteral Desistance, and in some inetan0e0 have come down with a flat-footed "No," Six mon wore killed in a fight for the p05 00eion of a church in Tranaylvia. 13y a railway collision near Selonioa on Saturday 30 persons were killed and 40 injured. Spotted fever is said to have reappear- ed in Texas. The death rate is 80 per cent. quem a wi 1 a age number p ( T11e National W. C. T. U. Convention What course the Methodists, of Brussels metston) for the defendants." J', Ds has elected President Frames E. Willard Will pursue has . not vet been decided Ronald, of the Brueeele Fire Engine and the other ofioor% nape but e meeting of the Board will Works, dons businose on another plan At Thane, Aimee, a woman fearing 310000ly be held to oonaider the matter as and when he sella itis after afull and that she and het family woad starve 10 to who Mr. Sellery's successor will he— oempiete test and the passage of the pro• death, o tttheen 11900 hors her five child. Eos fez ea else officials ate concerned. per by.lawe, mu and The New York state 081111.15 will be 'LT OUSE AND LOT FOB SALE Mond on Nov. 80011, Jt A with gond garden, -yell tied Stable Smallpox is ra 11010 in St, Petersburg Apply to MRS. 70100301,1S, Memutu1e Street, and ton per mint. of Oho viottme site. It is stud the jury ht the O'Shea divoroe ease returned their verdict without leas ing the box. Cinoinatti is excited over a report that a Southerner was planning to assassinate President Harrison after the Guiteau fashion. President Harrison has issued a pro. clama0iou closlgneting Thursday, Nov, :27th, tie T'hankegiving Day fur the United States, Indoor baseball is becoming a great winter sport and is very popular in many cities, espeoially is Chicago, whore a strong league exists. Adapt Kern, who has been a euooessful and prominent farmer of Boone Couuty, In4., for 30 years, began ten years ago to keep a diary. He wail an eccentric man, and on the first page ho wrote :—"At the end of ten years from this writing, if I am alive and uut of debt, I intend to take my life," The time expired an Saturday, and Kern killed himself. He was 70 years old. .-__--.-RORST- —. Ross.—In 00loKillop, on the 12th inst., the wife of Mr, Alex, Roes of a daughter. MARRI3937, Husr—Moxowo—In Seaforbb, On the 12th inst., by the Rev. A. D. Mo-' Donald, Mr. 31dward Hunt, to Mise Lena Moxley, both of Seaforth. Gnlrrirx—MoEwss.—At the residence of the bride's father, Morrie, on the 1.2011 iust., by the Rev. A. Y. Hartley, of Bluevale, Mr. Wm. Griffith, of Howiok, to Miss Grace Ann, daugh- ter of Mr. John A, Mamba. N15M10.--In Mo%illop, on Sunday, Nov. 9th, James Nimmo, aged 70 years. eRvssEy,S xz.e.122.3C7EVma, Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Barley Cate Peas Butter, tubs and rolls.... Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel Potatoes Hay per ton Pork .. .. Hides per lb Salt per bbl., retail...., Sheep skins, each Lamb skins each Wool, per lb 90 92 90 92 43 47 35 36 57 00 13 14 15 00 4 50 5 00 30 00 500 600 5 03 5 50 5 00 1 25 00 60 75 40 50 18 20 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. HEAVY DRAUGHT COLT 18 months old, weighing about 1800 pounds, for Bale. Would take a cow or nll'.es in part payment. 10- THOS. MOORF4, Brussels. L0 S T BREAST COLLAR and Tugs on 8th inst., between Brus- sels Planing Mill and Oon. 10, Grey. The finder will greatly oblige by returning same of THE Pow Publishing Melee. 19- T. GRIMOLDBY. 1 I AITLAND SKATING RINK. - Tenders will be received, up to Deo. ember let, for the mann ement of the Mait- laud curling and skating rink, Brussels, for the season of 1800.91. For partioulars ap- ply to W. B. DICKSON, Brussels. CAME ON THE PREMISES of the undersigned, Lot 15, Con, 14, MoIlillop, on or about Sept. 15th, a lamb (wether). The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take it away. 19.4 THOS. JACKSON, Walton P. 0. t'TRAYED FROM THE PREM- (. ises of the undoreiened, on Noy. 13011, a white pig,4 months ole. Aay luformatien as to ice whereabouts, Ili left at Tun Poem Publishing House or with myself, will be thankte' ly received. 10- THOS. HALL, Brussels. pRIOK STORE TO LET ON Main Street, Emmen', .opposite Poet. office. Po88eselo 1 Nov: alb5r 1st, tpp1y to w, 1t. WILSON, Brusoole, 18.8 CAUTION,—I HEREBY GIVE saws that as Emma Gill, my wife, bus Iolt my bed and board, without just cause or provocation,I will not be reopen• slide for any debts usutraated by her after this date, T1108, GILL, Brussels, Nov.11111, 1909. 18.4" !""AME ON THE PRL'MISES V of tbo undersigned, lot 1, Morriebank, about August 14511, four yearling cattle. Two are steers and two heifers, The owner iere0uoeted to prove property, pay mimeo and tato theist away, SAMUEL SNELL, 17.1 Jamestown P, 0. -FARM TO RENT.—THE SUB- scriber oilers 1113 150 acre farm, being Lot 15 and West half lot 19, Colt. 14, Grey, to rent, flatworm 80 and 110 aurae cleared.. For further partioulars, as 0o ,out, Wins, &t., apply to PETER SINCLAIR, Proprietor, Cranbrook P. 0, 13.4 T. OR SALE.—FIVE LEIOES- A. TEA Ram Lambe, 900 bya ram that Wok prizes at the Industrial, rovincial and Western Pairs, Also Two young Short Horu Bulls St for Sorvlee, They are 80e animals, with good pedigrees, and will be sold cheap awl on easy terms. DAVID MILNE, Ethel. mEA.OHER'WANTED.— ..L. Teacher wanted for School Section No. 2, Grey. Third -oleos oertidoato, Duties t0 commence On Jany lst, 1891. Anpl)00- tloue, statlug ealarT4 will be received by the undersigned tip to Yy nvoutber let 1890. JHN STEWART, Bec'y-Treas., 15.1 Oranbrook P. 0, TERSE! BULL (No. 20797), J American Jersey Oattle club's Herd Book. Ho is a son of 'Canada's John; whiob was at the head of the largest herd in Can- ada, His dam is an imported mow. &or further particulars pall at my Drug and Book Store, Brueeele. (4. A. D1.ADMAN, Druggist, &o. IN 0 T I O E. — ALL PARTIES wbo used my bulls this season and have not got their cows iu calf bad better return them now, as their appears to be no trouble in gutting them in calf now , and as it will soon be oolleeting time, I would like all who patronized my bulls to get valve for their money. DAVID M6LNE, Ethel. CAME ON THE PREMISES of the undersigned, north half lot 22, 00u.4, Morris, ou or about Oct. 100, three yearling cattle. Two of them are heifers, rod with a few white spots, and the other a red steer. The owner is requested to prove property, nay expenses and take them 0804. WILLOUB FARROW. Brussels P.O. MPROVED LARGE WHITE YORK - 1 SHIRE BOAR. The nudersigut d will keep for. service this plereut season the Improved large white Yorkshire pig "Beady" on lob 20, con.0, Morris, to which it limited umber of sows will bo taken. 'ferns $1.00 to be paid at time of sorvlue, with the privilege of return- ing if necessary. Pedigree natty be seep up- on application. ROBERT N1CHOL, 8011 Proprietor. t, 2�jRE WARD.— , Lost on Thursday. July Sod, on the street in Wroxeter, a parcel of bills, amounting to $842, and a promissory note drawn by John Saudersou iu favor of Jove Walker for $000. dated June 6th. 1883, and having a payment of $050 endorsed on the beak thereof, dated April 11th, 1800. A re- ward of $25.00 will be paid fur tbo reoovery of the above, or for euoh information 5e will load thereto. All parties are warned against u080010 erg the above mentioned note, the same having been lost. Wroxeter, July 15th,'09. JANE WALKER. TWO PUREBRED PIGS FOR 1 SERVICE.—The undersigned has re- cently purelmsed and will keep for Seryicn at North half Lot 29, Con. 7, Morris, a Pure- bred Berkshire Boar, brad by Mr. &tell, and also an Obio imported Chester White, one year old, bred by Thos. George, Putnam, from Importedstook ou both sides. This hog took Ilrtl prize at the Iuduetrial Exhibi- tion, Toronto, 1890,iu a class of 17, and also 3rd at the Western Fair in a olasa of 15. Terms, $1.00, to be paid at time of ooryice, with privilege of retureing if ua0808ary. 1 -tf S. WALKER, Proprietor. 5 .W P DO YOU KNOW WHAT I'M STUDYING? In reading TIIE POST r find the editor Says 10 great many sub- scribers don't pay promptly. I am trying to remember whether my subscription is paid or not, as I'm no nand, now that I'm get- ting old, to keep things in mind. I don't know oven where the Inst receipt is. But if I'm behind I'm soon going to got ahead. I have a conundrum :—"If all the people who owe mo were as careless as I am in squaring up how could I manage to live ?" I give it up, because I believe I'd die of starvation. Prompt cash is what talks. By the wayf I wouldn't be without Tea Posr for two or three times its prie0. So LONG, ABRAHAM Pill/UP, 1'ANTSY SERIES, ELSIE SERIES, RUBY SERIES. (A,li of Them) Glxtoap. CO2,(LM ,4..x7'0 54M, A. New Stools of Blnnus, PRAYED Bootee, Hymn Boone, Nice, New and ' Very Cheap, at Pepper's Drug Store, li1Ei Um41O4ELa, BANKING. AiuINTOSII ti, McTAGGART, BANKERS, . BRUSSELS, / 'S'raan.cact a c3•oraoral 23asnicingt auninoda, rr NOTES DISCOUNTED. -Canadian and United States Drafts nue 1 t and sold. Interest allowed on Deposita. Collectionsmadeon favorable 2errns. Canadian Agents—MenonAET's BANE or CANADA. NOW York Agents—Deemer-mut ut AND -Tan), Ens NATIONAL BANE. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. T�{ L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, .Lata B0Balbor and Convoyaneer. Celloc- tione made. OSlee—Vanstoao's Block, Brea. eels. 21.8m0 AV• Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Pub. M. SINOLAIR, Ile, d0. OIDoo—Graham's Block 1 dour north of Pepper's Drug Store. Privals Puede to Loan. D1OKSON & HAYS (Late with Gamow & Proadtoot, Code. rtoh,) Iliiarnsters, Soliaitore, Conveyancers, &o. Oalaes—Brueeele and Seaforth. Brus• gels Office, Rogers' Block, Main 8t. Money to Loan. B. 5. HAYS, W. B. Dmeeobt, ,t M. TAYLOR, B. 0. L., 1 !.. Barrister, Solicitor, &o., of the ant) of Taylor, McUullough & Burns, Barristers Solicitors, &0., Mannlug Arcade, Toronto, Money to loan. BUSINESS CARDS. H. Ma0RAOKEN, Iesurer of Marriage Licenses. Mee at. his Grocery, Turuborry street, Brussels. N. BARRETT, ▪ Tonsorial Artist Shop—Next door south of A. M. MORay& Co's hardware store, Ladies' and ohndreae Hair matting n Weak 'ty ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INSURANCE,. FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. A. MONAIR, • Issurer 0f Marriage L1oe11E04, by appointmout of Lieut, -Governor, Commis - Elmer, &u., Q. B. Conveyancer and Agent Fire Insurance Co, C)illco at the Oranbrook Post OBioe. A HUNTER, ▪ Olork of the Fourth Division court, Co, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public, Laud, Loan and Insurnnoo Agent. Funds invested and to loan. Collections uredo. Olpae In Graham's Blook. Brussels. miss SHERLOCK, Leto o1 the Conservatory of Music, Toronto, is prepared to give leseone at Ethel and Cranbrook. Pupil of Profoeeor Fisher and Mr. Harrison on the piano, and of Mr. 8. H. Clark la vcoal mento. Class at Oranbrook ovary Tuesday. For terms, &e., apply at the Methodist Parsonage, Ethel, MISS GALE Teaoher of Piano, Parlor and Pipe Organ, Orggituiet in 8t. John's Ohureb, Brus- sels, solioite a share of the patronage of the mesio -loving people of Brussels and vicin- ity, Instructionsivon at gOstrom rete,, 'forma, references, &o the may be re. aseertained by catling atstreet,ru residence of are. D .02 sr., Turnberry street, Bruao0le. 7.tt NIBS LILLA 0'00NNOR Is desirous of procuring pupils iu Vocal Music. Prof. Warrington, of Toronto is pleased to give his testimonial as to Mies O'Oounor's ability, she having been a pupil of )tie during her May in Guelph, lustre. ineutal Music of Piano, Organ and Guitar. Torras made known OD applloatiou, Prentiss St., Brussels, Mise 0'0031uor is open for Concert Engagements. 80 - AUCTIONEERS. A • RAYMANN, Auctioneer, is always ready to at- tend sales of farms, farnn ebook, &0. Terms elm/11101y given. Oranbrook P. 0. Sales May be arranged at TBE 905'0 Publishing Reuse, Bruoeels. � EORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auctioneer. Sales uouduct- edou reasonable terms. Farms and farm stool{ a specialty. Orders loft at THE Pose 1? abli thing House, Oru ssols, or sent to W al to, P. 0., will receive prompt attention. LAVING TAKEN OCT LICE'.q SE ERS an Auetloneer, I ane props' to couducb Sales of farm stook at reason,. prices, finowiug the deeding of n00, every pomp I am Is position to Boll good marks and got good goouriby when eo.' on credit Batisfaution guarouteod. GiVv. 1110 a call, 32- F B. SCOTT. , DENTAL. 3779STWZS0R'Z 1 G. L, Ball , Nitros Oxide Gall ad- ministered fLor the P3tuless Extraction of Tooth. 74 Gerrard Street East, TonoN'ro, 1>V,.N'I'$w"ITZ M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D.D.S., Graduate of the Royal 'College of Dental Bnrgoous, Ontario, mat of Toronto Uni- versity. give/ot—Opposite Areeric0u Hotel, Bruseocs, MEDICAL CARDS. 1;T7'M. P. GALE, M.D., 0. M., V V Mombor of the College of Phypstoian and Bergamo of Ontario by exan1111ation 0111th and Residence—Main Street East, lilthul,Ontario, TA. MDNAUGHTON, M. D. t. a 0.M, r,, 10.0.P„ Edinburgh, M. 0, 1S S. Ont. At .'eppsr'e Drug Store from 0 to 11:30 a, in, and front 1:50 to 4 p. m, ,00 ether ]lours may be Band at hie roaldofee, form. arty 000tpled by Dr, 140001110800, M111 et, VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, CV e Honor Graduate of the Outarie Veterinary College, is prepared to treat 011 dumases of demestteatod animals in a DOM. to Veterinaryh oeutlsbltycnler 00114 promptly ittt. tended to, 'odloo and Inllrmary—orWb deers north of bridge,'1'nrnberry et„ Brussels,