HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-11-21, Page 5Nov, 21, 1890. THE BRUSSELS POST
Atwood wants an L. D. S.
The population of Elam township i
$12,0J0 worth of now buildings erected
baro during this year.
The "Bee" pioneer number is a dandy
--8 moiler "pinkie pink,"
The revival 6e1vi0ea (immense) in the
Methodist oburoh here next Sabbath,
A new M. D. has hung out hie shingle
hero. Hie name is Rioo. We with him
Prof. Lamb has been feeling the
"bumps" of the Atwoodites and giving
them their pedigree.
D. W. Campbell gave a very interest-
ing sterioptioan exhibition in the Meth-
odist church on Monday evening. IIo
went to Brussels on Tuesday,
T. E. Hale sold $3,600 worth of cattle
e six months and has two carloads yet
Che members of the choir of the Pres.
byt:rian church presented beIrs. (Rev.) A,
D, McDonald with a large life size photo•
graith of herself.
11 the international foot -ball match,
1.8 played ab l'awtnoket next week,
Cit. Dewar, of this town, will be one of
the team. I-Ie's a tip-top player.
A little son of Robt. Willie met with
a severe accident whereby he broke his
left leg above the knee. The little fellow
was playing in the agricultural grounds
with a number of other children and
were attempting to get one of the sidee of
a sheep pen upon end when it fell over
and crashed down on top of him with the
above result.
Cattle fair Tuesday, Deo. 24th.
Owing to bad roads business is flat.
A Lady Tone Blue order is balked of in
Last Monday Miee Bertie Drummond
left for a visit to friends in Wallaaebnre.
Bible Society meeting next Monday.
Rev. J. H. Simpson, of Brooefield, will
deliver an address.
A Mr. Ohellow, of Collingwood, bas
purchased the furniture and undertaking
business of F. W. Scott.
Some pay Reeve Kelly will drop out of
the Reeveship at the alone of 1890 and
give other good men a show.
T. W. Scott end Mies Hattie Ritchie
were married on Wednesday of lest week.
Rev. J. F. Parke tied the knot.
The I. 0. G. T. elected the following
officers at their regular meeting :-C. T.,
W. Irwin ; V. T., 0. Moffatt ; Seo., R.
Walden ; F.10., J. Sims ; Treas., M.
McTavish ; Chap., F. Metcalf ; M. J.
Onlning; G., Lizzie McGee; S., J. Gray ;
8, J. T., J. Molnnie.
Mrs, aodlllies Sage are home from
their extended tour.
The shooting match of McTaggart
Bros. was well patronized lost Friday.
The council o1 R. T. of T. is flourishing
four more coming in at the lest meeting.
Jas. Turnbull, having purchased the
house lately ocnuried by A, Leach, has
moved into it.
'rhu Royal Hotel was not sold last
week, $2,000 Fubjeot to the mortgage be-
ing the only bid.
eIr. Campbell gave his limo light ex-
hibition of Paris in Duff's church on
Wednesday of this week.
The regular meeting of Duff's church
Y. P. C. A.. was held on Thursday even-
ing of last week, when a short but inter-
esting program ,of a missionary nature
was given.
Rumor says that up to date as many
as seventeen applications for the position
of cheese maker in our factory have been
received but no notion will be taken till
after the annual meeting.
There will be a missionary meeting
held on Monday, 24th inst., and a Bible
Sudety meeting on Wednesday 26th rust.,
in the Presbyterian oburoh, ab both of
which interesting programa will be ren-
dered. A.11 are invited.
Wilier ha tin.
The flagpole has been erected in the
town park.
I'. Paterson is very ill with inflanl•
oration of the lunge.
John Hanna shipped 900 lbs. of honey
to Manitoba on Monday of last weep.
Gilchrist, Green ,t 0t*. have their
furniture factory lit by the eleotrio light.
Robt. Hill left on Tuesday of last week
for Lincoln, Nebraska, on a prospecting
Tho next horse fair will be held in
Winelmin on Thursday, the 27th of Nov
A second Demorest Medal Contest will
be held on the Otlr December, under the
auspices of the Y. W. 0. 71. U.
A number of changes have been made
aE the Graud Trunk station welch will
bo appreciated by the travelling public
aa the station agent and his assistants.
The platform between the station plat-
form and the main line Greek has been
extended westward about 75 feet and a
new crossing made orposibe the 'dation
door. The bumf' now land passengers
tit the west sidd of the station, near the
station door. A new platform hos also
been laid in front of the freight shed.
bliss B, Dobson is visiting ofd friends
at Mitobell.
John Proctor, of the fourth line loot
One of his horses last week by overwork,
Mies :Menet hood left on Monday
morning's train on a visit to her sister in
Mr. Kennedy, of Sonehine, has re.
moved to Goclorlch township to work for
a farmet,
Mrs, Baines sr, of Sunshine, who has
been seriously 111 last weak is much im.
proved in health.
Mise Mary A, Watson, of i4unohilno, is
away et her sister's, Mee. N. Thoroton,
who is very low.
R. Russell, who for some time bas boon
at Detroit on the lake, has returned
much improved in health and vigor. He
tide's"' 1,i will try the land for the
We rcgrei to hear that Wnl., oldest soil
of 1l00vc M xe my in down with typhoid
fever. It is to be hoped that the attack
will be a light ono and that ho ,will 0000
he able to get about aguiu.
The members of Hun:Micn Sabbath
school intend holding their annual
Christmee tree and entorteinment in the
ehureh on the 22nd of December. A good
The total amount of taxes on the eels
!eater's roll for 1800 is something over
John Currie, of Sunshine, 10 busily
engaged putting up a new barn for Mr,
Chambers, ab Kipper.
It 10 said a dateotive is on the warpath
in 000050tion with the oases of Neon -
diadem in this township, It is to be
hoped he will looato the guilty party,
end that they may be speedtly brought to
justice for their misdesde,
Thera was a large number at Wrn.
Barrie's barn raising last Saturday, The
work was completed about 7 p, m. Tack-
ling was used in carrying the timbers to
the desired plaoes. A few days of fine
weather will see the new structure sheet -
cd and shingled,
T. A. Reid, of Teeswater pubiio school,
has been appointed principal of Forest
Model sohool, at a salary of $760. The
above mentioned gentleman is well known
in Morris having taught euooessfully
here for several years. He is a eon of
Adam Reid's. We wish Tom streams.
Lineto w e l .
The reads are very bad, and business
oonsegtlently dull.
A defieit of $85.71 le reported by the
Directors of our Fall show this year.
Peter ?Alice's family have removed to
Seattle, Washington 'Territory, where
Mr. Lillie° is making his home.
A, II, Manning, of Clinton, acceptably
filled the pulpit of the Methodist church
last Sunday. The pastor was at Clinton.
The dates fixed for the anniversary
services of the Methodist church aro
Sunday and Monday, December 14th
and 16th.
Shortly after the return of Fred. S.
Howe and his bride from their wedding
trip, the members of the Band proceeded
to Mr. Howe's residence and presented
their much respected leader and his
bride with a handsome silver-plated tilt-
ing water pitcher, accompanied by a
kindly worded address. The members of
the Band were entertained by Mr. and
Mrs. Howe atter the presentation, and
the occasion was re very pleasant one to
all parties present.
Snow would make a boom in business.
It•e needed.
Reeve Milne and W. Spence were away
at Goderich last week attending the
Chancery Court.
Last Tuesday Rev. B. Sherlock con-
ducted the funeral service of the late
Matthew Barker.
Chief Pettypieoe, of Wingham, was in
Clinton cue day last weep looking for a
young man named Scarff whose father
carries on a furniture business in Brant-
ford. The young man got furniture
dealers in Lucknow and Wingham to en-
dorse drafts on his father and drew the
money. The father repudiated them and
Mr. Green, of Wingham, wanted young
Smell on a charge of obtaining money
under false pretenses. 0bief Pettypieoe
telegraphed Chief Wheatley at Clinton
who located his man but when Pettypieoe
arrived he had escaped. It is said that
Scarff drove to 13rue:.field where he took
train and et last accounts had not been
The Methodist church is neariug its
completion, The 41,11 of Deo. is the day
fixed for the opening.
The Presbyterians have decided to
have a library for their Sabbath school
next year instead of the papers which
they have previously used.
Last Sabbath two young men came
out from Wingham to Biuevale,to ,pend
the evening with friends here. They
left their buggy in the yard, but when
they were going to return in the evening
they found it had disappeared. Satisfy.
ing themselves that it had left bbe
premises they hunted up some of the
Bloevale boys, who kindly offered their
ussistanoo. After a long march with the
aid of a lantern one of the Bluevale boys
suddenly discovered tracks leadiug to the
new Methodist church. 11 had evident.
ly thought there was to be sorvios there,
but finding out its mistake had amused
itself by changing its wheels, the front
for the hind. This, however, was not
noticed by the young men and they
started for Wingham in this condition.
Moral : Don's visit the girls on Sunday.
The Bloevale cheese was sold last week
for a go od price though what it was
exactly is not known. We know it must
have been high as Bluevaloalways brings
the highest in the market. Since Mr.
McDonald has had the belle his choses
has been tested by moat of the beyers
and ohoeae•experbs of this district, and
with one voice they have pronounced
them perfect. This has raised the price
or gained for the shareholders by this
one sale, probably over one year's salary
of the (Meese -milker. At a oheese.meeb-
ing, which was held last week, they re.
fused llim for next year. 112r. McDonald's
tender was the same as the previous
maker got, He was naked to lower hie
tender theta thirty dollars, but refused.
Surely this was nob their meson for re.
jading him for had he not put about
twenty times as tench in thole pockets 3
The balance of this season's make of
abeam of the Morris and Groy fitotoey
was sold to Hodgson Bros. of Loudon,
for export. There were 160 boxes and
the price received was 9 t3.16 cents.
Archie Lamont, and Jno. Bishop and
son were away for the neat two weeks on
it deer hunting expedition to Muskoka.
They are oxpeatod home this week.
They ars old bends at the business and
are generally snooesaful,
The total amount of taxes to be eel -
looted this year amoonts to about $13,-
700 in round Agneas The line between
Oth end 108.1 conees01on5 is the division
for the aolleotors, The northern section
man hes about $700 more to collect than
his southern neighbor',
Crosti Cevm.--On TM -mislay evening of
last wools as the threshers worn finishing
up work at Mrs. Relent Brown's Thos.
Mitchell had the misfortune to Roll from
the mow clown into the stable through a
trap door. Roble flnll, J. Knight and
others ran to Mr. Mitchell's aid mid at
first it was tboulglit that the vile' 'park
had fled lint on thalcing 111111 a Halo there
woe a game and. then regular breathing;
followed. In the fall of 11 foot lir. Mit.
011011 s aide cams In contact with the
frame of the trap door and it was simply
a miracle that he teas not i i itautly
killed. After a brief rest 110 was able to
walla home, Although well up hl years
and a hard worker ell his life Mr. Mit.
011011 is about ns aviary ye tics emulous'•
program is being prepared in the lite of , 7111 and wt* hope be will ,.Mint 10 bed r ..
presents, recitations, speeches, eta smite from the ttcoident last week.
Peter Sinclair jr, has a large number
of potatoes that weigh four ponnda each
in this seeson'6 crop.
Councillor Arch.ielop has purobased
the 100 note farm on 111111 eon., belonging
to his nnele, Thos. Hislop, now of Mani-
toba. Although in need of some atton-
tion the property 15 a good one and in
Archie's heeds will no doubt be well
looked after, A good housekeeper will be
one of the essentials,
Report says that a wedding will short-
ly take plans ou the 14th con. Sam.
won't endure bachelorhood any longer.
Although he is usually on the "negative"
he bolds to the affirmative on the "dou-
ble bleesedness" question, and conse-
quently proposes to secure the substance
as well as the shadow.
Leat Snndey morning Matthew Bar-
ker, an old and well known resident of
thin township, died well advanced in
years. The funeral took place on Tues.
day, the interment being mode at Brus-
sels cemetery. The old gentleman was
not sink long and it was a matter of sur-
prise to hear of his deoease,
WOOD BEE. -Hugh Porter had a wood
bee on Friday of lest week, when friends
and neighbors all turned nut and pub in
a faithful day's work in tiro bosh cutting
a large quantity of wood. Although the
day was spent very pleasantly in tee
bush, a much more pleasant time was
spent in the evening, whet* from about
six o'nloolc until eleven the buggies did
not fail to roll in, until seventy people
were all enjoying themselves in Mr. and
Mrs. Porter's new and commoclinue resi•
denote At twelve o'clock, supper being
on hand, everybody seemed to help them•
selves to their heart's content and then
dancing was resumed and was kept up
until three o'olock in the morning. All
departed for their respective homes wish-
ing Mr. and Mrs. Porter semens and long
life in their new house. Another bee,
In the Grey Township case heard at
the Court of Chancery lust week, in Gods'.
doh, before Chancellor Boyd, deoieion
was reserved. The trouble arose over
Lot30, con. 16. owned by Wm. Machan.
Under the Ditches and Watercourses
Aot four drains were pot through this
property in serving other lots requiring
it, as did lot 30. The owner demurred
and had the farm put on the noo•reei-
dent roll. In due time, according to law,
the property was sold by the County
Treasurer for back taxes and the town-
ship to save itself purohased it, paying
something in the neighborhood of $400
for the same. The former proprietor
then went into the courts, although at
any time he could or can Lave his land
bank by recouping the municipality for
their outlay. Reeve Milne, Deputy
Reeves Oliver and Bryan and Clerk
Spence were in attendance at Court last
week and gave evidence. Mr. Spence
and the Township officials were compli-
mented for the straight, business -like
transaction and the general impression
is that the decision will be iu their favor.
J. T. Garrow conducted the nose for the
township nod Mr. Idington, of Stratford,
appeared for the plaintiff. People should
look up the law and post themselves be-
fore they rush into wart to ventilate im•
agivary grievances.
Northwest Notes.
The Union Bank of Caned_ is opening
a branch et Carberry,
There has been considerable typhoid
fever at Portage lit Prairie this fall.
Tete foe on the river et Winnipeg is
sullboiently strong in some places to per-
mit teams to cross
According to a despatch from Regina
the Northwest Assembly is expected to
Mose its 6159100 this week,
Mr, Turner, of the 13anlc of Montreal at
Winnipeg, after a three days' hunt, killed
a 1,600 pound moose at Selkirk.
Tho 0. P. R. locomotive power on the
Manitoba and Port Arthur sections has
been inoreessd by twelve engines since the
grain began moving this fall.
The Northern Pauifio intend to run
tourist sleeping oars between Winnipeg
and Ohioego in connection with the win-
ter excursions to Ontario and Quebec.
The yield of wheat on the Pleasant
Plains, near Indian Head, is burning ort
very satisfactory. The average will be
25 bushels per _oro and of good quality.
A short time ago a package of Louis•
lana lottery prize lists were seized at
Winnipeg by the Customs authorities.
The matter was reported to Ottawa, and
it is learned that the Minister of Customs
lies ordered the release of the packages.
T. M. Humbert, of Winnipeg, leaves
Mainly for Belgium to promote immi-
geatioe from that country to Menitobtt
and the Northwest. He is the first of
several "return mon" that the 0. P. R.
intend. sending no Europe ltud Great
Britain this winter on emigration busi-
Madioine Hat Times: "Farmers have
been busy during the past two yveelcs la
scouring a second crop of oats. This arop,
whish has been out green, will make val.
nablo feed. Mgr. McTavish, of the C. A.
0. ,4 Co's farm at Dunmore, says that
his fields are producing an average of a
ton per acre.
The rivers out in the revolting country
have Weenie very high, and fording bas
become dangeron•, merry horses being
lost, The high water was caused by it
heavy fall of snow in the mountains, sue.
Seeded by very warm weather. The
present cool weather will send the rivers
clown again;
At a meeting of the proposed tempeme
aura hotel company for Manitoba, and
the Northwest it was decided to organize
under the name of the Shaftesbury
'Hotel Co. The Whelan Howie, fu Win-
nipeg, has boon acquired by theoourpany,
who propose extending the system
throughout Manitoba and the Territories.
The jury disagree in the Martin -Lux-
ton criminal libel snit and were discharg-
ed. The jury /stood 9 to 3 for acquittal,
those favoring a verdiol of guilty being
from Wiunipog, while the rest of the
jury wore from the country. It is stated
that tho Attorney -Goners.' wilt enter at
nivil ettit against the Winnipeg Free
Df. F, IT, blowbnrn, of Lethbridge,
performed an unusual expertmonbal opee-
_tion on Constable Phillips, of the
Mounted Police, Phillips had tiro tibia,
or largo bole of the leg, fractured seine
time ago, and the ends obetinotedy re -
heed to unite ; instead a ilbrotte 115eile
formed, The (looter first out away the
tissue and Hien trawled a piece of hone
out of the leg of a dog that heel been dead
half au hone. After packing the pieeee
in, the pOl'ieetelitti WAS drawn over m111
turned in with no12°0610:1 51110150. The
HUD was then drawn over end down, and
hopee rine entertained that tbn operation
will be eneceeefnl.
Freight ratite on cattle from Manitoba
and Northwest points to the seaboard
aro to be hummed.
, In the Calgary Supreme Court, Morgan,
poetmaeter at Anthracite, was oharg-d
with the lemony of a letter oonbaining
$12 mailed there, Ole was dieoharged.
le The fishermen of Lake Winnipeg esti-
mate the oatoh during the seamoe aimed
it few days ago at 1,600,000 pounds,
Fish were more plentiful than for many
years past.
Two men bane arrived itt Winnipeg
from Wyoming having ridden the entire
distanoe, some 800 miles, They report
the crops in the districts which they
passed through in Dakota a total failure.
The body of a foreigner named Johan-
nes Larson was found hanging, by a strap
and a piece of suspender, to a telegrapb
pole near Hawk Lake. as had in his
pooled a railway ticket from Winnipeg to
Quebec, a steamship ticket to Copenhagen
via Liverpool, and about $10.
There ie skating on the Red River in
the vicinity of the rowing °lab's boat
house ab Winnipeg, and a Large skating
party which was organized at the boat
house Friday afternoon appeared to en•
joy themselves greatly. There is still
open water in the middle of the river,
Peace has beau definitely signed bot-
weeu San Salvador an Guatemala.
The Minster of Marine says 30 ton guns
are the most serviceable for naval pur-
T. V. Powderly 'has been re•elecled
head of the Knights of Labor, his salary
to be 83,600 instead of $6000.
Notice of motion has been given in the
Town Council of Edinburgh to strike Mr.
Parnell's name off the list of burgesses.
Much damage has been done to Drops
in Louisiana and Mississippi by a heavy
wind and rain storm -the worst in 17
Olins, Jones,a brother of the Rev. Sam.
P. Jones, shot Jim. Young on Main st.,
Oartereville, Go., last Saturday. Young
died in 26 minutes, and Jones was jailed.
Fearing that Italy is about to make at-
tempts upon Tripoli, 8,000 Turkish troops
have been sent to reinforce the garrisons
of that province, end the forts are being
The story of a wonderful base bit made
by Tom Parrott, the Oregon pitoher, is
on the rounds. It is the shortest single
on record. Parrott batted the bull
directly downward and it remained
stationary on the home plate. Before
either the pitcher or oatober
could field the ball he was safely on first.
The shipments of life stock from Can-
ada to England for 1800 are largely in
excess of those for 1889. The shipments
of cattle will aggregate 123,137 as against
less than 86,000 last year. The ship-
ments of sheep total 42,263. The ooean
frieghts on this year's shipments amount
to $1,746,240, and without this trade the
ships now entering Montreal could nob
be run at any profit.
Captain Paul Boynton has secured
nearly all the prominent oar amen in the
country to take part in a six days' road
sculling contest in the Coliseum in
Omaha, beginning Nov. 24th. The
maohiuee are of a new and improved
pattern and have just arrived from Eng-
land. The contestants will be Wallace
Rose, Geo. Lee, John Deegan, John
Teemer, Al Hamm, Jacob Gaudaur, iuo.
McKay, Harry Vail, Fred, Plaisted, and
possibly O'Connor may row also.,
Values that Talk
Don't be Deceived, Colne and see for yourself_
An examination of our stock will not take
you long, and may save you dollars.
In DRESS GOODS we have
something New and Hand-
DRESS ROBES. To have an
idea of the beauty of these
Goods you must see them.
This is the age for Novel-
ties. Who ever heard of
Paper Clothing. Come in
and see them. We have
PAPER VESTS for Ladies or
Gents. Something that will
keep you warm a11C1 com-
fortable on a cold clay, and
prevent you from catching
In Flannels, Tweeds, Suit-•
Ings, Ovel•coatings, Ready-
made Clothing, Under -cloth-
ing, e� e., &e., our Stock is
Full and Prices Right.
Don't forget about BOOTS
SHOES. Come to us and get.
a Good Article at a Reason-
able Price.
The November BAZAAR
Call and get one, -FREE.
It Costs Nothing to look
through our stock and com-
pare price and quality.
We have put the Knife in right to the Hilt, and are
Determined to Slash Away at Prices
Regardless of Cost of Production
t W .1:. ®90' t 30 s.
Overcoatings, Winter uuitings for Men and Boys, Pea Jackets, [ruder -
wear, Gent's Furnishings, Hats and Caps, Fur Cams,
Fur Coats, Rubber Coats, 85o„ Spot,
At such Tremexl,l.aue lleduetie;e.s Below Revuiar Paiee
At such Tempting Prices that if you are going to buy at all you Can't help purchasing,.
Yo 11 are well aware that, despite 11,11 the blow and puff' of competitors, We have,
by Actual Measurement,
You aro well aware that, 111 till of our advertising we Speak the Trnt11 that every 1inord
we tell you you can depend on it. Now, don't let this
Slip by without you Calling and having a look at what, we aro doing.
All hods Bought from us bythe Yard will be Gut :Tree of Ohara
'0tT 4%ILFlaa "11"7":'
.1T THE 1Ai.:AD1:N"(.4 CLOTHING, S'1'(li(E.
M V+
Lleckie's Old Stand, -
t1 V � + 1101
Main St., Brussels, Ont..