HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-11-21, Page 4THE B.ktU'SSELS POS'1 Nov. 21, 1800. New Advertisements, Looal—Goo. Good, Loot—T. Grimoldby. Strayed --Thos. Hall. Clothing—A. R. Smith. Strayed—Thos. Jackeen. '!'enders—W.13. Di.keon. Colt for Bale—Thos. Moore, Great cash sale—Rose Brae. Looal—"Our Home" Publishing Co. Clubbing rates—Tun Pose Publishing House. ritS .d nut, FRIDAY, NOT'. 21, 1890. Owioa to the decease of T. 1VIeConkey, Sheriff of Simcoe County, a vaoanoy oo ourred. It was filled by the appointment of O. J. Pheilps, an ex -M. P. P. of that constituency. R. M. einni niers, of London, hoe been appointed a Supreme Court Judge. Ile took the oath of offiae at Senile, on Tues- day of this week. He ie a brother of W. R. Meredith, leader of the Opposition in the Local Legislature. Tan Ontario Gazette contains the an- nouncement of the federation of Victoria University with the University of To. ronto. The proclamation states that the President and the Board of Regents and the Chanoillor of the senate of Vic. toria have given notice to the Provinoial Seoretary that they had resolved to sus. pend their power of conferring degrees (other than those in theology.) In view of this fact it is proclaimed that after Nov. 15th the Victoria University will be federated with the University of To- ronto. Tag Manitoba ecbool question is .,not settled yet. The Roman Catholics of Manitoba are paying eohool rates im- posed by the new school law under pro. teat. There is considerable speculation at Qttawie ae to whether the lady and the '41an(to{ia lenge ge legislation of last gee• cion will be disallowed, The question of disallowance is now being considered by a sub -committee of the Privy Council, consisting of Sir John Macdonald, Sir John Thompson, Sir Hector Langevin, and Hon. Messrs. Abbott and Tupper. Two of this committee are Catholioa and three Protestants ; two are from Quebec, two from Nova Scotia, and one from On. tario. Tag use of wire in running self -binders had to be discontinued owing to the trouble in threshing the grain and the danger of feeding the straw so bound to stock, but it appears the nee of twine by fanners in binding sheaves of grain is 00. coming 8 source of danger to the lives of oattle, too. Two valuable cows belonging to William Muloeic, M. P., of Newmarket, Ont., died without known cause, and on examination the stomachs of the dead animals were found to be congested with undigested binding twine, and this dis- covery probably explains the lose of many other animals. Farmers should not al. low the twice taken from sheaves et threshing to go to wasteamong the straw, bat Net how to do this without involving a great deal of aeditional labor is not apparent. Tan Toronto World says :—It is pro. bable that the local Government will in. troduoe a measure next session empow- ering cities, towns and incorporated vii. lager to supply publio school pupils with free text hooks. The theory on which this policy is based is a reasonable one, The recognition of the principle that it is the duty of the state to educate ite youth may be said to involve the pro. vision of free text books. An important consideration in oonnection with the matter is the feet that the buying of teat books is the excuse of the poor man for keeping hie children away from school. The increased taxation for school purposes which suoh a measure would involve may provoke opposition in some quarters, but there can be hardly any doubt that the new measure will prove to be a wise one. Sr. Melees is experiencing the fallacy of the bonus system by the Maxwell imp- lement works closing down. The ex- perience has been rather of the espensivo variety, however, costing them 9:10,000. The l,erticnlars are something after the following :—About four or five years ago Mr. Maxwell tried to negotiate with St. Thomas for a big bonne to remove hie works there from Paris, at which town they were at the tirno, bet the St, Thomas people could not see their way clear to grant him any 340,000 bonus, as Woodstock had done to the Patterson works, and as Air. Maxwell thought St. Thomas might do for him. St. Marys shortly afterwards voted a bonne approx- imating the one asked for at St. Thomas, and the Maxwell works were accordingly removed to that enterprising town. Tho firm employs from 40 to 100 bands. Ilow the btisinose will pan out in not yet known but it is feared that the town will never realize the golden rottrhe antici- pated when the by-law wee submitted, The Government did a wise net when they fenced in the bonne giving power as they t principle en id dthe is wrong from the beginning to the Dud and in Irina cases out of ten the result is very 111. satisfactory if not disastrous tc the munioipall ty. So.in important ehaugee have been made in the work of the Ontario Minis- ters. The ogre of the publics inetilutione ----Asylums, Central Prison, ,Se.;—hoe been transferred from the department of the Provinoial Treasurer to that presided over by Hon. 3. 111. Gibson. The liquor Unease brand, formerly under the con- trol of the Provincial Seoretary, after. warde under the managemout of the Treasury Department, and still more lately attached to that of the Provinoial Secretary, again goes to the Depart- ment of the Provinoial Treaeurer, where it will be administered by the new head, Mr. Aaroourt. Ie his report to the Quebec legislature as minieter of agriculture and coloniza- tion Premier Mercier says that the popu- larity of the law granting a lot of land to the fathers or mothers of twelve living children has exceeded the expectations of the most sanguine. There are already 1,000 applicants for suoh lois, and the province will be divided into dietriate ou each side of the St. Lawrence, so as to collect in groups, as much as possible, those whose families are acquainted with each other. These groups may, later on, form parishes where the children of those who will be the first to benefit by the law will dwell in prosperity. There is a great deal of sham about the eleotion protests put in over the last Provinoial contest. °bargee of bribery and gross corruption were laid against scores of the successful candidates of both parties and the faithful were "bled" to meet the deposit necessary in entering the protest. After a few months pass by the political atmosphere oleare ;up and when the day of trial comae on the charges are withdrawn about as eagerly se they were entered, in many oases a "saw off" being the rule, viz. one protest balanced by another. Two things are very apparent to in :— lot, There is lase corruption practised than people imagine or else they are afraid to have the evidence admitted to s deseerning public. 2nd, People will, In the heat of an election contest, allow their judgment to be very badly warped and unduly prejudiced which on mature deliberation the step would never be taken. The wholesale protest business appears more like a political "fake" than anything else and appears to resolve it- self into a "great cry for little wool." The guilty Have a right to suffer but more than hearsay evidence should be considered before the Comb is called into requisition, IN the O'Shea divorce case, concluded in London, England, this week, in which the much talked of Irish patriot Parnell bas figured so prominently in paying his addresses to Mrs. O'Shea, has resulted in the granting of separwlion papers. The case all through shows up Parnell in bad light and it is to be hoped if he has not good judgment enough to quietly step down and out of the public position he now ocoapiss that the party ho repre- sents will teach him that a good obaraot- er is demanded from every man who assays to be a leader. Parnell has lost caste with many warm supporters in this country. The Montreal Witness in speak- ing of this case says 1— The clergy will find in it an effective leverage against Irish Liberalism and the people of England and Scotland, will care less for the cause of Howe Rule for Ireland, which is so large associated in their minds with the person of Mr. Par- nell that the discredit of one will seem 10 them like the disoredit of both. One of the worst features of Parnell's conduct was hie unflinchingly dishonoring the home and the oonfideuoe of suoh a man as Mr. Gladstone after the charges had been made against him. Mr. Gladstone and the Liberal party are, however, fully committed to the Home Rale policy, and it will probably be carried in the next elections. Mr. Parnell has accustomed the Irish party of late to the absence of hie leadership, and the transfer will pro- bably be easy enough. I1 will bo in the control of the party that his hand will be missed ; nothing but the severest self - repression on the part of some of the leaders will prevent splits end perhaps wholesale defections during the eleotious. The Lrish hese a thoroughly trained, highly organized parliamentary party, whose members are well disciplined and who have shown themselves willing to seoriflce their own personal elaims to the general cause. The only reparation Mr. Parnell can make to all concerned in his downfall, 18 to get out of public life, to marry the women he has dawned down. Their course in allowing the case to go by defaulb indicates some intention of this kind. Huron County. Oorrle wants a saw mill. Large quantities of apples are being Shipped from Brumfield. Dr, Ewing, of Heaforth, has been ap- pointed physician at Pelee Island. T. & J. Mann shipped from Trowbridge to Minadosia, Man., one car load of apples. Pall wheat throughout Dungentnn section never had a finer appearance at this time of the year. At a meeting of the Clinton Gun Club it was decided to build a club house, on the agricultural gronntle, W. J. McLaughlin has returned from Portage 1a Prairie and will commence business in Gorrio eliortly. Lueknow village by-law prohibiting cattle running at large, went Into force Nov. let. The prohibition extends to the tot of May. The fomidors fu Baltimore have had snore trouble with two of the fighter belle in the splendid ahfine;fntendod for the Trivia Memorial chord, Exeter, owing to the difficulty of getting the proper tone the bolls hew; to be retiesb. Mrs, David Scott, of East Wawan°eh, has in her possession a pewter tea pot, bearing stamp end date a, d. 1882, mak. ing it 308 years old: Reeve 113cMurohle, of Clinton is stili confined to the house by illness whioll varies in degree, he being sometimes a little better than others. Principal Lough, o€ the Model School, has invested is a $10 Canadian flag the prize money obtained by pupils et the Northwestern Exhibition. The members of the Athletic Aesooia- tion have rented one of the stores in the Perrin Block, Clinton, and have fitted it up as a club room and gymnasium. Richard Delbridge, of Wh,obeleea, has been very suooeasful at the exhibi. tion, this season with his Berkshires, having won 27 first and 24 second prizes. An Aseoniation entitled the Petrone of Industry has been organized in S. S. No. 5, Ashfield, The association promises to be very popular with the farming com- munity. Lncknnw eounoil have disposed of the debentures for the 95,000 loan to 01iff do Forster, of the furniture faotory to G. A. Stimson, of Toronto, at half per cent. premium. A number of Bolmesville citizens turned out and raised all the route on the farm of H. B. Emote. This was a ohar- itablo act as Mr. Evans has born very 01 for severe] months. Dudley Holmes, of Goderiah, succeeded in passing his final examination for solh, icitor, and P. Maloomeon, of the same place, has been equally successful in his second intermediate examination at law, having taken a very creditable standing. A number of the friends in Goderioh of Mrs. A. Green attended the celebra- tion of her nineby-sixth birthday at her residence near Nile. Four generations were represented at the gathering, which oomprised friends and relatives from all over the county. James Mullin, postmaster at Belfast, bas disposed of his farm in Ashfield to W. 3. Irvin for the handsome sum of 56,000. Mr. Mullin intends removing the postoffine into the village, having re- tained the Wawe,nosh farm, on which he will metal fine' private reeidence. The eompany of hunters, who left Exeter about three weeks ago for Burk's Palle, in the persons of D. Selloff, Clan. deboye ; H. Eilber, Crediton ; D. Johns and H. Levett, of Exeter, returned on Saturday evening. The party managed to shoot eight deer, one of which was a fine bunk, weighed 284 lbs. and had ratiers with 21 prongs. Geo. Staples, a farmer in good cirenm- etanceo, living on the 6th oon. of West Wawanosh, committed suicide last Thursday evening about 9 o'clock by shooting. Deceased had been in poor health lately, and at times temporarily out of hie mind. Daring one of these fits be took a loaded gun which was left in the room by his son who had been bunting, placed the muzzle in his mouth and pulled the trigger. The charge pass- ed through his head and blew off his right ear, killing him instantly. It is said that a cattle dealer of Clin- ton, purposes entering action against a G. T. station agent on the line of the L. H. &I3., for damages said to have been sustained by a oar load of cattle shipped from the station in question. They were destined for Montreal, and the instruc- tions of the shipper were that the cattle were to be fed and watered at Toronto. This, it is said, was omitted from the bill of lading and the cattle went through without this attention. The shipper olaims that the cattle suffered thereby, causing loss to him, hens the grounds for snit. Perth County. A. drum corps is about to be formed in Stratford. Stratford sportsmen report large quantities of squirrels and other game, this fall Stratford has an Owl Club, whatever that means. They "roost" in the Shaver bleak, Ontario St. The Bank of Montreal has opened a savings bank in connection with its branoh in Stratford. Prof. J. W. Trendall, late bandmaster of the Stratford Citizens Band, has left to engage in his profession in Buffalo, N. Y. A shot fired from a gun in the west ward, Mitchell, struck a window in a private residence, but not suflioient force to break the 81000. Bev, Dr, Griffin left Stratford on Mon- day for Philadelphia to ettend a prelim. inary meeting to arrange for the Ivieth°. diet Ecumenical Conference to bo held in New York in October, 1891. Wm. Keane, newsman of Stretford, while splitting wood, accidentally struck himself with the back of the axe, the clothes line being in the way. The wound bled profusely and may leave a nasty scar. Archie Nichol was shooting in North Easthope the other clay when a dog ran against the trigger of his gun and clic• charged the weapon. One of NiohoPs hands was shattered. Some of the shot entered hie face. Rev. E. B. Service, son of Bev, R. Sorvioe, of St, Mary', and pastor of First Baptist Church, Mitddlevillo, Mich„ has entered a °lass of fifty to take a theolo. gioal comae. He expects to graduate fn live years with a degree of D. D. Owing to the dieetatisfaction caused by putting the men in the Stratford locomo- tive shops on short time the Grand Trunk authorities have discharged about 50 o! their employees, mostly new hands, and have made the working ]yours of the remainder almost the sante as they were before the reduction. The Vancouver World of the 4th says : "Before the prooeediege of the conceit began last evening Thos. F, McGuigan, City Clerk, tva0 celled into the Mayor's office, whore a very pleasing event took place. On the table was a beautiful marble mantel clock which, with a well filed puree of gold, Mayor Oppenheimer presented to him with an arldre-s." 01r. McGuigan was formerly a resident of Stretford, The mystery eurroundin the donut of John R. Potter, who was found dead on Romeo street, Stratford, on September 2nd, is stili unsolved. The coroner's jury met on Monday night, and without hear- ing any further evidence returned a ver' diet of death by strangulation, caused by some person or persons unknown, A Provinoial rletaotive has boon wonting on Gime, and f • the Hasa for some t fa said spent some days with the Pinch family disguised as a laboring man, but nothing which world fasten Ilio crime upon any pa0l0ul41' person hoe yet boon brongbt to l'gbt, HAMMERING THE PRICES SOWN ! YOU MAY SEARCH THE TOWN OVER AND YOU WILL FAIL TO FIND ELSEWHERE TI3E BARGAINS WE ARE OFFERING TODAY {r Overcoats, Men's and Boys' Clothing, Fur Caps, Eta, Etc. Every Manufacturer in the East seems to know that at A. R. SMITH'S Clothing house they are continually supplying the public with Immense Quantities of Clothing' and have been consequently knocking at our doors to close out stocks the past few weeks. SMITH never yet was proven guilty of' refusing the advantages the markets afford. One reliable manufacturer closed Large Lines of Fall and Winter Overcoats, Suits, Fur Caps, &c., to A. R. SMITH at a Great Sacrifice. and now comes A GREAT BARGAIN FEAST FOR BRUSSELS. FIOUNTAINS OF OVERCOATS IN ALL QUALITIES. —REMEMBER THE PLACE,— A. R. SmiM Cloki Zoll Goods Hoose, BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO. The Stratford Herald has moved to heir now blook. The Dingman Bros, e pushers. The citizens band, Stratford, will give a smoking concert in the old Baptist church Thursday evening. The appeal made to the Stratford Connell by the Hospital Trust for fire protection having proved unavailable, the meld have been laid by private en• terpriee, fifteen citizens having agreed to pay $10, if necessary, for a period of 5 years. The ladies of St. Andrew's dumb, Stratford, formed a hospital sewing so- ciety on Monday afternoon, Miss Flop - kirk wee elected directress, Mrs. Bost. with toeaenrer, who are to be assisted by an efficient managing committee, and will proceed at once to prepare a portion of the bedding, to be ready as soon se wanted. At the annual meeting of the Stratford Collegiate Institute literary and musical society, office-bearere for the current year were elected thus : 0. 3. Macgregor, M. A., Hon. President ; Alex. Stewart, President ; MieeL. Bannoob, Vioe-Presl- dent ; J. J. Fraser, See. ; John Rothier- mal, Treae. ; Mise J. Macdonald, musi. cal director ; E. C. Dingman, literary director. John Coghlin, sr., one of Lima's oldest residents, died on the 6th inst., at the ripe age of 02 years, Although not having been in good health for some months past, he only took seriously ill a few days before his death. Deceased came to this township over 86 ,years ego, and has resided on the Homestead in the 5th con., which he bad made for him. self and family out of the Queen's bush, ever since. Ile was a native of Cork county, Ireland, and emigrated to this country over 50 years ago, first settling in the Ottawa district. IIe heaves seven sons and throe daughters, namele,, henry Coghlin, Counoillor of Wallace, and Chas„ of the same township ; John and Nathaniel, who reside at Atwood ; Geo. and Richard, who remain on the home- stead, and Wm., who has boon a reeidost of Manitoba for some years. The daegh. tare are all married. They are Mrs. Goo. Grierson, of Plena ; Airs. Edward Camp- bell, of Heniryn ; and Mrs. Wileon Evans, of Grey. Five children who attended a west end school in Toronto died of diphtheria. It is proposed to pave Icing street, To. ionto, with asphalt, at a oast of 5822,000. Manitoba wheat dealers are anxious over the panicky state of the Chicago market. A remarkable movement of vohmteat students for foreign missions is reported at Toronto. The execution of Morin, convicted of murder at Montmagny, Quebec), has boon postponed to Deo. 10. A resolution introdttnod in the York County Council looking to the formation of a now county out of the townships in the northern part of Porto Ceunty was defeated. John C. Ross, of Parkhill, who it few weeks ago had the misfortnue of having a piece of rusty, iron strike and wound one of hie oyes, Is able to bo out again, but cad to say he has lost hie eye, Allan Wright, of Westminster, went to Belmont the other evening with about a dozen choice turkeys, intending to have a refill°, A raffle was held and all the birde disposed of, but when the hooky ones went to gob their prizes they formol that someone had boon there before theta. Every turkey was stolen. REMOVED! MM. el. szmos Hae Removed to the Store Vacated by H. L. Jackson, Posxorvict BLono, and calls the attention of the public to her Stook of OANDInB, FRUITS, Coxi'eciuo\nnT, FANCY Goods AND S:IrALL Wane. FRESH OYSTERS ALWAYS ON RAND GIVE ME A CALL. 17-3 MRS. A. E. SIMMS. AUCTION SALE. IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, OI -1 ANC ERY DIVISION. sm.ESRR 00. '.9.RRQ' 71 , Pursuant to tam order in this aauso, dated the Fourteenth day of October, 1590, there will he sold, will the approval of H. 13, 13aard,Eagnire, thio Mester at Woodstock, by Puhlia Auction at the .t.oucriran I1et01, 1351105010.. on I'RUDAY, NOVEMBER 21sT, 1800, at Two O'clock in the Afternoon, by P. S. ScoTT, Auctioneer, the following lands and nremi0oa, sitnato, lying and buing in the Township of Morris, in .the County of Aaron, containing by admeasurement eight acres of 10ud, be the sante more 00 less, being all the laud rat -nate on the north side of the river Maitland of the North Self of Lob number Ten, in the Socoual Concession of the Township of Morrie aforesaid. TH11515 OF SAL,.—One-tenth do wu ; balance In thirty days, without intermitto be paid lute 000,14.to 1,110 credit of this cause, In etlior respects the sale will be in aecordauoe with the standing conditions of the Court, For further particulars apply to Messrs, BALL & BALL, Solicitors for Cho Plaintiff, Woodstock; to 1, L. TAYLOR, ilarriotor, Brussels, or to thu undersigned Master, I3. B. 13101.11D, Muster at 'Woodstock. Woodstock, Omt, 27bh, IBM 3741 O1 .bh iia nateri. Wo aro now prepared to furnish the following City Papers in // Connection with s1�q{�,, HEI P S ---FROM NOtV— Until January lst, 1892 London Advertiser 42 25 London Free Press 2 25 Toronto Globe 2 25 Toronto Mail 2 25 Toronto Empire.,... ...... 2 25 Nolo is ilio TInro tc Rribsrr(br., Cash Must Acoompar>y Orders, Anpit,Bs,-- W. Iia. 11(1+.]1:a,11tt PONT Publishing (louse, SINCL.IAOI f, M.D., M.A., L.C.P.S.O., The, Scotch, Specialists O.K: '1'0 'XO, 61'IOOIALIsT VDTs TUN TRIi17151101T OF Chronic Diseases, Private Diseases, Die. eases of the Brain and Nerve, Dis- eases of the Heart and Lungs, and Diseases of Women positively Treated Successfully. JONATHAN 1013sa0AilT, Listowel BO 30 :-- "Aftor epeedine all my money and property to no purpose on medical 0105, for what they termed a hopeless ease of consumption, Dr. Sinclair (lured me." Mae. 5MIAn7 Pnaroyo, Woodhouse, says "When all others failed, Dr. Sinclair cured n3 a of ate." D. RonnnTaoN, Carleton Plano, says :— "Dr, Sinclair cured um of Catarrh," Ono, Rowl:n, 1313th, says:—"Dr. Sivalair eared me of heart Meuse and dropsy, when all Others failed." Diseases of Private Nature, brought on by ,folly, Dr. Sinclair certainty Cures. Cosec uato.tioza Viso. WILL 33E AT THE AMERICAN HOTEL, BRUSSELS, ---ON— Thursday, Nov. 27, '90. Murrell OFF TO( - 1I. 0. sh t 'dB' To got a Good Trunk and Valise. Tbat's tiro Place to got a No, 1 S.S:.'k.ot efr- Light or Heavy A , 31\el i ONLY A 1 STOCit USED, Colin rie 1t, alli3a3teiatli.y. Repairs Cheap, and Promptly Attended to, itmo itnrat THE G STAN0,,— tah, 1's Block, opposite Queen's hotel, Brussels.. i. O. Richards.