HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-11-14, Page 4r.
New Advertisements,
Local—Jas. Roes.
Looal —Geo. Good.
Cantion—Thos. 0111.
Locals—Jas. Walker.
Books—j. T. Pepper.
Looal—W. B. Djakarta
Locals—H, L. Jackson.
Locals—R. Leatherdale.
Harneas—L C. Biobards.
Local—W, H. ArcOrathen.
Bird seed --G. A, Deadmem.
Great Bargains—W. Nightingale & Co.
tae kntJs
- -
FRIDAY, NOV. 14, 1890.
SATINIDAT lag the decision of the Coun-
cil was made public as to the oommuta-
tion of Biroball's death sentence. The
authorities very properly, we claim, re-
fused to interfere with the decision of
the jury, and, consequently the doomed
an will pay the penalty of the terrible
crime he committed last February, by
hanging by the neck until he is dead, at
the jail, Woodstock, on Friday of this
week. Outside of the sympathy felt for
Mrs. Birchen and other relatives, the
world will grieve very little over the
tragic eod of a wasted life, as exemplified
in Reginald Birchall'e erratio career.
Tun proposal of Thoe. Ballontyne, M.
P. P., for South Perth, to ask the Pro-
vincial Government to establish a few
Dairy Schools in 'Western Ontario ap•
pears to he looked neon with satisfaction
by the persons most Interested in this
important industry. If the Government
does not see its way clear to do this,
some anrangement should be arrived at
whereby cheese makers, espeoially new
men, should attend an examination at
the Agrioultural College, Guelph, and
give a practical test there' of their
ability to manufacture first class oheese.
In this way there would be more uni.
formity than at present and it would no
doubt create a fresh interest an connec-
tion with the shareholders and patrons
of the respective factories. Canadian
cheeee now occupies first place in the
best markets of the world and as one
bad lot may endanger or interfere with
our present standing abroad it is imam -
bent on both manufacturers and. export-
ers to see that the most modern and ad.
vaneed appliances are used in the time
to come, Dairy Schools, properly man-
aged, appear to be the ane thing needful
and. Mr. Ballantyne will no doubt be
heard on this topic again.
Virnar course of reading do you per -
pose taking up this winter in you family?
The reason we ask this question is that
many people allow the long evenings to
pass by unemployed and unimproved. The
boys and girls am away from home al-
most every evening in the week, and
oftentimes a•e not benefitted by the
schooling they receive during the hours
that should be spent in their own home'
circle. The Brussels MechanicsIneti.
tate library is placed within the reach of
all, and for the small sum of ono dollar
a year's reading may be obtained. There
is no need of our expatiating on the char -
alter of the books, as a glance over the
well -arranged catalogue will convince any
person of the excellency and variety of
the same. If parents would cultivate the
literary and intellectual by placing the
best works of popular authors before the
yentas people, and have them posted on
the history, &o. of the various nations of
the world, they would be conferring a
boon upon them beyond entinlate. Now
is a good time to make a commencement,
and we feel assured the Directorate of
the Institute will only be too pleased to
have one hundred names added to the
membership roll. Go and have a look at
the library, anyhow. It is located over
the store of Mrs. Rogers, in the Holmes
block. People outside of the corporation
are allowed the same privilges as the
townsfolk. The rules and regulations
may be obtained from Mies Shaw, the
ON Tuesday of last week our American
neighboth went through the turmoil of
an election. The returns disclose a
crushing defeat for the Republicans.
They went to the country 169 strong, and
conth book with 106. The Democratic
majority in the next Congress will be in
the neighborhood of 120, or more than a
third of the whole House. This is the
meet surprising turnover in the history
of the country. Tho condition of the
Republicans tadity can only be described
as that of paralysis. The earlier returns,
although indicating a decisive change,
did not point to an overwhelming defeat,
to such a complete rout, as the final
lig urea show. The whole country is aut.
• prised at the result ; 00 one expected it,
The victory of the Democrats is so de.
, • °arrive that the usual excuses for defeat
will not servo the Republioans on this
occasion. There will be no talk of local
issues here, bribery there or intimidation
in another place. Thego, in all their
power and influence, could nob bring
about such a change. There will be
nothing of the traditional upbraiding of
• the solid South ; no crocodile wafflings
• over Southern treatment of the negro.
It was not the South that loft the Ile.
• publican party so flat on its baolc as it
tc.dity fin& itself ; the hand that emote
• belongs Leith own houeehold. Some
of the papers are poking fun at Mg. Mo-
Kinley (who was defeated), the "daddy"
of the mach talked of Bill which was
aimed at this ootintry. Here's a sample
"The McKinley 13111 owes its life to Bill
"McKinley, and Sill MoKinley owes his
"death to the McKinley Bill, That's not
"playing fair." Again, "The McKinlay
Bill thane into effect oa the Oth of Oo-
"tober, bub 9 did not actually go off until
"the 4th of November. A large number
"of Republicans are of the belief that OW
l'report of the exploeion oan be beard yet."
IT has been genal -officially stated that
a reduction of the rate of letter postage
to two cents per thine is under consider-
ation by the Dominion Governroent.
The only reason for withholding this
concession hitherto has been the great
cost of the service as a result of its wide
extension into remote parts of the coun-
try, necessitating a larger outlay by near.
ly three quarters of a million dollars 'an-
nually than the revenue. The drop
from the three to a two cent rate would
entail it decrease of imamate by about
halt a million of dollars, bub in course of
time this would doebtlese be more than
counter balanced by the increased use of
the postal facilities. Certainly no mode
of relaxing the financial pressure of the
administration would be more welcome
than that spoken of, The postal saran':
ie par excellence the service of the whole
people. It penetrates everywhere wish
its helpful agenoies, and is carried on
with a care and regularity in Canada
that is unexcelled in any other part of
the world. 11 10 not only desirable in an
economical sense that the reduction
should be made, if the state of the fin-
ances can afford it, out the assimilation
of the Canadian rate with that of the
United States would. remove a seeming
anomaly. The postal service of our
neighbors has Song been on a
porting basis, while letters can be sent
born New York to San Francisco for
two cents an mann. Some share of this
revenue comes from Canadian sources.
Along the borders of this country it is
said to be Quaternary to take large batches
of internal correspondence across the
lines in order to take advantage of the
reduced rate of postage into Canada. It
is an anomaly that a letter may be sent
from Detroit to London for one cent loss
postage than if sent from Windson ; and
it is the desire of the Government to re.
move it direotly the treasury is in a pos.
ion to warrant such a course.—Ex.
Cireenb rook.
The farmers in this locality are about
through with the root orop.
The Royal Tempters are moving along
nicely here. The Council now boasts of
upwards of 50 members.
It be reported here that J. 0. Took has
purchased the De,hms property, the price
being in the neighborhood of 05,000 or
J. Cascadden intends putting in a
ohopper in connection with his cider mill.
Jack is a hnstler.
Wm. Little, Frank Welt and some
more of the young men from the 12th
con., Elam, intend startles for Calgary
D. Millard and family have removed
to Orillia where he has sethred a position
in the asylum at a good salary. We are
glad to hear of him being mo fortunate.
We are sorry for the Listowel Mtn -
rods, who have on two occasions visited
our swamps this last week and report
hunting ,easily found but game a long
way ca
The present arrangement made for
pumping water for the G. T. R. engines
is net satisfactory and a new order of
things will have to be established. The
tank may be rebuilt on the plan of the
one recently destroyed by fire.
J. H. Thomson, our enterprising mer-
chant, has purchased the promisee now
moped by him, and, finding the build.
ing altogether too small for his rapidly
inoreesiug trade, has deoided to enlarge
ID next season. Snecess to him.
It is reported that a eaw mill is about I
to be started here. This is a move in
the right, direction for there is suffieient
timber for a saw mill for some years, A
shoemaker is abont to hong out his
shingle. This is booming ',hinge with a
11,3 t It el.
John Eckmier is having a neat addition
added to his stable.
W. O. IlicTeggart'spurehase of apples
in this vicinity amounted to nearly $2,•
The Sons of Temperance are preparing
for an entertainment to bo given ill their
hall on Dea 19th.
Mrs. Robb. Whelay, who underwent a
enrgionl operation under the care of
Drs. Cale, Graham, Forks and Woods,
is progressing favorably.
The officers of the Methodist Sabbath
school have decided to. give a grand en.
tertainment en Christmas Eve, The
children's "merry go round" will be the
new attraction,
Jacob Hollenbeek, who has been in
Monitoba the lost three yenta, is home
on a visit. He has been engaged in grief
mill work but as it does not agree with
him he may work his farm on the fith
con, next spring.
Reeve Milne wag one of to party of
emu when went to Muskoka, on a deer
hunting expedition last week, He re-
turned on Monday night and reports
grand week's sport. Bight deer were
taken by the party, two of which aro
credited to Mr. Milne.
On Wnallonanh while Wilson Evans
was unloading wheat at tho grist mill,
his team became frightened and ran
away. They were not captured until
they had meshed through Simeon &
Son's hem., making 0 general tear
through the yard. The animals escaped
unhert. Tho wagon and fence, however,
showed signs of an unusual ocourrenee. bb
The shooting rnateh on Nov. Oth was
not very largely patronized.
Sen, Nichol hoe moved into Simp.
son's Riverdale residences ou Mill street,
Joseph Roynard, of the 4th con., had
about 80 barrels of apples of the Northern
Sp) variety, which we consider a big
yield for a small orchard.
It, Howard is building a brick shaft at
Gray, Young di Sperling's salt refinery,
Mrs. Gilmour, of Arthur, lectured in
the Orange Hall here on Wednesday
The S. 5, 'Andean of the English
church intend holding a Xmas tree on
December 2$rd.
Oe Friday evening next the ennuis'
meeting of the Blyth Bronoh of the Up-
per Canada Traot Society will be held in
St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Lea
tura Room, Rev. Dr. Moffatt, of Toron-
to, will address the audience. Subject :
Young Canada is Earnest.
On Thanksgiving day the naw Metho-
dist church was well filled in the after-
uoon to listen to Rey. Dr, Pate, of To-
ronto, who was Melted to oonduot the
first anniversary services of the opening
ot the beautiful edifice. The rev, gentle-
man chose for Ins text Isaiah 52nd chap-
ter, veress 7 13 9, from which he preached
an eloquent discourse. The hot dinner
gotten up by the ladies was served in the
basement of the chinch, wos a grand af-
fair and well patronized. After having
done justice to the good things they ad-
jonrned to the body of the thumb where
addressees were delivered by Rev. Dr.
Potts and other ministers. The choir of
the church rendered °hone musio. Pro-
ceeds over $100.
Miss Fanny Bleak is slowly recovering
from & very serious illness.
Mr. McClelland is in Toronto this week
looking after the sale of produee.
Vi'm. Wray is putting tip a fine new
fence, and in other ways adding to the
appearance of his handsome residence.
The Orangemen indulged in an oyster
supper on the evening of the 5th. Some
of the oysters must have been rather
We are glad to hear that our genial
station agent, Mr. Gillies, is able to be
around again, after a severe attaok of
The road from the street to the eleva-
tor has been very much improved by a
plentiful supply of gravel, which it re•
quired very much.
Our market here still continues to lead.
Farmers are coming from farms adjoin-
ing Blybh through the bad roads, but
they are bound to get here. Wake up
Mrs. Henry Vifightmon, of the 6th of
East Wawanosh, met with a serious ac-
cident while getting out of a buggy one
day last week, breaking her arm, Dr.
Godfrey set the bone and at last reports
she was doing well.
ECIACENZAL.—At 5 o'clock in the morn-
ing of the 5bh of Nov. there was celebrat-
ed a very happy matrimonial contract in
Trinity church of this place, when the
Rev. Geo, Lounds, Methodist minister,
assisted by Rev. Mr. Park, of Listowel,
tied the knot of Hymen between jas.
Timmins, of Bluevisle, and Bliss Tilly
Carson, formerly of Clinton, but now of
1917 al ton.
Rev. Wm. Ottawell is visiting at Pries.
A. Leach and family will remove to his
farm near Tilsonburg.
Misses Jennie and Annie McDougall
returned to Detroit this week.
The September make of Walton theese
factory has been disposed of at 10c.
On Thursday evening of last week Mrs.
Gilmore delivered a lecture in Si. George's
church here.
Thanksgiving day was spent very
quietly by our residents, a great mealy
trying to make the air feel as if it had
been shot.
The Royal hotel will be sold by auction
ou Friday (to -day). A. shooting match
will he held by MoTaggarb Bros. in the
afternoon of the same day.
Duff's church and the trustees of S. S.
No. 11 are joining and putting a sidewalk
to the wheel gate. This will be a great
convenience to those going to either
places in muddy weather.
Onaunn Cnraann.orma—The grand tea -
meeting on Nov. 5th was held, as an-
nounced, and was a genuine themes,
The spread prepared by the wives of the
Orangemen and Lady True Blues, of this
place, was served in the Orange .Hall and
o dainby spread it was. A large number
of Orangemen and their friends from
Blyth, Brussels. Morris, Ifullett, Mo.
Killop and Grey came out to spend a
pleasant eveeing, and they were not die -
appointed. After tea the company re-
paired to St. George's church, where the
program announced was carried out
The prothedines opened with privet by
Rev. Mr. Cluff, and B. Gerry, chairman,
expressed his pleasure at meeting so
many of his Mende and brethren. He
spelt° of the opening of the Loyal Orange
Lodge, No. 252, just twenty.one years
ago and was glad to say he was one of
the nutnber present then, and was glad
to know that the Lodge had been enc.
oeesful sinee. He then prooeeded with
the pi ogram consisting of :—Singing by
the ehoe ; speech by Rev. 111r, ClulT, of
Brussels, who knotty and heartily well.
tanned the Orangemen and their friends
to St, George's thumb, and the speakers
to the Oedema He then delivered a
forcible and telling synth and admonish-
eclAhe Orangemen to be true to their
prinoiples ; musio by choir ; Henry Al-
len, of Meath, was the next speaker,
and proved himself a good ono, making
some pointed remarks which were well
received ; music by choir ; reoitation,
"The Union Jack," by John Morrison,
which was well delivered ; stanch by the
Rev. Mr. •Forreet,of Walton, who took
for his subject '•Liborty," handling it in
an excellent and foroiblo manner and
his remarks will bo profitably remember.
ed by all; manic by choir ; speech by
'Aire. Gilmore, of Arthur. This was the
speech of the evening and was lietoned
to with rapt attention. The speaker
touched on "Woman Suffrage" and. "Pro.
hibition," 'Amebas that if the first was
granted the ;mond would soon follow,
She spoke for one hour and twenty
minutes, keeping her audience deoply in.
torested all the time; singing by the
choir, Miss M. Hamilton presided at
the organ and the excellent singing was
a _feature of tho evening, rinanclally,
and in anany other mopeds, the meeting
wits a moss. The plangent (wetting
was brought to a close by singing"(4od
save the Queen" and the pronouncing of
e 13eneclietion by Rev, Mr, Irorreet.
Bad roads.
Commit meeting last Monday.
Mrs. John Mooney has been on Oa
sick lint.
Tax Caller:tor Mooney is ready for th
war path au you lied better get the ducat
Mr. and Mrs. Sperling, of Settforth
wore visiting at 11r. King's all the le
oon. tine week.
Mrs. George Johneton, of the 2nd oon.,
who has been ailing for over a month,
has so far recovered as to be able to be
Mr, and. Mien Johnston, of the lab con.,
have returned home after a couple of
weeks' visit to friends and relatives in
Goderioh and vicinity.
During the past two weeks our worthy
Reeve has been somewhat under the
weather owing t 1L olose companion-
ship of a number of Job's 'comforters"
on his nook and face.
Jas. Speir had 50 drills of marvels,
each 40 rods long, from which he took
74 loads, averaging over 25 buseels. He
thinks this a pretty goad crop. The
space occupied was about 2d• &ores.
Frank Wood, teacher in 8. S. No. 10,
has reaigned. He has fulfilled his duties
an a very able and satisfactory manner
end the scholars will miss him greatly.
His successor for the earning yeor will
be a Mr. Burke.
Wm. Thornton is ereoting a handsome
residence on his farm on the lsb con.,
which he recently purchased from Jas.
Timmins, of Bluevrtle. Geo. Haney, of
Bluevale, has the carpenter work and
the Pollock Bros., of Grey, the stone
lemon work.
The Reeve received notification on
Wednesday that the suit over the de.
faulting Treasurer was postponed, in-
definitely, owing to the defendants being
unable to ascertain the whereabouts of
ex -Reeve Forsyth, whom they affirm is a
material witness to them. The finanoial
aspect of the case will be dealt with by
the Master in Cheneery, who will report
later to the Judge.
of the worthy preeident, who did the
honors of the their for the evening. Ira
Burrows, of Bethany factory, took the
q vim1oair The usual loyal end patriotic:
touts were drunk, and the formalities of
O toast drinking were dispsneed with. The
• president in the chair opened out with it
short address. The seoretary gave a few
etatistios of the fair, showing that there
were 41 paid members, besides the buyers.
The total amount of thane actually
boarded during the season so far method
115,057 boxes, being the largest in the
history of the fair, Last year the total
boarded was 05,010 boxes. The cheese
manufaotured and sold in the Listowel
district (Western Ontario and north of
Trunk Line) reached the large aura of
over one million dollars for the season,
The cheese boarded at the lad fair this
year was over 26,000 boxes, being not
only the largest board ever written at
Listowel, but the largest by double he
knew of boarded at any fair in Ontario.
Four ot our town hotel.keepere last
week oontributed something over $160 to
the revenue, in the way of fines for keep -
Ing open house during prohibited honer'.
Fred Howe, tonsorial artist, and leader
of the Listowel Band, has been taking to
himself a life.parther, as will be seen by
reference to the marriage notice in an.
other column,
A fine specimen of a deer hound was
brought to town from Durham by train
and kept for a week or so by its new
owner. It was last seen in town late
Friday afternoon, and next morning its
former owner in Durham was surprieed
to see it outside wattles for him. It must
have traced out the way from here to
Durham over a strange road, and atom.
plished the journey in one night. There
is little danger of such a dog getting lost.
The road and sidewalk leading to
Lower Wingham are a diagram to a inv.
ilized community.
T. L. Jobb shipped two buggies to
Menthes, IL S. The duty on these
buggies amounted to $70.
George Hanna, left at The Times office,
on Monday of last week, a cabbage stalk
on which there were nine heads, many of
them perfectly formed.
The meohisuics in the Union Furniture
Factory intend opening a Co•Operative
Store in town shortly, which will be
managed by Gilchrist, Green dz Co. for
their employees,
At the meeting of the Band of Hope
the following officers were elected for the
Band: President, Miss Anne, Agnew
Vice -President, Miss Maggie Holmes ;
Secretary and. Treasurer, Miss Bessie
5, MoIlwain and Alex. McMurchie,
were brought before Mayor MoIndoo and
Reeve Gregory, charged with being drunk
and disorderly. After heisting the evi-
dence,a fine of $20 and costs was imposed
on each, or thirty days in jail,
T. H. Roes, of this town, has been
awarded seemed prize, a gold watch val-
ued at about po, by J. 0. 'Wisner, Son
& Co., of Brantford, for the second high-
est number of soles this season, of seed
drills manufmatwed by that firm.
At the last meeting of Court Maitland,
Canadian Order of Forestem,, the follow.
ing officers were elected for the ensuing
tern : John Gillespie, P. 0. R. ; Wm.
Smyth, 0, 33.; 111. Beckwith, V. C. R. ;
D. M. Gordon, F. 5.; W. K. Loutit, R.
S. ; John Neelands, Trees, • Geo. Mc-
Tavish, Chaplain ; John Kerr, S. W. ;
1. Irwin, J. W. ; E. Hart, S. B. ; D.
Long, S. B. ; Drs. Maedomild, Taaulyn,
Towler, Chisholm and Meldrum, Exam-
ining Physicians.
A lodge of the Lady True Blue A.sso.
Motion of British Amerien was formed
in Wingham. About twenty names were
on the application for a ohnrter, with
Mrs. J. Mot:freight as Mistress. The
Wingham branch will be known as Fern
Lodge, and so soon 00 he charter or -
rives the ladies will bring to town Mrs.
John Farley, of Toronto, or Geo. Wor-
rell, D. D. G. M., to organize the lodge,
when the officthe will be elected. The
ladies of Belgrave have also been moving
in this direction. Their lodge will be
known as Princess of Wales, with Hrs.
McCommith se Mistress. The Wing -
ham lodge gives promise of soon becom-
ing numerically very strong.
Burglars forced an entrance into Hal-
sted in Scott's bank here by prying open
the front door with chisels. A hole was
driller{ into one of the doors of the safe
and the look broken, when the door was
opened. At this junoture, 9 le supposed
they were distabed by the tenants of
the room over the honk' et they left,
leaving their tools lying on the floor.
From the wity in which they opened the
eine door, it is evident that they were
professionals at the business. The tools
left behind belonged to Wrn. Gannett,
and Dore & Cook, whore the burglars
must have taken then: from. Hiscl they
not boon disturbed, no doubt they would
have opened the inner door of the safe
when they would have made a big haul.
.11...itersto arw I.
The town fathers have (Molded to pur-
chase the scenery which was taken out
of the Lillioo opera house.
John Publand has given up the station
hotel and tatter the Commercial in place
of James Medil. . Mr. Jennings, of To.
ronto, is installed in the station hotel.
Cyrus Hacking loft last work for Chi-
cago. He is to be sent, as special repre-
sentative of the interests of the Chicago
Ilorsernan, on a trip through Kentnoky
and Virginia,.
W. E. Burgess has been promoted to
the responstble position of city editor
of the Montreal Herald, in piano of Mr.
Murray. Ile is well thought of in Mon.
treed as 0 lever journaliet.
The annual oyster supper of the Lie.
towel Dairymen's Booed of Trade has
become ono of the events of our town,
Being, as we are, the centre of the finest
cheese producing seotion, nob only of 0
tario, but of Amorieit, wo have the largest
and most snothesful 'ahem Market. Thoth
annual gatherings al tho end of the sea.
son have been made the occasion of an
interchange of ideas and of instruction,
which is of much value, aside from tho
vory pleasant sooiol features of the 000rt.
aim. The supper this year was hold on
Thursday night, Oct. 29th, At this fair
the genial end popular president, :antes
Duman, of Newry, was presented by the
An Ottawa despatch says Sir John
Thompson, Minister of juetioe, has
caused a circular to be famed to all
Judges in Canada, as well as to the
Attorney General of each Province, nois-
ing their views as to the advisability ' of
abolishing the grand jury eystern.
A man named Wm. Gabe was found
drowned in the Grand river at Elora Sat-
urday afternoon. He was seen going to.
wards his house about 7 ololock Friday
night, but did not reach it, and on search.
ing Saturday his body was found in the
river above the carpet factory dam, not
far from his house. The night was fear-
fully dark, and he evidently mistook the
way and walked over the bank into the
W. H. Currie, miller in Hold & Oullen's
flour mill, Stratford, met with a peculiar
accident. A. trap had been set to
catch eats, but instead of catching rats
the mill cat was captured, the trap taking
hold of one of its front paws. Mr.
Corrie went to release the cat, which had
been in the trap for some days, and in so
doing the animal bit the first finger of
his right hand, chewing it in such a way
as to leave thirteen teeth marks. Mr.
Oorrie's medical attenda,nt tells him he
must be careful with the finger as blood
poisoning may result.
Dr. James' Wad -El -Ward., who lectur-
ed twice in Mitchell last week, has seen
much of the world. He is making Iris
fourth trip around the globe, and he is
able to say, what no other living man
oan say, that he spent some time among
the savage He.djees of Maraca. He speaks
thirteen different languages, and al-
though born in Jerusalem, Palestine, his
English is perfeet. Ile was mastet of
Solomon Mother Lodge No. 1, Jerusa-
lem, being the oldest masonic lodge in
the world. This lodge is in the very
oath out of which stones were nut for
King Solomon's Temple, and around it
cluster many scenes and memories dear
to every member of the ancient craft.
Nov. 14, 1800
ANt OFF T0(-
1. C. zuoharas7
To get a Good Trunk and Valise.
That's the Place to get a No. 1
Set of Light or Heavy
II A 1=2, S S.
(Dollars a Speelabry.
Repairs Cheap. and Promptly
Attended. to.
Graham's Block, op polite
Quee n's Hotel, Brussels.
1. C. Richards.
11 wit Li pfood garden, well end stable
Meolianic Street.
here sorrel good Forms for
nabs sad rne n t ,
of Aforris 000 20157, Yl?. gr.W13t (i/ITT.°13W4:11greg
V.) Being South half:Lot 27,001,6, Morris,
100 acres, nearly ell cleared. Good buildings,
about 20 acmes Pall wheat in ground. Saw
terms. Apply to W. IC SINCLAIR,
tf- Sohoitor, &a., Brussels,
scriber offers his 150 sore farm, being
Lot 10 and West half lot 14, Oon. 14, Grey, to
rent. Between 80 and CO some cleared. Per
further particulars, as to rent, terms,&e.,
apply to PETER SINCLAIR, Proprietor,
Orembrook P. 0. 18-4
DERBIGNIlD offers for sale the north
cast quarter of lot 28, concession 0, mortis
County of Huron, containing 50 ROM. Tho
land 15 01 first qualitrand in a high stats of
cultivation, well fenced and under -drained
05 acres cleared. New frame houae, 8 rooms
milk house with conorote walls, 2 wens
good barns 0110 shed, orohard, etc. Right
&ores of fall wheat, This desirable property
adjoins the corporation of Brussels. Suit-
able berms will be given. Title perfect.
35- Senior th P. 0.
N...,11 Morris, on reasonable terms. In order
to close the affairs of tho estate of the late
W, G. Hingston, the exeoutoes offer the fol-
lowing valuable lands for aide North
half of Lot 30, Concession n Township of
morris,00ntaining 00 acres, On this lot IS
erected a good frame barn with stone foun-
dation good °milord, well au cl . Near-
ly all cileared, and is on the grave road
closely ,tdjoining the vOinge of Bru Beets.
This farm is a valuable one, n won fenced
and in a good state of oultivittion. For
prices and terms apply to THOS. RT1LLT,
Brussels P. 0., HID= JaNNINC18, Victoria
Square 0,0., or JA01013 SMITH, Maple Lodge
P. 0 Middlesex County.
The Largest and Best Assortment
ever brought to this town,
Piano Lamps,
Parlor Lamps,
B. nquet Lamps,
Hanging Lan.aps,
Hand Lamps,
Pint Empire, Electro roan, &fiketTo
Bram, Bram and roue.
Lamps of All Kinds.
Lamps at All Prices.
Lanterns, Lamp Chimneys,
Burners, Goal Oil, &c.
buyers with a brood now silk hot. This
spiok and span new headgear added extta
dignity to the patrittrohial eountenanee .Deavet Ilarlzoale Store Bru98e19