The Brussels Post, 1890-11-7, Page 8TH.E, J3RUSSI LS i -'UST
wort s•r1=
.'FP'o,n First-class Stock.
Trains tease Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows :
GOLEG senna. GOING Nona.
liana (858 a.m.Mixed ago a.m.
'ffirxzed e 18:55 pan. I Express 9:45 p.m.
Korai J'etvs Mems.
A chiel's amens ye taltin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
BAD rOaa6.
INDIAN summer.
SEND ns the news.
SrovEwo0D for sale at MaCraoken's.
M. MCLENNAN was in town on Tues•
PLANT your Fall advertisement in TuE
A. H. N. JENKINB is now residing in
Senoom Board meeting on Friday even-
ing of this week.
A YEW second hand buggies for sale at
a bargain. JAB. WALEER.
MRS. J. LONBEooORo', Of 'Seaforth, ie
visiting at R. Leatherdale's.
BARGAINS in trunks and valises, School
bags at cost. I. C. Richard's.
Tag electric light poles are being got
ready to put lip on our streets.
MRs. JAS. BELL was visiting at Monk -
ton last week with relatives and friends.
A tUSIEEI' of our townspeople are com-
plaining of apparent relapses of Laa-
NEw time table on G. T. R. No ohange
as to the arrival or departure of trains
at Brussels.
Mss. BE. Town and children, of Fort
Gratiot, Mich., are visiting relatives in
Mess LrttL O'Coasoasang at a L. 0.
L. concert at Gorrie on Wednesday
evening of this week.
M. MCMrm,so, student of Knox Col.
lege, will preach in Knox olturoh in this
place next Sabbath.
READ our Thanksgiving story on page
a of this issue. It will interest the boys
and girls particularly.
THE first sleighs for the Beason made
their appearance on Tuesday morning.
About 6 inches of snow fell during Mon.
day night.
MiseHtorny has tendered ber resig-
nation as teacher in Brussels Public)
School, the came to take effect at the
close of 1890.
OYSTERS just to hand; sold in bulk or
by the dish. A regular supply during the
season. Always the best to the market
.tat MRs. EIRE'S, Brussels.
THE monthly Horse Fair was held on
Wednesday of this week. Several Bales
'sere made. The next Fair will be held
floe 1st Thursday in December.
COUNO/LLOR STRACHAN has resigned his
seat at the Council Board owing to his
expected removal from town. The
vacancy will not be filled as the year is
0o near a close.
NOTICE.—As the partnership of Messrs.
Warwick & Goiter, Veterinary Surgeons,
lone been dissolved all parties indebted to
them are asked to call and settle at once.
Waewics de GOLLEY,
R. L. TAYLOR'S family became reeidents
of Brussels Ines Monday, moviug into the
Image lately vacated by J. J. Denman.
TaE Foga welcomes them and hopes they
may enjoy life in their new home.
LAST Slouday night F. C. Rogers bed a
bad attack of bleeding at the nose. Two
physicians had to he called before it
could be stopped. Mr. Rogers was et
the Council meeting on that evening and
appeared in good health.
for the Royal True Blues, will lecture on
Monday evening next in the Orange Hall,
Brussels, ou "Secret Societies." 4.11 are
invited. A silver collection will be token
at the door to aid the True Blue Orphan-
.tiov, S. rasa, of Elora, was in town
this week vieiting his sou. Although the
cid gentleman is 88 years of age he was
at the Nile circuit, near Lucknow, last
Sunday preaching for his grandson, Rev.
1;. A. Fear. He keeps a horse and
lmOgy and gets about as handy es a man
of 50.
LOTT'S LIVERY.—The attention of the
Pubda is called to the fact that Levi Lott
leaps a'firet•class outfit of good drivers
and new, comfortable buggies. Every
attention will be given to those favoring
ltim with their patronage. Stable jest
seat of Dr. Graham's blook, Ring street.
Give him a call as his rates will be found
within the reach of all.
Axe person who furniehoe reliable
ibama to a nowspapor is looked upon ea a
valuable friend to the editor. Many
persons hesitate about Bonding a postal
card or other hnformatioa to a newss,
paper regarding the movements of them.
selves lent the editor should think them
Itnxinns to see their names in print. He
will think nothing of thskind, ho is glad
an get such notes. Send a few and Sere.
A FanE Hoatt.... A cottage worth $7000
will be erected or its equivalent in cash
will be given to the person detecting the
ureateet number of typographical errors
in the Dccembor issue of our monthly
journal entitled "Our Moines," Three
hundred and fifth additional cash prizes,
asnoautiug to $2,300, will aisobe awarded
in the order mentioned in rules govern.
5r+g.competiton. Prizes payable et par
in any part of Canada or the United
s. Send 160 in damps, State ps, for ca
piste relax and sample espy of "Our
Moines," whieh will be issued about
Roy. 20th. Address, Our S Iomse Pub.
dishing Co.,'Breekville, Canada,
Goon dry wood for axle at I. C. Ricoh.
ard'e harness situp.
Mns. Jiro. PEuioN, of Atwood, wee
hone on a visit last week.
Tum Postoflioe hours on Thanksgiving
day will be 8:80 to 4;30 p, m.
Ir you want a new buggy go to Jae.
Walker, carriage maker, Brussels.
Ix is reported that T. 0. MaCraoken
has sold out his grocery at Mitchell.
WANTED a good steady boy to learn
harness trade. Apply to I. 0, Riohard'a
GEORGE AVERY trapped a fine utter this
week in the Maitland. Ile also seoutod
a few loxes.
Itepon'r Ross has taken poeition in
the Ronald foundry. He has been work.
ing in Listowel.
Sosto correspondence did not reach us
in time this week owing to our going to
press earlier than neual.
A manta shooting match, or hunt, is
on hand for Thanksgiving day. F. S.
Scott and A. J. Lowick are the captains.
Tnagent's kid glove advertised last
week was claimed by the owner on Fri-
day. Advertising in THE POST generally
does the business,
APPLE BUYRIt CAnDwo shipped 1,700
barrels of apples from Bruseels this Fall.
He returns thauke to the farmers for the
prompt delivery.
Lag Tuesday as Hngh Williams Was
engaged grinding chisels one of theta
slipped and oauget his right hand, in-
flicting an ugly out.
Tag Brussels Choral Society will bold
its first regular meeting, in the Odd Fel-
low's Hall, on Friday evening of this
weep, oommenoiug at 7:30 o'oiook. All
interested in it or desirous of becoming
members are invited to be present.
ATTENTION is directed to the reader
•'A Free Home" elsewhere in this issue.
This seems to afford an excellent °banes
to obtain a free home or a Dash prize,
as it is no diffioult matter to detect mis-
takes in a printed publication. The
Company making this offer is financially
able to carry out all titspromisee.
NEXT Sunday morning Rev. 8. Sellery
will preach to the children and young
people, taking for his topic, "How and
when to remember our Creator." Mrs.
Gilmore, of Arthur, will take charge of
the evening seevioe, commeooing et 6:30.
She is well worth heariug.
ANOTHER quire of paper added to this
week's issue of THE Pow. New sub.
scribers are rolling in. We are much ob-
liged to persona interesting themselves in
presenting the claims of THE POST and
for the newsy items furnished ua. Bal-
ance of 1890 free to all new subscribers.
Now is the time to start.
R. T. or T. The Temperance boom
affil oontinuss in Brussels, 25 persons be-
ing initiated as members of the Council
last Friday evening. The 30 days allow-
ed for charter members has expired but
the promoters of the organisation have
the satisfaction of knowing that 107 were
put on the roll in that time. Another
large addition is expected at the next
Err Sworn, who has ken miller in
Messrs. btevart & Lowiok's roller mill
for the past three years, has given up the
position owing to it interfering with his
health and will try farming with his
father, Marsden Smith, in Grey town-
ship, for a while. S. Harvey, of Wood-
stock, will succeed Mr. Smith and will
move his family to Brussels.
LIVERY.—B.. Williams & San have
their new livery running in tiptop style.
Reliable, speedy horses, new comfortable
rigs and attendant comforts guaranteed.
Ladies eau be suited with quiet horses.
"Live and let live" is our motto. Re-
member the plane, Mi11 street, Brussels.
Special arrangements made with co is -
menial men. If yon want a rig any
time call on us. H. Wrrrttits & Sox.
ENGLISH BARLEY.—Reeve Graham sent
a sample of English barley grown by
John Hunter, of Morris township, to
Prof. Saunders, of the Experimental
Farm, Ottawa. The latter sxpreesed his
satisfaction over the result and stated
that he was sending small bags to each
purchaser of seed so that a full set of
samples would be on hand for future
reference. Prof. Saunders is of the
opinion that a good tnarket will be found
for thio barley and that it can be profit•
ably grown in Canada.
Tao Brussels Egg Emporium is a coon
to the farming community of this section.
They have taken In about 90,000 dozen
of eggs from baskets during the oast
season and tate average price has buen
about 19 cents per dozen. The shipping
bas been to New York prior to the Mc.
Kinky Bill passing. 11 we had an
establishment that made a specialty of
purchasing and handling butter it
would be another move in advance of the
old barter system of doing business.
Who has spunk enough to try it 7
Hoazr.—The Atwood Bee puts the
honey on W, Roddick in great shape in
last week's issue in speaking of Me.
Hoar'° new residence. Hear what it
says :—We wets somewhat atruch with
uuosually brilliant Dolor of the sash and
asked the painter, Mr. Roddick, if they
were not very "loud" its color, but he ne-
cured us that it was the most fashionable
color of the day, and American in style.
We looked bewilderingly again at the red
windows, and with a long, deep sigh sub-
mitted once more to the goddess of fash-
ion. The interior of the house is even
more pleasing to the eye than the exter-
ior. Mr. Roddiok took 00 through each
room and showed us some of his handi-
work on plaster and wood, which we
frankly admitted was the finest piece of
artistic work we had seen for a long
time, and deoidsdly the handsomest fin-
ished house in the village. We first vis-
ited the kitchen, but to us it looked like
a drawing room, The coiling wee grain.
ed ash ; walla, pea green, with exquisite
hand.painted border. The contrast was
simply beautiful. Mr. Roddick next
beckoned us into the dining room, Here
the artist displays his ability to advent.
ego. The commodious room is finished
in mahogany with •French burnt panels,
which gives it a maguifloently furnished
appearance. We followed our guide into
the parlor, here the painter's skill has
evidently reached its climax. The wood-
work Of this room is exquisitely finished
In bird's eye maple ; so closely does It
counterfeit the rare end beautiful wood
that one can 'gamely detect the differ-
ence. We were enraptured with the
room, and we could toll by the broad
grin of mingled pride and satisfaction on
Mr, lloar'e face that he was pleaded he.
yond measure with Mr, Roddiak's efforts.
The hall it finished in antique with wal
nut panels, while the stairway is painted
to resemble Virginian marble, viz„ a
I very dark mottled green. The spare
bedroom is finished in bird'o.eys maple ;
one bedroom down stains, g , light oak and
flares barrooms bpstaira a light drab.
All the rooms present to the visitor's eye
a study in art.
Goo, Lova. was iu town on Monday.
He says they are comfortably settled to
SPECIAL freight trains have been
running during the weak moving grain,
apples, salt, &o.
A Sret,Eorrrc4N entertainment will be
given on Nov. 18th, ander the auspices of
Melville church Sabbath School.
Tint Union amok floated from the
Queen's Hotel flag staff on Wednesday
in commemoration of the never -to -be.
forgotten "5th."
WELL-lhantvn AND Dnmrnoo.-•-George
Birt has all the necessary maohinery for
digging and drillin wells and is prepay.
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells gleaned out and put in proper
shape. Terns easonable, Residence
wooed door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnberry st., Brussels. 43.11
NEW MARBLE W0/11{8.—Thr firm of
Johnston & Coohreme, stone critters, ,iia,
has opened out are prepared to fill all
orders for monuments, tombstones,
markers, femme, &o., in a workmanlike
manner and et living prices. Satisfa°.
tion guaranteed in eyesy case. Don't
place your order without ceiling on them
and seeing their samples and ascertain-
ing prioes. Shop nearly opposite the
Town Hall, Brussels.
Two tramps asonpied the "cooler"
last Monday night. They said their oo•
cupatioo was sailing and working on the
railway, respectively. What do our
town fathers think of getting a few loads
of atone (bard heads) and leave them at
the Hell so that "gentlemen of leisure"
who come this way may be of some bene-
fit to the municipality by breaking stone
for road making. This plan has been in
operation in some other towns and ap-
pears to work well.
Tna following item refers to a former
well known resident of Brussels :—The
management of the Royal hotel, Mitchell,
passed over last week, the Recorder says,
from Fred Frey into the hands of John
Sheldon of Toronto. Mr. Frey has man-
aged the Royal for two years or more,
end during that time proved a most saris•
factory tenant to the proprietors and en-
tertainer to the public, Hs is now re•
tiring of his own ohoioe from the hotel
business and has sold all the furniture,
stook, fittings, etc., to Ms successor for
$3,300. Mr. Sheldon bas been in the
hotel business in Toronto for nearly six
years and for a year or two ran a hotel
in St. Marys. He thoroughly under-
stands the business and knows how to
Dater to the wants of the public. He
takes possession of the business on Thurs-
day and Mr. Frey, we understand
will move out as 50010 as he secures a
house and will remain a resident of the
town for the winter at least.
CONCERT.—Las&Vuesday evening Miss
L. O'Connor'° concert was given in the
Town Hall, a large audience being pres-
ent. To say it was a encomia doss not
cover the gronnd, as it was one of the
best entertainments of the kind given in
Brussels for a long time. From the
opening march, tablets was well done, to
the singing of "Home sweet Home" there
was no hitoh or break in the arrange-
ments. The vocalists were in good
voioe, the new talent acquitting them-
selves in a most creditable manner. In
the instrumentals and cantata Miss
O'Connor's pupils and the children did
admirably. The eomio numbers of Jas.
Fax brought down the house and the en-
cores were responded to with willingness
that made him a general favorite. Mr,
Fax's songs have nothing of the rude or
vulgar about them and his rapid change
u 'costume and his general make-up add
to the pleasure of his selections, Two
Scotch recitations by J. MoLeod, of Sea•
forth, were braid enough to please the
most hielau'. Miss O'Connor is to be
complimented on the success of the en-
tertainment all through. We subjoin the
program whioh was as follows :—Open-
ing chorus, "Canada," pupils ; song,
"You can't get 'em," Jas. Fax ; piano,
organ and triangle, "Loneband Gallop,"
Misses Malcolm, Stewart and Smith, and
W. Leatherdale ; solo, "The Land 0' the
Leal," Miss L. O'Connor ; recitation,
"Maggie Broom" J. McLeod • solo, "I
cannot sing to -night," Mies MoQuarrie ;
quartette, "Friendship, Love and Song,".
Misses O'Connor and Smith, and Messrs.
Strachan and Cavanagh ; song, Lily
Cooper and Fannie Thompson ; song,
Jas. Fax ; piano, organ and triangle,
"D Ui000la gallop," Misses McLaughlin,
Shlels and Rozell, and Reggie Fletcher ;
(tauten', "Fairyland," pupils ; song,
"Irish Jaunting oar," Jas. Fax ; reoita•
tion, "She liked him rale weal," J. Mc-
Leod ; solo, "Madeline," Miss M. Ames;
piano solo, "Love's Dreamland," Reggie
Fletcher ; trio, "Medley," Mies O'Con-
nor and Messrs. Strachan and Cavanagh ;
song, "Bowery Grenadiers," , Jas. Vex ;
"Home sweet Houle." W. B. Dickson
presided in a most capable manner as
Dr. Large of Griswold, Man., bad Ilia
arm amputated Sunday, the result of a
ebooting a0cident,
A Port Colborne despatoh says gas was
struck at the Hopkins well in ]:Inmber-
aton. The flow is very, strong.
Mrs. McLeod, aged o0, left her daugh-
ter's reeidenee near Binscarth, Man,,
where she resided,to visit another dau h•
ter, some miles distant. She Met her
way, and was found dead two days after.
W 11 nga At tetra.
The irrepressible John Iianua is in the
field for the Reevesbip of the town for
A new cedar block crossing has been
put in on Josephine street at the entrance
to the 0. T. R. station,
Philip MoRibbon, of this town, breath-
ed hie last on Thursday, 28r4 Oot., in
Piston, Ont., surrounded by lois family
and t'eletivss.
Wile assisting to put in one of the
electric light poles on Josephine street,
C. J. Reading had the misfortune to
break his right leg near the ankle.
The keystone of one of the windows in
J. A. Morton's office windows fell, break.
ing a hole through the sidewalk and
doing some damage to the telephone
Joseph Ilodgson, aged ebont 13 years,
was in Boll's factory getting shavings,
and in some way ho got his left hand Ira
to 0machine and had three of the fingers
taken off.
S. 0, Cowvxwrros. —The Presbyterian
Sabbath School Convention, which was
held in the Presbyterian church Isere on
Tuesday and Wednoeclay of last week,
may fairly be declared a decided seems.
The atlondemee. considering the utpieas•
1 atter and rho badboo-
not state of the weather
dition of the roads, was very good. The
excellent program which appeared in the
last issue of !Tutt Poor, was folly and
otere(ttily carried out.
Nor. 7, 1890,
There aro 1260 boob in ourMeohanipl'
Institute library.
Ohief Pettypieoe ie malting an effort to
keep the street corners free from idlers
in rho evenings and all day long on Sun-
I. 0. G. T. --At the regular meeting of
Anchor of Lope Lodge, I, 0, G. T., the
following offeore were olooted for the en.
suing quarter : Alex, Dawson, 0, T, ;
Jenny Struthers Y. T. ; Wm. Lloyd, S.
3, T. ; Fred. Ellis, Seo. ; John Dodd,
Fin. -See, ; Mrs. John Dodd, Treas. ; Ed.
Sherman, Chaplain ; Jantoe McAlpine,
Marshal ; Maggie. Oon rY, Guard ,
Wm. Brant, Sentinel. The Lodge °loses
the quarter with about 120 members in
good standing on 115 books.
Miss Maria Kelly has gone to Wing.
loam where she will post herself in tailor.
Wm. Scott has removed to Michigan
where los purposes making his home. J.
Michie has gond with him.
A very large number of cattle and
sheep ]lave been handled by Joseph
Clegg during this year. Last week he
shipped 300 lambs to Buffalo ruarket.
Jno. Young, who bas been in the lum-
ber woods of Northern California for the
past few years, is ]tome. He gives a very
interesting aocount of lumbering opera-
tions which we hope to present to our
There is sumo tall blowing about big
yield of potatoes but Jno. A. MoEwen is
not behind in the race as 48 White Ele•
pbants weighed 60 pounds. Some
people think "white elephants" are bad
things to have on hand but the "pratie"
variety is ole right.
Wm. Barrie has a large gang of men
at work getting out timber, hauling lum-
ber, &o., preparatory to putting up a new
barn on the site of the one destroyed last
week by fire. The new building will be
40x70 feet, it is said, and will stand an
the former atone wall, which was not
marsh damaged. Mr. Barrie was cum•
polled to put up stabling of some kind
for hie stook, and, on considering the
whole question and taking into account
the help proffered by his neighbors and
friends, he decided to area a barn this
fall, It the weather keeps favorable the
frame will be up before long.
Salmon REPOar: The following is the
correct standing of pupils in S. S. No. 6,
for the month of October and is based on
regular attendance and general profici-
ency. The names are in the order o:
merit :—Fourth Class—Wm. Macon,
Maud Bryan, Jas. Duncan ; Third Class,
(senior)—Arthur Cantlon,Jas. McKenzie,
Mary Armstrong ; Third Class, (junior)
—John Reid, Maggie Cantlon, Willie
Ireland ; Seoond Claes—Letvis Reid,
Robb. Bone, Marion McKenzie ; First
Claes, (Part II)—Thos. Bell, Willie Dun-
can, Willie Bryan ; First Class, (Part I)
—Willie Sellars, Harvey Bryan, Annie
Livingstone. A. I. MoOoil, Teacher.
Last week Abel Tindall went to Parry
Sound on a visit.
A spell of Gne weather is hoped for as
the turnip crop is yob all in the fields.
Hallowe'en passed off quietly, the
pranks were few and of a mild nature.
Preparation ie being made by Robert
Barr, 9th con., to veneer his dwelling
with brick.
Mrs. MaLauohlin will spend the winter
with her daughter, Mrs. McDonald, at
Three more of the boys from the
southern portion of aha township left for
Muskoka last week.
Sabbath school in 0. S. No. 8, bas
closed for the term. It is kept open six
months in the yes : only.
I1,John Stewart, jr„ teacher, . has been
visiting friends in Northumberland Go.
during the last two or three weeks.
A shoddy peddler was palling upon
some of our residents last week. Suoh
oily tongued gents should be given a wide
Threshing is nearly finished. Thresh-
ers will soon be banging up their
machines until another season rolls
Miss Menzies, of the 9th con., spent
last Sunday visiting friends at Walton.
Mies Bessie Robertson and Donald were
there also.
A mistake was mads in last week's
issue in stating that 0. Bowerman had
rented A. R. Smith's farm. He has
rented tbe house and garden only.
Quite a number of the young mon on
the 14th and lath oohs., with John Scott
as pioneer, have decided to spend the
winter in the lumber shanties of Musko-
The past whale or so has been quite
wintery, there being more or less snow
every day, bub old Probe. still maintain
that there will be a spell of .One weather.
Time will tell.
The famous breeder of Chester White
hogs, of Trowbridge, T. Baylis, has sold
a sow to J. D. MoKenzio, Midway, Ont.,
boar and sow to Thos. Manderson, Har.
risbon, and boar to Jas. Allen, Dornoeh.
There was a bee to out some wood for
Mrs. D. Molntosh, widow, (16bh con.) on
Wednesday of last week, 'here was a
good tarn out of halide, and a nice store
of wood was laid up for the old lady for
winter use.
J. D. Campbell, who has been home
for the past three months nursing a sore
hand that bad been mangled with a
planer, left this week for Mahtowa, Min-
nesota, where a situation awaits him.
We wish him success.
Mr. Pickard, who is olosiog his second
year as teacher at Shine's 5011001 house,
l2th con., has been engaged to teach in
Peel township for 1891. He goes bank to
the section its left whets became to Grey,
which speaks well for him.
Wm. Mitchell, jr„ sawyer, formerly of
the Star Mill, 18th con., is now engaged
in it hotel in the town of Lowell, Snoho-
mish Go., 'Mob., U. S. The man he is
working for employs over 150 men end
rune three logging camps, a farm, saw-
mill, hotel and store, in fact he owns the
town, ohoroh and all. Bill worked two
months in the mill at first, but did nob
like it nS the timber was go large, to he
took (Merge of the hotel instead at 1160
per month, In a letter to a friend on
the 16th ooh. he says wages over there
for common labor range from $80 to $50
pot month, and good ox teamsters get
from $75 to $150 a month, according to
the number of cattle they have to drive.
The timber is so very large that they
cannot heel any of it with one yoke of
cattle, and they generally use from 3 to
4 yoke fora team. Ono custom there he
thought very odd at first and that was
is own
that every man has to carry 1
bedding. A great deal of looney ohanges
hands at the gambling taloa in that
There woe a lively hop at Jas, Male•
toah's on the evening of the 24th ult,
Never mind boys it was by grossing
tbu both bridges so often (even though
the township was to build a new ono)
that I have suoceeded to euchre you all
and gain my point but may have next
dual. 3---
Jno. Farber has arrived home from bis
trip to the 01d Country. Ile enjoyed his
visit while there but wee very sick on
the voyage book and has not fully re•
covered from it yob. We hope he will
soon be fully restored,
Isaac Currie, who has resided on the
14th con. for the peat ten years, on
widow MoLean's farm, has removed to is
farm belonging to Wm. Neal, of Walton,
on the 5th eon,, of Morrie township. The
Methodists of Cranbrook will mien Mr,
Currie and family,
Last Saturday morning two strangers
wended their way east on the 8th con,
until yhsy came to Robb. MoKay's,
They represented themselvse as Debeotive
Greer, of Toronto, and Mr. MoCarnway
of Kincardine on the track of a horse
thief. Their horse bad fagged
out near Jamestown and they engaged
Mr. McKay to drive them to Mitchell.
where they hoped to overhaul their man.
Although a trifle suapioious Mr. McKay
aooepted of $12 and conveyed the two
gents to the desired spot.
FHaousox.—In Turnberry, on Oct. 20th,
the wife of Mr. Edward Ferguson,
of a son.
SHOWERS—JOHNSTON.At the residence
of the bride's father, Turnberry, on
Oct. 22nd, by Rev. John Scott, M.
A., Mr. James Showers, to Miss
Elizabeth Johnston, second daughter
of Mr. Wm.Johnston.
ARtreTRorto—SrEwAnr.—In Trowbridge,
on Oct. 29th, at the Methodiet Par-
sonage, by the Rev. James Caswell,
Mr. Joseph M. Armstrong, of Grey,
to Miss Margaret Stewart, of Wal-
MoarnnoN.—In Piston, Ont., on Oct.
23th,'Philip McKibbon, late of Wing -
Fnrnta, Nov. 14m.—Hotel property in
the village of Walton. Sale to com-
mence at 2 o'olook p. m. Wm. Biernes,
proprietor. F. S. Scott, auctioneer,
231.e.vSM=2.,e 116A1SK£TS,
Fall Wheat
Spring Wheat
Butter, tubs and rolls....
Eggs per dozen...
Flour per barrel
Hay per ton
Hides per Ib
Salt per bbl., retail
Sheep skins, each
Lamb skins each
Wool, per lb, ........ . .
88 90
88 90
40 43
34 35
57 00
12 13
15 00
4 50 5 00
30 00
5 00 8 00
5 50 6 00
5 00
1 25 80
60 75
40 50
18 20
small family, No weaning. Apply
to R. L. TAYLOR, Barrister.
Main Street, Brussels, opposite Post-
oiBoo. Possession November 1st. Apply to
W. 10. WILSON, Brussels. 15.0
of the untie:dinned, lot 1, Morriabank,
about August lath, four yearling sattie.
Two are steers and two heifers. The owner
is requested to prove property, pay expenses
and take them away.
17-4 Jamestown P,10.
'En loam Lambs, gob by a raw that
oak prises at the Industrial,1 rovineal and
Western Faire, Also Two young Short Horn
Bulls fit for service. They aro fine animals,
with good pedigrees, and will be sold cheap
and on easy terms. DAVID MILNE, Ethel,
.L Teacher wanted for School Section
No, 0, Grey. Tbird•olase certificate. Duties
to comm oboe on Jan'y 1st, 1891. Aupliett-
tions, stating salary, will he reeolvert by the
undersigned up to November 1st 1500.
JOHN STEEWART, Ses'y-Troas.,
18.4 Oranbrook P. O.
TERSEY BULL (No. 20777),
el American Jersey Cattle Olub'e Hord
Book. Ho is et son of'Oaundn's John; which
was at the head of the largest herd in gon-
ads. His dam is an imported now. For
further particulars call at my Drug and
Book Store, Brussels,
G. A. DEAD\XAN, Druggist, fee.
who used my bulls this season and
'have not got their news in calf had better
return them now, as their appease to be ro
trouble ingetbinp�+ them in calf now , and as
it will 500n be ssllentiug time, I would like
all who patronized my bulls to get value for
their mousy. DAVID MIILNE, Ethel.
of the undersigned, north half let 22,
oon.4, Morris, on Or about 005, let, throe
yearling cattle, Two of than are heifers,
red with a few white spots, and the other a
rod steer. 01he owner is requested to prove
Tho nudcraiguad will keep for service this
fresent season the Improved large white
oil/attire Dig "Ready"on lot 20, eon, 0,
Morris, to wtiicll a llmitod number of sows
Will be taken, Terms 31.00 to be pall at
time of service, with the privilege of return-
ing if mammary. Pedigree tnay he soon up..
ma application. ROBERT N1OHOL,
5814 Proprietor.
Lost on Thursday, July srcl, on
rho street fu Wrotetor, a tercel of bills,
amounting to 53422, and a proinionory note
drawn by John Snutlorsou in favor of Jane
Walker for 8000. dated Juue 0•.11, 1880, and
having({ n payment of 6800 endorsed on the
back tltargot, dated April 1111.1, 1800, A re-
ward of •925.00 will be paid ten tits r000vory
of the above, or for tub information as will
load thereto. A11 parties are warned against,
negotialiog the above mentioned note, the
same baying beim lost.
Wroxeter, Arty 15111,'90. JANE WALREit,
81$RVIAE.—hhs underaf5Aed has re-
centlypurohased and will keep for Service
at North Heli Lot 29, Con, 7, Morrie, a 1'u, a•
bred Berl/Shiro Boar, bred by air. Snell, and
also an Ohio nutpOrted Chester 'White, one
,Year ctoAtakoobsisutna
hem Imported onbde,Shie
hog took8rdprise
at Gm Industrial Exhibi.
lou Toronto 189 n els e a 17,and also
1 1 0 1 s f
Red Des the ,150105 n Fair t» a ease Of 15.
T:t•ms,$1.00,tohepaid nt time of sorvloe,
With privilege of returning ]f nenees/try.
0541 8. WAL]i101t,Pro11i9etor.
Or any other Weekly or Daily Paper,
Marg 1601,
or, T. 11iIi'P]DU,
Druggist - and - News A0fent,
Transact a nioneral C3aa3.lc1n0
Canadian and United States Drafts bought
and sold,
Interest allowed on Deposits.
Collections trade on favorable terms.
Canadian Agents—MnaaaANP's BANR„oa
Now York Agqsubs—IlrronTRns Awn !CRAM
• Solioibor and Oonveyaneer, Callen -
Moue made. 011too—Vanetouo's Block, Brus•
rel t, 21 -Om
• Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Pub -
lie, &o. Ostoe—O raham's Block, l de Jr north
of Pepper's Drug Store. Private Funds to
((Late wltb Garrow d: HAYS,
t, Godo-
riolt,) Ttarneters, Solialtors. Conveyancers.
&o, Oflicee—brussels and Seaforth, Bus.
sale 01005, Itagsrs' Block, Main St. Money
to Loan.
U. s.aAYs. W. D. DICHSON.
A M. TAYLOR, B. 0.. L•
• Barrister, Solicitor, &o., of the firm
of Taylor, MoOullough & Burns, Barristers
Solioltors, &s„ Manning Arcade, Toronto.
Money to loan.
• Iseurer efsrarriageLioensse, Office
at his Grocery,'Vernborry, street, Brussels.
• Tonsorial Artist* Shop—Next door
soutb of A. M. McKay & Co's hardware store.
Ladies' and children hair subbing a epeelalty
of Marriage Lieonees, by
appoiutnteot of Lieut. -Governor, Commie -
01000r, &o., Q.R. Convoyaucer and Agaut
Fire Insurance Co. minae at the Cranbrook
Post Orrice.
Mork of she Fourth Divtelon Court,
Go, Heron. Conveyancer, Notary Public,
Land, Loan and Ineuranoo Agent. Funds
Invested and to loan. Collections made.
011luo in Graham's Sleek. Brussels.
Late of the 0oneervabory of Music,
Toronto, is props •ed to give leasnns at
Ethel and Cranbrook. Pupil of Professor
Fisher and htr. Harrison on the piano, and
of Mr. 8. H. Clark in vocal music- Class at
Oraubrook every Tuasda . For terms, &c.,
apply at the Methodist Parsonage, Ethel.
Teacher of Piano, Parlor and Pipo
Organ, Organist In St. John's Chung', Brus•
eels, solicits a ehare of the patronage of the
music-loviug people of Brussels and violu•
Iuabruetious given at current ratoe.
Terme, referen"oe, &o. may bo ascertained
by er.,Turnberry et cot e emblem)useole. Mrs. Danford
Is desirous of procuring pupils in
Vocal Etude, Prof. Warrington,. of Toronto
ie pleased to give his testimonial as to Sties
O'Oounor•'s ability, elle having been a pupil
of his during her stay in Guelph, Inebru-
ntontelMtusio on Piano, Organ and Guitar.
Terme matte known on application. Priue"ss
St., Brussels. Miss O'Connor is open for
Concert Engagements, 80 -
Aunbioneer, le always ready to at-
tend ales of farms, fariu stook, &c. Terms
cheerfully given. Oranbroolc P.0. Salee
may be arranged at THE PosT PubUehrng
House, Bruseels,
Lieeneed Auctioneer. Salo° conduct-
ed on reasonable terms. Farms and farm
sbooka specialty. Orders lef b ab THE Posr
Publishing Hou Bo, Bru mole, or Mut to Walton
P. 0„ will receive prompt attention.
m as an Anobioneer, I ant prepared
to conduct sales of farm stook at reasontnblo
prises, Knowing the standing of nearly
every person I ant in a p0 sitlon to Sell io
good marks and get good security when sold
ou oredib. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give
me a call, 82- lr S. SCOTT,
a£N'TI S T me. —.2" t
G. L. Ball, L. D. S. Nitros Oxide Gas ail -
ministered for bre Pninloee Extraction of
Teeth, 74 Gerrard Strout East, TODONTo.
31.11MN TXt T!
M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D. D. S.,
Graduate of the ltoyal College of Dental
Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto DM -
varsity. On,srcn—Opposite Amotioan Hotel,
B roams,
‘VM. 11'. OAL.L, BCD., C 1111.,
Member of the College of Physician
and Snrgoone of Ontario by insemination
CAllee turd Itosideneo--Main street Nast,
P., • 0. M,,t.10 0 1 , Edinburgh, M, 0, P
8, Out. At Popper's Drug Store from 9 to
11.80 mon. and from 1:90 to 4 5. in, At ogler
Hours may be found ek his residence form-
erly oosnpiol by Dr. tiutobiueon, Mill at,
V Y honor Gradnatos of the Ontario
Veterinary College, 5555 prepared to treat all
d t t gated ,sots° it
i 10 oa i f n nos i els p it paid
ds ae
potent ar. tiaiattention paid
to veterinary dentistry, Galls prereptly at.
tended to. Office
and ti5rmay-Twodoers
north of bridge, Turnberry et„ Brussels,
"- T