HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-10-31, Page 10J Hit. tik l: 5 S. J.,.5 I1 )ST :NEW GMS! Around the World with Nellie Bly ee.JIALMA, (A SCIENTIr[c GAua.) ' ADDITTO-DIVISUM. TLE COUNTRY STOREKEEPER, THE JUDGES. GAME OF SNAP (Imenovsn.) `WHERE'S JOHNNY? GAME OF DR. FUSBY. (`•Cock Robin and his tragical death -ALSO-- - Sotto, Authors, Familiar Quota - ,tions, Conversation Cards, :.Elite, Old Maid, &o. G. :-. .D EAD M AN. BRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. ROUTHERN EXTENSION W. O. & D. "Trains leave Brussels Station, North • „rna South, as follows: Genie 6013TH, CoI:to Nowin. leek 6;00 a.m. Mixedsee 4:20 a ni, taxerdse It 0 P n.I Express 0:4,', tem. -Toad Stills steins. A chiel's amang ye Lakin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. • • STovswonn for sale at McCraoken'E. 1. B. J. WHITLEY was in town on Sunday. 4• u000cm meeting next Monday evening. 'GENT'S kid gloves found. Apply at SHL" POST SCHOOL Board meeting on Friday even- ing of next week. Miss STINSON, of Peel township, is visit - e ing Mrs. A. Brune. REV. R. Peonpreaches at Heniryn next Sabbath evening. 'WANTED respeotable youth to learn the t badness. Geo. Good. A FEW eecond band buggies for sale at ere bargain. JAB. WALEEB. Mae. J. Loaereuoao', of Seafortb, ii •visiting at R. Leatherdale'e. BARGAINS in trunks and valises, School .?„cgs at cost. 1. C. Richard's. FOURTH Division Court wee held on -"Thursday of this week. Report next 'week. A LARGE number of our townspeople • were out at the Barrie fire on Tuesday • night, dos. Rosa and Joseph Ballantyne took in the shooting match at Blyth last 7'.Tuesday. BRU')sees monthly borse fair on Wed- nesday of next week, 5th Nov. Buyers • will be in attendance. THE two or three light falls of snow Ibis week ie a gentle reminder of what seney be.exgeoted ere long. Anse Sunday Rev. R. Pant preached in •'.Iilluevale, in the Methodist church in the .'morning and the Presbyterieu eburoh at night. THE Pose staff bege to return their best •-thanks to John Grant, of Ethel, for a generous supply of apples. They were ettip•top. IN the absence of the pastor next Sab- a bath the pulpit of the Methodist church • will be occupied by Rev. R. Paul and 'tRev. S. Jones. A mammal of young people belonging to Brussels Council Royal Templars of Temperance visited Walton (Council last Wednesday evening. Naz. KNEoHTEL lied the misfortune s ne have one of the bones in his left arm 'broken, last week, by a kick from one of Floe horses with which he was working on . tie farm. •Go and hear J. McLeod recite "She irked him rale weel," and "Bonnie wee ' Maggie Brown" at Mies O'Connor's oon- • nett next Tuesday evening in the Town Hall, Brussels. Noauaz.-As the partnership of Messrs. Warwick & Galley, Veterinary Surgeons, sires been dissolved all parties indebted to them are asked to call end settle at onus. WARWICK. & GOLLEL THE employees of the planing mill of hfeeere. Smith, Malcolm & Gibson only +take.50 minutes at noon now and quit work at 5:50 instead of (1 °'dock in the • evening so as to take advantage of all the daylight possible. A Naw double crank meat chopper, alanufacbnred by Messrs. Stewart & Mutton, Paris, has been purchaeed by Wm. Blashill for the manufacture of sausage. He is also building a brick smoke house at the rear of hie bleak, fur nosing hams, &o. gum's LITEBL-Tho attention of the •'d'ublio ie called to the fact that Levi Lott keeps a firet.olase outfit of good drivers And new, oomforbtebie buggies. Every •Attention will be given to those favoring hits with their patronage. Stable just maetef Dr. Graham's block, King street. Drive a call as hie rates will be found c '.vithin the reach of all. a°aRREEPONDENTS AND ADVERTISERS. Next Thursday being Thanksgiving 0.Day Tee Peer will be published on Wed• neodey so that we may enjoy the holiday. The attention Of our able staff of corse• spondente is called to this fact and they will greatly oblige by eending their oon. Ailment a day earlier than usual. Ad. • vottieers will also bear this notice in P Mind and see the propriety of it. Oet Wednesday of this weed while A. rnrrie and family were enjoying their dinner they were startled by a sudden • Itowling of a dog and when Mr. Carrie • *rent to the wood -shed he found his ao#lie "pnrp" had fallen into the cistern e'w1i1eh wes nearly fell of water. With .5114 grip of "Bot.;bar's' etrong arm the • .ratline was removed from its cold bath :,torn scared then hurt. Musro.0 -In the October bulletin of •anew music 'leaned by J. C. Richards & of Cleveland, Ohio, we notice a coo. taaetto a by H. J. Whitely, formerly of ':15re.eela, now of the Wingham Bell band, entitled "Lorain" Qulok march. It has .talus remelted Boston as W. S. Ripley, a eemel,ser of note, es well as a dealer in arum and musical geode has it on sale. -•P.he .notice of composition says :-''A • meaty preety and easy march by a new • writer, F as very nice beteg eblo." We cugra'itlate Me. Whitely On his enemas MIA , " t as t1r. enure time we aware that ,tu tm w o to ie is net the first tine he has written -tame! 'meic by any weave, Ammerman looal news may be found en the supplement. READ our eupplement and the oiler THE POET malice, Goon dry wood for Bale at I, C. Rich- ard's hssneea shop. Miss Times Ktmearsr, was visiting at Wingham last week. A sou of B. Driver arrived from the Emerald Isle last week, WILLIE. STEwnvr is home from the Chatham Business College. Ir you want a new buggy go to Jae. Walker, carriage maker, Brussels. WANTED a good steady boy to learn harness trade. Apply to I. C. Richard's REV. R. PAUL has grown a second crop of beetle from the one vine in hie garden this year. Rev. I. B. elm Mas, Woitwis, of Blue. vale, were visiting at J. T. Popper's on Monday. SERv==E will be held in St. John's Church on Thanksgiving day, commence ing at 11 o'olook. W. H. MCCRAcxEN shipped 500 bushels of potatoes to Chicago last Saturday. The duty was $125. Who loeee it ? THE Wingbam Times says :-Mr. Kne. ohtel, of Bruesele, conducted the service in the Congregational church, on Sunday last. A NEW form of poultry disease is de• vaetating the hen houses in this locality People should be careful about what they kill, MRs. Nightingale, and Mersford Wil- ton. of Mount Forest, and Mrs. Jeffers, of Chicago, are the gucste of Mrs, W. Nightingale. THE current number of The Canadian Groner and General Storekeeper, To- ronto and Montreal, contains 52 pages of important information for business man, W. N2oaroaoaL11 & Co's advertisement changes each week. Kindly note each change as they will continue to slaughter their entire stook till they leave Brus- sels. G. A. DEADILAN has disposed of the Jersey heifer advertised in THE POST to J. A. Blain, of Gilford, Bruce Co. He reoeived a fair price for the animal which was a good one, APPLE buyer Smith, of St. Catharines, is shipping 1,600 barrels of apples from Brussels end Belgrave stations. He is thoroughly posted in the fruit business having been engaged in it for years. We have received the handsome pre. miens offered by the Fireeide Weekly to their subscribers, it is entitled The Angelus." On Nov 4th this weekly com- mences the publication of a story entitled "Rex Birchen'') career, or the mystery of the Blenheim swamp." J. 115. PAnsoss, of London, with long experience as selling traveller for Leonard & Son Engine Works, an o'd apprentice of the Ronald Works and a very energetic able man, has just been engaged for five years to go on the road to sell fer the Ronald Works. tame.- H. Williams & Son have their new livery running in tip-top style. Reliable. speedy horses, new comfortable riga and attendant comforts guaranteed. Ladies can be suited with quiet horses, "Live and let live" ie our motto. Re• member the place, Mill street, Brussels. Special arrangements made with com- mercial men. If you want a rig any time call on ue. H. Woa a:ism & Sox. Bsorr=E Bnos. have purchased tbe Blyth livery from L. Shane and enter into possession on Nov. 1st. S. Beattie will likely take charge of it. There is a bus in connection and they have also the mail contract from the pustomoo to the depot and return, This gives the Beattie family livery atab!ai at Braseels, Wingham, Blyth and Clinton. New Menne WORE'). -The firm of Joliustoc & Cochrane, stone cutters, &o. has opened out are prepared to fail all orders for monuments, tombstones, markers, fences, &e., in a workanenlike manner and at living prime. Satisfe°. tion guaranteed in every ease, Don't place your order without saltine on them and seeing their samples and ascertain- ing prices. Shop nearly opposite the Town Hall, Brussels. C. 0. F. -The following officers were elected ft r the ensuing term in connec- tion with Court Princess Alexandra, No. 24 :--Sam. T. Plum, 0. R. ; N. Gerry, V. C. R. ; W. Smith, R. S. ; Geo. Rogers, F. S. ; W. Blashill, Trees, ; W. T. °tuff, Chap. ; E. Grundy, S. W. ; S. Wake, J. W. ; P. Seel, S. B. ; A.. Crozier, J. B • Drs. Graham and McKelvey, Examining Physioiane. The Court is prospering and has now a membership of 54. CARD or TnaNas.-Howe & Co. and the Corporation of Brussels return thanks to the Liverpool, London & Globe ; the County of Perth ; and the City Fire In• surance Company, of Hamilton, through their agent, J. 111. O'Connor, for their prompt and satisfactory manner in pay- ing all losses wesustained by the lata fire in Brussels. Guo HowE for Howe & Co. Rom. GRAHAM Reeve, for Corpora- tion of Brussels. Its market reports are its great' tea• tare -they have been accepted as official in the courts. Ib is noted for its short, spicy articles, whfah aim to keep its readers shrewd of the times, The Amer- ican Grocer says it is "tire brightest and liveliest trade journal in Canada." It makes its advertising columns of un- usual interest ' in them ere to be found announcements of leading wholesalers anal manufeoturere. It emits 2 cents per week, and he is a poor releiler who can. not get that muoh oat of it. Subscribe or send for a sample. Costume --Mise Lille O'Connor, amid. ed by ber pupils, will give an elate tain- ment in the Town Hall, on' Tuesday even. ing, Nov. 4111, The following brilliant and distinguished arbietee have been en- gaged : Jae, Fax, of Toronto, the versa- tile comedian, Canada's favorite and un- rivalled humorous vocalist. It may be depended upon that anything given by the above will be entirely tree from 'any itnpropriety, "The applause, laughter and encores at his every appearance were simply hurricane, typhoons or blizzards, and tbe four hundred that were in the hall will long remember Fax. Wo trust Lae mny Come again, and any of our woo- 01110ns who secure his services can de- pend on a bumper house, Me. Fax has at fund of the comique of almost unlimited ohmmeter, and we treat some of our as- sociates will draw on him again. -Ham- ilton Spectator "Dein. Fax captivated Ids audience. He may come back any time and claim the bot audience Perth den turn out, -Perth News." J. Mo. Leod, Elooutioniet, of SetJorth, will give hie unequalled Scotch teenatione, "She liked him rale weal," and "Bonnie wee Maggie Broom" A celibate, entitled "Iratrylend" will be presented, with sew ot'al tableaux. Piano aoloe, duets and tribe vocal 9U ' a,quartettes artettes at(ehornaee. W. B. Dickson will take the °ha'r at n, in., doors open at 7. MRs. Tuoa, HAxonorr is visiting rela- tives in Grey townabip, JAMES MCINTOSH, blacksmith, bas given np business ou Market street and gone to work annals for D. Ewan. NEx'r Thursday will be Thanksgiving day. It is a provincial holiday and there, fore the bustneee places will be closed on that day, ALLAN McNeeeti'roo, who WAS visiting here from Listowel, was taken ill with inflammation and w'ae laid np for several days. AT the union Tbanksgivieg service to be bold in Melville allure() on Thanks- giving day, commencing at 1I a- m., Rev. Mr. Mae tyro will preach. Ix this issue may be read the marriage notices of Mies Hattie Crawford and Mise Hattie Mattioe, former residents of Brussels. The grooms were Messrs. Simmons and Ling both residents of Port Huron. MESSRS. COCHRANE & JOHNaTON, of the Brescia Marble Works, have removed two doors south and may now be found in the shop formerly occupied by George Love. This new firm are working up a large trade and are kept very busy with the large number of orders received. They do capital work and pimento satis- faction to all parties. LAST Wednesday John Knight, lot 17, oon. 12, Grey township, brought to Tax POST Publishing House a mammoth rad- ish of the Black Spanish variety, which weighed 7 pounds and measured 21x25 inohee In circumference. Mr, Knight grew one radish that measured 18 inches. in length. Although large, these radishes are fine for table use. WELL-DIeam° AND DRILLINo.-George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drillin walls and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure eatisfaotion. Wella cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terms easonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry st., Brussels. 43.11 0. P. R. EXTENSION. -At a meeting of the Guelph Board of Trade the question of procuring an extension of the 0. P. R. to Goderioh was discussed. James Innes, M. P., stated that Dr. Holmes, of Goderioh, had proposed to the board of Goderioh and Wingham railway direct• ore that he would secure subscriptions to the amount of 060,000, pay the required 10 per cent. into the bank, procure a Government subsidy and proceed forth- with to construct the road from Gode- rich to Wingham, provided the board would hand him over their charter. This proposal was accepted, Mr. Innes said, and should that line be built, the chances were against the come being extended from Guelph. A resolution was carried instructing the railway committee of the board to communicate with the city council and 0. P. R. Company, with a view of indooing the latter to fulfil their promise to continuo the Guelph branch to Goderioh. Tttortmersoett WEso.-Thinspi aa•reitse (pennycrese) has appeared in the vicinity of Brussels. It belongs to the order (lrarifarea and is closely allied to the mustard. It is well-known along the Red River as French -weed and in that country has become a nuisance, having iu some cases alnnnst completely overrun the field. No doubt it has reached Ontario in seed wheat from Manitoba ; it should be destroyed at once, before it gets a foothold. Tho following descrip- tion may be of service to identify it :- pods round, felt, with broad wings and a deep notch ; leaves oblong, arrow -shaped at the base, toothed, smooth ; flowers white and very small ; plant about a foot high. It derives its name, penny. cress, from the size and shape of its Beed vessels, which resemble silver pennies. Though found to some extent in Quebec, it is rarely seen in Ontario. Its introduction should be looked upon with suspicion. for (bearing many seeds) it will soon spread if not kept under and prove here ae troublesome a weed as it has in Manitoba. YELLOWSTONE LARK. On Friday evening of last week Prof. Panton, of the Ontario Agricultural Col- lege, Guelph, delivered his brilliant leoture ea "Wonderland" or "Ten days in the Yellowstone Park," in the Town Hall in this place, under the auspices of the Mechanics' Institute. Shortly after 8 o'clock Rev. Jno. floes, B. A., took the ohair and introduced Prof. Panton, who, by the way, is not an entire stranger in Brussels as he gave his very interesting lettere on "The formation of Boils" in Brussels a few years ago. The leeturee was aided in giving an idea of the Park by a large map, on which he traced his journey ; and pictures of the terrace formation of Old Faithful, one of the largest geysers ; and of the lower falls of the grand canyon, In opening, Prof. Penton said it was his purpose to guide the that evening througlt;the geysers, canyons and boiling eprings of the Yellowstone Park. -a con. ttnoal source of wonder, terror and de- light ; marvellous, awful and sublime ; the most extensive manifestations in the world of the presence of subterranean heat in its boiling waiters and in its canyons out out of lava beds. Situated one thousand miles west of Duluth in the northeast ooruer et Wyoming territory, the journey Mend from Guelph covered 4,000 miles by rail, water and stage, It was pretty well explored in 1871 by a professor of the United States Survey, and in 1872 was set aside by the United States Congress ae a National Park, and a corps of cavalry was stationed there. It wad 55 miles broad, and 65 miles long, giving evidence throughout its whole ex- tent of the dying throes of voloanio fires. It was 0500 feet or more above the level of the sea, and in it were 2000 simmer- ing pools, 3500 boiling springs and 84 geyeere ; utero were volcanic eruptions, mountain piles of lava, immense °al- e ireous deposits, beautiful lakes, rivers and falls, flora eimilar to that of the Alpe, terraces and canyons which were a never ending muse of admiration and wonder, a place in which a student of nature would revel. The park vvae a great camping ground, but no hunting was allowed ; hotels were scattered at regular distances through it, a line of rail ran to its borders and the regular trip through it ef 5j days was made in a number of four in hand ooaohes. It is needless to say that Prof. Penton threw himself into his subject with his whole heart, and his pictures of torso° hill, the mountain dtivea, the geyser basins, the groat outbursts of psntuLLl water, the towering jets frown eArblt's Merlin cauldrons, the awe• nspiriO3 °anyone with their silvery and deep reaching i t veelth 05 ,lege ne and v t r[wlls the vo aeg 1 - delicate coloring, Nature's maste.ly carving and sculpture and painting in pillar and terrace, and the beeutifel and Farted forme were sketched ht clear, eurnost end graphic' words and gave hip hearers inspiration, instruction and pleasure, Few could have bed any idea before of the iznmeaae size of these lbfty geysers, one 150 by 80 yards, and the ennstant sumes01on of magnificent views, showing the glory, grandeur and sub. Utility of God's works. it was Prof. Ifenton's privilege) to upend ten days there,, nearly twigs ea long:ee the ordinary tourist,and in this way he was enabled to give more than a peeping notice to the natural wonders of the Park, At the oonelusion of the lecture a hearty note of thank') was given to the leetneer on motion of Rev. S. Sellery and Rev. Ji L. Kerr. Those who were not present missed a treat. We hope to have Prof: Panton back again to tell us about the wonders of "The Mammoth Dave of Ken. tuoky." 13]Tm©srtt,1O. Mr. Burgess and Mr. Colley have been tan the sick list the past week. Mr. Patterson commenced a new addle bion to his house this week. There has' leen consideratilbbuildiutg in the village this Bummer mit fall. Court of Revision woo held on Tuee- lbey, at which a number were added to the Voters' Lid.. Judge Tome, of Gode• rich, was in attendance.. The receipts Pram the Methodist Her. met Home services were 055.00. The New England supper and musical finch literary entertainment ware excellent. The Pugh Bros. are at the plastering: of the new Methodist church, and will finish their work in a week or ten days. McDonald de Coombe are pointing up Lbs' stone work this week, which will look well. The Presbyterians are holding their annual tea -meeting this (Friday) even- ing. On the program will be the Sea - forth Quartette Club; Dr. Macdonald„ M. P., S. Graoey and Mies Cargill, of Wingham ; J. Scott, of Seafortk ; the church choir, end others. In the Methodist church the services are now as follows:-Sanday school every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock ; preach- ing every alternate Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, and the eucoeeding Sunday evening at 7. Next Sunday tee pastor will preach in the morning. The young men of tide neighborhood bad a shooting match or squirrel hunt re. cantly. The captains were Henry Di- ment and Henry M.cHardy. H. Dimon ter Bide evened about 11,000 to their oppo- nents 6,000. The supper was got up at Sanit's hotel, bop took place in McPher- son's hall after. Northwest Notes. The Great Northern railway dining ear service will shortly be extended to Winni- peg. inni- e P Bub-oriptions are being solidied in Winnipeg for the relief of the distressed in Ireland. The Attorney -General threatens the Winnipeg Free Peas with tines more civil suite for libel -five in all. A public meeting was held at Calgary on Oct. 23rd, to consider the question of establishing a public hospital in that town. Rev. Geo. Roddick, of the Brandon Hills, threshed 1,750 bushels of oats off 85 sores. He reports crops turning out well in that dietriot, The English fernier delegates, who are now on the way east from British Col- umbia, will disperse at Regina and visit that section of the country eastward to Brandon, meeting again in Winnipeg about the 25th. It has been suggested that the delegates be tendered an infor- mal reception at one of the hotels before they leave the country. They had several light falls of snow at Banff and Field last week. The snow is very deep west of Field and to the Beaver. There is no snow in Beaver valley, At G:aoier there is 12 to 14 inchee of snow on the level and this extends as far west as the Albert Canyon ; then there is no snow until Kamloops is reached. There has been a heavy fell of snow at Kam- loops. The Clinton fruit evaporating company bought 3,643 bushels of apples last week. Lord and Lady Aberdeen, who have spent the summer in Hamilton, left last week fur (tome. The council and citizens Three Rivera Quebec, gave the Court of Paris a hearty welcome on Sunday evening. The Custom's and Inland Revenue Officers in the new Post Offioe building Goderich are nearly ready for oodppation. The water in the Goderioh harbor has given forth an unsavory odour the past week through the quantity of dead fish in it. While doing some plowing in the rear of the Collegiate Institute, Stratford, half a dozen arrow heads were ploughed up and a scalping knife. A Detroit boy named Sulio has been fined by a Sarnia magistrate $10 and 015 coats for poaching on the Toronto $boot- ing Club's preserve near Lalte St, Glair. At the little village of Weetood, Peter, boro' County, a quarrel between Robert Wilson and Jas. McDonald resulted in the latter being badly wounded with a knife. Mrs. Dinni%, of Usborue township, aged 76 has made a silk -patched quilt composed 011,000 blocks and the whole quilt containing 5,050 patches all over seamed. Ayoutb named Fox, aged 19 years, was on Saturday found guilty at Bimoue• ki, Que., of outraging a woman aged 82 years at 81. b'lavie, and sentenced to twelve years' imprisonment. John Allardyce has sold hie farm on con, 18, Mullett, near Harlook, to Joseph Wheatley for $6,750. It contains 150 sores and is a good place. Mr. Allardyce intends going baok to Scotland. John Fairgrieve, while in St. Mary's the other day, had the pleasure of eating a dish of white raspberries (second crop). They were full sized and thoroughly ripe, and were grown in the garden of George Ross, of I3cattie's dry goods establish- ment. Last Wednesday Frank MoFarghar, Aged 14 years, of Guelph, while going to worts, wee assaulted by three boye and ao seriously injnrod that his life is deepired of. Er impalas los set in his face, where ho raceived an ugly blow. Ms three ate. aailants were arrested Monday, Me- learquhar'a ante »tortoni statement Inas been taken. A four year old oltild of Itiehard 1',Io• Naughton, Tilbury West, wee pounced upon by a vicious bull dog ant fright. full bitten about the face. the dog Y which was owned by the child's tauter, has since been destroyed, T'Se new poatofflee at Walkerton'( ie going up rapidly now and the brickwork will Its'eompleted chord'. A strange freak of the work of lightn. ing maybe aeon on Talbot street, about Iwo melba west of the town of Eeae;, near the reefilence of Wm, Ellis, where the lightning; etrnok and demolished two telegraph poles and burned several hen. dred feet of wire so that not a particle of it oan lie seen. The two poles were splintered and rtgattered to the four winds. David Webb, who was paseiug al the time, hard a narrow escape. He was thrown down and lay in on unoonseious state for an hour or more before he re. oovered sofboiontly to make his way to a neighboring home, A few of the eohool boysattending the Orono pablie school, the other day, con- ceived the idea that it would be the proper thing to go througa the hanging of Birchen, and aocordingly an unwilling victim was amend in the person of one of their playmates. The victim's hands and feet were tied, a black Dap put on, and hie neck made feet in to noose of the ball rope. The deputy oriminal was forthwith swung off bis feet, and there would bave been a very tragic tale to tell had not one of the aiders and abettors of the banging come to his right mind, and out the rope iu the nick of time; as.AxRRx13I9, Biduous-CeAwroau.-At Poet Huron, Mich., on Sept. 17th, by Rev. Mr. Jennings, Mr. Johns Simmons to Miss Hattie Crawford, daughter of S. Crawford, of Bruesele. LINO-MATTIOE.-At Port Huron, Mich., on Sept. 17th, by Rev. Mr. Jennings, Mr. Ben. Ling, to lilies Hattie Mat- tioe, formerly of Brussels. HART-Snrneek.-At the manse, Oran - brook, on pot. 8th, by the Rev. D. B. McRae, Mr. Henry Hart, of Mail - lop, to Miss Mary Shiele,,of Grey. DIED. Wruoreets.-In Grey, on the 251h inst. Sarah C. Williams, aged 80 years, I months and 18 days. SorALE.-In Brussels, on the 2811i inst., Charles Dickman, infant eon d D. A. Swale,. aged 19 months and 3 weeks. SWITZER.-In Elms, on Oct, 131h, Mar- garet, relict of the late Christopher Switzer, aged 85 yearn, 11 menthe and 20 (Jaye. A"0'CTZON' SAX.MIS. FRIDAY, Eec, 14m. -Hotel property in the village of Walton. Sale to coo. menoe at S o'oloolf p, m. Wm. Biernes, proprietor. le. S. Scott,. auctioneer. 81R.V'SBE7-.S MAM=3EITS, Fall Wheat ............ 88 Spring Wheat ... 88 Barley 40 Oats 34 Peas....., 57 Butter, tube and rolls.... 12 E ggs per dozen 15 Flour per barrel 4 50 Potatoes 110 Hay per tau 5 00 Pork „ .• 5 50 Hides per lb 5 Salt per bbl„ retail...,1 25 Sheep skins, mole - 60 Lamb skins moll 40 Wool, per lb 18 90 90 43 35 00 13 00 5 00 85 O'er. 24, 1890, ---)GALL AT(- PEPPER'S - MUG - STO.01 AND (HAVE YOUR 5055C1111'110N P018 wiioxr Y MAIL, - GLOBE, - EMPIRE, Or auy other Weekly or Daley Paper, to'O sews, BALANCE OF THIS YEAR F.ILEE, J. T. PEP' PER, Druggist - and - News Agent, mR'rTSS3nZ,.9, BANKING._ moINTOSii & MoT'AGGART, BANKERS, • BRUSSELS, 'T. raraaact a C vari.ec' tl =iaaznclree 73uaseessu m, NOTES DISCOUNTED. Oanndian and United States Drafts bought and sold. Is. tared allowed on Deposits, Collections made ore favorable terms. Canadian Agents-MEaorrawr's BANG of CANADA, New York Agonbe-Ituronrnne AND TRA= Etta NATIONAL DANK. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. R• - L. TbAnrYaLndOR, BaARsRerISTN ae made. Ogoe-yanetono'e Block, Bra„- • sale. 214sm VIT M. SINOLAIR, • Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Pub. lie, &e. Ofl(ne-Grahatu's Block, 1 is Jr north of Pepper's Drug Store, Private Funds to Loan. DICKSON & HAYS (Late with Darrow &Proud foot, Gode• rich,) hamsters, Solleitoss, Coaveyanaers, &c, Offices -Brussels and Seaforth, Brus- sels OHIee,B•;are' Block, Main St. Money to Loan. E. a, 11.4,05, W.B. 020800(8, A M. TAYLOR, 13. C. L., Barrister, Solicitor, dm., of the ge,, of Taylor, McCullough ce Burns, Barrister, Solloltore, &e.. Manning Arcade, Toronto. Money to loan. BUSINESS CARDS. NAT H. McCRAOKEN, IeeurerefMarriage Licenses, Office at his Grocery, •lureberry street, druesela. 'D N. BARRETT, • Tonsorial Artist. Shop -Next deur Ladies' e' aof nd children* haircutting n specialty ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INSURANCE, FIRE ANO MARINE, GUELPH. A. dfoNAIR Issursr of ?deminge Liomtsee, by appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commis. owner, &a , Q. R, Conveyancer end Agent 6 06 Fire Ineurane° Co. CBlae at the Oranbrook 6 0000 1 Poet OIIloe. re I ALEX. IiUNTEB 75 Clerk of the Fourth Division Court, 0o, Rsron. Conveyancer, Notary Public, 50 Land, Lonn and Insurance Agent. Funds 20 .Invested and to loan. Collections mode. Office in Graham's Block, Brussels. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. M WANTED. -A SERVANT IN �T small family. No washing. Apply to B, L. TAYLOR, Barrister. • BRICK STORE TO LET ON Main Street, Brussels, opposite Post - office. Possession Novemberlst. Apply to W. Ii. WILSON, Brussels, CHOICE FARM FOR SALE. - Being South bait Lot 27, con. 0, Morrie, 100 acres, nen rly all cleared. Good buildings, about 20 sores Fall wheat in ground, Easy terms, Apply to W. M. SIN CLAIR, tt- Solicitor, &o., Brussels. rT ALL SHOW PRIZES. -THE J . prizes for the Spring and Fall Shelve of the East Huron Agricultural Society will be paid ill the American Hotel, Bruseo0s,0n Saturdays October 2081 and Nov. 1st, from 2 to 8 O'oloo)1 p. m. D. STEWARRT, Seo-Treas. VCR SALE. -FIVE LEICES. wen Rant Lambs, got by a ram that uok prizes et the Industrial, Provincial and Western Faire, Also Two young Short Born Bulla Olt for service. Tboy are flue animals, with good pedigrees, and will be sold cheap and on easy terms. DAVID MILNE, Ethel. TEACHER WANTED.- Teacher wanted for School Seetion No. 2 Grey. Third.oleos certificate. Ounce to commence on Jan'y 1st, 1801. Applica- tions, slatting eularY� will be received by the undersigned up to 'Warp 1st 1800. JOHN STEWART, See'y-Treas., 18-4 Oranbruok P. 0. JERSEY BULL (No.20797), American Jersey Cattle Olub'a Herd Book. He ie a son of'Canada'e John; *Mee woe at the bead of the largest herd in Oen- Ada. His dam is an imported cow. For further particulars Dalt at my Drug and Book Store, Brussels. G. A, DBADICAN, Druggist, &o. N O T I O E. - ALL PARTIES who used my bulls this season and bave not got their cows in oaf had better return them pow, ae their appears to be no trbuble•in getting them in calf now , and as it will soon bo collecting time, I would like all who patronised my bulls to. get value for their motley. DAVID MILNE, Ethel. IMPROVED LARGE WHITE YORK. SHIRE BOAR. The nudoreigued will keep for service this present season the Improved largo white. Yorkshire pig ':Ready" on lot 90, oou.0, Morris, to Which a limited number of Bowe will be taken. Terme $1.00 to bo paid at time of eerviee, with the privilege of return- ing if necessary, Pedigree may be peen up. on application. ROBERT NICHOL, latf Proprietor. 10 RE WARD.- Lost on Thursday, July Ard, en the street in Wroxeter, a racoon of bine, amounting to 8942, and a promleaory note drawn by John 8auduroon iu favor of Jane Walker for $000, dated Juin 0th, 180, and having a payment of 0810 endorsed on the bulk thereof, dated April 1110, 1800. A re- ward of 029.00 will bo paid fur' the recovery of the -above, Or tor mach information as will Med thereto, All parties are warned against negotiating talo above mentioned note, the same haying been loot, Wroxeter, July luth,'00, JANE WALKER, rpwo EURE•BISE]) P108 FOR 1 SEBV1O10.-Tho ttnderaigned has re. gently putohorod and will keep 100 Sorviue tit North bale Lot 2,3, Oen. 7, Morns, a reta- ined Berleahiro Heat, bred by Mr, Snell, and else en Oh10 imported cheater White, ono Yser old, bred by whom, George, Putnam, fleet imported stook en both aides. (hie hog tool( Ara torten at the luMistrial Exbibt- tion, Toronto 1800,in a elms of ton ��ust°rD b`a17, era also 8duaab aiat ierf%o,)u Ai, o With nriV)lage of returning 11 mummy, DIdt S. WALE Tilbrreprietee, • 199 SHERLOCK, Late of the Conservatory of Music, Toronto, is prepared to give leseone at Ethel and Oran brook. .Pupil of Professor Fisher and Mr. Harrison on the piano, and of Mr. S. H. Clark in vocal music. Claoe at Oraubrook every Tioadayy. For terms, &o„ apply at the Methodist Parsonage, Ethel. MISS CALF Teacher of Piano. Parlor and Pipe Organ, Orgauiat in St. John's Church, Brus- eels, solicits a sitars of the patronage of the music -loving people of Brussels and vicin- ity. Instructions given at ourrent rates. Terme, references, &o, may be ascertained by calling at the residence of Mrs. Danford er., Turnberry street, Brussels. 1-11 MISS LILLA O'CONNOR Is desirous of procuring pupils iu Vocal Musio. Prof; Warrington of Toronto is pleased to give his testimonial as to Wes O'Oaunor's ability, she having been a pupil of his during her stay in Guelph. timbre. mental Muni° on Piano, Organ and Guitar. Terms made known on application, Prlueees St., Bruesele. Mies O'Ouunor is open 100 Concert Engagements, 86 - AUCTIONEERS. L1RAYMANN, • Auctioneer, is always ready to at- tend Wee offorms, farm Moak, &o, Terms cheerfully given. Orenbrook P. 0. Sales may be arranged at Ton PoeT Publishing House, Bruesels. GEORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct. ed ou reasonable terms. Farms and farm stook a specialty. Orders left at TRE Pos'i P ubllshi ng House, Bru noels, or eentto Walton P. 0,, will receive prompt attentinh. HAVING TAKEN OUT LIOEN- 8E as an Anottoneor, I am prepared to conduct solo a of form stook at reasonable prices. Sowing the standing of nearly ever3001 marks I l 5 in a i •eonrl to sell to good marks and got good so rs/d when sold ou credal. Satis2aotion 3' 8. SCOT Girp l me u call. s.2• F S. SCOTT. DENTAL. D eelM.S 2 15. 1 G. L. Bull, L. D, S. Nitros Oxalo Gas ad- tninistered for the Painless Extraction of Tooth. 74 Gerrard Street East. Tonoxro, 7Le111N'X' I■_1el' 1 M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S,. D. D. S,, Graduate of the Royal nolle a of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto -Uni- versity. OPeroi-Opposite Amerteaa Rotel, Bremen, MEDICAL CARDS. NAT"r', GALE M, D., 0, M., . Member of the to Collogo tI rhysieben and Surgeons 0l Ontario by examination Omen anti liosldeocb-Mdfu street East, U thol,outario, 7 A. McNAUGI-TON, ivI, D. Pi s 0, 55., 2, tit, C.P., ladinbttrgb, M. 0, P S. Ont. At Pepper's DEng Store train 0 to 11;80 a, In. and from 1;30 to 4 D. 01, At other koure may bo totted at his rosidenoe form- erly occupied by Dr. 1)ntohiuson, Mill et. VETERINARY. t/ ARW1CIi_ & GOLLEY, V� honor Gtednetea et the Ontario Veterinary College, oro prepared to treat all Weeklies of rtrotoumandneemro. at1la anrttetoduanimate uluti oa n oo tn. tt tmJid tended toWhet, mt3tnrmary-Twotweets earth Of bridge, Turnberry at., Brttssela, p•. 11).15 ll 1 .7