HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-10-31, Page 9t)oT, 31, 1890.
Home 1Yhere France's Fernier lLonnll-
1'111 Empress Lives,
Within sound of the rmnble of artillery,
the Rommel Eugenie is push% 1.12 1pears:1 he
last days of bee life, 1 speak ot thir, re-
markable 1wo111a11 its the Empress, bemuse it
would, be considered nextto sae'rdogeiunollg
my present ourrenndillgs to allude to ln.r
as of ib pais 1'o tlhe gentrypeawnitry,
even the sl d e:warty of thus is•i,tlilwrhoed,
10111, iu flet, of England, die i 2 Empress
a and Ito :, e ever i ei •
0(11 1110 .1 lsthefiLU n .tel n ht. Al
very many things she 2 2 111aius al ,at her
the alniusphorc of the head of n nation, and
111(11403 rho fancy as near la reality ns) ess-
bre, ')'here is little wanting. .!Here is
maintained a well-equipped royal house,
with ladies in waiting anel the dime 01•
companiments of social and political power.
Souretaries, retainers{, and priests aro al-
ways at her bidding,
Farnborough has no history worthy of re-
view or preservation, though it came into
international prominence as the plaoo where
the great prize fight for the championship
of the world between Toni Sayers and John
0. }Toenail took plaoo on April 23, 1860.
It is it straggling countryside hamlet with
very pleasant surroundings about two
miles from Aldershot, the home rendezvous
of most of the English army. There are
beautiful stretches of country hi almost
every direction. At this season of the year
they are rather (itraotiye with the pink
which thrives upas ovary knoll. There era
miles upon miles of this half deserted noun -
try stretching away in all directions, and
every inch of it serves a good purpose, be-
cause it offers splendid open fields for the
movements of troops. Farnborough is nese
enough to Aldershot to enjoy its society and
feel its influence in a soma). and military
I first saw the Empress Eugenie this sem-
liter on the Isle of \Slight. She was visiting
tho Queen at Osborne 1Iouse, and the two
wore driving togotlior. The contrast between.
then is almost as groat as between their per-
sonal histories. It is not often that you can
find two Empresses together. But 110101y000
0pair of them, two widows with the evi-
denec of their loss in their (dress, driving over
the roads in a very unpretentious carriage,
with no other evidence of their station 1112111
the crests upon the wagon door and in the
livery of the coachmen and footman on the
box. They were chatting earnestly, as if
deeply interested witli the subject they were
discussing. The Quoon of England and Em-
press of Inclia leaves nothing andmne to keep
this exiled Empress, of whom she is very
fon(1, from missing an. attention she might
have if still in. power.
Tho conhlnnmioll and association between
this pair of Empresses is one of the roost
delightful bits of sentiment that I Have
ever met with between woolen. In 1853
TUE. Cn1011M. WAR
was yet in progress and Eugenie a bride'
she visited England as the guest of Victoria,
and Victoria soon afterward visited Paris as
the guest of the Empress. Their friendship
bogait then, and has never boon disturbed
during all the storms that have beaten about
the house of Bonaparte. Of course, the vis-
its to London and Paris wore in some de-
gree political, intended to strengthen in a
conspicuous way before the people the nth -
antic between France (111(2 England for that
war. Yet the intimacy begun in the clip-
lomaey of conflict has boon so everlasting
that it has never tarnished in the direct
adversity to the one and the zenith, of site'
cess to the other. It was unite natural,
then, that the Queen, when the intrigues
and misfortunes of Napoleon III. had under-
mined his throne, should offer to 11ee old
ally and his wife an asylum in the land she
Chiselhnrst is a beautiful old estate, a lit.
tie more than ten miles from London. It is
surrounded by o lovely bit of country. The
place Was loaned to the Emperor for as long
as he chose to occupy it. His stay was
brief. An old disease and the gnu -wings of
remorse and disappointments struck him
in a vital spot 1012011 he died, and
the mantle of charity covers ally crit -
1018211 of his career that night natur-
ally thrust itself into It description of
those he left behind liar. Chisolhust had
had more sed memories to' Eugenie tliatl the
loss of her husband. her son, the Prince
Imperial, 110111 tliooco 01211 to the Zululand
with the English troops to Mutt savages.
He hunted ore too many and paid the pen-
alty with his life.
The other clay the property associated
with the last days of Napoleon ITT. saeoulnb-
ed to the avarice of trade and was sold to 0
speculator. Within a short time what was
once the home of the third Napoleon will
become the abiding place of the tradesman
or mechanic. is to be out up into build-
ing lots. • Up to the last moment it was ex-
pected that some Bonapartist would pus -
0h2100 the property where Napoleon passed
his last hours and present it to the Empress,
but 110 one came forward.
Farnborough was great relief from the
sad memories of Ch'sollmrst. The Empress
had long tinio before a strip of land along
the railroad, covered mostly with heavy
timber, Oh the anmluit' of awell-woodod
hill an old-fashioned house stood, which she
remodelled bo suit' her tastes. When it was
out of the' 10,(111, 11(1111(1 it was
o a • t
for any person 1v110 marital rebireinent and
had the moans to support an expensive es-
tablishment. Tho .greuncls aro beautifully
111111 out with the richest flowers and shrub-
bery. There are plenty of pleasant stroll-
ing places and driveways loading in and out.
Seclusion is written upon every lino of her
immediate' surroundings. The castle can-
not be seen from the road, nor from any
point fn the immediate neighborhood.
Yesterday1, sat,i0 the sumo room with
Engonie. ',n'he is no longer young. Sixty-
four years here passed her, yet traces of the
brines beauty are still there. 'Sire is rattler
0,11 emigrate itself in every movement.
Were she yoiiiigor She W011121 131 0(111011 11t10
and willowy for ono who in middle life was
innelinod to be stout: Iter face, which is
grolvitlgi4ather thin ford is s0nlowllnt drawn
witil the harsh 111108 of oulmriug, sti11 ',amiss
that winsome expression which made her
so charming, Her deep blue eyes still show
much of their o)il-time flesh. Her rich brown
)Hain, always stteln a conspicuous part of her
beauty, is just beginning to show white
marl(,. Slur still represents in the very full-
est extent that superb dignity of manner
and graceful bearing nviniolt made and makes
her such a marked figure among the royalty
of the Old World,
1',1 'Eugenio's exile there: is no relapse into
sadness, and she stilt looks toword France,
and preserves the forms of its people as fa'
as p000111le about her. As I sew her. m her
heavy lvidow's weeds oho looked every inch
the dignified character she le. When she
spanks Thor Voice is low and pleasant, with
just enough of ne00nt toiso her words an
additional attraction. '.leo keep oliva the
,_,cit. ,rins'of her t200band,and son She has
expended a groat de,.l of wealth, and colt -
buries to spend a great ileal, Probably 0110
101111on of dnAm's would not misty the out-
lay up 0)t lesserlie's castle and its surround-
ings, .t„1.1h+'l two ,a 401111liltil1iug part Of
the t amulet: n , l 1,a .it.y of the remarkable
exhibition of past power ono SOW ea soon us
dropped at tate littlo railway station tlhirty,.
throe miles (torn l.ondou.
Looking to the I'd1 from Eugenie's 0:1)3110
in 1)1,1,110001101122! Aldershot, there can be
seen 111dt across the railroad week (13rov6 of
forest trees yktrtlig the top of•a lull and
toteling duw'uward toward 1111 openGcld, on
the uric side, turd the main wagon toad on
the of her, wide)) lr•'21s from 1'au'mhoronglh to
• 1
Ow military camp. On the brew Of the hill
muting these trees you see It nlhgnifleent.
building of while stone sllrntounted by a
tower and pinuaeled with dozens of smaller
sham.. The windows e • long amlfilled with
richly stained glass. Until you get in it and
aro a/inlittell 10 its mysteries it looks 111(11 a
parish church du a rich 00nml.unity, and ashis, but not in the Sense of belonging to the
people. his reared and kept hi perfect order
to perpetuate the mammy of Napoleon III.,
the Pri nee Iolperial, and, when she goes to
her J1n211 ao00001, the Empress Eugenio.
Doubtless a quarter of is minion dollars did
not pay for this monument to t110 fallen im-
perial family of France. The el0uoh Up stairs
A 81011E12 01' .1111.11.121,
and every thiug that money 0onld promise
has been done in the way of {altars, Wings
and decorations to make it as perfecta chapel
RN the ingenuity of men could devise. Just
in from of the altar of the A1.ldou1(1, and
above and beyond the seats reserved for
other worshippers, is set a broad arm chair
with a priodieu in front for the Empress to
kneel upon, The semblance of royalty is still
kept up in 1110 011utc11 as in the motto, and
her chair and its accompaniment are npl19l8-
tere 1 in royal purple anis the framework glid-
ed Loc0r(ling to the imperial habit,
The Sunday congregation at the mausol-
eum of Napoleon is small, and confined al-
most entirely to the attaches of }infants
household and a very fow lnunblo residents
along the highway who profess the 110121011
Catholic faith. Tho ciuhrch is kept tip
simply to gratify the religious sentiment e>
the Empress and to keep promote -et the
memory of her family, who aro buried 111101,1
the alter of the church in the sa'eopltag: of.
marble presented by Queen Victoria.
Theory t whore the two bodies aro depos-
ited is half the size of the 011110111 above it
and fitted up and finished oven more richly.
Tile floor is covered with elaborate tiling,
and in the centro between four great stone
columns it carpet is spread upon the mar-
ble. At the head of the two tombs, which
are on either side, aro placed the royal pur.
pie chairs for the Empress, the counterparts
of those abo'o. On amldt'orsary days
of husband and son sllo.has ceremonies bald
hole. The day I was there, there must
have been a wagon load of wreaths and flow
et pieces upon and about the tombs of the
two Bonapartes, mostly sent by French
To the graves of her husband x11118011 the
EnnpreCS is a dally visitor when at home. She
hos arather seel(ded walk built from the
castle to the crypt door, with a bridge over
the railroad which ants her property in
twin. This permits her to walk from her
home unobserved to say her prayers for the
(1001). To administer to hor15piritual waits
and say mass in the chapel the Empress keeps
six priests and four monks of the Congrega-
tion of France. Those white -robed canons
livo in a splendid brick 10001,0 in the grove
just beyond the church, large enough to ac-
commodate well double the number wino oc-
oupy it, 13ot11 in 0,0ehiteeture and sueround-
ings it is a beautiful building, a very fit ac-
companiment to the magnificent church and
After twenty years of banishment from
the land she once ruled, Eugenie is quietly
living here in a omultey wherein she never
had place or power, and atillmaintaining all
the outward evidences of her old rank. In
the little village the shopkeepers put upon
their wagons 'Pnrvoyces to her Imperial
Highness the Empress Eugenie." Not only
tor'entr bythe countryside, but the
officers 110 yAlclrshot and t110 statesmen of
England who occasionally visit Farnborough
make manifest their recognise the other title
just as though oho were in reality Allo Em-
press, and yet by no means known to law
or revolution would it be possible for to be
restored to the throne of France. No one
knows that better than herself, but she finds
it pleasant, if nob necessary, to keep alive
past glories and live in the same atmosphere
she enjoyed
2111101(11 1)011 EXILE.
Everywhere about her grounds an(1 in her
castle there are intorosting evidences of her
past, rich reminders of Igor royal home in
France, which are carefully preserved for
future generations, although she has no near
kindred„I believe, to respoot them when
she is gone. Even the state carriage, with
its cold -mounted harness and gold -linked
whiffle -trees, 111 whteh she and Napoleon
fordo o11 state 000a810ns in the heyday of
their power, is here kept burnished and
ready for use or show fn a building erected
expressly to preserve it.
The wealth to keep 0)p this style and en-
joy this miniature nation in 10 secluded spot
must bo oonsidereble, but She Empress is
credited 10111 having plenty and something
to spare. The savings from ''1110 wreck of
the empire aro said to have been large, and
her possessions in the United States aro set
down as yielding her a considerable income.
There aeons no clanger that the style of this
establishment will be marred in the slightest
for the remaining years of Eugenie's life,' if
eve. It is perhaps fitting that this should
bo so, for besides the good she does to the
huborhlg people with the expensive estab-
lishment she keeps up she gives liberally to
charity, and evory'perSot it Farnborough
blesses her every day. She goes about
among them in a very friendly way lvith-
otit• ostentation—tender, brit dignity itself.
Her life Is very &minded, the Visits to Vic-
toria being about het' only mingling with
the outside world.
Prohistol'io Animals.
All the magnificent buildings of Paris am.
made of limestone taken frets quarries near
the city, says 151. OYieltolns, These quarries
are composed of layers made entirely from
Allo they shells of microscopic animals, No
less than one hundred, and thirty-seven
species exist In those limestone beds. Thorn
wer0 ot1101' little beings, not 00 small, that
did all 011001110118 slam of rock building,
They have rooeived the Wane "mann-
titles,” from Allo Latin word 1111111111l15,"
meaning. "money," because their shells
resemble 001110, In Germany they aro Dem-
molly called the ' devil's money. They
aro so perfootly formed that one cannot
help thinking, on first looking at tlhem, that
they haws been stamped with a alio, in
some places mountains of {groat height are
1110110 of their shells, In Egypt the layers
aro of shoe extent that s11t00 centuries before
()Mist t110 rock has been used - for building
pp;vnrlpoei's, : The ancient pyramids and the
17(111513 aro mink of the rook,
anadia•>s,011tila 31.1,EDgtahoi
TL is nxeeudingiy fortunate, but not at all
snrprlsing, that the seizure of L'anadian
cattle at Dundee on the 111000y that they
Sverostilferiugfrout 1deuro-pneumoieshould
have turned out to no a uustake: Canada is
entirely free from the disease wench the
1':llgliall awthol'itios take 1311011 pains to ex -
011111e. 1 f any ennatil,in cattle 8110111,1 retch,
3150 lIritIoli 12,122)le, suffering fr.an11lecompliaant
they will tial 2.- 111 it on the way, ft is
111togetht.r diIIw'a11t on the other stile of the
lino, Ju 1)1e (,1101,00 orates 1110h11'o-pn0u-
Mindll 10 fury pl'eValrllt Last year ennui her
of diseased Attic were
detected et Liverpool
131d ft important.
Out 1000 1'e'lAlll•
tions requiring the lestrut'tion of 4)40110
suffering from the disease and prohibiting
the evpnrtation of snob tattle to 1/2181101111
he 011111tly unforced. A relaxation would
result 111 th0 se hcdalhn„ of Canaria and the
destruction of our trade The Ld01188108 of
live cattle frons Canada, to all the British
markets, and. theexelu0ien of American.
from all but the seaports, is the only dist-
crimination any colony receives in England,
and this is only to 1,e continued duringgeo(l
Attaoked by a Tiger.
A terrible eneouuler with a tiger is report-
ed 100110 India. \Yhfie a, party of foe r,mon
12000 0111 olrnothig rscontly 11111 ilia riet near
liazipot a tiger suddenly appeared aloha to
them. Ou0 of the sportsmen, named Small-
wood, al once took aim at the unwelcome
visitor, brit before he oonld fire it sprang on
him„ lacerating him 0frightful maturer.
Another of the party, named. Dew, who was
standing bohinc111is nufortnnatc companion,
suc00ededinwounding the animal, which
then attacked him, with the result that a.
portion of his scalp vab,3pr0) otl, and he was
otherwise severely woiiuded. Tire beast
then pursued the other two men,11110 seeing
their danger endeavoured to reu011 a place
of safety. One of them, however, stumbled
in his flight, and the tiger, W1hi011 was only
a few yards old, sprang at him but fortunately
overleaped him, Availing himself of the
opportunity the man fired at the animal, and
at, the first allot killed Jt on the spot. Small-
, w'ood's injuries were found to be so serious
that there wore 00 hopes of his recovering.
Dew, however, is expected to survive.
Sufferings of a Siberian Exile,
An escaped Siberian exile, who has been it
England for some time under the name of
Felix Brant, is now made known by the new
paper called Free Plumis as FeliX Volkhov
sky. The reason for his retention of an
assumed name for some time after his safe
11010\'(1l on froo soil Helps one to realise the
terrible anxieties' of the unfortunate men who
offend the Russian Government, Ho was
afraid that his child (eight be seized by' that
Government, and that they woultd punish
him for his escape through his dang11to0.
She is now safe in London, and tho anxi-
eties of the parent on her account are at an
encl. FT.e cndueecd seven years solitary con-
finement in a Session fo1•teess, and eleven
years' exile in Siberia for political opinions
in which we are told terrorism had no part.
Eluding tho vigilance of the Siberian auth-
orities he made his wiry across Siberia to the
Pacific and so to Canada. Tho story of this
wonderful journey of a fugitive from Siberia
01100111 be full of moving ach'enturo, •
Health Rales.
Let your living bo plain. lie regular in
your habits, Begin your morning meal1vit11
fruit. Itis safe' to filter and boil drinking
water. Rise in the ❑10011111g as soon as 37011
awake. Never commence work immediately
after eating. Be moderate in the use of
liquors at all seasons. Keep the feet com-
fortable and well protected. If possibly go
to bed at the shale hour every nig111: Exer-
cise in the open ail' whenever the weather
permits. 1300811 your teeth at least twine
a clay, night and morning. Don't worry, it
interferes with the healthful action of rho
stomach. A sponge bath of cold or tepid
water should be followed by friction with
towel 0r• band. Weal' woollen clothes all
the year round. Seo that your sleeping and
living rooms are 11'ell ventilated, and that
sewer gas does not enter them. There must
be interesting occupation in vigorous old
age. Continuo to keep the branactive.
Rost means rust.
A Good Method of Copying,
Buy. a piece of common factory or cheese
cloth, or as many pieces as may bo necessary
to make the desired number of copies, earl
rho sue of the letter boot( pain. When
about to take eop105Ivathe cloth, or several
pieces if 110008sa1•y, so thoroughly that there
shall be no dry spots. This done wring them
out as dry as possible with the hands. Now
place the oil sheet in the hook anti the cloth
thereon, and the leaf of the copybook on
this. Next lay the letter or manusoti t on
this, and if another sheet is to be copied add
another oil sheet, a 1vet cloth, the tissue leaf,
and so on for as lrany sheets as thorn may
be t0 copy.
By this process as many as twenty sheets
may be copied successfully at the saute time,
while the most export with the brush, or
any si11111ee1' device for moistening the tissue
leaves, will sometimes fail on a single copy.
Wo retired our hair and felt brushes to
snake place for tiro cheese cloth a number.; of
years ago. For typpowritor work nothing
exuols the cloth. Clear copies may be pro -
h ink left as longits 1000(0 is 0110U f on
a ribbon to make an impression.
All Ken
young, old, or middlo-aged, who find them -
solves nervous, weak an exhausted, who are
broken clown from 0xoess or ovo)svork,
resulting in ninny of the . following symp-
toms : -Medd depression, premattue old
ego, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad
dreams, dulness of sight, palpitation of the
heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in tho
kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or
body, itching or peculiar sensation about the
scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness,
spooks before the oyes, twitching of the
muscles, eye lids and elsewhere, bashfulness,
deposits .in the urine, loss of will power,
tenderness of the scalp and spino, week and
flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be
rested by sleep, colstlpatioll, (hdh1080 of
hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude,
oxoitability of tamper, sunken eyes surround.
Od with LEADEN 07210110, oily 100341ngg skit,
oto„ are all symptoms of nervous debility
that lona to isaaity and death unless oared,
Tho spring or vital force having lost its
tension very function wanes in consequence.
Those wile through abuse committed in
ignorance May be permanently entad. Send
your (11110000 fol'bOOlt +mall diseases peculiar
to man, Address 11'1, V, L17130N, 50 Front
St. E., Toronto, Ont. hooks sent 11•eosealed,
Heart (disease, the symptoms of whioll aro
faint 0(000,, purple lips, numbness, palpits.
tion, skip beats, hot flushes, rush 0f blood
to tate head, (lull pain in the host with beats
strelg, rapid and irregular, the second heart
beat quicker than the fir0t,p10in about the
breast bolo, etc., can positively bo oared.
No onto,1no pay. Send for book. Acl(lress
NC, V, 1,l130Nt 50 3ii'ront Street East, Tor.
ontro, Ont,
Tit for Tat.
1)a013a1vay (poundintr, on the wa11) Say,
in there,tie up that whistle, will yon';
Yoke front the other room --'Thein throw
over (1110 of your beide strings,
1)r, 1hirvey's Southern Reel Pine for
Coughs soil COlds 114 'the 0)11,01 101iah110
modifier. in nim,'
,If rumu:y enuld tiny salvation, gold would
be ata mighty Lig prnnlinin.
Improves ligcaioi 41.1d .,Lren hone the
voice, •cleans 2,11,1 preserves l,te teeTh,
Adam's Tall Fr11111 (1:111. Sold by all
druggists and confe:1 mum,.
(IATA!; I, if and. ASTHMA H1IA tyre not 00
11.11lily er,11Lu,lhxl mid mrad 11,0,re'1', A,
81.0)11 M'S OXV(11.\11111) 1.:4101IION
ofPURE l )' V ( ciente into e
l C )1 LI 1 It )1L am tut th
market. Every druggist is pleased to han-
dle 11 for they all know Its value. }or
tightness of the chest and difficult breathing
it hu0 no equal.
Charges A000rding to Diagnosis.
Pilltaker--Twenty dollars: Too moll,
'Doctor, altogether too numb. Why it was
only a headache.
Dr Yillgiver I know it, but I diagnosed
the case as incipient torero fever. 1121y bi. to
are made oat 1u000111ng to my own judg-
Reoommended to Sufferers.
Gibbons' Toothache Gun. Price 15 malts.
An uncontrolled imamlation may become
as surely intoxicated by over -indulgence as
a tope' may do hnidily with strong drink.
A.P. 525
oraem 11......masa,re omv. n•earz ®
Of Pure Cod
Liver Oil and
of Lime and
Scoffs Emulsion J4m tri o, PLt
9s rp Ir0,deITetl ),'Ire. Producer. re is MO
171(,1 itsnterly tor CONSUMPTION,
Scrcfnla, I3r0nchitis,Wasting Dis-
cuses, Chronic Coughs and Colds.
Scott's Emasion In only pot up in salmon color
,rrtrppor. Avoid all iutitotivasar substitutions.
Sold by all DsagaiA s 11'•. and 12L'10.
- scan, . 1.UI1'NP:, IIullevillo.
-T TALUABLIC Patent on Velocipede for sale
dream Beason, ill health, Address,
Inventors' Union, Toronto.
®PERs1DAY-0500 men and women,
0ojlruno ttclo. J. E. ()Loss,
59 ic a st1ot
11AfAGIC SCALE—For (1('0013 cutting, tau h
amo by IdIne Chuht, Toronto,
Agmen for ()n
Carlo, 421i$Y ongo street, Toronto, Ont.
d1r'f3ti111 . 07''
ifit(TI Q is iss,.
THE'1910 .tied Visor \'alloy' in North.
Dakoto, o1Tor0 then indueeuonte to'
10W settlers, Close to markets,
schools, churches, oto. Write to F'
R E ®
T. Wnrrsuv, G. P. & 1'. A„ G. N. R3
St. Pail, Mimi., or J. IV. HUCKINS
Toronto, Ont.,tor Mlaps,Books,etc
'1i ttYd :1 'WOOD ENGRAVER•'
i ASD \ Yt$.No.ill 1'CINC S,T.R:EE7'EA571
-Q8 ,TORONTO. I f12Pt Ar
importations of finest English Shoop Casings
arriving weekly. Also small American Hogs'
Casings in lots to suit purchasers.
JAS. PARK & SON, T00011 to.
The Croat Canadian Remedy, for the cure of
Asthma, Broncltitl0,Catarrh, for Coughs, Colds,
.Hoarseness. For sole b3- all Druggists, Price
81 for largo, and 500 for small box. If your own
(lenggist has not got it in stock, remit Si by
mail and you wilt receive one box, p001112id, by
return. Address, W. U. CHEATER, 901
L agaucllotero Street, Montreal,
t,'t How' 'ro 0802(10 La"
{ O O N U 1 A p1'aetieal and oloan'
G D 111111 TIED, Pamphlet. Approved
by loading dairymen.
Butter made this plan nos bringing 20c. per 1b,
steadily in country market. Price 100. Soled
to Smulltiold & Son, )lfereory, Renfrew, Ont.
1102enema drop everything and sol
itiT,t1AL1OE'e Lars Ot. G1110181', entitled
From Manger to Throne." Over 600 uarto
pag6es' '00011111trauels from groat paintings ;
and a Panoramic picture ill 00101'6 ton foot in
length, of Jerusalem 011 the day of Crucifixion.
Sold only by sabsoriptioln. Exclusive territory
to agents, Address Ica terms Wm. Butane,
Publisher, Toronto, int.
The above amount will actually be
given free, Bach person answer -
in; this advertisement will
receive a present.
1)'110 Above offer is made to introduce Hep -
burn's !hood Purifier, which has hada Largo
sale 112 this locality for rho post four years,
The 0nndh,ions areas follows: --
For tho largI3est, list of English words eon -
stringed 100111 the letters contained in thowords
it.eooivod 11p to 1V0v0nubor 16th, - 0100
1120001vod up to December 16111, - 60
neeetv012 nu to november 231)). •210
Thot'a wilt also bo 1 twee prises of ton dollars
each, 1011(1 001,011 311'1003 of. (12'0 defiers oath,
given in each 00123,10(1 of gm es Militated
above, to the next ton Lu'g est lists in the order
if yen do not win ono of the cash pt'ioas
Yon sillrevel vea,llr0selltla113'Way Ofaam0Va1110
0ther a I1st of avor(113 is sunt in of not
Each list or {applies Oen must be aceolnt>nniea
with 0110 Cellar for which a dollar bottle of
Rephrases Blood t nrflles will be forwarded.
`L'hisq»r0lara11011 is guaranteed to bo Rupordor
t01180lh ng 30! inl'0du,01 for the relief and0t r0 of 1 ver and 11111103' 1:(0111110,. Madan;
with t013lhn01110111 andfull information setlt of
reeelpt of a 0.00111 01121115,
Contest (*loses December 2811, the 0001 of»(leo
Whiners will bepab11011od in the MOWS of fro -
allots t110 following wool(,
itof0rrollocs I '('1112lloove of lroquos,
Pootnhastor of irogu018,
i4d(ltoss• C".iG., rmgg{nt,110gt103s,0111„Can.
Lock box 0210.
01'al`tlut this 011110,8 it may not almost, again.
(115 ,1 rl In and Rr,rdS• ,,on.tor
'tle la
Call. by 1Liadlu,d0utarrh1.11114
Instant Relief, . P.':vnanent
Care, Failure Impossible,
Alan 0 I.11.m. en ern 1-3.1v
0t(Inst I 21, S1 I
ntl,l 0,1:0 1.1to1 11 1
RIII /1,1 1..21 wW1 1, owl
any of It, „,
ec e o r 1.,.. t
timelea aLL[0I[b,0 1
limn 0)l (;,,011(1
lin ,1 rntd,n t , , n ,.,,i L.
n r0) L2,.
Phi la 1 wl 1
lowed by a -unt 1411 „d d,ad.
Ire sap
liana is sold b an do ,
et 701 0)r.
price A(10 centswnddns14.H
FULF00D & 00„
Brockville, Ont.
OHow to Get Ht
S A T How to Keep itt
lfl[ 15lI50Flila' t''uliye:Wtall,S'1 lilnhe
Ila.kblll 110411 00, 02,240 Kamp Or 001,lpl,„'opy to the
(1010(, D0. JNg. H• DYE, buffalo. NOW York„
B lJ $,tN,E-11t9S OIIAL'tl OBS.
1.NEIll orMore alongla GreatIJo 'Lt
ern Itdilnaa 111 Minnesota.,
qg¢�yqqyy(gt Dnkul,l ,11,11 h.
Momuuufr WriteF.
®230 HO 1. NViirr2121, 14.10'..& l'.A,.(1.N,
11),, til. fact, Minn.. 0r J. IM. 70'UC1£.NS,
'xoronto„Dot., for 110uk<, ala14, Sc,
.40 a :t 111:' IS 1"1'1,11
whea,oaau. '12,, rperfae.'t'
a rani nod 0(110111 cum ,211 is (0104
Sl l fir rae aro used 1
1;ar1nlN.s as no 1 urine
-111 ew+rsant. Rio cwp
,u preparation. a 1 will
i, env, 0 cases where otheremedies boo failed.
14(1 to eon for sending a frau battle is t 1 avant the
medal a to be its own recent.
ed111 OR. it costs you eat-
Inr errRtdal
ane a Express
Guo -x r •ss on
IS cola I,a. C ,. d
Post ul ice Address:
H. C. ROOT M. C., 100 West Adelaide St
Toronto, Ont.
ane ,kim withouti a nlfe
n b0m,Oal.ne 11111001,8).0. Manufacturers of all Minds Domestic Cigars,.
eVAZ::;. Sl., uorpaw, n. v. including
sunrise. Nothing like it. Write tor Genian, Colebrated,Crusader and Hero Brands
. IVIOYEtt & 00., se Yentas Al,„ Toronto.
Bost value in the Dominion. If, E. DIXON &
CO., Makers, 70 King street ICast., Toronto.
reSond for Price LIsts and Diseonnts,"ir23
Watson's Cough Drops !
Aro the best In the worm tor tho throat and
chest and for the voice. Unequalled.
8v T.. W_ stamped o11 each drop.
'PEIISONAI.-A 121111 who 1104 suffered for
years with Female weakness and is cur.
00 will send to env address ten days' supply of
the remedy empf0p&l for 100. Address Mrs,
Darling, cr..T. Trotter, 0 Richmond West, Tor-
onto, Can.
Chocolate Creams
Recommended by physicians. Poing 1n 1120
forma achoeolnte they arepleasaut10 the taste.
Children never refuse a chocolate cream.
Rclfn Arca .no after medicine. Ask for Daw-
son, and take no other. 801(1 everywhere.
25 rents a Box.
Dawson Medicine Co., Montreal.
Sailing Weoklybetwoon MONTREAL and
LIVERPOOL. Saloon Tickets,800, $50, and
010. Return 'Tickets, $g0, $00. and $110, accord
ing to stoamor and accommodation. Interim
(Hato $30, SteeragLte, $20. Apply to II. E. BIER.
RAY, General Manager Canadian Shlpping
Co., 401108001 HoU81 SWUM, liox RE,t1, 0r
to Local Agents in 011 Towns and Cities.
00 ¥OU `:''A,`' T
Or totalre s(170011011mll ego or preparatory 0011000,
0.111011101 if so, you 0110111d 1)0111112111 3'01100010
101111 the correspondence m0(110,ds used by
Ohant1111j111t College. Address,
JOHN R. DANIELS. Registrar.
New Haven, ('.nun.
Loan and Sa'iiigs Company
Subscribed Capital $ 4,600,800
Paid up Capital.. 2,500,000
Reserve Fund 1,340,000
Total Assets. 11,600,000
Sums fP$(and uppiIdl,or compoundedrhat
00(10'.0., of Interest, 1
Money resolved for r 1. trod term of Soave
for which Debentures aro issued, with half -
yearly interest Coupons attached. Executors
and Trustees are authorised by haw to invest
in the Debentures of this Company. The crud.
tnl end assets of the Company being pledged
tot money thus received. Debenture holders
aro at all 1110013 esstu'orl of perfect safety.
Th(, best Goods
Sold by Um Principal Boot
and Aloe Dealer's.
ill3~•4ln;y Pair Stamped.
One trial is guarantee for continual use.
— -fns —
Cheapest and
in /merlon to buy
Band and itueteni
• •1 menti
\Moate, &o.,
A21drossWIl1LEY, 801012 t ea.. 553 Vests
reit 1'r. ro ate.. 0)d J't d W r ';1 1' 1 I.
For Children stud ,Ul Hitt.
Invaluable for Indigestion and
FRANK & CO.. London, England, Proprietor
I41oie'rn0AL Opa'10,1 17 St, John Street.
Dr. 11,11. Allinson, L.i2.C.P. Loudon, says:—
"I like
ays:"Ilike Dr. Nichols 'Food of klealtl'very much
and find 1t of great dietetic value in many dis-
eases As a breakfast dish I prefer it tooat-
meal. For the regulation of 111e bowels it can-
not be surpassed." Send for sample FREE.
In all parts of the Dominion to ell CHAiiT-
PION IRON FENCE. Good pereenntgo
given. Write, Toronto Rolling Mill and
orgoing Co., Ltd„ 68 Esplanade St. W..
Toronto, Ontario. 'l'elupnono 12102.
s had rheumetism in my
kneroand lingers, bilious
h0dacllos, eta, ever
fcwwooks. Mr. Higgins)
Empire Laundry, urged
me to try ST. LEON
1 did, and IL sot me all
right, headaches and
PLUMS all gone., My wife
and three children also
use It. Wo all find St.
Leon water very good
and healthy.
Watchmaker Ss Jeweller,
310 Queen street west,
11` 21
Unequalled for Richnoco 111 Beauty of Coloring, '
They are tho ONLY 1YEO that
There is nothing like them for Strength, Coloring
or Fastness.
DT2PaolsgaE iTALC8WCofanyotherDyeIntbomarllpt
If you doubt it, try it 1 Your money will be m
funded It ynasrn notcons load after, With Fifty-
four colors 0)r'madc lh l'ut'klsla Dyes., nbra^ing
ball. ew shade and oilers aro added soon as they
ecome fashionable. They aro warren.., to dye
m . goods mad du it better than any other DY. --
Same Primo InferiorDyo,10 ctsl.
Canada Branch: 451St, Puu1 Street, Montreal,
Scndpostal.forSample Card and Boob 0/Inelruclfoes.
J T ®N 9 S Rs ,AN JNV,UiUA Bd.E coon
Por.i1* Who Need
., , ..,, ,, 111'3820 • :d; 0I R '•.rs >„ ,S,
TO TIB( EDITOR: Please inform your readers that 1 have a pool remedy for tl(
above named disease, By its timely use thousands ofho hopeless cases have been 'avt01011y cured,
1 ohall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy' FREE to any of yeti. fee _ s who have con
sumption if they will scud me their Express and POs{ Office Address, Respectfm, y "o A. SLOCUM,
188 Went Adelaide St., YOI801TO. ONTARIO.
1 ae re
$ tVlli$ HlhlE—Quicker thane shifting
SAVES I1 ELT{--1No wear ; belt stands
idle when networking.
SA'I' IS i OO»—ollshafl,
SA't'JSS MONiG'lr-_tsasmtroll as an rho
above 0001 money. ,
Send for Now "liaftillg aiid Pulley
s, ` "-s'/t=� i lircula1', 51012/100 your Wants.
l 1 f,
Wat,orou i ino forks CO. Ltd., t artfopd, Uouada