HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-10-31, Page 6r 0 cc h e 'fl 6t' is 1 00 o>1 it Si hi II' bt pt ia. :yt fe., TI tit laf Ti' 10 of so an flu wr 51, Tb ' c1 ma the Oat • Ai fits lies etc. one the brf, wit. '.0,0 1 110. Chi • had • too' 511 bus fish leaf. fc 1111 ;iter gra: n Al BITS Or INFORMATION. 'Papel tool handles are made. !Dublin has the -fargeat brewery. Iiroolclyn has 600 union foundry. man. The States have 400,000 drum - mors. Jamaica sends the most expensive ,coffee. 'Chioago railroad laborers get $1.76• Pittsburg makes shovels for Brazil. Fall Biter is our greatest cotton tenter. Chioago has a woman phar• .maeist. New York's unions will go into ;politics. Chicago has Cllineee cigar. ,makers. Horse meat dinners cost 5 cents :in Berlin. The Iutornational Bakers have 111: unions. Those are 88 fraternal societies in `iSt. Thomas. Steel rails are being manufartur- 'ed in Mexico. Boston's population is officially planed at 446,507. French newspapers all tleuomme . here I What's the matter ?" the McKinley tariff bill. There are only 25 diamonds "How crushed ?" 'weighing 86 karats or over. New York pays fifteen Police Justices $8,000 a year each. Land is 400 times as valuable snow as it was 200 years ago. The weather in. Manitoba has leen unfavorable for threshing, None but citizens can be em- psloyed on city work at Pitteburg. New York has seven millionaire •editors, but they dont write much. The gold in the world would fit in a solid cube building 24 feet each way. The collective length of the Lon. -don streets would reaoh over 32,- '.000 miles. Ch;cagu in 1849 had a popula- tion of 4,470 and to -day is more Silk is made from paper pulp. Texas has 80.pound water melons. lialetead street, Chioago, is 18 miles long. There are always 8,500,000 people on the seas of the world. A .Broad street blacksmith is making a mint of money by shoe - home after nightfall. Birchall'e trial cost Oxford county $2,500. The counsel were paid by the Government, making the total cost $8,000. The use; of Indian rubber for erasing pencil marks was first sugested in or just prior to 1752 by an academician named Magellan, a descendant of the great navigator. Ile ,Moved On. Saturday night at a late hour a policeman discovered a man sitting in a dark hallway ou Michigan avenue,, and 'called out to know who was there. "It's me," replied the lonesome voice. ° "What `are you doing there ?" "Tbinkin'." "Well, you think yourself out of "Tbie very morning I landed in this town with the dew of Oakland county glistening on my whiskers. My step was light and buoyant and my heart sang a glad song. " "Well ?" "1 came to the Exposition—Ex• position with a big 'E'—and down in my right hand breeches pocket there was $22 snugged away. ' Ab 1 but I stepped high and felt my oats t" "And what ?" "Met a man," "Yes." "Took a drink." "Yes." "Met more men." "I see." than 1,100,000. "'Took more drinks." ,Chicago's Park system comprises "Of course." something near 2,000 acres end 40 "And an hour ago I woke from a miles of boulevards. troubled sleep in a lumber yard and Oliver Dalrymple, of North Da came here to pass the rest of the 'rota, has a crop of 450,000 bushels night. I am dcne up—dead broke sf wheat this season. —gone to smash—itrushed almost It is proposed to light the whole out of existence." anterior of the Parliament House at "You made 0 fol] of yourself, old 'Ottawa by electricity. fellow." A pork packer from Victoria, B. "I did." 42., is iu South Essex buying hogs and shipping them to the coast. The blind now have a watch by which they can tell the time. It is elle invention of a man In S O'itzer' land. It is estimated that the number :passengers carried by all the rail - 'Toads in the world average 6,600,- 4)00 a day. The falls of Niagara carry down 1.0,000,000 cubic feet of water per minute, equal to about 3,000,000 ,horse power. Pennsylvania's gain in papule. .tion during the last decade has leen 1,004,000 and that of New 'York 989,000. One of the revelations of the oeu sus is that there are now 27 States with a population of over 1,00,000 eaoh. In 1880 there were 19. There is on exhibition at Halifax, N. 9 , a dwarf named Ell. fiupman. He ie 19 ,years old, weighs 24 pounds, aucl belongs to Lockport, N. 8, S.uokelesi pnvder is without smoke. It is a smoker, but a less 'intemperate one than the gunpowder :with, which we have been acquaint .ed. Land is very scarce in Scotland and the poor can scarcely get enough, .to live oil. Yet the gentry of the land are said to have 100 deer 'pre.!. serves. The talented young 0auftdian violiuist, Geo, Fox, will give a :aeries of htrewell appearances in 'Oai,ada prior to his departure for Europe. ' Quail hunters at ..South Essex, 'Ont., do not obey the trespass warn inks given them by the farmers and ••they are being summoned to appear '.before the local authorithee. A general convention of those op- ,poeed to the liquor traffic will be beld at Esees, Ont•, on the 80th: F. S. Spence, Secretary of the Do. minion Alliance, will address the moetiug. "And now you must take the con• sequences." "Zactly. No more song of glad- ness inmy heart—no more walking high snd feeliug that I am a thor- oughbred from way back. I've been emptied out." Well, you'll have to move on." 'I move. I go out into the' chill and the darkness—I wander with the bright stars looking down upon me with their wondering eyes. Six- teen miles to our barn -yard gate, and I'll be there before the. eastern sky is Rushed with the first warm blushes which herald the approach of fair Aurora. S'long. I move. I dust. The krushed returns to his lair," The officer called after him and offered to pay for his lodging, but the only reply was the spat 1 spat 1 of a pair of feet echoing through the darkness. An amateur scientific student at Wakefield, Mase., planted a potato in a little dirt ou the top of a :factory, 40 feet from Lite ground, to see if the potato beetle wunld find the plant. la found it, and the Minton Trttureript says that now ,the amateur wants to know whether vthe beetle is a bud or a fly. To turn the cattle out into the bare fields in gold weather when there is nothing for them to . eat there, and lose flesh shivering in the sold. It le shiftless to allow woods to occupy any portion of the farm, and very shiftless to allow bushes to occupy several rods of ground along the fence rows, It is short -righted policy to elect to the township and county offices the men who cannot support them selves in the ordinary pursuits of life. It is aleo costly. It is a• thoughtless end a very dangerous thing for a farmer .to put his name on any paper presented by a stranger: Also, to gopu the notes of friends and neighbors. It i9 a shiftless ' triek to employ the teacher who will work for the least wages. It is as bad to leave a family of boys and girls to grow up without good books and papers. Shiftless TrleIs For A Partner, To try to farm without manure. To plant more acres than can be taken care of. To work with poor tools, and to sow poor seed. To buy at public sales what is not needed, because it sells cheap. it is shiftless to keep poor, stock. A poor cow eats as much ea a good OEM. To lounge about etoree : and groceries when it is possible to be 'd,oiag something at. home. To raise frogs; and mosgo, epee in the front yard. 'To have a;pig wal- low in the road near the ,gatek, '1'b allow the .hogs And: sheep to wander at their own sweet will over their owner's ' and his neighbor's premises. To allow the barn -yard to drain into tine public road; of . into a stream: A good many farmers are guilty of this. To cut the wood for the kitchen fire day by day and thea burn it green. it ie worse to leave it for the wife to out. To let the cattle fodder themselves at the haystaok. It saves a little labor, but the waste will make their owner poor. To have the privy and well near each other.' They should never be lana thau 290 feet apart, The privy should by below, not above, the well. '2o tem tools of any kind lying out in tho weather ; to put them away unoleanod, or to loan thein to shiftless and careless neith'lors. It is a heartless thing for a farmer to allow his wife to work sixteen or eighteen hours, when his own work is completed in ton hours. Ou the farm as elsewhere husband and wife shou'd bo 'equal partners.' A little girl named Bowden, vgod 3.8, living near Oliphant, six miles From Wlarton, has boon etopp:ng at fat44seiglhbor'e named Randall. Ran Ash had decided on sending her away for some cause. On Thus'• day of last week the girl saidshe dreamed Eandall's barn was on fire snd the tacit clay ib was burned to the ground. The girl has been ar- s/WWI, KING OF WEEKLIES! FREE PRESS • Established half a Century. LONDON, - ONTARIO. The handsomest Printed Paper in Canada. —-T--- 775 CASH OPPORTUNITIES Offered to the Public. The publishers of the Locnolo WEEKLY F0EE PSEss are happy to announce that they have set apart the sum of 10 1000.00 (ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS IN GOND),, to be divided amongst subscribers whose names may be found on the subscription lists March 1st, 1891. The allotment will bo made as follows :- 1 Grand Allotment of $100.00-$I00.00 4 Allotments of 25.00- 100.00 20 " " 10.00- 200.00 50 " " 2.00- 100.00 300 " " 1.00-300.00 400 " 't .50- 200.00 775 $1000,00 The allotment will take place under the supervision of a Committee, MIarc% the 2nd, next. Those to whom the allotments may fall will thereupon receive a notification of the fact, and a coupon for the amount will be leaned, payable at .the counter of the y0108 PBEss OFFICE on and after March Gth, and will be forwarded to them. There are yet four months during which persons wishing to bo included in these hand- some allotments, may come in to share by subscribing to the WEEx:LY Faze Please. Price, One Dollar per year. It will be seen that by this scheme o DIVISION OF PROFITS, those parsons to the number of 775, selected from all the names on our subscription list,will receive a handsome recognition by having placed to their credit, or pard in cash, 30108 of money varying from 50c. to 9100.00 no Now is the time to subsoribe 1 CHRISTMAS NUMBER. FURNITURE! FURNITURE BARGAINS! HAVING PURCHASED A Bankrupt Stook of F iiit ,re, And added it to my already Large Supply, I am in a' posiiion to sell Goods Cheaper than ever. A Splendid Stock to select from, consisting of Superb Plush and Hair Cloth Parlor Suites, Oak, Walnut and Cherry Bedroom Spites, Sideboards, Bureaus, Extension Tables, all kinds of Chairs (from Plush, Cane and Rattan to common wood chairs), Lounges, Sofas, Mattrasses, &c., &c. It is impossible to enumerate. Any kerson will bo well repaid for examining our Fine Display. Special Attention given to Picture Framing, A Large Mange of Pictures, Brackets and Fancy Articles for Sale. Big Cut in Linen Window Blinds with Patent Fastener. Hand -made Furniture our Specialty. We Guarantee Satisfaction every time, and take no second place in our work from anybody. Latest Designs. . • In addition to the above magnificent offers all subsoribers to the WEEKLY FioBE PRESS whose names may be on the list December 31st,. for 1891, will receive a gift of our forthcoming splendid I1Lusxn.t'rED GIIBIsTMAs NUMBER, now become so popular throughdut Western Ontario ; but no others will bo,",entitled to a free copy of it. Therefore, pow is the time to subscribe, .1111 persons en'torrng the subscription rets' on or before 81st, of 1ael1ember' next, will be en- titled to the DOUBLE ADVANTAGE of securing a copy of the ORRrsTstA0 NUMBER, as well es .participating in this benlits of the DIVISION OF. PROFITS, as previously set forth. • , No person, however, whose name is not as the subscription List, Deo. 31st, for 1891, will bo entitled to that consideration. ,• ' Therefore, now is the time tosubsoribe. The WiBKLv nun Pons is a large twelve page paper and conceded to be the best family newspaper in Canada. The Agricultural Depart- ment Is a. noted feature of the "Free Frees," being always up to the times, and conducted b7 arsons practicallyY skilled In Farm Work. Il- lustrations, Practical and Useful given each week. An the News In Trull by Telegraph, Telephone, Mall and Correspondence up to tbo hour of publication, Special Market Depart- ment. Agrloultaral Department. Capital story always Ituaninit. humorous heading. Jvst the thing for loudly 1 lilvert. member of the household eagerly looks for It each weep. LARGE $1.00 PAPER I In Clubs of four and upwards, 75o. oaab, I1ALtNO1i Of' 1990 FREE. UNDERTAKING- ! The Undertaking Department is under my personal supervision, and everything is done to suit those requiring my attention. A Large Stock of Caskets, Coffins,1 Robes, &a. always kept. Two Hearses in connection. Special Attention given, to Embalming. I have the District Agency for the Celebrated EARN ORGAN. Save the local agent's commission by buying from hie. LI43i:RA L Tm 3J5 1•It•:. Send your subscription money at once direct to PIMP, PUSS Orin OE, London, Ont., which, if duly and securely nailed, will be at 005 itrslr, Please write your name and Post 0tliee address distinctly. ADDStliea 1 FREE PRESS PRINTING GO., LONDON, CANADA. AttENTS WANTED 'EVERYWHEuk. Seed for Sample Cees, Upholstering and Repairs Attended to with Promptness. ALL GOODS DELI'VE'RED FREE IN THE COUNTRY. I The public cordially invited to inspect our Largo and Well -assorted Stock. R. Leatherdale. RONEY TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 61 Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. O ice of ealat Cures J Leu atis • J To the Public After a business experience of 18 years in the Butchering Eusi- nese in Brussels I desire to ex- pxess my best thanks for the patronage of the past and tisk a continuance of the same for the time to come. 1 desire to call the attention of the public to the fact that 1 have Rcmovecl my Place of Busi- ness to my now Brick Block, Opposite the American Hotel, where 1 will keep a Choice Supply of Meats, Poultry, Sausage, &c. FAT CATTLE WANTED. Cash Paid for Dressed Poultry and Hides. hili. A. CALL. NOTES TUTU, Wm. EIashillt I2'= BUTC1psR. Money to Loan, Money to Loan on Farm Pro- perty at LOWEST 'fl4TES. Private and Company Funds. DICKSON & HAYS, Solicitors, cde., BRUSSELS, taNT. MONEY TO LOAN. 1V1 Money to Lean on FARM PROPERTY -at- LOWEST RATES. Private Funds to Loan. :e2O,000 Have been placed in my hands for Investment on real estate. LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST. No Commission. Borrowers can have loans com- pleted in Three Days if title satisfactory. W. M. SINCLAIR, Solicitor, Bntssels. PHOTO . TINTYPE S, 4 • For • a+U • Ceriit.t~. Private and Company Funds. APPLIC TO' J.C.Hefernan, J.A.Young. Valuator. Agent. Ethel P.O., Ont. :atf t Life Alza An wont from the Smallestn done Ina first -Wass manner.. V I of 1eardonees, Etc., at Reasonable Rates. W. -J. Fairfield. THOS, FLFTCHFR, Practical TVcttchimctker and Jewele1'. : Thanking the public for past favors and support and wishing still to secure your patronage, we are opening out Full Lines in GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Silver Plated Ware from Established and Reliable Makers, fully warranted by us. Clocks of the Latest Designs. 'Post' CHOICE' STOCK OF -- Pocket and Family IBLES --ALSO-- Hymn and Psalm Books ALBUMS Sold at Prices that will Astonish you. Writing Mai: Wonld make to Nice Present. Seutoot Booby, Bags, &c. A Nice Assortment of Stationery. 'dost) Booklttre,rllsselot JEWELRY i WEDnuao RxNae, Lianas Gnu Risme, Bemoan, n, Emma, fie. t "Also a Full Line of Arlo/axe and Violin Strings, &o., in stock. N. B.—Usurer of ./Marriage Licenses. T. Fletcher, - Brussels. H. DENNIS -Q- �v IS Calls the Attention of the Public to the Fact that he continues to turn out First-class Light and Heavy Harness as usual. Nothing but .A..1 Stock used. Suet to Hand a Splendid Stock of Horse Blankets, hugs, Robes, Bells, Whips, &c., &c. A. Large Range of Trunks, Valises and Satchels kept con- stantly on hand, and Sold at Reasonable Prices. No Shoddy about them. Special Attention paid to the Maufacture of HorsCollars. Repairing. promptly attended to. CALL IN. ' •1d. DENNIS. Oily Tongued Agents will try to draw Attention' fronrthis Native, NEVI11;,MIND ! • Call and Jedge for Yourselves all who tir,i'in want of the following : Our Single Furrow 'Plows sell from $12.00to $14.00. We draw Special Attention to our Two Furrow Ploatlk, which sell from $10 to $13. Straw Cutters, $40; 6 Knife Pulpers, $14. PLOW POINTh'o Of All Makes. The following are some of them :--•-Verity, Wilkin- son, Copp, Advance and Smith's Fails, Kept Constantly on Hand at 40e. per Point, Gang Points, 25c. each. Second -band Horse Powers of different makes Cheap. largo Pinner, 1ionhltisg Machine and BMW Saw' for Solo. rv. i WILSON, Bruiisols Foundry. 1 mill.,,,,i