HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-10-31, Page 5BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1390. LOC NEWS. Cow oILy MOINTeen Wee in 'WoodBtooJ Bt Monday.. Tut p;ultry market ie livening up and premises to be good" this Fall. prim' MOM hat put up a new stake on his lot adjoining their fyatory. Tim, next meeting of Huron Coun- ty Sabbath school Convention will bo held in Brussels. Jiro. ' N'ioudxsoN has taken a situation 'id a machine shop is Illinois. He went to it on Tuesday. Oua wagon makers are into the cutter and sleigh business hard and fast preparing for the ooming win - P. TuoMrsoN is looking after minerals at Sudbury. We hope he'll run against a, gold mine . up there: Some specimens of "Alexander" apples grown in B. Gerry'e garden weighed about 19 ounces. They were dandies. Mx, NEALY, a student of Koox College, Toronto, occupied the put. pit of Knox church, Brussels, last Sabbath, very acceptably. Dor'T forget Mies O'Connor's con. cert iu the Towu Hall next Tuesday evening, Fax's comic songi are aloud well worth the admission fee. GEr your Fall advertising ready. Dont do businees at the expense of other men who try to boom Brus• sale. Tell the pubiio of the bargain s you have. DONT order your printing from travelling fakirs. Give it to the men who patronize you and where you can get just what you want and at fair prices. TIME Wae a groat slaughter of sparrows in Brussels last Friday in connection with the Bowman— Caldbick annual shoot. 50 points were allowed for the head of a sparrow. MISS MARY Boss is attending the Listowel High School and is taking up Third class certificate work. She comes home every Friday night. Mips Mary will make a No. 1 school mnr•n, we prediot. Tim Mitchell Advertiser says :— The Brussels POST is very indign• ant. In referring to Mr. Davis as being in town, begging a few jobs, It asks how much money Mr. Davis spends in town ? We suppose it meane how many 0o. drinks he got away with. D. STEWART, Seoretary•Treasurer of the East Huron Agricultural. So• ciety, may be found at the Ameri. can Hotel on Saturday of this week from 2 bo 6 p. m. "ready to pay prizes for the Spring and 1+'all.shows of the Society. A. large number gottheir prize money last Saturday. Tug special Thanksgiving 'oollec- tion 'taken up in 'the Methodist church on Sunday, Oot. 5th, toward the liquidation of the floating debt, amounted to $145.50. The sum will be increased to $200 by persons who were not present on Sunday, it is expected. The pastor has the matter in hand. DIED.—On Tuesday morning of this week Charles D., infant sou of D. A. Smale died, aged 19 months and 9 weeks. The little fellow•.had the In grippe last winter and ap• peered never to get really over its elfeots but gradually failed until death closed his eyes. He was a bright child and will be 'greatly miseed by his parents. They have the sympathy of their many friends, particularly so as this is . the third obild:they have buried. The funer- al took place on Wednesday after. noon.. G. A. NEWTON, Wbo has Alcon teacher ,of Hariock-school for,eome• where near ten Yearn, add' given . euoh.unisertiereatisfaction ,that. •the.• board would gladly, have re•engaged hiyi again for next `yeas', has deo* ed to retire 'from the - professibdl 'at the and•,ot•tho,year,; aud, tberefore,,y tendered his resignation. He has decided to:stud'$''den4�f`str'3,'and ' lint next year oominenoe a &lure° with Mr. Brune, dentist, Clinton Vlair syn Newton is a -in. law to�S. R)OYe; num couN'rI NOTE& Mr. Whitehead left the Clinton New Era ripo strawberries on Wed. nesday. W. H. Stewart, Principal of the Blyth Pubic School has handed in his regi?nation.' There hae been a sudden out. break of influenza in horses in the neighb)rhood of Exeter. Will. Jaoksou, of Clinton, has been elected chairman of the Exec - dive Committee of the Ticket Sell- ers' Association of Ontario. On S'inday, November:2nd, Rev. Wm. 'rorranoe will preaoh a sermon to the Loyal Orange Aseooiation, in the Methodist oburdh, Gorrie. A German woman from the viola ity of`Zutioh, whose Mind is con- sidered to be none of the soundest, was committed to the County. Jail on the 1Gth inst for threatening tp Are Showing this week burn ,the Ev aetor flax mill: Rev. Mr. McConnell, of Varna, who for some time past has been pastor of the oongregations of Bay- field Bond and Berne, has resigned, the pastorate of theee charges, and will go to work on his farm. Tho other day. Jos. A. Clark packed, in the orchard of James Reynolds, Hullett, a barrel of beau• tiful Northern Spy apples, that were expressly intended for the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, L,ndon, Eng, Notwithstanding the alleged soar• oity of apples io Huron this year Thos. Cox, of the Oth con. of Gode• rich' township, rejoiced in a 250 barrel yield from his orchard. Not a bad asset with apples ruling at $2.25 per barrel. Wm. Dunlop, of Howtck, who was working with Mr. Hommison's thresher, met with a very bad ao- oident. He was on the tank driv- ing when by some means he fell, the hind wheel passing over his head, which was out and bruised in a frightful manner. Young Stewart Straiton, son of station agent Straiton, Goderioh, a boy about 10 years old, left home Tuesday morning of last week to attend school, and has not eine re- turned home. No trade of him has thus far been received, although diligent search has been made in many quarters. Ile was dressed in dark clothes. The little eon of Geo. Leith, of Blyth, met with a painful accident recently. Some children were riding him around' in a small waggon, when he was thrown oat and his arm broken between the riot and the elbow. The little w fellow seems to be very unfortunate as it is but a couple of months since he fellfrom the fence and had his right arm broken. The other evening James An- derson, who lips been engaged by P. Kelly & Sou, Blyth, working about the grist mill, met with a very painful accident. By some means or otherhegot his left hand caught `between the belt and the pulley in connection with the rollers. The book of the hand. seemed to be com- pleted scooped out, the cords of the third and fourth fingers were broken and the bones in the back of the handwere badly broken, several pieces of bone were removed. The date fpr the inaugurating the chime of nine belle in the Trivitt Memorial (Much Exeter, ie definitely fixed for Sunday,. November 20th, The great belloaet some weeks ago, weighs nearly' a ton,. add is pro. nouaeed' by the founders in Balti- more to be the finest toned bell cast by their •finis in several years. The stairway in the belfry hal 'tin been al.! f / h or •• a e: of Brussels WuaT ws mat sarsor.-An early snow fall.—A, few.weeks of Indian summer.—A great quantity of gdod • towdet, and shot, wasted on Thanke• giving day, --The electric light to soon ehine out in the darkuese,—A largo addition of members to the Mechanics' Instituto so se to secure a winter's reading from the tip top library of the institution.– The Bible Society annual meotiug,— Christman goods to come to the front.••-Overoonts, caps and mittens to take their innings, -500 ase, subscribers added to TEM2oix list. • s • The brick work of Mayor Ford's handsome brick store is finished, and hae the finest appearance of any block in Mitchell, terse e to make room Professor+iiot2,'':of Baltt'niore, Will exhibit the range and oapaoity {of t4e,,.q.OU.q upon ,, the Bundy . and daring,(lle,fgllowing wee,Ik. ,` An adjourned meeting of the G. & W. Biailway;was held. at Goderioh ouv9.ot.20th; Present, J..T..-Gar: towptJt-P,Et Colborne,,Horaoe Hor- ton/ •(ill Or'abb, WI Led'and F Jolt - , den. Tate chairman, prytluo d ibb etook • ;.B�ook i ei,r a by4^ = f} A J° ,ti., j olmtlfiy god ejrti';,p �,ii'Ot1Q,i1,• (F. Toms, 200 shares,, *20,0010 ; Joeeiili Beck, 20 'Shiites; "$2,000 ; Dudley H,oltnee,;30tehltree $$,000 ; I-iiitbn 11oluhe6i 30 sibaree ,,$8,000 ;'Janes H. Brown, 20 shares, $2,000. • A receipt was produced from the Can. adieu Bank of; Commerce showing a deposit of $16,000 had been paid in in compliance with the law, being 10 per cont. of the above subscribed stook. Moved by 0. Crabh,second• ed by J. H. Colborne, that W. J. R, Ilolmee, having complied With the resolution at our last meeting by producing the stock and malting the neoaseary deposit in the Beuk of Commerce, this meeting accepts the subscriptions and iastruots the pro- per notions to be given calling the stook holders together for the oleo tion of directors.—Carried. Special Lin.es of Three DRESS GOO WHICH WE ARE CLEARING OUT At Greatly Reduced Prices 10 Pieces at 8p., 'worth 12c. v 10 Pieces at 12c., worth 15c. 20 Pieces at 15c., worth 20c. A CALL sOLIC=TETJ_ FERGUSON & HALLIDAY, - MANAGERS, HOIVISO THE-- cr 'Bo 1RJ7 Is offering the Largest and Fin- est Stook of Groceries, Crockery and Ua sware In. the County' of Huron. t r County. Owe ihrladle Explained, A drummer .,wha !tavola for a Boston grocery concern says that he Bees in Maine some 41130 est Woke that are pr$ptioed• any whore on ,lis ,route, He gives the following specimen .A farmer's wife bustled into a store in Washington County the other day, and went for the proprl- etOr. with : , "Mr,'B•—, I bought six pounds of sugar hero last week, and when I got it home I found a stone weigh- ing two pounds in the package," "Yes, ma'am." "Can yon explain the swindle, sir ?" "I think I can," was the proprte tor's placid reply. "When I weigh- ed your eight pounds ,of butler, week before last, I found a two -pound' pebble in the jar, and when I weigh- ed your sugar the stone must have slipped into the scales .sbmehow. We are both growing old, ma'am, and I am sorry to say that our eye- sight isn't to be trusted. What can I do for you ti -day, ma'am 2" For a moment the woman gazed at the tradesman over her brass bound spectacles. Then she reool lected herself, and remarked that she bad: a dozen eggs which she wished to exchange for hooks and eyes. Every article being bought for spot cash we are in a position 'to"Sell.as''Cheap as ' the Cheapest. Bakery Department. Fresh Bread, Cakes and Buns always on. hand. 'Main, Cakes a Specialty. GEO, THOMSON. Trials of a Paton Pusher. A good joke is related at the ex- pense of a modest young Dakota newspaper man, which is going the rounds simply credited to Exchange. It is to the effeot that the pusher of the pencil went out to report a party the other evening where the home bad recently been blessed with a new baby. Accompanied by his 'beet girl, he met the hostess at the door, and after the usual salutations asked after the baby's health. The lady, who was quite deaf, and suf• fering with the grippe, thought he was asking about her cold, and told him that though she usually bad one every winter, this is the worst one ebe had ever had ; it kept her awake at nights a good deal at first and confined her to her bed. Then noticing that the scribe was getting pale and nervous she said she could tell by his looks that he was going to have one just like here, and asked him to go and lie down. The paper was out as usual next week but the local editor has quit inquiring about babies. Hen roost thieves are worrying the people around Exeter. Mitchell Corporation • have put in the new Reliance dynamo, and now have a perfect system of electricity. In the grouping of the Ontario Curling Club for the tankards, group No. 10 consists of Bright, Platte. villa, St. Mary's, beafortb, Goderioh Forest and Stratford. A. son of Joseph Coppin, Mitchell, had the misfortune to receive a sev- ere blow on the eye on Monday, While playing shinny at school, bursting the ball of the eye. He will not lose the sight, and the doc- tor thinks he will be all right in a week or two.An hour's work in an evening will do it. 500 New Subscribers The Brussels Post BETWEEN NOW AND January 1st l '91. Balance of 1890 Free TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. If every present Subscriber of Tan Posx would make it their business to secure at least one new name our circulation would boom better than ever, and this could be done very easily. A number of our readers have already done this and are on the warpath yet. A Good. Offer Any person sending us FOUR Nnw SUBSCRIBERS during the months of November and De- cember will be presented with a Well -bound Volume of "The Carnahan Farmer's Manual of Agriculture," Containing nearly 600 Pages of Real, Live, Interesting Matter for farmers and others interested in cultivating the soil, the rearing and caring of stock, useful tables, recipes, &e., &c. Over 80 Illus- trations. Prof. Mills says : "No better The members' of the Algoma bar, represented by J. J. Kehoe, District Attorney, and M. McFadden, wait- ed upon Judge and Mrs. Johnston, and presented the latter with a handsome marble clock, which bore the inscription, "To Mrs. Johnston, with compliments of the Bar of Sault Ste. Marie. While George L., son of George Bentley, of St. Marys, was arrang- ing a ropeto a poet in front of their stock bull the other day, in a oar pt the station the animal sprang at him and ornehed:him against the aide of the oar, breaking tip ,.of WWI ribs and„orushinghis, lunge 'soma- 'abet. Fortunately, the anirnel s horne Camean each • side of .the boy. When the bo y ot'Wiiliem Srogkl who was beheaded by a train at Stratford the other 4ay, was searched the gum Of 4316:20 was found in hie' poq ets. ''There being no known relatives to whose • aredit themoney can be placed• the eum has been entered in the ,name of Coroner Shaver. When the partieit rightly entitled to the . money aro found, whether -in this country or iu England, they will receive it with interest. The annual meeting of the Godo. rich Curling Club was held in the Colborne House the other eveuing, when the following officers were elected for the ensuing year :—Wni. 1'roudfoot, ['resident ; T. B. Perry, Vice -President ; Bev. J. A. Ander- son, Chaplain ; C. A. Humber, Sec.- T'rees. ; John Bain, of Toronto, and 0. A, Humber, Representative kletllbere ; Coot. McGregor, T. B. Perry, lohn Yule and Capt. Wm.I McLean, Oomuuttoe of Manage - Ment, We will be pleased to show the Manual to any person de- siring to see it. Help yourself and Tnn Pos'r at the same time. Lively, Crisp Correspondence Wanted from all sections of the Coutityyparticularly in the town- ships of l Igrris,' Grey, Mc11iliop, Turnberry and Elma. SEND ES THE NEWS. ADDRESS W, ti, KERR, Brussels. W .A.,1•71" Mr) 'f 500 NEW SUBSCRIBERS To Tho Brussels I'osx between now and Simony lot, 1891. Balance of 1890 Free fa New Subscribets,