The Brussels Post, 1890-10-31, Page 4rim BRUSSELS POS'1 New Advertisements. Wanted -Tun roar, Found -Poli Pub. House. Nen's'apers-J. T. Pepper. 1'i s for service -S. Walker. The rush -W. Nightingale it Co. Nti155C15 Vast. FRIDAY, OCT. 31, 1890. Tau Manitoba Government is going about the emigration movement with the old world in a proper way, we think. Premier Greenway has gone to England, supplied with maps, literature, samples of grain, coal and minerals, and will establish a Colonization Agency in Liver- pool, where all necessary information about the Prairie Province will be sup. plied. The right kind of people will be welcomed to the new world, but we don't want any more of the paupers and street rabble brought out, especially at our expense. TUI: meeting of the Imperial Partin, meat next mouth will be awaited with e good deal of interest the world over. The question which everybody is asking is, will the Government get through without suoh'a defeat as will necessitate a dissolution. It can, of course, avoid defeat by doing nothing. but it is pledged to two or three great measures, the principal of which is, probably, the Irieh land purchase bill, which, it will find very difficult to carry. Then there will be a battle royal over the enforcement of the coercion act and the troubles arising out of the agitation. By reference to a Huron Co. item in our supplement it will be seen that the Goderioh people are getting a move on in connection with the extension of the C. P. R. from Wingham to the Co. town, $60,000 worth of stock has been eubscrib. ed, headed by our former resident, Dr. W. J. R, Holmes, with over ' $30,030. If Ibis road is built it precludes the possi- bility of the proposed line from Guelph to Goderioh materializing and the Guelph people are only now opening their eyes to discover that their hang -fire style of dealing with railroad deputations in the past was not the thing. They have ap. pointed a committee to confer with the C. P. 11. and some move may be made. We don't blame Goderioh but we believe had it not been for the noncommittal policy of Guelph the route from that city to Iiuroo's capital would have been sur- veyed before this. Bressele needs a sec- ond railway and our committee should be on the alert to take hold of the work. Perth County. St. Marys has a night 9013001. Stratford Building Society has 421 shareholders. S. R. Hessen, M. P., of Stratfoad, has returnedfrom a trip to Victoria, B. C. H. Gleiscer has been chosen 'Seoretary of the Mornington Agricultural Sooiety. The roads of DIonkton locality are in a weetdhed condition, owing to the long continued rebus. W. W. Hicks, postmaster, Mitchell has returned from Dakota, after an ab- sence of about three weeks. Jas.' Gallagher, eon. 10, Wallace, lost a valuable horse the other day by an ex- press train running over it. Walter Teskey, s St. Marys boy living in Toronto, has draws a $5,000 prize from the Lotrisiana Lottery. Stratford is to be the headquarters of the 28th Battalion band in future, in. stead of St, Marys, and Ernest Brodhagen is appointed leader, .4. W. McGuigan, formerly of North Easthope, •now of Vancouver, B. C., held the winning'tioket for $2,000 at the re• cent drawing of the Terminal City Build. ing society, of Vancouver. As a result of a visit of D. D. G. M. Chas. Packert and P. G.111. John Gibson, of Stratford to Mitchell the other night, it has •been decided to resuscitate Bissell Lodge, I. 0. 0. F., in that town. F. R. Hutt, of the G. T. R. shape, Stratford, received word last week that his brother, Lieut. Hutt, of the 78th Iuillllandere, stetiotesi in India, lied been instantly billed by falling over a precipice. Mt. TIutt will leave for Eng. land ghostly, Pr•.n?n.. Co. Jam. --The atntietice of Btrutfird jitil Ser tho year ended Sept. )0, 1880, show that 112 males and 10 females were aommitted during the year. The greatest number confined at one time was 17 males and 3 females, anon the least number 8 males and 1 female. There were 4 mates committed under, 108 males and 10 females over 15 years of age, of whore 65 males and 0 females suffered for their first offence, 10 males and 4 females for their second, and 3 for their third. Twenty-five were reported illiterate, being unable to either road or write, 84 weretemperate and 58 intemper- ate. The jail expenditure for the year was 81,078,88 ; officer& salaries, $1,428,50. The cost of daily rations per head 8005 fi cents. During 1830 there wore 1.45 males and 5 females committed. It may be interesting to some to know that "Mexican Charlie," or the gout who • is said to have figured in other places as "Mexican Charlie," fa just now iloing Stratford the ]tenor of malice; 11 his beadgnarters. The Windsor hotel is his stopping place at proeent, and be was ono of the attractintet at the 11;.11 'chow there rho other day, where be dict (pate a brink trade for awhile in watches at $5 with a $1 bill imllcid0 the hd, lu some cases he made believe to put n 115 bill in the lid, but so1110 who bought trusting in (Charlie's generosity and thinking they hada sure thing found that Charlie was too dextorols for them, and it was only a +;1 bill lifter all. Charlie Kid not pueh business very far, however, 18 being his aclteme apparcnt;y to 8131311 in with at least one tow:, which be tan mance a sort of city a ref n rah Lor this murk of Oharlie'e clivi iuyuishnd considmlatiol 1 Stratford should doubtless be truly grateful. DISTRICT NEWS. .Atwood. The Bee is getting out a special odi. tion to Ice known tie a Pioneer number of The Bee. The Methodist Sabbatn sohool have decided to bold their annual entertain. meet on Xmas eve. Rev. E. St. Yates has been appointed by the Bishop to take oharge of the Episcopalian church here. firaanbroolc. Rev. D. B. McRae was at Wingham this week taking in the proceedings of the Sunday school Convention, James McNair also attended. Peter Sinclair, jr., 13th con. of Grey, brought a big potato to the manse that weighed 2 pounds and 7 ounce. It was grown on Mr. Shlolair's farm. Who can beat it 7 Mrs. Samuel Slemmon was called to Toronto reoently owing to the serious illness of her father, Wm. Leckie. We are pleased to hear that the old gentle. man is now improving nicely. and we hope he will s000 be rostered to his usual health. Quarterly meeting service at the Meth - dist church next Sabbath morning. George Dobson has been engaged as teacher of Duke's sohool for next year. The salary will be $400. Mrs. Laird has gone to Glasten, Da- kota, on a visit. There is a great deal of siokness in that section this season, typhoid fever being the prevailing trouble. The 0. Y. B's are making big pre- parations for their shooting match here next Wednesday afternoon. They have secured a large quantity of fowl for the occasion. At the meeting of the Trustee Board, held last Friday, the question of engag- ing teachers for 1891 was taken up. There was a big choice among the 60 ap- plicants and the lot fell on Jas. A. Mc. Lauchlin, of Oranbrook, as Principal, and Miss Sherlock, of Ethel as assistant. Mr. MaLauchlin has had 5 years exper- ience and has been a successful peda- gogue. Miss Sherlock is the daughter of the Methodist minister here and has taught a couple of years. The new teachers commence work at the opening of next year. lxth. Mrs. Poulton is seriously ill. Will McBride has opened out a bakery. John Denholm chipped a oar of apples to the Old Country on Monday. John Bell was again re -appointed tux collector for the current year at a salary of $10. Dr. Sloan and his son William are away on their annual shooting expedition in Muskoka, Quarterly meeting is to be held in the Methodist church on Sunday next. Con- ductor Snider is to occupy the pulpit. 12th division court was held in Indus• try hall, his honor Judge Doyle presid- ing. Only one ease was brought forward for hearing. On Sunday morning next Rev. G. W. Raoey intends preaching in Trinity church, Blyth, a special harvest thanks• giving sermon, L. H. Shine, owing to ill health, has disposed of his livery business. Beattie Bros. are the purchasers and take pos. session on the let November. Messrs. Ashbury it Jamieson purchas- ed this week the boiler and engine which have been lying idle at the defend Baw. den factory, and are having them put in their foundry. Mae toawe'l. Rev. Jas. Livingstone, the popular pas- tor of the Methodist church, delivered a very interesting lecture on "Imagination" last Friday evening, under the auspices of the Mechanics' Institute. This is the first of a series to be given during the coming winter. The sale of the Lillico property, the Arlington hotel and the brick store was held as per notice, but neither of the places sold by auction. Mr. Wolfe has since bought the store he occupies from the Loon O0. for $2,000. At the sale $4,- 200 was bid on the hotel but it was re- served at $6,000. Juvesir Fonasixns,-Tile following are the juvenile officers for the olrrent term of the Society inetituted Ed. Clothier ; V. 0. lig., Wm. Little ; Chaplain, C,yrill Barber ; Reo.-Sec•, J, 1'ldgounlbe ; Fin. See., A. Bamford ; Treas., Wm. Purnell ; S. W., E. Clegg ; J. W„ J. Harvey ; S. B. S. Culbert ; J. B., B. Barber ; J. P. C. R., lid. Little. The Juvenile Cart starts out with a good membership and have a number to initiate et their next mooting. The juveniles are under the supervision of an executive elected by the two courts of this town,colu nosed of Bros. Torrance, Willoughby, Wolfe, Dixon and Edgoum- be, but the ofli0e and business proper is done by the boys. rY I cesces tor. Geo. Watt, of Ilnrloell, was visiting friends hero thie week. W. H. Sanderson and Peter McTavish aro away with cattle to tine Old Country markets. Jno. Hooey received a ear load of wheat from Manitoba. Ile sold it to Rowson Bros., miec re, Mrs, Thos. Gibson, wife of our M.P.P., and Moser(. Davidson (Rev.) and Ilenry represented the Presbyterian Sunday school at the Convention geld in Wing - ham. ltev. Thos. Davidson, M. A., spent Thursday arta friday of last week in Hamilton. Ho attended the Christian Endeavor Convention there, acting as delegate for Wroxeter. Jno. Gotten was finned 825 and costs for selling liquor t0 a person when he I was warned not to do so. He has ap- pealed against the decision. Th:3 oath will comp off at Godorich. The annual meeting of rho Wroxeter 1 Curling Club was held on Tuesday when the following officers were eleebed : Jae. Ireland, President ; 3. W. Sanderson, Vioe•Preeident ; doe. COWeet, Seo.-Treas. The Cantata, ,,The 'pillar of Fire," will be rendered by the Wroxeter Glee (;lob on the evening of Thanksgiving Day. The Club has boon under the l0.e'b i'Ship of Wm. drawn, M.. D., who is a tllor"ng11 1511 4 010)1, and are fatly pre. pared to rotator it. hi 11 style p:c:tshlg to OM lovers of the thus sol. We trust that it will be greeted with a full house, foal. 1814 0(105 that nova will be disappointed, goven new applications were received In 5Le loyal Template Society last meet- ing, Evidently the temperance senti- ment is strengthening and the people are only paving the way for Prohibition. lieu, Dlr. Strath, agent for the Bible Society, delivered an able address in the Methodist church here on Tuesday even. ing. The chair was occupied by Thos. Gibson, M. P. P., President of Ibis Auxiliary. W[I,ItoIs The Orangemen are counting on a big time at their entertainment on Wednes. day, Nov. 5th. James Smillie and Miss Smith and Mrs. Fergaeon attended the Presbyterian Sunday school Convention at Wingham this week. Report Bays that the Royal Hotel here will shortly be offered tor sale by publio auction. It is a good eland and could be made a very comfortable plana, Wingham. Geo. McKenzie left in Deane' flour and feed store u White Elephant potato that weighs over two pounds. An entertainment will be held in the Presbyterian church on the evening of Thanksgiving Day, ander the auspices of the White Ribbuners, Mr. Allen, Secretary of the Reliance Electric Light Company, was in town last week and arranged for placing the six lights on the streets. Hastings & Ritchie are very busy at their older and jelly mill, and are running day and night. They shipped a carload of cider to Norwiob last week. Postmaster fisher, who hes not been well for some time, started on a health - recruiting trip to the Northwest Terri- tories on Tuesday of last week. He ex- pects to put in moat of his time at Cal- gary, and will return about the 10th of December. 88enitorth. Saturday afternoon as one of D. D. Wilson's men, W. Carnoohen, was en- gaged loading two cars of eggs at the station a train in the yard caused the team to run away, upsetting the waggon and throwing some of the boxes on one of Mr. Carnoohan'e leg, breaking it. The eggs were for the English market, and were packed in very heavy flat eases. The final match of the Western Foot- ball Association took place at Berlin Sat- urday between the Seaforth Hurons and Berlin Rangers, and resulted in favor of the latter by 3 goals to 2. The whole game was keenly contested and remark- able for brilliant play on both sides. The Rangers played a magnificent game, and seemed to be in their proper places Don. tinnally. The Seaforth Council havo resolved to appoint A. H. Ingram at the3rate of $400 per year, his engagement to continue un- til the council of 1891 take office. Mr. Ingram's ditties are to consist of running and having fell charge and control of the dynamos, cleaning, oarbooing and adjust. ing the lamps, making all canneotions and replacing lamps when required ; to have full control and oharge of the elec- tric light plant and to be responsible for the proper running of the same. C•;.rev. Fall work is much delayed owing to so muoh wet weather. A great deal of shooting is done by local sportsmen just now. Mrs. Hunsicker and daughter have gone to Fort Gratiot, Mich., on a visit. Mrs. Wm. Perrie has been quite ill during the past week. Her heart is troubling her. Henry Scott left for Muikoka last week, where he purposes working in the shanties all winter. The days of organizing literary and debating 'moieties for the winter months are nigh at baud. Look out for another wedding on the 5th con. before long. Miss --Bays it is not so but we will wait and see. Coral Engler has been engaged as teacher in Whitdeld's school house for 1891. He gets $250. This is his first school. Jim. still visits across the bridge evenings. The rest of the boys are getting quite jealous of him. One fellow says he ought to be reported, but where would you report him to 7 Several from this vicinity who at- tended the lecture at Brussels, of Prof. Panton, of Guelph Agrioultural College, on the "wonders of Yellowstone Park," say it was one of the finest lectures they ever heard. Most of the winter apples were deliver• ed at the different shipping points last week. Load after load might be seen on the different lines every day. The crop turned out a great deal better than was expected and at the prices obtained e nice sum was realized frum the orchard. The Morris and Grey cheese factory will likely wind up operations for the year this week. They have had a sic• easeful season and e, largo mance. Mr. Edgar is to havo oharge of the store. home of Mossre, Stewart tk Lowick, Brussels, this Fall and coming Winter as weightmastcr. The valuable farm of Walter Richard- son, adjoining Brussels, will be offered for sale by public auction on Wednesday of next week, Nov. 51h at 1 o'clock. 1'. S. Scott will be the auctioneer, The property should sell well as it is a good farm in a most desirable location. Dir, Itiohardeon'e health is poor and he wants to give up farming, Dino. -Last Saturday Mrs. Jeff. Wil- liams died after an extended illness of that fell disease -consumption. Throe or four years years ago she went with her husband to Washington Territory but the country not agreeing with her she came book ]sere a few months ago and resided with her mother on the 9111 con. Mr, Williams is still in the west. The fun. oral took plane on Monday forenoon, the internment being made ab Brussels came - tory. The deceased was a sister of Mrs, R. W, Took, formerly of Cranbrook, PLOWIVd DIA•rcii.--•T114 Molesworth P108818 g Club Held their annual plowing match on the farm of Wm, Mitchell, lots 53 and 51, con. 2, on Friday, Oot. 1.7813, The plowing was excellent, A twin plow was shown by Mr. Gillies, of Toeaw,ator, wide!) did some excellent work in stubble and was admired by all. Smith, implement agent of Listowel, gave a gang plow for a prize to the boys. Jho following is a list of the prize wnunara : Ehret -class,_. -mol, 1Mt, (300. Brown ; second -class -men, 1st, Goo, 181Wnuics, 2nd, Reb6, Linton ; boys under 16 rare -1st, David Campbell, and, Juo, Menzies ; Ord, Jas, Menzies ; boys under , 11 years--lst, D, 7, Mangles, Om. 81, 1890. T. BEHOLD THE SIGN OF THE BEAVEE COLOSSAL STOCK OH' Boys', Youths and Men's Suits and Overcoats Slaughtered. HERE'S THE GOLDEN STORY: The Great Clothing Firm of Lailey, Wetson & Co., Toronto, concluded to close out one Great Lot of Suits and Overcoats, and, as we Sell more Clothing than any other Store in the County, we got the first chance. Buying became an absolute necessity. We did not need the goods but had to take them. It would not do to let competitors get hold of such Immense Values. NOW WE MUST SELL ! We Know Ilow Z v We'll give you the Profit. Clean, Bright, Fresh Goods. The Latest Fall Styles in all Colors in Sacks, Cutaways, Cheviots, Worsteds, &c. Splendidly Shaped. Thousan.els of Dollars Worth of Clothing I THE LARGEST STOCK WE EVER IIAD, AND MtTST BE SOLD BY JAN. 107',' 91 ISL+ZSON,ABLE CREDIT TO 000D JI -[EX I SIGN OF THE GOLDEN BEAVER. A. R. SMITH, Brussels. P. S.—Suits ,Made to Order. Stacks of Tweeds, Worsted Coatings, Melton, JV'tcpp cuzd Beaver Overcoatin;s to choose from. John and James, sons of Adam Doug - Ins, con. 16, arrived home last Saturday. They were in Washington Territory for several years. 0. Bowerman, teacher in No, 8, and who goes to No. 1 next year, has rented A. R. Smith's farm, w13ich is very con. veuitent to the school. Cornelious is al- ways in luck. Wm. Botz and wife, of Kansas, were visiting at Philip Both last week. They are well pleased with their western home and have succeeded well under the reign of Uncle Sam. They have lost none of their love for the land of the maple leaf. Morales. This week F. S. Scott disposed of the Pybus farm, containing 100 acres, to Geo. Hewitt, of Elma township, for the sum of $2,700. The purchaser is expect- ed to take possession shortly. The case of Morris Council against the bondsmen of the late Treasurer for the shortage in his accounts is set down for bearing at Goderioh on Friday, Nov. 11th. Why could not the matter be settled without incurring the expense of a trial 7 Miss Lizzie Strachan hae been erten* ed as teacher at Anderson's school for next year. She is now attending the Model sohool, The present teacher, A. I, McColl purposes taking up the drug business and will take a position is G. A. Deadman'o store with that intent. 14Ir. ltoOoll has succeeded well in the 5011oo1. S. Walker, in addition to his Berk. shire pig, bought last July, has purchased a thorn' bred Chester White pig from Thos. George, Putnam, This pig, al. though only ono year old, took 3rd prize at the Industrial Exhibition, Toronto, in a class of 17 and 8rd at the Western Fair, London, in a class of 15, all white breeds competing at the same time at the letter, Competent judges pronounce him a very superior animal and Mr. Walker deserves credit for investing his money in such stook. SnoMrlxe MArcn.-Tho 1111111.10,1 squirrel hunt or shooting match came off last il'ri- day under the captaincy of Joseph Dow. man and Geo. Onldbick, the former Winning. In the evening the company assembled at Jag, Bowman's whore the captains and referee Wm. Work counted up the points. After this a social hop was given. Music was supplied by the host, Geo. MoFarlalo and Wm. William. son. About 100 persons wore present and enjoyed tho hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Bowman to the fullest extent. The following are the names of the persons engaged in tho "shoot" and the number of paints scored :-Joseph Bowman, Captain, 7,800 ; Jas, Stratton, jr„ 4,1)80 ; Thos. Bone, 2,700 ; Ttobt, Carrie, 820 ; Jas. Robertson, 1,270 ; It. Caldbiok, 1,. 520 ; Frank Armstrong, 2,000 ; 0. Gan nen, 1,710 ; A, Metemehlin, 1.010 ; R, Cardiff, 2,010 ; W. Gayness, 2,240 ; .nae. Wallace, 1,050 ; Jno. McColl, 820, Intal, 31,980, Geo. Caldbiok, Capt. 1,9601 Jno. Mines, 1,700 ; Jno, LOWLY, 1,6:10 ; Wm. Bowman, 4,1110 ; Jas. 1 Mend, 1),. 110; J, Colley, V, S., 000 ; Richer.' ltrmstron 4,600 ; Jno, Bowman 4a 1.60 ; Jno. Warwick, 03,700 ; Jno. Fell, 020 Wrn, Sellars, 1,080; Wm. iamplo, 2,010, Total, 80,180. There were some &mug• ing things brought out at the count. On one side, tanned skins and a bundle of coon skins from some hardware store were produced while to balance this two of the other side journeyed to Bluevale for "heads and mile" from the hunt there, One poring gent had quite a stock on hand but a naughty oat stole a big share of it. Sparrows were in the ascendancy and the slaughter at some of the barns amounted to regular Water. loo's. These attacks were made ab night with lantern and an old broom and itis said that as many ae 100 were despatub- ed in this way at one barn. A mammoth carrot 12 inches in length, 221 inches in circumference and about 7 pounds in weight was brought to the office of Tits Pon on Tuesday afternoon. It was grown on the farm of frank Mo- Outoheon jr., and will be hard to beat. rm.-Last Tuesday evening about 7:80 o'clock Wm. Barrie, con. 6, was in his barns and stables attending to hie stook for the night. He Left the lantern hanging on a nail in the barn while he went to feed oats to the horses. On his return to his astonishment the whole of the inside of the barn was in a blaze. He thinks the lantern must have ex- ploded. The fire quickly spread and speedily consumed all the buildings. They oousisted of one barn 00x70 feet, one 40x70 lost and a log barn 80x50 filled with hay. Mr. Ba•rie's 8811010 50050115 crop, with the exception of a few loads of wheat and oats, was consumed. All rho stook was got out excepting a few ;lige. The frttnno bergs were fine, well built structures with stone stabling mlder- neath, and were comparatively now. Thorn Was a1 insurance of $2,500 in the Ilo8(i013 Mutual lint it will not begin to cover the loss, to say nothing, of being thrown out of stable room, ,to, at this galleon of the year, A large number of persons were at the fire but vary little 0ould be dole after the stook was saved Perch offered Goderioh fishermen lots of sport the past week. Tho youth who was lost last week et Godericb has been found, A largo brown boar is at present roam. ing through Stephen township. The hay presser's have been around lIolmesville this Week, Maly of the far. hors intoe sold to there, Novenbee 5th will be celebrated in the Orange hall, Clinton, by the nnonlbtre of L. 0, L. 710, in the way of a social gathering. The 'penieg anniversary services of 8110new Methodist church, lJlyth, will bo held on November Ott, Rev. John Potts, D, D„ of Toronto, will preaob at 2:130 p. m. A TilanlCegiviug dinner will be held at 5 o'clock, after which addresses will be delivered by Dr. Potts and other min- isters. At the 0,11110181 111001101E of the Wing - hem Curling Club the following officers worn elected for the current year :-101111 Inglis, President ; Swaim Rent, Vico. President ; John 1tioe11811c15, Secretary. Treasures ; W. II. 0. Moyer, patron 1 Mrs. Jo1111 No0lauds, patroness ; John time, chaplain ; - TTlagh Millar, ropro- sohtative. REAL ESTATE. BOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE with good garden, well and stable Apply to MRS. TDItNBULL, Mechanic Street. ARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN- aeasoanun has several good Parma for sale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships of Morris and (Gey. F. 3. SOOTT, Brussels. 87-tf. I,1ARM TO RENT.—THE SUB - norther odors his 100 acre farm, being Lot 15 and West half lot le, Con. 19, Grey, to rent. Between 80 and 00 acres (geared. For further particulars, as to rent, terms, &e., apply to P17T1;R SINCLAILR, Proprietor, Oranbrook P, O. 18.4 • ARIVI FOR SALE,—TAF UN- n18R5i0Nnan offers for nolo the north oast quarter of lob 28, concession 8, Morris County of 'Huron. containing 50 sores, The land is of first quality amain. a High state of oultivatfon, well Ienend cu4 under -drained 05 acres eloared, New frame house, 8 rooms milk house with concrete walls, 2 wells good barna and shod mallard, etc, Plight acres of fall wheat. This desirable property itd)0)058he corporation of Brussels. Suit- able toles will be given. Title perfect, JAM75S GR110VI7, Ow11o1., 80- Senior Eh P. 0, ! 00D FARM. P018 SALE IN + Morris, on reascnabie berms, lu order to close the affairs of the estate of the late W. G. iiingstou, the executors offer the fol- lowing valuable lands for solo North half of Lot 30, Oou000sion 6,'1'ownl,ip of Alorlis,centething 00 acres, 011 this 101 le erected a good frame barn with stone fnun- dation,good orchard, well and00511 . Near- ly all *leered, and 15 on the graves road closely ad1eining the 1'lllago of Brussels. This farm ie a valuable ono, le well fouoed and in a good state of cultivation. For prices and terms apply to T1108. r18L1.Y, Brussgple P, 0., 12)30180 Jrvx)Nns, Victoria Sgna'b 11, O., or 3A181:011 181710, 181381310 Lodge 1'. 0 Middlesex County, Auction Salo Splendid Farm. There will bo offered for 81810 by Public Auutto» at Ile Aatnnrs.ta lIo'rsr., iu rho Von - Luta 001 Blt8snnths, of W adnesaiiy, Nov, 511i, 1890, At 1 O'Olook p, m. That splendid term being composed of Lot 0, on 1110 Otir Concession of Grey, containing 05 nese, of witch 85 aures are cloared, well 10neod, lludur•,iraiuod and in high state of uultivattoo. Thera are 10 nevem of tall wheat and heifer the electrum le needed to gram, The n0 oloared part 15 well-timhorod and11115 Olt 8138 gond deal of coder, '1'11010 is emu• fortelde111)011 cottage a bang barn nlby52 feet, with comfortable and 00,nn1nd10us Mono etebling, There aro two nom Patting seethe welts melon orchard, This farm ad- dle beet markets to N Otol,(tvO which cam 1(f farm is ono of the very best in the county 0P Berne and is adapted to ulthor grain or stook raising mid must be sold as 11u, pro. prlater is determined to retire, and it !should 0Onlm38nd the attention of intmtding put. 01naeora, 711n010, -•-Ton par rant, or 1110 51tlelnanh money on the d'ty n1' sale and iulongu I,5 m,0L0.,m„ hill wi thin un da10 1811,1 rho bol. 110o on I.in10 In ting 1,13 1,11 with )e1 er8381 at 1,1, 1, oc01 coat, Immolate possession if d0• 51)0, SCOTT, WALTER Tacna/Num. Atnattoneer. 12'3 i'roprdotor