HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-10-24, Page 10s
Around the World With Nellie Bly
HALMA, (A SeIerrirle GANL•.)
GAME OF SNAP (Iurnovsn.)
Cock Robin and his tragical death
Lotto, Authors, Familiar Quota-
tions, Conversation Cards,
Elite, Old Maid, &c.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
nand South, as follows:
GOING SMITH. Gorse Rose n.
Mall 6:53 a.w, 1 dtixed 0 80 a.m.
Express.. ..11:45 a.m. 11 Mailgees p.m.
Slued......... 0:50 p.m. Express ,.,9:45 p.m.
Total 'Pius 4t.ClttS,
A ohiel's amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll pront it.
Secs/mom for sale at McCracken's.
MONTHLY Horse Fair on Wednesday,
Nov. 5.
Goon dry wood for sale at I. C. Rich.
ard's harness shop.
Fax range boy's underclothing at
Scarff and Ferguson's.
SZE our supplement for additional
local and district news.
Ir you want a new buggy go to Jas.
Walker, carriage maker, Brussels.
Tem Electric light plant will be here
in a few weeks ready for operation.
ALL the newest styles in gentlemen's
ties, shirts and collars at Soarff &
Miss 3e ce DUDLEY has just complet-
ed a quilt with 6,175 pieces in it. It took
a good many hours work.
BRUSSELS grain market is booming.
Tbe only trouble is to get oars to let the
grain away so as to afford more room at
the storehouses.
DEER hunting parties are being or-
ganized. Some "dear" hunting is also
on the tapis if reports are true. The law
allows this kind of gaming all the year.
Hem Prof. Penton on "Ten days in
Park" at the Town Hall
the Yellowstone P r THE NATroeserxIEs.-A platform meet -
comesFridayevening this week. He ing will be held in the Town Hall, on
coo meessunder the auspices of Brussels Tuesday evening of next week, 28th inet.,
MeInstitute and is well worth when the following musioal and literary
hearrinnics' ng.. program will be presented: -"Red, wbi' t
Fon SALE. -Good working team, set and bene," by choir ; {"England and the
doable harness (nearly new), good wagon, English," Rev. Jno. Soott, M. A., of
plow and harrows, also windmill pump Winghem ; solo, "I'm an Englishman,"
and derrick (just new). Will be sold at a W M. Sinclair; "Ite'and and the Irish,"
"rest bargain as proprietor has no further Rev. F. E. Nugent, of Mitchell ; solo,
use for any of above articles after Oct. 1. "Barney, take me home again," Miss
Apply to E. R. GRuxac. ;
THE first snow of last Fall fell on the Sootob," Rev. J. Lilly O'Connor, McLachlan, of Wrox-
and the
night of Oet. 5th, in sufficient quantity eter ; solo, "Saolland yet," Alex. Straoh-
to oover the ground. It was followed by an ; "Canada and the Canadians," Rev.
sharp frost. This year we have had no J. Livingstone, of Listowel ; "The maple
suspicion of snow se yet, but the frosts leaf," choir. Proceeds towards Methodist
have been sharper and more frequent church parsonage improvements.
than they were last season.
examinations for admission to High
Schools and Collegiate Institutes, will
be held at Brussels, Wingham, Goderioh,
Clinton, Seaforth, Exeter, Dungannon,
and Wroseter on Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday, Dec, 22, 23, 24, commencing
at 9 a. m. on Monday.
LOTT'S LIVERY, -The attention of the
Public is called to the fact that Levi Lott
leaps a first-class outfit of good drivers
and new, comfortable buggies. Every
attention will be given to those favoring
him with their patronage. Stable just
east of Dr. Graham's block, King street.
Give him a call as his rates will be found
within the reach of all.
Two of the Celebrated Ronald Fire
Engines were tested this week and
chipped to North Bay and Huntsville,
respectively. Mr. Ronald, Foreman
Watt and Engineer Melson arrived home
from Sodbury last Saturday. The new
steamer did magnificent work there in
the various tests and pleased the resi-
dents immensely. The Brusselites
brought samples of the minerals to be
found there home with them.
New Mauna Womce.-The firm of
Johnetoo & Cochrane, stone cotters, &o.
has opened out are prepared to fill all
orders for monnments, tombstones,
markers, fences, &o., in a workmanlike
manner and at living prices. Satiataa.
tion guaranteed in every cane. Don't
place your order without calling on them
and Boeing their samples and ascertain.
ing prices. Shop nearly opposite the
Town Hall, Brussels.
PREPARE To LAUOB.-Tete editor of the
Gerrie Vidette is suoh a funny man and
gets off the most langhabie jokee yoo
ever heard. Here ie hie latest :-"The
editor of the Brussels Post offered a
epee'el price at the East Huron tall show
for the two largest pumpkins. Probably
In thinks three beads are better than
one." Had the roads bean better and the
prize for one of the aforesaid articles we
might have had the Gerrie editor on our
hands. We have much to be thankful
W. B. Dlcseos was in the Co, town
t0ie week.
WANTED respootable youth to learn the
boeinees. Geo. Good.
ADvswrxeB your strayed cattle in Tas
POST. NOW 18 the time.
A raw second band buggies for sale at
a bargain. JAS. 'Wenn.
Sump & 1''gnooeos'e 50 cent kid gloves
are the boat value fu town.
BanoeiNs in trunks and valieee, School
bage at cost. I. C. Riollard's.
WHAT about organizing the Brussels
curling olnb for the coming season ?
H. Dents, the well known harness
maker, of Brussels, hag disposed of the
light and heavy sets of harness on whioh
he took 1st prizes at the Fall Fairs.
NOTICE. -Aa the partnership of Sloane.
Warwick & Golley, Veterinary Surgeons,
has been dissolved all parties indebted to
them are naked to gall and settle et ones.
1lnn1suncn the platform meeting in the
Town Hall next Tuesday evening coin•
manning at 7:30 o'olook. Addresses by
Baths. Messrs, Scott, Nugent, MoLaoh•
lan and Livingston and musical selections
by Mies Lilla O'Connor, W. M. Sinclair,
A. Strachan and the Methodist choir.
AT a cheese exhibition held at Belle-
ville last month S. W. Laird captured a
prize of $25 for colored cheese and a $6
prize for white cheese. There were
seven prizes given for the first named
and five for the latter, We congratulate
Mr. Laird on his success. He also rook
5th prize at Toronto and 3rd at London
LIVERY. -Il. Williams & Son have
their new livery running in tip-top style.
Reliable. speedy horses, new comfortable
rigs and attendant comforts guaranteed.
Ladies can be suited with quiet horses.
"Live and let live" is our motto. Re-
member the plane, Mill street, Brussels.
Speoial arrangements made with corn•
menial men. If you want a rig any
time call on ns. H. Wrrnotus & SoN.
AcosENT.-Last Saturday afternoon
Edna Dennis met with an accident
whereby her left leg was broken below
the knee, Mr. Dennis was removing
some small trees from his lot and as they
began to fall thechildren were amusing
themselves with a short ride. Edna'e
foot caught some way in the crotch of
the tree and in the fell the injury was
done. The bone was speedily set and
the patient is getting along nicely and
wilt ere many weeks be able to got about,
again we hope.
A FREE HOSE. -A cottage worth 6750
will be erected or its equivalent in cash
will be given to the person detecting the
greatoet number of typographical errors
in the December issue of our monthly
journal entitled "Our Homes." Three
hundred and fifty additional oash prizes,
amounting to $2,300, will also be awarded
in the order mentioned in rales govern-
ing competition. Prizes payable at par
in any part of Canada or the United
States. Send 15a in stamps, Inc com-
plete rules and sample copy of "Our
Homer," which will be issued about
Nov. 20th. Address, Our Homes Pub•
lishing Co., Brockville, Canada.
Bunsen MONTHLY FAIR.-Seaforth
sees the importance of the monthly fairs
for the buying and selling of horeee at
Brussels judging by what the Mayor said
at their Board recently. Hear him :-
Ooun. Watson -Do other towns pay for
their faire out of publio money ? I do
not see what benefit the workingmen of
the town would derive from this fair.
Mayor -Yes, Brnseeis, Listowel and
other places do so and they reap the ben-
efit by keeping up market prices whioh
attraots people to the plane. I know of
parties from this aide of MaKilfop going to
Brussels during these fair days. Every-
thing we do to build up the town helps
the workingman though they may not see
it direotly." They Dome on other days,
too, Mr. Mayor, as you will ascertain on
enquiry. Bruseele market takes no sec•
ond place either for grain, produce,
horeee, cattle or pork.
of East Huron Fall Show met at the
American Hotel on Saturday afternoon
to look over the prize list and arrange
other matters of interest to the Society.
There were present, A. Gardner, Presi-
dent ; A. Koenig, T. Davidson, D. and T.
MoLauohlin, J. Ferguson, Jas. MoCal-
lam, A. Stewart, C. Michael, T. Strach-
an, D. Stewart, W. H. MoOraoken and
W. H. Kerr. The following oorreotione
were made in the prize list :-Horsee-
Brood mare, heavy draught, A. Speir,
3rd prize instead of J. McCallum ; Gen-
eral purpose, 2nd prize team, Wm. Elliott
instead of D. Stewart ; Boadetere, A.
Koenig Ord for 2 year old gelding, and
yearling filly. Sheep--Leioeetere, shear -
ling ram, N. Cumming instead of E.
Crooks ; aged ewes, .7. H. Johnston let in
place of Flora McDonald ; Shropshire,
James Speir 2nd prize instead of Jno.
Currie for aged sheep. Piga-Boar over
and under 1 year in Suffolk should have
been Chester White, prizes to C. Michael
and 8. Walker jr. and Bice versa. Wheel-
barrow, let John Wynn, 2nd Roberts &
Plum. Apples -Winter Belleliower, D.
Moore instead of Q. MoBlain ; Alexander,
Q. MoBlain instead of R. Molnnes,
CBon.m SocnlTY.-The muni., loving Ladieswork-Counterpane, N. Bricker
people of Brussels and surrounding noun- instead of W. Roddiok ; tatting, Jam es
ty will be pleased to know that a Choral
Society has been organized in town under
very favorable auspinee. The following
officers were sleeted :-- President, Dr.
Cavanagh ; Secret Irv,Treasmor, A, Ste.
wart; Executive Committee, officers animals, R. Leatherdale. Prooeede of
mentioned above end Miss Lizzie Man, show $402.80. The question of enlarging
Miss E. I'1, Kerr and Jas. Jones ; Con. and improving the show geounde was
dilator, Mies L, O'Connor. Praatioe will taken up and disdained at some
bo b lid on each Friday evening, nom- length. The Secretary was instructed to
mending with November. The member- write Jno. Leckie concerning the par-
able fee has been placed at the low figure ohne of 4 additional acres immediately
of 91.00. It is the intention of the $ooie• north of the present fair grounds, and if
ty to take up new musk and during the the ammo ie secured the neoossary im•
season two oonoeete will be given, The provements and alterations to be proceed•
Object of this organization will be to el with as aeon as possible. The action
oultivete a love for a better clans of of a few prize takers toward the Judges Raining nearly 0200, While deeply re-
nter n, the pr aotiee of harmony and was commented upon and strongly de• greeting the canee which led to Mr, Ilio•
ohorne aingidg. The place of meeting flounced. Secretary Trenearer Stewart Cree removal from Jamestown, where be
hag not yet been decided upon but the will be at the American Hotel en Satrtr. was, evidently, doing snob (food work,
convenience and eomfort of the members days, 00. 28th and Nov. tat, from 2 to his mom friends here will costa in wish.
will be fooked after by the athlete. 0 o'oloek p. 511, to pay nrizee. ing him 0010559 in his 11011 undertaking
McCallum ; rag mat, Mrs. T. Ballantyne
instead of Kenzie Scott ; manf, axe Ilan.
Ile, Geo. Johnston ; picture frames, R.
Leatherdale ; collection of staffed birds,
R. Leatherdale and D. Stewart; stuffed
SEE our assortment of hosiery, which
ie always complete at Beath & Fergueou's.
WANTEn a good steady boy to learn
harness trade. Apply to I. 0. Richard's.
Snow, line mane' Scotch wool ehirta
and drawers at 61.00, worth $1,40 et
Soarff & Ferguson's.
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drillin wells and is prcpar•
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure setiefaotioa.
Wella cleaned out and put in )groper
shape. Terme namable, Residence
second door north of the bridge, west
side of Tarnborry et., Brussels. 43.1f
PRoy. PANT0N leotnred to a large
audience in Guelph last Friday evening
on "Tbe Yellowstone Pares," Tho Mor•
oury concludes a eulogistic report with
the fallowing :-"His descriptions of the
Majestic were enlivened at timea wills
humorous incidents which befel their
party, and he was generously applauded
throughout. It was one of his best
efforts. At the close a vote of thanks,
moved by President Mills, seconded by
W. G. Smith, was unanimously given
Prof. Panton for the great treat that the
audience had enjoyed."
LAST Tuesday evening 17 new /mem-
bers were initiated into the Temperance
organization recently established in Brus-
sels. This puts the membership up to
82 inside of a month. The attendance
on'Tnesdey evening was about 65. By
vote of the Council the next meeting will
be held on Friday evening of next week,
at 7:30 o'olook, and after that the regular
nights will be the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays
in eaoh mouth. A ooupie of dozen have
signified their intention of becoming
members at the next meeting. Every
young man in Brussels is asked to unite.
As may be Been by the minutes of the
School Board, published in another
column, Miee Annie Taylor has been en-
gaged as teacher of the 2nd Department
of Bruesele school as successor to Miss
Richardson, her duties to commence at
the opening of the new year. Salary
$300 per annum. Miss Taylor is now at-
tending the Normal School, Toronto, and
is well known here having successfully
taught in the Primary Department of
our school for some time. Mies Richard-
son purposes taking np let class oertifi•
cote work, we understand, and will like-
ly attend one of the Collegiate Iostitntes
with that intent.
Y. P. C. A. -The Y. P. C. A. of Melville
church has opened its fifth session. The
following officers were eleoted for the
session :-Hon. President, Rev. John
Ross, B. A. ; President, J. B. McLauoh-
lin ; let Vioe•President, A. M. McKay ;
2nd Vice -President, Dr. Graham ; Secre.
tary, R. Dickson ; Asst. -Seo., Wm.
Sloan ; Treasurer, A. Stewart ; Exam.
live Committee, D. Hartley, Mrs. Tufts,
Jno. Burgess and Miss O'Connor ;
Leader of musio, A. Stewart ; Organist,
Mies O'Connor. The Executive Com.
mitten is entrusted to examine the con-
stitution of the Ohri-tian Endeavor So-
ciety and bring before the Association
for consideration as to adopting any of
its workings as may he thought proper.
The hour of meeting is to be changed
from 7:45 p. m. to 7:30.
CHURCH Noris.-Bor. Mr. Mclutyre
will occupy the pulpit of Knox church
for the next two Sabbethe.-The quarterly
communion service will be held iu the
Methodist church next Sunday. Sacra-
mental service at the close of the
morning meeting and follow -
ship meeting will follow evening service.--
Tbe Y. P. C. A. of Melville ohuroh has
purchased a new street lamp and had it
placed in front of the church. It was a
good move. at this season of the year. -
Mrs. Tufts and D. Stewart, along with
the pastor, will represent Melville church
at the Presbyterian S. S. Convention at
Wingham next Tuesday and Wednesday.
ltev. Mr. Ross speaks Tuesday evening
on "How to develop Christian giving in
the 5, S. scholar." -Last Sunday morn.
ing Bishop Baldwin, assi•led by the in-
cumbent, Rev. W. T. Muff, conducted a
very interesting confirmation service in
St. John's church. There were 16 per-
sons in the class. In the evening the
Bishop preached one of those rich,
thoughtful, gospel sermons for whioh he
is so well known from the text "How
great is Thy goodness whioh 'Thou bast
laid np for them that fear Thee,,, Psalm
81 and 19.-A anion Thanksgiving ser-
vice will be held in Melville church on
Thanksgiving day in whioh the two Pres-
byterian and the Methodist congrega-
tions will join. -Next Sunday morning
Rev. Mr. Sellery's subject will be "Christ
precious" and in the evening "The rich
fool." Special quarterly collections.
PERSONAL PAsAoiArHe.-The Harrieton
Tribune says :-On Friday evening last
the Rev. Mr. Smyth reoeived a telegram
from Peterboro' informing him of the
death of his niece at that plane. He left
on Saturday to attend the funeral. On
Monday morning Mrs, Smyth received a
telegram from Linden annoonoing the
death of her uncle, Robert Thompson, an
extensive miller of that place. Mrs.
Smyth left on Tuesday to attend the
funeral, and will likely remain away for
some time. Trouble never nems to come
singly. --Bev. G. B. Howie, Ph. D., bas
been lecturing on the Holy Land in
Montreal during the past week. -Mise
Morrie, of Heepeler, wan visiting Mies
Howe last weak.-Erneet S. Cooper, a
former Braseelite, is now filling lucra-
tive position as foreman of G. Ea E. Gray ds
Co'e. Tool Department in Cincinnati. It
is the largest e.tabliehment of the kind
in the country. -Addie Oormaok ie taking
up the course of a Veterinary surgeon
and is studying with J. D. Warwick, V.
S, -A Monkton correspondent says :
"Mrs, Harris, who has been away for two
weeks in Brussels visiting her eon, re-
turned on Monday last, While in Brue.
sele she had the misfortune to fall on the
sidewalk opposite the Methodist church,
receiving injuries which laid her aside
for a few days and caused great pato."-
The Jamestown, New York, pagers state
that the Bev. D. L. MoOrae, of the First
Presbyterian ohuroh, of that pity, and
formerly pastor of the Presbyterian
church, Cobourg, and son of John McCrae
of Brunette who has been troubled
with insomnia for the past eight months,
has given up pastoral work for a time,
and will undertake the raising of an
ondownment for his Alma Mater, the
Preebyterian College, Montreal. On
leaving Jamestown Mr. and Mrs. Meilen
received a most affectionate farewell from
the people, Among the valuable gifte
Mre, MoCrae received a puree of $150,
end Mr. Nairn a purse of gold con.
and in the hope that the change of 0000p..
ation may have the result of felly re.
storing him to health,-ltev. Mr, Norton,
of Mount Forest, le in town this week, -
Mrs. David Armstrong left for Buffalo
on Wednesday to join her husband.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong will be
mloeed in the Methodist Sabbath school
where they were aotively engaged as Sec.
retery, and teacher, reepeotively.-Geo.
Love and family removed to Harriston
on Wednesday. We wish them s11000ss
and happiness in their new borne. -A.
Woodman, Londaeboro', was visiting his
daughter Mrs. Roberts this week.
IN A Muemec.-A Sudbury oorreepond-
ant writes the Toronto Empire, of last
Monday, as follows : -A laughable faros
is going on hereover the purchase of a
fire engine. Over a moth ago a public
meeting was called to disouae Ire pro.
notion, Mr. 'Ronald, of Brussels, wee
invited to addreee the meeting. He
offered to bring one of his fire steamers
here on approbation, at hie own eneeasa,
agreeing to compete with all other
makers, provided the beat should be pur•
chased, which met with the approval of
all. Shortly after another firm called
and got a written order from the reeve,
without the approval, knowledge or eon.
sent of the people. "The other firm"
largely placarded "sold to Sudbury." ab
certain fairs, before Sudbury people
knew of it. Mr. Ronald, with his usual
commendable determination, shipped
his steamer here ; has given two splendid
exhibitions, demonstrating large power,
oapaoity and a fleetness of action sur-
prising to all, and his engine has been
here nearly three weeks awaiting "the
other's" promised arrival to offer a aeries
of severe fire duty competitive trial tants,
both to work alongside of eatle other for
the peoples approval. But, singular to
relate, "tbe other machine" fails to
materialize in Sudbury. At two mase
meetings ]told, resolutions were unani
mouely passed that public competition
must be had before any purchase is
made ; that the best and only the beat
will be purchased after thorough testing
by competent engineers, and they to
telegraphed to "the other firm." The
people are determined not to be bulldozed
on this essential matter, so vital to the
best interests and the safety of our grow.
ing town.
Perth County.
Stratford football team plays in Ham.
ilton next Saturday.
The tax collector for St. Marys gets
$175, while Mital.ell'e gets $50.
Rev. B. B. Keefer is holding evangelis-
tie services in Main street Methodist
church, Mitchell.
John Greenwood, of Logan, had the
ends of a couple of fingers cut off by a
fanning mill the other day.
At Stratford Saturday the home foot.
ball fifteen clowned the Guelph Agricul-
tural team by 88 points to 4.
The St. Mary Ama„eurDramatio Com-
pany will present the great Irish drama,
Rory O'Moore,' on the 3rd end 4th of
T. Ballantyne, M. P. P., for South
Perth, will receive $1,250 as the Speakers
salary besides the regular sessional allow-
ance of $800.
A young lady resident of Stratford had
all the arrangements made to be married
but as the intended groom failed to put
in an appearance, the marriage was inde-
finitely postponed.
F. L. Hamilton, of Cromarty, blaok•
smith, had the misfortune to get a piece
of steel in his right eye a couple of weeks
ago, whioh, we are sorry to learn is likely
to cause him to lose the sight of that eye.
It is reported that by the =pinion of
the boiler of a threshing engine near
Clark, Dakota, on Friday last, John
Staoey, formerly of St. Marys, and New-
ton, son of Isaac Ullyott, formerly of
Blanchard, were killed.
The programs are out for the Perth
Teachers' Convention, whioh will be held
in the Assembly hall of the Collegiate In
etitute at Stratford, on Thnreday and
Friday, 30th and 31st insts. Rev. Prof.
Clark, of Toronto, has been engaged to
give an entertainment consisting of read-
ings, eta., on the evening of the 30th.
A meeting of the Stratford Natural
Gas Company was held when it was de.
aided to pull the caning from the present
well, plug it and teat for water. A num-
ber of the directors and shareholders are
inclined to the belief that gas or oil may
yet be found in tbie viotnity. $1,800
worth of stook was subscribed as a starter
for a new well.
Thos. Fell, one of the pioneers of
Hibbert, living on the 8th con., is dead.
About a year ago he fell from a load of
hay on to the barn floor and since then
be has not enjoyed good health. About
the tet of July he went to the Old
Country with the hope that the ohange
would improve his health. This hope,
however, was not realized. He started
for home by the Polynesian, on Sept. 11,
and on Monday, the 22nd, a telegram
was received from the ship's authorities
at Quebec, announcing that he had died
at Sea an the previous Saturday, just 24
hours before landing. Immediately on
receipt of this news, bis son, John Fell,
left for Quebec and returned with the re-
mains on Sept. 26. They were taken
from Dublin station to the home of the
deceased and on the afternoon of the
same day were interred in the Staffs
cemetery. It seems that for a few days
before starting from the Old Country
Mr. Fell was not so well, and the first
few days of the passage were very rough
and most of the paeeengers, Mr. Fell
among the number, were sea siok. He
never rallied but passed away ae above
On Saturday, the 11th inst., Jno. Arm-
strong, 6110 con. Howiok, met with one of
the most fearful aooidenbe that bas over
occurred in that section. It appears
that ho was engaged in moving the horse.
power of the threshing machine, and for
the purpose ewung it under the hind axle
of the wagon by chains. The horses
took fright at something and Mr. Arm-
strong ran to their bowls to hold them,
bub the horses knooked him clown, ran
over him and trailed the heavy horee•
power over hie body, rolling him over and
over until it had passed clean over the
body. leo was picked ap unconscious
and Inc dead. Medioal aid was procured
at (nee, when it was found that his collar
bone was broken, one arm broke in two
planes and six ribs knocked oil the back
hone, besides his whole body being black
and blue from the fearful crushing, I1
ie also feared that he hal received fatal
internal lnjuriee. On Sunday morning
he regained eoneolousnees. As we 110 10
prase we ere informed that he paesacl
quietly away at I1 o'clock on Tuereley
morning,-Harriston Tribun e.
t.lenefrtnll NO WO.
Gee ie 91,00 a 1,000 in Chicago.
New York has a horse sale by electric
Belfast people talk of making a tunnel
from Ireland to $ootland,
Tho North Perth provinoial oleotion
trial commence at Stratford on Mendel',
Des, 8th.
The population of New Orleans ie 241,-
905 ; Buffalo, 254,457 ; Now York State,
Mr, Dunlop, a missionary in Japan, in
writing to friends in Kingston states that
lapan is in a bad way from floode, storms
and cholera.
The wife of General Bootie, command.
er-in.ohief of the Salvation Army, died
at London the 11th inat, The deceased
lady was the General's help -meet in a
deeper sense than the word is generally
used. She was intensely attaohod to the
Salvation Army and its work. In fact
her labors have been so abundant that
her health has several times given way
under the severe strain, She was a
graceful, earnest and pathetic speaker, a
writer of no mean literary ability, and
had the sympathetic gift in a high de.
grew, She won friends for the Army in
the higher ranks who would not have
been secured by the equallyenthueiastio
but illiterate advocates. Many of the
features of Salvation Army work were of
her origin, notably the Prison Brigade,
the work amongst fallen women, girls'
refuges and cognate missions. Mrs.
Booth travelled many thousands of miles,
and has spoken in all the principal cities
of Great Britain and some of the Euro.
peen capitals. So wideepread have the
operations of the Army become that in
all quarters of the globe thousands will
regard the death of the general's wife ae
a personal loss. Her articles in The War
Cry were highly prized.
GREY. -In Morrie, on the 1111, insb., the
wife of Mr. Jas. Grey, of a daughter.
PmrrxN.-In Winghem, on the 11th inst.,
the wife of Mr. Geo. Phippen, of a
HONEY. -In Bluevale, on the 2nd inn.,
the wife of Mr. Geo. Haney, of a
KNIonr.-In Ilderton, on the 13th inst.,
the wife of Mr. George Knight, of a
81n0It-MOC.tuLEY,-At the Methodist
parsonage, Brussels, on Wednesday,
Oct. 22nd, by the Rev. 8. Sellery,
B. D., Mr. Mortimer Smith to Miss
Martha MaCaulay, both of Wing -
WHITE. -In Pompeii, Mich., on Sept.
18th, Amelia, wife of Hiram White,
formerly of Grey townehip, aged 35
years and 8 months.. J _
331WVSSAr2.,S MAlS�9TS,
Fall Wheat 88
Spring Wheat 88
Barley 40
Oats 34
Peas ... 57
Butter, tube and rolls.... 12
Eggs per dozen 15
Flour per barrel 4 20
Potatoes 80
Hay per ton. 5 00
Pork ...... 6 50
Hides per lb 5
Salt per bbl., retail1 25
Sheep skins, eaoh 80
Lamb eking each 40
Wool, per ib. 18
4 50
6 00
6 00
'Popper Don't Advertise Right,'
So bald a man on Turn.
berry Street. Wonder what
would happen if ho did all.
vortlos right? Hie trade In
Reliable Dlton01141:c
acct llfncs.
a1NYe la growing C � rwn It
R 6 81..110 time
au it is, Must be some other
reason, Leta try him a
while and lied out.
J. Talbert Pepper,
No. 3 Turnberry St. South,
Traamaet CII,orxese.1 Ssaalciag!
Canedieu and United States Drafts bought
and sold.
Ia tared allowed on Dopoeits,
Collections made on favorable terms.
Canadiau Agents-Df,mon0Nr'e BANK or
New York Agents-Illrelt0ene ANn TRAP
tions madeSol.0iOmr and
eels. 21.0m*
• solicitor, Ooaveyanoer,Notury.Pnb-
110 &a. OflIue-Grahaut's Block, 1 do or north
of rapper's Drug Store. Private Feuds to
Loan. _
rich,) liarneters, Swith olicitors,ey( et Conveyancers,
Proud toot,
1.0. Oftleas-Brussels and Seaforth, Brun.
sole 011loe, Rogers' Block, .Main St, Money
to Loan.
n. S. HAYS. w. H. DICKSON.
• Barrister, Solicitor, &u., of the (ern,
of Taylor, McCullough & Burns, Barrister.
Soileitors, &n.. Manning Areal*, Toronto.
Money to loan.
. Iseurer et Marriage Llamisos. Office
at his Grocery, Purubox'r'y street, Brussels.
Tonsorial Artist- Shop -Next door
MI of A. M. McNay& Co's hardware atoro.
Ladies' and (Minima hair cutting a specialty
Usurer of afnrringe L100119011, by
a noiutment of Lieut; Governor, Commie -
stoner, &a.,
Co. ° B. Conveyancere e aCranld aii''oo4
Post OOlne.
00. Huron. ofConveyancer, DIVISION
invested and to loan. Oolleati us made.
°alae in Graham's Bleak, Brussels.
Late of the Ooosorvatory of Mugia,
Toronto, is pro ared to give lessons at
20 I Fishel r and Itr pp
rri on 0u pthe of
of Mr. 8. H, Clark in vocal music. Class at
Oranbrook every Te'eday. For terms, &c„
apply at the Melhodlet Parsonage, E Roel.
to R. L. TAYLOR, Barrister.
email family. No washing. Apply
Main Street, Brussels, opposite Poet-
of0oe. Possession November let. Apply to
W. R, WILSON, Bruesele. 13.5
Top Buggy and an almost new Gutter.
For further particulars apply to EL17AH
BATEMAN, Lot 10, Con, 7, Grey, 11.4
kJ Being South half:Lot 27, con.0, Morrie,
100 acres, ilea rly all cleared. Good buildings,
about20 acres Fall wheat in ground, Easy
terms, Apply to W, M. SINCLAIR,
tf- Solicitor, &e,, Brussels.
prizes for the Sprint and Sall Showa
of the East Huron A gripe burst Society will
be paid at the Amerloan Hotel, Brusesls, on
Saturdays, October 25th and Nov. let, from 2
to 0 oo9ook p, m, D. STE WANT, Sec-Trea s.
man Ram Lambs, got by a ram that
took prizes at the Industrial, Provincial and
Weetern Fairs, Also Two young Short Horn
Bulls lit for MN rtes, They are nee animate,
with good pedigrees, and will be sold cheap
and on easy terms, DAVID MILNE, Ethel,
Teacher wanted for School Section
No. 2, Grey. Third•olaea certiflaate. Duties
to oommerrae on Jan'y id, 1801, Applica-
tions, stating salary, will be received by tbo
undersigned u to November tat 0.
STEWART, Boe'y-Trona.,
13-4 Orenbrook P.O,
JERSEY BULL (No. 20797),
Amerloan Jersey Gattle OTub'n Herd
Book. He le a eon of 'Canada's John,' whioh
was at the head of the largest herd in Can-
ada. His dam is an imported aow. For
farther partloulars call at any Drug and
Book Store, Bluaeole.
G, A. DEADMAN, Druggist, do,
who used my bulls this lumen and
have not got their cows in anit bad better
return them now, as their appears to be no
trouble in getting them In calf now , end ae
it Will soon be oenacting time, I would like
all who patronized my bulls to get value for
their money. DAVID MILNE, Ethel.
The nudereigned will Beep for oeeviee this
prosect mien the Improved large white
'Yorkshireig Ready on lot 20, con, e,
Motrla, to which a limited number of 50104
will bo taken, Tern's 81.00 turbo paid at
time of sarcine, with the privilege of return•
ing if necessary, Pedigree may be seen up -
010 application. 11013111805 h1UHOL,
A 'ie) Lost on Thursday, July Ord ou
the street In Wroxeter, a parcel
Of bills,
mooting to 5515, and a promissory note
drawn by John Sanderson in favor&H
of Je
Walker for $500, dated June nth, 1889, and
having a payment Of 0850 endorsed on in
hook thereof,da.ed Aprll11th, 1800, A ro•
ward of $20.00 will be paid for the recovery
of the above, or for such informatah es 'will
loadtliareti, A11partioenrawoeeedagalnet
negotiating bhe above moutienod note, tba
5a`Vroxotergtufy1en lth,'00, JANE WAL1i4R,
Teacher of Piano, Parlor and Pipe
Organ, Orgauist in St. John's Church, Brits -
Belli, solicits a altars of the patronage of the
musio-loving people of Brussels and vicin-
ven aernaieermrefereuees, ons &a. my baertanj
by calling at the residence of Mrs. Duntord
er.,Tnrnberry street, Brueools. 7-tf
Ie desirous of procuring pupils in
Vocal Muaio, Prof, Warrington, of Toronto
is pleased
abto gility elsm having beau a pupil
of his during her stay in Guelph. Lratrn.
mental music on Piano, Organ and Guitar,
Terms made known os application, Priueese
St„ Brussels. Mies O'Oounor is open for
Concert Engagements. 35•
Auctioneer, is always ready to at.
tend galea of forms, farm stook, &c. Termscheerfully given. Cranbrook P. 0. Sale('
may be arranged at Tun Fein Publishing
House, Brussels.
Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct-
ed on reasonable tonne. Panne and farm
stook a specialty. Orders left at Tun POO
Publishfug House,Brussela, or sent to Walton
P. 0., will receive prompt attention.
eu as an Auctioneer, I am prepared
to ooaduat sales of farm stook at reasonable
pries•. Enowlug the deeding of nearly
every pereoe I em in a position to Bell to
good marks and get good acourlty when sold
on credit. Satisfaction guaranteed. Give
mo a call. 32. F S. SCOTT.
==iaxxxe'x x I
• G. L. Ball, L. D. S. Nitros Oxide Gas ad.
ministered for the Pttulese Extraction of
Teeth. 74 Gerrard Street East, TonoN'ro,
1)Ir.1V TIfdor 1
M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D. D. S,,
Graduate of the Royal Collage' of Dental
Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto TJni.
varsity. °SPrin-Opposite American Hotel,
'`'v -M. F. CALLS, M.D., 0 M.,
Mumbor of the College of 0'byyeloian
and Suvgeous Of Ontario by exau,luatiou
Oflleo end Residence -Maio street East,
Ethel, Ontario.
P e 0, M„ L, R, 0.P., Edinburgh, Yi, 0. P
8, Ont. At Popper's Drug Stout from 0 to
11:50 a, Mittel from 1;30 to 4 p. m, At other
hours may be Lound at his residence, form-
erly 000rtpiod by Dr, Butehineon, Mill st
Honor Graduates of the Ontario
Veterinary ()allege, era venom) to treat alt
diseases of demegticated anneals In it orn-
ament manner. Partmubn' attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Calla pramplly at•
tended to, °MOee and Inerrnary-Two cents
north of bridge,'lurnborry et„ Bruseele,