HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-10-24, Page 51 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1890.. LOCAL NEWS. THANKSGIVING Day, Thursday, Nov. 0. HALLOWE'EN one week from Fri• day of this week. FounTH Division Court will be held on, Thursday of next week, 30th inst. W. R. Wrt.soN has done a large business in plows this Fall, and the outlook for another season's trade is very bright. THE plate glass for Capt. Stmt. to uew brick block has arrived. The buildings ,will be neat and con- venient when completed. ;i REVPs. Mottos. SELLNRY AND PAUL, !Ward Farrow and Harry Brundle I:attended the tea meeting and concert 'at Bluevale last Tuesday evening. A WEDDING party from \VJngham 'twas in town on Wednesday. Rev. ,S. Sellery tied the nuptial bow making Miss McCauley Mrs, 1tIortimer Smith. TAE fat prize for saddle horse at the Blyth Fair should have been credited to L. Lott instead of L. Scott, as Mr. Lott, of the Brussels livery, captured the red ticket. Mus. Stems intends removing her steak of confectionery, fruits, ,&e. to the shop now occupied by II. L. Jackson in the poet -office bionic. Mr. Jackson goes into the new store in Mr. Blashill's block. iii WE will send THE POST from now to the end of the year for 25 cents to neav subscribers, or all now sub soribars paying us a year's subsCrip• tion, $1.50 in advance, will get the balance of this year free. 5. P. It:moons, of Toronto, was in town this week endeavoring to establish a local Board id connect tion with The Dominion Building and Loan Assoetatiou. He and his companion appar to bo thoroughly posted in their work and 8110014 suc- ceed well in their undertaking in the various towns canvassed. Cu0L uG,—The semi annual meet. ingoof the Outario Branch of the Royal Caledonian Culling Club was hold at the Waller II.aike, Toronto, 1 on Tuesday. President John Han I vey, of the Hamilton Thistles, oc• cupied the chair, and Secretary• Treasurer J. S. Russell was at •Ins usual post. Group No. 15. consists of Walkerton, Brussels, Kincardine, Lucknow, Wroxeter, \\ringtl:am (oell- venor), in the competition for the Tankard. The offices for .the en- suing year will be filled by the fol- lowing gentlemen :•—Patron, The Governor General ; Proeident, Dr. Boucher (Pet.erboro') ; Vice-Presi- clout, Wm. Batlenach t'.12oronto Gran• ites) ; Second Vico-President, Dr. Beaton (Orillta,) ; Chaplain, Rev. D. J. lfaodounell (Toronto). Commit • tee of Management—Jolie- Wright, W. D. McIntosh, W. F. Davison, David Walker, 0. 0. Dalton, W. A. . Shepard, all of Toronto. Committee on Complaints and Appeals—Dr. Ross (chairman), Ilugh Miller, Judge Dartnell and Thos. MoOraokeu. Committee on Aannal—W. D. Mc- Intosh, W. F. Davison, J. S. Ras eel!. Auditors—Jas. Pringle and T. G. Williamson. Tme OaERAR WILT..—A. Stratford correspondent says of the Orortr will ease referred to at length, in.a regent issue of Tim Poor :— The of-. fort being made to set aside part of the will of the late John Orerar,, of Chicago, who died Ooc; 20th, 1880, leaving au estate valued at $8,500,- 000, is exciting considerable interest . bere,•as fifteen .of tho 23 clo.ilpti,tlts, are residents of this city. Thej faro the descendants of brothers and sisters of John Orarer, Ben., father of the to stator, nod as,the latter made no pr'vldion for them in hie will, and did not even refer to them in the filthily history tvhicli formed a prominent feature of the document, it is believed that he iciieiv nothing of their existence. This is the more Probably, as all his relatives oil his mother's ride came in for mown - tint], first cousins receiving $20,000, second cousins, 810,0001 and third 000sins 85,000 each. Of the fifteen oontestauts who live in Stratford only one, Margaret Orerar, boars the same family name as the de• ceased, the Dames of the others be ing either Dow or Stewart. Of the latter, Duncan Stewart, a first coo - 8n of the testator, is the principal figure. Of the relationship of these parties to the deceased there is no doubt, as Margaret Dow, his grand- mother, is buried on the fae'gs of one of the tiled:nuts near this l4itq and tawny Bibles and attbetride ds own be brought forward to showbat the deceased, John frBiar, asveil as the cla(mants to the eatate are ,all descended tram her. SATunnax of next week will usher in .November. Do. SINCLAIR, BpeOlaliet, will beat the American Hotel, Brussels, on Friday of next week. Rey. S. SaLLERY, B. D., may at. tend the Provincial Sabbath School Convention at Brantford next week as the representative of the Metho• diet school in this place. A gravel walk has been put along the front of Geo. Colvin's property, south of Brussels. If it wore con - tinned to the sidewalk, at Mrs. Dun - ford's, it would be a good move. THE youths who made the night air hideous with their yells should have been introduced to the 'cooler' on Tuesday night. We are sup- posed to live in the 10th century. The man who went out to milk and sat down on a boulder in the middle of the pasture and waited for the cow to bees up to him, was the eldest brother of the man who kept store and did not advertise, because be reasoned that the purchasing public would back up to his place when it wanted something. NEWS No'1'Bs. Fakirs were firmly suppressed at the Kirkton fair. Tho St. Marys Methodist S. S. anniversary collections netted 8105. The Huron Rifle Association An- nual Match will be held a t Clinton on Wednesday, October 29th. S. R. Hasson, member of the House of Commons for North Perth is visiting in the Northwest at pros• out. Chas. H. Cameron, of Colborne, recently discovered in the Town• ship of Chandos valuable mines of silver and uicicel, which are being worked. Cilias Nora Clench, of St. Marys, inteuds to m.tke Buffalo, her home, and she will leave for that city in a few weeks. A. string quartette club has been organized there, and Miss Oletich will load it. John Bllab, a farmer residing near St. Nfarys, had a horse, new top buggy and harness stolen fro m his stable the other night. This is the first attempt at horse -stealing in that vicinity for several years. E. E. iIarvey has returned to At • wood from Moose Jaw, N. W. T. where he has been teaobing school for the summer months. He will resums hie studies at the Toronto School of medicine, whither he leaves shortly. Postmaster Kavanagh, of Bran• dou, is in a fix. He must remove the post office from its present quarters on Nov. 1st. The new building is not ready, and bo has been unable to get suitable premises up to the present. NIr. Bloomer, of Stratford, forked over $1.00 for banging Kam Lee, a washee•washee, in the upti3. All Kam did was to call Bloomer a liar. There can't be anything very wrong with that, for the 'city' aldermen often use that kind of language. A vote was taken in the Belgrave Presbyterian ,church to decide whether the ogan that has been on trial for the past throe months should be used hereafter in the church or not. Tho result was over 5 to 1 in favor of theorgan, eo , itis to stay. Intelligence was received last week that the schooner, Goldhunter, belonging 'to and acoompiiiiied by Captain Alex. McLeod, of Goderiob, . had run ashore nearRetind Island, Georgian,130, and •beooiiae a' totti.1' meek. The velisel liad a cargo of cedar, which was fully insured, but the hull was uninsured. Judge.Lizars, having resigned the office et Local Masher : in',Chan;oeiy at Stratford, the Ontario Govern - matt has conferred it upon ,Harding, Q. O. of Serntlg1d, ,to o {IOW congratulations arbry iu order. itir. Harding, it 14 ,lihdar Mood, will enter upon his dttti;9e the 1st of Nov., when Judge ' Lizltre' resignatiou taltee effect, The :tap• pointme0t will not prevet;t,11Ir. Harding continuing his regular law practice. A Court of the Canadian Order of Foresters was instituted at Wi•ox eter last Friday evening by W. G. Strong, 1'roitnoial organizer. The following are the officers elected:— Ohief Ranger, Thos. W. Gibson ; Vies do., V. Y. Holladay; llecerd. ing Secretary, Jno. A.. Barnard ; G'ivanoial Soorotary, S. Y. Taylor ; Treaeuror, ,Ino, Bray ; Chaplain, D. Myles' ; Woodwards, Alex. Gem - Dill and John TeNaughton ; Bead lee, John McFarlane and Allati Pre, 11011, Tho now Court is to bo styled Weolzeter Court No. 207, and prow, loos to have 'a ueofut carcord Are Showing this week Three Special Lines of WHICH WE 'ARE CLEARING OUT At Greatly Reduced Prices 10 Pieces at' Sc., worth 12o. 10 Pieces at 12c., worth 15c. 20 Pieces at 15c., worth 20c. A CA3=tai SF1TD. FERGUSON 86 HALLIDAY, - MANAGERS. THE SOAT, Is offering the Largest and Pin - est Stock of Crockery Groceries,y and Glassware In the County of Huron., Every article being bought for spot ,cash we are in a position to Sell as Cheap as the Cheapest. Bakery Department. Fresh Bread, Cakes and Buns always do hand. we,dli.g Oakes a Speoialty. GE o THOA1SON. TUB LIFE or MAN. Man born of .woman, is of few days and no teeth. And indeed it would be money in his pockets soma - times if he had less of either. AS for days he waeteth one third of them, as for teeth he 'has oonvul. sions when he outs them and as the last one comes through; lo 1 the dentist is twisting,the first oue out; and the last end of that man's jaw is worse than the first being full of. porcelain apd plate built to hold blackberry seeds. Stone bruises line his pathway to manhood ; his father boxes his ears at home, the big boys cuff him io the play ground and the teacher whips bin in the school room. He risoth early and sitteth up late, that he might fill his barns and storehouses; and to ! his children's lawyers divide the spoil among themselves and say, "ha, ha 1" He groweth and is sore distressed because it raineth and he beateth upon his breast and sayeth, "my crop .ie lost I" because it raineth not. The late rains blight his wheat and the 'frost biteth his peaches. If it be so that the sun shineth, even among the nineties he sayeth "Woe is me for I perish." And if the North• west wind eighth down into 42 be- low he orieth, 'Would I were dead.' If be weareth sackcloth and blue jeans, men say, "he as a tramp," and if he goeth forth shaven and olad in purple and fine linen, all the people ory, "shoot the dude." He oarrieth insurance for twenty years until he hath paid thrice over for twenty years, and then he Iettetb his pplioy,laps for one day and that same night fire destroyeth his store. Ile buildetb him a home in Jersey, and his first born is de- voured by moegttitoes. He pitch- eth his tent in New York, and tramps devour his substance,: He moveth to Kansas and. a cyclone oarrieth his houee over into, Mis• soon, while a prairie fire and ten million acres of grass hoppers fight for his crop. Verily, there is uo rest for the sole of his foot, and if he had it to do over again he would nob be born at all ; for the day of death is better than the day of one's birth. NEWS ITEMS. The new hank at Southampton is nearing completion. The Windsor, Ont., Brewing Com pony is in financial difficulties. Blenheim will have a free night school during the doming winter. Energetic efforts are being made to establish °. Y. 11. C. A. in Petro • lea. The owners of the Kingston cot• ton mill have refused the syndicate's offer of $160,000 for the property. Rev. Jas. Thompson, near Shel- burne, is up for preaching erroneous doctrine and stands suspended until 3 next Conference. A Stratford sinner, 70 years of age, pounded his young wife over: the bead with au iron poker and nearly killed her. Diphtheria has been prevalent in Beloeil, Q.', and the milk from that place has been put under embargo. Oertifioates have been produced by milkmen that their families are free from ,any disetee, Tho handsome new Beaty liner Monarch; which left Sarnia on her first trip on Saturday morning, reached Port Arthur Tuesday mord- ing, and was saluted by all the vessels in the harbor, The trip from the Soo was inadq in 22~bourii. An Okflei evaporating eontiein „has been removed to Belleville from Sodus Point, N, 'I' 'Lfl e dtwaiare' had piirouatie1 a large iunhtity o1, apples, which could' not be' shipped before the Mel{ibley Bill came into ,effect, and, they will be worked up at Belleville. Grosvonor Graeme, a young man who claims he was , libelled by the Toronto Globe in the alleged Birob• all trial confession, ceased his writ to be isstledab Osgoode Hall Wed. nesday claitning $20,000 damages. The claimant is employed driving a grocery wagon, The newspaper has made no retraction, anti it is likely the 0000 will go .on. The Government electricau hoe examined the oloctrio light system introduo••d into the Kiugstou Peni• tentiary and found it satisfaetory. There are 012 lights ranging from 10 to 82 candle power, Fifteen miles of wire was used. Tito pre - 111180e aro finely lllnmin $ ed. The Omit oast $,15,000. her penal institutions in Canada wi be simil• arly. lighted. Tho gas syat m in the 1fingston ivatitution, costi 880,- 000,1081 bo removed. The Hamilton Rescue Noma is to be managed by the Salvatio0 Army. James Russel, of Fullerton, had one of his fingers taken off a day or two ago in tying a colt. The store of R. W. Keller, Mitchell, was burglarized Tneeday night of last week and geode to the value of $850 stolen. T. b.. Stanley hos assumed eontrol of the business of the Great North- western Telegraph Company in 8t, Marys, Mr. Beam, their former agentt having accepted a similar appointmen, of the 0. P. R. Company. KING OF WEEKLIES! -.-1T»P7 l - EE PRESS Established half a Century. LONDON, — ONTARIO. The handsomest Printed Paper in Canada, 775 CASH OPPORTUNITIES Offered to the Public. The publishers of the LONDON WEEKLY FREE PRESS are happy to announce that they have set apart the sum of .I 1000.00 (ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS IN GOLDS, to be divided amongst subscribers whose names may bo found on the subscription lista Marsh 1st, 1801. The allotment will be made as follows :- 1 Grand Allotment of $100.00-$100.00 4 Allotments of 25.00— 100.00 20 " °' 10.00- 200.01 50 " " 2.00- 100.00 300 " " 1.00- 300.00 400 " " .50- 200.00 775 $I000.00 The allotment will take place under the supervision of a Committee, March the 2nd, next. Those to whom the allotments may fall will thereupon receive a notification of the fact, and a coupon for the amount will be issued, payable at the oounter of the FREE rims Owston on and after March Otic, and will be forwarded to them. There are yet four months during which persons wishing to bo includedin these hand- some allotments, may come in to share by subscribing to the WBEI:LY FREE PRESS. Price, One Dollar per year. It will be seen that by this scheme a DIVISION OF PROFITS, those persons to the number of 775, selected from all the names on our subscription list,wilx receive a handsome recognition by having placed to their credit, or paid in cash, sums of money varying from 50c. to $100.00 oaoh. Now is the time to subscribe I CHRISTMAS NUMBER. In addition to the above magnificent offers all subscribers to the WEEI.LY FREE PREB5 whose names may be on the list December 81st for 1801, will receive a gift of our forthcoming splendid ILLUSTRATED CHRISTMAS NUMBER, now become so popular throughout Western Ontario; but no others will beimititled to s free copy of it. Therefore, now is the time tb subscribe, as persons entering the subscription lists on or before 31st of December next, will be en- titled to the DOUBLE ADVANTAQE of securing a copy of the CHtusTMas NIDABEa,, as well as participating in the bonfits of the DIVISION OF PROFITS, as, previously set forth, No pperson, laowever, whose name 14 not 9a the subscriptiouIlst, Doo. 81st, for 1891, will be entitled to that consideration. Therefore, novr is the time to subscribe. The "%Yum .x I'aul; Punas is a large twelve page paper, and conceded to be the boot fanny newspaper in Canada. The Agrloulttrral Depart- ment is a noted feature of the "Free Press," being always up to the times, end conducted by persons practically skilled in Palm Work. Il- lustratlons, Practical and tmseful given Dacia week. All the News in Fall by Telegraph. Telephone, Mail and Correspondence up to the hoar of publication. special Market Depart- ment. Agricultural Department. Capital story always finning+ Hllmorana Reading. JIlIt the thing for Family Byer,' member of the household eagerly looks for it oaoh week, LARGE $1.00 PAPER) in Clubs of four and upwards, 750. mob, BALANCE OF 1890 PREIZ. Send your subscription money at once direct to PaEE Paves Omen, London, Ont -,which, if duly and merely mailed, will be et ova ittax. Please writo your name and Post Office address distinctly. Annnttss FREE PRESS PRINTING G0,) L011DON, CANADA. AGENTS WANTED EV31I YW HE11 , Send for Smola Copse