HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-10-24, Page 44
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eT&erix tis Ont.
FRIDAY, OGI 81, 1890.
THE Kingston News declares "there
are five hundred children of school age in
that pity who do not attend school." We
wonder how many there are in Brussels
who do not attend the requisite number
of days required by law 7 The School
Board has an annual discipling of parents
who do not attend to this very important
duty but the suoecediug year shows no
better results, Some parents say they
cant spare their boys to go to school all
the time, yet in more than one instance
these same lads are acquiring a street
education and frittering away the days
over which they will likely express more
than one regret as the years roll by.
Parente should wake up and ascertain
how the matter stands at their home and
if not right see that for the time to come
their children will attend school raga•
A LETTER appears in this issue of THE
Pose calling attention to the town Band
and the desirability of potting it on
some good financial basis so that we may
enjoy once more the excellent music we
have been accustomed to for a number of
years. The snggestione in the letter will
cause discussion which may eventuate in
something practical. The Band has
stuck to its work in first-class style and
sometimes under discouraging circum•
stmncee but the best way to get out of a
corner is by making a united effort from
some defined starting point with some at-
tainable object in view. With this in.
tent we submit a few additional thoughts
to what has already been advanced. 1st.
As the Band i3 at present in a more or
less disorganized state on account of not
having a teacher, all the instruments,
uniform, &c. should be called in by the
Council as the properly of the town and
all or any necessary repairs made. 2nd,
If the Band is to be successfully run in
the future there should be a Managing
Committee of three or five outside of the
Band (one of whom should be the Reeve)
who will work in co0junotion with the
Band in completing and carrying out the
necessary arrangements. If this were
done the officers of the Band would be
saved many an unpleasant duty tbat an
outside committee would never have to
contend with. 3rd, In a place the size of
Brussels a good Band means financial as
well as moral support. A meeting of the
Council and officers of the Band would
be in order, we think, when it would be
in place to ascertain the annual outlay in
the management of the Band and talk
up some plan for the future. With a
good teacher, hard praotice and an en-
ergetio Managing Committee Brussels
Band will take no second place in the
County. What's everybody's business is
nobody's business is a saying that saw
the light before to•day, yet is neverthe-
less true, so we suggest that the village
Council look into the matter at their
next meeting. What do you say, gentle-
Brussels eniate 1 Beard.
A special meeting of the school bnard
was held in the Council chamber on Fri-
day evening the 17th inst. Members
present, H. Dennis chairman, W. B.
Dickson, T. Fletcher and A. Hunter.
The minutes of the last two special meet-
ings were read and adopted.
Miss Kate Richardson tendered her re-
signation duties to terminate Deo. 18110,
Aleved by A, Hunter, seconded by T.
Fletcher that Miss Rioha•dsnn'e resigna•
tion be accepted to hake effeot Dec, 22nd,
1800, and that the Board grant iter a
testimonial. Cu'riod.
A. communication was read from Miss
Annie Taylor, of Toronto, applying for
the position of teacher in the 2nd depart'
went of the wheel at e. salary of 5300.
Moved by T. Fletcher, seconded by W.
B. Dickson that Mies Taylor's applies.
tion he Accepted, duties to commence at
the bcginubng of 1901 mud that the Seo•
rotary notify her to that effect, Carried,
Moved by T. Fletcher, seconded by W.
B. Dickson that the Secretary do request
the teachere to again adopt the system of
monthly reports of the standing of each
of the pupils under their charge and that
the present system of monthly reports be
abandoned. Carried.
Principal Shaw preeented monthly re-
ports as follows :---
Room Na.. 1 2 3 4
On Roll.. 41 39 01 85
Average, . 33 3.11 3116.22 46 5.22 01.40
Tho meeting then adjourned.
Roy, the 7 -year-old eon of James Gil.
lespie, of Tonawanda, late of St. Cathar-
ines, we, caning home from school with
other children Siad atnpped to gather
hickory nut.; re er tt bnit,linft fnrniorly
inert 514 a u:li ft .,,y. The little
1•0;,,v pinked 1' ' ann10 o:nall 114(08 of
phosphorus at Mull had carelessly been
swept out and put thein in his pants
pockets with the nuts, After going Home
110 went into a bedroom to play with the
baby, who wee On the bed, when the
phosphorus banned 1110 terribly and sot
fire to the bed clothes. Tho boy was so
badly burned that he only lived a short
The real estate in connection with the
Dahms property was not sold on Tue8dsy
afternoon bet Aesignee Baymmno, or his
solicitors, Mariam. Diekso n & Hays, Bras.
eels, are open to reactive tenders for the
purchase of the same up to Novena.
bar 1st,
The Juvenile Foresters' Lodge was in.
etituted last week.
Priem Frederick took let money at
the iditohell races.
Confirmation service in Christ oberoh
by the Bishop last Tuesday.
Mrs. Robt, Ferguson end don, of
Buffalo, were renewing old aoquaintances
in Listowel this week.
Be". Mr. Baobus and Mr. McKinlay
are attending the annual Conference of
the United Brethren at Shelburne this
Hay Brae. have sold a ehipmenb of
flour to a Liverpool dealer with an idea
of testing the development of this trade
on the English market.
Our Mechanics' Institute is waking up.
They are to have the roome open every
week evening, evening classes will be
formed, and a course of lectures given by
prominent speakers.
Fall wheat has made extra good pro-
gress, and looks very well.
Rev. Mr. Sherlock, of Ethel, occupied
the Methodist pulpit last Sabbath morn.
ing and evening.
It is proposed by the Elma Agrioultu-
rat Society to hold a benefit concert in
their ball soon for the purpose of raising
sufficient money to seat the building.
A Giant Rocca onion, measuring 13
inches in ciroumferenee and weighing
over of a pound may be seen at the
"Bee" offioe. It was grown from seed by
our townsman, John Hoar,
A course of lectures similar to these
given last year, which were so well re
calved, is to be given this year also. The
first will be by Rev, Dr. Shaw, of Toron-
to, on Des. 15th- Revs. Nugent and Liv-
ingstone are expected to fill in the course.
A meeting of the directors of the Elms,
Agricultural Society was held in Wynne
hotel when the society's financial stand-
ing was presented by the painstaking and
efficient Secretary. After the large ex-
pense incurred in buying the land, build-
ings, levelling gronnde, fencing, etc., they
came near wiping out all expenses. It se
the intention to ask the council for a
grant of about $150-9, move which every
ratepayer will uphold them in granting.
T. J. Dillon won a prize of 54 at Belle-
ville on an exhibit of ooloredcheese made
in the Blnevale factory. The 1st prize
in this: class went to William Wood, of
R. D. Beeman ace wife, the temper-
ance evangelists, did not succeed in
organizing a Council here. There ap-
peared to be a hong-fire on the part of
tempertnce people. If the organization
was likely to do good these folks should
have given it countenanne. Mr, and Mrs.
Beeman went from here to Clinton.
Blnevale was warmer at one time on the
Temperance question than it is to -day.
HARVEST HOOIE: Last Sunday special
sermons were preached in the Methodist
church here being a kind of farewell to
the old building. The pastor preached
at the morning service ; Rev. Mr. Bat-
tery, of Brussels, in the afternoon t. and
Rev. Mr. Hartley, Presbyterian minister,
at night. On Tuesday evening a fare•
well concert was held in the same build-
ing. The program consisted of musical
selections from the Quartette club of
Wingham and addresses by Reeds.
Meagre. Sellery, Hartley and Paul, was
as follows :-Opening ohorus, Church
Choir ; instrumental selections, Quartette
Club; ''Wake the song of Jubilee,"
Quartette Club ; address, Rev. S. Sete
lery ; vocal duet', Misses Watson ; vocal
duett, Messrs. Scott and Friend ; vocal
Bolo, J. H. Friend ; "Let the hills re.
sound," Quartett (lab ; address, Rev. A.
Y. Hartley ; instrumental selection,
Quartette Club; ; vocal solo, J, W. Scott ;
violin deett, Misses Watson ; address,
Rev, R. Paul ; humorous quartette,
Quartette Club ; "Sing on," Quartette
Club ; National anthem. Mies Hough-
ton presided as accompanist and Rev. L
B. Wallwiu occupied the chair. Proceeds
about 530.
Joe Kincaid has opened a restaurant at
With the hope of benefitting his health
Peter fisher will visit Manitoba.
A number of our vocaliste were singing
at an entertainment at Bluovale on Tues.
day eveniug of 'hie week,
S. Graeey was elected let Vice Presi-
dent of the East Huron Reform Assay
'anion for the currant term.
S. M. Halliday, while fishing in the
south branch ofdthe Maitland captured a
pike weighing one pound eleven ounces.
Miss Elsie Sutherland has been en.
gaged as teacher for tho vacant room.
All the other teaobers are re.engaged for
another year.
Philip Mul1ibbin, who went to Colon
ado for the purpose of benefitting his
health, has returned to Ontario very
little improved.
Our town daddies appear to be in a
muddle over the old Town 01a11, They
want to sell it but are afraid the per.
chaser will run opposition to them in
renting it for entertainments, &o, and
want the purchaser to sign a bond that
they wont do it, The naw building will
he a comfortable and oommodioua etruc-
S. Sa CONVRNrtoN.-A. Sunday School
Convention, under the auepices of Mait-
land Presbytery will be held in the Pres-
byterian (March hero on Tuesday and
Wednesday of next week, beginning at
2:30 on first day. The following is the
program t---11What should be the Sab-
bath wheal teachere aim and how at
Mined 1" by Rev. W. H. Ooddne ; "How
can attendance of scholars and teachere
be beet eocared 7" by W. L. Hilton,
Evening 0000010 --Address of welcome,
Rev. II M1It t nee io ; "Hew to davolup
(lliristien giving in the 5undey
arholar," by Rev. ,leo. Roes, I3. A. ; "The
importance of adult class study of the
Bible, led by the paster," Ilev, II. M.
ParsO;ei D. D., of 'Perone, \Vnnetulay
morning eussiun--"The to:teller's duties
to his class outside the wheel room," by
IT, D. Henderson ' "The serviced praise
in the Sabbath school," by Rev, ,it. S. Or,
Andersen, 73, D. Afternoon 008eion---
11Lesaon Jules sad how to 5188 them," by
Rev. T. Davidson, M. A, A modod elan
composed of S, S. sobolitre will be taught
by Rev. Dr. Parsons. Evening session -
"The duties of parents towards the Sun-
day school;Rev. A. ldol{ey ; "Method
in Bible study," Rev. 1.1, M. Parsons, 1),
13e30 grctvo..
At the last mooting of Belgrave Ledge
I. 0, G. T„ the following officers were
duly eleoted :-G. H, Blackwell, C. T. ;
Miss Armstrong, V. T. ; 1'. Scott, Rea -
Soo. ; W. 33. Wilkinson, Fin. -Seo. ; Miss
Meiklejohn, Treas. ; D. Mieklejohn,
Chaplain ; J. Fella, Al. ; Mies Agnew,
G. ; J. Scott, S. The deputies will be
appointed next meeting. An open lodge
will be held, under the auspices of the
above society, on the evening of Monday,
Oot. 27th, at which a abort inueioal and
literary program will be provided and
addressee will be given by Dr. Macdonald,
of Wingham, and others.
Mrs. Frayne, of Detroit, is visiting
Reeve Mooney and other relatives in this
Wm. Little and wife of the 4th line
of Morris, have gone to Miehigitn. They
made the journey in a covered nmg08,
(ramping wherever night 001010 upon
Robt, Nichol, (11h con„ recently pur-
ohaeed a No. 1 improved large white
Yorkshire bog from a breeder near
Guelph. The animal weighed 110 pounds
when only 4 months old. Mr. Nichol in-
tends keeping him for the improvement
of stock.
J. G. Shaw, of Ladners Landing, a for-
mer resident of this township, bas been
on the sick list since last May, we are
sorry to hear. Last month he went to
the hospital at New Westminster and he
is now improving although yet unable to
go to work. We hope he will soon bo
Wm. Taylor, 0th con., is home from a
pleasant trip to Kansas- He visited
David Dobson, R. Laidlaw and others
and givee a good report of what he saw
and how our old friends are prospering:
The corn crop ie a failure this yeer
owing to drought but wheat and oats
turned out well. Mr. Taylor thinks
mixed farming and stock raising would
pay well in that State.
AccmnNT.-We are sorry to hear that
Robt. Shedden, son of Win. Shedden,
4th line, had the misfortune to meet with
a bad accident a fortnight or so ago,
Along with others he was moving some
oil well moohinery from one location to
another when he had his left arm broken
in two places and his right knee cap
shattered. We hope be will Buffer no
permanent injury from this unfortunate
accident. Mr. Shedden lives io Cali-
11•lt feel.
On the lath inst., a daughter came to
gladden the home of Geo. Knight, of
Rev. D. Rogers, of Atwood, preached
in the Methodist church here last Sunday
Some 60 apnlioations have been re•
ceived by the TrusteeBoard for the two
vacancies in our public school. The
trustees meet on Friday. to consider
the matter.
A shooting match will be held at Ethel
on Wednesday Nov. 515, commencing at
12 o'clock noon, under the auspices of
the 0.Y. B's, No. 230, when turkeys and
geese will be shot for. Ranges for both
rifles and shot guns. A social hop will
be given at Burton's Hell in the evening.
David Milne's herd now numbers
about forty head, with 16 cows to calf
during fall and winter. He has eight
young bulls of good promise, six of these
by "Perfection,' and two by Imported
Red Knight, Mr• Milne is erecting a
stone hog pen, 18x32 feet, and ie placing
to his stables an addition of 18x30 feet,
and still he will not have rootn to winter
bis stock, and consequently he is forced
to dispose of some of his pedigreed stook.
Soxs on 1'Eursnnxou.-Whatever there
may be lacking in our village the tem-
perance canoe has been kept moving along
steadily and good has been done by it.
There are seine outside yet whom we
world very much desire to have "ride
the goat" and hope to secure the desired
end. The following are the officers for
the current quarter :-W. P., W. 0. Mc-
Taggart; W. A., Mary A. Simpeon ; It.
S., Emily Holloway ; A. R. S., Hester A.
Lake ; Ie. S., Agnes Ross ; T., M. Fogel ;
Chap., J. Cobol' ; C., R. Elliott ; A, C.,
Jennie Hawthorne ; I. S., Bertha Hollo-
way ; 0. S., A. Kellener, We are pleas-
ed to hear that the people of Brussels and
Oraubrook are waking up to their duty
and following the example Ethel has set.
Tho Sunday school held at Shine's
school house will close [or this season
atter two Sunday's more.
W. Smith has been re-engaged for an-
other year as teacher in Barker's school,
E. V. Smith has els° signed an agree-
ment for 1801 with the trustees of the
Caistorvillo school, Wentworth Co, They
aro both giving a good account of them-
A enoeessfnt missionary meeting was
held at Jubilee, on the 12th con. Rev.
Mr. Smith, of He;fryn, and Itev. J.
Pring, of Fordwioh, delivered suitable
addresses. Mies Riohmond presided at
the egau. Mise Kitchen and Apes Rich-
mond are appointed as oolleatore for the
current year.
Dllse.-It b000mes otir painful duty to
chronicle the death of Mrs. Amelia White,
aldose daughter of Dr. Iiamilton of Porn.
peli Mich., whish sad event took phos qqn
Thursday, Sept. 18, after a lingering 111.
MOM Mrs. White was born in Alinonte,
Lanark county, Ontario, Jan. 16. 1865,
and wee therefore in her thirty.sixth
year, Whilo quite ,young she removed
with her paronte to Huron county, Ont.,
whore in 1875 she was married to Hiram
White, and where she continued to reside
up to two years ago, when the removed
to Michigan, But at this time she was in
rather delicate health and it soon became
evident that consumption, that dreaded
disease, had falcon a firm Hold and that
sooner or later heath would claim her as
its own. This has proved only ton true.
IL enctned rttthor hard to he thus rut off
it; the prince of womanhood and Leaving
a family of small children, but wn midi
all meekly how to the inevitable and not
question the workings of a viae and
bouafioient Providence. During all her
long nllnee3 4110 never uttered a word of
complaint, but was always element, not
seeming to realize that death 'vas near,
In feet a fey hours before she passed
away she remarked that it did not seem
OCT, 17, 1890.
Boys', Youths and Men's Suits
and Overcoats Slaughtered.
The Great Clothing Firrn of Lailey, Watson &J(i Co.,
Toronto, concluded to close out one Great Lot of Suits and Overcoats, and,
as we Sell more Clothing than any other Store in the County, we got
the first chance. Buying became an absolute necessity.
We did not need the goods but had to take thele.
It would not -do to let competitors get hold
of such Immense Values.
We Know How ! - We'll give you the Profit.
Clean, 'Y fight, Fresh Goods.
The Latest Fall Styles in all Colors in Sacks, Cutaways, Cheviots,
Worsteds, &c. Splendidly Shaped.
Thousar.d,s oi Dollars Worth of Clothing g
A. R. SMITH, Brussels.
F. S.—Suits .111acZe to Order. Stocks of Tweeds, Worsted Coatings,
Melton, JV'app and Beaver Over•ooatinds to choose front.
as though she were going to die, but that
she was going to another world to be
happy. The funeral services were con
ducted by the Rev. J. E. Long, of Ithaca,
at the U. B. church in North Star, who
preached an eloquent and logical sermon
on the immortality of the soul. Her re-
mains were followed to the Newark
cemetery by a large eonoouree of people,
who came to pay a last tribute of respect
to one who by her gentle character and
genial disposition, had gained the esteem
of all who knew her.
Mise Maggie Heffron, of Blyth, spent
Sunday with friends in Walton.
Robb. Livingstone, of Milbank, is visit-
ing at the Royal Hotel this week.
Wm. Torrance, of Gerrie, formerly
of Walton, has taken a position in a store
in Mt. Forest.
Mrs. Develin, mother of Mrs. L. Mc-
Donald, who has been very ill, has some-
what recovered but is sbill very weak.
Miss Florence McDonald, who is at•
tending the Sacred Heart Convent, Lon.
don, was home for a few days last week.
A very interesting confirmation service
was held in St. George's church last Sun-
day afternoon by Rev. Bishop Baldwin,
of London.
Mrs. Sage, end Miss Annie Sage, the
talented musicians end musical glass per.
formers, are now on a professional tour
through the 'United States, and their
many home Monde will be pleased to
learn that they are meeting with great
8uoces8 and reueiving many plaudits from
the American people.
)vitt anf lyrt1l .
FoorRALL.--Ayr presented a strong
combination of players in the match
against the "Herons" Saturday, the
teams being : Ayr -Goal, Johne ; backs,
Goerlay, Malone ; half -backs, Murray,
Goldie, IIelderson ; forwards, Bowie,
Ifilborn, Barnett, McPhee, Ilolborn,
Hurons -Goal, Mennen ; backe, W. Mc•
Donald, lrairley ; half-backe, Living-
stone, D. McDonald, Jackson ; forwards,
Crawford, Willis, Henderson, Smith,
Dewar. Ayr took the kink oll, but the
Hurons soon took remission and began
to treat the epeetators to a fine exhibi-
lion of football, Dewar and Smith on the
right and in feet the 'while forward line
doing Horne excellent work, being well fed
by the defence. D. McDonald at half.
back and his colleagues, Jackson and
Livingstone, bad hard work resisting the
etre ng rushee of Burnett and the other
Ayr forwarde, but they did it nobly.
Livingstone, after several attacks by the
Huron forwards, scored No. 1 for Sea.
forth, About ten minutes from the
start the ball was carried down by the
Hurons* left, centred and put through,
bel woe di:'tlllowed, Ayr claiming that
I the hall had ,noveml tin lino 1s'Sore being
(mitred. le another tun minutes a beat.
tilul drop from their loft was muffed
the Ayr goal keeper, adding another
point to the Hurons' Hoorn. A few
minutes after the kick off Ayr made a
speedy rush through the Iluron defence,
I and a shot from one of their right wing
neon passerlbotween the polls, but was
declared an off side by the referee, Ayr
could not hold their advantage, another
rush and centre by the Huron forwards
resulted in a third goal for the home
team, Smith doing the needful. At half
time the score stood three to nothing in
favor of the Hurons. Ayr, now having
the slight wind in their favor, were evi-
dently determined to even the more.
Their renewed efforts, after about fifteen
minutes' good play resulted in a goal,
Helborn scoring on a centre from the left.
Shortly after this Ayr gained another
point, the ball however being kicked
through by one of the Barons' defence.
During this half a marked improvement
was noticeable in Ayr's play, which made
the game more even, The ball WAS now
rushed up and down the field without
any preference for either territory, and
no more goals being scored, the Igame
ended in a victory for the Western
champions by a snore of three to two.
with good garden, well and enable
Apply to MRS, TIIOON130LL,
Mechanic Street.
DERaIGNnD has several good Farms for
sato and to rent, easy norms, iu Townshi is
of 1Io1•rie autl (3r ry, E'. S. SCOTT, Brueao?a,
scribe' offers his 100 nota farm, being
Lot 1s and West half lot 14, Con. 14, Oroy, to
rent. Between 80 and 00 acres cleared. For
further particulars, as to rent, terms, Jin„
to P. A Iii SINNCLAIR, Pro0. prietor,
CJLi,A�nsra nun offers for sate Ills E o th
Bast quarto rof lot 28, ooneessinn 'e, Morris
Colne ty of Huron, containing 00 neves, The
lend is of Aral quality antlin a bigh state of
cultivation, well fenced and under -drained
e6 acres cleared, Now frame house, 8 rooms
milli loped with ooncroto wells, 2 wells
good barna and shod, orchard, etc, Night
acme of fall wheat. This desirable property
adjoins the corporation of Brussels, Suit•
able terms will bo given. Title porfeet.
JAMES eamvI7 Owner,
80- 6loaforth P. 0.
SAL18.--Tie undersigned offers for
mina on rho most reasonable terms, Village
Lot 121, on the earner of Meg aid ,Tabu
streets, l.3russels, on the pmporty aro a
good cellar, good frame dwelling, with sov011
rooms and liLOboa, pantry and woodshed,
Herd and roft water, also a pooh frame
Stable, tirivbag shod and 105 bouse. 'i'be
buildings aro all in 8rel•olasa order, and
there Is also ample room for intel;hor build•
ing on tins corner if desired. Price vory
ralteorutblO. for tonna 40. apply to
MRS. MANY' OOBlt110, lllrussele P. 0,
0 4 01' t0 A. ninTEn, Div, Court Clerk,
1J'I bTnrris, no reasonable tonus, In order
to ulnae the affairs of 1110 nntv.t.0 of ibn fate
1V. Cl. 11tt1 ,,ton, rho 0xu,'utol's,,Lor tbn fol.
lowing valual,le lards for sale North.
half Of hot, :10, Oouunoslnn fowuebil' of
Morrie °ants'tang 00 acres. On this 1"t is
°rooted a good frame baru with 810110 fnun-
dation,good orehard,well OM it rump, Near-
lyallaloarod, .and is o11 the grave road
lnenly nd rfnhll!sr the, vplago of 13rnesole.
This farm is a valuable 0110, le well fouund
mid in a good etato of cultivation. For
prices and terns apply t0 100108. EVILLY,
Brussels 7, 0., HENRY JENNINGS, Victoria
8gnaro t', 0„ or ,Tnn11'I) SotITu, Tliaplo Lodge
1'. O eti:ldinaex (Joeuty,
Auction Sale
Splendid Farm.
Tiers will bo offered for Salo by Publio
Auction at the Aarenront HOTEL. Is the VIL-
LAGE OF 33111.180ELe, 011
Wednesday, Nov, 5th, 1890,
5111 O'Olook p, m.
That splendid farm being composed of Lot
on the 0th Concession of Grey, containing
53 mores, of which 80 soros are cleared, we
fenced, under -,trained and in high elate of
cultivation. Thorn are 10 acres of fall wheat
and half of the clearance is seeded to grass,
n it uncleared dalaof is well timbered
is a mom
Portable brink cottage, a banks barn 04 by 52
feet, with comfortable and commodious
stone stabling, There are two never tailing
spring wells and an orchard, 'Phis farm ad-
joins the Village of Brussels, whish is one of
the best markets in Moratoria Ontario, The
farm is one of the very boat in the comity of
Huron and is adapted to wither grain or
stock raising and must he sold as the pro-
prietor is determined to retire, and it should
command the attention of intending ptm-
Tnnats,-Tou per cent. of the purchase
money on the day of sale and enough to
make one half within 00 days and the bal-
ance on time to suit pureunaer with interest
at b per cont. Itnutediate possession if de•
Auctioneer, 12-5 Proprietor,
D11atrilvtl 9s1aAw'4dwC1
M.D., M,A., L.C.P.S.O., M.C.P.S,M•,
The Scotch Specialist,
Ohhronio Diseases, Private Diseases, Die -
oases of the Brain and Nerve, Dis-
eases of the Heart and Lungs,
and Diseases of Women
positively Treated
JONATHAN BoornoR'r, Lf dowel, gays :-
"After spending all my Iuo5Oy and property
to no purpose on medical mon, for what they
termed bopoloae naso of couetuupllou,.D1',
Sinclair aired ma"
hft;s,MARr 1nnLONG Woodllone0, says;-•
"Whoa all °there fella1, Dr, fifnahsir mired
mo of flta,"
0, Bomtn'eoN, OarlOiou Plnon, says :-
Dr. Sluolair ourod me of Catarrh,"
Ono, Rowan, Blyth, says :-erne 6iuolair
cured rhe of Bear' disettee nod dropsy, whorl
alt oth510 .failed."
Diseases of private nattily!, brought On 5,7
folly, Dr. Sinelni)' certainly cm•ra,
Gaaa.v.utati0az 10"xcn,
WILT, 1114 AT TI2J1
'riday, Oct. 3lst, 1890.