HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-10-17, Page 7Our. 17, 1890
BRITIS$ `ttwS,
.A Boman ('athnlioprl'est has tltie summer
made CIO) by employing nus Irish IA14011 011•
0r8' e1111111111 to gather h)ttO1cherrtus for the
English market,
Al. \Mta1', 11 Station, Cambridgeshire, o
Saturday, it nilt.1* iii engine ran iUto a gin
of platelayers, killing out. ((*0>1111411101101111A1
btrinin iuul terribly Injurblg two ethers,
The Rev. David \Cillialn+, a lloltou Con
gregat total minister, aftav' ellieiating nl
wedding, wait found sitting uneonse1ol
11 1110 ve.LI'y. Re died almost immediately
811. 11uward(frulbe, of Dublin, Ila:Ipnlrly
completed the lone for 1 I ('0 1011 Observe
ory, upon x'3,1011 he has beuu working fo
otn0 time, Tido will be the largest telt'0i0p
;lass hu I'huslpe,
lywe'o 0011iln0d within an area 'of' half a
sgtlute mile. Their only reerea(io11 had beotl
fishing. 'They had already gut tied of this,
and had " nothing in the world else to do,'
Already eight of the men were in the guard.
roost tot' msubordination, and another
" kiok out" was not at all unlikely.
n Tho Sultan of Solmto's present to her
g Majesty a live Iinl> —nets brought to Liver.
pool on 11xm(lay'in fit+ Airicnu (:e.'II sl01110-
0r lhmdiego. Sir. Bartlett, of the 'Lon,
• 011(10 400'11 0pc03(111y froul I,ondnu to re.
a celve 1110 (n'w arrival, The gift Is seep
• through the Royal Nigel Co., w'hieh holds
, ,jurisdiction in the (Treat Niger and Benue
Rivet's. A native from the Niger was 00114
spocially with the lion, ,hu1 this indovlduc3l
• appears Ill the p0an0ul?e8 lint• uudor the
(,'4%110111011 of "Daniel,' •doubtless given in
honor of Ids (1Ignaintance with the lion.
The latter Is merely (1 cub, ami as 010'ysmall
a ono a4 that, but appears very I11,1110--80 1111110,
indeed, that ho has during the voyage been
allowed to scamper about the steamers
" deelcs tied with a rope. Ito also appears on
vc 001'y friendly, oven lovable, terms with his
attondaut, who can ,ut his hand in the
lion's mouth without fearing any evil result.
Two men met with a horrible death at 13,
3rereton('ollieries •of Lord SI •owshtu•
y', nen
tugehy, nn Wednesday morning, hive meiyore employed on a swinging platform widen
'igen old shaft when the roPe gave way. 'L'1
ere thrown to the bottom mid killed.
Two blitekslnith0, named William Gatos
nd Thomas Rawlings, were on Saturday
'Oplairing a pumping engine in the ] etton
earl of the Pyne Coal Co.'s pit at Hepburn,
lion a valve opened and the eseaping steam
o severely scalded them that they died
1f '
3,f ee n t
1 U CA.
Two 11ew sorts of tea are reported from
abroad. 111 England fashion has taken up
a mixture of dried and tamed hops. In
(10rmminy they are using strawberry tela,
decocted front the yonngleavesofthe straw-
berry plant, after they: have been dried and,
prepared like ()Meese tea,
At Leeds on Monday, Frederick Fiddler
(18), barman, Hope and Anchor Inn, was re-
manded on a charge of causing the death of
a servant girinamed Snaith, at whom he play-
fully presented la revolve'. It exploded, and
the bullet killed the girl. Defendant said he
did not know the mutton was loaded.
A Chatham correspondent telegraphs that
there is not the slightest foundation for the
statement which has been extensively eiron-
lated, that two members of the telegraph
stafat ('hatband Dockyard have been sus-
pended for communicating confidential in-
formation to newspapero and speculators,
Mt Js reported that a married main, living
al Staiiogley, sold his wife on Saturday to
another Staunlingley ural for the sum of ;is.
The woman, it is said, was duly delivered at
the purehnser's house with a 11010 hillier 011.
It is further staters that a daughter of the
purchaser very properly refused to have the
woman, whereupon the purchase money was
Another boating fatality occurred on the
river Medway on hominy aflernnon. 'throe
mon hired a small sailing pleasure hunt, and
(1'hcn orf Rochester Gas 13 oi'ks it was struelc
by La 011,1,1011 sil«all 01111 capsireh '1'x'o of
the men were savers with much difficulty in
an exhausted state, but the other, uauled
Pope, li. ing at Rochester, was drowned. The
acetdcut was seen by a tahget:rum( 011 shore,
A marvellous esrapn from a fearful death
occurred at Workington iron works yester-
day. A man nailed Merry 1.11t0 engaged in
tipping fuel into a huge furnace when he
lost his balance and rolled elf he gangway on
the top of a red plot bell. \\'itll wonderful
presence of Mind he managed to pliant his
feet against the x3,10 of the furnace, remain-
ing on the brim, of the opening until res-
o110d, with his clothes horned oil his back.
Private Thomas\tlms]000longer to l0
Bowed the nt i ienjoyedlege
noble Lords'
lid his superior 013,(301:1 of remaining in
ubt. A new army order directs that "when
soldier is in ,debt, either to the officer com-
landing his troop, battery, company, or
division, or the public, the Issue of cash to
101 should not exceed twopence at (lay, ex -
Qin in
x•ept:n special cases, when the issue at a
AAgile' rate will only be allowed by the
ommmandu1g officer,"
Before the Stipendiary at Liverpool on
uesday, Andrew Tracy was charged with
murderously assaulting his stepfather, john
Maker, brealcing1, some of his ribs and other-
wise injuring hint, so that ho lies in the
hospital in 0 critical condition, Tracy was
luarged with murdering his wife six months
go, int the jury found a verdict of mol -
slaughter, and begot six months' hard labour.
On coning out he committed the outrage on
i\laker. Prisoner was I'0111ah111011 to see how
Make' progresses,
Itis extremely rare for triplets to attain
their majority. This, however, has just hap.
pend at Is'ggton, a ,000'aide villiago not far
from Whitby, where three triplets, twoboys
and la girl, have attained the ago of 2I. The
litoresting event has boon the occasion of
popular rejoicing in the village, tea and
other refreshments being served, and dancing
and other rural games and pastimes indulged
in. It is worthy of remark that the triplets
have always enjoyed perfect health, and that
they are unusually strong and robust.
On :Monday night two mel quarrelled in
a pnbhe-house 111 Friars Street, Blackfriars,
and after some words welt out t0 fight, A
few blows wore exchanged, and one of 111e
men fell to the ground insensible. The
police were called, and conveyed hint to St,
CI>mos's Hospital, where Dr. Lancaster,
house surgeon pronounced him dead: Thu
body was removed to the mortuary to await
inquest. Deceased was identified) as Charles
Ray, aged 28,'rosiding with his father in
Joiners Street, lilackfciars. The police are
in search of his assailant; who disappeared.
The res1(101(s in Moss Lane, \Walton, a
suburb of .Liverpool, have been sewed for
some time by the operations of an individ-
ual who uutl Monday.mautaged to escape the
keenest vigilance. Bottles, bricks, empty
jars, and other missies were hurled at the
houses, and the windows were broken.
Letters signed " jack the Ripper" were
gent to some of the residents, and something
like a reign of terror ensued. The police,
however, have succeeded in apprehending
the perpetrator of the deeds, who proves to
be a domestic servant, and whose only ex-
planation is that it was a joke.
The latest Parliamentary return on the
subject of estates reverting to the Crown
contains a summary of the receipts and ex.
ponditiro of the Treasury Solicitor (luring
the year 1.880 in the administration of these
estates, by reason of the owners thereof
dying intestate without known heirs,i0o-
gitihnat.0, or from lapsed legacies, fie. The
total amount received during the yea' was
no less titan :Co8,719. The balances in hand
at the commencement of the year wore 1313-
551, ..nt1, after various payments (inelmliu g
:31150,000 011 aceouut of "Crown's shave of
estates" and :!;103,073 for grants out of es.
Wes to 0ne0008fu1 clailnonts), the balances
in hand at rho close of the year were
The (l1101(1s iu Bermuda seem in every 80(100
of the words to be exiles. Amending to a pri-
vate letter of a correspondent in tho service,
the greatest discontent prevails among the
mon at the way they aro treated, and there
is every probability of a serious revolt. The
c0rt'espeldout, writing from Ile'oda on
Augglial 20, says 1110 altle'ilioa aro very
strict with the Guards, They wore not per-
mitted to leave Bo00Isla1R1',ald consequent -
A remarkable elopement 18 reported from
the (:urragh Camp. On Sunday morning
an officer of high rank from the Omagh
Camp drove to a neighbouring railway
station in search of his daughter, who WW1
missing, On making inquiries there 10
found that the young lady h>ol loft by the
mail train for southern oily in company
with it young man. He awaited the arrival
of the next train and proocodod on her traok.
On his arrival in the ultl' in queetion lie
wont to ilio different 11010>8, bot could find
no trace of the young lady until the 10.30
train leavhlg next morning, when the
couple were confronted by the young Lady's
father, A ('01'y painful scene ensued, blit it
ended in her i,eing forciblylaced in a car-
riage 00 route for louse. The young lady,
who is aged ahold 18 years, got leave from
her father to go'luld stay with al atilt on
Saturday night. Her lover 10 a shop assts•
taut, aged about 23 years, and au Irishman.
An inquest took place at the Police Station,
Jarrow, with reference to the death of a
child named Mary Bryce, seven yes::0 01,1,
who died on Thursday lost, ,\1r. Jn„u 13>
hank was the coroner. Catherine 13* else..
ed that she had to appear before the ,hug. w
School Board Attendance Committee to show'
00(000 why she had not sent the deceae011 00-I
g>11101y to 0011001. She took the child with j
her, and it was ill then. The committee, 1
however, ordered a summons to bo taken.
out, and on 'Thursday week she was knell 5s'
for not sending the child to 90110o1.. The 1
deceased was still ill at the time, and sue -1 a week after. Dr. \\'3,10011(3 said
he had previously attended the deceased for 1
some complaint she had 313, her head, hie
was on this occasion called in to see the i
child, and he found her suffering from
00111'»301 ns, frf,m which she died,
considered these convulsions had been
brought nn through over -pressure in then
school. The juryreturned a verdict in ac-
cordance with the medical e'itlouce,
Raising Pullets for Eggs.
If you want good laying hens in the win-
ter, writes a correspondent, keep an eye of
your early hatched Chickens, and select the
best developed and healthy looking pullets
for 11(011(8hsng you with eggs next winter.
For several weeks after hatching the young
chicles should bo fad a little Seo or 010 tiles
a day. After they are half grown, three or
four times a • ay—not to fatten) them, but I
to make them grow•. I wouldivo but very
fettle grain andthat should be mostlywheat,
oats or rye, some buok-wheat, and very rare-
ly a little cracked coria. Two rations out of
every three 0hoeld bo soft food made of
wheat bran, shorts, mashed potatoes and a
little corn meal,, all well stirred up together,
If Mixed up with 11111k instead of water it
will bo greatly improved.
Give the scraps from the table through
the (lay along with thein' rations, .See to it
that they have green food of some descrip-
tion and plenty of fresh wato)', preen clover
and cabbage leaves will be excellent; also a
little bone meal in their mashy and gravel
should always l,0 within their reach. 13y
forcing the best pullets in this way you will
be quite sore to set them to laying in the
fall, which, if properly housed and fed, they
will continue through the winter, when, if
left to shift for themselves and make, as slow
and scanty growth until cold weather, they
are not likely to lay at all until next
The Pride of Matrimony.
In his recently published "Trials of a
Country Parson,” 1)r. Jessup tells some
amusing anecdotes picked up in Arcady.
As thus : "It is very shocking to a sensitive
person to hear the way in which the old peo-
ple speak of their dead wives or husbands
exactly as if they'd been horses or dogs,
They are always proud of having been mar.
ried more than once. 'You didn't think,
miss, as I'd had five wives, now, dict. yon?
Ah, but I have, plough—leastways I buried
five on '0) in the churchyard, that I ddd—
ondltroeot'ambowtiosl' On another ocoasion
I playfully suggested 1 'Don't you mix up
your husbands now and then, Mrs, Page,
when you talk about them ?'•'\Nell, to toll
you the truth, sir, 1 really du 1130tmy third
husband, ho wits a man 11 (don't mix him up,
He got killed fighting—you've heord tell o'
that, I make no doubt? The others warn't
nothing to him. He'd ha' mixed thein np
quick elongg11 if they'd interfered wi' him,
Lawk ha 11;Le'd 'a made nothing of them 3'
Pigs and Thistles,
If money conks buy salvation, gold would
be at a nughty big premium,
If people had to live to please each other
nobody would over get to heaven,
If the devil ever hits yon it will be because
your back is turned toward hint,
The hest thing Sayan did: in ].don was to
propose t1 festival, and ha still keeps at it,
Ono of the saddest sights angels have to
look 111 is a 01011 who is mean 111 stoney mat-
Faith in clod will move mountains. All
money can do is to make a tunnel through
The moment we begin to help somebody
Clod lightctl0 our labor by eteusiug our hearts
to help our hands.
It talus; more religion to hold a n>ot> level
in a horse trade than it does to make him
shout at 0111111) meeting.
(Imam SSA ',,--Mix a pinch of salt and
a tablespoonful dwelled ginger into a half
pound of lima, and 10 this rub four ounces
of butter and the freshly gritted rind of a
lotnon. i,1(x it to a paste with about two
ounces of molasses and a few drops of lemon
juice, Fleur the pastry boards, roll out your
pasty as thin its possible, and cut it luto
rounds with a tumbler, 1301(0 in a moderate
oven and roll round your linger into la cone
before ib hardens, Which it tory soon docs so
you must be quick about it. fico) the snaps
in a tamely shpt tit or they will loso their
Three Reeks, •
One of t110 11)001 8tmeesaf el 110810(88 men
in 43,1) Country, 11 0111 11 w'!m beginning with -
cot It dollar has >110,le a world-wide reputa-
tion in auntseing (1 lingo fortune, a"1 in
paintainingathat:ite f I:fa1 1 lilttrnity,
re ainfl ly warned all bbyx entering 1. 0111111,,..
• ,',al 1,1tl that t liern were three rooks ahead,
011 whirl, if they 01100 rue ugrinti, l they
would go to ruin.
The first ,1118 ligmol 'Nothing can be
made of a )'omit man 114 business life," he
adds, "11x1 matt,' what his ability, if he
drink. "
The second wag :Inundation. 'l'lu' foluula
Jelin of any business, whether it 3m that. - of
,a great roulrollcr of a trust or la uu-re 11010x.
boy selling a dollar's worth of papers, aro
imilermiued Ute 11Fd110nt 1110 gambling els.
went. ,Maes into it,
Thin inhaling is not likely to reach elli,r-
lively any longe speculators through 9'l,,
COUEpauins• lint, !1, will reach 10>1s of thou.
sands of lads, who in farm hotsles, 111 oliiren
and shops aro templed 11:1110081 part of their
01111111 eal'llingo in lotteries or stuck gamb-
ling, Two facts blearing 011 0118 subject are
worth their consideration.
A man who as a legitimate broker ro00hod
a controlling position in Wall street was
asked just before his death) if ho had known
many men outside of the Exchange make a
Fortune by gambling in stocks, After some
consideration he rem 1 :
"Not a single nue, 1 have linou'n 1:.:.hours
come on the :greet owl make large 101110 by
a 0lance in. 11 11 1 tory always preserved,
and invariably mule,, poorer than when they
began. 'l'i(0 business more than any other
requires long experience moil carefully train-
ed Indlgment, leo 11001.00 can 111ast01' it."
.1. he other facts os that the profito of the
most fairly con:htcted lottery in the United
States were so vast that it was enabled to
oiler 1a million and 0 gearter of dollars a
year for rho more right to renew- its char-
What chance has the poor shop boy or
Werk who bays a share in a lottery ticket
of speculates in stock, to turn his dollar
into thousands as Ile hopes, agolnet such
odds as these?
'l'hc third rock in the way of the business
le' 11 w00 the reckless backing of his fellows.
11,, first duty, says the wise counselor, is to
hi. partners azul creditors. After their In-
tel E0ts care secured lot him b0 generous.
A rook, not pointed out upon this chart,
has proved the ruin of countless business
craft. It is the temptation dishonestly to
adulterate of lower the value of the goodly
sold. A ug, a machine, a fabric is of the;
host quality and hence deservedly popular.
Its 0x11500 are reaping a small but oertaill
profit. A little more alcohol in the drug, a
cheaper Make of steel hl the machine, 11 mix-
ture of alloady in the yarn, and these profits
will be immeasurably increased.
Cit, the public is keel of eye *1111) merciless
of judgment. Tho dishonest manufacturer
fonds his downward road short and swift.
His capital of good opinion 01100 destroyed,
it:never can be restored.
Why It Is Twelfth Day.
Tradition says that the twelfth day 10001
Christmas Day was remarkable for leaving
been that upon which tho visit of the Magi
took place, upon which Christ was baptized,
the water at Cauatuhned into wine and tho
five thousand fed, For 300years it was
kept by ]'.astern Christians as the day upon
which Christ was born, and among ourselves
it 4080longg observed with great festivities.
We aro told that in the reign of piing Al rod
a 1a was lass h " virtue of which the
111 ad v t 1 h
I y
twelve days after the nativity l , of our 111 leer
were mode tc0L11nis!' The last day was
accounted the greatest of the twelve, and
especially given up to " Christmas gambols"
and the visiting of friends. The (tnstnln
seems long to have continued in force, for
in the sixteenth century Twelfth hay seems
to have been kept with as much zeal as
Christmas. The royal fa oily at Court led
the way, the Universities and the Inns of
Court following then in the extent of their
festivities, At the Temple the whole twelve
days worn kept with great care, and many
of the country gentlemen followed the same
custom. In some parts of England the very
poorest people contrived to keep the twelve
clays with such good cheer for themselves
and their neighbors as their means would
A company of ladies and gentlemen were
playing at forfeits when 11gag proposed
that all Lho rest should do as he dict. He
thereupon tool( a handkerchief, dipped itin
water, and began rubbing his face.
"Now, all of you do the same, please I"
At this the ladies, ill a body, got up and
fled from the room.—[Paris Figaro.
A lovely inkstand is of brass enameled in
Colors, with the inkwell of nut glass.
THE G. T. R AND 0. P. R,
A rembinat ion of ,Interests 10elween These
Two 83 rent Lines Possible.
Mo*TRoAo, Oct. 3, 1800.—Frons time to
time ruiners ]lavogone forth tllatnegotations
were on foot between the (;rancl'Trnmk 101(1
Canadian Pacific Railways looping to a
union of these two great typed, linos—or, if
not a union, at least to closer relations, and
perhaps apooling of receipts. "Is there any.
thing in it ?" Is the question an interested
public has 001)011? 'Illus far apparently
there has net, but once more the attention
of the public is conapictnitlthy drawn to
these roads, and rho knowing ones 080011
that this time some anted move is contem-
plated. ' I'he prolbfigod visit of Sir Joseph
Tyler ; his Visit to the Northwest, alta the
proposed hostile legislation threatened by
the United States towards these two great
roads, give rise to various rumors; and 'the
goeattbn le aga11101100d,"w'hatwillbe the re-
sult S
e-sult? Will they combine to protect their 11 11.
teal interests?" Time will tell; but, in the
meantime, there is one 1natter upon which
those conilodtedwiththesegroatrallvayO un-
animously agree, namely, that Nasal Bilin
is the only remedyfeir the effectual cure of
cold in the head and catarrh, in all fol ms
and stages. Tho following testimony from
faro woll•kuown officials elf these lines boar
out this assertion. i\lr, J, 1), liconedy, G.
T, R. agent at Brockville, says : " A short,
treatment with Nasal 13111111 ('ad100,11y ('011100.
ed 011 syn1py0tns of any catarrh, Thepro.
pa'ation is pleasant and easy totiro, and
gives immediate and permanent relief,"
Mr. Gorden Starr, C,1', 11,. agent at Brock-
ville, says: "For some years I woo troubled
with a severe 0000 of catarrh, and was sel-
dom free from catarrhal headache. I tried
many remedies, butwithout mull, - I 1n'o.
cured a bottle of Nasal l3(alnt, and Jn lees
than a week uhy headaches hind disappeared,
together with all olhersynlptonhsof catarrh,
I believe Nasal 1311111 la 11 boon 10 all 41111,'1'•
ing from tlds terrible malady." 1;1•cr•),
sufferer front cold in tho bead or catarrh
should at once proeu+o a bottle of Naiad
Rahn, No n4her remedy eau possibly take
its place. For sago by all dealers, 4r scot,
post paid, on reeeipt of prim> (We. small.
size, and 11 largo size 1otlles) by addressing
FULmcn3 Co„ 13rockville, Ont,
Royalty Notioes It.
(Pena* elle %eyed .,, 1',".' P, a.,'. )
1,1r'l .\herd'so ell his way (30110 101,3,
ttli,u,l tip i > thc station yOslor any aftaanoot
remarked t, (.,1 Legis, who was au rte nt
pant of the .sl, with him, that he had 1
King for like 1ravelling equipment, n.aid 38
th'nght thehnplay of Alex. Jhn:don ,!; 1'o,,
in I11s team Building, 11.w as • 1Uo' ''0 any
thin„ he ever 101.1 the 1 1 ovtir+ of looking
upon in tad L,mdOn ur (;lnsgow, Lind that
e would brco hl:r 1 to hart. 11101 a f(,w n,iu
uti s mere 1 tt„peet minutely. \11 ,]s'
Jodi•( Willi !he noldo 1':,113 in praise of I auIs'
beak/fill r lei I', Alti e u h o., prizes :aro
given the lust deseli special u.f t w'e.
1 hey ,310x' soon' ape teal has in Valises,
Cabin, Tourist 1,11,1 ('11.1. Bangs, The Itoiler
Tray Trude, tn,,uufaet urea by .1. 1•:celeigh
St Co., of Aloe treal, will, whole Ales. John-
ston Y ('o, dr, it large tr,ul0, des(rltin 111000
011111 11 passing nOtiOO. The tray rolls book
in the 1iil, and a lad' desiring 00 get •
article out of the bottom of the any
not lift everything out to reach it, but
simply rolls the tri into the 00v0r. The
Brut assured the Fr,,, Pr," reporter that in
a very short time the Roller Tray Trunk
would supersede the old st lo and •
1 style,
from the
nanb00 of ongniric% for the "new depart-
ure" in trunks, and oleo the salmi made, the
reporter was forced W ((gree with the lead-
ing nh0lnburof the firm iu this respeot• T'he
prices of the 11111lkn nstenish0d spectators
and enquirers. Tho than show trunks front
82 up ; also Some very choice ones with
Masa trimmings, made from Eroloigh's
Rawhide Fibre, a patent material 1131113, is
very light and durable, Some solid leather
work 111 trunks, valises and portmanteaus is
also exhibited. A very handsome port.
11101110110 011 13181>1ay caught the Rev, Tatler
Tiernan's eye and he lost no time in pur-
chasing It for his o11(1 use, .Messrs. John'
slon ,t co. are h, be congratulated on the
meritorious dli0play• they make, and the
hope is expressed. 1 hat they will again assist
111e Western Fair Board to make the exhi-
bition a sue0esx in their line, as it has been
this year,
Gr. 1: rvey's Southern Red fine 0(111 01•
alt ly 1 iese, as well all nt011, a 000000 ht
of coughing,
Recommended to Sufferers,
(ilbbons' Tnothaohe (lun>. Price 11 cells.
Flower necklaces worn by bridentaids are
mounted on bleak velvet ribbon, and consist
of small flowers.
The easy quiet way which T. A. SLO.
C )IL has won its way
Into public favor speaks volumes for its
lrerits, At the office of the company,
'L'ofonin, Ont„ can be seen scores of valuable
testimonials while any druggist will tell
you that for all pulmonary difficulties it
stands unrivalled,
All Allen
young, old, or middle-aged, who find them
selves nervous, weak and exhausted, who
are broken down from excess or overwork,
resulting in many of the following symp
tones t 1♦Ieutal depression, premature old
age, loss of vitality, less of memory, bad
,beams, dinlnc00 of slglht, palpitation of the
heart, omissions, lack of energy, pain in the
kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or
body, itching or peculiar sousatiouabout the
scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness,
specks before the eyes, twitching of the
muscles, eye lids and elsewhere, bashfulness,
deposits in the urine loss of will power,
tenderness of the scalp 0.1
e e s a p ud spine, weak and
flabby =soles, desire to sleep, failure to be
rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of
nearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude,
meltability of temper, sunken eyes surrotmtl-
sd with LEAD LIN CIRCLE, oily looking skin,
oto., are all symptoms of nervous debility
that lead to insanity and depth unless cured.
The spring or vital force having lost its
tension every famnion wanes in consequence.
Those who through abuse committed in
ignorance inay be permanently cured. Send
you, address for book on all diseases peculiar
to man. Address 111. V. LUBON, 50 Front
St. L''., Toronto, Ont. Books sent free sealed.
Benet disease, tile symptoms of which are
faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpita-
tion, skip boats, hot (lushes, rush of blood
to the head, ,lull pain in the heart witoboats
stony, rapid and irregular, the second heart
boat quicker than the first, pain &bent the
breast bone, etc., oar positively bo cured
No cure, no pay. Send for book. Address
M. V. LUBON, 50 Front Street East, To-
ronto, Ont.
A. P. 1123.
As a Flesh Fro 'neer there can be
no question but that
Of Pure Cod Liver Q I and 1'lypophosphites
Of Limo 111r7t1 ands,
is without a rival. Many have
gained x pound a day by the use
of it. Et cures
Genuine mads bySeottrl :lown,B0110vi1l0S'Imes
Wrapper; at all (1r' ,''i 44, neo, and 01.00,
/f ,li lP, fp11 and rUaluan Loren, uo mire
qYN_ IY 1A (plata 11JI�Y h[ hl q{ 0115100 S,.'Bu,[ Io,1>1 0.
<P,t"a •1?4.SCCl; (R'`Ei5'izt, :tg-e,'tl
001,3) 07 3)80131909 EVE:Yt9LUM
-+ ! litt ,:: it
PM 1 1 "1
sin a t- a II nom
ity a t ark,
and itt tioor
L I a " A . rl ,, Felt
v.1,1 a'•::n'.(,
i st„8a tt 1 lrt. 41
[ rt 010.
gppy,+r. pyqap� ��,yp Np
EvElI 111)19 �� 1;11:0•. r.'•ll 1 I,t nil',!. UP
his {y� '•-r
i n sicat ,,,n_ n 1-•,.:;1,.'�
p Y } t 1. (beau
Thiry 04.1 tetululanimal .; lintOuyl::.10th
physical and aortat.
EVERY 9 13311A088 '01, old loo them,
proIP 6Y lli/ 4bf49 fo) T}:ey ruru alt •sap•
entail avi and 1 henelarftfea, which lu0'is(, >ly
001011 steluluan when neglan:toa,
Y®iiM(f.? Eli should :alto thesoP:Loo.
Ad 00 OA Ir,f Th"y 1v,(1 ours the n-
ewts "1 youthful bad habits, and strengthen the
1 Oi4h13 WOMEN
Theao kfl.:S velli
nlaku tn,:al regular,
For salt by an drnef'd ^, ar w111
receipt of rr;ea 000. per Ger.), 4y addrr::i,:
2'/3:4 Lib TriL.41)1R' 31."2":1). Co.
1:rsrlra'"':, Got.
Ilea value in the Dominion. 10, F:. DIXON 4C•
CO., Slakors, 711 Bing street ERA, Toronto,
(,ft'8eml for Price Lists and Diseomt,,'ti;$
LV9, (0.t\'1'FD-I31g Money
,B: ink control utterritory,
1�t1 In4nra
ti111. & (:0.YnKe St., Toronto.
�J fi>l't.11, NOM'''. To AFFLICTED 1,1)11:.
1.7 In order that yn', (11(13• }mete111,11
BA L,.31 is11 poeureka. 10 eurefemale con, pit inti,
Iwill send to any ngdrrasone monttl',Ir„at-
menu for.','1, or fire pimple to all who address
with Anon), J, '11IOT'1'Lli, 5 Itichulond West,
'L'otonto, Can.
A GENTS shotdd drop everything and sell
.,. '1'.',1,81.00(10 1.1111 (IV (>14100'1, entitled.
•'Frons Munger to Throne.” Over aim queue
pm•us : pin (Migrations bruin great 'oriel ia;.+;
Anil a Panurtmio picture in color-, ten feel in
length, of Jerusalem on the day of t'rucifixion.
Sold only by subserlptinn. Exclusive territory
toagenhs. \dares, for terms, w'al, MUMS,
Publisher, 'i'oronto, 001.
wiling weekly between MONTREAL and
E0('}111.1'OOL. Saloon Tickets 5311, 550 and $00
flet ern i'inknts, $311, SOO and 51111, according to
sl rot mor and accommodation. Intermediate 00,
(4(0.8ag052u, Apply to 0. 81..11lttltAY, Gan'
ernl \utnagor• Cannellini Shipping 1.o., 1 CUs -
'('03t J10U8a SQUARE, .1110\ t'1te,at, Or to Loon"
Agents in all Towns and Cities.
tU t{ Q 1 iv cChD AWSON'S
ocolake Creams,
Recommended by physdei,ms. living int the
form of a ,Lornlate they aro pl.'asvlt >01 the
taste. Children never rotation (•htivola 0 cream
Require, no nfler wl'dleinr. Ask for Dnir-
sons and ntko (10 other, Hold everywhere,
ei le•11t, a no 0.
Dowses ,ledielnt• Co.. Montreal
The above amount will actually be
given free. Each person answer -
lug this advertisement will
receive a present.
The above offer is mace to introduce Hop.
burn's Mood Purifier, which bits haul a l'u'g4
solo in this lncuiity for the least four yea.ps,
The co:undoes are 118 f1,1101 s ;—
For the largest list of English words con-
structed from thelet tie, contained in the words
Received up to November In It !48034
Received up to December 15th e
Itcc:ire,l up to Docemllor_Sth ne
There will also ho Vireo prizes of ten dollars
oath, nod seven prizes of live dollars each, giv.
on in each section of limo as indicated above,
to the next tet largest list in the order re
1:0011 1f you do not win ou0 of the cash prizes
Son will receive a present alyw'ay of xoom
value whether a list of words are went in 01'1101
Each list or application must bo aveonlpanled
11111 One Dollar fe,' which a dollar bottle of
Ropburn's Blood Purifier will 05 forwarded,
this preparation is guaranteed lobe superior' to
anyting yet introduced. for the reli00 and 001.0
of liver and kidney troubles. Circulars with
testimonials and full information sent on re.
cell* o1 a 9 cent stamp.
Contest: c.l0,cs December 28111, the list of prize
x90011'1 will 1,11 published in the XLw's of 100-
gnats the following week.
'1 3,n Reeve of Iroquois
taeltrsxclta },
Ptinstep of lrinl'ois,
Address -d'. E. 1TP)PRURN,
Druggist, Iraquois, Ont„ Can.
Lock box 230.
633' Cut this o111 ns it m0y not appear again,
— TUN .••-
Chenpnat and
Ame rim to buy
Band and Afuele0>
Sfuslo, ke.
h ''sem'• w °'s
Addreos N'ilAlri 3', R0YrE au C0.,158 Tonga,
Sirce/. Toronto, timid fur CI44111ogue,
0111 �y
,� 1 1 and Savings Il p
l l 5 0111311
� 11 .
fl? r� 3
office, Toronto St., Toronto.
subscribed Capital 6 4.000,000
Paid up Capital 2,600,00a
Reserve Fund 1,340,000
Total Assets 11,600,000.
'I'hc enlarged capital and resources of Lhi
Company, loge> her with the increased atoll
ides 11 note has for supplvin3 land owner; wit
*•heap money, 0111110 the Wooten; to 01x0
with prompO0'", all requirements Pot• loam,
call fittory real estate security. Ap-
plientiml may bo made to the company's local
A pprui01m lir h,
J. BEILMERT MASON, Managing Dire° for
Manlfacturers of all kinds Domestic Cigars,
Celebrated Crusader and Hero Brenda-
cbm trial is guarantee for continual uee..r
Scrod at rue, for Palin (10001 -ti
anda 011,201,10 Treatise. T1aa teine'ly to
livui ,nn in, atunnixdrregs000 i.�,;i
its preparation. 1 will warrant It to cum
la severe cans whore other emedies base failed.
lay reason o rue Lending
a nfree bottle 10 1 1 want Wo
,oednetl"n. >1 'sus Yne noU
fi r a incl, and( a 04,410 00,0
Is nin (,ae Express and
05,9 0,15,0, 841801,1
('4. 0, ROOT KC., 186 West Adelaide $t..
Toronto, Ont.
To a1:oorb and expel
those d01F1]y secretions
and at the same time
lcgul.tlo, stimubtl 0 and
build up the weak a parts
until 11u_whe 10 orf nn(sm
i, raised d to highest
health has puzzled= the
great*'.t minds, But
ato e'a"e•ts her tumor.
"Nothing in existence
eon equal ST. 11.3130
51131JItA1, 'WATER."
says N. Dowd', Montreal.
, It cured nor after live
king \cors of sutfering
front 111(3001 and Liver
Trottbl,., Blend Poison-
ing, e1e.'' This is the
comet lou of ell who try
St. Leon tvisrlyand well,
'II'ile II1e8t Goods
Sold by the Principal Boo
and Shoe Dealer;.
E1'ery II'air Stamped.
3)1,30ailet, for 8111111111( 51a1ty cf Co:whiz '
They oro the 001.0 DVSs that
Then is notl•3ng like (bran fnr6trengtb, Coloring
or lrt:.imri.i,
TIEPackagoE4093e0V Coloey(thcr3yotathomafkat.,
If you doubt it, try it 1 0,00 ntotey will be re.
funded i f you ern Iva cuurincrq nfrr• .trite. Fifty.
four colors ar . Mails It Ttwit Is11 Dyes, • nbra ing
all . ow shad nor, mot uth,01010 oath seen as they
brootno fnahtonnb:r. 93,,y ata wnrrnn,., to dpa
an coedsaldtlo it better titan any other Dy..
Samo Price as Infcri:: Dye, 3.0 ctES.
Camila Brunch, 01U Paul Street, hron:rest
Sendposta If or Sample Card am?Book nlInstruction.,
50 T11F. 'EDITOR Plea>lnio
.rnt your readers that 3I ave a positive ramedp fox the
above named disease. Sy its timely use lnonsands of hopeless cat,es have been p0rm0nently •.070x1.
1 shall be glai to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any 01 your readers who hove cob
=notion if they will send me thole CLUpress and Post Office Address. Respectfully, T. A. 61.O0U84.
186 Wear Adelaide at. ,rofO TO. ONTARIO.
A Support to The
JoOTO 9 s
Aged and
Has. Wonderful
FLUID B1a■gam
TA Ue\13114 Unfold, on Voloeluede for solo
(100.p. RIeso1, ill 11001111, \dames,
inventors' Union, Toronto,
(earl PISdt DAY'--•C+ood moll L`and 11010100,
(00) �® 1('nsLsullingnrtllos, J.ls, CI 1.0x0,
89 Victoria street, l orento,
1O, 13 3,111 1 :4(' 1 3.14.4001. dress cutting, taught.
11 3 11 31118 ( 1003,1 0(111 ,gafor On.
l.n3 1'onKa U,•el,(10'Ioonlor \ Cit, it
11141D�� Ra 1 33 tt0an 't'h W 0
tit, and how 1,
h n •,
c > s1,u> Pitt
ed 3,h the 11tiAl l'li 111tt:i T i 19etid sfnnip fnr
0(0111111009pv tethccdilm 11(,13,',.]lyu,llutlitlo
Aro the hest in Ilan world for the throat and
vilest (1011 for the voice, Unequalled,
to ':C'. "OSr. stamped of each ZIlrop.
Fieletiol ill )Pulley
Saves 'Pillie---Quicket'than a shift-
ing Dell
Sa'l'es Belt—No went' ; holt stands
idle when tot working,
Sows Room --011 Shaft.
Sliver; Money--Il'1asuluoh as a
the above cost money,
Send for New ,Shafting and
Pulley Circular, stating
your (•ants.
Ltd , Brantford Oanaclat
WWtoro1ls Ennui Works Cot