HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-10-10, Page 10g
1 Mk.: t3HIJSS41.4S
OcT. 10, 1S90.
e0UTn0 es EXTENSION w. 0. & D.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
-and South, as follows:
Gorse 609TH. GOING Nonni.
3ta1 a.m. 9:20 a.m
Express 11:40 am,l Mixed
0:55 5100. p.m.
Mixed 0:55 p.m. Express 9:45 P.m
Total Pius Cl1tS.
A ahiel's among ye Lakin' notes,
An' faith he'll print it.
TRUNKS very °heap. GEo. Goon.
Miss HAenAnt, of Belgrave, spent Sun-
day in town.
SOME talk of a change of proprietors at
the Queen's Hotel.
FISLL range boy's underclothing at
Scarff and Ferguson's.
A FEW second hand buggies for sale at
a bargain. JAG. Wenzza.
J. BRUCE, of Peel township, is visiting
bis brother, A. Bruce, this week.
Mose MICALEJOEN, of Belgrave, was
visiting friends in town last week.
Miss B. ANDERSON. of Seaterth, is
'visiting her brother, Stanley Anderson.
A NUMBER of our citizens attended the
Belgrave fair on Tuesday and Wednes•
LL the newest styles in gentlemen's
'ties, shirts and collars at Scarff &
Me. Hxsa, wife and child, of Dungan•
non, were visiting, at Stanley Anderson's
for a few days this week.
MILLINERY, -A. R. Smith i8 taking the
dead apain this Fall in the millinery line.
He has the same milliner as last season.
REV. W. E. KERB has been elected
President of the Literary Society in 00u-
neetion with the Wesleyan College,
A cool) 2 -year-old heavy daught mare
oolt for sale, cheap. Cash or time. Ap•
ply to Messrs. Cochrane & Johnston,
Marble Works, Brussels.
Mos. D. A. SMALE made afine display
of corsets in the windows of their store
.on Fair day. Mrs. Smile is an adept at
corset making and bas disposed of thous-
ands of pairs.
FOOT BALL. -A. friendly game of foot-
ball will be played on the Park, Brussels,
on Saturday, between the "Hurons," of
Seafortb, and the club of this town.
Garvie to commence at 2:80 o'clock.
ArDIE CORatACT is borne on a visit.
He has been away from town for over
'three years and has seen a good portion
of the Western States. His health has
been very poor for some time and he is
endeavoring to recruit now.
Fon SALE. -Good working team, set
double harness (nearly nele), good wagon,
plow and harrows, also windmill pump
and derrick (just new): Will be sold at a
great bargain as proprietor has no further
use for any of above articles after Oot. 1.
Apply to E. R. GRUNDY.
BausssLs Mechanios' Institute has ar-
ranged with Prof. Panton, of the Ontario
Agricultural College, to give his interest-
ing and instructive lecture on "Ten days
among the Boiling Springs, Geysers, and
Canons of Yellowstone Park," in Brus-
sels Town Hall on Friday evening, Oct.
24th, Prof. Penton has leetured here
before and is well worth hearing. See
posters for further particulars.
LIVERY. -H. Williams & Son have
their new livery running in tip-top style.
Reliable. speedy horses, new comfortable
rigs and attendant comforts guaranteed.
Ladies can be suited with quiet horses.
"Live and let live" ix our motto. Re-
member the place, Mill street, Brussels.
Special arrangements made with com-
mercial men. If you want a rig any
time pall on us. H. WILLIAMs & Sox.
WILLIAM MoDraatri, of the township of
Morris, charged with stealing 618 from
Edward Wilson at Blyth on the 7th of
September last, and committed by Mag.
dstre,tos Young and Kelly, was last week
.sentenced by Judge Tome to five years in
penitentiary at Kingston. Richard Nee-
'bitt, also of the township of Morris, who
was committed by Magistrate Hunter, of
Brussels, for stealing some articles of
.clothing and a pocket book from John
Shier, received a similar sentence. Both
had pleaded guilty, but as both are old
prison birds 131s donor rightly conolnded
a longer siege than usual would be in the
pnbiio interest.
SoMaxnnro Goon. -Arrangements have
been made for a platform meeting in the
Methodist ohurch on Tuesday evening,
28th inst., at which addressee will be
given on the Nationalities as follows :-
4'England and the English,' Rev. John
fSoott, M. A., of Wingham ; "Ireland and
+the Irish,' Rev. F. E. Nugent, of
ltiitchell; "Scotland and the Scotch,"
.Bev, 3. A. McLachlan, M. A.of Wroxe-
ter ; "Canada and the Canadians," Rev.
J. Livingstone, of Listowel. Look out
afar a rich and rare treat. Appropriate
• tnnsicel selections on the various nation.
alities will be rendered by Mies L,
'•O'Connor, W. M. Sinclair, A. Straolean
.. and the church choir,
C0 tl'Lttlelirdut.-Tho Ontario Re-
former, published at Oshawa, speaks of
(0. A. Fear, son of S. Fear, of Bruseals,
as follows :-"C. Sy monde, who is Mr.
. Searletb`e successor a5 proprietor of the
Medial Hall, is now in town with his
.family, for goof', and we hope they may
long enjoy their new home, bookies being
successful in business. During his
absence Mr. Fear was in °barge and itis
SrAsrr & FssoosoN'S 60 cent kid gloves
are the best value itt town.
MAsTeB STANLEr PEPPER is visiting hie
grandparents near Hamilton,
SEE. our 6 column Supplement for ,the
report of Beet Boron Fall Show.
See our 12;1 cent linen, the great talk
among the women. A, R. SHIM.
T. Yemenite and Mrs. Fletcher were
in Toronto for a few dugs this week.
SEE our assortment of hosiery, whioh
is always complete at Scarff & Fergnson's.
C. R. VANsnose wife and child, of
Southenipton, were vtelting in town this
REV. H. SINceer , of Toronto. will
occupy the pulpit of Knox Church for
the neat two Sabbaths.
BEATTIE BROS. bus team ran away with
the baggage wagon on Tuesday and gave
the rig quite a shaking up.
Tilos. BLOorn'IELD caught a black bass
weighing 1} pounds, in the river near the
dam on Wednesday morning.
THE date of Miss O'Connor's concert
has been ohanged to Tuesday, Nov. 4th,
instead of Thanksgiving day. Dont for-
Miss SABAH McCnsnirs2, of Bluevale,
and Miss Annie Henderson, of Wingham,
were visiting at Postmaster learrow'e last
TAX COLLECTOR ROSS is ready for the
war path. The rate of taxation is the
same as last year, viz. 2 cents on the
W. B. WmeoN wants a tenant for his
well located brick 1stare, corner of Turn -
berry end Mill streets. Possession given
on Nov. 1st.
Tire Fby Medicine Company gave a
number of free entertainments in the
Town Hall this week. They take this
way of advertising and selling their
Rev. Mn. S1:LLERv will preach next
Sabbath morning on "The goodness of
God," in oonneotion with the thank
offering towards the liquidation of the
floating debt on the Methodist church.
Subject for the evening "Thoughtless.
Lore's Llvltnr.-The attention of the
Public is called to the fact that Levi Lott
keeps a first-class outfit of good drivers
and new, comfortable buggies. Every
attention will be given to those favoring
him with their patronage. Stable just
east of Dr. Graham's block, King street.
Give bitn a call as his rates will be found
within the reach of all.
WELL-DioentG AND DsILLINo.-George
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drillin wells and is prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaotion.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
shape. Terme easonttble. Residence
second door north of the bridge, west
aide of Turnberry st., Brussels. 48.91
Nrnt. new members were initiated in
connection with Brussels Council of the
Royal Tempters of Temperance last
Tuesday evening. The membership now
totals 50 and will have large accessions
yet. Arrangements have been made for
the 11-9 of the large and comfortable
Oddfellow's Hall,under a three year lease,
in which to hold the semi-monthly fleet-
WE are informed by id'. Thomas agent
for the Ball Electric Light Co., that the
contract has been signed for the Brussels
plant and the light will be in operation
before the end of the month. Every per.
sou taking a lamp has the privilige of
testing it for 30 days and if it does not
do the work stated he need not keep it.
Four lamps will be pleased on Turnberry
street on trial.
NEw MAnani Wonxs.-The firm of
Johuston & Cochrane, etone outters, &o.
has opened out are prepared to fill all
orders for monuments, tombstones,
markers, fences, &o., in a workmanlike
manner and at living prices. Satisfac-
tion guaranteed in eyery ease. Don't
place your order without oaliinie on them
and seeing their samples and ascertain•
ing prices. Shop nearly opposite the
Town Hall, Brussels.
Tile following is the statement of re;
oeipte and expenditures of Charity Cou-
oert funds for the past year :-Proceeds
of concert, $90.29. Expenditures --E9'
peens, $10.45 ; Mrs. 3. Blaehill, 613.73 ;
Mrs. MoGarvey, $15.53 •, Mrs. Williams,
68.27 ; Mrs. Wallace, 610 12 ; Mrs. Ste-
wart, 612 80 ; Mrs. Shiele, $2.35 ; Mrs.
Billings, $1.75 ; Mrs. Brent, $8.60 ; Mrs.
Stacey, $1.33 ; Mrs. Campbell, 68.00 ;
Mrs. Hart, 64.00 ; Mrs. Cooper, $2.60 ;
Sandy Forsythe, 65a. -Total, $91.06.
TISE evening services in St. Johns and
Melville churches were withdrawn last
Sabbath. A large portion of both non-
gregatioos attended service in the Metho-
dist church when Rev. Mr. Sellery
preaohed from the text "The heart is de.
oeitful above all things and desperately
wicked," Jeremiah 17th chapter and 9th
verse. Repeated reference was made to
Birchall, the condemned murdered, in the
lesson to be learned from his career.
Despite the unfavorable night the church
was crowded with a very attentive aud-
meeting of the Directors of the East
Huron Farmers' Institute was held in
the Amerioan hotel, on Friday of Iasi
week, U. McFadden, President, in the
chair. There were also present Jno. Mo•
Orae, Vioe•Presidenl ; A. Hielop, Seore•
taryrreasurer, and S. Walker, T. E.
Haye, d. D. Edgar, D. Robertson, Geo.
Hood. and Robb., Dilworth, Direotore.
The President addressed the meeting
relative to the business before them,
being with regard to procuring local men
to prepare papers to be read at the annual
meeting ; securing the assistance of some
of the Professore from the Ontario Agri.
onlbural College, and also with a view to
bolding meetings at different plaoee in
the district some time before the annual
meeting, and securing Government and
County grants, &c. It was suggested
that the authorities at the Dominion Ex.
perimental Farm be communicated wibb,
with a view to have some of the Profes•
sore assist at the annual meeting. The
Secretary was instructed to procure a
new set of minute and aocount books.
The names of two or three were mention-
ed who have consented to prepare
papers on some of the most interesting
subjects. After considering theee and a
number of, other matters the meting ad-
journed, to meet again at the Hall of the
President, Tho membership fee of this
Institute is placed at the very low sum of
Unit he made a marked 26 cents a year, which can be left With
bis dee to saythe Secretary or any of the Direcbors,
improvement in the appearance of clic and entitles the member to the use of the
stools and premises. 1, heater by acct• library, which, for convonionce, is divided
dent or ,t,, ,,n, lir, Symmnnds wan into three section. been at Wroeeter,
Tr you went a new buggy go to Jas,
Walker, carriage maker, Brussels.
SEE our 26 gent velveteen, there is quite
a talk among the dress -makers. A. R.
Mies Terre, of London, a former reef•
dent of Brussels, is visiting old friends in
Rev. J. M0NAue, Clerk of Dfaitland
Presbytery, preaohed in Knox ohurch last
PosTorrbCE INS5RCTOn HonsIRR, of
Stratford, was in town last week on an
official visit,
25 CENTS will Secure THE POST from
Oot. 15th to the close of 1890. Try it
instead of borrowing.
Sesoll/ .10o mase' Scotch wool shirts
and drawers at $1.00, worth 61.10 at
Scarff & Ferguson's.
LAST Sunday Rev. R. Paul preaohed at
Blyth for Rev. W. F. Campbell. Next
Sabbath he will be at Teeewater.
THE stage to Wroxeter and Gores note
goes north every morning. It is pro-
posed to charge this to the afternoon,
le lying Brussels about 4 O'olook.
OWING to the first Thursday in Nov.
ember being Thanksgiving day the Brus-
eels Monthly Horse Fair will be held on
Wednesday, Nov. 6th. Buyers and esil-
ere should take note of this change.
A GIANT MASTODON,-Tb5 skeleton of a
great mastodon found at Highgate, forty
miles west of St. Thomas and on
exhibition at this town last Friday is
worthy of note. The area of where
the monster's bones were found 35x21
feet. The bones were scattered over it,
one joint fitting into the other in a bed
of grey marl about 6 feet below the sur•
face. Over the marl is a thiok layer of
black loamy soil. resembling in com-
position and quality the lands that ekirt
a moss peat. The following are some
of the bone measurements ;-Hind lege,
from the thigh to the knee joint, 47 in-
ches, oiroumferenoe 35 inches ; two fore-
leg bones -the humerus -from the shoul-
der blade to knee joint, 3 feet 4 inches in
eiroumference. The atlas joint, upon
which the head is set, has a breadth of
18 inches. The shoulder blade measure
8 feet 2 inches by 2 feet 1 inch in the
widest pert. The longest rib -and nearly
all the ribs have been found -is 51 inches
long, and has a oiroumferen0e of 10 in-
ohes. The lower jaw, the inferior max-
illary bone, which is in a splendid ,bate
of preservation, measures six feet round
from the one condyle, process to the other
and the width of the jaw is 221} inches.
One of th nasal bones whioh is tolerably
well preserved, is 2 feet 1 inch long, and
the olfactory obannel is 11 inohee by
3. Tee joints of the vertebra) are like
the hoofs of a draugh horse, and the
channel of the animal spinal column
would form a bed for a three inch water
pipe. The length of the animal, gauged
by the measurement of the banes already
found, and allowing for those that have
not yet been discovered, is, from the
point of the nostril to the root of the
trial, about 99 feet.
REeoetrtolo.-The following resolution
was passed at a congregational meeting
held in Knox church, Brussels, on Mon-
day, Sept. 8119, respecting the Rev. Dr.
Howie and family :-Moved by Jamas
Turnbull, seconded by James Strachan
that it is with the deepest regret Mot we
have learned that our beloved pastor,
R'v. Dr. Howie, has resigned the pas-
toral charge of this congregation. We
truly and sincerely affirm that be has
been an able and faithful minister of
Jesus Christ and has discharged the
duties of a pastor with great acceptance
and diligence, no duty in the congrega-
tion has been omitted, over whioh in
tbe providence of God he bas been placed.
Notwithstanding the great infirmity
from whioh he suffers nothing has been
negleoted or overlooked, and no minister
of the Gospel could have discharged the
onerons duties of a pastor more ably and
efficiently, his blindness having in no
Reuse detracted from his usefulness as a
faithful minister of the Gospel. It is
our most earnest desire that God in His
Providence may open up some other
field in whioh the undoubted talents with
which God in His loving kindness has
endowed him, may be used by him.
owned and blessed, in winning preoious
souls for the Redeemer. May the blow-
ing of heaven rest upon him and upon
his dutiful, faithful and beloved wife,
who has by her Christian character en-
deared herself to the congregation. May
his little daughter be spared to help and
comfort him, and may the love of God
abide on them forever, is the most
earnest and effectionate desire and
prayer of this congregation.
Secretary. Chairman.
Brussels Council.
The regular meeting of Brussels Coun-
cil was held last Monday evening. Pres.
ent Reeve Graham and Councillors Mc•
Intosh and Stewart.
Minutes of last regular and special
meetings read and passed.
The following moments were presented
and ordered to be paid :-
6150 30
11 25
5 00
10 76
5 00
2 60
D. Shine, gravel
Thos. Stewart, street imps
Mrs. J. Blashill, charity
W. H. Kerr, printing
Walter Smith, street imps
Jesse Wilbee, street imps
(Icemen then adjourned.
Jailer Cameron received Monday morn•
ing written instrnotions from Inspector
Christie governing the prisoner fireball.
Mary important changes have been made
and the greatest precaution taken to
guard against the doomed man cheating
the gallows. In order to prOvid° moro
security against the possibility of any
foreign substances being oommunioated
to the prisoner the practice of bringing
Lis meals from the hotel is ordered to be
disoontinned at once. Owing to the gaol
surgeon advising that it would be injur-
ious to fireball's health to phos him on
prison rations, the inspector has agreed
that his meals shall be conked and pro.
vided from the gaoler's ]louse. The gaol
regulatiOne, bearing upon visits to the
prisoner most in future bo strictly ad-
hered to. Only Birahall's keeper and
his spiritual adviser are allowed to see
him now unless upon the written ()relax
of the Sheriff. liars. Birchall is to be al-
lowed to visit her husband only once a
week, and clueing these visite she moat bo
kept 60305 distance from him. fireball
is pieced behind the table in his cell
when his wife calk, and she is not allow.
fortunate in having Bemired the stormed Brussels and Walton. T110 annual meet• ed to shake hands with him or kiss him,
ni so faithful and efficient a repreaenta• leg will be held in Deeentber or early in IAfter reading the "partial confession"
tivo, who hug a gaud knowledge of t.ho ;lanuary. This Institute has a large 1 in a Toronto paper M.anday morning
bnxino+a. Mr. 1 eu' hen ypnsi. 1" inanaip' membership and is one Of the most I Birchen 'exeleimal "what a lot of rob.
•a buvines9 in Thamevvilie..' prosperous In the Iirovinee. ' bisit I" It is Certain papers got 00 part
of the story from the 'prieoners, and
equally oertain that he hae not made a
confession to anyone, not even to bis
eplrltual adviser.
The Sheriff has received fonr appli.
oations for the position of hangman -
three from Toxoato and Otte from Wil.
mot, Ont.
It will take three months to lay the
brink floor on the Port Huron tunnel,
The steamer City of Chatham on her
last trip took 80,000 dozer] of eggs to
Detroit. They were valued at $4,500, and
had any thing delayed the trip until after
four o'elook on Saturday the duty on the
cargo would have amouned to $1,600.
Arrangements are about sonoluded for
sending a team of Canadian football
players to Great Britain next year.
Thirty-two matches will bo played during
the trip, the first being in Ireland about
Aug. 29 next, and the final one in Eng.
land about Jan. 2 of 1892.
The passengers on the G. T. R. train
up Thursday night had a narro.v escape
from accident, and indeed from death.
Some distance before coming to the
wooden bridge on the Speed, above the
Viotoria bridge, the engine struck abor9e
cutting off its bind legs,, Just- at the
bridge the engine ran' into two more
horses whioh it carried across the bridge,
but the engineer was compelled to stop,
as the remains of the animals had so
clogged up the wheels and gear that they
could not proceed. It took the bands
over half an hour to clear the engine.
The sight was a sickening one, and It is a
miracle that the train was not throw off
the track and over the bridge. The first
horse streak had to be killed. The three
home would be worth between $250 and
$300 and owned by Rich. Smith, who
on the McQuillan farm. They broke out
through a gate whioh Smith claims was
defective, and that the fault of that de.
feet rests with the Company. It is not
clear, however, that the Company were
to blame. -Guelph Mercury.
MnDoNArE-McADAst,-In Listowel, on
the 159 iusb.,by the Rev. I. Campbell,
Ph. D., Mr. Donald McDonald, to
Miss Sarah Victoria McAdam, both
of the township of Grey.
STEwART-HILL,-On the let insb, at the
residence of the bride's father, by the
Rev. D. Rogers, Mr. Wm. Stewart,
to Miss Annie C. Hill, both of At.
WEREn.-At West Montioee, Waterloo
3o., on the 4th inet., Mrs, Joseph
W. Weber, mother of Mrs. Jno. W.
Fear, of Toronto.
BRVSmf]S,S 13. JI . 3TS.
I'XT 11. Ma'RAOKEi6,
r 1 • IssarerefgarriageLdbonsea, Oslto
at his G 000ry,'1'vo'ttberry street, Br0Ssekx.
Tonsorial Artlsb' 8tb0p-Nozb Ober
aotvth of A, M. McKay k C o'e herdware store.
Ladies' and ollildr'ene hair outthig a spa:dotty
Fall Wheat 90 91
Spring Wheat......... 87 90
Barley 85 43
Oats 34 35
Peas..... 57 58
Butter, tubs and rolls,,12 13
Eggs per dozen 15 00
Flour per barrel 4 20 4 60
Potatoes 55 00
Hay per ton 5 00 6 00
Pork .... 5 50 6 00
Hides per Ib 4 6
Salt per bbl., retail1 25 10
Sheep skins. each 25 96
Lamb skins each 40 50
Wool, per 1b 18 20
• Iesurer of Marriage Licenses, by
alpoi'ntment of Lieut, -Governor, Commis -
die , g.11. Conveyancer and Agent
Aire Insetence Co. Of1oo at the erenbrooa
Post 01109,
Clerk of the Fourth Division Court,
Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Publie,
Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds
invested and to loan, Colleet)ons made,
011.108 in Graham's Bleak, Brussels.
Late of the Conservatory of Musie,
Toronto, is prepared to give lessons at
Ethel and Oranbrook. Pupil of Professor
Fisher and Mr, Harrison on the Diauo, and
of Mr. S. H. Clark in vocal muslo. Class at
Craubrook sooty Tu.sdu , For terms, &s„
apply at the Methodist Parsonage, Ethel.
Teacher of Piano, Parlor and Pipe
Organ, Organist In St, John's Church. Brus-
sels, solicits a share of the patronage of the
music -loving people of Brussels and vicin-
ity. Instructions given at current nates.
Tereus, references, to. may be ascertained
by o,A)lug at the residence of Airs. Mulford
sr., Turnberry street, Brussels. 7.51
Zs desirous of pronuring iu ril
vocal Music. Prof. Warrington, of Toronteino
Is pleased to giro his testimonial as to Miss
O'Oounor's ability, she having been a pupil
of his during her stay in Guelph. Iustru
mental Music on Plano, Organ anti Guitar.
Terms made kuown ou applieatien, Prluooss
St., Bru0eels. Mesa O'Connor is open for
Concert Engagements, 50 -
• Auctioneer, is always ready to at-
tend vales of farms, farm stock, &a. Terms
cheerfully given. Oranbrook P.O. Bales
may be arranged at Too Posy Publishing
House, Brussels.
A Liooused Auctioneer, Sales conduct-
ed on reasonable terms. Farms and farm
stook a specialty. Ordure left at THE POST
P ubli string Hones, Brussels, or sentto Walton
P.O., will receive prompt attention.
50 to an Auctioneer, I nm prepared
to conduct sales of farm stock at reasonable
prides. Iinowhig the standing of nearly
every per5nu I,un lu a position to sell to
good marks and get good security *ben sold
on credit. Satisfaction guaranteed, Givo
me a call. se- F S. SCOTT.
'Pepper Don't Advertise Right.'
So said a man on Turn,
berry Street. Wonder what
would happen if Ihe did ad-
( right 7 1315 trade in
Reliable Dames and MEDT.
a1NE9 is growing all the time
as it is. Must be Some other
reason. Let's try him a
while and find out.
J. ToZbert Pepper,
No. 5 Turnberry St. Sombh,
Honor Graduates of the Ontario
Veterinary College. are prepared to treat all
diseases of dotnestioated animals lu a com-
petent mauenr. Parbeouhar attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Calla promptly at-
tended to. Mice nod Infirmary -Two doors
north of bridge, Turnberry st., Bru seals.
TrazaDaot o. coresaeral 8aalcing
Canadian and United States Drafts bought
and sold.
Interest allowed on Deposits.
Collections made on favorable tenets.
Canadian Agents-MEReFIANT'e BANE OF
New York Auonts-IsryonTEns AND Trane
• Solicitor and Cony eye peer. Collec-
tions made. O1Uoo-Vaustone's Block, Brits.
eels. 91.2m*
• Solicitor, Conveyancer, NotteryEub.
lie, &u. Oulse-Graham's Block, i do dr north
of Pepper's Drug Store, Private Frauds to
(Late with Garrey: & Proud foot, GOde.
rich,) Narnsters, Solicitors, Conveyancers,
10. 011eee-Brussels and Seaforth. Brus-
sels Ofloe.lfogore' Block, Main St. Mousy
to Loan.
R. 8. MAYO, w. n. 51080530.
AM. TAYLOR, B. 0. L.,
. Barrister, Nollottor, &e., of the fires
of Taylor, Mo0ulleogh & Burns, Barriste.
Solicitors, &c., Manning Arcade, Toronto.
Money to loan.
WM. F. CALE, M. D., 0. M.,
Member of the College of Physician
and Surgeons of Ontario by examination
Odic° and Hoetd:moe - Main street East,
Ethel, Ontario.
• C. M„ L. It, 0, P., Edinburgh, M. 0. P
S. Ont. At Pepper's Drug Store from 9 to
11:50 a.m. and from 1:00 to 4 D. m, At other
hours maybe found at bis residence, form-
erly 000upiod by Dr. Hutchinson, Mill et.
G. L. Ball, L. D. S. Nitros Oxide Gas ad.
ministered for the P1.hiless Extrnotiou of
Teeth. 74 Gerrard Street last, Tone'xo.
M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D. D. S.,
Graduate of the ltoy al College of Dental
Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Uui.
vorsity, OFL'ICE-Opposite American Hotel,
Come, let us have a Talk Together.
clo not ask you to believe anything only your own eyes. You know Desirable Goods
when you see them. Your taste names the style. We vouch for the Quality
and Prices. A great variety of the New Fall Purchases are
Ready for your Inspection.
Ordered Clothing 1 Ordered Clothing !
Ordered Clothing values are ignored. Cost of goods disregarded. We are prepared to
take your order for Suits from $10.00 up. We can show you more New Tweeds
and Worsted Coatings, Over -Coatings and Meltons than any other
store in town. Pants to Order, $3.00.
New Mantle Cloths, Piles of New Shawls, New Opera Shawls
Bought at Half Price in Toronto last week.
For the last twelve years back we have shown and sold five times as much Ready -Made
Clothing as any other store in town, and are bound to keep up our reputation.
Ov ercoats for $4,50, worth double the money.
line Melton Overcoats worth $10, we sell .for $1.0,00.
A. R SMITH, , - Brussels, Ont.