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The Brussels Post, 1890-10-10, Page 9
OCT. 2, 1890, TEIB BRUSSELS POST, 71 HANGED AT THE YARDARM, odleerl of it t('ssni rlwryiug 120-111N, intimi, c' t\vhnnh,un d •o r d n�•'r•. ill lint to \c.tb),ud had he m d ' 1 UitakU Lila ' a I Thrilling Ll n 1 a task f art 'in tllu l,il Lt r .44'elle ) 1 lit ! ).0 f t 11)rn 1 g $hi l and turn' a •. r. , The d0ath. WIIRII it the roar writes au 1 t Ing it Ott a ,)Inti b I !aft. 1 } Y ( LOokiug ill it tq•dayl it was a liner bnrbnt all! Sailor) in 0lta of tho". Earn events 1)let o(Iw Sireloh of auLhorlfy' MILL would he slur aro ton lutbl0 to hu shroude4 ill nlyNiery told riot utitishntl o y Il w, Tho nitdshipman that clewed Mill injust0n, which mullion nr i trite �nwtgc I wills OIL, t•tt•u HidJol:s tune uerr11nsnPaa 11'isNkeH for df•napIhc,. 'I br i Yltilip 911,11,,,•, rtou of ,Join]('. ,ti ncur, tratr gie Nxtll J witnessed ill \4rd 11144kdut t.11rn yr,•rrtary of War In T•lcr's C an•biurt, will's n)tibt readilS IN ral the hatshaNl 'Pill. event r0liulautltile uutiinuuul hronglrt 0f uamen itlumd. lilt iof 1 •llou of IIIc l'rulh I ( pt. \]it It •.nri) t.o trial, first. before a Ills it Iva" ,lolln In ,lilt nano, f ltw•t{lllmi ntt'tl 'incl and them rap'» the 'Margo of thlt raplain Will loll it {,11104;1,1 m'wl, uIld Ib, nnu•del• w•hicll the civil cool • ,ly, d's111 ] i:,aet 1 crew not<,u f,ltttld (.41111: Willi his gl'ders, 1st1, i furlhv wntrt of jurisdickiou, no nine over Ilreaned that. m+titin:, trolibin w -as brewhig until ono afters" ,1 Into ilk _._ ---- November, whoa wit wol I standing he•k,l ill i THE PREMATURE BURIAL fil)MBUG, o •rL vl S , L 1,t 1 t "I hrht H'u 10 'e a it l t l h tut In- i' n. Il I _ I 'er, days' sr ' 1 Irl LIl 11\ )L •, i )o • ILI.d. ill i 1,t l l I' 1 ' j :7h't11t•al 71Pt1 fle ?III$ lien w' ora Hl.t#KlL :i,n- bnlyd isftom d to S o'elnrlt, (trot 1 \cfis .t ; .Uvut.vu.ed lYtaa, the aftornool of the 2771,h of November. It 1'heaub'acL of n'(nuatnre bueinl lila been was about h o'clock lit Lino uViali lg„ 11»11 we J 1 \,•era atalldhl{{,,+ at alit' posts as though tyle 11,If ato revives{ ill this Ocular }� by the appeal•- shi'a tuns ren'ly for "tion. It 1111,111, he I rL11UnUf NelHtltidlll7Ll 11:LP:Lg1'a(IIIH m 0110 dillyy elliarm if I eh0uld say that we Iva; lit regi, prose. Not long ug') tiro public were horrV 1,)1 nstnt• •ill "l +•L•x„ 1,l ItLutS of a tett i a•' lir drill, which torah phLae every night aL 0, Y Y h bg t I was sUtUonad at one of tyle guns Imelt of having heard Hounds prometliug from it caffln the uudu-nlitst, recently bnrted. It required a Coroner's iti• I NorulI cNUSI'AL ILVI) OVITtataD quest, and the evidence of SI r. cnttegood, Ll)e 1roLurav an foreasia inediciuo, to reas- toevensuggosttons that there waa any. s»rDLl.upnhllotlltLttlioi,ttlll,irwas ftlwu, On thing wroug. All at La 1uu the )rdct deueasrd wonnan having died 1,1 perfe c t) from tile cu taiu--"Sll hands !cavo tho natural lcat1 • [10 although Its cause r(La tartar doet.It was Le bronerl rule typhold favor, to burial hii,,l betut by nil Allphoard that rho gaines stood aL tllru• unauls hastened, and it was Clear that deattl C,,{{)oafs, even after the crow w•cro ordered 1114 Onca'red at the time sated by those wal•d. So every until at the guns stood around liar. fast. ID it treanod cauo the jalromptor Stare recently there was t sensational 11'1111'-"Allhnu! o • •, ) story Southampton e is f twat i of Lhu ulaimmL$t. m uthnnl tai )f a elm' man who S P b`Y As [ neer !i op es A l tt \ 1 fl I n0tiaod that 011 r 'c v1, , 1 the it r mart 'i'uwhose at f rha )lh acs L dv a of a friend, d 11i or Uovessol sal'a one were Congregatod about f unecnl lie had come sante distance to attend,' the mptaill in the after part of the vessaL ml Lite grounds that 110 aa\v some sign of IIf0, The NI=14 midshipman ramatuo(1 at his which proved to be simply 1110 amt hntagina. prat. 1,t the foroctslle Aouloat lileo1,hi u. n fur as this ..coot..y is concerned, mother middy !vas sent by Lite captain to there lino not been asill•le authentianted ease tell Lhis boy that lie desired to speak with recorded of prenat»rciurial, though hero hint. The two It1119, wither of thorn 90 years hove nndoubtodly bee» Cases where pa•Nous of ago, \valked art togotlor, 7'110 ollicers of have revived after apparent death, laid ninny OIL Ship opeme(l ill two run I's Cu rece(v!) 1" ,,,ill casae of premature burial in a,iditiun thou), and inunudiately the cnntntnudant to thnsl previously alluded to. But ill] ordtired lite midshipnutll front aha faro• theeu have the appearance of aensa1,1=41 vtstle to b_ disarmed and put lin irn»s, ',,cries, manufactured for the "penny dread- * -None of the ship's Crew threw of Ito occur- fuls" ail those newspapers which thrive on race until later, ,then two of its "anther se»$ation, wore arrested double iralted. No one on been on the Continent, in America, and lin (,that- eo l res c r , the vessel knew OIL cause n h' a saveu tL11 where u1, once to nve of 1 a e f this et, as e the npiuorit port night kind flay rLlmOSt the ! rha intense lout b»rial ions6 tale place sileneu of death hung over the elan -Of -war, I w'itllin twenty-four hours after death, tiha nuthe t' he 'o ogod :IS 1,N stagd art"U ' ' UIt Ila course, "he •t t tett of L Stories of ill i n•a- 111 i l LILY Y pro - spoke S $ r ' . 111:4111t`C burial 1:LN 1]Ct•eT ])cell ]lbtl•( and '1 .p)L[. U) One tuunhrr touter their bt•eath, l 11proved n t and the otlircrs waled the duck doubly ntay be safely asserted tat ona gonial.. case Armed. The Lorriblo autharlIy of a naval Won ld have ]ed to ac alteration in the lair• ofiiror rat Flea was to be invoked, and tile and the postponement of burial until aftm 121) souls nit board, mostly buys fresh front a longer poria I. the naval school, were to be awed by the I Ill I"'glaud, on the contrary, there is loss srot s which ne•u L follow 1teSu m 1,rsn. of too speed), burial a ,, nN It •a$ tl,, lern c day after 1,haae ito vera� n interval bLLw]u death 1ezHll00)b111 Luo arrested before Lila and buPtioll. SP d]r,iIaes- tion of burial tvlthin thirty-six hours was ScaoxsTtnxs OF 311:TlSr I not fit vnrahly reocivLd, and is, ntdced, for were quietlyy slipped among the wren- and i till$ cnlintry+ ton short lilt intervtd, A uni- widdles on in-lyd, N o ane taut ever heat•,! of ), verwally exact interval eannat be 1nitl don -11; it lists r• slordin+ o til • n 171 t 1,t t 1114 111, f tllo it as m w r d, tined )rat • but t e Hos iri ills Il 1 n h S h I CL• 1. 'e e• nn,lo other •'r. 1 d )*(';I,', tile w nth 1 t l t Llr a ustaeea. of him nth , I•, had beet n•ouaed au,l death 11, WAS Ln bL the pelalty. I shall never• for{et 111 these days of nhLap dkiufecttnts it body ,be day the drumbw•id vourt-inardill leas ! can ba kept without prejudice to the Irvin'' . called in the ettbill tri d'ehdo rho fate _f' for four or five days after death, which in- thesv sten, II. didn't take loin, When if,.' terval is long enough to sati$fy the wishes sentence of guilty %% ds renderedto gratify ! ,If the most, timid. ']']love is a etrcuntstauev the enpti5•,z u1,' 1,t vain u11TOut, the noir ser(• Well known to oho profussi0u which, if it not ilhed chill, they had ten nlhntitr$ I. live. were better known to the public, would go There wits nn rOrenouy a60nt the nnwn»iLe- ! 1`141, to reauvuro those whose ill in, may have inerit, twill it wait as brutally COH111lillli NI.L¢,l'I, huen disturbed by these Saunattoual para - as poa ihle. The young boy, 15 yaetu•a of see, , graphs. Every day bodies apparently life• whO writs Ohurged \\-idl lining ubilioas b]a+ ; letiro rueetvod ram t etro )olio I and pro, cinpttnty tlo craft, mise lilt.ut nuttily, and! t'iin'ial hnspitalw, hnt-int; been fotuevery'_ in tura it :uta a pirate hip !End enmuu±old it varioty of posture, clotted, Indf clothed, or himself, ,lever weakeurd, tltho»gh Ills two linked, and under varying uircnmratauet s con)pattmis ashe'd for t)nlc to prepare fir' At the hospitatl the resident Surgeon must , I . Thu lad asked b, he rojcasc,l folly 1,11Ve a prompt and duciSive answer to the ohnht$ lona; en'tugh to trrite to his mother, gceatirnl. •cls ho (tit, She) alive or dead""'PC, but the. Captain refnscd, and Chen the boyscud .it corpse to the \va•d ar to keep it rat, l lona' h reception • rut dictated to the enulntauder a Inter to het, 1 lu y ra u1, the pot 1 zo) would ba \Thigh the commander never duitvarod. TIL 1,L Very Stupid Minnick.; to scud it living opa r• $cee an board during the ten minutes insu to tile dLTl ]lease would Ile a Lthilv, \%hien these three men were preparing for I Thoso cases anioutit fix Lite aggregate to loath outdo it p(et»re upon 1113- nliu,l tient I thousands annually, and yet wo have never cin nOter Le effaced. While tho elder two' heard of a nlistalw bOhlg 11IRLIO. It is pro• wore inclined to tvealtvil, the boy walk; allero; bably ,his elrcunlstaou which mikes Dian- 111111 only asked far Lhu pritilege of Senliug ; bers of the profossion skeptical of these wird to his nmtlor that lie find died liken stories of So-called premature burial, alit', mum, and then asked perutwahml to give the' calls- (hent to re,ieut with nn incredulous Word to fire the gun whic)x wail to end his I smile the su;,ugcstion that so horrible a f ILL m ' * em o •ill of t s - •'h » ht c z t 1. 1. e Lancet. 0•a•tltly c.0 1,c ore. 'I'll,? day true n i,cautifttl b Y l one. The Ll ,pe•al',uu e pacitlly in the of j _ - __._ Let7m011, WItS Lel,qu ted by - i The Sultan at the May, .\ »r..tl•INr, 111:REy.2, Next to being Louis ;:IV., who named ural Lha Orcin runs as ratrc as it mill,)nil• , whit:1011111 lle U•ungns at whist to Suit his I was lac ' Lila, afternoon when fro were . o v, • I s n It \ ] s 1, m I: L1,t 111 } a] hand, h ubl like to Ile the eultnu o i o art n.1, r oft n b oe n rxumrit tut., \ '1 •] L it e) •s mm I L l t c n, of 111 [ it. la t . ttwritcrinthc ,ou- S play, S tim v lost c •r auonial preparations.r o 11 r l 117 r1 \', n e lie • • d wits l m L,1,1 7 1 ) » titesltimacl " i Che lay objected to the nunrr f death I seams, bets the thou, put upon tlo stagethe r 1 Ltl er that 1 ting• - ! rill 11 c•• ,din ho shat t t Stout' u1, •nut•+ a urs Of -oto` •Li C Irl tin,+ at olio ag 1,a, y it the C r ,taiu rc )h[ l ' \ n manager's tidal for tum -and 'a co • " , • I I b x tlanoftt de from the yardarm '['lie lad and one applansa Of the apcutntora. TIraIF of them man wer_ llaced nil the, right Nide, and the I are "those of his uwn household"-tho very third oil the left of the ship. The tropes were pw)pl0 here who thin!, nothing of our quickly adjusted (caped whips in nava compositions, however great 0111, genius- toulmchttt re and ILII Lau \,. t and leo + 1Lttor then not La chip • am t ) p , l the to Lha (11,01111 duty. It is tlo rule on ship• other ]lnlfati the Indies of his sernglio, if hoard th lit n ex ration ever • living Still It ni lusiastic litera,fl r, s rat n 1,1 ec y g not tl y of the Lek." on board Shal{ have hold of alto whips (ropes) That is the soft of audience !'should like to when the tiondanmed are sw•nmg of.. I \•aI w•rito for. No press cr•ittaisnts; no wretches t116 re not exent rat '1 I all i rb nihil buy 11111 the noel, a 1 coming fit Into c e loon ing one's to has front this panful duty. This is exacted that and tears and laughter absolutely al tap. no one shall be ublo to chide another With His majesty., wetrutold, "an, E it y0 neeives having taken part lin the death to which all ilia idets", and Ives be to the actor who is were not it party. In this case the rule was not a gniok study. His humor in these enforced to Cho latter, because this was 111 s,lul#rtblo compositions is to"take olI" execution of greater ntom_nt than any that wine official of the Inlaav, and if ilia vietfm had over taken place in the American Navy, (Ines not enjoy it Ile Is taken all'the stage of or has over telcon place tip it) this ..into. The life. Ills majesty's jolces are prauLical, and officers Were drossellill, fkill uniform for tile when itILIA_yisdirected to explode it bottle if n' ' 1somebody's occasion, and the are\v were clad as for of ehampngnL u f"o the whole inspection, The ropos, adjusted, tlo Captain house explodes. The bard who Put his stood back, and »ejosty above the pops-- Ti1 A LOUD vo10141 "Tho sultan better plensos mil," ave the co,lnnauil-"Htrhka the ball eight 10tc_could hardly Ila\•, been aware of his g b IL/l\'11111th •Ca llt tills way, t 1. baling it llrib111rL'ti$t ", . Stand b ! I ua tile rat Valk away with a 1! 1 g himself,�u \L ill l ]I spoken et Ilia position •ho Whips 'iso a ') 1,h Lrokc of 1 L w ] ildtw sl As o s 1 111 even higher terms. eight belle rang alit upon the tropical ah. there was ono Surge of rho whips, and three bodies dangled front the yard•arina,, three Dr. Lutz the Leper Curer. men Were abralgled to detttll. A neck is gistet' Bose Gertrude, Writing to the Pall hover broken by such a mothod. The ares \Itll Gazette froth ilonnl11111, any$ ;--Ur. were speechless with horror, The unser- Lutz, filoemiuout drrmntologist, who Inas tabltyof.the pastforty•night hours had 11,011 studied the dfseas0 of 1_prusy in 73rathl fat• Lan abn0atunbenrablo,muleb-ougnnonhadgl•owa yo:u•,+,lifts already etl'eeted some wonderful weak from the tension stten miud and nerves. Lnlproventouts m tilt., patients nuclei, his caro The awful spell was bfolcall as wo ware piped at lialrhi, and tine people do not know !tow (10\wlt to dinner and Htavtod forward, .Cho to bograleful0noth io )lintforhis all'eotion• captain at this llloillont oil ngIG Nnlo0hi»g of ato care. ILIA illdefatigal,la en'arta Lo roatm!e Lhu a )iritl of O Orr r i' b ] 11 \t,funl,ulhnglh,nl a..lt, Iheut 1,0 lcalth, Indeed, rho Covarnmmlt aased the stn•ILin soulew'hut by milking it hasroevivednunnetnuspetition$to'nonliu;iLO spocall justifying (.1113 oxuaulion, and m•gm I),. 1.,111, as Prosidnutaf the Tlawaiian.i3ourd Its to look upon the raaullanrconsphn,•y amt, of lioalth, togdvo him Lha ahtttga and cOn- taking warliing by it. Ilo thou 'idled for throe cheers for rha vwalientinu of Ilia flag, lrolof till Ill olupor$nr0uspacts,and although which worogivell w•ithonthon.11,and(holltile tlmSo aro all tablod it, is otu'ioua to see such eroIv walkci> fM ward Salanmly to Ihoir [1111• dmudnslratinus nu a pan )lo who, as s 'tile, nor a1d to f114UMS Lite Oxae11i011 ns molt 1,N frimara eminently op mac( t0 Lr also nt by Lha dared, rTha bodice of the 0woo nlau w•eo them n \lnetote 1Sr. .tory. is also 1,m all. wed to danggle In thoah•,whilnn,llonaltip- that asiicbgeterojlglyllxlsail mttybohoperl board ate and disanss0d thnaad 0vrntS 0f th,t that. era lung m uull'yhLxiS ant! Lltarnpout{ca da . :Tho adeno to Lho o a d e enbhl ,the of Itlprosy uuty lm nlado known to t to world especially striking, Ver a oiled 1110 tab)a I ly hint which \ve tlioruOV0 mono toyoffied lin sat those who had eond'Innatl the tbroo t'lllut Lha mluitns hftlar.a employed by 111un to death, and at Choir hoed 610 olhlaer 0ithel' SciMMIRLS or $nidiSlLnt (IOCtOi-S Ot' 101)01' - who had. Ordered the uxocntion. The do. ourols, tails of tho alleged nntiny worn feoolS• I6 is moot 8n )lar o 't1, people for rho talked ave\, n ono of rho ollme told ,mo 0t,110F world thrill tris, don't you toile T. , . afterward. lint i6 always saomarI strandIfla� 1,L wtla a sold day for Lite clergy when it was that, a boy, 1 S years of A�o good hoavtod, hnnght0cl Llutt they ought to Ila both, and .fall of Intsahiof, 011011 d ylavo soared 6110• TELEGRAPHIO BRIEFa. The SL AAknts •LL Sydney, 1,.�; r . "S5. 111'11 1 u•1, ill t uv, d 1,c auhulit thou griuran res to aarbitri;t{un, The \colcll furnavo men More struok for higlll.r \Lacs, and the furlaove are buing; blown Out. A do ) 1Lt l ft nn'Vu /rtbaS l s1, •N Ili 4, Ir , C l L a Ill 1 ,1t t r 1\ with rho n•c+1,v of '1'1111 sL•ty-1elirsu utl\t'apturrdLyLnnl•+Itoui it ifuti l M•n, I t+ u 'I hr Portu;;n, I -idents c f ...111 •Ly have 2wult•ell 1,O app, 11 to 1•,tlglaml to tulue:. „1L mOle•:•k III'. Vort»gues(t (loveruulent. rads -s'ws the gri"t•IRILes of Its subje"LN. The bans w"m all ,+s ... I tit OU.Lu•a nn Sunday,1li1 Il d,,,.,,;,1,.J' )LI,'1 li Ili.!n ,no l ,• Strety ill t1r l»l.ishd n1110"rt• of iu• to -ii atod p,-1. Ii,'., \r'iblo wem vwy ,nark. ed, It is Nf nLOd III -0- Mmlp(TOr \fillinul during the 1•wvut military tuamruvrc.{ dinllnyl•.d singular str.alt-giewl abtlily, botil as an active 2011 lift 1'le 41, l ra'I a: 1,e 1,L et• 1,'a dl U coml a a it FLh L nlu t f Otlerd ,,it thl• hell, SLnon Sng•L, L, L x•PrhnO Slhnisterof Spahl, refot t u1, • to the Portugues a{tualion, says the R lollll,.litl,s ,44,3 voly patriotic, and they ',L"Lly fent till uonauquucu of foreign Intel , . ,, , Int int ,11 rah l i r i, l It i t ht involve l boor lotlea b total less o{ : i , u h u colonies, A Rillo7r Asoant On arse -Back 1 RIu,c+, ,.:,pt. '21. --Au ne•unnut annnnnu althat this alto nue 1 1 • 1 1 1,t. would aacoud to the bol ht of 1,000 foot Froin Lite Shurtlealcer 111th lVhissensee, near thiN city, mounted rill a horso attached to his balloon instead of a basket. A crowd of 10,000 people gathered Lo see the feat, hitt as %cell its Lila advantur• •List Otis a 1 ELI -List halof n$LridO t.h+u Ile and before he could give the wo1Tl for tale ropas to be let go, the pollco interfuru,l and ordur. ell libil to dismount Its Such It tfallga ousitet would not he permitted, In order not to ill appoint tier. crowd, Lha normttut hull lits pantchata btattght ouL curl attached to the balloon, and 1li',A g llseentled to it consider. able he)glit, Ile cut himself IOCKU and clo- se 11 Ud ill all opus field cute the park. 'Simpson, Hall, Miller Co. One of the most dazzling displays In the Slain building, of tile. IndusLynd ]s,thibitiolt this year is that ,If hhmps ll111611, hiller & I10.I the well, known inanuf"turors of title electroplaLed Wave, \vllose oxtenshve factory :Lid waraltouso arnat 1S lle Ilresolles street, Montreal.`he 'b < The exhibit to located !most l n rat the Centra ofil r u ground ono 1 floor of the big b»ildhlg amt it is constantly STLITOnnded by nit admirinra:o r \v l AIn (h•Ll l r (I reel iS' lu 1 u , ,f 1 au t lits ting is n •ru ' full nadiu b S - T ,lischnrgingtha pluasaut dutyat showing to the people the nlaiy hcautiful things ill Lha two langv cases containing the exhibit and :It tine stnle than explaining; ilio processus thiathal-eP rnchlued au a •n , a 1,L nlnlfitl result s. hulmcChn s tl n ltnlby t his rirnl w 'c h I) tvtY, catltca oil the second largest t businosa of its kind in the lvortd, aro oho ,,lost modern and widely approved, and, as Might be expected, thu goods t lrnd out are Of Lite first quality its regards originality of design, workillalship and finish. Their busi• less Ilea gto\vn to enm•1nrna proportions {h11p1y 11CCaltse thIly ILI•, (illicit to I'WogaiM the wlwlts of the public And ably to satisfy theta. This fact iv anplydomonstratod by t 1 variety of their exhibit, which is Lite uIniko eat of originality told good taste. The fancy gilt du nppliu,t work isparticular- 1 attractive T1hera t s n silvan it ill ra• III that cannat fail to delight those \rho aro fortunate enough to soo it, and another embossed audcltased and finiahed Ill gilt that is a perfect guns. 'Phare could, ba uothiu6 'Ietdor than the Venotau nut bowls finish. ad.hnold silvertid fancy 'hilt, which arra Blown in great variety. ht ,I dition to these which are just a few of the features of the exhibit, are many small novelties that aro being introduced for the first time this season. Not satisGotd with simply beeping pace with LIEU rapid development of artistic histo, Lite firm tuu constantly introducing now Ideas, which, comfcg front such a well. known Fumes, meet with the approval that they so ,justly merit. ls'verybody shnald neka it it pnhnt to sec this really fine exhibit, :bs a fitihuu to do ao will bo a failure to see nue of the tonal notable fuo.tutes of the Xxhibition. -- 'I'll, 'Tortola A•nipirr. Worm'Symptons. We have been asked frequently what Mto tlo s n !tons of • •1 i 1 L I \\0119 a hddrel. '1'1 Y 1 IC following� •o , , have been campllL 1 Erni Clic boon authorities i -Tho countenance pala • eyes4 11 ,lll airptillit tLto1 ,P tLtulb of tile os v n cut nsentil hea[hohe � 1,l the throbbing with t 1 tint d,nlg of the 0111•S ; Slimly ar fot•tud tongna; foal breath generally in the Morning, appetite chatlge- ebla;bully swollen and he'd; it gunivmg or twisting pain in the stomach, or about the navel • tile te bowols costive o • nr,+ed lint nnfrequontly tinge,! With blood I stools' altmy ; 11t•itc torpid; tie tsy and di®Lurbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth t starting till alit of Sloop ; breathing acmisioiltbll33+ diili- cult, agenerally \with hicoou rt.; tmnper oitange- nhle, but gcnally ireilable, Whenever the abovesymptome; are found to exist, Dew - soil's Chocolate Cretln \Vorllt Drops may be depended upon to ellbet a contain cure, Sohl. ovetywhere tit 35e per box. Dawson Afedi- Ohie Co., Alontr•oal. All hien young, old, or middle-aged, who find them selves nervous, weals and exhausted, who aro broken down front excess or ovorwark, resulting in tutuy of Lite following syn - ,)p toms : Mental depression, premature olil age, loss of vitality, loss of nlenlory, bad dreama, dinntess of sight, palpitation of the heart, omissions, hLok of allCiyy, pain in rho kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar solisatianabout the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizzinass, specks before the eyes, twztobingg of the Muscles, eye lids and elsewhoro, bas ifclnoss, (leposita in Clio urine, loss of will power tendarnees of the scalp and spino, weak anti flabby muscles, desire to sloop, failure to be resLed by sleep, eonst:ppation, dullness of Clearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, excitabilityof torpor, sunken eyes surround• oil with Tuts,UntN allicim, Oily looking skin, oto., aro all aylnl,tonls of nervous c{nlihlityy that lead to Insanity and death hitless Curecl. 7.'110 spring oil vital farce having lost its torsion every function wanes in eonsequehee, Thos0 who through abuse committed fit lgnoranoo may Ili, permanently otlrod. Hand yon, a (Tress for book nu all discuses peouliar to snap. Address AI. V1 LUBI N, 50 Front St, 1.., Toronto, Out, Tloolte sant floc sealed. Heatro disease, the symptntns of which are faint S olls, purple lips, numbness, pal iia• tion, a kip Beata, lion finshes, rush of )1{ooCl to the head, dull pain in the leaetwithbeats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart heat quicker that Lite first, Bain about the breast bona, ata., oat ppaaitrvnlq t.0 auretl No onra, 110 86 , Hand for 11ooh. AddressA4, Y• LU13 N, GO trout Street Last, To- ronto, Out. NOT114%. Evory Bottle of Dr, Harvey's Southorn Rod Plao for coughs and colds is wa,rratited. l fRETRiP^goutteT)fEgORLD Phi 1 I, do .tKa. ...... , a 111 ), 1'bo !' rr , u uj I at all i 1 L catdu n ill a r d l il l slut) il l n. l It IL 1L ..1 thatm 1,r d (. b uh lal•t,f hn,s. (t l , l v rt a ne. II, r l d'lon6fnr, 1 I d i T I ...0 n,n• 1)""fl n�l \•il w th0,i, r- llh •trot �, molt lin; i born ++'rtllrn lion*Inrd. 'I'll 1. lluetr:l twt�:q alt 1 hl h,('_.,nr3be I rcul,efill lutr:tud ,ppurinttilI i It -, Ihn world I (l r per -nu .,•rohugt throe j• Ile•)nr,^,•�l onttlh.t fl'agli,t, ourd'e'Nrl root.. rd nt frobqt 1 • ... •u,u d in rho M Ilh•le-r Ire \'�" \ L 1114: (, 4:1.\ ' w 11, +. -11 1•�,n•I it 1 I A Ili a mad ohoolditti" 9pri of Ir 1 , "1' (ill ,ll 11 1 II wing 1111141 all Ilyrt- IJIt t , a.. i 1 I'11r tri,l,11 )ill/ .t, ,It l I c' I •I , 1...; ill r, nit Im (7old %%u1, h... , \ I • ad ++Ill h,• +tc'•e Ina11yoIJe , J,,1101,•e li:n ill 111 III1,f., tL-•Poi' , , h I turd of m„! I-, th,)n fu,u nut ill 1,t eba 1 \\ II, 1,,r I), .• Il tuna r.v, allnwmhb•. 1-,1111-1' 5„ t.. ! 11,11 lin '( iol"'WI frontial(' a klolowand.t 1; it illh InaI . I i ti,l a,1, ,n,• ,. �I , lu ,L Ilea 11 illi I Ill toll ll'nn,V r „ .., , , Irl Ilr+ I1 -1-111-11 n torr; in Ilio tarn• t IL I of al t e r•ds Imlrtrt Lana pu+iliun m rnrl, to Ince the. r V u rrr I'll rlru d, the pnblklu,l' Idle scch II t 'e 1 I he..b l euf tlu•lrl{, ol•Still ,m .a-01. I Atldres,i: 7hc 110111h PnNO"Wor Montreal. ---^--+-em ,311, -- H,1Z' Ives & 00. hardware Manufacturers and Founders. •Cho exhibit of iron rnilhtgs glade by If. 11,' IN'ol & Co., of Aloutreal, is ano that Nh0lnld ba Hooll fly every person Wife visit$'Coronlo's great allow, but eNllncially those who intend 11111'11IS1 + f , n u rat M • 1 b Tile ]IN ]lin • iw the I til•, b 1 \ 41, t t that ]]its ever h a t 1, r e I warn n the t'' '1'- t .�hl n Llmlgroundii lhvyelabn that their coin•, prmite wmotibltt lust railing is Lhe hest Lauw made, givinggreaterstr0ngthan tlurabhlity, ura and 1 f l l ototun e uti d + 41, i I 1 1LN1•+I7. ()no 1); wr of driving gates is specially worthy nF well- tiou, the design and finish, tit,workmanship, being of tine highest order, in fact tlterd is nothing la,ttar made, except the gates sup• filled by this first for Lim 11arlianiecl builrl- in ,H Ottawa, whit It aranahu • �r , b , coli l ¢cb n l • b t ,t Ghu ihnaNL oil L to no ' 1 utulen t, '171is lira is, without doubt, Lie leading horse In the Domillinn for railings, and oar city fathers actud wisoly whoa they selectad Il, lh Ives & Co, to erect the henutful still substantial fees aloand the llnrliuttlt111111 gar(1ens, This fence fLinnu would ,)leen then, in tine frontrun k.,. Architectm•al ironwork Nall. Other alleciltlty of [ilia If"nl. They arc in It position to tender fur all kinds of wrought iron work, iron stairs, uunnter railings oil grille work of every description. They do work all over the Dominion, and baro 1. 'w under Lino of the largest contraws of rho ki1,l Ove • u t let in 1,h' vi LY, I nitlt y, rely the Court house..--'I'hl: !�urdllLoE)ulrire, t Autumn'Sconery Along the Hudson, as viewed , t w o l Pram oho trains rat the Va\v Y, , Geutval & Huciron !livor f ailtoad, whnae tracks skirt for » u distance 0f 1.15 miles 1,L, east shot,, ! 1 ,fIu nob la 1,t a 1¢ river, Is beautiful 1 eattifn ,i, i the ext ! uln,. it taking 1 the ftwreus \• •. Y b 1,,u bolo Now York k and Chicago Limited, lc,Lv- Ing Grand Centl•nl dally at 1):50 A. JL, the Southwestern Limited, leaviugatl0:•20A. \.f i x the Chicago Lx ptess, leaving at {;;- 1 A. a\. or corresponding trains leaving for till, Na$t t er1 \ \1- „ .M or 9•: A. ,1., ptasenriura are afibrdcal a daylight 1-1011' of lateral soetery mtsurpass. oil for pictutusgnc besnty and gralulent• In, this continent. Mor_over, Lha uta'11ifieent erptiprnunt of all tlu•nugh trains by the \'eW S'orlt Central route, including dritu'ine room, sleeping, dining, and ballet cars, fuer tracks, easy grating and light curves, off,:n's to travellers the aerateof comfort and luxuryu travelling facilities. Tho trouble with mast "modes hnnsa• koe Ices" is that they RIT like other models ---t; Holly for Shutt•, Probably no »lndorn I ediemo has Obtain. oil lvtder notoriety, within a given time, than the wally tvnndcrful SLC)(.'L \I :S OXY- (lIeNI7.1?1) E"M1,Ll,'ION of 11171-tE (loll LIF I: OIL. 'ro suireretsftont lung ti -tin. blas we say : take no other. As all druggists' sell it, it is easily nhtained. After all, thn only way to profit by the experience of oilers and avoid their troubles is to Clio young, AIS. 521. °mail w1.... .... _____--•-__-_. -_._._. J 1 441 • T ,j" � . � E• ����>> 1v T 1t� • N1,' 4-a'q+liJ�r;:f ) 1 t f ) � E M 1.-�Il s S .1 :. 1 I .V. cw n y R �i9 Tug' v�g}R'•lH - )� �mgmh� f I CONSMPTE . + I�ta�trntt �'+. rr mnxv�nNasm-asa On its First Stages. i IragiA'attaIII Ia za,s I19iiIk. 1 Tlo sura you get the gentlinc in salmon calorwrn per; soh! hp all brnggis:$, at ) 5oc. andI,00. SCOTT R DOWN -E., Delleville, &I�Ir� ppi'pp MPI: DA V-00011 non hurl wn,it un. Q\`) �Il/ hhsta011111gartlules. J,1+7, C roars, NViulurla sh out. I'ornlu o. 31 iGIC! 9C 1,T L -iter dro,s Outing, taus hL ht \riss C.onbb, (Innoral Atrunt. for Oil, nit,o, ill: Yonge stroot, Toronto, Ont -'L---.-.,-. and TL +tUIt`I one, N" r, I tan nn,Lr t u.artu•-n• 1,.t I li„ g�g�tt ai b n eta nSt uaaia CAN SI'tM1 tL,7 ,, tay�W''.. a��a ) n ,D , N Y. ,l,y 'M' ton Y 1,5 b ��.liQ;l'ED in ovary town in the Dominion. tuliablo ,non to reprn;ont tit_ Dmu...i_ n 73 (1,b and Lunn As• n, al -l", Yang,) 1st. Toronln tCENTS oil ►YIT'n -131i: E[onoy Uhoic_- ieA -Honks, (bntsol nr terit.o y. •1Ppply nA once V 111OYIDlt & UO., T•!O YTII St., 9e•mto. -_,._....._..._________,. _ _.. LEA` HER E3ELTi'li� O, rias! vlLlno ht I.hn D_nittlfon P. 1:. DI$O\r & CO., 1[tik ars, 01ii_g stroot ], not, Toronto, Ur8cnd for Price Lista and Dtanosnls,�:A p�0n 1 1 II(71\ I U (1` l p p 11 h k1, ._ ,�g�� pggp q0'y' �0�w kg�G{q�p ©l�,5;1p1I , Vol,] v l °^�^�°'� elawP'dOw,�atl Ihril,c�pltin• od in thn Ila..tl•1'll 1121-1311,11M. send shonp rur asnmploo.py tatmodito, Ili J.C•. Nyo,11011110 __. _'_-_,.-.. _.___.__,._ WATSON'S COUGH DROPS, Are the best. In Lhn world for 1.110 throat and. t,lie.tall(l. rel` the vmre. 1r..9t_O11nnad, M. & 'S_ -C7T_ sl.ainpod on tacll (Imp. d(,11 a 1(11 a.►1, NOTICE, 701 ►I+a 11 w71311 1f 41DIrR p, to lyder that yon any Itnnw• that 0:\1C . MT41 1, it positit o ourafne rcmaloco llpininls, I will send I'll any addreHH mo nnoll ,,, treat. ment for $1, or reoll sauplo to it I who address It illi N(nmll, 1. THOTTRIL S ll,chmetd West, Toronto, Can - vel ORJq DA.��'SONV4 � 4, C1lvcolate Creams, R It ,,1 1 1 1 h n Ehu ) y .s THE S I 1E 13E T 0 M G U �D G £i IGINE . n , , 1 Ilnrl ) L ' t: f h t nP t ) the are 1 nil ub t) ,111 1 f nOLAD'IDP,OOa7Y:DE98r,7W,^I;DE. +ib t:,,be. t'I,fl,lr+'nn+l,-rrefii+enrnax•t)t,it,trrcu7n 4te ltty (lire• Ili) 01rr rood a Irr IkA fur Dow. �.'. ., ut,•+:uul I:d.,• nil olhe.lt. 1.411111 everywhero. .-. _.---.__ .-...---. - . ..._ ..•,',i coil,, t11to L. 31,A ER LINES EA:I'1SHl PS,-l)nii-oll Modlelue t o„ lllaldreal. �-... ..•... _- ___ .ante, wv,Okl ^lint w•r•„n 1111'1'l'rtT;.l.11 nip 1'ERPill) H , u ' : o ,11 LIVERPOOL, trio) 1. „°-" n u I 1. t wl ;1lnl t ti o, 1S „ ,l I'1 ' 1 "') k��gla {f�Q�p"�_''r ��a+Q'q'�I ���,(`t�p, It t ) 10111 I 'i .F ) , u ,•, ori •" 1. I w��gjp�lfm tlm N `� , k r 7 1 rill n . b,, ) It / F, PES �u �un r.uul n,u(nnuuudlaliuu.'hlt In i ilc;sa, � r tit. I o,• '.'n, .rat+ply, I:oll. C. Ill Itltt1',(Reil• ele.Lwal hie I fivitrunkli`nts,$RdYison, old 1„multi TC11ca ll lilt, hhippirrg 4'11., d Cvw I ,t,Llll)1111t'. 1i1141.1a141' GDr'y, and! Tau Il,n 'i, f,goalle mown'.»., m• 1,c, Leal Erilltitid°,f" �s'lltdl!il:d)S1P ll$uttd!rl�r; Agont In all Tuwll. kind trtur+, ( e ... ......._.._-.. I •1,l,o lit) other hinds of liutterieq. anadiaq Neildqstarters for averyt iii, e trice J. TTRAY & Electrical, I. WHOLESALE TOBACCONISTS. T, W. NESS, 644 CRAIG ST., MONTREAL. tlond for birgc rill 11 •vo So. ". :1,l ration this AhtnufoettnerN Of all kinds Uolrrcatic C'ignra, `� inchlding w.' . f'if=�1 , CI _ d{Pik J J , 'I J G 11n1lICi r 1ltl JJ(q.() ( i'1 c ) li tnd,v One �_ , trial is gnurnutne for continual eau. I _ ___ . _ , Ott N an obi=; >: tml r I =_i Leather. Y R AME 7rnl lend] --- -, 'titin,), ink ua4 rte! inr: (1 fir 81.,_ - ="-'tii sr. 1 q �, f , �•---� 'U to f 5 ,er c•• e d lit^n 11' 1,4 nil m. n I) 1 n i;J r Y - iltle. 9nnd 8ucfur sample and tcrtnw ,��, ' la\dclairtu 1:. Toronto. alantiun ur 711,11 + , paP � ni 'tit Q lDd !£Li l E ) -: THE PATENT .°- Pinless Clothes Line, ill l : rat os e• 1[ 1 t. hl an w .thrr do. c 1 ':, ll- ,1 .tb„ill,b..ing 'Ilvanizrrl.Ihoel)th f do )01. TI•eeze to 11, No •loth ... I..4, r'-quir.•d, , ']'Ili; Prris•r L.\suv Ran 1D,t,i,En, ,jg,els wd,nted Por both. Vor ,•ima:ar; and Loin, rend 9 cent stamp, I 'X`o-.,7i "1=1®= X33t:-r®�.N I 73 ADELAIDE ST. W., TORONTO, I t ,1. , - ons ` •c .., 0h-11. rad t, . .Ili 'BrIAT 2'I, `.5\ ' .1,CLa �,I In •-r mrricn Eo hu �.. y, L 1 if r nnn3 and 11_1 l 'ff 7: - lonmmante �r! i` Mnal -11 ,f .' u. roc. �'' . T'.- , „ d t.ddrosa NVI1A RT,ROYCE & f0., 155 TongC Street.Toront.t. Sund fur ale •u Oat n. 1 Send rat omen ','Al'l' I 'T' Ts'... n v ".1 le Tal=e. •Phis rrI,, II is and '1111''111 Cur. nn,r i+ P's(;'tly tondo a Ir , rir,+ ,a .. used in Ity. ' 1 Rr 1� I rauon. laid oarrnnt it to caro I rclla r EPILEPSY OR FALLING to revere ca.es hero ,her re :dies para filled. Sty reason for saloon,' a It- huide ,1 t 1 want e,c 1.14" u to ha In . wn . aadatl,-. !t cn" Lunn• y"a 13""f"", , trial eta d l,:arn tis 6,1111 L., rwz mld i ; P !'est wLiw. Adawss: i�����aaaa��{{ ,I,�1p�gl=tqy u "d �S/ 1-1. W. ROOT N1. C., las Wosi Adelaide s1, Toroulto, Ont. CANADA PERiVLANENT 1 1,r + Company �S.I a trf ff ) Loan Its _III � INCORPORATND A.D. 1355, Subscribed Capital ...........$ •4,500,000 I .... Paid uh capital ... . ... 21500,1100 I ktoservo Fund ...................... 1,310,000 Total Assets.. ...................... 11,500,000 OFFICE, TORONTO ST,, TORONTO. SAVINGS SANIK BRANCH. Sails of $1 unit nptva'd+r,ev0ired rat Current Rates of Intere.,t, paid or compounded half yearly. DEBENTURES. Ma v roevivnd for t 1,.•c, aroars nn, t , h { term r , for wldvlt lrahanbure.•, are i-s,n•d, Stith hilt• yvarh• intorcNt Col7pnns «ltarllyd, Exertltors and iPr1l.h,OH are nut horixed by hlw• to inl•CNL hl the 1wimitures of lilts L'mnpiuty. the rapt. till and assets Of the Cwipam being pl,afI,ed for money thug rveelvnd. lh•bcnl oro ]loll ial:s tiro tit till 4.ime., asaur-'d of perrect snrct y. J. REnTIERT MASON liitnn„•in-, Dirnr•tor. -- ���M Sold by the I"Ancipal Booz alliil Shoe 1)ealer:s. Every I'atir Stamped. r v A e n e q ' T0 h1 O COII�CE OF �L �IC r IND. In afli[intion with Toronto L nlvorsity, 11:. 11. 'FtORR INdGTON', Director. 12 and 12 Pemlorcke 3t., Toronto, Ont. Solid forro::s:' ( L , us P I r Q I . , ,A.r Ei opEAN Dy . , f, . P ' I it>,ICuaIIoa to? Bicchince�aad Beauty of t�r•_J % 11ey ara the ONLT Sirw M.N. WILL 1rwv7 WASH OUTI WILL NOT FADE 00TI 2%ere is nothing ]lie them for 3tlaughd4 C'+BV4W, of rastnnsa ONRL'14) lga EODALB TWOaanvothu ayelhPWe•SI.°51.. U Wil daunt it, try lelr m Litt Y-loney will let , p to tided it you are not conrlpor a atter a tnu, Kit ', !aureolar; ora made to Turld00011, n Uvr;N, aa,laa;.+_.yy. entrwe"t eynod-the:snrr;dneoaaaoonsat."y 2 berme tl"'o-' "s. lh;y' W!.,-npaCt, ip 3i more Goods ova do ie wta Shau Sar atha, ayyet. Oame Price as Inferior: ve, 3'L, r_1,r� ,tAq; Ua-MIs Rraaeh; ,si St. rya. A -L ln1,1,,_,., Ee-dlaovskgm Sample Lara zrw 11,,,11' W _y,;, ,..s Ji:,V►vr��'. T ka j4� " l a I hal thou» 'sn R I art t 111 f� r v it - - � t lin res and tin n• � .f,✓ t ,rs E i 7, a b dLc m ' � tl li y"n A i' ill its hr diel •c a )•�,` + a u, etc., ••� �:i.. M , r»• �,� i � 1.t;N'' L> t ti few wee •` l a. SIr.yi,L . r r �• _ lli,• �+--11 11' ''ill i' 9 i I. n Latin- .L �e� `$. k nn- rf rah P d,.ail a„r`• ., .it •, t „ tun )0 t1, 1 rS r,.ILr ay � :i�1.H, Iril', L1B1)\ \II}JaiAL - c •I vwcazronsa,e,� \VA1lill. I,lid,antlit . ,. $trd fins ua+l. N' r tot um all right, licad- . - ' I i' 'hw R••tn,ei ,.:{>~W tchesandl miliatill gone. E:c S. �$EP1Nheaea .u'�' ;n-urrnr'ArFra My wife hill :f Children 011t THE WOND£R OF HEALING I llso nae it. We all find: • " ttT OURES C ATARRIi, R a7t1*J AT1SM NEi7'. it. Leon Witter very t T. Lf32A ORETSIROATPIL);S�TOVNDS Bond nod1lNDEll' n BURNS,' FEMALE 0021PLAiNT4, ANA .i. T. S. ;tNDkh.Rll�, w-nlchlnaker & Jow-ollt-r, HEb103BRAGE1 OF ALL Pti11113. 910QsternStreet West, Uw.rn(era lltl,fiZT •).sRU.2't•fce,OOa.Si,$i.-'s 'Toronto. 11MTDISEISTRAOTCO.NowZ f t7Loaioix -- --- ._._-._� ._.___ - _ .._________.___9 _ It H TT T ��S`�"a 'BY TAKIIN ud% 1 T L FEE VDIRS11IRPT1100 -- - - prscrr-r.-c;-n,raz�voa.:-.,,.:,grµ<renmva.u•nmtnvcairs.,-.a- * c13RT'D TO TIM 7+I)I' (M.-- Rled6f) h,forel your readers that I i ave a Positive remady for thz above n-nte.l disease, By its timely Case thousands orbo leless camas have been pern,anoatiy turett, I aloe, be glad to solid two bottles of my rn,nedy FR E to any oryour readers who have con. Bill tion !f they will send mo their L'.,yres:nnd Post 015ee Addreya Respectfully, T. A. S1.00UM MIg 1tlo WkOFrt Attalaida At., 110RONTO, ONTARIO. e. r.i� �� &a r' a ao �. Pulley Saves 'T hlie-•Quicker than it shift- ing Belt, 0411TeS Belt --••10 wear ; belt stands idle when not working; SItTeti 1100111-011 Shaft. Saves 111ollc\r---Inasinumh as a the above cost honey. Send for New ,Shafting' altd llikulley Circular, statim }.} �(ybur Wants. M11 Bila tford1 11uaUalu wwolunUUil haB 11 UA41 110.1