HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-10-10, Page 7OCT. 10, 1800. 1 HE BRUSSELS POST .twuud. The flee gave a very full description of the oolobrated Bireball trial in last bene. Voters' Liet Court meete in Wynn's hall, Newry, on Wednesday, Ootober 19th, 1800, at 12 o'clock, noon, .1 IL MoBain has gone to Victoria Col. lege, 0oboerg, where be takes np the Arte °aurae. Wo wish him en000ss. numberThe October ab Advance, published by the . David Rogers, ie to hand and ea full of good thinge an usual. I.iesto w ct 1. Hntohiumn Bros. shipped 400 bushels of plums from town during the past Sum trier. ACourt of Juvenile Forestore, under the supervision of Courts Royal Oak and 'Stapleton, 0. 0. F., will be instituted it isllexpeotecl. Miss 0, ('o,;ltlin and Miss E. Steven. sou have boon awarded certificates by the Education eal was made on their behalf by the Headmaster, with with the above result. A woman in town the other night left her baby sleeping on a bed while she ran over for a few minutes to a neighbors, and while she was gone some misohfovous person carried the child outside and loft it in the garden. There was consider- able commotion about that house until the lost nos was found–still, however peacefully sleeping. ti Fall trade is livening up. Winter apple packing commenced this week. Chas. Willis is holidaying at Clifford thie week. Miss Hester A. Lake is visiting rela- tives and friends at Heepeler and Wood- stock. Shoemaker Holloway makes first-class boots and lots of them. He has another hand on this week. A large number from this locality vis- ited Brussels Fall Fair last Friday. They pronounced it a grand success. On account of the communion at Oran. brook next Sabbath there will be no service in the Presbyterian church bare. The short crop of potatoes in the states will not cause that product to be a high price here since the McKinley tariff bill has passed, causing a duty of 200 per bushel to be paid. Two new teachers will be engaged for Ethel school for next year. Principal McTaggat't intends warming his studies at the University and Miss McNeil's certificate will expire. Business pro -pests are good. The millers, merchants, grain dealers, wood workers, blacksmiths and shoemakers re- port lively times, and ell are expecting a hustling time this winter. Simpson & Sou have their Fall stock now complete in all departments, and as they are buying and selling principally for cash, they feel confident of giving patrons the best satisfaction. Just now tltoylwant more particularly to call at- tention to their boot and shoe stock. They have a line of seamless goods for women and Children's \•all wear which everyone should see before making pur- chases elsewhere, See them. It will Pay. _ pairing culvert, 92,50 ; Wm. Taylor, gravel, 96.20 ; D. Farquharson, gravel, 96,00 ; F. MoCaugby, repairing hill and. building culvert, 922,00 ; Jae. Martin, gravel, 91,08 ; J, Sherrie, gravel, 91,06 ; T. Manndors, gravel, 98.15 ; Misses 1:x - ford, charity, 95,00 ; Geo. Pierce, gravel, 92.78 ; A. MoDonald, gravel, 97.7.1; cor- poration of hast Wawanoah, gravel, 98.- 50. Moved by S. Oalbiok, seconded by C. A. Howe that this Council do now ad- journ to meet again on the 10th of Nov• ember.–Carried. W. Ccvx, Clerk. Crunbroolc. Rev. D. B. McRae returned bone on Monday. A goodly number of our villagers at- tended the Show at Brussels. Mise Amelia Watson, of Blyth, was visiting nt the Manse last week.. The property belonging to the estate of Charles Dohme, of this plane, will be offered for Bale by public action, at (Iran• brook, on Tuesday, 21st Met., at 12 o'oloak. The sacrament of the Lord's supper will be observed (D.V.) next Sabbath. Divine service will be held on Friday at 2:80 p.m., Saturday, 10:00 a.m„ and of Sunday at regular hour -11 a.m. Robert F. Cameron left on Wednesday of last week for Toronto to attend Knox College. 84r. Cameron was an earnest and devoted worker in the Sabbath school and will be missed here. Wo wish him God -speed in the great work to which he is consecrating his labor and life. The temperance cause has been the leading topic of late. Tho revivalists, Mr. and Mrs. Boman, were greeted with large audiences eaoh evening. The fol- lowing officers were elected in connection with the new Court :–S. 0., Wm. Comer. on ; V. 0., Miss Mary Ritchie ; P. 0., J. J. Mitchell ; Chap., Rev, D. B. Mc- Rae ; ltec.•Seo„ John McIntosh ; Asst. - Sec., John Knight ; Fin. -Sec., E. J. Williams ; Treas., James Cameron ; Herald, Matt. Cameron ; Dep. Herald, Ida Knight ; Guard, Mary Currie. W1•o7Xetelr. Mies Jane Watt was visiting at Mrs. Gibson's last week. Mies Sanderson, who has bean ill for some time, is rapidly recovering. John Sanderson bas returned from the Portage and intends remaining hero dur- ing the winter. Rev. Thos. Davidson and wife were visiting at the parental roof in Palmer- ston last week. Thos. Giboon's new residence is now nearly oompletod and presents a hand- some appearance, We understand he In. tends occupying it himself. The proprietor of the Commercial Hotel was fined 942 and costs for violet. ing the Crook's Act. John Gofton was also charged with a similar entice but his trial has been postponed, Principal Taylor hat been re-engaged at an increase of 925 in his salary for next year. No stronger evidence is need- ed of a man's success in the profession than this. Miss lelda Ilazlewood is en- gaged at it salary of $225 for the junior department. Mr. Robinson, teoohCr of S. S. No. 8, Turnberry. was tried boforeoTltsssrs. Mill- er and Edgar, J.1"8„ for punishing a son of Mr. Marshall of that section. The ease was clearly proven that the piutieh• 'Tient was not too severe and that 10 was in keeping with the offence and the case was 0ou5ecnently dismissed. If parents would use a little common soles and settle such potty disputes privately, it would be more satts£aotory to all unearn- ed. Notwithstanding the approach of the trial AIr. Robinson was engaged for another year at an increase of salary. Bit oottriss. Morris Branch Fall Show at Blyth on Thersdtty and Friday of this week. Fire destroyed the three barns and contents of Mr. Pollock on the 8111 line, Sunday morning of lest week. toss bo. rumen 92,000 and 913,000, frith only it light insurance. Itis supposed to have been a case bf incendiarism. Ilac000n trapping is to the front this Fall. Plotting winter apples is in progress thio week. The packers aro again on the war path. On Tumidity of tits week Jas. Atwood started for Manitoba, His domination will be Brandon. There was a social hop at the residence of Jno. Stelae, last Friday evening where an enjoyable time was spent by all, Mrs. Truman Smith has arrived home after a visit of three months with rela" tires and friends near Orilla. Her I health is not good and her visit did not appear to help it very muolt. One evening recently Alex. Robertson, who resides near Molesworth, turned hie team into the orchard, and in the more. ing when he went out one was missing. Going over to the well near the house he saw the stare standing in the bottom of it, and, with the help of some neighbors, they got her out none the worse. Auction Sale —OF VALUABLE -- MAL AND PERSONAL ESTATE ---IN TE— Village of Cranbrook, IN THE TOWNSHIP OF GREY, IN THE COUNTY OF HURON. In the. blotter of Charles Dallas, AN =y.•)•mo-+Vmrs W Ell tort. Mrs. Pethick is visiting friends in Sea - forth this week. Bobt. Livingstone and W. Mitchell, of Millbank, spent Sunday in Walton. The item in last weeks issue referring to Miss Kelly's salary should have read 9252} instead of $250. Mrs. Thos. Robertson and daughter are visiting at Dan, Campbell's. Mrs. Camp- bell and Mrs, Robertson are sisters. Last Sunday morning the people of Dull's Church observed tho Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Evening service was withdrawn. On Thursday evening of last week an adjourned meeting of the Y. P. 0. A. +vas held in Duff's Ohuroh and the follow• ing officers elected :--Hon. Pres. Rev. ilir. Forrest ; Pres., Alex. Gardiner: let Vice -Pres., Hugh Ramsay ; thiel Vice Pres., Miss Lizzie Smillio ; See„ T. A. McLanohlin ; Assistant Seo , Plies Mary Jaue Ramsay ; Treas., Willinm fJoFad- sear ; Choir Leader and Organist ; Miss i1. O'Connor ; Committe of Four , Misses IL O'Connor, Bella Moore, and Maggio Smillie and T. A. MoLauohlin. The first meeting, a literary, will be held at 8 o'clock Thursday evening 10th inst. Mr. and Mrs. R. D, Boman left Thurs- day morning for Blnevale, where they will hold meeticgs similar to those held here. A Council was instituted here an Wednesday evening with 82 members. The following is the List of officers C. Rev. Wm. Ottewell ; V. C., Sister Jackson ; P. 0., Bro. Thos. Jackson ; Chaplain, Rev. David Forrest ; Reo See., Sister Bella Moore ; Aest.•Seo.- Sister Annie McDougall ; F. S., Sister Minnie O'Connor ; Treas., Thos. Ma- Laucblin ; Herald, J. MaCuiag ; Dep. Herald, Maggie Morrison ; Guard, Hugh Ramsay ; Sentinel, Wm. Smith ; Trustees, J. D. Campbell, J. McCuiag, Thos. Jackson. Mr. Raman and bis good lady are a great success at this work and deserve the hearty support of temperance people wherever they go. Under and by virtue of an Assignment tar the beuolit of creditors made' by tbo above Mentioned Insolvent to Anthony Baymann, of Cranbrook, Assignee, there will be offered for Sale hY Public Auction ab ale alVillage rnnbn,ok at the glutei, o'clocknoon) on T16escZay, Oet..21st. '90 The following Valuable Property, namely 0oaroel No. 1.–Lt Numbernh uoessiou of the�Township of'�6 ey,i afore- said, excepting thereout three mad one-half aces heretofore sold and convoyed by one Peter hi1000uwld. This Is nu excellent farm tion,rich and'web fenced andddrained.t On tthis lot is good triune 1101188 about 20x80 feet, and it good barn with stone stabling ander- noitthsex56feet; a good bearing orchard, and two good wells. Partol No. 2.–A valuable Hotel Property, consisting of a new brick Hotel 20058 foot and kitchen 20x08, two storeys high, with good sheds and stabling in couuoctlon, and goodland, and ppabout t" lf aae of uonwbieh there is leoIt frame blacksmith, Shop, Parnol No. 5,–A valuable Steam 8 Sw-milli. with riengina together wwer ith all andher 110/130 aooa sary machinery in connection, and compris- ing threw -fourths of au ecru of ]and. 1110 ab ice properties aro very favorably situated at and adjoining the Village of Or,utbrook, nod lite miles from Brussels sitmtle on the W. G. it 13. Ily. There le nt present nut5tau ding against said Parcel N0. 1 a mortgage for the sum of 0.3420. 'there ie ansa ontsianding against Parcels N05.2 and 2 two mnrttgage5, aggre- gating in the neighborhood o 81100. Full partiouhtrs can he had from the Vendor's Solicitors, Tao balance, over and above sold mortgages, shall be paid ne follows, inanely:–Tau per cent. thereof on clay of sale, and the balance within 30 days there- after, when the purchasers will be entitled to be into possession,above perties0will he ()dared for saleh subject to ti Atoserved bid. There will also be sold at tho Sam oTime and Place the tollowtug Chattel Pro petty namely:–Two Working Horses, Four ()owe, Three Cltives,S0veu Pigs, Ono Lumber Wag- on, Ous pair Trucks, Oae Sawdust Cale, Ono Lag Curb, Ono Top 13nggy, One sot 13011. sleighs, 0u0 Uetier, One 501 Iron narrows, One Plow, One setDou0le Harness, Uue sot Single Harness, A number of 'Pons of Hay, also a quantity of Lumber, Shingles, Roots 1 and Potatoes, toget11or with a quantity of 1 Hotel and Household Furniture, and other articles too numerous so mention. 'lunars at' \ALB. :ill 50015 of Five Dollars ono ander Dash ' over that amount lour months credit will be ghee ou to ruishiug approved Joint Coles. Fur further parttnmlars and conditions Of sale rospsettes said propu0mes so illy to A. 11AYAIANN, Assignee, Ce ant) rook, or to the undersigned, DICKSON & HAYS, Solicitors for Assignee, October 4011,', 1. B1tossiOLs. Cf 8.008'. Miss Dickson, of Elms, is vis icing friends on the 9th con. The steady rain on Monday threw many calculations to one aide for that day. Samuel and jets, ()amoebas, 12th con., were away visiting friends in the southern part of the county. Keep your eye ekinnod for the tax collectors. Two this year so 11 will he harder worst dodging them. Geo. Whitfield has gone to the lumber woode in Michigan where he will likely speed the winter. Geo. is a worker. Oliver Harris, and Dino. Sollars, won fleet money at the sawing contest in :Brussels, fair day. They aro hastlees with the cross out oslo. Miss ittaudact, who fe toaebing at the Whitfield school house, intends taking a course at the Lathes' ()allege, St. Thomas, at the elose of this year. Thos. Mn(irogor informs us that the match which took lot prize in lsawing t the Brussels Show as w we tchBB by the pian of his now patent sate set and gauge. 0.AsOol, eon. 12, has had 1110 residence i renovated and a largo kitchen added, 11 is rumoured that Con. 12 Soon to enter tubo a 11013 partnership with ono of the fair sex. Sneak thieves visited tho orchards of Alf. Williamson, Hartwell Spoirlm and plumon s nod C7 helped o oon themselves nods 000 blamed for the theft. The new residence of Geo. McKay, lot 131, con. 15, is approanhiug completion. Chas. Seale, of Cranbrook, hnd the con- tract. The now building will ha quite an improvement to the lino. Some fonny (:') lads took a ecotiou of nu iron harrow belonging to Conrad Neablo and carried it from the field to the bush. 'Phu owner looked for two dive batot'c the missing arilelo was die• 00001 '. While Wilson Evans was 1101)11181 his Unealling machine to Edward Campbol3'a the outer day, the team'with thea water tank ran away breaking the Axle and tongue of the wagon and smashing the harness. 'Pdr, 1101003 were utptn,od shortly afte'WaalO in 00 adjoining berry. patch. 'ileo 111111 solid brick hnn,n on lotnom- plaint,. , 5111 eon. of (Illy, is rapidly nearing, '11 e urititeet is W. E. Binning, Listowel, The pious° is bnilt with rod break with white facing. it 10111 Sunk° a great improvement on the lino and to. fleet credit on the young ]nail 0110, by Itr'ft and industry, is pushing it to A,'rn err.--L(tet Sunday morning W. H. McCutoheon hitched up a spats of colts to the double buggy to drive to (thumb at Brussels and the five passeug- era were soon seated in the rig. ilufor• tunately one of the bits broke and the team was soon unmanageable. The ors. 0111%01115 W000 thrown out and Mrs, Frank McOut011oou and Airs, W. If. M00utoh- 0on seriously injured, the former having her shredder, blade broken, It was a miracle some of the number was not Milled, Coavclb \Irt:r,Nt,–Tho Commit met pursuant to arljnnrnme116 in the 'I'awtn Hall, Morris, on Sept. 2001. Momisesall Present, tho Reeve 11) the chair. Minutes of lest mooting rand and confirmed, Moved bay Con. Kirkby, seconded by Jae. Proctor that By liters Nos. 9 and 10, as now meati, l.,e passed,– C+u'riocl. 'Moved by Jas. Proctor, oeeendccl by S. Cltldbink and carried that the following amounts be paid -A. Clark, repairing culvert and piping drain, 90 ; Wm. hopper, grnvnl, $5.15; Geo, Good'follow, digging ditch, 't0.50 ; 7.t: Geddes, building (Advert alai grading, $5,50 ; Wm, Blieddltit, ooveri15 helgo and repairing culvert, °i ; Jas. Tmmiina, lumber, nails said gravel, i J. Mcl.,lroy, cloning ditch aid 1'n. t pairing 01)10111, 98,00 ; 3190. Jackson, re. 0ompl5tien, MONEY - TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Ia'arm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 62 Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Dirision Court Clerk, Brussels. R. DENNIS Calls the Attention of the Public to the Fact that Ile continues to turn out First-class ,Light and Heavy Harness as usual. Nothing but A.1 Stock used. Jilst to Hand a Splendid Stock of Horse Blankets, hugs, Robes, Bells, Whips, tf.c., &C. Fresh Largo lttun;e of Trunks,V111iios and Satchels kept con- stantly on land, and Sold at Reasonable Prices, No Shoddy about them. Slfocial A1J;olition paid to the Manufacture of 118,100 0011576. Repairing promptly attended to. (,AJ,T, iv, - I.I, DENNIS. NOTICE! Olt , ! pot THE GRAN]) MILLINEIIY OPENING AT TIIE Palace Store, Brassels, —WILL TAKE PLACE ON --- lj THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY, Oct. 9, 10 & 11. We invite every lady to come and see our Splendid Display of all the Latest Novelties. On Saturday Evening, the llth, the whole store will be lit up with Chinese Lanterns, thus presenting a complete fairy scene, and which should be seen by every lady who can attend on that evening. MISS GREEN will take much pleasure in showing her Lovely Styles. Never mind if you don't buy. Mrs. . Rogers. Money to Loan, Money to Loan on Parm Pro- perty at LOWEST LUTES, Private and Company Funds. DICKSON & HAYS, Solicitors, (te., BRUSSELS, ONT. ,U I --I E Auction Sale Splendid Parra. There will be offered for Sale by I'ubllo Auotiol at the Auelc11010 Hiram, lu the VSL- LAins OF I3naw011,o, 0n Wednesaay, Nov, 5th, 1890, 1..0 1 O'Clook p. m. That splendid farm being composed of Lot 2,010 the kb Qott0053io', of Croy, emit mint 05 acres, of which e5 acres are cleared, well fenced, lender -drained and in high state of cultivation. There aro 10 acres of fall wheat owl half of the clearance ie seeded to grass. The uucicared part 10 well timbered ;milieus ou It a good dual of cedar, file Is a cotn- fortable brick cottage, a bank burn 54 by 52 feet, wit)) comfortable cud commodious stone stabling. 'fire are two never failing !wring wells and an cor011ard, This feria ad- joins the Village of Brussels, which is ens of the best markets in ,Western Ontario. The lean ie ole of the very best 1m the county of Huron and is adapted to either grain or stook raising and must he.sold asthe pro- prietor is determined to retire, and it should command the attention of intending par- ebasers, Tnnxs,–Ten per cent. of the ourobooe money on the day of sale and enough to make ..na half within GO days and the bal- ance on time to snit par0n5ser with interest 014 per cent. Immediate possession if de- sired F. S. 0001"1', W.1LTI';R RICHARDSON, Auctioneer. 12.5 Proprietor. c+ la CD``sa ..� ]b:i Is offering the Largest and Pin - est Stook of Groceries, Crockery and Glassware In the County of Huron. Notice to the Public. lfavingl sold my interest in the Bust- ' Hess carried on in this town ander the style of Turnbull tk Ballantyne to Mn. SAste m Wn.xon, who will parry on busi- ness in the Old Stand under the firm of Ballantyne & Wilton. I hope the public will still continue to give them the liberal support they have accorded 111 the past. .IAS. A. 11-IINnrLL. Every article being bought for spot cash we are in a position to Sell as Cheap as the Cheapest. Bakery Department. Bread, Cakes and 131 always on hand. Weddiag Cakes a E31at c altz , AIL. AcCOL7 TS.4 Due the Finn of Turnbull & Ballantyne up to August 29nd, 1000, to be Settled by Cash or Note by Oct. 1st, 1890. Said firm will pay all debts due against them up to August 25th, 1800. TURNRI'LL & BALL,11X I'YNE. To the Public After a business experience of 13 years in the Butchering Busi- ness in Brussels I desire to ex- press my best thanks for the: patronage of the past and ask a continuance of the same for the time to come. I desire to call the attention of the public to the fact that I have Removed my Place of Busi- ness to my new Brick Block, Opposite the American Hotel, where I will keep a Choice Supply of Meats, Poultry, Sausage, &o. FAT CATTLE WANTED. Cash Paid for Dressed Poultry and Hides. (7, Y0l'Rs T1:11LY, Wm. BlashiII, 12- Dl1cz1rR. oily Tongued Ag nts will Li'y to drab Attention from this N; tioo, NEVER i1MINI) ! Call and Judge for Yonrsalvea all who - are in want of tho following Our Single Furrow Plows sell from $13,00 to $ 14.00. \1'e draw Special Attention to our Two Furrow Plows, which . sell from $10 to $13. Straw Cuti.ers, 4;+10. ti Knife Pulporo, $14. PLOW POT N'I' of All Makes. The following are some of thew Verity Wilkin- son, Copp, Ativ ince and Smith's l 1?a Ilya, 1i'pt ('onatadltl3 011iland at 10e. per Point. Gang Points, Xie. each. Secind-hand Horse. Pewtr4 of different slakes (:'Heap. Large Planer, r, 3doi tt1ing 75 r-•hittt' and 7.aur9 Sow fat x'.:11•,, G EV, T,wZOMSVaYs