HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-10-10, Page 4Mani. 1,0111 A tilt r tet We t+•at. 80111 And we will Year to sum last gle and so never • little p Orue anti sti whose • parting very yt. anythn and ab Jack, i. satiate And Jack ev days o was lyi fever, newest was be -Mrs. Switze' parentl asking. So tl corresi at fits off, not insensi to lett tines, Year's : oam0 Valenti bir'thd. the lea mother that re let iO, card se to aHyl the bir Creme and lla ' confide the ch tweet 11y school nearly not est: to his f tune of was eh for any grandn and lif sons, •h,. in all m and full well too and was aced, n He had very gr, ing voic It ws oved b Sowt'r t coigne, had tw no trao strongl nosed 1 tion. Mrs. numbei freckle. girl ht spent r the lilt nit's to then 11 all, Finn and fro 15th 17 and he leave t burden He sound, went t• tenant from B a matt. equall3 duced ' and ua at the' Six 3 the pl. every tl sat at 1 chairs salve 1 fates fo ka, the sar ly dttr Jack". before. familia with h Stnithc me? ] still ti anythi "No Smith* ,lir be," ht been whom. ono da all. 01 after t ing flu lot out Al amid A•1 but en "mall cakes, the k1, Ethel • well ai Nati mento) ''Ply tl of tho The do ant and 11 Ie used t, was al Me tie , And I great • (A beenti aside r ors in her oh 4 New Adv Notioe-David 1,1 For sale -David Drugs -G. A, Ile To rent -W. 14. 1 Looals-Scarff it Farm to renb.-I Auction sale -Di Teaober wanted - Coat found -Fra be (' TIT FRIDAY, EAST HURO A Convention of East Riding of 11 and Provincial) Town Hall, Breese week, Oct. 17th, co p. m• The beetle will be the election for a number of pu transaction of othe once to the Party. asked for. Dr. Ma Mo3iillan, M. P., M. P. P•, are expo address the meetiu Tom Provincial a circular to the L' Province, calling t necessity of vigilau visions of the Liq that the failure to night and Sunday upon as demandin Iospeotor, who is doing his duty. further advised notice to licensees •vith the law es to be insisted on. P the Pr0vinoia1 Sea met by vigorous tanee will always ed, by the Depart A =Ma. indust industry which is been started at St. Montreal. The the manufacture o The peat, which i this industry, can ited quantities in ado. The corpora ed the business o peat, is known u Fuel Company. of pent from the Bleu, in Russel co practically unlimi is known to exist, ed by powerful ma blocks of about tw ference, by twelve idried, and is at o upon the market. to sell it at them one dollar per ton. do this, and ma they will surely d extensive trade, a by driving both co market altogether mach of Ontario. forms an excellent boiler purposes it i passed as a heat p ported to be squall purposes ; and it i long all the great r be using it. If the the compressed pe eutly a great fetor Huron F The Awizes op Alonday alternooi 11acAIahon presidi contains fifteen ca calendar is very Cayuga will condo Ilorlginx v. Tierne next Assives on t1, of a material with sten was settled n G. T. R. (:cm3 brought by Mr. 1) at Gabriel", again cover damagoe frog tiff alleges they w from one of the Septetnbei lee% lee9, plaintiff par Goderich to Sarni Goderich to Sarni September lith eta The concluotor too return gave him a reaching Lucan t plaintiff that the one he would rem change cera, but p (lid not stop at I he should take t and consequently the train, inteudit by way of Stratfo Liman, which is 1 Crossing, the Can( told plaintiff he s Loran. Plaintiff by Stratford. Tl plaintiff he would from Lnaan to St off the train. 1'I and he allogeo tl, brakemen to pis 1'laiutitf says the. from the train, t1 than Wag 11,10100 left shoulder was he was thrown 0f. After the trait plaintiff It oma;. to Stratford. SHE BNUSSELS Yosi Oar. 10, 1800 1v will as eted mor ersistent be went. s They ace nrvellonsly reducer, ut chased tvo 0 9105 REWARD.- Loot on Tburaday, July Ord, es the atrnet iii Wroxeter, a parool of bills,20,V ammo* yg to 8143, and n promteao0 mita by John Sanderson in favor of Jane Walker for 8000, dated ,luno 068, um, and having theme payment of 83..0 endorsed on the baskoted eprll 11th, 1800. Are• ward of 820.00 will be paid fur the recovery of.the above, or for snob information its will lead thereto All parties aro warned against negotiating boe on 1081. ontioued note, the 1Vraxutor, July 14th 00, Arm WALIi171t, Private Funds to Loan. /hy ©0 Hata been placed inn l hallus for Investment on real estate. LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST. No ComnsisSion. THS CRERAR N'IG1G. the Mr. Crerar lend maintenance of which Mr, recur loft overn tena000, will never Grey Council Meeting. ertise menta. _ (line. Milne. Relatives in Brussels and Looelltr In. *crested., be built f# the contesting heirs win their ease. It is held by good lawyers to be a of law, reinforced by weII.eettled paintA numerous decisions, that a man minuet - sraolal, ttEllrfnc, epoofal mooting of Council, called by 'drawn the lteovo, was held at Burton's Hotel, admen, Nilson. Ferguson, 'eter Sinclair, eiwon & Hays. -Jolla Stewart. eh 14toOutoheon. The will of the lata John Crerur, which disposal Of an estate of nearly 50,000,000, much of it being bequeath to charitable and religions institution° 1n Chicago, Is to be contested, end pour* 'proceedings will soon be commenced in what will pre- bably to be one of the most cele- leave mono for oomething that does not Y exist, that ie to be created in the future, and the Darmoutt college library 01008 le on the records 8o far as Me point is 00n• earned. .A. similar state at nlTaIes Wale in • the matter of the will of Samuel J. Tilden, which was broken, Ethel, Se p1. 22nd, for the ur use of re• 1 A A calving and opening tenders for two now bridges, one on lido road between lots 5 and 6, con. 12, and ono at lots 20 and 21 con. 2, Members were all pree0nt ex' sept Mr. Oliver, the lloove in tlho chain The following tenders were re00ived and -John Foster for bridge REAL ESTATE. Borrowers can ave OanB COtu• plated in 111ree Days if tit10 .- r }} C� t�b i ti b, _ ; Cr'. 10,1890. ' rZLd r Q jL411�RS the Reformers of the iron (both Dominion be held in the Is, on Friday of next mmencing at 1 o'clock of the Convention of officers, arranging blip meetings, and the r business of import- A large turnout ie adenoid, M. P. ; Jno. and Thos, Gibson, to bo present and g _ Secretary bas issued cense Inspetors of the heir attention to the tly enforcing the pro. Law, and stating enforce the Saturday clauses will be looked g the retirement of the thus falling short of The Inspectors are A tb give peremptory that strict compliance prohibited hours will lawbreaking, rotary says, must be inattention and aerie- afforded, when need - prove bratod oasis of its kind on record. John 008080 died Oct. 20, 1580, and hie *will was fled in 1110 Probate court oa the 14th of November of the nine year. The document was published in full in the newopapers at that time. Of the! es- tate, valued at about 53,500,000 a con• efdernble portion was bequeathed to rola- Lives, his first, second and third cousins getting 520,000, 510,000 and 55,000 re• epeatively, J. McGrogor Adams and E. S. Shepard were gluon $60,000 each. The bequests in which the publio took the greatest interest were the following : To the Second Presbyterian ohurdn of Chicago, "so long as the ohurch pre- . servos and maintains the Presbyterian Faith," the sum of 510,000, To the same agarol* for and on account of the mission schools of said ohurah' 5100To,000. Sooteh PrOsh erten ohm • I 14th street, Heal 6111 avenue, New fork, in which church Mr, Crerar was baptized and to which his family belonged, 5'25,• 000. To the Chicago Orphan asylum, $ 0,• 00(1. To the Chicago Nnrsvey dud Iialf•0r• A11en Asylum, $60,000. To the Chicago historical society, 525,000. To the Chicago Presbyterian hospital in the west division, 525,000. To St. Luke's Free hospital, $21,,000. A �• To the Chicago Bible Soofety, 525 000• To the American Sunday -School union of Philadelphia, for western work, 550,000, To the Chicago Relict and Aid society, g"Duman 550000. To St, Andrew's society of New York, 510,000, To St. Andrew's society of Chicago, $10,000. To the Illinois Training -School for Nurses, 550,000, To the Chicago Literary Chili, 510,000. To the Chicago Manual Training School, 550,000. To the Presbyterian League of Chicago $60,000. y g To the Old People's home, 550,000. Tho attorneys in the ease are A. W. Brown (who defended Woodruff in the Cronin own) and Frank A, Stirtan, both well-known membero of the Chicago bar. Mr. Brown gave a newopaper reporter a summary of the facts as follows; „r, three or four months ago one of the heirs, James Stewart, a carpenter meld- ing at 135th and State streets, came to us on behalf of himself ttnl other heirs for an opinion as to the validity of the will. At that time we told hint there were oar. fainly some of the bequests that were olearly invalid, but there were so many Pinto of law involved in eaoh that in order to give a satisfactory opinion months of 8800011 and investigation as to the facts and the law were necessary. Before gofmg fn6o tto nutttar at all, and before ho wanted him to put money into the matter, we would have in the first place to be satisfied as to filo genuin0ne s of the heirs. After several talks WO fin- ally sent word for another brother, Rob. ort, to coma here frau Canada, Wo then sent James Stewart to Ontario, C,enedu, end Ttnbart to the nroviure of 1 Manitoba to obtain affidavits in proof of heirship, whieh affidavits we have, and they show the following persons to be heirs under the contest that we Shall make : "DOnown Stewart, of Stratford, On. *aria, whose mother was au aunt of John Crerar. "Elizabeth Menzies, of Grey townehiA, nogmt of Huron, first cousin of John Y Crerar, Stewart No. 2, of Stratford, 00oond cousin of John Crerar, "Christina Stewart, of Stratford, see- and cousin to John Crerar, Catharine Stewart, the same place, second cousin, "Margaret Crerar, of Stratford, first cousin. "Alexander. Stewart, of Brnssels, first 0oiThontas Stewart, of Stratford, second " consio• "Peter Stewart, of Stratford, firstr cousin. read over 1 eon. 12th, 5450, and con. 2nd, $110 ; Pater , 51061';e Bishop for bridge on con, 2n45,110019;; L. Hardy for bridge con • 12111, $490 ; D. W. Dunbar for bridge con. 12th, $457, anti bridge 000. 2n4, 5147 ; phi,. Lang for bridge con. 12611, 5408, and bridge con. '2nd, 5150 ; David Zimmer forbridge con, 12th, 5484. Moved by Edward Bryan, seconded by Arch. Hislop that John Foster's tender for both bridges be aa• °opted that he bo awarded the contract provided he sign an agreement and enter into bonds with two Burettes for the (leo completion thereof and in the event of hie failing to do so the oontraot bo given to the next lowest tender, Carried, Moved by Wm. Brown, seconded by E Bryan that A. Hislop be appointed ie.' apootor on new br}dgecon. 12th. Oaried. Moved by A. Hislop, seconded by \Ym, Brown that 1:. Bryan bo appointed in• specter on now bridge, con. and. Carried. Air. Brown reported that the bridge at iot S5, cons. Ord 11)1(1 •.111, was 10 a dangerous ntnto and required re airs, Moved by A. Hislop, seconded by 3'i. Br au that the Reeve and Hie. Brown be y instructed to examine said bridge and have the necessary repairs made. Carried. Council then adjourned, u1 gaLan afEErlNa, The Council met at Zimmer's Hotel, Cranbrook, Oct. 6th, pursuant to adjourn: went. Members all resent, Reeve in A the chair. Minutes of last regular and special meetings were read and confirm- ed, Wm. Smith complained that the government drain No. 2, con, 17,tvne in- ad nate as nn outlet to anrr awe all the q Y Y water now flowing into it from other drains constructed ender the Ditches and Watercourses Act 1888,thereby flood- ing a portion of his land. Moved b Y Walter Oliver, seconded by E. Bryan that the Reeve be instructed to notify the engineer to examine said diteh or drain and report at next meeting of Council, Curried, A B3••laty •was passed aoniirm• ing the appointment of Duncan Ito- Donald and John Aiol\0il, C011eclors fOr the current year, Moved by William _ ABMS FOR SALE. -THE UN• r DessIONEn 1109 SOVOOSI goo,1 Farms for 9610 and t0 rent, Busy terms, in Townships of Norris and Grey, L', 8, SCOTT. Brussels. 0748, satisfactory. W. M. SINCLATR, r� Solicitor, Brussels. 130IOE FARM FOR BALE,- - J BoinMONEY 100 aeras 7 08 TIS mil oipi :Lot27,aod'liuilliiip , abn1it20 nOCOa boll wUont in grannd. Euay forma. Apply to ly. 10.BCNULAIR, tf• SUllein0l', fe.,BYll94019, TO LOAN. 111 Money to Loan on FARM FARM TO RENT. -THE+' SUB• ollero ilia 100 farm, Uctn Lot 15 and \Neat halt lot14,80%0, 14 Gros, to rent, Between 80aud00aresolsared. For applyo Eo 11t ETEil s5NCLA11i, Pr pr(otor, FARM PROPERTY -at- LOWEST RATES. Cranbrook P. 0, laA FUR SALE. -'1'11E UN• Private and Company Funds, rAR11I dorsiguorl okora hie 200 ae•e farm, uareel7 )1010 d88 iniice, reyti our o,,l ipnsh� Good b1•ick house, banl( horn ,eroi atone stabling, orchard, well, three living eprtags, gond fooeuo, hu. School within hail n ]dile. Seven mites from Brussels, and 24 miles from Ethel. Far tome anti other part*- culars Imply to GLO.wzr SFI, proprietor, APPL'S' To r J•C.Heliernan, J.11.� Duna, �7aluator. Agent. Ethel nt. P.O.,I Mt 7.4 Ethel P.O. 'WARM FOR SALE. -THD UN- n,natnot1 offers for sato the north east quarter of lot 28, eanoession 0, Morris county of Unroll, containing 4° nese. The laud is of fret quality and Ala high state of 0080008clo wets tonged and uu100,8 aided s4acroaclonrod. NawlrarneUouso,8rooma milk house with oonorete walls, 2 wells 1 11 Li j (� j1f THOS 1' �1L 1 CJ1IJ1L t 1J/'aeticaZ Tinaela7n. C4l> G'T and r/ezuelei'. good barns and shod, orotlard, ata Right NT:: thio oorioratt nisofeDrusse)sr seji6y i aide toles will tie given, Title perfect, JAMES GRIEVE, Owner, a6 sontortb P. O. Thanking the publio for past favors an support and wishing still to secure your patronage, we are opening out Full Linea in GOOD ROUSE AND LOT FOR for SALE. -PUD undersigned otters for sale an the once* roaunde s normo, Village COLD AND SILVER WATCHES Lot 121, oa the corner of sing and John streets, Brussels. On time property are a woove(nn. TOOma alldrii000,1nllrarne illwelau(„ with. Hard and soft whorl also n (10000 tramo •atat7o, drdmdng shad cad 100 homes. The bnndiuge are all In fret class order dud there is aito ample room for another build. ing au the corner if desired. Price very reasonable. For terms etc, apply to MItS,1NAl0Y Winne, Brussels P. 0. n 4 or to A. Huxrr•.n, Div. Court olork. FARR TOR BALE IN Silver Plated Ware from Eotabliehad and Reliable Makers fully warranted by us. Clocks of the Latest Desi,1,772.5• - ry, or at all areata an novel for Canada, bas Bridgers, a suburb of industr referred to is Y f compressed peat fuel. s the raw material of be obtained in unlim- various parts of Can- 1 Hon, which has start• f making compressed the Canadine Pent draw their supply 11 Y meadows of the Mar unty, Ontario, where a ted supply of the article Al Y The peat is compress• ohineryieto cylindrical elve inches in circum• inches long. It is then ready to be placed The company propose lots price of If the company oan ke a profit on the price, ishing and id will very rlikely end al and wood out of the as fuel in Quebec and The compressed peat fuel. For angina and a stated to be unser• It is also re- To the Chicago Home of the Friend. less, 550,000. To Norman Williams and H. W. Jack- sou, 5100,000 for the erection of a statte'e of Abraham Lincoln, To the Greenwood Cemetery associa• tiara, 51,000. To the Young M550, Christian naso• e}°tion of Chicago, $,50,000. The part o£ the will relating to the en- dowment of the Crerar library is aa, fol. lows : „Recognizing the fiat that I have been a resident of Chicago since 1803, and that the greater art of my fortune has been aa, uired bore, and acknowledging q has aith ays hearty gratitudeichg, extended to mers byhmy man friends and by my business and Y social acquaintances and associates, I give, devise, and bequeath all the rest, roth real Et and rnal, fo of a estate, both real and personal, for the exeatiom, creation, maintenance, and endowment of a fres publio library, to be called "The A y, John the city of Chicago, Ill lith preto be looatea being given to the south division of the city ineomuoh 08 the l5ewberry library will he located in the uorth division. I direct that my executors and trustees laws oof Illinois an ad of ;incorporation U procured oto ecarr ry out the purpose of this bequest, and I re• q oast that Norman Williams be made the first president thereof and that estill- tion to my exeen frig curl trustees, the following named fr}suds of mine will act as the first board of directors in such corporation, and aid and assist my ex- "Alexander Stewart No. 2, same place and relatonahtA• "Donald Stewart, Stratford, 000ond cousin. nue Stewart No. 3, Stratford, " second cousin. Annie Stewart, Stratford, second eon- sm. "Elizabeth McGregor, Stanley, first cousin• "J, C. Stewart, Manitoba, first eotes!n. "J, Stewart, Manitoba, 080011,1 0009111, "Catherine Forsythe, Elizabeth Me- Iuturb and Jabu Livingstone all first a0usins• "On the probate of the will an old servant who had lived with John Cremes father for tt number of years in New York made affidavit that he had no brothers and sisters ; that no such relit- tives ever came to visit him, nor did he receive any letters from then, and if ho had any such relatives she would have known of it. This tvolnau's name was Mrs. R. Marshall. That statement seems to have been ishan as con0luaive by the Probated court here and all parties interested. Subsequent investigations have proved all this to be a falin s . Aa a matter of fact the mother o£ John Crerar, sr„ is buried on the farm of one of the contestants who lives at Stmt.cann turd, Canada. Her name was Margaxot Dow. There.can be no possible question as to the chain aware heirship. Ilad the testator been of the existence of all these courier on his father's side he would undoubted) have made some ro• vision for them aa, he lid for thoeep on his mother's side. These heirs take the po.ition that they are entitled as next of Brown, seconded by W. Oliver and carried that the following accounts ba paid •--Richard Alcook, ditehin at lot , con. 17, 527.25, and culvert ab lot 15, con. lli, $14.75 ; D. amibh, elm •n in toe 1 A g g On boundary Grey and lama, between cons, 10 and le, 52.50 ; Jas. Ilird, gravel- ling, 0 bonn.0nry Grey and Elmo, be• ttveen Dons. 10 dud 12, 535.20 ; F. Bnr• ries, ditching at lots 34 and 35, COI. 11, 540.00 ; Lewis Bolton, engineer's ex• pollees under the Ditches and Water- courses Act, 159'1, 527.00 ; R. Docket, gravel, 53.73 ; Chas. Alderson, gravelling on silo rand 3, con, 11, $11}.74 ; Adam 5, 000, s, repairing br}dge •at lots 6 and con, 12, 42.00 ; i • 1auols IIunter, re- pairing bridge at Cranbrook, 54.50 ; Wm. uilue, lumber for bridges and culverts, 524,00 ; Chas. Qunrrengoeser, InmUor for bridges, $'15,97 ; A. G. Cam bell, grave], 51.74; Wnt. Furtney, ditch and culverti on boundaryand Elma, 56,70 ; James 00' ton, gravelling at lot 7, con. 3, 52fi.- 00 ; Joseph Raynard, repairing oulvert and shovelling gravel, 51.50 ; G. Clark, gravel and damage to crop, 516.00, and under 10050 across the road at lob 1G, non. 16, $2.00 ; E. Clark, wire fence lot 15, ton. 17, 53.85 and gravelling at lot 15, con. 17, 55.70 ; Wm. Milne, gravel, 514.- 22 ot'16,acos.ni15,52.00; HenrytBall, gravel* 511.60 ; Arch. Duncanson, drain across the boundary Grey and vel, lop, at lot 11, and shovelling gravel, $7.00, The Council then adjourned to meet °sin at 1 Dames' Hetet, Cranbrook, on the 3rd Monday in November next. Wm. SPB700, Clerk, GOOD VI Morris, ou renaou ,e tares, in axle to close the affairs of the estate of the hate W. 0. Hiugston, the executors offer the fol• lowing valuable 0110hulas for sale North Mor of Let 80, C0110 08 0 00, Ou thi eilip of Morrta,c sommt ag n0 taros• Cu this Int is erootod a goodfrnlne Unru with stoma faun- ly mill o'Iem ed d orchard,ail m 0nd th of11gillivn Near. etoally addoi, mg 100 vitlugo at Sr,1 road 10:farm is ovaluable Hua, iv tve11 ioueod and in a good state of oultivatinn, icor prin0o and forms apply to THOS. KELLY, Nrussels P. O., Haxnv J1.0141xas, VIetol9a Sgnar0 P. o., or Jaarns Sarl'rn, Maple Lodge P, 0 AU ldlesex County, - J E W E L R Y 1 WehniNo Rums, Larere Gee Sisals, Buommee, EAURINOS, d'•( r.., --,'Also a Full Lino of �'t°LINs an, Violin Strings, ,eoin stock. N. 11.-Issu'Trait' Marriage Licenses. T. Fletcher, - Brussel s And Sell co nsisting -Walnut Tables common impossible l exainillirig i�iJeCl�,l A Lar Large We our The and A 2 WO I Have t phoIStei/ng �` NVo11-ass0Yte(1 . ' IT, HAVING Bankrupt added it to my already GOOds Cheaper than of Superb and Cherry Bedroom y t all kinds Of wood chairs), to enumerate. our Display. Fino �,�Cll,1CI1IVell,0 Ilange of Pictures, ' Big Out In Linen Hand -made Guarantee Satisfaction work from anybody. (J 1� Ilndertallnl0 Department }. everything is done Lai'ge Stock of Hearses in connection. �q ASpeeial r.1 tlentZ07L the District Save the local if.8 and ALI, GOODS l •'.. •*111(/ public Zito 1. ht tt� ever. Plush Chairs Lounges, W1'7l}'OW Furniture Lrtinent `y Caskets, Agency agent's pc3e' J1i711•i4.A.$., Repairs DI�ILIVERED cordially FuRN1T N@� �_.. „ ____ ._ T p PURCHASED A. Stook of Furniture Large Supply, I am in a A Splendid Stock to and Hair Cloth Parlor Suites, ,.Sideboards, Bureaus, (from 8111511 Calle and , Sofas, 11lattrasses, &c., Anyperson \\'111 1)c well l Picture Framing Brackets and Fancy Articles 8/117.;ls Wan Pe tent t`-&stellel. our Specialty. IO every time, and *clic 170 second Latest Designs. l j'��0 illi A��I NG 1 is 11nC101' )]1 ersofal P to Suit those requiring my Coffins, Robes, tic• L)"bven, t0 _Ent7JC'Gt172'Gnd for the Celebrated EARN comt'11is$ioll by belying from '.elifilIs, ATM, I Attended to with TREE 04 THE C01iN9190. lnvilcd to Inti1lcct our � � 1,t^v,t�-1, Ili YB.H1_ ia'":P'Y, p n �'T � posiaion t select fP0t1' Suites, 001+ Extensio', Rattan t &c. It i repaid fo 1 1 for Sale y pia cc i fou )ei'visi01' 1 atteutiol. always kap' 5 • 011.GAi lite. Pr0/npfnea T-/armee an •* 7�y 4�t y good fox locomotive s aspected that before aiiways in Canada will se views bo correct, at industry has evil- e before it in Canada, miters and trustees tb80010, namely ; Marshall Field, E, W. Blattlhford, T. B. Blackstone, Robert T. Lincoln, Henry W. Bishop, Edward G. Mason, Albert I{eep, Edson Keith, Simon J. McPherson, John M. Clark and Geo, A, Armour, or their survivors. I desire the building to be tasteful and substantial and fireproof, and that a sufficient fund be reserved kin leto any parte the• estate that was not legally devised or bequeathed by the *viii. This property, which we claim was not legally bequeathed, will amount to between 52,000,000 and • "First in Importance to the public comae the bequest for the Jolla Orarnr library, for which the testator left pro• petty of not less vttluo than 52,000,000, 'ttVin:llsiln• In the open trot at the Guelph races for a purse of 5225, Grey Tobe, owned by •$9,000,000. 1•I, Garbutt, Wingham, took first prize, Best time, 2:31. A young man named Thos. Groves, of Lower Wingham, was arrested and taken before the Mayor, The charge tuns an all Assizes• - anal at Goderich on 1, Hon. Mr. Justice ng. The civil docket sea, but the criminal over and above its construction to lit'ovicte maintain, and supporta library for all I desire that hooka and periodicals be selected with a view to create dud sus- tain a health moral ani). Christian sen- fluent in the community, and that all nastiness and immorality be excluded' This devise, an at the authority of some of tale best•cinsidm•ed casae in the country, has created an fuv'alid trust, contravening the express law of tracts fn many parti°alas, and is ono tvhiah, we have uo doubt, the courts cannot, after a consideration of the authorities, do any - old one of insulting the Salvation Army, after which Tom. skipped out and ]las lately turned up again. IIs was son enc. ed to a fine of 530 or thirty clays. Not being prepared to pay the lino he went to GGderl°h. light. Mr. Collor of et the Crown business. y was postponed till e ground of line absence ase. Coleman v, John- of court, ]Janney v. Zany. This attic)) le alley, harbor master I do not mean by this that there shall not be anything but hymn hooka and ser• mous, but I n1e0.11 that dirty French novels and all skeptical trash and wake 1 of questionable moral tons shall never bo found in this library. I want its al,nOH• I pliers that of Christian refinement, and its mini end object the building np of thfu ales but ilsc1aro to be mill and g veitl. There was probably never a twill in this or any other country in which the esocators wets vested with powers of such magnitude as in the case of the (;rartr will, Tile exeolttnrs are of course 011111lablo geutlemet. �Yo cis not attack them, but do their to +al t t THE PEOPLES COLUMN. N. ap OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE .It J. with gool g,11' 1Gl,, well enrd ',table Appy to Huts, TI110NBULL, HYeellanie Street, at the G. T. IL, to re- n them because plain. roltgfnll ejected him ir trains on the (1111 , character, And I rest content that the friends I have named will carry out tuy wishes iu these particulars." Col. IiOntington, W. Jackson and Nor- wo attnelc post• 1011, and Z understand that the clr°ty y the Will• We alaun that the bequest of 4100,000 to the i3aoond Preshyterian church, "so �ItIC1� STORE TU LI l ON A, Main Street, Brusselsopposite Post- nfioo. MILS 13 Nevem08880. bei: 1st, :' invI:1.3 to W. •it. •M ILSON, Brussels, 1:1.0 On the let September, a return ticket, c, and travelled from I on his tiokat, and on rted on his return trip, man FVill}ams were made incentive and trustees without bunds. When the will was printed it was noticed that a pr0lnhlent feature of the document was ahistory of the dooeasel long ns Pb shall preserve and voi maintain the Presbyterian faith," is void m1, too groeucl, among others, of nncertafuty. Same is true as to a mooed bequest of that ep 31051 SALE -A GOOD HORSE, k. Tap Buggy and ati almost now Cutter, For farther partiet lard apply to ELIJAHH 11 ATNMAN, Lot 10, elm, 7, Grey, 11.4 1< up life ticket, and in check for it, Before hs conductor told the next station wow the ire to get off at .and and his family, at least that Was what it purported to be, but it might also have boon notiaod bypersons who were more than ordinarilobservant thatMr, Crerar omittedeset mention of relatives 00 ifs 5100,000 to tris mission work of ohurah on m gnasi•oharitable bequest. "The other be oasts which we So loco 9 A: 1, to attack on this and somewhat similar grounds are, as far as we are at present OAT FOUND ON THE SIXTH Concession, Morris Township, Owns' any have acne by nrnvlp prnpnloy mad pnying for this advertisement Uy opal%lag to FIbANs aIoOOTOILMON• Jn. la 2 laintiff sago the train moan Crossing, where 10 train for Goderich plaintiff remained on 9 to return to Goderich rd. After the train left father's stdo, the brothers and10)'sisters of hie father not being alluded to, nor were they mentioned further along in the will when it came to the *natter of be nets, As a matter of fact, there were several brothers and slate's to the father of Mr, in advised, the Scotch Presbyterian ahureh , of New York oily, 5:.0,000,+ "The Chicago Bible 000ioty, $35,0110' Tho American Sunday sellaol 0111011 of Philadelpbna, 550,000. "The bequest of 9100,030 fora statue of Abraham Lincoln. . i 071 SALL,-FIVE LLIOL+'+' B• to oho prises Hain the Industrrial Pi'ovlotial tantt Wooteru Pairs, Two y 0110 Shoji Horn l3,")o et for sn.: ice, They aro rine animals, with good pedigrees, and will be sold cheap end on easy towns, DAVID MILNE, nolo' miles east of Luoan *motor Came round and hoard have got off at add he was going home la conductor then told have to pay the fare ratfe•d, 85 conte, or got aittitf refused to get Off, 10'uIUCt(Ii' oc,lered two 1 hid off at G1•anton• thr,wnsforciblyvjectOd tat 111010, force was ileal AT, foul Ha that his y, i 1 ys 1 tat i t Buvurf;ly injured when the staled of the can i s a ,1 from Granton ,:lin will pail 1114 fare 1 cg to ,Ino. Muir, 10th ave birth In twrnt g -.. Y-1 Orem. and, ne the are all well along y g life anti have been married a number of year'', their families now amount to 0 r°• opeetable company. It in these people who, for the last five months, have hod a Chicago lawyer at work on the matter', and the result of his investigation it that proceeding„ to break certain portions 0f the will at'e to be aommona°d, These relatives of Mr. Orem', concern. ing whom ho was mint when drawing ,,is will, are, for the most art, t'auidnnti of Canada, although mime are from Now 1'40gland, and pito a number of them aro thio tli't, It ha dict 4011 tf!Ildn(l by the lawyer they have engaged that the will as a whole can he broken, but 00)10in mations of the instrument that have been examined by hi,n and by abet legal 1 It his aro held to be, without question, 9 +.LS r i. n.,.,, it "There may be a question of the Gape city 10 take bequoste on the part of certain institutions that aro mentioned 111 the will, but those pointe aro not y0t settled. "In reganvl t0 the John army library, out' rosition is that; because the in°titn. tionwasnot incorporated, did not exist in fact at the time of the testator's death, there could he no capfteity to receive- there was n0 mala beneficiary as that named in the will, and the decisions on this point aro numerous and all in our favor. 9hotgh thorn ore generally two aides to ev(:ry law 0lnemttolt, t110 110601li' t1'+s ou this point seem all on elle side, Ho far as the Now York he:piede are concerned it will L0 utt.n9y inteossiblo for the New York corporations to Lake, and 1100 certain other foreign corpora. trona- 1',Uh1 6131110 ttad0r (limestone in DACI170R WANTED.- 'reacher wanted far School Seaton No. o.e'2,nprey, i d•o3lese car lflo1801atnAliil)itties tints, stating selse1, will be received by the uxlorolgned an to envamher let 181 ), J..01N STb7WAIt C 9, e'y-Tra'ls•, 1r 1 Oranb/ookP e, �' 0 rit I U T,. - AI,L PA1ITIES 1 who used ray 1)1)19 1,19 100101) aldol I hive Clot got their Cows ill oat? bwl I': otter yetnl' n tin,fl 0)19, n tone in ane(0iiew(,l nn 1 nv it will anon bo collet:M lg t"no, I would like an tv1,' patre,ired my minute an value fa,• their money. DAVID MILN1 Lth01. _.. --5.--- }�/( 011(1 AN OT' GEl',N 71UA.il,'1'y •♦� P=17o7t. Thi93s filo mune and registry Na, of n 1100 •Yarm,:Jbrooy Bull w1,1011 1 have , l'nonntlypurehnsod. - nu 1) n rn•mdasol of oavahus,1011n," he) dale being nn imported •7arsuy caw, now eft the Expr runnnt,il 1''nn,n, tttinwn. For(mobof corned and Winn »ar. Sfi„•n- A sow b,longi trot. East ior18t, five pias batllrday 010001119. Liu: unusual occurrence. be said that the John Crerar library, fo • Various states," Beassels, G. A, I) ADMAN, d d 0 s r dl