HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-10-10, Page 2STRANGELY WEDDED, A Thrilling Rory of Romanoe and Adventure, THE BRUSSELS POST. time Ethel who had been as good almost at eliniffing trees as he was, who would patient. ly dig foe NM or 101111.11 101' wed, with all the zeal of a real sport•wernan -Billet who amnia - ...I dOrIS t111d. bad 110011 11814 tO turn up her :410001 11 10 tersiett all giellO games ! Well, It 1000 01111111 URA, 00h1011010, tO think of her beiug tied 110100 to needle- 'lurk and piano pram fee, to melding her manners( partleularly " Nevi•r," .tie•k answere.1 " Ve alwaY0 01/d tektite emu Of hin. eienple lint ! True, it gentlemen, end all that eort. of thing, and all the 1011420'H who have to Bit and listen to tomitoerot will 11 110 you like piesen." • "Then': you," Jitelt maid gratefullY. lie had already Itad a little experieuce of the ways of eommanding otlieurs and knew 1 he value el' good advice when he Bair that wue good. do yottt• thing. (emu. -elteire--- tables int 0011 ell lletter 'km4111;1.011 Oct 0, 1800. cascsesaimessieussonfoso.asecemensourinfrics8.88.88808(seisssnossifissessossiissmovi "1111111 old ellap, bong," S0111 I eireinglen. 11.8 t11031 W111.1t011 on, "Ile'll menage it, eomehow and you'll probably have to Rey toll, ri0 epi 'de" "Oh, I mhall 1.g(11, over that," said Junk goodentturedly. Well, after this ;leek entity got ea uneom• manly well -he 101111 theme the first night that he slept In his own iittartere, wheel CITAPT 101 III. were email and piety end like lite royal w e 11100111 te mend inn- holidays theetlier, 1 iut was a levely einnplex ton - lie remembered netted. eepremed more teum there W110 10 expreee 1 tr•;LV a Alit1101(1% Ire never dia .perhape Mrs. Nlmele1111l that lett .1 aelt hail never thought it 80 1000. "1 1/011000 t110).'00 0111110 already," Jack 00- and the Recited night they made hay M hie didn't went me down here, and my graTI,.. ly a,,,,•11„a the 1.,.,1 1.0000 hail bloomed through plied. rooms, Rad the third they tried him by owes. inewinher. in the seneltine a riLe childhood's / enemy tInys, 1 ,,,,,t her is net petite, and penult'', elle 0" the entre ki8808 ; and eow she 11,110 111110 it "Illett the wiener they are started utak. room vourtenutrtial fee one 01. two trillim AMA e maid welt Lair litho eye.: end sweet and 1 1,,,1 11,10, two of an bothering her at enee. [ was simply hoerlil to think. Mond Jack shed. ing you einufortable for the night the better; bleuilma he bad mode (luring OM (ley. Yit , simple ways ' it 11 H 1,111. 11 110V kl: 11111 tiered ae be rode througe the plecteant, mom- ur nay, I've got a emeriti! little cm, tit my DO tha W11010 he gof, on romarkftbly \will 111111 w(3 W011lie01 111111 Ito fragrance of the milling '10111, 184"w le'w " . ' ing air, with a yam; at lila (Inlet et the rime, 1 pill my brether up sometimes when wait soon et Mem anteng Iiii, brother-oekeirs, • matinee flowers, viol) othi..0 again aftie• 1 lett lilitulthfinipten. And 0/0 play'd among ilw shadows of the theent e viiat ie Ethel like now ?" tifflught of )10W SOO 1111114 1110113' ROA malty a he i•etnes tO R00 1110. Will yett :deep t11000 0001180 1111111 110 10110 111 1110 01,01111)40 tuitzes of wintee hours. 1 see is pretty," said. .1118. Jones effietlY.- time have pined. fur her old playfeliew tomight ? Dell be emelt more eonifot•tithie Brighton Society, W110130 WO 111111111'0d 111111 Y01108 (tome mil went-- springs gave lame ' "decidedly pretty." lift cleverly defile:et mil distinct eliquee 00011 tO sutnniere 111111. W11/1•00 R1111100 11111110,1 110 I wonder why it that there is no dispel, gleam of beauty from autumn 'foliage, ligement so effeetual as deeming with faint and so time passed on. But leek ;Trevor pridee. In that short convereatiou Jack never went back to his foud end faithful Trevor gathered something that WAS utteely than your 01011 1(111101.010 01111 possibly he,' "ites really met- -1111,01=0111y good of you," seed leek, 10110 111141 110011 1/11 1.110 1/01111. of using the iilinoxioue Word egain, ...teem at, 1111, not at all, Come into the mess -room and (MVO o, brandy and node, mul then I'll tithe you retool to the office and in. troduce ) ou to the colonel, not in the best of tempers Lo.day-he discovered this morning that the big iron roller has been left out the rain and tuts got mete,. Says its sheltie scandalous that there is a proper shed wit 11 • • Boller Shed" marked on the door as largo as you pleaeo unil the roller is loft to spoil in iho rain simply beeituee it's govern - /1101a p001/001). and belongs to nobody in particular. Nohody dare tell him that the Roller Filled is used to keep his forage in. They'll tell him by.and-bye when he's got 0080 the rust on the roller little," Jack Trevor burstont laughing; Ite foresaw te very good time in the Fighting Fifteenth, .• 1 00.111)050 it had its infinetwe 1111011 her at Met," he said to Minim% 110 he steokeil his hinewee itn,r0 wit11 hie whip, " pluela ing Ime on a Chinese woinarre foot. At ell little playfellow at the lere. , unjust towarde .1 11 In( • events, she gave up sending' 1110 11 Valt511t1110. Cr1111111110$ settled down in his new heine Jones said no more on the subject. and • • Poor little girl I" • 1 I are, awl straightway forgot tho young master , nett I, 1( 1( 1 ) whose heart had been so eorely wrung , 11/001y -"liy the bye, you know of course muting from him, Yon see Crannules wits ; that Etlick Mordaunt is going to 130 marri- very young and it is only old dogs who have eel?" anything to boast of in the way of memory, 1 .1;101; stared et her in astonisInnent-"Clo. end although Ethel talked to hint often of ; ing to be married," be echoed -"you don't Jack, it must be confessed he WILS more than ' mean it satisfied with the chauge. I "Oh ! yes I dn. She is to be married early And Jaek 110000 W011t back, Not that in September," the hely replied. t/itek WaS to blame -but when his first hole 1 "1 on surprise me," he exelaimed-"but days came, that Was at Christmas, Ethel i -but iee't she very young?" was lying i t lanai: of starlet "Yes, I suppose she is-abont eighteen I fever, and the long-talkeil-of visit was of , think. She hae lace introduced nettrly a necessity put ore nt midsummer -it ! year." was before the time of long Easter holidays "Anil who is the man ?" " Major Dennis -of the 24th Laneers. . -Mrs Mordauut and Ethel had gone to - Switzerlaud to anend the summer, and ap. 1 They have been quartered here for nearly babe. have an allowance of say four Mtn. parently Mrs. Monitored never thought of two yeare." ' askiug him to Inez his visit thei•e. ! "But he men, be old enough to be her (h•eil a year. It's quite enough for a newly joined subaltern, in fact, I never bad more ; So the time weut by and gradually the 1 father," Jaelt. broke out. tione---but it ie often carried too far. When ; eorreepondence 11011000u the t1v0f whiell had I ..Seareely that, ' seid the Bishop's wife in. till I Was lithenel-twenty. You will have it grows into it habit and the years roll by ••on your full income of course when you come of ; at first been regular and voluminone, fell differently -••but be ix older, of eouree. 1 eel they 110 with 11 good deal more cettendy ; off, not with app,treat intention but really ; see it is a good marriage -Major Dennis is age, but till then it 'will really be far more than the clouds) there comes a time when ' insensibly ; it demaled from weekly letters next to the leretitiugham titleeethat makes to ,your advantage if you only heve a part. of the worthy wooer fails to present himself at to letters 011 oceaeion-Itirthdrees, valeta such a ditihrence," it, "All right," said Jack, He was not ex alle-and the faivest maiden wakes up to the tines, Easter eggs, Christmas and New "Yes, I suppose it does," fleek. agreed. humiliatieg discovery that husbands do not reatoe cards and St) 011. Then et last there I hardly know how it Was, but 110 left the travagant, he had no large ideas, 110 1000 grow like blackberries. The second clam is, mine 0, day L'ellen Ethel del not mud back a Palace that eveuing with his earliest and of ehow, 001 tO 11101 f011r hundeed 0, year I fun aorry to say, more numerous. They seemed quite as wateh es he was likely to valentine arel Jeek did mit send Ethel a 1 tenderest ideal shattered. Although he had nee not perticular enough in this 80110C ; they birthday gift. It was not lethers fault in never seen Ethel sinee they parted just • want fot the present. "All tho same, seen1 somewhat too anxious to be mar. the least ; she nail betight the card, but lier 1 after hie father's' death, Ile felt as if he had Uncle Dick," he Kane "I don't see quite how dud, and without the slightest internam- mother had remarked m en acid sort of voice lost something dear to him. • I 0111 to buy my ehargers out of it." 11 that really it. was time note that she 81101.11(1 lie Was romantic enough, however, to "No. ir, you must be steeled properly, lot Jack Trevor alone ; Jack missed the borrow a mount the following morning and of course, Lord (faseoigne replied. "You'll tind three horses enough for you, I should cetel sorely though he mid malting, about it ' ride over to the Cliffe, where he found a , eo anyone, and Ethel cried over the Want of strange lodge -keeper who did not know him, think." the birthday gift and confided her grief to but who tall 111111 that 1110 0•11111 1:0 were "I suppose so," said Jack, "unless I should Crunnules, who was getting it stahl 110g 11010 , ilWay and the house in charge of Iles, Sem- want a poliepony." " I don't see how you'll do it on four hum and had always been discreet el keeping the mers. deed a year," Lady Gaseoigne said thought - confidences made to Idm-funi the links of "Iles. Sommers," repeated Jack -"the surel • " fully. " But of course, Jack , if you really „ ,. J, S110 OSO .011 00 ot our elute ers the chain once brokeu, the friendship be- ; • .• 1 1 N • -' want more, the money is there and you ean . , .. i 3 ,I g Y g i tween the two seemed to die out. 1 "Mrs. Sentinels did use to be Miss Mor have it ; out • I don't want •ou to get into sale MS neW feweil as they walked across By this time Jack Trevor had left his fir:t , daunt's, nurse Sir,' replied the lodge -keep , the 12.0y of sp)ending it sinip3ly becanse it is the, equare towards the office.. Bello.' mil had gone to Eton -he was in fact . er• the,,re ..to spend --(1,2 yr,ni see„? : ' Oh, yes -they're coining down to - "Then I'll go up to the house to see her,' morrow, my chargers and my owu gees." nearly sixteen. His career at tide time 10115 1 Oh 1 yOR, I see, 0.11,00 01 ed Jack easily not especially remarkable. He had, owing said Jack, and tade through the gate aud Dorrington began to bite the eml of his to his fether s foreeight and prraenee, a fin- along the well kept drive to the white- "I daresay I shall make four Minaret' an. thumb in a thoeghttel kind of way. "1 tem of ahem twelve hundred a year and. ' a W1(11111100111.1I1i1Iae1.151011 where hie first love had lived yore- well.' Lord Daseeigne hail, however, something wonder where the devil you'll put them ?" -was therefere as well off as Was necessary., he remarked. more to say, .` _ , • • . I I WI V. 1 V011 sue lack twelve hen for 1 ly s •hoi 1 1 oy He Laill liveil -with hie A neat heusemaiil eame to the door -Yes, deed a year is a very good income fot• a I much of hint ; and the young feIlow, as is she teld him, Iles. Siimmers was at home- ii Became thee,: isn't a stall to spare in the 1 the way with young fellows, finding he can grandmother and mile still the very light bachelor, and as lone as you remain a 1 00110- ; Who should she my? and life of her old age. s,ike most parsons' CHAPTER TV. 11 FI(111011XO PIPTIf11010T, "The manliest tiling in thIs world Is to do your duty in that stem of We to which it sliallutonse God te eall yam" After this time, Jack Teevor's life under- went a great change ; it seemed to flow into different clutenels itItogother. In fact, he Ants then thrown entirely upen his awe re- aponsibility, its much so tee was possible with a young men not yet of age. "I think, Jack," Lord leascoigne said to him the night before he went down to Brigh. ton to join his reeiment -"I think you had I do not Icnow how it is but be the newly. joined subaltern ever so blessed with a good opinion of himself, he cannot help admiring the submit ern of two months' or perhaps two years' standing 11'110 happens to be Ow one to receive him when he makes his fleet ap- pemance in what is to be his home for the efine that he remains in Her :Majesty's Ser- vice. The Bulaltern of standing is ueed to the place, he is used to his uniform and his boots make more noise and his spurs jingle more perhaps than itny ether boots and spurs to be found iu the whole regiment. He swag- gers a good bit and yet it ()) not offensive swaggee -he shouts for hie man.fielts, or for a mess.waiter, or for "Attention" when he enters a trormonote, tu steel 0. 00100 of com. ty or want of decorum matte themselves mand that outsiders menet help positively too cheap, to put it bluntly. Among respeeting him for being able to do It I a Very extensive acquaintance in a, lerge Jack Trevor had lived all his life in au town, where pretty, echoed andaceomplished atmosphere of command, but lie thought girls abounded I have observed the same Dorrington nee of the vory finest fellows he thing over aud over again. A girl nice had ever 00010 acme. 11,111 his very admire. enough to be any man's wife will meet some the, made the dreadful ordeal of joining tolomble youeg fellow in the ordieary 000000 come the easier to him. of scwieey. He will be attracted, as is the way With young fellows, mil begin to pay her some attention. Instead of behaving es if she had a proper servo of her ownsvalue, she will make no attempt to conceal her pleasut•e at being thus siugled out, but will be plainly till gratitude for the yottng man's favours when he chooses to bestow them, tuul all humility when he chonses co with. hold thene In sheet, she will make far too 11111. 0 1110 1111 1111113' 101e, Who gime therefeeling • in love and charity with all mete learn te tread like It weary plgrim 011 11111/0110/1 peas. , en) lie voNTINII1I1L) Why Girls della G -et Married. Thu primary reason le 00 doubt 1)000,118e, wrime a man in the 81. Jantex'$ amaaa, Mon 110 1101 ask them, or, rather, because the right num do eol, tisk them. Putting aside such questions as means and position, there are, according to my observation, two great reasons why many ronely charming and at- tractive giels do not find husbmile, as I re- gretfully admit they do not. These reasons aro peecisely opposite in character. Soma girls are two particular, and acme are not pertMular enough, The former elass, meth - nut necessarily entertaining any very high Howe or romantic notious, DUO apt to repel many 0, worthy though not brilliant -Booming wooer by a huffishly scornful demeanour. This is all very well for a time -no ;11•1 should sell herself against her own incline: eons, he W0.8 remarkable for great proticitmey ' " ele Trevor," J aek anewered ; fuel in I lor you are all right' but if ou should want to get married, ivl /, y u'll Stied tw I 1 m „, . . e ye" re . whole barrack,. \Vital a joke it will be if I pla,y fast and loom, will at once proceed 1.0 they have to turn the Crilonel'e forage out if(' so, always ending with the 1(1080. It i in all Manner of epie t mil was very daring 1 W0 11111111 10, ..)11'S.114,e01e1111.1i1e010_0 0,a.illfltittilit iita.mr. area IL year just 1,101Yet truli thing at am tit put a roof 0V00 your horses' beads I - ,Now, sad pity. tioveral young ladies haVo sorrosWa- hero we are." fully admitted that it is their own fault. and full ni courage. He nide 11'011 and drove '' 1 /ear heart," "I'll kecp it 111 mind," srvill Jack, care - well too, he was genie at all inenuer (if g3Illes Jw.k.'' elle fully peeling a 'walnut. "rn keep it in Ile minuet the dour of the office 1.111(l Jaek Perhape the mother's aro to blame if, under found himself in 'dm presenee of the Com- ma was a hanilsolue lad. welemade and fair- ; • • Yes Nuree." auswered be, bolding . . . . • • - mind all the t hue." • mantling Officer, who WilS sitting ou the lath, hi the corner of the room. " I've brought llte :Craver to see you, Sir -the new subeltern," said Dorrington. " Er-IIow do elo-how de do? Very aced, wIth irank eyes and 0 ple10,0.111100111111, RA I 11- 1111.111,S .. - . .- . • "Yes, that's just while I waut," said Lord He hml that Mann too witieh is perhere the mit Crunindes, surele'r -. • gmeely relieved by the result of ,yery greatest Marm Inman, a sweet -speak- "Yes it is, :qr. The master and mistress ; le'eseolgtee Me Voice. . 01111 )1 1,8 EI1161. are abroad. and ertmonles "le eeitverealloo. e '' He hail been trying for several days to It was no wonder that old liti.y I. fasomgne .-tees ) eel mentiou the matter to (Tack and pow felt Awed him so, for he WilS far and awav the : The bull -well, I Was grang to isa):1 bull: ' • iptite clever and pleased with himself at me oad to see you,- said the (mime", gettleg flowiT among her grandchildren, Lord (las- Imp, len Teminnles wee hmg pastuL .ie aysoi ; I off the table for a minute and then immedie mane, . mew . q utly up to succeSs. LOrti 0115111/10110 WaS 0 0017 mime I aide- sitting down again when he had shaken .' one Mall W110 hateemterf ering iu other !lack by Oui heml-" I hope you'll like your her eldest son, had married lace awl his bull -dog hail two little sone in las nursery who had jac . and investigated him suspiLious y. people's bueiness I Although he was Jack's 110 81 ace of the ilascoignes about 111010. but , .. Now, now, old ohap," said Jack ealsily . guardian, lie invariably felt that he 10110 0)f -- strongly resembled their snappish, sharp. . ..." you dotet know me, "f e'eree' '0w ; tremely impertinent to be interfering with .nosed little mother both in face and dispute. • should you9-12ut you may take me on‘trust, 1 his private affairs and probably, harl it not tion. ; old chap, ;eve you. 1113 11 mt. Int t lat. ' been for his mother's strong representation , Mrs. Hugh Drummond had an immense ; Apparently' ale investigation satisfied Mr. ' on the subject, he would have gaietly let the „ question of money matters slble altogether refitment to the Colonel's WO1R1s-Jack made number of sone and (litughters, all Bluely and Truunnles, ter after walking several times ; . jotnet lib TRW rem/. Im.ste to pewee the commanding -officer that lie Sat C!'"11 bee!" • and Jack would I • " . 1 1 ' • . ' work and Lind yom quarters comfortable. Darlington must look alter you mul- cted pet you up to our ways a little," Dorrington pot up his hand 111 a, gesture that MLR half salute and bolf eepression freckled like their Semell father. Her meried around Jack's ellair, wee this had aheratly boon done, or rather had already been begun. "Thank you, eir--I've already been nev- that its uncommonly well looked after," he mid, in his pleasant eal• voice -"Mr. Dev- il .. . . • - - I . • •1 1 1 'le gLon has been quite I. re (Moil Samaritan to me. "Not bemuse you have fallen among thieves, 1 Mew," said the Colonel qaickly, then went off into 0 111, of Ian liter illt, his gerl barl only one very delicate oe , 11 10 /11111 111111 m.te( linnet, m a itimper up sot anent in the unrestricted enjoyment of Ins ••spent most 01 his time lying on a sent ; awl of way agaiest his leg. 1 full income. the little Marchioness who had given herself ; " Mice he do that often V' Jack asked. 1 "Ily dear boy," said old Lady Caseoigne aim tie Corey, was childless. smallwender 1 " Not often, Master Jack," answered Mrs. !as they sat together at breakfast the fol- theu that the old lady liked Jitek the best of Sommers - " only when lie's MoSt pleased ' lowiug mornino--"I never teetered my own . . . . , From Eton Jack Trevor went to Sandhurst ; 'TlierZi 10,18 '0, moment's silence, Jaele l'in not ening to leiteme you. But you'll tend from Sandhurst he was gazetied to the smoothing the dog's 1 elnillefl head the try and aim out of serapes, won't ymi.?" 13th Between*. Then Ins sonl wae satiefici.d., while, At last he looked up at the old ' " Yes, 1 ;minty," he answered, and he look - and. he set hinneli to enjoy the tWo months boy, I ill at bee with his mother'a VOry OW11 eyee leave a* oily them who are young awl un- , "Nurse," he ea -41-u I hear Ethel is i er0-1114 ; and his father's frank ttud. fearless smile, ewe joke, Dorrington and Jack wth joining burdened with rare ottli enjiiv atiething. 1 to lie mairied." ; aud then he streteheil out his stereig yoturg Inas if wit eo brilliant heel never fallen upon Re spent part of his leave in makeig a ." Yee, I believe elle ie, Master Jaek,' , hand to hete-"Auil if I do lieve stiell bad theiy ene's before. id the Colonel when tho , . round of country visits, and aleong others 11e answered she, shutting her Theo very (queerly !luck ite to gee into any, I'll let you know at , ..,"r4 I" 80,0/",0a , , , Y eau recovereu tnemseiveS a little-"Liord went to stay at the house nt 1111, 1.01014(len- end smoothing het 011k apton x toon m a °ma. ' tenant of Blankshire, conw halfelezen miles eeveth kind of way. i ci Lally bascregne laid her 1, euttiftil old from Blitukhampton and his old hem,. As • "Don't you like the marriage, Nurse, ; hand plump and white as a baby'm in Ide- a metier of course lie met the Ilieleip and he asked. 1 "That was all 1 111111 1011 to my, ' she said - equally as A matter of course 110 100.13 111100. I Mrs. 8011111100R' 1.1pE took a yet severer I "except- -exeept—e dewed to h m as the son of bis predecessor, curve, "I haven't bcen asked to give an 1 "Yes, etranuy," said Jack, "except —" and naturally enough he was asked te dine opinion, Miteter Jack," she said, in a pas- "Except that W11011 you marry, dear, I at the Palace. : spotless kind of voice, I only wish especially for two things in your Six years had gone by since lie had emu . jack knew by experience that wild horses wife -that 011e be a imod girl aud a lady. the phew, but the dreadful familiarity of worild not drag another word out of the old You won't forget tba't your mother Was lade., so he began to stroke Crummles again 1 tl "" h' t 1 I ' lost anthill ---he sat at the same table, on one nftliesel -same. and then to ask after various old servants eludes on which he had sat as a boy, the and prams about the vicinity of the Palace same hemline chime. wee blazoned int the plates ford dishes, graven 00 the ePoons and 1 "you used to say you eyere going to be Granny, he semi-" 1 never knew my mo. soldier, Master Jack," said Iles, Summers, thet• butt I shall not forgot that 1113, grand. forlts, nay, the very butler was the same, the same who had served his father faithful. when they 11nd come to wo end of that sub- mother hi the very ideal of both, I shall ly (luring ten years and called him "Mr. jeet. never Ininganywife to, you, Cranny, that you Jack" jest as he hail. (1.0110 haltitolozen years ' "So I am. I'm an oflime of the leth would 110 08110.111011 tO rceeive; you have .lack edged. his chair a little nearer to the old lady's and pet his arm mound her in a Menke; way peeuliarly his own. " Dear • 1 1 1 1 deed 'or Ma Dragoons now. I haven't )(tined -et, but I spoilt me for second.rate women," familiarity Rua jack looked. round at him shall do next month. I siay, ttese, he with his frank eye and ready smile-" Why, wont on, "have you a photograph of Miss ' Smithers," he aeld-"what would you call , Ethel anywhere ? I should like to see her." me? I don't suppose if I was et home here ' " I'm afraid I haven't, Master Jack, but still that you would have learnt to call me ' there may be one in the drawing.room," she anything else," 1 answered, " Will yoo come mil see?" 'No, Sir, I don't euppose I should," lent Jack was doomed to disappointment. &dithers answered with a gratified amirk. Either the albums bed been put away or ; "lir. jack's; just the same as he used to Ethel had taken them with her, for Mrs. be," he remarked to the cook, who had also Sommers could find nothing but a faded. ohl been ono of the late Tiishop's 8011,040e and 1 picture of Ethel taken years before in the whom Mr. Steil:hem hail hopes of marrying ;peace with the dog Cruunnles sitting lice one dity-"I don't see aehit of difference at side her. all. Anil 'min my word, but it's a treat 1 " I'm afraid that's the only one," she said. after thia stacketip lot Suit's afraid of open- " And that was token about L110 time you theie mouths for fear ief what they rety left the Palette Master ;I ack. Miee Ethel " dear boy," she mod. "And if thee isn't a pretty speech for a Mild of twenty to make to hie granchnoth- er," ,Jack cried, " why, beat it if you can, Granny, that's all." Thus with the approval and conffilonee of his nearest relations, Jack Trevor went down 1.0 Brighton to join hie regiment It is a teerible ordeal for any young num, but I must say 110 got through It aff eiesily ho could lhare expected 01' wished. He had 11000V seen the cramped little barracks, but as be drove tip to the officers' moss end looked out at the double rows of windows all flecked out with smart flower boxes filled with bloomiti moon-daiscs and let out," 1 Itas altered a good deal some then. red geramunis, he thong the place WM aS " .A.11 I Ictr, Jack wee always a dear 1107,01 " How altered, .Nerse 9" cheerful and homelike as any place be Mel emir' Mrs. Mennell-the wits espiestee still " Well, she's tall anti pole, Sir, She ever lived in ; and then be got oat of the 'but enjoyed. brevet rank in the household- doesn't know whet it is to have her own carriage and wondered what would become "mfuly'm the time he's come to me for his ' way. The tenderise fancied she hoel got to mites, or milk for the pup, Of. ontething of be hoydenish and she had governesses for the lend 1 and he gave that bull -pep Lo Miss this and masters foe that, till all the Ethel over at the tiliffe, I remember it as emoted to be taken oet, of her," well as if it wee yesterday:" I "And yet she is marrying early." Now it, happened Limb just at this very 1 ,,Tho mistress wiehes it, fiir. Tho moment Jack ems saying to hie hostess.- , tress believes in early marriages if there is "By the bye, Mrs, Jones, do you f3130 muell money in the ease, And there is money of the Moeclaunts now ?" here, any amount of it." do and •wo don't I Just 110W theyare abroad But, all the same, Jack only thoright that , The Bishop's wife hesitated. "Well, we 1 "I me," fetid Jack. and the house is shut up," she answered, ho saw and presently he rode away from " Ia that ?" Jack. " I'm sorry. the CHIN where he had spent so many happy used to kilow them all very -well. The Major hours in tiro days that were gone by, fooling was alwaye awfully good to me-lics teught -well, as if he had been to leek eome Ine nearly an I know in the out.door fondly Cherished and carefully hidden And Ethel was a groat friend of mine -a , treasure awl hail found time it had bon greet friend." I stolen away long before tend only 11, blank "Ah yea 1" -Mrs. Jones, who WM left. beautiful WOM1111, turned her face a little 1 Poor dear little lgt1101 1 He did netlike to aside end looked pensively at a tray of flow. think somehow of that bravo end fearless Ors in front of her...-" But yell have not soon little soul being orompod end restrieted ber since yott wore hero ?" all the tediousness of a cotezentional educe- • of him next. AVhfie he wan waiting there a tall youtm man came out and accosted him. "I suppose you're Mr, Trevor How Wynn dor "Hew (I() yon do 9" snid Jack, "Nly name is borrington," said the tell young man, "orderly officer for the day, moth's the pity." "Very glad to meet yeti," hued Jeck in Ins easiest wince. "Anti eari you tell where my things aro to go V " Won, you aro to have the rooms next to mine," saul Dorrington, " your cab had bele ter go vomit to the back, and Pli tell you whet -put your traps into my quarters oard. you cm dress there," " 011 I thanks awfully," said iInek, Dortington looked aside at him. "LeFe walk round -look here, Inv friend, give you the straight, tip -don't let the Colonel bear you met." awfully," it's 11.ke a rod rag to a, ball emd sots him off on the Service) go- ing to 1,110 doge, how cams used to he (taset»gue is your guardian. "Anil my elude, Sir," Jack answered. "Oh, really Then your mother was—" " Lady Constance Caseolgue, Site" "And yore. fa.ther ?" " Was Bishop of Blankhampton." " You don't say so. Why, I once dined with him at the Palace -I remetnber hint well. He was nee head -master of—" " Yes, Sir, he was." " And a vevy fine fellow he was too -I am very gliel to have his son amongst my officers. liy-the.bye, have you got your horses deem yeL ?" "No, Sir, they ante to -morrow," Junk answered. " Ah I yes and how many ?' " Thee% tile" "'Three -I see. 'Well, we latven't mace room but-er-Mr. DoiTington, you might speak to Me Long about it. Ho rause find room for thorn, of com•se," "I'll tell him what you my, Sir," mid Doetiegton with 30101 humour, and Jack, remembering his little story about', the Roller Shed, WaS seised with a wild desire to go off Into a fit of laughing. Happily the Colonel distnissed them them end they were able to go out into the open air and laugh as 0111011 as they pleamed. "Here's old Long mining," said Doublet - ton as they walked. beak 000055 1110 squaxe, "Long, this is the new sabaltere, Mr. Tee. Ver." The Qtratter.Mester put. out hie hand. "Very glad to sec you." "Hew d'yon do ?" said Jack. "Mr. 'Trevor bas brought down them horses', nt, least they're ooming to -morrow, Long," said Dotrington, getting straight to Iris subject -"and. tho Colonel mays yoteve got to end room for 'ene somewhere or other," "I don't know where," said the Quarter. wi th it blank 'face, "I think the Colo- nel thinks Brighton Barracks are elastic, I don't, know whore three exthe horses aro go - 1111130, yunliems I turn 111y 01Vil horses out into "eVell, you'veept tomighe to think about it, in, tong," said Doerington soothingly, "Any wity that What the Chief told me to tell you," "Wen, of course -4f the Colonel eftys so, hell have to be done ; though 1101V WOUld puzzle the Popo himself," the Quarter. Muter (bolero& "There's always the Holler Shed," suggested Dorrington slyly, "All 1 yes, ;there is -and. there's Ile mess. room and tho offiew," oried the other -with a loucl laugh. tlie stress at competatien, they urge upon their itaughters iseniewhat toe warmly the desirability of matrimony to the negleut of a proper degree of self-rest/0ot. 11; may be hard to steer middle couree between hold- ing men too cheap and too dear, but it eau he done by (lue miethre of eelf.respeet and respect for others. lf a. mere man may offer a hint in so delicate a mattee 1 wonld Say tO S01110 giVIS Do not despise a, man becautte he is a, num muil not a young ft reek god. If yon only knew it, the one essential thing about a husband is that he shall be land. And to S01110 others I would say : Do not (90301 that a good girl is good enongh for any man ; aml, if the men forget it, take care to t•entind them. STRANGE ST9,...B.! or A OBIllt.S. Was •ehe Wrong nun 1 111111101t 011 Tuesday week Mr. 1010(00, CountY coroner, ch 0,o or, I'VrtAil'I'd n, let tee (rem it eorreelenuleet at NOW )(ow:Liu+, slat ing thee 111111111 1111.11 001110:041•11 10 1 110 ree ter of St Paul's there that he murdered .1 elm liebbington, gamekeeper to Me. Edwin Corbett, of Til - men, Melee, Terperley, which John ()lime 11 ILA 0R00111 011 111 1 '11081 00 in I See. Ale. churton remembered the trial and tlw exam" T1 e evidenott 10104 )111.01 eirennietali he elite( poiut being foot, prim. eery. pending to I boots. The 1112111 W110 11.0.1 1111010 n, eounnision shape thee he borrowed Magic's boote on the night of the eterilee. A prom representative on 24aturilay Visited AlprIthalo, the heathy in. 11 111011 1110 111 %101:1111.1.4imird,q• of the games keeper liebbington toik phew thirly.three )'ears ago. 11re. Blagg, the widow of John Blame he man wile was exeituted, lives in the village, in a cottage alnwet whil- ing stance( thei»e of the Beene of the tregedy. She hi advanced in yeere, and is iit pixie circumstances, 11111 iR 1/1/10 1.0 earn a few shillings as a teiteher or caretaker of her neighbors' little children. 111 reply to ques- tion she sitith-" On the night before the murder there came a rap at our door when ' ohn and 1 were together, I opened the door, and thet•e was J ohe 3 ones. I nente did like that man. 1 mkoil (amt., ho wanted, and he celled my husband ontsido. I wrindered whet 10110 on, inul when John came in. agent I netted him, and he said '01i, nothing.' \l'ell he got his boots from where they W000 usually kept, and gave them to Jones. .1 ()nee (01110 inside, and took drills clogs, and loft them in our house. He very seldom wore dregs, hut, he 1101 clogs on •when he enme to our house that night. I can't say whether it 11 as a plot belevecin them, and I did not :cusped at the time thee anything wrong would be done." The reporter sug- gested that the real pond in the ease WRS RR to whether her husband wee at home throughout thee eight.. ;Mrs. lilagg replied 1,1182, he wits, init in answer to another question mill he got up, she thought, about four o'clock in the morning. She supposed he went out, but when she got up, between six an seven o'cloek, he was eitting in the kitchen, having lighted a fire 01111 prep:teed breakfast. There was nothing unusual In his manner or appearnece. The boots had then been returned. ethe could not, say how ot• 1011011 he hatl received them buck. She hefted iif the murder a couple of hours erten wards. Before tho police (none for her lois. band she saw them pass with J01108, W110 10018011y010 111111 agitated. But they did not keep lune site added, They only wanted 1100 1111811011d, 1LS they "hail it, in" for bine Asked why her 11 1111130114 11^}114 11.1 all suspect- ed, the old lady Bitid. that various stories were going ithout the village, oue of which. was that het• Masbate' had been heard to swear be would shoet the keeper, It was not true, she was perfectly sure. Ho 101114 such an inotreusive man that he would. not do an injury to anyinie. Mrs. 1 11E1g,,,, Wad 01/10 10 1011 frinn memory all the details of the arretit of her husband, who offered no resistance, and temple- said he W110 1111100011i, 111011311 his own limits and gun were lewd. It seemed to pain t he old lady to reeall the farewell scene on the day before the (emelt- lion, when Blte, with their Int le daughter, sinee dead, had a last interview with the condeumeil Inite at Cheeter Crielle. wonle to her at omelet; were, I am its 111. tawent as that child. I have not hail justice, They have gone against mo just as they liked end they might as well have hanged me ou the metreet oak. But never mind. I in- tend to go Tli 1i SOAFFE))))); A IffSTERY. -A 11/1C1 110; or un1 They are 11(22:Timer., Oct. 'Z. -Considerable excite- ment has been caused in polies circles by the portions of a lumen body that bath beee found in a house on Sanguinet street. The etory of the finding of the rentable is very peculiar, and it is hard to get at the reason for the singuler plea in which they were found. fella way 111 W111011 t1103. were diner - for I elan never tell." She asked him i there WilS anything elle unght do for Ininf and Ile replied, "No, 31011 have a bit ce 1 money. It will be of no use to me 110W 1 It Will 1)0 of use te you, 'Niue part with it 1 for tny sake." "He 110000 8141,1 hoW 11 WaS dome" remarked Mrs. Illagg, "but at, one interview he did. say to meehat if he disclos- ed all that he knew he would be transported f lif 1 1 • 11 f t t 1. ti ' 011 0, 11111 10 11 011 1. pre 01 us 1111 1 Oa I. '1'115 old lady pathetically coneledcd-"And 11010, after 33 long years, whim it WM Int 0.10110 /LS a thing to be forgotten and buried in time, it, has risen tip again ill this 110W f00111. 1% mad rather it were lot alene." 'Mts. turned itway in Mere Thu knitted of a village inn inforined the saint. reporter that tqi to two yeav ago Jones, who was a wheelwright, was employed in the Potteries, and on one orwasim since be had vieited Alprehon, and called at that licuSo for sinne refreshment,. 'There is certainly a difference of opinion in the lueitlity wheta the tragedy took place, ioul wherepart- erod is as follews 1-011 'Thursday last a Ms were so well lenown, as to the alleged young 311011 named Oscar Pruilhomme came innocence of Flagg. 01,1 inhabitants agree to tho city from Ste. Anne des Plaines, 111 1 that he WaS LL notorious peat:her, and dis- order to get employment. 011 arriving hovel position was very sullen and reserved. he went to look fur a boarding house, and. lerin u San tenet street wont into a, gp g lenge house, where he succeeded in getting a room. After being out all day he returned to his room in the evening, and feeling tired decided to stey in Ms room. This apartment hi a very large ono, and had cupboards and clothes closets in it. Bein_g of au inquisitive turn of mind, he naburally wanted to see 'whet they centained. The cupboards were unfastened, but the teethes closet was look- ed, mid from the dust gathered round its hieges and. ander the door, had evidently 1101 boon opened for some time. He asked the landlady for a key, but WILS told that she had. none for it. Print. homme then went out to a looksinitiles, and getting a bunch ot keys, succeeded in open. mg the door, when his nose WaS assailed by a very bad odour. He then wont back and got a, lanne and entering the closet WM 1101Tified to find &Licit of human bones strewn around, to whieb portions of flesh were seill alleging. He at once \vont to his landlady and informed hee of his ghastly discovery. She event •with him to the closet, and when she NAV the sight almost fainted. She said sho could not possibly understand bow they got there, Prudhomme at mem went and itotitied the detectives of the affair, who wont to the boarding house, and tater ViOW, lug the bones decided to take theln away, whieh they did in a hoe, They questioned the landlady as te who omitened the reom berme Mr. Petulhomme, and she told them that It had been rented all last winter by two man and that they had' left two weeks ago. From their dress and appearance she (lid trot think they were medical students. The detectives aro still looking tip tho mat- ter, as very suspicious cithemslanues appear to be comected with it,. Suppressed By Legislation, "Drop that I" yelled the beekeeper to a free-Itnich fiend. "Why ?" asked tho beat as he lee tho sandwich fall. "Spongee have been Laken off the fOro liSt." A Sure Cure. Miss Iflythe--" 011, dear, Molly, Pm so blue, The whole work1 is upsidedown with me to -day." Miss Port -" Then why dm% you Mel on your head, my dean" Progress in Selene°. Ruby light for photographic purposes, in spite of all thee has been said in favor of orange green, continues to hold it OW0 in the (leek room, although many who use it complein of its effect, on their oyes. A remedy for thia has been found in the intro - deaden of a pano of ground glass between the oyes and the reby. The heat produced from. the light of a fire- fly is only I pelmet, of an equal amount of candle light. The bug's light is produced by cheiniettl action, as it was inereesed by putting the fly in oxygen and diminished in an etmosphore of nitrogen. Water lute been found in. the Desert of 'Sahara in St1011 vest quantities by means of artesian 'wells that French engineers are con- fident of being able to extend their reilroad to a 11151111100 of a ;Anoka, journey from Algeria, rigli through the desert, Unfreezable dynamite has been produced in Berlin. Its oltiof feature consists 111 adding to the dynamite or nithreglyeerine it chemical. in itself tun explosive, but which does nee name entil tetnpereture of XV below stow has been reaehed, Prof, Morton sheWs thet out of ninetv-oue accidents repotted in central staions only fifteen were m0(31101)10 to the effects of the currant, the renmender being such as are outsize tly occurring in power -using estate. lishments. Bite:keen% the 11080 011E1 cheeks under the oyes Ims been found an effectual preventive of snow blindnees or the injurious effect of the glare from illuminneed snow upon oyes tuntecatomod to it, More then ono.fifth of the land of the world. has no outlet for dreinage to Dm see, neel in all that area empotation 15 greeter than preeipiteLion. .An Engliehman proposes laying deep.son, electric cables by moans of submit.= boats. Ito Wanted. to do Something for His Money, Drum iner-" What to you mon by pound, 'Mg on the (Moe at this hour the meriting? I gave no oritor to be waited tp," Colored, Portor--"I knows dale boss ; hot / specs yet. tor gib Ine 110110 Oollex when you leithe de house, and I wonted to /legman to cern do money, so / jos' 30002101 on eire do' to make yer feel yo' wasn't Win' robbed."