HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-10-3, Page 81 sal U. k3,1-‹ L. SSk•LS POST
Having more Bees than I wish
to keep will Sell them Cheap.
They have been carefully select-
ed and bred from choice queens.
The Hives are the Best, well
jointed and chaff packed. Have
also a number of Empty Hives,.
which I will sell for less than
they would cost you to make.
Also a quantity of Honey for
Sale --wholesale and retail.
DRUneI8T, &O.
e0UTEE1tx ESTEEM); W. O. & D.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows:
Gore SOUTH. 001540 None E.
Mail 0:08 a.m. Mixed 0:00 a.nt,
Express ...,.1L:40 a.m. Mail 9:00 p.m.
Mixed......... 6:05 pan. Express 9:49 p.m.
yDrl:IIr,` .Ci'S terns,
A ohiel's amang ye taltin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
TrscnrnO seed at McCranken's.
.TRUNKs very cheap. GEO. Goon.
A. good many persons are afraid of a
serious potato rot.
WR are slaughtering boots and shoes.
W. Nightingale & Co.
Ronssn steak has dropped to 10 cents
per pound in Brussels.
Arrne buyers are on their rounds.
Fruit is scarce however.
Now is the time to get bargains in fur.
nitume at Leatherdale'e.
A raw second hand buggies for sale at
a bargain. JAS. WALKER.
T1108. KELLY has tomatoes by the
bosbol. First come first served.
Sas our 12a cent linen, the great talk
among the women. A. R. SMITE*.
HAVING bought a bankrupt stook I can
sell goods cheaper than ever. R. Lea.
0vrn•Co,ls and ready made clothing
going cheap at W. Nightingale & Co':'.
cheap store.
OWING to devoting so much space to
the Birohall trial, several interesting
sterns are crowded out this week.
BEATTxE BRos.seoured let prize for their
dandy roadster team at the Wingham
fair on Wednesday of this week.
MILLINERY.—t. R. Smith 1s taking the
lead again this Fall in the millinery line.
He has the same milliner as last season.
LAST Tuesday morning Neil Milloy
brought to Tan Pon Publishing House
e radish that weighed 7 pound,. It was
a whopper.
Ton man who says Nightingale & Co.
does not sell cheap must never try to buy
from him or be would change his mind
after his first puraease.
ALT. apples bought by Mr. Williams for
A. Oardno must be pulled by Oat. 10th
and put under cover so as to avoid delay
in packing. All apples will be paid for
at A. Straohan's store, on delivery.
Mies O'Coxxon is arranging for a
grand concert in the Town Hall on the
evening of Thanksgiving day. The in-
imitable Jas. Fax, of Toronto, has been
engaged for the occasion. Full particu-
lars later.
Wt, do not ask you to pay for Chinese
lanterns, or any such tomfoolery, on
what millinery we offer you for sale,
Fashionable and stylish millinery at the
lowest possible cost is our motto. W.
Nightingale & 00.
Ir is stated that H. J. Whitley has
been engaged as bandmaster of the Boll
factory band at Wingham at a good
salary. He has also secured steady work
at hie trade. H. J. is a capable teacher
and a line cornet player and will make
a good record for himself.
Fon SALE.—Good working team, set
double harness (nearly new), good wagon,
plow and harrows, also windmill pump
and derrick (just Hew): Will be sold at a
great bargain as proprietor has no tnrther
nee for any of above articles after Oct. 1.
Apply to E. R. GRUNDY.
WRtt-Drcomo AND DRILLING.—'George
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drillin wells and is prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
Mare. Terms easonable. Residence
second door north of the bridge, west
side of Tcrnberry et., Brussels. 43.tf
LAST Monday morning Bre was die -
moored at the residence of J. M.
O'Connor, Princess street. Shortly after
the alarm the fire engine was out and
ready for work but the vigorous efforts
ef the persons close at hand had ex-
tinguished the flames without a great
deal of damage being done. It is need-
less, to state ithat the family was very
muoh alarmed by the threatened con-
Yr you wish your sight carefully and
'correctly fitted with the best epeotaoles
in the world call at A. M. McKay & Co's
hardware store, Brueseie, on Oct. 6th, '90,
when Mr. Laurance, the celebrated oar.
list -optician, will be there, and, after an
examination of the eyes, fit you, on
soientitlo principles, with the B. Laurence,
Axis Cut Pebble and other speoteoles,
ensuring to you the ability to use your
ayes for the tnosb minute employment
with great ease and comfort and the
certain preservation of ,your sight.
LAST week two well known residents of
Brussels attended the 'Western fair at
London. They mane home via Listowel
tatting the evening traiu from the Thames
metropolis. Forgeltine that a change of
care was necessary at Listowol they were
soon speeding toward Palmerston, when
two Hailes had been covered and the son.
dotter informed teem of their mistake
the train Was stopped and althongh about
30 miles intervened between them sad
Bru sols they set their oo.npass toward
the northwest and arrived home about 4
a m. the following morning. We knew
Mao. had a record as a pedestrian bat we
wore not aware that hie nompauion also
were the belt.
Cousorr, meeting next Monday evening. ANYTHING in our line made to Order.
THURSDAY, November Gtb, will be Ali material used is thoroughly kiln
Thanksgiving day, dried. R. Leathordale.
alms Owe has removedirom EI.Dennis' ALt booit amounts fall doe in October.
to Mrs. Thos. Dnnford's. An immediate settlement is required or
Gams millinery opening on the 2nd meta will mum. W. Nightingale & Go.
nd 3rd of Oct. at A. It. Smith's. Tato vacant More in W. Blashill's block
Ir you want a now buggy go to Jae. hoe been leased by $. L. Jackson,
Walker, carriage maker, Bruseela. jeweller, who will Enke posession next
Sas our 25cent velveteen, there is quite month.
a talk among the dress -makers. A. R. W, H. McCaw ass took 88 prizes at
Stoma Wingham Fall Show and 26 at Seaforth,
25 ems will secure Too Parr from notwithstanding that both fairs came on
Oot. 15th to the close of 1890. Try it the same day.
instead of borrowing, Ir you want anything in the furniture,
A noon 2.year.old heavy daught mare undertaking, picture framing or organs
colt for sale, cheap. Cash or time, Ap• you should call at R. Leatherdale'a, he
ply to Messrs. Cochrane & Johnston, has the finest stools fn the county and
Marble Works, Brussels. es lis the olieapeet.
Ir you want anything in my line call NEXT Sunday evening Rev. S. Sellory
and get my prices, everything is away will take as his subject "Lessons from
down now, Cheaper this fall than ever. the life of Birohall, the doomed murder.
Goods well bought are hell sold. R. Lea- er." The morning topic) will be "Tho
eherdale. story of a prayer meeting."
WH. BUSHELL moved into hie new EAST Huron Agrioultnral Society sent
block on Tuesday. He has one of the Thos. Belly, Duncan MsLauchlin and W.
neatest butcher shops in the province J. Fairfield to Wingliam Fall Show to
and deserves credit for the enterprise he act in the capacity of judges. Thomas
has exhibited in his undertaking.Strachan and wife went to Wroxeter and
WE sell suits to order cheap. We are A. Gardner and Thos, Davidson to Pal.
not building new houses and keeping two morgtou on a similar mission.
or three families out of the profit on L.tsT Sabbath afternoon an open session
what suits we sell you like some of the of the Sunday School was held in the
Gent's furnishing stores of this village Methodist clinch. Addresses were given
are doing. W. Nightingale & Co. by Revels. Sellery and Paul and R. D.
ON Wednesday of thio week Duncan Boman, and Bin. Boman sang several
McMartin and Miss Tillie Ferguson, both songs. She also contributed a solo at
of this place, were united in wedlock by the evening servioe in the same church.
Rev. Air. Smith, of Henfryu, at the PAY no attention to what those paupers
residence of David Whiting, Grey town. and dead belts toll you about tis Belling
ship. The young couple purpose making old goods. Call and see our prices for
their home in Brussels. yourselves and dont be misled by• the
Livattr,—H. Williams & Son leave gossip of merchants who run their boei-
their new livery running in tip-top style. ness 10 somebody else's name to keep
Reliable. speedy horses, new comfortable from paying their honest debts. W.
rigs and attendant comforts guaranteed. Nightingale & Go.
Ladies can be suited with quiet horses. WHATEVER you forget be sure yeti re -
"Live and let live" in our motto. Re• member the foot ball match between
member the plane, hIfll street, Brussels. Brussels and Blusvale on Friday fore -
Special arrangements made with corn. noon of this week on Victoria Square, in
mercial men. If you want a rig any this place, to play off the tie for the sil-
time call on us. EL WILLIAMS & Sore. ver cup and foot ball. It should be a
lkln. LAURANCE, the eminent mullet- very interesting game as the teams are
Optioisn, will be at A. M. McKay & Co's evenly matched.
store on October 0th, for the purpose of LOTT'S Llvsay.—The attention of the
adjusting the B. Lauranos, Pebble and Public is called to the fact that Levi Lott
other spectacles and eye.glasoes to all keeps a first-class outfit of good drivers
oondibious of sight. His thorough know- and new, comfortable buggies. Every
ledge of hie profession and large exper. attention will be given to those favoring
lance enables him to seleot such lenses as him with their patronage. Stable just
are best suited to each requirement, bow. east of 1)r. Graham's block, King street.
aver diffioulb, and always ensures to the Give him a call as his rates will be found
wearers of the B. Laurance spectacles within the reach of all,
ease and comfort, and an abiding int- ibIATRI.uONIAL.-011 Thursday of last
provemanh to their eight. w eek Miss Lizzie, eldest daughter of
Ox Monday afternoon F. S. Scott and Walter Jackson, of Brussels, Was united
others were out hunting near Henfryu in marriage to Sanford Leppard, a well
and in their tramp walked for some dis-
known musical expert, of Toronto. They
tante on the railway track. A young went to Detroit on a wedding tour. Tun
hotnd belonging to Mr. Scott, would not Poen joins with Mrs. Lepperd's many
leave the track as the afternoon train warm friends in wishing then happiness
came along bat instead attempted to out.
and prospeiity in their new relationship.
run it. The iron horse was too speedy, Et s you foolish enough to be caught
however, and bounced the dog into the by display cards that cost a good deal of
ditch. The hunters hurried to the place
`Stores iu this inetowngreprese oods inf routng tosome you
expecting to see the mangled remains
but instead up jumped the canine
apparently little the worse of its upset.
HYatENEAL,—On Wednesday evening of
this week the banns of marriage were
solemnized between James Jones, jewel-
er, and Miss Ida Thompson, both well
known residents of Brussels. The cere-
mony was performed by the Rev. W. T.
Cluff, incumbent lof St. John's church,
at the residence of the bride's father, in
the presence of a select gathering of rel-
atives and friends. Mise Clara Thomp-
son and Wm. Grewar supported the
bride and groom respectively. The
wedding gifts were numerous, valuable
and useful. Mr, and Mrs. Jones have
settled down to housekeeping and will
continue to reside in Brussels. May
their married life be full of happiness
and prosperity.
THE Wingham Advance says :—As an•
nounoed last week the members of Court
Maitland, 0. 0. F., Wingham, accom-
panied by members of sister courts of
Brussels, Blyth, Belmore, etc., headed by
Bell's factory band, attended divine ser-
vice in the Minnie Street Mabbodist
church on Sunday morning last. About
125 members turned out to listen to the
words of Rev. S. Sel'ery, B. D„ of Brus-
sels, who chose for his text, Sc. Luke, 10
chap. 20 verse, "Who is my neighbor."
He was lietened to with rapt attention,
as he eulogised the workings and aharib•
able purposes for which this order was
organized, concluding by wishing the
Canadian Order of Foresters God -speed
and a continuance of the good work done
in the past.
Tun RONALD STEtuen.—The Brandon
Times says:—"The test of the Ronald
Steam Fire Engine, which took place on
Sept. 17th under the direction of Chief
Wiswell and in the presence of the Mayor
and council, was highly satisfactory to
every way, The fire was lighted at 2:40
o'clock p. on., with cold water in the
boiler, and in three minutes the steam
guage showed 5 lbs. of steam, and in 5
min. 20 seo, 80 lbs , this being sufficient
steam to start the engiee working in case
of Bre, but the start was not made until
forty lbs. of steam was registered, which
soon ran up to one hundred lbs„ at which
pressure nearly all the teats were made,
rest 1—Two lines of hoes, snob 000 feet
long, with la inch nozzels, from which
water was thrown a dietanoe of 140 feet.
Test 2—Two lines of hose, each 100 feet,
gemmed into one common smooth bore
nozzle lel inch, from which water was
thrown s distance of 280 feet, the spray
going fully 46 feet further. This was tie
hardest and best test of the day, and ex.
seeded the expectations of nearly all'
present. Test 3—Two lines of hose, each
700 feet long, with 1 inch nozzles, threw
water vertical about 25 feet above the top
of the Hag -staff on top of tihe hose tower,
or a distance of about 180 feet. One
stream was alightly in advance of the
other, the difference being in the style of
nozzle used. Theengine was then moved
to the city well on Ninth street, and a
lino of hose laid to the tank, which was
filled, after one hour's hard pumping.
The engine worked smoothly and nicely.
The maximum steam pressure reached.
during the tests was 120 lea., and the
water uuage's highest pressure was 210
lbs. The new engine is a first-class
double pump, with a capacity of 800 gal-
lons per minute, and is complete hl ovary
improvement required for llrst•olass fire
servfeo. Practical mon who were present
during the test say that the engine work.
ed splendidly, and the work done by hoe held on the and and 4th Toothy even -
nada disadvantages was equal to any y
record they had ever seen. Robt. Watt, hags in Moll month. Wo aro pleasod to
meebanioal woman of theBrussela steam see the Tentperanoe people waking up to
Works, and John Crawford, local engi. their daty and hope a good Work will be
neer, aro to he congratulated upon the accomplished through thio agency. Mr,,
satietarstory manner in which they and ]kers. Boman went to Cranbroolc on
handled tete machine. The citizona and Wednesday afternoon to push the work
fire department should feel proud of their there. 'J:hey will bo in Walton on Som
now and powerful anomer." day'
goods with a big pries on at a great re -
G'. eneral I'iewis..
San Francisco's population is now 297.-
9 90, an inoreane of 64,031, or 27.37 per
cent„ since 1880.
Daring the mason of the U. S. Oura
grese just about closing 10,972 bills have
been presented, of which 1,292 were
At Doylestown, Pa., Sunday night,
Joseph Hefner, a laborer, was murdered
apd robbed of 9800 by two men who
Several extra steamers have been char.
tared to take goods from Prance to
America before the McKinley bill comes
into force.
Polieh journals say that during the
recent Russian military manoeuvres 400
soldiers were thrown into the water and
drowned by a bridge breaking down.
Eighty lace factories in Calais, France,
aro closed owing to the strike. The Igoe
makers have resolved to continue the
strike until their demands aro conceded,
Johnston, an industrious and re-
apeoted negro, was shot and killed by
his 18-year.old stepdaughter, Monkey
Johnson, last Friday morning at Davis-
ville, Ala, Monkey is a worthless and
insolent girl, and objeoted to Johnson
bossing her. She was arrested.
Ham Wrenn, a wealthy young China-
man from San Franoisoo, Cal., arrived at
Windsor, Ont„ Wednesday night on his
way to Montreal. He paid the 960
charged by the Government for entering
Canada, without a murmur, and told the
customs officer that he was still tvo,th
SUITE—GmslosE.—In Wingham, Oat. 1st,
by Rev. E. W. Hughes, Mr. Thomas
Smith, of Grey, to Mrs. Gilmore, of
LESSARD—JActcso11.—I11 Toronto, on Sep•
tamber 26th, Ottr. Sanford Leppard,
of Toronto, to Miss Lizzie Jackson,
of Brussels.
McMAltrui—FEnavenN,—At the residence
of Mr. David Whiting, Grey town-
ship, on Oct. lst, by Rev. F. M.
Smith, Mr. Duncan Mclbfarbin to
Miss Matilda Ferguson, both of
Josss—TaoilrsoN.--In Brussels, at the
residenoe of the bride's father,
on Wednesday, October lat, by
Rev. W. T. Clnff, Mr. James Jones,
jeweller, to Miss Ida,eecond daughter
of Mr. Peter Thompson, both of
STEWART,—In Gray, on Friday, Sep•
tember 26th, Donald Stewart, aged
65 years.
812,Z7'BS2-72.,B S6ARS>rw6,
Fall Wheat
Spring Wheat
deletion. That is the way some folks Peas,,....-...
Batter, tube and r Tolle
have of trying to mance you believe tbey
sell their mauled over city gooda cheap
from their oity store. W. Nightingale &
Ioirnm•E1tEN•fs.—Roderick Ross is hav-
ing his residence on Alexander street
veneered with white brick. It will be a
great improvement.—A new stable has
been built by Robt. Henderson on his lot
adjoining the school.—Jno. Brnadfoot's
redidenee, which was rebuilt From the re-
mains of the fire, is well on toward nom•
pletion and will be a neat and home -like
THE semi-annual meeting of the East
Huron Teachers' Association will be
held in the public school, Wingham, on
Thursday and Friday, Oat. 9th and 10th.
The first session on Thursday will open
at 1 o'oloak p. m., sharp. On Thursday
evening a public meeting will be need fn
the Town Hall, at whieh a program of
musical and literary character will be
THE Godeich Signal always a readable
journal has taken another step in advance
by adding a column to each page, sub.
stitutiog a smaller heading and putting
in a new prase. Mr. McGillieuddy's
many old friends in Brussels are pleased
to notice these unmistakable signs of
prosperity. The people of Goderich and
surrounding country should give cordial
support to the enterprise of the editor
of the Signal. He deserves it.
Now Manna Wonus.—The firm of
Johnston & Cochrane, stone nutters, &o.
has opened out are prepared to fill all
orders for monuments, tombstones,
markers, fences, &o., in a workmanlike
manner and at living prices. Satisfac.
tion guaranteed in every case. Don't
plane your order without calling on them
and seeing their samples and ascertain.
ing prides. Shop nearly opposite the
Town Hall, Brussels,
ROYAL Taunus or TE,Iraoiaca.—On
Thursday and Friday evenings of last
week and Sunday, Monday and Tuesday
of this week R. D. Boman and wife held
temperance meetings in the Town Hall
for the purpose of discussing and organiz-
ing a Council of the Royal Templars of
Temperance. In addition to the ad-
dresses given by the gentleman named
above, there were sofoptican views ex-
hibited and a large number of beautiful
seleotione of mum rendered by Mr. and
'1l3,a. Beman'which added in no small
degree to the pleasure of the audienoes
assembled. nig new temperance or-
ganization etarte out strong, having a
membership of 41 already and it is ex•
peoted a score or more will unite at the
next meeting. The following is the list
of office bearers for the current term :—
Select Councillor, Geo. Rogers, sr. ;
Vioe " Mrs, Jas. Kerr ;
Past " R. Malculm ;
Chaplain, Rev. Jno. Rosa, B. A. ;
Recording Sec., Jas. Ballantyne ;
Assistant " Miss Sinclair ;
Financial " Mrs. Silas Jackson ;
Treasurer, Thos. Fletcher ;
Herald, Nelson Gerry ;
Deputy Heralds Mies Kate Wilson ;
Guard, Wm. Ainley ;
Sentinel, David HHogg;
Rev. S. Sollery, 13, D.,
Trustees, - Duncan MaLRuahlin,
(Geo. Rogers, s.•.
The first meeting of Brussels Council of
Royal Ternplars of Temperance will be
held next Tuesday evening, at 8 o'oloolt,
in the Odd Fellow's Hall, (Grahan'o
brook) and subsequent meetings will be
Eggs per dozen
Flour per barrel
Hay per ton
Hides per lb
Salt per bbl.,
Sheep skins,eaob •
Lamb skins each
Wool, per lb.
90 92
88 90
40 45
84 36
58 60
11 12
15 00
420 450
35 00
6 00 6 00
5 00 6 00
4 5
1 25 10
25 26
40 60
18 20
at bi
T rl. kloORAOKJ,11,
• IssurerefMurrisgel,loonees, 011loe
Grocery, •1'urnberry street, Brussels,
Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door
south of A, Af, Afolf ay & C o'a hard Ware Otero.
Ladiee'and sldldrons hair nutting a specialty
Iesurer of Marriage Licenses, by
appointment of Llout,-Governor, Commis -
Manor, &c., Q. B. Conveyancer and Agent
Fire Ineuranee Co, Olfloe at the Oranbrook
root Otfioe.
Clerk of the Fourth D!widen Court,
Co, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public,
Land, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds
invested and to loan, Colleobiose made.
Office in Graham's 13loek, Brusesle,
Late of the 0ouearvatsry of Music.,
Toronto, is prepared to giro lessons at
Ethel and Oraubronk. Pupil of Professor
Fisher and Mr. Harrison 011 the piano, and
of Mr, s. H, Clark In vocal music. Class at
Uraubrook every Tuesday. For terms, &c.,
apply at the Methodist Parsonage, Ethel.
Teacher of Piano, Parlor and Pipe
Organ, Organist In St. John's Oltureb, Brus-
sale, solicits 0 altars of the patronage 0f the
music -loving people of Brussels and vicin-
ity. Instructions given at current rates.
Terms, references, &e, may be nsoertained
by calling at the residence of Mrs. Duntord
sr„ Turuberry street, Brussels, 7-30
Is desirous of procuring pupils in
Vocal Music. Prof. Warrington, of Toronto
is pleased to giro his testimonial as to Miss
O'Connor's ability, she having been a pupil
of his during her stay in Oomph. inetru-
mentalMusioOn piano, Organ anti Guitar.
Terms made known on application, Priseeae
St., Brussels. ]Hiss O'Connor is open for
Concert Engagements, 50.
• Auctioneer, is always ready to at-
tend sales of farms, farm stook, &e. Terms
cheerfully given. Ora nbrook P.0. Sales
may be arranged at THE Poem Publishing
House, Brussels.
N. Licensed Auctioneer, Sales ennduot-
ed on reasonable teres. Farms and farm
stock a specialty. Orders loft at TET, PosT
P ubli sblng House, Bru sola, or sent to'Walton
P. 0., will receive prompt attention.
6i as an Anetioneer, I ant prepared
to conduct sales of farm stook at reasonable
prices. Knowing the standing of nearly
every per8ou I can iu a position to Boll to
good marks and got good security when sold
on credit. Satisfaction gums,, toed, Give
me a call. 39- F S. SCOTT,
Honor Graduates of the Ontario
Veterinary College. aro prepared to treat all
diseases of domesticated animals in a com-
petent manner, Particular attention paid
to veterinary dentistry. Calls promptly at-
tended to. Odlee and infirmary—Two doors
north of bridge, T'u nberry st„ Brussels.
OCT. 3, 1890.
'Pepper Don't Advertise Right.'
So said a moo on Ti n•
berry Street. Wonder what
would happen if ho did ad -
right? IIie trade in
\ Reliable Duane and Man./ 05999 is growingall the time
a0 it in. Meet be some other
reason. Let's try him s
while and find out,
J, Tolbert Pepper,
No. 3 Turnborry St. South,
1\i0INTOsl3 & MaTAGGART, �y
Trana.aact o. General 330,aZgine.
C,madien and United Status Drafts bought
end sold.
Interest allowed on Deposits.
Collections trade on favorable terms.
Canadian Agents—MEna0ANr'e BANE or
New York Agents—Isrronxrns AND Tian
1-u • solicitor and Conveyancer. Collec-
tions made. Oiflee—Vanstono's Nook, Bras.
eels. 01•am+
• Solicitor, Conveyaucor,Notory Pub•
Ile, &o. OOlee—Graham's Bleak, 1 dc dr north
of Pepper's Drug Store, Private Frauds to
rich) reGctossooNaratrs, B ir,Donvoyee,&o.
Oflfoes—Rraseels end Sonfortb, Bras.
eels (Mee, Rogers' Block, MAID GS, Money
to Loan.
01,5.HAYS. W. n, Dlc,soN,
M. TAYLOR, B. O. L.,
Barrister, Solicitor, &m, of the firm
of Taylor, McCullough & Barns, Barrister.
Solleitors, &c., Manning Arcade, Toronto,
Money to loan.
WM. I'. CALE, M.D., 0. M.,
Member of the College of Physician
and Surgeons Of Ontario by oxatuination
Office and Residence—Main street East,
Ethel, Ontario.
C. M., L. R. C. P„ Edinburgh, M. 0, P
S. Ont, At Pepper's Drug Store from 9 to
11:90 a. in. and from 1:50 to 4 p. in, At other
house maybe found at his residence, form-
erly occupied by Dr. Hutchinson, Mill st.
G. L. Bell, L. D. S. Nitros Oxide Gas ad-
ministered for the Painless Extraction of
Tooth. 74 Garrard Street East, TonosTo.
M. CAVANAGH, L. D. S., D. D. S.,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Uni•
varsity. OFFICE—Opposite American Hotel,
Come, let us have a Talk Together.
We clo not ask you to believe anything only your own eyes. You know Desirable Gooch
when you see them. Your taste names the style. We vouch for the Quality
and Prices. A great variety of the New Fall Purchases are
Ready for your Inspection.
Ordered Clothing !
Ordered Clothing !
Ordered Clothing values are ignored. Cost of goods disregarded. ,We are prepared to
take your order for Suits from $10.00 up. We can show you more New Tweeds
and Worsted Coatings, Over -Coatings and Mentons than any other
store in town. Pants to Order, $3.00. -
New Mantle Cloths, Piles of New Shawls, New Opera Shawls
Bought at Half Price in Toronto last week.
For the last twelve years back we have shown and sold five times as much Ready -Made
Clothing as any other store in town, and are bound to keep up our reputation.
Overcoats for $4.50, worth double the money.
Fine Melton Overcoats worth $16, we sell for $10,00.
A. R. SMITH, - Brussels, Ont.