HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-10-3, Page 5Y. rs, c. nd he all it 1- 'H c1 rf d Oor. 3, 1890. [list itt gems. 1HE 13R,USS-ELS PAST ir4ro.V. Mrs. Chas, Boson has been on the sick lief for the past week or more, George Dark ar, has been on the Wok list for some time but is somewhat better now, Leet Friday afternoon Theo, efoLauoh- lin's machine threshed 200 bushels of peas in two hours and three quarters on Duncan MuLauchlin'g farm. Old timers say this is a reword that will keep some of the machines hustling to equal. Walter Itiohardson purposes offering his well situated farm, adjoining Brio, solo, for sale by public auction on Thurs. day, Nov, 9th, It is a very desirable farm and will no doubt be purchased by Homo wide awake farmer. Thos. Stevenson, 10th eon., leads the van on big potatoes. One of the Bed (Elephant variety weighs 2 pounds and 12 ounces, and he has 49 potatoes that weigh 60 pounds. This statement, will make the teeth of more than one Irishman water. A young lady from a neighboring burgh was visiting at a friend's on the 12211 re cently. Notwithstanding the fact that she was plighted to another, an amorous youth paid his "distresses" with the ob. joct of wooing her. No. 1 pub in an iv..peara110e, however, and nipped the nego- tiations in the bud. Batter leak next time, Jack. Mort-iy- Airs. Henry Mooney is enjoying a visit with relatives in Detroit. Thos. Maunders and wife have return- ed from a visit with relatives and friends at Collings/00d, Durham and other northern towne. Hassard Wright and Robb. Crooks left Wednesday for New Westminster, B. C. They went per 0. P. 22. steamer from Owen Sound and purchased their tickets from J. T. Pepper, C. P. R. agent, Bros - eels. ANutveesaiY.—Last Sabbath the an. null anniversary sermons of the Jewitt appointment Sabbath sobool were preach. ed. The pastor, Rev. I. B. 1Ymllwin, ofiS- miated at 2:30 and Rev. Mr. IkfoLachlan, of Wroxeter, took the evening servioa. Both discourses were listened to with the greatest attention. On Monday evening the customary tea•meebing was held. After the bountiful spread had been well taken pare of by the large eadieneo, Dr. Godfrey was voted to the ohair, which position he filled to the satisfaction of all. The following was the program : Musio. al selections by the eburoh choir and Sabbath Bohcul; three solos by Rev. A. L. Smith, of Moorefield ; addresses by Bev. R. Godfrey on "The necessity of leading children to the Saviour and their ready trust in Christ," Rev. lir. AIc- Laelllan on "(lathering up the fragments of tithe," Roy. It. Paul, of Brussels, on "Bow parents could and should help the S. 8." and Rev. Mr. Smith who eulogised the success attending the tea meeting. A vote of thanks was proposed by the pastor and unanimously passed by the (m0101100. The precook of the auuiver- eary amounted to $40. Without any doubt this was the best entertainment given iu this locality for years. 'i'Virlr;2la¢rn. Messrs. Hastings it Ritchie have their Jelly Evaporator in full working order in true cider mill, and are doing it good trade in the manufacture of jollies of all hinds. The brick work of the new town hall was uompleted on Tuesday of list week. It presents a fine .appearance, and reflects eredit upon the contractors, Messrs. Ma- (ireger Bros. Messrs. Gilchrist, Green & Co. last week moved ,,he elootric light dynamo to their SOW mill. They will shortly put in another dynamo to their saw mill, so as to have two cironits. 70 future the light will bo run by their saw mill engine. The taun3al harvest hone services in connection with St. Paul's church, of this town, will be held on Tuesday, Oat. 701. The Rev. R. llo0osh, of Petrotie, will be preseub and tape part. The ohuroh will lei' decorated tvitlt grain, fruits and flowers, as usual on such occl sions, Roy. H. 0. Priest, who has had charge of the Baptist church, in this place, in order to continue his studies, [las been compelled to relinquish his charge, and left on Tuesday of last week for a short visit to friends in St. Catharines, after whiali he will go to Toronto to attend aellege. The Sabbath school convention which will be meld under the nnapiaes of the Maitland Presbytery, in the Presbyterian church more, ou the 28111 and 20211 of °etober, will ,be taken part in by Rov. Dr. Parsons, of Toronto ; Rev. John Ross, 13. A., of Brussels ; Rev. T. David- son, M. A., Wroxeter ; Rev, W. 11. Oneidas, Rev. H. MoQnarrio, Rev. R. S, G. Anderson, I3. D., Rev. A. McKay and Messrs. Henderson and Mutton. Mt !gosh. M re. A. Leach hue gone to visit friends in Cleveland, Ohio. The August matte of the choose factory ons dispo0ed of for ui7 (.cuts it lb. The 5111 of November will bs Oelebrat. lid by the Orangemen in right royal style. Quito n number of our eitizene took in the exhibitions at Toronto and London this year. The "ineeparables" went for a drive 'Wednesday night of last week, but they did not have "Billy." Sorbed Ireland, who has been 063301- iug 11ir. Lena( in the aheese !malting heel- nese, has oturned to his Immo at Tilson- burg. Imagine the feelings of a McKillop young ratan Who came to town a short time ago just in time to get a glhnpas of tbo white dross worn by the young lady who was the objeot of the visit, as site drove oil with 13110111ee fellow. 'Winne grieve, John, but tomonlbee the old saw "If al, fleet you dont succeed &a" Alex. Gardner, lith con. of MleKillop, bete two lambs which be thinks are hard to beat. Ono of thein 0001311ed 1330 ponmd0 and the other 170. Th _ry are of Loloeete' breed, were lambed h1 April last and havo rein with the flock n11 x851510(. Mr, Gardner would 11ko to hear of something to bent the above record, Last Thursday evening it largely at. tended Meeting was held hi .Duff'e allttrch for the purpose. of organizing a Y. 1. O. A. Air. Somerville, wh,i was present, gavel a very intero3ting whinge on his uooiety of Christian isndeavnr, (Irving tr the latencies of the hotter no °!deers were eleote 1 but 21 or morn neenbere were coronad, which is good for a 8031, Ourt0aobere have been re-engaged for next year at salaries of $8024 and $260, Chas, Sage lost one of his valuable pow° with inflammation on 'Tuesday morning. A. service of aohg will be held in the Methodist ohuroh next Sabbath evening under the anspl009 of the Royal Tomplars with the view of organizing aTemporence lodge. We hope that this movement may meet with success as there is abundant need of such an institution in thio vicin- ity. Pene0NALB,—ROV. Mr, and Mrs. David Campbell aro visiting friends in Detroit, —John Campbell, son of Demean Camp. bell, has returned to Detroie, wbere he has a situation in the car shops.—Mise Belle MoKibbin i0 now filling the poli. tion of operator In the telegraph office here,—Mrs, Harry Oughton and Hannah, of Beaforth, are renewing old acquaint. anoes.--Mr, and Mfrs. Somerville, of De. trait, aro ab the Presbyterian manse last week and part of this. Mr, Somerville occupied the pulpit of Duff's ohuroh Sun- day morning and that of Melville °laurel', Brussels, in the evening, in both asses Very acceptably. I.4e4resaw f11. Jonathan Bue°llal't had one of his hands injured with a ripsaw on Satur - dalast while at work 10 his planing Inc. toThere were no formal millinery open- ings Ode fall, the metchans being too busy with ordered tvcrk to stook up in time. Geo. Ziliiax, jr., lost a valuable col lection of stamps, taken by some one, it is supposed in error, from the exhibition building, It is inbonded to have a public opening of the magnilioent new pipe organ which is being place in Knox Church. An or- gan recital will bo given on the evening of Oct. 18111, A case of considerable interest to grain dealers and others was decided in Strat- ford last week before Judge Rose. Messrs. Hay Bros. bought last April 'about 4000 bushels of wheat, at 84io per bashed, from McGrory, Lucknow. MaGrory shipped 1000 beehele to Listowel, wheat advanced to about 98c and he refused to deliver 1110 balanoe olaimicg not to have sold any more. !day Bros. took an action to re. cover the difference in value on the 3,000 bushels. 138100nce wa0 given showing that he had told parties th it he had sold all his grain and that he ordered oars for it all to Listowel and cancelled them afterwards. Judgment was given for plaintiffs for 33270 and all coats. Shortly after 12 o'clock, Thursday of last week, the sound of explosion was hoard at the gas works, and flames were 00001 i1euing from rents made through the iron roof of the malting room. The maker, Thos. Male wail in the room at tho thne, and m.is badly burned. Iie had noticed a leak of gas and went into the room just before the explosion, The doors were closed by the pressure Mr. Male sprang throng( an (meta window and rolled himself in the geese to smother out hie burning clothing. He is badly hnrned about the hands and name, and MHO along his baok and oboist his face and head. IIe did not, however, lose coo. soiousnoss and says he is not burned in- ternally. f'i'lm medical men think his burns may not endanger his life, The cause of the aooklelt was first a mystery as no part of the apparatus appeared to have been out of order, but is was easily understood when Mr, Male himself ex. plained that he bad removed the water seal from purifier and forgotten to replace it. The gas from the retort as well as from the holder escaped from the room out iuto the furnace room. Mr, Male seized a pail of water and ran to all the purifier. The gas, however, reaohe7 the furnace and exploied with terrific force. It had been escaping entil it became mixed with the air and formed a highly explosive compound, which apparently reached the explosive point just after the maker entered the room. The principal force of the explosion was upwards. It wrenolted.the brick chimney ; lifted the roof a foot from the brick wall, and lore off parts of the iron shingles. The mach. inery was not damaged. It is wonderful that Mr. Male was not k Pei on the apo'. The force of the ecnion501on lifted it wooden lean bo from one end of the building. The flames scorched but cid not Ore tho woodwork, and were pub out by turning off the gas from the holder, which, however was almost emptied. The lire belt rang and a line of hose was laid from the hydrant, and did good ser- vice. (.,lcuelt-alll Ne AN, The Bing of Holland has suf[arod another relapse. A oyolone has massed a large amount of damage in Alg8(in. An 003(00300 til; same with all beanie off llaoiue, Wis., Sunday, Samos Matthews, ag8010, died, Friday, at Hoboken, from tho sheets of cigarette smoking. All Enropean money markets report that btteivaaa was deli last week with prices depress,!. Whitehall, .Minh., 1io1 a $100,0(10 tire, on Friday Morning. Thirty dwellings and many bnsiioes places were burned, Samuel Spooner, a Boston 31'Il0unan, has just r80oiv01 word that hp has fallen heir to an 0atate in L Inion worth 02,500,- 000, Charl00 E. Edeely, the husband of Rose Oaghlan, the fOtl'eaa, has seamed m div - 011110 on giseind of desertion. Ho lives at Sioux Valle, S. D. The Brazilian Government has auth- orized an unlimited Woo of currency on It gold hasie by the cation!! banks. Spocelatlon ie greatly inoreasing. Near 13rundigo, .1?ileo Co., Ala., a dee. pera3o fight took p11110, Sunday, between two 1011110 111011 11anled John and IVin. Faulk and 10 colored 111015. One of the white men was soverely wounded in the fight and one mac was )tilled and several badly hurt, Mite. I3. 1 vont, a higtilya'espeotod widow, who 1 000113110 a (101:1 330 ai Grand View, New York, this season, met a sud- den death !alt ![friday. film was walking along the track of the Northern Now Jumpy Railroad, accompanied by two pat dogs, About Uwe miles 0011111 of Nyaolt ells saw a freight train appro.Waing around a verve, and stepped 8, lutea dis. twice from the track. When the engine was only a 8110,'t dis2anoe from bar 080 of tho doge rain on the track. As oho reach. ed out, to pull Cho animal aside tho engine struck bar, cruelting her body terribly auil th(owing hor Immo distance away. Mrs, Evert was about 40 soars old, and leaves a daughter, it younj, lady, who was celebrating a birthday auniversal'y W11011100 8)111110x'9 death oacurrcd, ltov, Geo, F. Cain, pastor of the I'irat Presbyterian olturoil at Albion, N Y., dropped dead in hie pulpit 00 Sunday, The country residonoe of [sir, Man. °hooter, a wealthy New York broker, situated three mdse from Troy, N. Y., was totally destroyed by fire last Sunday night, and Mr. Maneheetor's 12•year•old son was burned to death, Minnie Hoffamith, 16•yeer•old, who has lived with the family of Louis De. van, 0 farmer, residing near Clintonville, Wie., has boon arrested and charged with burning Mr. Devan's barn, It Is also charged that she has made many at• tempts to poison the family of her em. ployor. Auction Sale --)or(— Splendid Farm. There will be offered for Rale by Public Auction at the A1tltnlcAN 04003,1,, lu the YfL- LA0111 00' ii01l8e1La. on Thursday, Nov, 8th, 1890, A.11 o'Olook p. 00, That splendid farm being composed of Lot U, on the 0(11 Oemesslcn of Grey, tout tang 9(5 nero0, of widish 85 acres are cleared, well Binged, nudordrafued and 3,1 high state of cultivation. Thera are 10 acres of full wheat and ballot the 0105131000 ie seeded to grass. The uneleared part is well timbered and line on it a good deal of oudar. '!'hese is a 00n1- (00tM,le brick eetlage, a bit 1110 barn 81 h 0(3 lout. with comfortable and commodious stone stabling, There are two never failing spring wells awl an mallard. This farm se - the b et markets InBrussels, \Vexte lnrvOntarioU0The farm is ono of 1118 very best in the comity of Huron and is adapted. to either grain or stook or is determined must r retibe re, and it shld as the oro- uld 013 amend the attention of intending pur- chasors. Timm—Ten per cent, of the purchase money on the day of sale ami enyugu to matte .510 half within 00 day's and the bal- ance on time tomtit (shags( with internet at ler cent. Immediate possession if de - a i red. 1, S. SCOTT, WALTER RICHARDSON, Auctioneer, 12.5 Proprietor. Notice to the Public. Having sold my Mie:est in the Busi- ness parried o11 in this town ander the style of Turnbull & Ballantyne to Mn SAMUEL SV1L'rox, who will carry on buel- nese in the Old 328,110 under the firm of Ballantyne & Wilton. I hope the ptiblio nd1I still continue to give them the Itberal support they have accorded in the past, JAS. A. 'IURNBULL. /o.Lt. A.coourl ?w Dile the Firm of Turnbull & Ballantyno up to August 32nd, 1890, to be Settled by Cash or Note by Oot. 102, 1890. Said firm will pay all debts due against them up to August 2011), 1800. TURNBULL & BALLANTYN1. To the Public After a business experience of 13 years in the Butchering Busi- ness in Brussels I desire to ex- press my best thanks for tho patronage of the past and tisk a continuance of the salve for the time to come. I desire to call the attention of the public to the fact that I have Unmoved my Place of Busi- ness to my now Brick Block, Opposite the American Hotel, where I will keep a Choice Supply of Beats, Poultry, Sausage, rhe. FAT CATTLE WANTED. Cash Paid for Dressed Poultry and Bid08. Gr$lrici1Fxiii A. C.&r r.,. YOURS TRULY, Wn1, Blashiil, 12- BUTCHER. REAL ESTATE. Ii1A13Mti FOR SALE 'EHE L'N• 01.111000NND has severe! goad Farms for sale and 10 rep), easy farms I(1 Tawneliipns et Norris and (trey. F. 8. SCOTT, Brussels, C11010E FARM FOB, SAI,E.- Being South half 'Lot 27, eon, 0, Morris, loo acres, uoarlY alloloared. Oood bulldingo obos(20 aorvelsy as whea3 fm grnuud, Boni 05(518, Apply 10 w, 33.811303,121)1, tt• ficllolt(r,See.,Brusoele, (ARM FOR SALT,—TBE UN. dorotgbod offers hie 200 aero lura, Lots 17 (old 18, eau, 0, Crlyr lar solo, 1;30 300x90 cleared, Iue,00 well timbered oh, 000,1 brick house, bank barn with stone etabllug, olehard, well, three living springs, gSeefrwdf}mile. s finless, s romBuee,30, an211e (noon Etb51, 103 terms and other partl- cularo 833917 to 01(0. 11'1: