HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-10-3, Page 31' k 111 10 I, Sun. 26, 1890 THE BRUSSELS POST, BRITISH NEWS, an tin, hauls, hu h11001991 101 in bt' lhtg dt Idr, sad knish,d the prrfol•inann•. By a flreaat liilrusll at midnight oil 0ut,u•- day a young servant girl named 8001111, in the employ of Mrs. iloolly, teas 1101101 death. Nine of the girls poisoned ata village ten near Nur Hampton still lie in 0 prostrote eon. diliin, No 331)10 has been obtained to the )Mystery. SeloneI1'liaison, a Jewish slipper matt- er, il:et, of L(e l3), who was sentenced to dent t :u Leeds Assizes fey the nau'd.r of hi+ t01h+, hos been reprieved on the ground ,i in lii• By, Y 1'10 death is annonnred Simnel, ter 1,d, n,.ut Rochester, of \\'illiam'lhomas Walter, aged T r '-r • 1 ( „ ( H 5 11 1, u( ,f the fern survivors f the n 11 Franklin Expedition. 1. deeeased i 1 kin l 01(01 I t i s htl m I h i , w1) carpenter '1 ,i „• ael t s 1, 4ht steam y 1 The gardener, steward, 111,1 33)3'111111111 of Mr. 1'wvI0H, of Iknul1d11, were lisping ! 11 Nalnrday night in the 5lsnuluu, near Iiil• 110100, when the boat upset, and 111800011 and S1mLntahal', steward and gerdener, were declined. An old house 1)t Rallyulure, Ireland, Lung under repair, the skeletal of a human being WW1 101.11111 11311(0)) a bed.100111 floor, with a shilling, it clay pipe, and aquantity of l•ILgs, It is supposed to be the body of a 1111111 who disappeared thirty years ago, On `I.flesdaythe signalling station erected by Lloyd's Shipping Agency on 'fury Is4101 was formally opened in presence) of a dis- tinguished company. Tory is about seven nt11330 off the Mainland of the Bloody Fore- land nn the north•west coast 31111014u,1. On Friday evonini, 1,t Ifowth, near Dublin, .lir, R. Yates, a 1)uldin artist, whilst sketch- ing kit(hing on the 81111110, way overtaken by the tide and drowned. Ho was observed otrug ling in 1110 1)')11'08, and two gentlemen succerde,l in getting to him, but on lauding he was found to be dead. , The whale of the inh tLtl¢ Its of tho t village of Brides1ridg8, near Custlelyono, have been et ieted, The evictions were eat tied out by Sheri if-oflieers and ledlii(1 frier' Cork, protected by the. police. The inhabit- ants ants were afterwards readmitted t0 111010 homes as caretakers. Charles Pratt who tuns discharged for making love to Itis employ,. is daughter, 51 ism Hattie Town, welt to their home iul shot the father dead. He also shot at the young lady, whom ho fatally wounded. Pratt term captured and taken to jail with dif)ie1lty, as an angry crowd attempted to lynch Itim. At the Polies Court, Dublin, of Wednes- day, Ellyn Farrell, aged :37, was committed for trial for killing her illerdtimate child, aged ten months, 'Lite accused, it is alleged, Leat the infant, and then taking it by the legs, swung it around, striking Its tread against the ground, inflicting injuries frem 10111011 it di011. lir, Somerville of Dmibencon has brought into Scholl Harbour at immense haul of 11,000 nmrkotel, which were (•aught o(1 Thursday in Uunmasus Bay. The fish ore very small, 119 the aut1111111 mackerel fishing does not ('0)111111.1100 100 110°111.'1• WE 011, '1 hr 111ackerel 111100 I/0011 11010,11 IT 11 Bost nn 111101, 01111 will be taken to America. The steamer'I'r(nitleck, w11 kit left 1111111 for Gibraltar a few days ago, lett into Ply- mouth on Monday, and reported the Inns undernlysteriots circumstances of \It', Nes- bitt) Cox, the engineer. A'L•, Cox had been engaged in convcrsetiou with the TOME' orf T110 Stmt, and shortly Lifter he hal dk0a11- pealed. A toue11111g scone was witnessed at Queens• town an Tuesday, when an old mail, 1)0 years of Inge, landed front the C'unand 811'0 310. 01' C'Rtlllo1i0, from 11051 n. The old man et once attracted a large meted by dancing an Il'ish jig, the air of which he gaily whistled. Ile then explained that 11e did s1) through delight at reaching his native land again, having left it when Iii years old. At Trance, on Monday, after a private in- quiry, lasting over several weeks, Bartholo- mew Sullivan and Patrick Hackett were committed for 1,1113.1(tt the assizes one charge of having =Moved Patrick Mulder: at heir• hill, near Ballyheigno, 111 August, 1880. Flahive was returning from enttfno corn on an evicted farm when he teas waylaid and shot. .A man named Daly is in custody at Water. fort!, Ireland, for the alleged murder of itis mother-in-law, Maned Margaret Lo1e•gat. Prom the evidence given at tho inquest it appeared that the accused suddenly attack. od the deceased in her own cabin, kicking her to (death in themes)brutal manner. The slz1111 was shockingly snased in, death results ing from severe fnynnty to the brain. During a thunderstorm on Sunday, a lad named George Walton, tmged seven years, son of a fernier living in Ureensido+ L0,110, was killed by lightning. The boy hail boon sent on an errand, and was returning 1011011 the electric current struck the brass buttons on his jacket, burning his left side fearfully. His body was found soon afterwards by some boys, who took it to a farm close by. The British Board of Trade report issued 011 Meulay 8110WS that last year 1070pees00s were killed and 4830 injured on railways in the United Kingdom. Of these, 181 11(11011 and 1820 injure)4 were p002011g015, and the remainder servants of tho rail vay oonlpanl8s or of contractors.. Only 88 passengers were killed and 1010 injured in consequence of accidents to or collisions betd•een trains. On Moulaya frightful fatality ocecurt'ed at the South Shields Theatre Royal. It ap- pears that Mr, Newman, )1oad•ea'ponte•, was busily employed arranging scenery at the top of the building when he suddenly missed his footing, and fell to the stage b8 - low, a distanoo of 40 feet, When picked lrp ho was found to be in e, seriously mans. led condition and life extinct. The deceas- ed was 30 years of age, and leaves a wid001' and fanily. On Saturday, Messrs. .Harland & Wolff, Belfast, launched the steamer Georgina, for Fred Leyland & Co., Liverpool. The new steamer, which is intended for the Leyland Lino between Liverpool and Boston, is claim. ed by her builders to be the largest cargo vessel afloat, having a carrying capacity for 7000 tons dead weight, Her dimensions mei -Length, 441ft; breadth, 4511; and depth, 34,,ft. An old mal named Vokes, aged 81 yea's, a native of Milton, neer Sittingbotrrne, com- mitted suicide 3113 Monday in a sensational manner, \Vhile out walking he entered m oott3g0 garden, opened the hd of the well, a11(1 jumped down into the water. His cries brought assi010100, and after s01110 difficulty he was brought up dead, The 111)1)1 who went down after hon almost had ono eye pulled out a hook that was lowered by the people (above. An exalting scene was witnessed on (\fon• day evening (1(0. mefageri0 of Aslit(nn-u» dor- Lyna fair ground. A hot -tamer named Lir. 0100 was going through a porfonllallco with a pack of six wolves, '3011 1) one of there sprang upon him and proceeded to worry flim, Tho attendants outside the oago beat beak the other five, and Lorenzo hada desperate battle with his foo, Although badly bitten , 1 1 in 1, 011 1111 , 101111 1110 sea) I° jail 1110 111190 lo011l.hs for f'Teat 113" 1111 uascrquly ddsllu'bxncl' 111 a foiler• al, hiseuer's wii,•'e mother 'Sas Lang in - Let red lLetred at llatlnek, Bath, wht'n he ettaeked and fought with the widower and several of the mourners, 111. a11(,rwards nsslydted. the pollee, and It disgraceful sone ...in 1011 be. 1010 110 0011111 110 to nvoy, l to 1)01001). 111 (".11331 the prosecutor miens' the 11811,11 1.,U to 00811 Nu' :itemised Irl pl'Ihnll for 110 yin 1';y On 8111)11ay evening it llllnl named I1,pkine 00)40 arrested 1.y the (ludill' 011(1 01)1 the 'r!• r charge of n II ,Il a Gll i( I R So ion. ,fu' 's wife 1 01rnu guhLl l 1. den th of In tut y F: Ili ...mid be ascertained, 1t appears that ll'plcies, who 1s alma 10lived with his 'elf!, ii Milton Street, Reath. They hail [1 1 1 1L111')" Is 011 drinking, and 'n the COM KO f u u 11' nhiu w t l R, 101111011 l he 1001111111: )tis stated, tinew a poky, or 3)1)0)13 other missile at her husband, where' •r 11 the throat aml ;m o a • seized 11G 1 upon the latter l strangled her, Y \1'0 331)011 33001) have another sensational Iease, says the London eorreopondent of the \(u est/ Jo 3 ' Ind, which w111 probably ( fl the shade. ' , u • the Dut 1, atlair 1,d l rInu th1 w a ) The suit is down far hearing in 1110 I)'ish I Courts for the coi1111,4 te'),), and is brought IT la foreign nobleman whose wife highly I enaneeted with s01't31al Dublin families, and possessing great accomplishments and at- ' tractions, was, itis said, maliciously abduct- ' ed some little time back, and despite all. her I 1/11aba11d.Y e1l(rts, Still remains nndiscover ed. All hope l8 now almost given up colcefn- i ing the safety of the fine Liverpool ship 11atr0rd811 Castle, which, it is feared, has ta'r't) lost w1111 all ml board., The 1-Iaw1Lrden (510110. In iron slip of 1132 tens register, left Newcastle N ti 11'., 01) March 211, for Vulva aiso with a cargo of coal, and since that tine nothing h00 I)C0n heard of her. '1110 i list risk.;risk.;}underwriters taken b g the ton the vessel were 1)t 115 guineas, but that is some int 1.10 time since, and nett'no insurance can Lecfaetu at terms, showing that sis considered to have mono down, Commander Joseph Irwin, R. N. who had good claims to the title of "Faller of he British Navy," died at his residence at t r lint ie y, \'' othernl }'!Wins near [Carlisle, on , ti alturday Munrllillg, Ice Wan Ilii years of age, and reeeiveal his cenmissien 09 a midshipman i71 101)0, AL the singe of Tarragona in 1513 ' e served i11 II. '1.S. 'Thetis. Sobaeq nett tly 11e served for nearly forty years as Inspecting. Officer of Coastguard in Ireland, retiring fl11111 the service 111 181,)), 1)111113g the last thirty yank of his life ho enjoyed well- deserved retirement in his native 000)11)% Referring to the reported finding of the leaf of a po0ket-Look on the North Lanett. shire coast, indicating that a boating party from Loudon hall been lost, a Dublin cor- respondent telegraphs: -Tho parties men- tioned are well known Dublin young men, and one et these, IL ynn1g doctor, en being questioned about tile Massage Nem the sen, admitted that four weeks ago for a joke lc petit into a whisky bottle and threw it into 111,' sett when they wore boating in Dublin Illy, Sonic of them were in peril at the time. The Kitchen and Refreshment Rooms Committee of the House of 1'01)1111011S have presented the following report :-" During .11e present session rip to the 1'0331( ending Angust 0, 8101 luncheons and 12,313 din. nets have been served in the Member's' Dining Room ; 1142 luncheons and 1125 dinners in tic Stranger,' Dining Room ; 0(1,'. :425 b10110hec,118 311111 1014 dinners in the Terrace Mining Room," The last-named apartment, it 11(11y be added, was opened at the commencement of these0sdon to increase the aceominodntien for members and their friends. An agricultural labourer's wife, named 'Ping, and family, al. Stenion St. John, about. four miles from Ox ford, have been suffering from the effects of eating fungi iu mistake for mushrooms, and in the ease of one child, aged two yea's and a half, fatal .results have ensued. The mother gathered the sepp033011 mnnhrooms herself, and flied them with bacon for tea. She and her six children partook of them, On Sunday nursling the wo111(11) Web ptelnatllrOly con - lined, and is not expected to recover. It is believed the other13hildren will recover, The hmer11l of the late Sergeant 13rown, one of the Btdaela,'a heroes, who died in \\'ithington Workhorse, took place at Philips l'ark Cemetery on Saturday, ,311(1 notwithstanding all the efforts which have been made to insure its bohig attended with military honours was of an entirely private nature. When Brown Ives admitted to the workhouse, a few days before his death, ho 101.9 (111.(11001 pitiaLble condition, and it was at once seen that his days were nunlben ed, though it is stilted that hail the poor fellow been provided with sante temporary assistltnce before arriving at that condition his life might have been prolonged sonic years, An (molest was held at a village near Market IfarInro11gl on the body of William Johnson, it gamekeeper, who died after a light with a young farmer named Crisp, who is 111 custody on a charge of wilfnl murder. Johnson played a praotictyl joke on Crisp by setting down a 010;18(1 rabbit -skin for him to 01101,1,. Noris ensiled, end the pr10071e' states that the deceased struck him first. ilo returned the plow, and the keeper fell, Ch•ksp Id) him, net thinking he was hurt, but lie was afterwards found deaul. After hearing the medical evidence, the jnry found that death resulted from natural causes - excitement acting of the deceased's heart as a result of the quarrel. Unfinished 611111, A. baby's boot, and tt skein of wool, Faded and soiled and sof •- Odd things, you say ; and no doubt you're • riglit•- Round a 0e0,man'O nook this stormy night, Up in the yards aloft. Most like it's folly ; but !nate, look hear ; When first I went to sea, A woman stood on the far -orf strand, With (000011(111(9 ring on the small, soft hand 117111011 elullg so dose to 3110, My wife, God bless her I The day before She sat beside tl ty foot' And the sunlight ltiosed her yellow hair, And the dainty fingers cleft and fair, Knitted a baby's boob. 'rho voyage was o'er 1 I came ashore; What, think you, found I there? grave the daisies 111011 sprinkled white, A cottage empty and dark as night, And this beside the chair, The little boot t'wao unfinished otill ; The tangled 0110111 lay neat ; But the knitter had gone away to rest, With the Mabe asleep on her quiet br0Lisb, Down 111 1110 churchyard t rear, •Cassell's Magazine. IVifo (to husband who had boon absent during the night)--- I am 0001' 00 glad you left your pistol with mo, darling. A burg- le' was here last nigletand Isurprtsod hiln,a Husband -"You bravo !Milo woman 1 Did you shoot hhn 1" "No, I throw it at him." ,&n Eleatrio Man, Otsego It, 110018, It retired mill Ow101', Days a 1,010011 8p1911111 10 the 11091011 11330'•1,1, em IRA 19tlulft1111111 C. 'I - ,Io Man clic• walks about with every nppetirumce of life, and is made to bo useful as well (114 0011111unntRI, by pushing ft perambulator. 'ChM 011,1(1' oyer 101 11011 [ 1119 141:11101 t3) a light, 1)il!1)work" n111110, like those of 11 halt grown Uutling milky. There 'e nal 1 1, Melt o 31')' dk1 111 1 1H o f t i l ll l fOr 1'1)'3'7'133,4 the bat eft es 1111 d1 pnL the a. i • power 1° t ''•11'0111101H 11 1 1180 w 1' w h 1 g [ 1 1 1 1 h! Y ,' wood a11.1 xlt ! '! h'. min mends n t w 1 i 1) t 1 I 1 dhectly behind the Muir. 1 f 110 (1010 110s11 n0.1blond 110 WOO 111 just come inside the 1(81[10 as a light weight spatlet and 13)fur (1s rill 1111p0101'l1ll1i1'.8 4,, 33311111 be about 25 years dd. lie is Nonmetal with the chair at about 1110 point at which the 11nman 11111- • t toy a Lu Mental. d ag o yl,u r 1 1, Rnl is p p lint ly stipposed 1 1 11,'0 Olin, 1 0111011 I'het o 'n a la,'d! 1 IM a tpushing his neatly gloved lands rest ; In1t this is more for vanity than utility, He 13) dressed in the 1141)1 of 160111011, being •1(11104 in a new suit of gray mixed goods, while .shirt, with collar anti 011111' to mat,lh, and a soft felt lint, Ile 1111011 11111111101. of (Menges of elnthiug, and can be dressed d for 1''nnrth of .1 My 1'1 Christmas weather, just like any num. Ile WORN a number U shl e, .1 wide and sports a Louis Napoleonic mustache. Met upon any thoroughfare he would be /narked for his general style aid dignified bearing. Just at present his complexion is a little elf eolnr, lett he is to 111100 this treated with the most approved toilet. prep ual(ou that the flair,t pot can produce, The action of the eet and logs, which the inventor has reach., 0d with his machine, ix a remarkable Wits; tion of t111t of a human Luing, There 10 none of the jerky 171011/,11 that is so common. ly seen in mechanical figures. Each foot, as it leaves the ground, rises naturally on the toe, with the same springy motion that is characteristic of the grac'efnl walk 31131011g Inco and women. A5 in the takintg of the foot from the ground, so in replacing it at 1110 end of the stop, the n°I(ion 1s free from jug or ,jar and is entirely natural, 1110 elec- tric 7111111 is provided with n six horse power n enable I ' '1 's amply sufficient t G battery, whlG 1 1 Li t ), PY 111111 to posh the fattest dowager up it dill, It 1s 1VIr, Moore',, intention t0 make his electric man polite as well as useful, and to 'I 'r l that end his right Jinn, which is said. more1nitis and fetes than the correspond mid ing member of the hb1,nmal ,ly, will he so arranged that 111 130,31 raise his hitt gracefully as he receives a faro. Brown, the disappointed, say's that it re• quires about as long to get a girl well out of her twentieth year es for a horse to get ho• oitogn,dhy, years old this spring." Another humorous incident of this duel was the circumstance that em the way to the field of battle Rochefort desired to gratify his artistic taste by viewing the two plot ms by Van Eyck in the Ghost cathedral, but was afraid to do so lest 1110 01004311 of report- ers who followed hint might think he had '11000d. to praybefore the combat. FREE TRIP AROUNOTHEty.10RL0, T'110 is tlm igen 1)•arrl. Tho people are all 0d110ntea one cubit•nted to shellnoois,i,that in 3, see foreiget n every one there is It longing to see foreign r0110- l1•10s 10nrl view the places iiio11eof so lunch has been w•ritt00and (,onid. c' nflinecllasox.vrola Pub,C'o„of Monti -eel, offers n grand npportnnil y fn 41e rho world, TO it person sending them Cho largest number of English words construct- ed front loiters contained In the sentence :- "GOO HAVE T'III: Cyi'ELN, will he given A Free Trip Around the \World, Also, in order of merit the following additional prizes will bo awarded : A Free trip to Florida: A Silver Tea Sot SIf8; A Doniest(0 Sewing llnchinc, 800; Ladles. or Gents' Llk. Gold Watch. S8. .\ pre sent will be given to anyone sending alis• of not less than 25 7ilnglish words, of not less than four letters, found in \Vobsto,'s or Worcester s Die. tiannry, allowable. Enclose 10 rts, to pity for a ( 101111 Premium Catalogue and n 0 m00)110 trial subs,. ipti0n to the bea1Ci Pully illust'atell family story paper,' Tu is Home F.'oei .et•ou." The per- son sending in the largest list of correct words only not bo in a position, or cure to make the extensive trip offered, the publishers give such person the choice of the trip or $1000 in cash. Address: The 11 , Fascinator Montreal. Autumn hats will bo trimmed with op. 0(0010, cherries, plums or currants. Os- trich tips that nod forward over the crown are used, For Lung Diseases only those Emulsions which are scientifically prepared can expect to succeed. SLOCUSL'S OXYGENIZED EMULSION or PURI: COD LI\'IoB. OIL, co1lpouncled at their manufactory in Toron- to, put„ has, from the start, 11'011 a place i15 public confidence which surpasses any suc- cess 0101110ved. by a like preparation. It is handled by all druggists. The most stylish dross of the clay is oto having only shoulder and 1m(101.1U111 seams and an opening which is almost impossible to findd. One of the most striking and attractive exhibits at the Toronto Exhibition this year, was that of Messrs. Samuel Rogers a co., (Queen City Oil.\Yorks, manufacturers of the Peerless Machine 0i1, and other well known brands. The ple115fng combination of Dole's shown in tic arrangements of the many grades of fine Oils, \Yax and Greases, made the exhibit one of unusual beauty and interest. Messrs. Rogers' Oils have re- ceived 12 gold medals daring the last 12 year's, a record unequalled by all the other oil firths in Canada combined. Their S, Peerless M4ae111110 Oil is the favorite for 1 farmers' use an sold )y dealers everywhere g Gray un(lresaedkid ties v •vith Strode gloves and silk stockings of it corresponding tint aro the correct things for this Summer's 00010111100. All Men young, old, or middle-aged, who find them selves nervous, weak and exhausted, who OAT broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symp toms : Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality,, loss of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the helm, emissions, lank of energy, pain in the kidneys, 110840ehe, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar sonsabiouabout the scrotums, wasting of the organsdizziness, spooks before the eyes, twitching of the nntsoles, eye lids and elsewhere, baslnfnlness, deposits in the urine, lose of will power, tenderness of the scalp anti spine, weak and flabby 1nu50100, desire to sleep, failure to be vested by sleep, constipation, dellne00 of nearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude,. excitability of temper, sunken eyes surround. od with i.litAnlll0 0180110, oily looking skin, eta„ aro all symptoms of nervous debility that lead. to insanity and death unless cured. Tho spring or vital force having lost its tension every 101101(011 11911100 11100118eg11011c0, Those who through abase committed in ignorance may be permanently cured, Send you, address for book on all diseases pearlier to man. Address 141, V. LIMON, 80 Front St. 311., Toronto, Ont, Books sent frac sealed, Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness,palpita- tion, skip beats, het fluslhes, rush of blood to the head, doll pain in tho hoartwithboats strong, rapid and irregular, the seeon41100rt beat guiokee than the first, pain about the breast bond, eta„ atm positively bo mired No attr0, 110 pay, Sand for book, Address M, V, T.UBON, 50 Front Stroot Bast, To- ronto, Ont. 1 One (luso of 1)r, Ifarrey's Solt horn 11011 Pifle will fnataitiy stop 10081010-111(44 cough - lig. :4n artists' color known Its "Prussian 14110" is Lu 110 one of Om faaitiona)de linea in 111111111111 styles and fashions. 094004) A, P. 5'211. G"r..'.FJtC,) 3 " 2,c91rt CHRONIC Coum Novil r 1, I i (. 'n - 'n1'1 t t f I I 11 r „,..01,...,... t1I i ( r / I General 110/(1 il,/ to,: Wasting ll'vrrabr,, I mere 10 1011 11)3; WO l pp Ff B•- r F 11`11 �0 „1 1 1 flit �' 1 (I 1PL �1 )tl(i HYPOPHOSPHITES 0£ 1g.,l,ino assc7, Alocla_ It 10 almost nit palatable as 15101. Far better than "t Let• ,411,(1!1,11 llmnlolol,s, A wonderful nest, 11' 11n•or. SCOTT't3 E1II`IJL:SIOiN l 13) p,,1 up hl as snhnou ruin,' rt't'rrpprr, 733' 1,u re rnul. (/"/ the (t•, l„°,•. ,S..(1/ hp all Dealers of cog. am! .,;3,00, SCOT , r: ' . '1')tr1 i 1 nrllanitle. �T A\1'1:1)In 8vcry town t01iln 7lnnitnion,• V s rdliablo min 101(5)339513111.1.1113. '1'00 11on 13(dg and Lorin A8s'n, 05-117 Tong,, 8t. 10001,10. g7AL17AI1LE PATILNT FOP, HALF„ on Y .Medica Compound,to aid anhasten 1I a,. 4140,1 Ion and prevent and 118"1 dl al •hg A bargain. Addess,.Ixveyroir iso Is, Toronto, 03,3'ri0301(4 Cured. No x010. Hank free 0. 1) Me 101(81)1 M I�1f�,t, (f��� �'qj tp(•�+,�gp�ttry�1 TI 1,,G Niagara il„R 1,. 311. 6f/L'"0e Y�9 �atlB t 6 , mATE NTS procured in Cannda,i,S, and Foreign Countries,0 lY. J. GRAHAM. 71 Yonge Sit., Tomato. A GENTS 'WANT]: Money 0ioten- 13ooks, Control of territory. Apply al: once E, N. A'I0] 1CR & CO., 125 Yoego St„ Tot -into. ��+Lp 1'11110Y - men en an(1women, .DO �O 1,141,141,14t 1)selling articles, J. L, 01.108111 30 Victoria street, Toronto.. f llO1tON'1'O CUTTING SCHOOL, - Grand Y eluulc0 for young men to acquire tL nest. alas; trade. Terms moderate. Send for pLrti- etthars,-421 Meg- Street West. VALUABLE PATEN', FOR SALE CHEAP On Scaffold !(racket, far superior to any- thing of the kind. Address, INYax'roits UN ton, Toronto, LEATHER BELTING Best value in the Dominion, F. E. DIXON & CO., Makers, 70 Xing street East, Toronto. x:3'Send for Price Lists and DLocolmt.'• ax r1f leteUORi can matzo money during rn0n• tion by canvassing for oto or more of our fast selling !looks and Bibles, especially History of Canada, by 01'. Jr. Withrow, I).))., latest and host edition over published, price. low. terms (kern'. \\'rlto for illustrated circulars and term.. \''BI. BRIGGS Publisher. 'Toronto. WATSON'S COUGH DROPS) Aro the best in the world for the throat and chest and for the voice. Unequalled. R_ as T_ W_ stamped on each drop. Plso's Remedy dor Catarrh Is the Desi, Easiest to Use and Cheapest. Sold by druggists or sent by moll, 500. 1, T. Uezeltlue, Warren. Pa., II, S.A. stiRTIFICIAL LIYIB6 J. DOAN & SON. ror Circular Address, 77 Northcott Ave., 'Toronto 1 .. -mss _ v... Cheapest and REST PLACE In America to hav Band 'gd Musical Iostriimenis, M1eta, Le. Address WILO.LEY, ROYCE et CO., 11401'ouge Street, Toronto, Send for Catalogue. COLICNY COLLEGE, OTTAWA FOR YOUNG LADIES. Spacious buildings, lighted with gas, heated by hot hatter, all modern conveniences, ex- tensiverounds. First class staid', under Lady' Principal from Europe, Board, furnished room, fuel, light, tuition In English branches, French and Gorman from 81811 yearly, Thoroughly efficient Music and Fine Arts Deportment. Session opens Sept. 1011i. For circulars write to REV. DR. WARDEN, Montreal. BATT ° �:n J CO WHOLESALE TOBACCONISTS, MONTREAL, Manufacturers of all kinds Domestic Cigars, including Celebrated Crusader and Hero Brulds One trial is guarantee for continual us0, AN D ON THIS "THE DOLLA1 KN/T77NC9 MACH//V .MAl2U'FAOTUR(0bt0) h ,Cif? f" AaA. L N tB'�it3.�' arp'RGETOWiv 0#111:• +,T s Rt#0400-,t 0lOtt ZigooMkA2535PNOrA0OqqO ,AND I? ECS • .LIS.. -t THE PATENT Finless Clothes Line. of scl, s i lI d utile t 1111 • weather, does b at d G not rust or discolor them, Bain alvautval 19fee1othosdo g Tet fl '8 (13 t0 it, ! o clothes ,alis re mood, Tins1'A'1'a\'I DANDY.li,\oIlnhUictl, Agents wanted for both• For 010at11ars and terms 0011(13 Omit stamp, 73 ADELAIDE ST, W., TORONTO, TELEPHONES, Telegraphic Instruments, ]Edison. Lalonde, Burnley Dry, and 1111880y (Bluestone ilatteries, Also all other kinds 1)r 13atterios, Canadian HeadgryUarters for everything Electrical. T. W. NESS, 644 CRAIG ST., MONTREAL. Send for largo catalogue No, 2. ]Mention this payor, DR, N I C H O L.' r " r Food offfealth . tier Children (end Ada Ils. Invaluable. for Indieeption and Constipation. FIIANi.8 G CO., London, England, Proprietor, praetor, tial a., G•t 17 , 1 111(1 171 John / l .r 1 lhl , t I T. i 1)l l P.. 11')11 f 111te L1 Nichols' le Puts! l P Hose I it •• eery int t I 1 a, .13 rt of great, vette, 1 1 11 I1w!1, man) al • hrost ., '.l i 1 1 l 110 1)t e l For flip bend Uma Id 11, 11, 10 I 11 111111101 be Burp Isxul,. heal fat 30111111,PI IT E331'151t jJNJI ,4'T1 AAIIN1111''S. Sailing weekly bet wren 01118TA1p 4L and LIVERPOOL. Saloon '(!glen', 8111 35) and 8611 11, 1,,,,, anal l who.: x 1303), 18.101 told $110 according to .1,'11 aarr Lind tweet -unman ti011i Menai innate $30, 4te, l tic 820. Apply ' to .111, 14, MURRAY, 100- 3 rr,1.lLmnger l'nluutlllA Shipping (n., 1 Cna- 1)11 n, SQUARE, MON 1, ut 1.o L cal I .114811 111 all Towns amt (41(00, , , I , r {MVE 1,11i1TEI'kiS II. < Ilaa,Seed at nnof nitnaFl+r•rLE 1'41:y4I0 It3.DQ)]. 1 f.n,1,i tor, ly It 0A un• o f d ) 1 1' lly ) IM 1.01'.441141 ir,,,,l ,rural (1'n i