HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-9-26, Page 81 i4OST $rr. 26 1890. 200 COLONIES —OF -- B E E Sv. Having more Bees than I wish to heep will Sell them Cheap. They have been carefully select- ed and bred from choice queens. The Hives are the Best, well jointed and chaff packed. Have also a number of Empty Hives, which I will sell for less than they would cost you to make. Also a quantity of Honey for Sale—wholesale and retail. G. A. DEiDMN. DlithacIST, &O. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. e0GTEDliti EXTansiON W. a. de D. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: Game SOUTH. GOiNa NoTiTH. gii 5:63 a.m. Nbrotl 9:80 a.m. Exoress 1145 aan. $106 p.m. Mixed 6:55 pan. Express 9:45 pan, rug Xiti% cbiel's amang ye talcin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. TALK op the Fall Fair. TIHOTRy seed at MoCresken% THE Fall Fair season is upon us. TEDDIES very cheap. GEO. GOOD. Ns= Wednesday will usher iu the ,month of October. Now is the time to get bargains in fur. -name at Leatherdale s. A rev/ second hand buggies for sale at a bargain. Jas. WALKER. Bauman the Horse Fair in Brussels on Thursday of next week. THos. KELLY has tomatoes by the bushel. First come first served. SEE oar 12*cent linen, the great talk among the women. A. R. Ssara, Ruts. A. Wiese:I, of Tomato, occapied the pulpit of Knox church last Sunday. SEE our 25cent velveteen, there is quite a talk among the dress -makers. A.. R. SMITH. /Ivrea bought a bankrupt stock I oau sell goods cheaper than ever. R. Lem therdale. THE Toronto Fair came to a close on :Friday last. The total reoeipts this year were 669,823.00, A CHEISITAN union player meeting is talked of, to be held every Tuesday even- ing in the Town Hall. Bement; was vvell represented at To- ronto last week, over sixty left for that city on Tuesday morning. Trim Canadian Live Stook and Farm Journal for September is to hand. It is a good paper for the farmers. Ayes CIIIIRIE met with a painful acci- dent last week by running a meat hook into his arm. He was laid off work for a few days. THE olioir of St. John's ohuroh fur- nished music at a harvest festival held in the new Agricultural hall, Atwood, on Monday evening. A GOOD 2 -year-old heavy ditught mare colt for sale, cheap. Cash or time. Ap. ply to Messrs. Cochrane & Johnston, Marble Works, Brussels. Foosso.—Shawl found last week on Mill street. Owner can have the same by proving property and paying for this ad- vertisement. A.pply to T. Fletcher. Ownta to the ram, the baseball match to Intve been played on Victoria Square last Friday, between the "Unions" and the Brussels olub, was indefinitely post. poned. liner Sunday morning Bev. S. Sellery will preach from the subject "The per. sonality and power of tbe Holy Spirit," and in the evening "God's severity against sin." WS received a eample copy of the "To. route Specimen," published quarterly in the interests of printing, by J, T. John• eton, of the Toronto Type foundry. The Journal is a credit to the publisher. THE latest catch phrase out is, "Don't be expansive I" This is the coming slang remark of the day. Tbe remark is the swagger way to tell a fellow that he is drawing upon his imagination for his facts. "Don't be expansive." AN interesting game of foot ball was played on Victoria Square between the teams of Gorrie and Brussels on Wed- nesday afternoon of this week. Neither teams obtained a encl. The Brussels dub intend playing'them a return match on Saturday of next week. LoTT's ',ileum—The attention of the Public is called to the fact that Levi Lots keeps a first-class outfit of good drivers and new, oomfortable buggies. Every attention will be given to those ffivoring him with their patronage. Stable just east of Dr. Graham's block, King street. Give him a call as his rates will be found within the reach of all. ON Saturday Hugh Williams went to Peel to attend the faneral of his brother Richard, who died on the 19th inst., in the 75 year of his age. The deceased was born on the Isle of Anglesea in 1818. He (lame to Canada in 1840 and located in Wellington County where he has lived for the last 50 years. The funeral took place on Sunday CARD 05 THOlgs.--I hereby desire to re- turn my sincere and heartfelt thanks to ail friends in Brunets and vicinity for their kindness and sympathy to my family during my sickness and absenee front home, especkially during the sick- riefie and death of our youngest ahild, Ida May, Mao up to the time of their leaving Brussels for &high Columbia. I remain, yours sincerely, W. A. °Aram, New Westminster, B. C. W. NIGHTINGALE .8 GO. are aleughtering their immenee stook of general merchttn- shim at prices that ate astonishing the people. All lines of general goods are sfuffering the slaughter in prices. Beady made clothing, hats cape and millinery are being reduced at a great reduction in prices. Ordeted clothing is being Bold at wholesale prices. ond ender•elothing at a tretnendous aaorifice from former priori. 'prose ;mode are being sold at 25 per (sent, on the dollar, and boots and shoes at prides that wont(' bust any oppoeition ,eltest *Meld try to meet their low prices. THE trains betb this week and last were hate owing to the Fain. Ir you went s new buggy go to Jas. Walker, carriage maker, Brunch], Grime rnUUnsry opening on the 2nd And 8rd of Oot. et A. R. Smith's. FooTeser, matches are bard on the eyes so W. Sloan and J. Iffefflain think. House and Lot on Turnberry etreet to rent. Apply to Mug, Gso. Bums, Tau Fall Anima for this county will be held at Goderioh on the 6th of Oot. Tille question of the day is who miles the wedding oaks in Thoulson'a window?' BentlifiLL has improved the ap• pearance of his residence by the addition of a neat verandah. ANvyytme in our line made to order. All material used is thoroughly kiln dried. R. Leatherclale. mmusElly,—A. R. Smith is taking the lead again this Fall in the raillinery line. Be has the Sarno milliner ati lest season. EgatOvED.—Wic, Blashill will rernove in a few days to his new store opposite the American hotel customers will please remember. Is you want anything in my line 0911 and get my prices, everything is away down now. Cheaper this fall than ever. Goods well bought are half sold. 11. Lea- therdale. Lan week John McNeil, of Grey town- thip, presented •tis with six of the largest potatoes it has ever been our pleasure to see. It would make an Irishman's mouth water just to look at them. DON'T forget the song service to•night (Friday) in the Town Hall, by the Ex. oelsior Duet, Mr. and Mrs. Beman. charge will be make but a silver collec- tion taken at the door to defray expenses. FOOT BALL.—A foot ball match, to play off the tie for the ball and silver cup, will be played on the avare, the second day of the Fair, cornmenolng at 10 o'olook a. m., between Bressels and Bluevale. An int,. partial referee will be chosen. OUR grand city millinery opening will be Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 2nd, Brd and 4th of October. Nobby and fas- hionable hats, cheap and stylish millin- ery of every description. A call from the ladies respeotfnlly solicited to see our grand desplay. W. NIGHTINGALE 8: Co. Fos SALL—Good working team, set double harness (nearly new)., good wagon, plow and harrows, also wmdmill pump and derrick (just new). Will be sold at a great bargain as proprietor has no further nee for any of above articles after Out. 1. Apply to E. R. GRUNDy. CARD PLAIT:cu.—Police Marshal Mc. Gahey, of Leavenworth, Kansas, has stated that he will arrest any person or persons attending a social gathering where euchre is played for primes. He says that snob persons are no more to be respected than crap shooters," and they will be taken before the Police Judge and dealt with as petty gamblers. Go to the Palace Store, Brussels, and see their splendid stock of black and colored dress goods, prices commencing as low as 10 cents. Mrs. Rogers has the new fashion book and will be pleased to give all information how to trim and what to trim the prevailing fashions with. No trouble to show our stook which is all new, no worn out, old fashion. ed stuff to offer. NOT EPAD, En I—An exohange says : Ask some men for an advertisement•or a feW locals, and they will say they dont believe in advertising, as a paper 16 05050 read. Let him be caught kissing his neighbor's wife, or trying to hold up the side of a building, and his tune changes ilistautly, and if the printing office isin the garret of a 17 -story building, he will olirnb to the top and beg the editor to keep quiet and not publish it in the paper you know. WHAT WE ADE LOOKING Poe,—Some fine weather.—The small boys to save up their money for the 2nd and 8rd of Oot. —The front gate to get a rest. —More waddings.—Toa POST to become a more popular paper than ever.—The Brussels Fair to be the best in the eounty.—A. big boom in the Fall trade.—The band to give us one or two more tunes before the cold weather sets in.—Millinery openings. --A charity concert to be talked up.— Some pumpkin.pie socials. THE following from the Galt Reformer in regard to selling liquor on Sunday is timely, and should be a pointer to hotel. keepers in other places, wbo are inclined to violate the law :—"The fast that a man was arrested last Sunday for being druuk on the street would indicate that the law is not strictly observed in this town. The hotelkeepers would be sating in their own interest if they adhered strictly to the provisions of the Crooks A.nt • and they ought not to oomplain if the inspector should happen to drop on them somewhat unexpectedly one of these dap." WEDDING BELLEI.—One of those pleasant events which are always causing ripples on the waters of sooiety occurred in Brussels on Tuesday, 16th inst., when Miss Minnie, eldest daughter of B. Gerry, was united in marriage to W. H. Willis, of Mitohell. The ceremony was solemnized by Rev. S. Sellery, B. A., B. D. The bride Was attired in a very be- coming dress of cream cashmere. On account of the ill health of the bride's brother the wedding was necessarily a private one, only the near relatives and moot intiinate friends of the contracting pasties being present. After the wedding dinner had been partaken of a few hours of enjoyment prev,ailed before the happy eouple left for their now home in Mitchell. May the aun of prosperity ever beam brightly down upon Mr. and Mrs. Willie is the hearty wish of their many Brussels friends. Tins Toronto Globe of Sept. 18th says ; "John Wilkinson, aged 54, builder, while in temporary despondency took "rough on rats" and put an end to his life. De. cerwed was for sorne years a contraotor at Brussels and Galt, but not being sae- ciessful in business failed in both places, and lost all he had. Going to Brantford Ito started again, but was very much die. heartened. On Monday he went to tiis sister's, Mrs. Storey, a few miles below Caineville, and after Converging With her a while he produced a box of "rough on rate," and said he wonld take a doso mod end his life, Mrs. Storey took the box away from him, taking it te her bedroom. Yesterday he secretly metered the box, and in the forenoon said he would go to kiire. McAuley% a relative Seine little distance away, Proceeding there be went through tho fields, and in a lowly //rove he took a dome of the deadly poison. Nob arriving ab MeAuley'a, seareb was made and he was found and brought back to Storey's, and dootors summoned, but it was too late. He died shoetly after the doeters arrived," Mr. Wilkin- son, as will be remembered, was az eno time a partner in Bentet'a planing Mill, whieh was burned selterol years ago, LAST Sunday evening Rey. Jno, Rom B. preached the first of a series of sermonon the life of Joseph. WHAT with the new letter bons and a fresh ooat of paint, our post °Sloe hae pnt on a holiday appeerenee, Postmaster Farrow is determined not to get behind the times, Jot you went anything in the furniture, endertaking, picture framing or organs you should call at R, Leatherdale% be has the finest stook bo the county and selle the oheapest. REY. S. 864r4Mir'B. A., B. D., ill preach in Melville ohuroh on Saturday at 0;30 p. m. Communion service) on Sab- bath morning, which will be condeeted by the pletor. Rev. D. Forrest, of Wal- ton, will preach on Sabbath eveuing and on Monthly morning. WELL -DIGGING AND Dammam—George Birt has MI the necessary machinery for digging and drillin wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaetion. Walla cleaned out and put in proper share. Terms easonttble. Residence second door north of the bridge, west aide of Turnberry et., Brussels. 48.11 Far, Snow.—Indicatione point to a very successful Show in Brussels this year. The various committees are sparing no pains to make the 2nd and ard of October interesting in every respeot. We hope the general public will not for- get their chity towards the local show, and that they will grace the pooasien. with their presence. They are Certain to be amply rewarded by so doing, as tbe exhibits will be well worthy of inspec- tion. Tire Family Herald and Weekly Star, Montreal, is a groat newspaper success. That a weekly paper in Canada could reach a circulation of one hundred thousand would have been oonsidered almost incredible, but the Family Herald and Weekly Star is a prime favorite with all classes, irrespective of polities, religion or nationality. It has large numbers of subscribers in this section. Ir you wish your sight carefully and correctly fitted with the beat epectattles in the world oall at A. M. McKay & Co's hardware store, Brussel, on Oct. 6th, '90, when Mr. Laurance, the celebrated ocu- list-okiticion, will be there, and, after ,,an examination of the eyes, Et you, on scientific prinoiples, with the B. Laurance, Axis Cut Pebble and other spectacles, ensuring to you the ability to use your eyes for the most minute employment with great ease and comfort and the certain preservation of your sight Me. LAMIANCE, the eminent oculist - Optician, will be at A. M. McKay & Co's store on October Soh, for the purpose of adjusting the B. Laurance, Pebble and other speotacles and eye.glesses to all conditions of sight. His thorough know- ledge of his profession and large exper- ience euables him to select such lenses aa are best suited to each requirement, bow - ever difficult, and always ensures to the wearers of the B. Laurance spectacles ease and comfort, and an abiding int- ovement to their sight. W. M. S.—The annual meeting of the Women's Missionary Society of the Methodist ohurch, Brussels, was held on Thursday, llth Sept., when the following officers were elected for the ensuing year :—Prestden t, Mks. R. Paul ; 1st Vice -President, Mrs. J. L. Kerr ; 2nd Vicie•President, Mrs. Wm. Vanstone ; Recording Secretary, Mrs. J. J. Gilpin ; Corresponding Seoretary,Mrs. S. Sellery ; Treasurer, Miss E. E. Herr. The re. ceipts for the year were 834.65, including members fees, mite boxes and special collection, being less than the two former years since organization. The year to come promises better things for the society. It should meet with the hearty support of every lover of missions. Tan London Advertiser of Sept. 18th says :—"The community were shocked to -day to bear of the death of John A. Craig, of this city, the sad event taking plane at an early hour this morning. lir. Craig was one of the hest known and most highly esteemed commercial travellers in Western Ontario, beloved alike for hie geuial disposition and man- ly qualities. He wes born in London, on Feb. 10, 1858, and learned the dry. goods trade with A. Sharp. For the last nine years be had been travelling for the wholeaale firm of Dialtison, Nicholson 44 Gm In 1881 Im was married to Miss M. E. Young, of Oakville, who died four yams ago, leaving two daughters aged 5 and 8 years respectively. Deceased was a consistent Christian and a life-long member of of the First Presbyterian church, holding the position of seeretary of the Sunday sohool for years. His place in the hearts of his friends and acquaintances will be bard to 1111, especi- ally among those of the travelling fra- ternity, with whom be was a great favorite. He was also vice•president of the Commeroial Travellers' Mutual Benefit Association. A week ago he was in his usual health and good spirits, but on Friday week was confined to his home with what eventually proved to be typhoid fever." The demand was well known by a large nntnber of people in Brussels. amomearT. Knem—In Henfryn, on the llth lost., the wife of Mr. Robt. Kerr,of a Son. DIOESON.—In Brussels, on Sept. llth, the wife of Mr. W. B. Dickson, of a daughter. Wieme—Geamt—In Breese% on the 16th inst., at the residence of the bride's father, Miss Minnie, eldest daughter of B. Gerry, to Mr. W. H. Willis, of Mitchell. 13nowN—HanoneAves.—In Paisley, on the 16th hat, at the tesidence of the bride's mother, by the Rev. W. T, Oltiffe, of Brussels, Miss Mary j. Hargreaves, formerly of this place, to Mn. James Brown, of Pertage.la. Prairie. azale/i). Ontioxs.—In Grey, on the 15th Met., Jane, wife of the late Robt. Crooks, aged 76 yeers, 9 months and 12 days. Dimmer. —In Bluevale, on Thursday, Sept. 11th, John Gordon, son of Thomas Dillon, aged 2 years, 7 months and 15 days. WILLIAN0.—In Peel township, on the 19th inst., Richard Williams, brother of Hugh Williams, of this place, aged 78 yeara. :PDSIADAY, Siam 301,11.—Farm stook and Implements, on lot 18, son. 4, Morrie, Salo commences at 1 o'olock, Without reeareo. E. J. McLennan, proprietor. Geo, :Kirkby, kuotlencor. Winghtun, Sept. 30, Oct. 1. Seaforth, Sept. 50 and Oot. 2. Atwood, Oot, 2. Walkerton, Sept, 80 to Oat. It Brussels, Oat. 2 and ft, Bolgr.tvee, Oot. end 8. morns Branch, Blyth, Oot. 9 & 10. sumweressmIX-ess Fall Wheet Spring Wheat Barley Oats Pose.— . . . . Batter, tubs and mile.— Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel Potatoee Hay per ton Pork Hides per ib Salt per bbl., retail Sheep skine, each Lamb skins each Wool, per Ib. 90 88 40 84 58 11 15 4 20 35 5 00 5 00 4 1 25 25 40 18 92 90 47 35 60 12 00 4 50 40 00 6 00 5 00 26 60 20 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. FOR SALE.—A NUMBER OF young, well-bred Sheep for Sale at Lot 4, Con. 19, Grey. Apply to 114 JOHN RODDICE. T_T OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE .L.J. with good garden, well and stable Apply to AIRS. TURNBULL, Mechanic Street. F°R SALE.—A GOOD HORSE, Top 100 597 5111 an almost new Cutter. For further partMulara apply to ELIJAH BATEMAN, Lot JO, Con. 7, Grey. 11-4 OUND.—A PURSE CONTAIN. Ing a sum of money was found on the eideroad south of Sunehine. Owner may have the same by proving property and paying for this advertisement. Apply to WM. SLOAN, Teacher No. 4, Morrie. MISS SHERLOCK, Late of the Coneervatorr of Music, Toronto, is prepared to give lessons at lethal and Cranbrook. Pupil of Professor Fisher and Mr. Harrison on the plane, and of Mr. S. H. Clark in vooal mush. Clam at Oranbrook every Tu.sday. For terms, dm., apply at the Methodist Parsonage,Ethel, AA' ORGAN OF GLEN DUART, 1 (MK). This is the name and regietry No. of e flno young Jersey Bull which I have recently purchased. Be ia a grand -son of "Chivalas John," his dam being an imported Jersey OOW, now at the Experimental Farm, Ottawa. For cost of serviee and other par- tieulare apply at my Drug and Book Store, Brussels. 0.1, DEADMAN. PAT EN TS,T=Z;107:78adualt rola?. er patent causes in the Patent °Moe and before tbe Courts promptly aud carefully at tended to. Upon receipt of model or sketch et invention, I make careful examination, find advise as to ptitentabIlityfree of charge. Feint moderate,aud I make no charge union patent is seemed. Information, adviee and spenial ref erancee Bent on application. .7, R LITTELL, Washington, D.C., Da Pabent Oillee. 09 — cic REWARD._ Lost on Thuraday. JuPy ard, on the street 1oi Wroxeter, a parcel of bills, amounting to 8042, anil'a promiesory note drawn by John Sanderson in favor of Jane Walker for 8440. dated june Oth. 3880, and having & payment of 8950 endorsed on the back thereof , dated April 11511, 1890. A re- ward 01 920,00 will be paid fur the recovery of the above, or for swab infOrmatIon as will lead thereto. All parties are warned against negotiating the above mentioned note, the same having been lost. Wroxeter, Jidy 15t1.1, '90. JANIU WALKER, BUSINESS CARDS. 1 'Pepper Don't Advertise Right.' McCRACKEN, • Isomer ofMarriageLieenees, °Mee at hie Oroeory,'Auruberry street, Bruesola "p N. BARRETT, AA • Tonsorial Arttee ellop—Next door mouth aid, M. hicitay40 Co'e hardware store, Ladles' and childrens hair gutting a sPecialty ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. M °NAIR, usurer of IderrIage Licensee, by animintillent of Lieutellovernor, GOMIO1B- sionor, 400., Q.B. Conveyancer and Agent Fire 'main:ince 0o. Odle° at the Craubrook Peet Offloo, ALEX. HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division Court, Co, Huron, 00nvoyeneer, Notary Public, Lend, Lean and 'meninx) Agent. Funds inveeted and to loan, Collections made. 011lee in Graham's Block, Brussels. (ZTA.n TO Gromaicio O Loaves Brussels every evening on the arrival of the Sentorth stage, and returns from Gerrie in the inorning in time to °atoll the Seaforth stage gales out. Thie rule will be adhered to until 5,,rthsr notice. 5 . 'WALSH, Proprietor, ISS CALE Teacher of Piano, Parlor and Pipe Organ, Organist in St. jollies Church. Bros. sole, soilage a glare of the patronage of the musio-loviug people of Brussels and vicie. y. Instruotions citron at current rate& Terms, references, die, may be ascertained by calling at the ramidenee of H. Dennis, Turnborry street,. Brussels. Beechnut in Ethel will continue to reonive regular at. tention. 7-10 AT.A.ISS LILLA O'CONNOR Is desiroue °I procuring pulls pM V oeal Music. Prof. Warrington, of Toronto is pleased to giyo 111.1 testimonial as to Mies O'Connor's ability, she having been a pupil of his during her stay in Guelph. Enstru• mental Music on Piano, Orgau and Guitar, Torres made known en application. Princess St., Brussels, Mies O'Connor is opon for Concert Engagements, 30. AUCTIONEERS. A RAYMAN, • Auctioneer, na alwaye ready to at. tend sales of forms, germ stook, to. Terme cheerfully given. Oranbrook P. 0. Bales may be ayrenged at TIM POBT Publishing House, Brussels. - (1EORGE IC1RRBY, N....a Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct- ed on reasonable terms. Farina lied farm stook a seeclialtv. Ordure loft at Tun Poem P nbll tilling House, Briteeela,or sent to Walton P. 0., will reactive prompt attention. HAVING TAKEN OUT LICEN. BE MI no Auctioerter, 1 am prepared to conduct miles of fa rin stook et reasonable prices. lInowIng the standing of nearly every person 11111 isa pealtion to sell to good marks and got good eecurity 'when sold on credit. Satisfaction guaratiteed. Give ole,, call. 58. X' S. SCOTT, VETERINARY. ARWICK It GOLLEY, Honor Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary College. aro prepared to treat all diseases of domestiested animals ln a com- Potent manner. Particular attention paid to veterimiry dentistry. Calla promptly at- tended to. beis ants furirmary—Two doors north of bridge, Turnberry et., Brussels. (P) Bosnia & man on Turn. berry Street. Wondee what would happen it lie did ira. ret -tire riot? Bis trade bo Rolialde Davos aud Mane. ewes is growing all the tirrut as it is. Meet be flOkrie other reason. Let's try hirn a while end find out. J. Tolbert Pepper, APOTnisaWilir, No. 3 Turnberry St. South, BRUSSELS, BANKING. -oINTOSEC & RN:TAGGART, BANKERS,. IBETJSSELS, irtestri.sicset 5., CIforxeroi. MistxxItirag. 32,aolaniesses.. NOTES DISOOUNTED. Useadten aud United States, Drafts bought gait gold, Interest alloWed on Deposita. Collections made on favorable terms. Canadian Agents —MSBCIIIANT'S BANK or 0•44.50A. New York Agente—DreonTrine AND TRAP. BM NATIONAL BANN. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. T4 L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER,. Solicitor and Conveyancer. Colleo. tionamado, Oftlee—Vanstone'e Block, Brue• eels. 21 -ant • M. SINOLATIt, 11c, dzei. OMee—Graham's Meek', rgaurrYnPogh of Pepper% Drug Store. Private ?uncle to Loan.. DICKSON & HAYS, (Late with Garrow SPPronilfoot, Gods - ilea) narraters, Solicitore, Conveyancers,. dm. Odlees--Brutisele and, Seaforth. sole Office, Rogere' Block, Main St. Money, to Loan. It. G. HAys. 00,11,0005508. — AM. TAYLOR, B. C. L., • Barrister, Solicitor, deo., of tho Um. &Taylor, McCullough de Duns, Barrister,. Solicitors, dse., Manning Arcade, Toronto. Mowry to loan. MEDICAL CARDS. VATM. F. CALE, D., C. M., , Member of tho College of Phymeian and Surgeons of Ontaxin by examination °Mee and Roaidenee —Main etreet Ethei3Outario. T A. MoNAUGHTON, M. D. r." • a.m., L. R. U.P., Edinburgh, M. 0. 1.0 S. Out. At Pepper's Drug Store from 9 bo LIMO 601, and from l:30 to 4 10,51, 1.1. sbboo IIOUTH may be found at hie residence, form- erly occupied by Dr. El utchinsoa Mill et. DENTAL. .• . . . 2:1MS.T,Xli•M'X'lRY- 1 G. L. 15,01, 0,, 013. Nitres Oxide Gas 51,- caluistered for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. 74. Gerrard Street Bast TOAOSTO. 1...) 533 N P1&,; T2 M. CAVANAGH, L. D.S., D. D. S.s Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Uni. varsity. OPPIOE—Oppoana American Betel, Brusseie, WINTER CLOTHING OVERCOATS! SUITS! FUR COATS! Come, let us have a Talk Together. We do not ask you to believe anything only your own eyes. You know Desirable Goods when you see them. Your taste names the style. We vouch for the Quality and Prices. A. great variety of the New Fall Purchases are Ready for your Inspection. Ordered Clothing! Ordered Clothing! DE3AIZGAI1'TS PO1-L Ordered Clothing values are ignored. Cost of goods disregarded. We are prepared to take your order for Suits from $10,00 up. We can show you more New Tweeds and Worsted Coatings, Over -Coatings and Meltons than any other store in town. Pants to Order, $3.00. NEW DRESS GOODS! New Mantle Cloths, Piles of New Shawls, New Opera Shawls Bought, at Half Price in Toronto last week. READY-MADE CTOTHING! For the last twelve years back we have shown and sold five times as much Ready -]fade Clothing as any other store in town, and tire bound to keep up our reputation. Overcoats for $4,50, worth double the money, Fine Melton Overeoati worth 06, we sell for $10,00, A. R. SMITH, Brussels, Ont. Le famc beau •clid whet that 0095 It thou arrii that the 1 cell disa he sI woul brea Una befo ly and eat 1 brea thet whi, far • and info the 01001 the hint ohe, cobi drew his rig. the: anti mis NMI one 0001 of t ma11: 8010 t.0 eat Nem sot 111, 1'10 108 ing the ed, 11101 brie cou the oth Dir 0111 Lo roe WB tell 005 in • pal ILW iill d ta0 lib A we up fir! ed tol on pri crc rai tal lac 010 00 tO pe: 110 ne: ny eni th, ha it• nil all acl Sol bu _ ba .4! de in bn int tol, n fel V pr 05