HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1890-9-26, Page 51 SEPT. 28, 1890, I HE BRUSSELS POST illtstrid go's, HlN 0114. John McMillan has raised his grocery *tore. He Wends supplying himself with a snug cellar for the winter, Messrs, Metcalf and Tanner have add ad to the comfort of thoir establishments by putting in a splendid heater, John Gilliepie and Joseph Taman Rn. ished their contract of gravelling the road between here and Wingham last week, A splendid concert will be held in the Temperance Hall on the evening of Oot. 14th under the timepiece of h 0. G. T. The committee in charge aro doing all in their power to make tho affair a success. Crttnbroolc. September will soon be gone. Rev. D. B, Molise is expeote4 home next week. What about reorganizing the Yonng Peoples' Soolety again ? This soolety did good in the past. Don't all speak at once. Matthew Barker Inas been oonfned to bed with Dancer of the stomach for some time. We hope to nee Mat. around again as of yore. Peter Becker left at the Oranbrook postollice, a potato whiuh weighs 1 lb. 10 oz. Ile would like to know who can grow larger ? Alfred Reymann, book-keeper, left last weak for Penotanguisilsne, Simcoe Co„ where he takes a lucrative position in the firm of 111r, Beck. Rev. eir. Forrest, of Walton, who oc- cupied the pulpit of Knox church with much acceptance lest Sabbath, will preach next Sunday at the regular hour, 11a,in. Yiluevale. On Friday evening of last week Mre, MaHardy met with a serious accident. She was going across the road and there was a team going in one direction and in trying to escape it, she did not notice a horse and buggy which was being driven in the other direction, and was knocked down one of the shafts striking her in the breast, breaking the bone. She is recov- ering nicely under medical treatment. A. literary and musical entertainment will be given in the Foresters' Hall, on Friday evening of this week, under the auspices of the Women's Foreign Mis- sionary Society in connection with the Presbyterian church. A. good program has been prepared. The 'Wingham vocal and instrumental Quartette Club will he present, as well as 1. J. Gibson, of Wrox- etar, Miss Grey, of Turnberry, and local talent. A very sad fatality occurred at Blue. valeou Thursday, the llth inst. A little boy, aged between two and three years, son of Thos. Dillon, eheesemaker, wag eating corn, when some of it got fast in his throat and before it could bo removed the poor child had choked to death. Mr. Dillon was away on business in Michigan at the time, but being telegraphed for, retutoed on Saturday inclining, Tho re- mains were that day taken to Arthur for interment, where Mrs. Dillon's friends reside. Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved parents in their sad and very sudden affliction. \V alto is. Mre. Sage and Miss Annie have gone on a trip to Boston. Dan. Campbell has bought a horse, It seems to be a pretty steady goer. Miss Jennie McDonald was visiting Mrs. Wm. Strath a few days last week. L. McDonald and wife returned home from their trip to Montreal on Monday last. It is said one of our Welton gents out quite a swell at a party in Grey the other night. Oue lady at a time is enough Mr. — On the eve of his departure from Tebewater, the Rev. A. MoKibbin was made the recipient of a very complimen- tary address, and a purse of money. Mr. MoKibbin bas been supplying the pulpit of the Teeswater Methodist church for the past four months, and during this time has rendered efloient service, and ha0 made many warm friends. He returns to Coburg in a short time to resume his studies at Victoria College. In the early part of this month n Ladies' True Bine Lodge vas 'organized here by Mre. Farley, W. M., and Mre. Graham, R. S., of Lady Erne, L. T. B. L. No, 5, Toronto, and Mr. Wallace, D. D. G. M. The name of the new lodge is Lady Sanderson, L. T. 33., No, 10, Wal- ton, and starts with 22 members. The following officers were eleoted :—;Vers. 11. H. Ferguson, Worthy Mistress ; IIs. H. Hamilton, D. M. ; Mrs. W. Neal, Chap. ; .Mae Bessie Kelly, R. S. ; Miss Maggie Hamilton, F. S. ; Mies J. Kelly, Treas. ; Mise 3, O'Bryan, Dir, of Cor. ; Cont. nlibtre—Mrs. J. Grieve, Miss A. Kelly, Miss Bella Oakley, Mies Eliza William- son, Mies. Maggie Morrison. '1.'11 gluts John Carruthers left teem Tuesday for tho Southern States, The prosprets of having a eplendid fall fair In Wingham this year are good. The employees of the Doherty Organ Factory have organized a fire company. A largo number of Winghamitee were "doing" Toronto and the exhibition last, woke. Court Maitland, No. 1.22, O. O. F., Wingham, attended divine service in 0 body at the Methodist chorda on Bentley morning last, accompanied by Bell's fee. tory band. Conductor Snider, well known through- out the Province as an evangelist, has charge of the L., H, it B, run, formerly held by John Baillie, with his head- quarters at Wingham. Tenders, in all probability, will shortly be asked for the purchase Of the old town hal]. It is quite an old budding, having been associated with Winghten's history since 1807, the inscription "School See. tion No, 8, 1807," over the door at the front of the building 'boing shill plainly visit,lo under the fnunmerable coats of paint since applied. A son of John Wullwnod, aged about Mine years, bad a narrow escape 1 om death on Wednesday alteration of last weep. Alf. Nicholl was making it call with blend, the boy 1101ng t0 the Cart for that nenovsary article, and then wont back for !mother ticket ; in going beak the s000nd time he was running fast with an open knife in his hand, and midden. tally ran against the gate -posh, the knife in seine mttnliet• penetrating his abdomen about two 111a11us, jest above the stomach, Lnolcily ori vital point was 1000130(1, and the chances aro that be will epoorlily re. cover, Sam, E. Fleuty, of Erin, who has just returned from a visit to We paronta in Englund, was renewing old acquaintances in Wingharn, Stun. prefers Canada to H'england. Wingbarnites had things nearly all their awn way at Teeswater'e civic holi• day demonstration. Although the day was not especially fine quite a number went over to see the fun. In the hose. reel contest, 100 yards to hydrant, make eonnootions, etc., Wingham'e repreeen• Wives made the fast time of 1:10i ; Walkerton second, time 1:171 ; Our fire• mon ars earning a reputation for thorn• solves, 13e lax -ave. Mr. Ireland and wife, of Burlington, are at present the guesteof Malcolm Mo. Kinnon. We are glad to see that Mise Sarah Walsh is out again, after passing through a very severe illness. The Methodist Su nday school will hold their annual harvest home on Thursday, Oct. 211d, in the Foresters' Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey and their Baugh. ter Katie arrived home from Quebeo last week very much pleased with their trip. Wm. Wray of the township of Morris, moved into his boautifel new residence here last week. Wo congratulate Bel. grave on securing moll an enterprising citizen. Conductor Snyder, of the L. H. aF, 13. div. of the Grand Trunk, will address the Ancieut Order of United 1Voricnnen in the Presbyterian church of this pine° next Sunday, Sept. 2811a, at 2:30 o'clock p. m. The Conductor is a well-known evangelist, a rapid and eloquent apenker, so that a rush treat awaits those who oome to hear him, IViorrite. More weddings on the tapis so Dams Rumor says. Mies Minnie Sharp is visiting her sista[ in St. Thomas. W. R. Mooney was taking in the In- dustrial Fair at Toronto last week, John Mooney has been somewhat under the weather lately with a carbuncle. Albert Hughes, of the let con., is taking in the London Exhibition this week. Miss Barbara Hanna, of Shelbourne, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Mark Cardiff, Wm. Taylor, of the Otb con., purposes going to Solomon City, Kansas, shortly. We wish him every sums. A musical and literary entertainment will be held in Barrie's school house on Friday evening. A good program is pre- pared. Mrs. Bush, of Belleville, who has been visiting all summer at Iter parents, Mr, and Mrs, ltnitau, intends returning home this week. Miss Maggie Mollwaine, of the 2nd con„ is going to Algoma on a visit to relatives and friends. She purposes ro- 'minhug all winter, John MoCubaheon left ou Friday, Sept. 11(113, for Vancouver, B. C. He purchas- ed his tioket from J. T. Pepper, Agent C. P. R., Brussels. Mrs. John Lamo,,t, of Theasalon, Algoma, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. King, of the 1st con., purposes returning home this week. Frank A. Wood, teacher in School Section No. 10, is taking a holiday this week to attend the London Exhibition. David Ramsay, of the let con., also went to. London. d.isato sv a 1. A court of Juvenile Foresters was or- ganized here on Tuesday evening. F. W. lay and his bride have returned to town after a honey -moon trip east. Business is reviving among the mer- chants of all classes after a rather quite summer trade. The school children were given a holi- day last Friday so as to enable them to tante in the fair. Miss Clara Passmore went to Hamilton Thursday of last week to attend the Ladies' College. Listowel bachelors have issued 830 in- vitations to a hall to take place on Friday evening of this week. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church gave a fruit social on Monday evening. A good time was enjoyed by all. The new organ for Knox church has arrived and is being built into its place. It will, when completed, be probably the finest organ in the county. W. R. Snider, who ]las been head miller for Hay Bros., Listowel, for the last three or four years, went to Brandon, Man., Inst week, where he has taken a situation as head miller at a salary of 01,000 a year. John Livingstone, sr., of thie town, and Jan. Shearer, of Elma, returned home a few days ago after about two months' eh - some on a trip to the old country. Both gentlemen look the better of their sea voyage, and they report having had an enjoyable visit among friends in the old land, This is the seventh time that Mr. Livingstone has crossed the Atlantie, and 110 looks good for as many more excnr• Bions over the briny deep. A tovoes t. Miss R. Wood, of Petorboro', is visit- ing at J. W. MoBaiu's this weak. Several from the village and township took advantage of the °heap rates to ate tend the Toronto Exhibition. The Gavoruuteut asks for tenders for a four yoare01(111contraotebotwoen Atwood and Mitchell, and between Dorking and Newton. The anniversary services and tea meet- ing in tionn001i00 with the Presbyterian church will bo held on Suuday and Mon- day, Sept. 28111 and 2Obh. Rev. R. Paul, of Brussels, 00onpied the pulpit of the Methodist church here lent Sunday, The pastor, Rev. D. Rogers, was at Mibnhell, supplying fon Itev. Mr. Nugent. Miss Lily Turnbull returned. on Fri. day night from a nine weeks' visit in the district of Poterboro', judging from Miss Turnbull's appearlmco the East in good place to recuperate. A new iron fence hue heir emoted in front of the Bn111st °nutgall. It should be extended around the south corner and painted, There is talk of now sheds being put lip in the spring, which will odd materially to the value and appearance of the property, AliN1v11116Aar.--011 Suuday, 14th. fust„ Rev, J, Livingstone, of Listowel, preaolt. ed annivOi'eary sermons in 0on110pti011 with the Methodist ohnrch of this plane. The services WON) largely attended. On Monday 100111ng a very snoaesefnl tea ntreting was held in the church shed. The speakers of the evening were: Rovds. Snaith, of IIonfryn ; Deck and 'Livin* stone, of Listowel ; Beeloston and lien• dersoo, of Atwood. The oboir furnished excellent music. The provisions not being all disposed of a soaal was held on Tuesday evening. The proceeds of the Sunday services, tsa.meeting and social amounted to something over 8100. Seafurth, I. V. Fear ie on the sick list, Rev. Mr, McDonald returned home from his holidays ou Friday last, and has again resumed his duties, The Christian Endeavor Society of the Presbyterian church held an "At Home" in the basement of the oborcb on Toes. day evening. W. J. Fear, dentist, formerly a resid. ent of this town, has looated in Aylmer, Elgin Co„ and Mrs, Fear and family left here last week. Dr. Coleman, of Seaforth, who had a paralytic stroke some time ago, is now in Germany under treatment, and is being greatly bonetitted. The Junior Beaver lacrosse chub beat the Stratford club, in a match in that city on Saturday of last week, by a score of three goals to one. James Graves has painted a very at- tractive advertisement on the Agricul- tural grounds fence for Robert Willis, which does credit to his artistic skill.. He can beat the Burdook Blood Bitters' artists all hollow, cru-ev. Mrs, Jno. 11111 hos gone nn a visit to her brother who liven in Michigan. John Hili, wife and children, of Olin. ton, were visiting at John Hill's this week. Mr, and Mrs. Levis, of Holmesville, were visiting relatives in this township last week. Mre. Robt. Pearson, of Grey, was visit. ing at her brother's, A. FI. Musgrove, Wingham, last weak. Mrs. Jeff, Williams, of Washington Territory, ie visiting her mother, Mrs. Kerr, of the 1011 con. Mre. Williams is in vary poor health. Wm. Pepper, a captain in the Salva- tion Army, is home on a visit to his par. ente. He'haa been stationed at Essex Centre for some time. 0. Bowerman, who has taught maces, fully in S. S. No. 8, during the past six years, has engaged to teach in S. S. No. 1, for 1801, at a salary of 8440, to be paid quarterly. Mrs. 0. Bowerman, of the 10th non., is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. E. Webb, in the Queen City, and was baking in the Ex. hibition also. She will be away about two weeks. We are sorry to learn that Donald Stewart, of the 14th non„ is at present very ill. He has not been feeling well all the past summer, bat has been much worse the past two weeks, requiring med- ical attendtmoe. John Hogg, of S. S. No. 3, Grey, has been hired for another year at au ad- vanced salary of 050.00. Mr. Hogg has given the greatest possible satisfaction during the time be has been teaching in this section. Aa iingh MoIiiunon, wife and chill. were returning from the funeral of Mrs. Robb. Crooke, last Wednesday, their horse took fright at some object on the road aide and ran away. The occupants of the biggy wore thrown violently out and although Mr. McKinnon and child escap- ed unhurt, Mrs. McKinnon was not so fortunate, having received some very sev- ere injuries. We hope she will ,soon be as well as usual. Dian.—In Grey, on the 15th inst., at the residence of her eon, George Orooke, in the 70th year of her age, Jane, beloved wife of the late Robt. Crooks. The de- ceased httd not been very well for some time but the immediate cause of death was heart disease.' She was born in Lilliealeaf, Roxburghshire, Scotland, and was married to Robt. Oroolcs on the 10th day of March, 1882, by the Rev. Mr. Bradey, of Lilliealeaf. In 1812 she came to Canada in company with her husband and settled in Dumfries township, near Galt. Out of a large family of ohildren aha leaves three eons and four daughters' to mourn her loos. Mrs. Crooks, who had bean a member of Knox church, Brussels, for years, was an earnest Christian lady and was prepared and ready when the enmnlons Dame, to go up higher. The funeral on Wednesday of last week was very largely attended. Servant of God, well done 1 Thy glorious warfare's post • The battle's fought. the taco is won And thou art crowned at last. The London Gun Club will shoot a uut'teh at Woodstock on the 20111, Goo. L. Scott, of Parris, has some ripe strawberries picked from vines in his garden this week. These are late comers. Wm. Twitchell, a Leamington painter, was reading in bed the other night, when the lamp upset, burning ell the hair off his head. Samuel Woods, formerly principal of the Stratford, and lately of the London, Collegittt0 Instituto, has scoured the position of lnenagiug agent for a large insurance company at Spolutue Falls, Washington Territory. A by-law has boon passed by the Inger. soh. Council whereby 111 expenditure on the sidewalks adjacent to property, 51110'1 Mee not emote to 31, shall be regarded 0,0 repairs and be borne by the in aid. pality, but whore such work amounts to 01 and more it shall be iogarded as new work and shall be borne by the property bona ttad. A rescue home for the benefit of fallen women in Stratford and surrounding towns was formally opened by the Salvation Arany on Wednesday ttfternoon of last week, Captain McKenzie, an elderly lady, assisted by Lieutenant Smith, will bo in charge. Thie is the second borne of this character that has been opened in Canada, the first ono having been opened in Toronto over a year ago. It is to be hoped that this very commendable step will inept with the en. oourageulsntit deserves, At the annual mooting of the Ontario Undertakers' 8seocietion hold at Toronto the eterelrury reported 124 members fn good standing ; receipts for year, 41,11.4 ; disbnvsernemn, 0003. A Provincial 11111 was drafted to provide for the establish• 3110nt of a college of embalming and or- ganic' obemistry with the view of improv. mg the ',esteem, The election of officers resulted Its follows ; President, 11, W. Turner, Toren to; vfoc.presidout, A, Ford, Blenheim ; emend vioepresid0311, Baird, Pltteville ; third viro•prosident, J, II, 81111erd, Newmarket ; fourth vire. prosident .Inlu1 Nott, fort Perry 1 fifth viu0.pr05ident, 14. Memo, 1)ruoiiv and. villa , seerotttrv, W. 11. Moyle, Canning. ton (10.eleetod); treasurer, Mayor 81e. Intyie, St. {iatlmrinos (r(1.010010d), GREAT DISPLAY Fall Dress Goods —COMPRISING ALL TILE Newest (Styles iu the Market. As we make Dress Goods one of our Specialties Ave aro in a better position than other stores to give you an Assortment. We are showing the Largest and Best Assorted Stock of Dress Goods outside the city. ULSTER CLOTHS in Great Varieties, comprising all the Newest Styles in the market. Having bought in Large Quantities it enables us to Sell Cheaper than buying in smaller quantities. We call Special Attention to our Line at 50c,, suitable for Ladies' and Children's Wraps. FLANNELS. As Flannels at this season of the year are one of the most im- portant lines we would ask you to Call and Inspect our Stock, which will be found Large and Well Assorted, and at prices that will astonish the most careful buyers. A CAZILI SOI�ICL ED. FERGUSON- HALLIDAY, THOIVIS —THE GIR,OC GDRS, • 7 Is offering the Largest and Fin- est Stook of Groceries, Crockery and Glassware In the County of Huron. Every article being bought for spot cash we are in a position to Sell as Cheap as the Cheapest Bakery Department. Fresh Bread., Cakes and Buns always on hand. Weaeting Oakes a S aeility. J IPrivate Funds to Loan. $20,000 Have been placed in 1173 hands for Investment on real estate. LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST* No Commission. .Borrowers can have loans com- pleted in Three Days if title satisfactory, W. M. SINCLAIR, Solicitor, Brussels. MEAT MARKET, MAIN STREET, • 13RTJSSE S, ANDR:71' l CUR13, I MINOR, Fresh tnui livered to Salt 'bats of d;. any part of the best gaol ' the NI liege 1ty always , n free of hand and de. -('h 05' g e. TERMS 1ERY FAVORABLE Fat Cattle Wanted For whiob the highest market price will be paid, I also make a specialty of buying Hides and Skins. Don't forget the plane, next door to Fletoher'e Jewel- ry Store. A. CURRIE. le1ONEY TO LOAN. Money to Loan on FARM PROPERTY -at- LOWEST RATES. Private and Company Funds. APE'LY TO J.C,IIeffernan, J.A.Young; Valuator. Agent. Ethel P.O., Ont. 'latf THOS. FLETCHER, Practical Watchmaker and jeweler. Thanking the public for past favors and support and wishing still to secure your patronage, we are opening out Full Lines in GOLD tIffD SILVER WATCHES. Silver Plated Ware from Established and Reliable Makers, fully warranted by us. C ocks of the Late8t _Designs. JEWELRY I W7301100 131x00, Ltnu:s Gest Bran., 1311001335(3', EAR/111 46, t$0. t'Aiso a Full Lire of Vrctaxs and Violin Strings, Jec., in stock. N. U.—Usurer of MerringcLlcenaea. T. Fletcher, - Brussels. 'Post' Buotsiore. EVERYTHING —IN THE— Book Lase School Bags, Chalk Crayons, Ink, Pencils, &c, The "Scholar's Companion" is a useful, convenient little wooden box containing a Penholder alio P111, Lead and Slate Pencils and a Wooden Mille, and sold for the insignificant 511111 of 5 Cents. If you'd buy one of these boxes you would not complain so much about lost pencils, and there wonld bo no difference of opinion. Don't forget that the .Brussels Fall Shoe- will bo hold on Thurs- day and Friday, Oct, 2nd and Ord, and if you have a few min- utes to spare call in and have y'sur order for anything you re- quire anytime. Sl;ippi.ug .nacho: for 11113 -aids, Magic Lanterns and 1'.Xj'ress G •' O. .r. -Z O M 5 O lrnf , Wagons for the boys.