The Brussels Post, 1890-9-12, Page 8rm. Suri3rised
U t farmer continued to use
the scythe in preference to the
mower, or a cradle rather than a
self -binder he would be looked
'Upon as •belonging to the "old
school," yet how many ministers,
lawyers, merchants, school teach-
ers and others who are writing
more or less every day still con-
tinue using the old style of pen
'with ite dip, dip for more ink,
and as often as not when just in
the middle of a word. Yes, I'm
surprised that those I have men-
tioned should continue to waste
their time instead of economizing
it by using a Forimini PEN, one
that will wri'ie all day with one
filling, and always ready no mat-
ter if only used once in 6 months.
We refund price paid if not sat-
isfactory after a reasonable trial.
Trains leave Brussels Station, North
and Smith, as follows:
Exnress 11:45 a.m. Mall
OM a.m. I Mixed 9:20 a.
8:00 p.m,
Mixed 8;45 p.m. Express 9;45 p.m.
naIEtivs Pins.
chiers among ye takin' notes,
An' fs,ith he'll prent it.
Tamar seed at McCracken's.
CHEAP tweeds and millings at Straoh-
A fall line of cook and parlor stoves at
B. Gerry's.
Tramens and Clover Seed for sale at
Geo. Baeker's.
Foil good value in all °lases of goods
go to Strube:1's.
Farm Assizes will commence at Gode-
• rich on October 6th.
Ray. Ma. McbTam will occupy Knox
church pulpit next Sabbath.
A PHOTOGRAPH gallery will be Shed up
in Capt. Stratton's new block.
Ie you want a new buggy go to Jas.
Walker, carriage maker, Brussels.
Horse and Lot on Tarnberry street to
rent. Apply to Mae. GEO. BOSTON.
A warm number from Brussels and
locality are taking in the Industrial Fair
at Toronto.
Go and hear "Red Riding Hood" on
Friday evening of this week, at the Town
Hall, Brassels.
Dose forget the grand concert in the
Town Hall on Friday evening of this
week. It will be well worth hearing.
Tim residence of Rev. J. L. Kerr,
Ternberry street, was photographed by
W. J. Fairfield, on Friday afternoon of
last week.
Hamm Deems was away at liarriston
on Wednesday of last week playing
cricket with Wingham. The home team
was defeated by 20 runs.
THE young boys of Brussels have a
.cricket dab organized and are prepared
to meet the clubs of neighboring towns,
;the players not to exceed 16 years of age.
"Topsy B" witched them all at the
' St. Thomas races. "Florence G" took
the open race. Seven heats were trotted
to decide it. "John Danoan," and "New -
hope" were the other boring in the event.
Following our usual custom we take
our holiday next week, consequently THE
POST will not be issued next week. Our
next addition will be dated Sept. 26th.
Job work attended to as urinal.
HAVE you taken a look itt the list of
special prizes offered for competition in
the Bast Huron Exhibition, open to the
• world? The list is largar than ever be-
fore, and is the most extensiye speOial
'list ever offered at any exhibition in
Huron county.
Wit have been asked by a number of
people in Bressele to give them the
same thence as the reeklente of Grey
and Morris. We will do so on the same
conditions viz., the person forming the
largest number of English words out of
"The Brussels Post," by October 1st
will receive the paper for one year.
THE date for tne fall meeting of the
East Huron Teachers' Association has
been fixed for the 90h and 10th of Oc-
tober. Winghana will be tbe place of
:meeting. Among those taking part in
athe program are D. Robb, I. P. S., Mr.
.Prendergast, of Seaforth Collegiate In-
stitute, J. Ring, of Kinburn, and Jas.
Turnbull, B.A.
Loam's LIVERY. -The attention of 'the
aPublio is called to the fact that Levi Lott
I keeps a firet-olase outfit of good drivers
and new, comfortable buggies. Every
•attention will be given to those favoring
ihim with their patronage. Stable just
teat of Dr. Graham's block, King street.
Give him a call as his rates will be found
within the reach of all.
Ar a meeting of the official and trustee
Boards of the Methodist church, held
last week, Rev. Mr. Sellery'e salary for
this Conference year was Axed at $800.00.
It wae decided to make the envelope
system general in the congregation and
leve the envelopes plaoed on the collec-
tion platee each Sabbath morning. The
Ttastee Board is arranging for a 3200 re-
•duotion of the &agog debt on the church
•and a subecription list OA NIS meeting
was steated with over 350 by the mem-
hero proaent.
Vole:nesLIST COMM -Lad Saturda.y
forention Judge Dot le held 0011rt,
the Council Chamber,for the purpose of
hearing the appeale n connection with
ithe Beaseele Voters' List for 1800. The
emit was as follows ;-Reform appals
12. Striloa off 4 put on 6 traurninpal
votera. Conaervative appeals 88, Struck
off 3. put on 4 municipal votete and 8
perliamettary. Tbos. Ballantyne was
Arend 32.00 for not being in attendance
at Court when °ailed, lie Wag subposnecl
nie a witneee by the Conservative party.
It theme Mr. Ballantyne Was at the Hail,
Went bonne tar big (linnet' and while
atheent Wait called for, Tine is the first s
biota= of the kied on Word in Brae. a
kib 1:3,1-CUSSLS YOST
Ready-made Clothing, Boots & Shoes, Dress Goods, Prints,
Tweeds, Gents' Furnishings, Hats, Etc.,
OTTIR, STOCI‹ is C1-172, 1-11.A:111_1Y IR/ECIDTJ
-5,7' OTT CD ION 3IC11V A. N
W. Nightingale 8z Go., Brussels.
Gziree' karangoo gloves, size 8 to 94
at Straohan's. .
Cosa and wood delivered. Leave your
orders at B. Gerry's.
A rzw second hand buggies for sale at
a bargain. Its. Waltz%
Taos. Kama has tomatoes by the
bushel. First come first served.
A, Goon has given the fence in front
of his residence on John street it neer
dress of paint.
Nam Sunday evening Be,. S. Sellery
will preach a sermon to young men
subject "Safety."
JUST received one ton long, clear
bacon, breakfast bacon, hems and
shoulders at Gan. Bssicen'e.
Cnra. at Tar Pon office and leave your
orders for letter heade, bill heads, eu.
velopes, eta. A splendid stook to select
D. Ewta bas had a big sign painted on
the front of his blaoksmith shop. It is
one of those kind that he that runs may
GET your printing for distribution at
the Fall Show as early as possible.
Spacial bargains given in comic adver-
tising cards at THE Pose Publishing
the Methodist church last Sunday
evening there were present Revds.
Smyth, Norton, Paul, Mulholland, J. L.
and W. E. Kerr. Quite it gathering of
clerics for one churoh.
S. W. Snnw received word from St.
Marys last Friday that their baseball
niiie of that town had disbanded and
could not consequently play the return
match in Brussels this season. Wonder
if they were afraid ?
Pear. CLEAIENCE'S °Great Freak Show"
gave an exhibition in town on Monday
evening. Judging by the email attend-
ance the Brusselites do not appear to
take much stock in two.legged colts,
four -legged chickens, eto.
REV. J. Ross preaohed an interesting
discourse last Sabbath morning, in Mel-
ville church, to the young people. His
text WEIS Prov. 41h thamter and 7th verse.
GRAIN is coming to Brussels market in
fairly large quantities for the busy
season. The rush is expected in the
course of a mouth.
Ozni popular milliner, Min Livingston,
is now doing Toronto for the latest styles
in millinery. Do not think of making
your Fall purchases till you gee our low
prices. We are going to give you speoial
low prime this Fall and as we are not
wishing to make any money out of that
branch of our trade you may look for big
bargaine. W. Nightingale & Co.
THE POST WORM like to the a new
Bandmaster engaged. -A hustle in Mini-
ness.-Everybody aid the Direetors in
talking up the Fall Show.-Politice al-
lowed to die in municipal matters in
Brussels. -A butter buyer for Brussels. -
Less profane language used by men and
boys. -A new industry employing 100
hands in our town. -500 new subscribers
added to our subscription liat this Fall
and Winter.
NEW MARDLE WORM -The firm of
Johnston & Cochrane, stone cutters, &o.
has opened out are prepared to fill all
orders for monuments, tombstones,
markers, fences, &c., in a workmanlike
manner and at living prices. Satisfac-
tion guaranteed in eyery case. Don't
place your order without oallina on thein
and ;seeing their samples and ascertain-
ing prices. Shop nearly opposite the
Town Hall, Brussels.
ANIRIALS ASTRAY. -When a man adver-
ting that a stray animal is on his
premises, it generally happens that half
O dozen people turn rip to see if it belongs
to them. This shows thet at this time
of the year numbers of animals are
astray, but some men will harbor an
animal for menthe before they will do
simple justice to the unknown owner by
advertising it. Farmers could save each
other a world of worry and Mae by being
a little rnore thoughtful in this respect.
An advertisement in Tor POST generally
accomplishes the deeired object.
The customary time for hiring teachers
for the coming year is drawing near.
Would it not be a good idea for all trustee
boards to go about this important work
earlier than usual? We think it would
be an advantage to both trustees and
teacher to have the matter settled several
months before the end of the year. If
a teacher should have a class atudying
for third class certificates for which the
examination takes 'shwa next July, the
teacher will work with more energy
when certain to be with his elms right
up to date of examination than if kept
in doubt till Christmas.
, NEW stook of Cooper & Smith's boots
and aboes at Strachan's.
MISS BELLA McDoochunr, has acaepted a
sithation as milliner in T. F. Kingsmill's
atore, London.
New bazaar patterns just received at
Strachan's. Monthlies given away free.
Call and get one.
JAS. Joxes assisted the Wingham 'Bell'
band at the Luoknow Caledonian games
on Wedneeday of this week.
&um W.uaten, sr., has bthoine a
resident of Brussele having moved into
THE Entrance Literature for De.
()ember, 1891 will oonsiet of the following
lessons Pictnries of Memory, pages 81,-
32. The Barefoot Boy, 48.45, The Vie.
ion of Mires, 68.66. Do., 68.71. The
Face Against The Pane, 74,76. To Mary
in Heaven, 97-08. The Bell of Airi, 111.
114. Ring Out Wild Bells, 121.122,
Mammas Cartier, 161.163. The Ocean,
247-240- The Song of The Shirt, 263-265,
Endinbutg After Flodden, 277-281. Can-
ada and the UMW 'States, 280-291. The
Merchant of Veniee, 811.816, Do, 621.
330. The solootiona to be memorized
are: -The Bells of Sbandon. To Mary
In EleaVen. Ring Out Wild Belle, Lady
Clare. Lead Kindly Light, Before Se.
clan. The Three Fishers, Riding To.
gather. The Forgaken Merman. To a
kylark. There will Only be one ex.
tnination esali year after next Tie.
the cottage lately purchased from W. A.
Time was no service in Melville
church last Sabbath evening on account
of the communion being observed in
Knox church.
A GOOD 2.year-old heavy &tight mere
oolt for sale, cheap. Cub or time. Ala
ply to Messrs. Cochrane & Johnston,
Marble Works, Brussels.
Mae P. MoDocronm, who has been
spending her holidays in Brussels, has
returned to her studies in Goderioh. Her
many frienda wish her success.
BLIIEVkLE foot bull olub is expected
down shortly to play off the tie for the
silver cup with Brussels. It will lie an
interesting matoh no doubt its the op-
posing teams are very evenly matched,
each having won a game.
WELL-DIOOTNO AND Dernmee.-George
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drillin wells and is prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
share. Terms eaeonable. Residence
second door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnberry et., Brownish. 43-10
MANITOBA EXHIBIT. -The joint Mani•
toba and C. P. R. exhibit which will cc.
cupy over 50 square feet of space at the
fall fair here will be in charge of com-
petent exhibitors. The impresaion that
the exhibit will not leave the track ie er-
roneous. They will remain in the
wounds during the entire second day of
the exhibition and every facility will be
offered for thorough inspection.
Tire Saginaw Journal says 2 -Every
line in the newspaper costs something.
If it is for the benefit of an individaal, it
should be paid for. If a grocer was ask.
ed to donate groceries to one abundantly
able to pay for them, he would refuse.
The proprietor of a newspaper mnat
pay for the free advertising if the benefi-
ciary does not, and yet it is one of the
hardest things to be learned by many
that a newspaper has space in its columns
to rent, and must rent to live. To give
away or rent it for anything less than
living rates would be certainly as fatal
as for a landlord to furnish hones rent
LAWN PARTY. -A. suceessful and very
enjoyable lawn party was held under the
auspices of St. John's church, on J. D.
Ronald's lawn on Friday afternoon and
evening of last week. There was a
double object aimed at in holding the
gathering viz., celebrating the olearing
off of the debt on the church, and adding
to the treasury of the organ fund. Dur-
ing the afternoon a number of looal
tennis matches were played. Musical
selections were rendered by Misses Cale,
Abraham and Morgan, Prof. Morgan, H.
L. Jaokson and others. The Brussele
Band also disooursed some of their best
eelectione. Ioe cream and other refresh-
ments were dispensed. The proceeds
amounted to over 317.00. Blyth Tennis
club Wal3 unable to attend.
To CAMeennint Piton. -We See by the
ever popular Fireside Weekly that they
are offering subeeribere such tremendous
prizes as a free trip to California and
return, firet•class ; a lady's elegant aeal
mantle, 3200; handsome Shetland pony,
silver tea set, lady's gold watch ; china
tea ant, mantle cloak, silver watch, Dick -
en's Works and Waverley Novels, and
many more. These are prizes for the
persons sending in the greatest number
of words constrnoted from the letters
"Fireside Weekly." Send 5 one•oent
stamps to 9 Adelaide St. Wed, Toronto,
for wimple copy and premium supplement
with het of priees and oonditions of cen-
tred, and make a try for a prize. Any
one can win.
Gatean.u, CONFERENCE. -Following is a
list of the delegates who will represent
Guelph Conference at the Methodist
General Conferenoe which began in Mont.
real on Sept, 10 :-Ministerial-W. S.
Griffin D. D., Stretford; John Scott,
Pd. A., Wingbano; J. E. Howell, M. A.,
Berlin ; AMOS Bannon, D. D., N. R.
Willougbby, D. D., Guelph ; George
Richardson, Goderich Thoinaa M.
Campbell, $t. Marys; W, C. Henderson,
D. 0. Kincardine; Joseph W. Holmes,
Owen Sound ; Andtew Cunningham,
Galt ; James McAllister, Paialey ; Fran.
cis B. Nugent, Mitchell ; 'Wesley Casson,
Seaforth ; George Buggin, Tara ; George
R. Turk, Guelph; John Mills, Mitchell ;
Alternates -Sohn Kenner, Kiekton E.
S. Hubert, 000. L, Milverton; 0, H. Cor-
nieh, L. L. D., Heepeler, Lay -James
Mille, W. G. Smith, GuelphJohn
Itatheeford, Owen Spend; J. W. Arm.
Strong, Flesherton ; J. W. Poole St.
Marys; Isaac Herd, Mitchell ; W. H.
Keay, Brussels; Thomas Hilliard, Water.
loo; 13. W. Mollenzie, Goderith ; Dr.
Smith, W. M. Gray, Seafortla ; . P.
Moore, Acton ; W 3. Vergueon, Strat.
ford ; Jabez Stephens, Walkerton ; john
Carrick, Kincardine ; Win. Cuahing,
Kenilworth, Alteritates-Poter MOM.
labrdwith ; Thomas Garbutt, Hol.
lin ;tir. Chrietee, Flealierton.
Loam. -On Sunday night between the
Methodist church and the etation, a gold
dollar piece and two plain gold rings.
The finder will be liberally rewarded by
leaving them at Tuz Pose Pub. House,
the well known and popular specialist, of
Toronto, will be at the American hotel,
Brussels, Tuesday, Sept. 23rd. The
doctor stands at the head of hie profes-
sion, and everywhere where he is known
crowds call on him. If he cannot cure
he will at once inform you what the
matter is, and will not undertake in-
curable cases. Consultation free.
HYMEIVEAL.-On Wednesday evening of
this week the bouds of matrimony were
soleinuized between John Felton, of At-
wood, and Miss MaggieMoBain, of Brus-
sels, by Rev. Jno. Roos, B. A., at the
residence of the bride's mother, Mill
street. We join with their many friends
in extending our oongratulations to Mr.
and Mrs. Patton and hope they may en-
joy the good things of this life. The
happy twain went to their new home at
Atwood in the evening.
Seamen is practically over. The civic
holiday is a thing of the pasb, and those
who have been rueticating at outside re.
sorts are returning to their homas. The
Agricultural Exhibitions are upon us,
and it will seem but as to•morrow when
the leaves will change their coloring.
Adieu to Summer with its pleasant
memories of pio-nics and outings and
hail to autumn with its glories of crimson
and gold -when the country cousin gets
even with the city relation who has been
boarding with him during half the Sum-
BARB Bonn. -A. very interesting game
of base ball was played at Gerrie on
Tuesday, between the "Unions," of
Wroxeter and Gorrie, and Brussels. The
game was a fight between the batteries
and very little "stick" work was the
remit, Grewar striking out 14 men and
McLaughlan 9. It was one of the
shortest games ever played in this secs -
lion, only oecupying 1 hour and 27
minutes. The score was 5 to 8. Scorers,
"Jessie" James and Jno. Smale. Um.
pire, 3. W. SIIRW. The following is the
wore :-
BRUSSIMB. IL 0 "triaorts." It. 0
R. Huaar t
J.3. 1 MOLauehlan 1 2
0 5 Sanderson 1 3
A. Oty..ri.e 1 2 Paulin 1 2
0 8 Nash 1 4
J. Stratton 0 3 %sake 0 4
0. Halliday 1 8 Williams. 0 3
W. Grower 0 4 A.Xaake 1 3
0. Grewar 013 AtoGrath 0 3
E. Grundy 1 2 Erwin.
0 3
Total 8 .27 Total 5 27
Innings -1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Brussels -0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0-8
"Unione"-d. 0 1 0 0 0 0 8 0-5
The return match will be played in Bras -
eels the end of next week, probably Fri-
day, when one of the best games of the
season will be played. Both clubs will
have their full team.
Goo LAw.-The season during which
the following game may be hunted, taken
or killed is as follows :-Deer-lfith Oot.
to 201h November. Moose, elk, reindeer
or earthen may not be killed before Oot.
15, 1898. The number of deer whith
may be killed or taken alive in any one
season, prior to 1895, is limited as fol-
lows ; One person, 5 ; two persons to.
gather or from one or rendezvous, 8;
three persons as before, 12. No hunting
with hounds after the 15th day of No-
vember. Partridge-lst Sept. to let Jan-
uary. Woodcock -150h August to let
January. Snipe, rail and golden plover -
101 Sept. to let of January. Ducks of
all kinds and all other water fowl-lat
Sept. to let January. Geese -lot Sept.
to let May. Hare -1st Sept. to 15th
Maroh. The above dates are inclusive.
Theae may be exposed for sale for fifteen
days after expiration of time for killing.
No eggs to be taken or destroyed at any
time. No traps, nets or enares, baited
lines or similar contriVances to be used.
Thee° may be destroyed without liability.
No contrivance described or known as
batteries, swivel guns, sunken bunts.
night light to be used for killing wild
fowl. No pereons shall, prior to the year
1395, hunt, take, or kill any deer, unless
suoh person has been an actual resident,
domiciled within the provinces of Ontario
and Quebec for a period of at least thee')
El. 8. Amervenstav.-Last Sunday Rev,
W. Smyth, of Ilearieton, premised an.
nivereary sermons in oonnection with
the Methodiat church in this plaoe. In
the morning hie address was to the
children and, although brief, it was full
of interest to the pupils. Tho Sunday
school choir, led by Dr. Cavanagh, Miss
Tillie lineohtel organist, took charge of
the musical exercises and acquitted
themselves very ceeditably. Instead of
the regular Sabbath school in the after.
men an open seseion was held at which
addresses were given by Rev. R. Paul
and Rev. Mr. Smyth. The former gave
some very seaeonable advice to parents
which should be productive of good. ?Jr.
Smyth epoke to the children on the
foernation of character. In the evening
the gime gentleman preathed to a large
audience from the parable of the Prodigal
son, in which the boy who sawed at
home was defended in the course he fol.
lowed toward the prodigal. Many im,
portant and practioe.1 tenons were taught
tom this nausea tojpio. On Monday
evening a musical and literary enter.
tainment was hold in the church. Rev.
Mr, Sellery presided and after devotienal
°Vitrifies inteeduoed the following inter.
eatifig program a-SOIO and oboe%
Reggie Fletcher and Sunday school choir;
recitation, Miss Lizzie Roddiok ; duett,
Prof. Morgan and Miss "Fairy" ;
dialogue, seven little girls ; solo, Mies
Winnie Sellery ; address, Rev. W.
Smyth ; sole, Miss "Fairy Morgan ;
recitation, four little girls ; quartette,
Messrs. Cavanagh, Hill, Hood and Hill;
recitation, Miss ',Fairy" Morgan ; rect.
tation, Reggie Pletcher; solo, Prof.
Morgan. The proceeds of the evening
amounted to 318.00.
charming operetta, which will occupy the
stage of the Town Hall Friday evening,
Sept. 12th, under the patronage of St,
john's °heath, bide fair to be one of the
most sparkling and pleasing entertain-
ments that we have witnessed in many
days. Prof. Morgan is highly pleased
with the talent and progress of the
ladies and gentlemen who have so kindly
volunteered their services, and "Little
Fairy" is delighted with thechildren.
She says they sing like birds. The
forest some will doubtless be worth see.
ing, natural trees, the gage covered with
autumn leaves, the moon rising upon a
score of little boys and girls, dressed in a
variety of colors, representing wild
flowers ; the wolf and Riding Hood ; the
exciting race, &e. A full thorns of 50
voices closes this scene, only to make
room for another, even more exciting.
The cottage scene, grandma at work at
the spinning eheel ; the wolf wins the
race ; grandma's escape ; the fate of
Riding Hood ; folly of disobedience ;
full chorus 01 60 vnioes ; grand tableau,
entitled "Salvation." During the even-
ing Prof. Morgan will sing three of his
best selections, and "Fairy" will sing and
recite from her almost endless stook of
gooa *lugs, which are sure to please.
A most enjoyable time is promised to all
wbo attend.
The 6.year.old son of Henry Hoover
Selkirk, met with a singular adventure
on Wednesday last. Mr. Hoover has a
farm situated about a mile from the
village, where he lives, upon which there
is a kind of slashing or brush pasture, to
which the boy was sent by his parents to
bring the cows, near the close of the
day. It happened that a day or two, be.
fora the boy had been nearly overtaken
by a neighbor's vioious bull that had by
some means got into the enclosure, which
pursued him so closely that he only
esoaped injury by a hasty retreat over a
high fence which enclosed some stacks
of hay in an adjoining field. This very
naturally frightened the little fellow so
much that he 00101 on the alert for a
second attack on the evening in question
-and not noticing particularly where
he was stepping, his foot happened to
rest ou what he thought to be a dried
stick about the thickness of his arm, but
which proved to be a huge black snake
about three or four feet long. His snake -
ship, irritated no doubt by the unusual
pressure, immediately coiled itself so
tightly about the boys legs that he was
unable to free himself from its deadly
embrace, and there is no doubt he would
have been killed outright bad it not been
for the assistanoe of a large dog which
accompanied him on this ocoadon. At
the bidding of the boy, the faithful brute
seized the snake in his teeth, and the
little frightened fellow, bracing himself
in an opposite direotion so ars not to be
dragged, allowing the dog by a great
effort of strength to tear the snake loose.
So great WAS the shook to the little fel-
low's nerves that he beoame temporarily
blind, and would in all probability not
have reached home that night had it not
been for his sagacious canine friend.
Placing his hand on the back of the dog,
be was piloted safely to the house. He
has recovered bis sight, but his mind ie
terribly shattered, and his body the sub.
jeot of frequently reourring epasmodic
fits, the result of his terrible experience.
Hie recovery is said to be doubtful.
Anooca.-In Grey, on Aug. 30th, the wife
of Mr. Thou. Al000k of a son.
BOWMAN. -In Morrie, on the 4th inst.,
the wife of Ildr. Joseph Bowman of a
Vonneez-In Bluevale, on the lst Sept.,
the wife of Mr. John D. Forrest of a
Luoknow, on Sept. arcl, the
wife of Mr. James Bryan, of the
Sentinel, of a son.
PELTON-MeMtm-Pt the residenee of
the bridde mother, Brussels, on the
10011 inst., by Rev. Jno. Rose, B. A.,
Mr. John Felton, of Atwood, to Miss
Maggio MoBain, of Brussels.
nai1v..770011:11.el 24.A.1W,==03,
Pall Wheat 90 93
Spring Wheat 88 00
Barley 40 45
Data 88 34
Peas ...... 56 57
Butter, tubs and rolls.... 11 12
tug per dozen 14 op
Flour per barrel ..... 4 20 4 50
Potatoes 85 40
Hay per ton., ..... . . ,,,,5 00 6 00
Pork " .... r. 600. 600
Hides per lb............. 4 5
Salt per bbl., retail."... 1 25 00
Sheep skins, eaoh.. .. 26 60
Lamb skihri each 40 60,
Wool, pot lb 18 22
SSFTe 12, 1890,
'Pepper Don't Advertise Right.'
So saki a man on Turn -
berry Street, Wonder what
would happen if he did
(p)vertigo right? Ills trade in
Reliable DAMS and Meer -
CMG is growing all the time
as it is. Must be some other
reason. Let's try him a
while and find out.
T. Tolbert Pepper,
No. 3 Turnberry St. South,
Canadian and United States Drafts bought
and sold.
Intereet allowed on Deposits.
Collections made on favorable terms.
Canadian Agents -111EnarcAxp's HANK OH'
New York Agents-ItironmEns AND T RAD
1. %, • s °Honor and 'Conveyancer. Collec-
tions made. 011100-Vanstone's Block, 13rus•
• Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Pub -
lie, &o. Offloe-Graham'a Block, I dc or north
of Pepper's Drug Store, Private Funds to
(Late with Garrow &Proucifoot, Gode-
rich,) Barroters, Solici tore, Conveyeneere,
&o. Olhoes-Tirussols and fleaforth, Brus-
sels °Moo, Rogers' Sleek, Main St. Money
to LOAD.
13. &HAY& W. D. DICESON.
M. TAYLOR, B. 0. L.,
e•rristor. senoter. &o. of the firm
of Taylor, MaOullough & Burn's. Barrister'
Solicitors &e.
Mona) to 'Ia.,: mizI-118 Amain, Toronto,
ra_ Clerk of Elm Fourth Division Court,
0o, Huron, Conveyancer, Notary Public,
Land, Loan and Laurence Agent. Funds
invested and to loan. Collections made.
011ioe in Graham's Sleek, Brussels,
WM. F. CALE, M.D., 0. M.,
Member of the College of Physician
and Surgeons of Ontario by examination
Mae and Residenee -Male street East,
cr • o. L.12. 0.P., Edinburgh, AZ. 0. P
8.1253. At Pepper's Drug Store !rem 9 to
11:30 a. m. and 1 rom 100 to 4 p. m, At other
hours may be found at hie residence, form-
erly occupied by Dr. Hutchinson, Mill M.
G. L. Ball, L. D. S. Nitros Oxide Gas ad-
ministered for the Ptinless Extraetion of
Teeth. 74 Gerrard Street East. Tommy°.
11/1. CAVANAGH, L..• D. S., D. D. S.,
Graduate of the Royal College of Dental
Surgeons, Ontario, and of Toronto Uni-
versity. O8L.10E-Opposite Aniorloan Hotel,
• Lamm. of Marriage Licenses. Office
at his Grocery, Turnborry street, Brussels,
• Tonsorhd Artist. Shop -Next door
south of A. AL MeEity & Co's hardware store.
Ladies' and ohildrens hair outtiug a speoialty
. Isomer of Marriage Licenses, by
appointment of. Lama -Governor, 00133MIS.
[donor, &c.,Q.B. Convoyaneer and Agent
Fire Insurance Co. ORM° at the Cranbrook
Post °Sloe.
QurAG,m TOGoniaxio
KJ Leaves Brussele every evening on the
arrival of the Beaforth stage, and returns
from Gerrie in the morning In time to mach
the Seaforth stage going out. This rule will
be adhered to mobil further notioe.
Et. WALSH, Proprietor. '
J.JJ- Teacher of Piano, Parlor and Pipe
Organ, Organist in St. John's neural, Brus-
sels, solioits a share of the patronage of the
music-loylng people 06 Brussels and
Iifirrrtegy0A4t005gTert6m. fee o7o. beerblg4
Vurgleirnfxg asttrteOt, Vrnsul"car ° 51 11!., "
Ethel win continue tonret.eivReeregcuinrs ait-
LILL Is desiroue of proeuring pupils in
V °oat Meath. prof. Warriegton, of Toronto
le ;panned to give hie teetilnorial as to Mite
OlConnor's ability, she having been a pupil
of hie during her ekey in Guelph, imam
mental Music on Piano, Organ and Guitar.
Terms made known on applioation. Priumme
St., Brnssels. Miee O'Connor is open for
Contort Engagements. as.
. Auctioneer, is always ready to at.
tend sales of farms, farm stook, &a. Torras
cheerfully given. Oraubrook P0. Sales
may be arranged at Ti Poe p Publieling
House, Brtufeels.
k.A Licensed Anatioueer. Sales aonduet,
ed on reasonable terms. Parma and farm
stook a specialty. Orders left at Tien POST
PUbllel0050l500se9rossolesSs50t0e Walton
P. a, will receive prompt attention,
JLJL511 at an Auotioneer, X am prorated
to eoutletet sales of farm stook at reasonable
prices. if flowing the standing of nearly
every persou X am in a position to eon to
good mattes aud get good eoeurity when sold
on credit, Sabi tifaotion guaranteed. Give
nie a mil. 32- S. litainT.
mutvvicE GOLLEY,
v I, Honor Graduates of the Ontario
Veterinary College, are prepared to treat ell
diseaSes of elonmetleatod animate In a ord.
potent manner. Parhoular attention Paid
te Veterinary dentiatry, 00110 proniotli et•
tended to. Wilde and infirmary -TWO Ors
earth 01 bridge, Turnborry et, Bruems,