The Brussels Post, 1890-9-12, Page 5ktz: txict Stius, ak twood. The gurney Co , of Hamilton, havepnt ferneries in tho sotto tl house here, It is a good move, leo. Patton, well known here, has taken unto himself a wife in the person of Mies Maggio MoBain, of Brussels. Another wedding it on the tapir bore shortly, Mies M. Hpwkahaw was the reoipient of a gold ohain as a recognition of her services in the ltfethodiet choir. She will take a course at Alma Ladies' Col. loge, St. Thomas, Lewis Zonal, late of Milverton, and eon of our csteemed. townsman, Charles Zeran, is now practising dentistry in Brandon, Man„ and has charge of the office of R. H. Robertson, while the lat- ter is taking a special college course in Chiango. Sunday and Monday, Sept. 14th and 15th, are the data axed upon for the Anniversary Services of the Mothodiet church in thie plane. Rev. J. Living- stone of Listowel preaches at Wand 7 on Sunday, and the tee will be served on the church grounds the following day, from 5 to 7 p. m. Able addresses will be given by Revs. Livingstone, Torrance and resident ministers. Clrettltbrook. Business is booming and a big Fall trade ie expected. Several from this vicinity will go to the Toronto Exhibition next week. R. F. Cameron attended the meeting of Presbytery at Wingbam this week. Mrs. Watson, of Vancouver, 13. 0., is visiting et Rev. D, B. MoEae'e this week. There will be no service in Knox church nest Sabbath as the pastor, Rev. D. B. McRae, is away for a well earned vacation, A number of the members of Court Woodbine, C. 0. F., of this place, were over at Ethel the other evening assisting in establishing a now court there. One or two from the country had busi- ness in our village that detained them for three or four days last week. Their business was chiefly in connection with the mineral (1) springs, A large amount of fax has been de. livered et the mill of Cameron Bros. during the past ten days. Our streets have been like a Fair every day with teams laden with the products. A. Raymann built a huge oat stack for 1), Zimmer, the hotel keeper. Scores min testify to Mr. Raymann's abilities in many callings, but few were aware that he is a professional stack builder. LVroezeter. IBeooived too late for last issue Mosses. Dr. Towler and Ilontnth, of Hingham, were in town last week. Everything quiet in town this week as the farmers are busy finishing bar - voiding. The society of Royal Templare is steadily advancing as they have now over 70 members. Thos. Rae has moved into the rooms above hie store in the village. F. J. .t[il]er has moved into Lho large house opposite the school, lately vaunted by John Sanderson. Mr. Strong, be Gerrie, was In town this week trying to organize a Foresters' Lodge here. As there are already several foresters in the village, who have to undergo the inconvenience of driving to Blnevale, we think ho Should have no trouble in getting the required number to organize. Before leaving for Portage -la -Prairie 1 John Sanderson and family were waited on by a number of their old friouds and presented with a beautiful marble 'dock, handsomely engraved. Mr. Sanderson made a feeling reply, stating that al- though he would be separated from them for a time, he would return, and, in all probability, spend his remaining days iters. An interesting game of base ball was played here on Friday of last week be- tween the eUnione" of Wroxeter and Gorrie, and the Teeswater dale. The first Ave innings were very eloeely con- tested, when a drizzling rain made the ball slippery, and the "Unions" summed. ed in gaining three runs in their seventh innings and the result was a score of eight to three in favor of the "Unions." • I tltol. Mrs, J. M. Davies is visiting friends in Brantford and vicinity. Miss Ilotello, of Olifford, is spending n couple of weeks at the residence of J. Iiollotvay. Miss M. Laing left on Thursday of this week for Napanee, Prescott and other points. J. Glass and wife, of Teterboro, have been spending a few days at D. Milne's. Mr. Glass ie tt brother of Mrs. D. Milne. A largo number of our villagers are tithing advantage of the cheap rates to Toronto during the time of tbo Ex- hibition. Geo. ]3oycl, who formerly carried on the tailoring Mistimes in this village and of late has resided in Atwood, left on Wednesday for California. Airs Boyd accompanied him. Thorn will bo no eervioe in the Presby. terian ohttroh next Sabbath afternoon US the pastor is spending hie vacation in Toronto and vicinity. Bentley school will be hold in the forenoon, A young man belonging to this locality hag a maguet in the met and is drawn thitherward occasionally, and eomotimoo oftener. The other night (or perhape morning) he fell asleep of tho return trip and his borse brought up in the ditch near a gipsy camp. On a former trip the saint young man was oltased by a bear, One of two things must bo done, viz.:— the magnotio idioenco must be brought to Ethel or oleo the Gen club of thie place must ant as a body -guard to—I won't mention hie name. to tho temple Two Leon wont np to worship (13anolins and when they half worshipped until far into the night the chief priest spalco onto them, saying, "Behold now the clay is pant and the night is far spent and ye have taken no meat and if yo deper.bto your booed ye ceay faint; by tho way, therefore, hearken to toe, there is now in to hopes near at hand, two woman alone, now, therefore I wager the drink offering, behind the altar, that ye date not go and 'make love to them unto the morning." Tho met hearkened unto the olhief priest, and hetet 011ad with the epirit, wont unto the women who presented their advannes Now when the morning was comp ono of the women tools counsel of one learned in the law, who after making inquiry, ex- plained whetpueillanimouaold pussy Date the men had made of tbomselves and ad- anoniehed them to be more careful in the future.—Com. tiltxovu le. New Cnunou.--The work on the new Mothodiet church goes on apace, Pugh Bros. are rapidly completing the brink. work, The Brueeele factory ruppliee the doors, windows, goats, eto„ and ie doing excellent work. Tho large circular win• dow for the front of the church came, end is a Ano and well executed piece of workmanship. Wben the largo motion are filled with cathedral glass of different tints, the window will magnificently adorn the front of the ohnrch, and flood the interior with richness and marvel of beauty. Hereafter, the Sunday eervioee in the Methodist church will be as fol. lows : Sunday sehool at 10 a. m. and °lase Meeting at 11 a. m., public worship itt 7 p. m. The Thursday evening prayer meeting is at 7:110 o'clock. Morris - Mrs. M. Hughes, of the 7411 con., is on the sink list. Mies McKay, of Seaforth, Sundayed this week on the 3rd oonceeeion. Jae. Ireland attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Rose, of Wiugham, on Saturday last. Miss Roid, of the 2nd oon„ paid Wing - ham a visit on Thursday and Friday of last weelc. Miss Jessie Lowery, of MoKillop, is at present visiting et Geo. Henderson's, on the 3rd con, Miss Jackson, who has been visiting relatives in the east, arrived home on Saturday of last week. Alex. Forsythe has improved the ap. pearanoe of his residence lately,by the ad. dition of a moat of paint. John Budd, of the Sed fine, is at pre- sent ou the sink list, but we hope to soon see him all right again. Jas. Clennie, of the 7th oon., has re- turned to Seaforth to resume his studios 0.1 the Collegiate Institute there. Corn festivals are the whole go just now, Some people should learn to eat slowly, as fatality is sometimes caused by choking, Carrying out the usual custom of the office 'Ins POST etafi take their heli. days next week, therefore there will be no paper issued until the 20th inst. Mies Mary McCall has been very i11 i for the last two weeks with inflammation and is nob yet out of danger. Her sister, Miss Ellen, who has had pleurisy, is re- covering slowly. Troubles seldom some singly. Mrs. Bain, and family, of Hamilton, have been visiting in this township for the last month. Mrs. Bain is a daughter of Donald Currie. Miss Eliza Currie returned with her sister, and will spend some time iu the pity. Tun Pose will be sent free for one year to the resident of Morris township who forms the most English words out of "The Brustele Post." Answers moot be sent in by Oat. 1st and words must be written in columns.. TIIEPoo'r from now to January let l ibis for 40 cents in ad- vance. Lizzie Itichartlson, of the iib h con., whilet running in bare feet at sohool the other day, stepped on a stick which pone - tented her foot about two inches, It was found necessary to take her to the doctor, who had to put her under the influence of obloroform, in order to withdraw the splinter. The wound is healing nicely. An old proverb says that the three happiest hours of a man's life are, (1st) When he gots his first new pair of red - topped boots ; (2nd) When he is address- ed 'Mr.' by the Indies for the first time, and Ord) When the doctor tells him 'It's a boy.' Joe experienced the last named 'happy hour' on Thursday of last week a,,d still wears the smile. eat roe?. Apple paring bees are looming up in the distance. Fall wboat seeding will be well ad. vaned this week. Thos. Mob'adz an is home from his e o trip to Scotland. He had an enjoyable time, Jas. dude had the boss flax orop of this section. It averaged two one half tons per acre. Apples are a fair orop tat this suction. There will be an abundance for home use and some for export. There are some very late Drops of flax along the Oranbrook side road in which pulling has only just oomtnenued. A number from this section purpose paying a visit to one or other of the big Fairs. A few will figure as ex- hibitors. The find weather of last week was gladly welcomed by most of the farmers as there were many who still had large gnantibios of the golden grain standing out. Tula Pose staff take their customary holiday next week, consequently there will be no paper. Send along an ad- ditional supply of news for our next issue, Sept. 26th. John Stewart, jr., of the 10th oon„ who wrote successfully at Lbs late Second.. class teachers' non-professional examin- ation, intends teaching a year or two longer before attending the Normal school. Miss Maggie Hislop, daughter of John Ilislop,loft last week on a prolonged visit to friends in Montreal. Mies Hislop has taken a fell nonrso at Strut. ford Dewiness College, and be an a000n• pliebod typo -writer end stenographer, Tau Pose will be sett free to the resi- dent of Grey township who forms the most English words out of the letters in "Tor Bitueesne POST" returns to be made by Oot. 1st. The words roust be written iu columns. Tua POST from now to January tat: 1801 for 40 conte in advance, The sale 0f the Schaefer estate, com- prising 500 sores of farm snit timber lands in Groy township, took place ab Braseola nu Wednesday of lest week. L0 themes. Four of The solo wns n greet the 100 acre lots milieus" 38,200, 33,100, $1,100 and 3)100 rospeotively, being a total of 30,300 or 11,1.50 more than the reserved bid on the 500 aoros. bit-. Robb, the new school Inspector, paid 1, S, No, 8, en official visit on fri- day of Inst week and expressed himself as being quite stateliest with tho enn- dibiot of the sehool. Pio is a ratan eminently fitted in many respects for dieoharging tiro dation devolving upon him. On . this, his drat visit to the sohools itt )Lie Inup00torabip, his panel. pee aim ie to gob thototghly noquuintod With the towhee and pupils and their work, in which lie takes eree,b iutorest. fie is a noble scholar and lads fair, with 3R1JS$E rS POST his polite and pleasant manner, to be• acme a very popular and efficient public) sehool oftloer, 1'V'latarl eeisa. The Methodist Sunday School Urohee- tra will give a grand entertainment in tho rink on Priday evening of this week. Philip l4folfibbon, wife and son. left on Wednesday of last week for Feeble, Col- orado, The journey is made in the ex - potation of benefiting Mr. McKKibben's health. The big flag pole that has done moll good work on the market tamer°, owing to being too close to the new ball, will be removed and traueplented in the town park, ;Tao, MoLauohlin and Jae, Haugh have leased the building lately used ae a bil- liard hall, next door eouth of Ilneohtel'e harness shop, and have opened out about and shoe shop. C. J. Reading, while out shooting came aoroes a pair of largo horned owls on the farm of Mr. Leithorn, of Turnberry, both of which ha killed at once with a double- barrel gun, they being only a short die• tanee apart. Anchor of Hope Lodge, No. 280, Inde- pendent Order of Good Templare, is one of Wingbam's flourishing institutions, Organized about nine months ago, it now has a membership of 110, with good pros- pects of a large increase. Mrs, Roan, wife of James Ross, of Wingham, WAS in her usual health on Wednesday afternoon of last week, and was talking with a neighbor at three o'clock. She was examining some plums that were growing in the garden, when she was suddenly stricken down with apoplexy, and had to be assisted into the house. Medioai aid was summoned, but to no avail, as she died before six o'clock. While returning home ono evening re- oentiy, Rebt. Tindall, an employee of the chair factory, fell through a culvert, or oattle.guard, on the C. P. R. track, re- ceiving a very severe and painful out a few inches below his right knee. He was accompanied by Jesse Button, who assist- ed him home, and then went for a phy- sioian, who experienced considerable dtf- Aouity in drawing the wound ;together, it requiring four Stitches to accomplish it. So deep was the cut that the bone and sinews were plainly visible. Mr, Tindall will be unable to return to work for a couple of weeks or more. Li towel. The Grand Trunk is building a new bridge here. Bachelors' ball in the skating rink, on Friday, 20th inst. R. Martin has been appointed town Treasurer for the balance of 1800. The old Banner ofilae building is being fitted up for a livery stable, which will be ,managed by Henry Armstrong. Miss Clara Rothwell, daughter of B. Bothwell, left town on Wedueeday of lasts week to spoucl a term at the Toronto Con- servatory of Music. Lietowel Lodge, No. 160, I. 0. 0. F., celebrated the 7bet anniversary of tho order by attending Divine Service, on Sunday evening. Sermon by Rev. Bro. I. Campbell. Listowel Standard, Friday : A. F. Mo. Laron, cheese bnyee, shipped four oars of cheese from here last week end will ship another lone oar; Monday, The value of the eight cars will be close to 310,004. The plum orop was never larger, eepee. ially in the town. Immense quantities are being shipped away by the local deal- ers. IIntobison & Bro. alone are ship- ping 500 bushels to the Delhi Gunning Co. The mice per bushel runs from Doc. to 31.80 awarding to quality. A. FINE ExninnT.—The Manitoba Gov- ernment are sending their full exhibit of grains, grasses and general products, to the Listowel Fair, Sept. 17th, 18th and lath. The C. P. R. Company are add. ing an extensive exhibit to this and the whole will be one of the finest ever sent oil from Manitoba. On the 17th and 18111, the speeding events will draw muob attention, and the Listowel fair will be one of the beet local fairs in the district. For particulars apply to W. Ceras, Seo. rotary. . Y A steels looking chap, who some years ago carried a hod in this town, set to work one day recently to do up the un- wary after the manner of Mexican Char- lie by disposing of gold watches and chains at front 31 tip to 310. The fleet two or three purcbasera got their money bank, with something to the good ; but the others who were led on by thie bait got bitten, ea they deserved. Mr. Fakir, however, did nob catch very many here, he only suooeeding in disposing of about a closen ohaine and one watch. The lab- ter was pnrshasod by an Elma farmer for 35, who was green enough to believe that ho was getting a 31.0 bill along with the wabuh, but which turned out to be a 31 note. Sporting News. Tho Atblotie olnb, of Philadelphia is bankrupt and the players ars suing for their salaries. M. A. Smith's (Forest) pare bead Eng. lists setter "Dell" died of inflammation. The animal was veined at 3300. An Association football mtetob was played at Hamilton between the Y. M. O.A. team and the Olympias, of Storey Creek. The Y. M. 0. A, team won by 2 game to 1. A combination baseball teats from Brueeele, Wroxeter, Gordo and Sholburns defeated the Diamonds, of Creamer% on Saturday, This was one of the loosest gains over put up by the Diamonds. {koro, l0 to 7. Tbc final matches in singles of the Canadian Lawu Tennis Assoolabion were played the other day between Tanner, of Buffalo, nod Mangler, of Toronto, the former winning by three straight sets. Soots : 6-2, 0-1, 5--3. The Galt olnb was defeated on Sab- orday by Dentine by a soon of 8 to 5 making the third victory for Douche ever IhnGalt oraoke tits season. Welshh and Wordoll wore the Dundee battery, while McNichol and Baker were iu the points for Galt. The Melbourne/argue says that a south fag matole has boon arranged by cable between O'Connor end Millen for 35,000 and the championship of Auierien. The metals is to be rowed somewhere of the Pastille coast, within bon weeks of O'Con. lint's arrival in Amm•iou, Roesbery beat the worid's best record ter do high ,lump at the Nair Grounds, lilmirn, N. Y„ last week, clearing eevon foot live eights of an inch. Matra was second, clearing sax feet ton inches. Both of these hornne aro awned by Moor. bonen & Pepper,'formats. T O ► T, Is offering the Largest and Fin- est Stock of' Groceries, Crockery and Glassware In the County of Huron. Every article being bought for spot cash we are in a position to Sell as Cheap as the Cheapest. Bakery Department. Fresh Bread, Cakes and Buns always on hand. 'sewing Cakes a Specialty. GEO. T HO M SON. B. Lf1 URJ4WC.E'S SPECTACLESeEYE GLASSES Surest Aids -for Impaired Vision. B. Laurance's tests enable one to be Fitted Instantly with any kind of Spectacles. B. Laurance, or a Competent Optician will Visit Brussels period'ly. A111 e s sold Species c by the Undersigned will be Exchanged by Mr. Laurance Free of Charge if not exactly adapted to the sight. B. Laurance's Spectacles are Recommended. by almost every Medical Expert in Canada. Ono Year's Guarantee with Each Pair. Wpeetacle - Lioixtilt t - Lxoettttecl - tivitlt - 1.3e2.ptttela. A. M. McKAY & Co., Hardware Men, Brussels. REAL ESTATE. t'IIiOIOE FARM FOR SALE.— Being South haif.;Lot 07, 0011.0, 210rris, los acres, nearly all cleared. Good hniltlings, about 20 cares Pau wheat in ground. Easy tonna, Apply to W. M. SINCLAIIt, tf. Solicitor, Is, Brussels. .1;11111.1 FORS SALE.—TIIE UN- DgitsIONED otters for stile tbo north east ryttart0 rot lot 9.8, toneession 0, Morris, County of 110wi containing to acres. The laud is of first quality and In e. high state of cultivation, well Emend and under -drained, aurae cleared, New frame house, a roams, milk boon with concrete watts, 3 wells, moobarna toteetfall lhdesirable prpry adjoins the corporation of Brussels, Suit- able toxins will be given. Title icried. JAMBS GItiLVl9 Owner, BO- Soarer tb F. 0. GOOD ROUSE AND LOT FOR SALT., --Pia undersigned offers for side nn the most reasonable tams, Village Lot 101, on the comer of Xing and John strode, Brussels, On the property are a good collar, gook frame dwelling, with seven rooms and kitahott, pantry and woodshed. Karl and 0001 water, ales a rood frame stable, driving shod and ice house. Tho buildings are all in first -plass order, and there is also ample roost for anotherbuild. ing on the enrnar if desired. Price very reasonable, For terms ,kc., apply to MRS. 8MARV' 0111t1tIlt, lirusaola P. 0, 0 4 or to A, liunnn, Div. Court Cleric. GOOD FARhI FOIL SALE IN Elovele, on reasonable terms, In orator to close the affairs of the estate of the late W. G. Eint'stou, the oaoattters odor the fol- lowing valuable lends for sato North half of Lot 30, Cmntoeeina 0,tb'owuship of ltlorrts,00utnining110 neroe. • tit VMS int is erected a good frame barn with slots foun- dation, good orohnrd, well and pomp , Near- ly ell cleared, and is on the grave road Cloudy adlciningg the vflago of ltrnesel9. Title farm is n tabloids one, is well loused and in a good elate of cultivation, For Bwinos awl tortes apply to 73(OH, RDra,Y, russels 0, 0., Htyav Jt nbisa.,, 'Victoria Square p, n., co 1t.u:a tinCtn, Ilii I, to Lodge 1'. 0 MU.b1l e t r om,tr, VARM FOB SALE.-1'FIE TMH. tleraigned offers hie 010 acro farm, Lots17 and 10, eon, e, Grey, for sale. leo nerve cleared, balance well timbered bush. Good brick house, hank barn with stone stabling, stahard, well, throe living springs, gond fences, Co. School within half n tune. Seven miles from Brussels, and rt} wiles ram.,Etna Y'or tonne abd other mutt - milers apply to 0I?0, \rs1Lsli, Pr0prletor, 7.4 L•'thoi Y. U, Money to Loan, Molloy to Loan on Ffu'm Pro- perty at L 0 TT/ E1ST R✓.1.21E8. Private and Company Funds. DICKSON & HAYSS Solicitors, eke., BhflssnLs, ONT. P OTOS... 'nr�, S a TINTYPES, 8: • iij'nr . no cis*atdf4. All 37'ork front the Smallest to Lite size done in n iirsheJtsa manner. V' .+,tly ,E1: 7417 7 of ttr:,iileares, Etc., al Reasonable hates, '1'V`, J. Fairfield. Private Funds to Loan. $2O,000 Rave been placed in my bands for Investment on real estate, LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST. No Commission. Borrowers can have loans com- pleted in Three Days if title satisfactory. W. M, SINCLAIR, Solicitor, Brussels. 11/1.I4T AIARTC ST; MAIN STREET, - BRUSSELS, AXIIREW CURRIE, I PROPRIETOR, Fresh and livered to gait Rlee of r + !tuY part or titobeat quid ° 5 the'VI liage pert ityeiouys on..y,; et'- dac.b. Free or bund and de• Chi a r g Co TERMS VERY FAVORABLE Fat Cattle ''anted Por whioh the higbeet market prioe will be paid. I also make a specialty of buying Hides and Skins. Don't forget the plaos, next door to Fletobor's Jewel- ry Store, A. CURRIE. MONEY TO LOAN. - Money to Loan on FARM PROPERTY -at- LOWEST RATES. Private and Company Funds. A]PPL Y' TO J.C.Iieffernan, J.A.Young, Valuator. Agent. Ethel P.O., Ont. 2etf TH�Si FLETCHER, Eracticat Watchmaker and Jeweler. Thanking the public for -past favors and support and wishing etill to secure your patronage, we are opening out Full Lines in GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. Silver Plated Ware from Established and Reliable Makers, fully warranted by us. Clocks of the Latest L)es7 7Ls. JEWELRY'. WPeowixo grans, LAteee GRu 111yo9, linemen res, EARRrt•;s, S0. r `Also a Full Line of Vt, cis and Violin Strings, tto., in stook. N. B.—Issuer of Marriage Licenses. T. Fletcher, - Brussels. 'Posh' BooKsiore. EVERYTHING —IN THE— eheel eek Line! School Bags, Chalk Crayons, Ink, Pencils, &c, The "Scholar's Companion" is a useful, convenient little wooden box containing ld Penholder and Pen, Lead and Slate.Pencils and• 01 Wooden Mule, and sold for the, insignificant sum of J Cents. If you'd buy oue of those boxes yon would not complain so much about lost pencils, and there would be no difference of opinion. Don't forget that the Brussels. Fall Show' will be held on Thurs- day and Friday, Oct. 2nd and 3rd, and if you have a few min- utes to Spare call ill and leave your order for anything you re- quire llllylime. Skipping 1topus for the giria, Magic Landaus emit Exln-et s Wagons for the bityct.